.,f rVA-m .affiBF AStPV-' i.-S At- 'mfr lfS-'.i llA ltJJf i5P itf I'M . V li I R3 KJKr 1ST lI'AK h.? W&. Iff.. " lW :I-,V uH..rtW-r y f Iw kt KAfit i ; ", fc ! m&r. liY.fAtJ fyt f mw t ' tra is"taiii 'flHf'ii'ljjMi'ng Herald ; !. -J ' W. O. SMITH, Editor KlflHl fP NtM PiMkkai eiatr min tansy r ' ft BanM ritl-vf Otaninny fT"-- nfe, t VU FotHth Street FIXE GROVE PICKUPS . r - sMswsl IT tt ' fHa, Owm. tie ttiMwint taaoaja - IssssssssssssstBaVeVaaaBi IsJbTVbbbI aammmm, mw w THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON vkim:niay, AiotsTag, t, WEDNESDAY, ACGC8T 23, 191? BtntfsQmfcJiUn 5 J! POR1ALK MWVWMMMWMWMMM WAGON for saie GOOD LUMBER eaeap. Inquire 1017 Mala. 22-5t' fORf aUsLS Aatraka apples; Ene fce'lalirptwo cwU a poaad, plea ZmkijmntlV Old? Raaawapliw. liaCMgcr avenue. SI it FQ AIB One team of fight .tarnkkak seeing kaek aadjhar aeai; very cheap. Call at 52 Mala at. after :2 . at SMt FOR RKNT--raralalia roes. The Clalrmoat. l-t i FOR SALE Go Milch cow. Ia- aalre of 8. P. Co., aectlon house 17-t PINE GROVE, Aug. 22. A basket dinner was given In Pine Grove last 8uhday In honor of the Rer. and Mrs. L. M. Anderson and family. Rer Anderson preached his farewell ser mon In the afternoon, aader a lane pine tree. They leave this week for Myrtle Point, where he has been called by the -.Presbyterian church. After the basket dinner la the grove the young people la the party went home with the Miller family, and In the evening motored to Merrill. In the crowd were Charley Dattoa, Ivan and Cat Iceahtce. Emmltt Shields. Florence and Vivian Anderson, Anna Hill, Hasel Arant, Katherine Ess and Nora Miller. Misses Katherine Eas aad Hasel Arant are spending the week with Nora MUler. Mr. and Mm. "Albert Miller and family, Katherine Eat aad Ed-Miller constituted a small crowd for an all day picnic near the Meadow Lake saw mlU last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Chorpenlng have retaraed from their camalag trip and are bow living oa their farm in this community. Princeton Students Learning How to Treat Germans FOR SALE Team horses, 7 and 11 ' "years,1" weight about 1.M0 poaads each, with harness and good spring wagon; soluble for working team or drivtac- Price ie. da main road. oae mUa west of Malln. G. C. Mc Gnia. ' ! FOR SALE OR TRADE forvKUra ' ath Falls city property;' prices reasonable. One cow, 1 heifer, 2 .Jars att aromad work mares with wanning mules; 1 large-mule com. lag S yean, old; all aroand farm, wa goa, almost new; 1 set heavy har ases;. 1 walking plow; 1 harrow. Inquire of Albeit Barrett, on what la .kmowa as Old, Poor Farm, one mile from Kumath.Falla. 20-6t FOR RENT FOR RENT Furnished room, 497 "if. Third street. Phone 114-J. 22-2 FURNISHED APARTMENTS at Ue Orfgoa Hoase. 627 KlamaU ave. HELP WANTED IMMWMMIMMMMMMMWMMMMMM WANTED Several teams to haul lumber from mill near Fort 'Klam ath to ChUoquln, at f 4 per thousand feet. See Marion Nine at Hotel Halt or Inquire at Wocus Bay Lumber company at Fort Klamath. Job will last until winter sets in. 22-6t HELP WANTED A good Job for the right man at Ford garage. 31-Jt WANTED Woman to work in boarding house; good wages to right party. Phoae 9M. 21-St RUSSIAN ALPHABET BEING REDUCED PETROGRAD, Aug. 21. Minister of Education MaaailOE Is ruthlessly cleansing the Cyrillic alphabet of superfluities. By decree he has abol ished the specific Russian letter "yat," confusion of which with "" Is one of the woes of schooling, abolish, edalso the use In Russian of the Greek "theta," formerly used Indis criminately with "phi." abolished one of two forms of "i," and finally abol lshed the "hard sign" placed after consonants. The reforms excite mixed feelings Children and utilitarians rejoice but the novelist Leonid Andreyeff 'says that "such changes rob our classics of their traditional form and atmos phere. We feel we are reading dialect." maamnmjnmmajsjsn;ajamssjs3Bj li. av j v si. aasFT m t ' -'sm .fgaajjjsalay Princeton students are hard at work under the Instruction of R. H. Massey, a Canadian officer, learning how to use the bayonet on Germans. The larger photograph shows them at work punishing dwnmles. The lower photograph shows two ot them In duel with bayonets. They wear the Canadian equipment, con sisting of steel helmets and wire mat canvases. Oct a standard Are iaaaraace pol icy la a standard company at stand, ard rates, aad yoa will have no ttoa ble la adjusting Uie loss.. See Chll rote. it iJm&te, WANTED Several teams to haul lumber .from mill near .Fort JUam tath to ChUoaala, at $4 per thousand feet. See Xarioa Nine at Hotel Hall or laqulre at, Wocus Bay Lumber company at Fort Klamath. Job will "last until winter sets in. 22-6t WANTED A middle-aged woman as nurse for two children. Enquire at First National bank. 22-tf WANTED Woman to do housework. Enquire First National Bank. 22-tf WANTED Several teams to haul lumber from mill near Fort Klam- -ath to ChUoquln, at f 4 per thousand fast. See Marion Nine at HotelHall or Inquire at Wocus Bay Lumber .comnanyjat Fort, Klamath. Job will -last .until winter, sets in. 22-6 1 x BBSJBmVsaVamu f ' rPssjppsm HOUSTON'C Metropolitan Am wants J TRY THIS Oil YOUR CANNER When armies clash In maddened crash and cruel combat rages; when liquid fire makes hellish pyre un dreamed In previous ages; 'tis then we learn how passions burn with fury past all measure; how bitter strife makes human life a thing no man may treasure. When submarines work grievous scenes along the peace ful water, 'tis time for all to meet the call to help to end the slaughter. The summons, thea, to all the men and women of the nation bids them Chancellor Michaelf s Early Life In Japan TOKIO. Ausr, 22. Dr. George director of the bureau of legislation MlchaelU, the recently appointed Im-'ln the present cabinet, ami personal HOUSTON OPERAHOUIE WlUIam Fox Presents "A DAUGHTER OF THE GODS" Starring Anaetta KeHsnmun THE PICTURE BEAUTIFUL August 28 and S Klamath Lodge No. 187, 1. 0. 0. F, afaeta Friday night. F, B. Bremer, k. u., nate uttsroein, secretary. Ewauaa EncampmentfNo. 46, 1. O, airpMaU.jTimataynlght, R. A. mmlM 'tf.?K l; J- Sean, Serlse. STAR THEATER Triangle Fine Arte Presents Bessie Love to , t "A CHEERFUL GIVER'; An Inspiring play of childhood, full of vivid dramatic momenta. THE GLADSTONE SISTERS in New Songs and Dances, aad CHAS. FESIA and His Jass Orchestra mvmmti co4jTwiinNa FImm "Tho Snwka" ITS snU-m ffcsme, SSSX JTAJPPjr,. ,v polMaa ar tfca r,iA7Ha.r'ir ala. ui,. .. TEMPLE THEATER Bryant Washtmia in 'FILUNG HIS OWN SHOES" A highly amusing comedy drama of an American shoe cierk's adventures In a Turkish Harem Hearst Path News Latest War Pictures ADMISSION TEN CENTS ancse school system the Idea of mili tary training that every Japanese boy or toaay goes mm. He was tnen u teacher In the German school In Kan- da, Toklo. Thirty years ago Dr. Mlchaclls to heed the urgent need to obviate ,came out to JaDan as a young man to starvation. For surely we can plain-1 l,ecome Prlnc'Pal the German ly see our fighting force must Ian- 8Cn001- wnlch was supported by the gulsh if we neglect to well protect' German Soc'ety of Japan. Among our boys from famine's anguish. No hls students were boys who have be troops can fight with ready might on eome Prom'nent In the public life of food supply deficient, for hunger's thIs counfy. including K. Arlraatsu, pang has poisoned fang that maV ' men Inefficient. An army corps can do no more than offer true reflection of how it's led and how it's fed and hunger brings dejection. Our great est need is that we feed our soldiers and our sailorsand if we do we'll find ! It true that they will fight like nail ers. It's up to us, with little fuss, to ; feed all France and Russia, and help them win the fight they're Jn with Austria and Prussia. All forms of waste must be effaced, our foodstuffs! we must cherish, If we Intend to be the friend of those who else would perish. From day to day throw nono i away save everything worth saving; take every care to do your share to banish hunger's craving. A plan to try Is can, or dry the products of your 'garden that you may reap of food stuffs cheap ere winter prices harden. So try to plan to dry or can whatever you are able, and you will find your store room lined with treasures for your table. It's very plain we cannot gain the fight for world-wide freedom unless we sound, the country 'round the Battle Cry of Feed'em. Complete detailed Instructions for preparing vegetables and fruits for winter needs are given in the Home Canning Manual and the Home Dry ing Manual Issued by the National Emergency Food Qarden Commission. 210-121 Maryland building, Washing ton, D. C. A copy of either manual may do bad upon request, enclosing two cents for postage. perlal chancellor of Germany, was advisor to Count Terauchl, and Pro- the man who introduced Into the Jnp-ifessor Mukai, former, member of the . . .. .. . ...i . -. ... racuity ot Kelo university. Professor Mukai giving reminis cences of Dr. Mlcliaells, said In an In. tervlew: "lie camo to Japan, If I re member rightly, In 1885. He was rather young, and unmarried. Ho en me out thru the Influence of cither Prince Ito or VUcount Aokl, both since dead. He taught law and polit ical economy. As he' was still youiiR, it seems to me that his knowlrdfce was not deep, but he was snjiltunl and looked a man of steady character. SurpassesMll Efforts of Filmdom MEJUtlLL OPERA HOUIE MOWOW FKJTUBsbI TUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS Itrrlll, OratM PROTESTS AGAINST ACTS OF GERMANY THE HAGUE, Aug. 22. Official announcement has been made tbat the Netherlands minister at Berlin has- been instructed to protest seri ously to the German foreign office against the violation on August 7tn of Dutch territorial waters by Ger man airplanes and torpedo boats off ths Scheldt. , RECORD TIME ON MOUNTAIN ROAD EUOENB, Aug. 22 Judge T. E. J. Duty of Prlneville, Vernon A Forbes I and E. T, Amen drove from Bend to Eugene over the McKemle Pass Sun. day la 6 hours in an automobile. said to be the fastest time ever made over the road. lB'aMiHiBjMMHHMBfemF' 'tis'' $' K1 '-BnsBMsMsmmmmmmmmmHnmBamann I':;bbbbbH-V' STKBBBBBmaw? -' BBBnanBnBnBnBnBnBnBnBna m3r frifcjrxiMv'i '''JC !'" j"? VnaBnBnBnBnBnBnBnaB bbhbVssbBSbI 0r?KtMjMf tmPHRR I ANNETTE KELLrPMANrfeREATCST WOMAN SWIMMER AND STAR OF w I at WILLIAM FOX 91000.000 PICTURE I "Ho was very popular with hU studvuts, who llkod to atend hU lec tures, lie camo first on a contract of i three years, but Ihe contract was pro.j longed to two years more nt the de- slro or the "school nuinoniivi. " was ttio man ho first Introduced Into hM school u system of mlllliiry drill for hoys, and this Is now uni versally practiced at every school for boyt In thlt lountry. Ho was very, fond of exercise, and often look part In Knines with his iitudenls. Ho was short, et strong. Ho was a ery fast runner, and could beat any of. his studeSts rnilly, but when ho wa running a race with his Mtudonts lis never outran them, but always al lowed one or two to finish ahead ol Mm, so as to encourage tho boys." ...... .... tlt,...t. I n iuid iur n;tiu s ease sna titn. Compound you will Kvt "J tie of this old-time rwlp,, B"JJ! by the addition of other IngrediZ nil leitly to uue, for atom 6) "JJ Tills slinplo inlMuro inn t dtp!2 upon to restore imtiirnl toaZ Mr. Orrn K. Itao Is mnv connrctcil nltli the Ctillrote Agency, and will lie glad to give you Information rela tive to lnuranre at any time. Call nt ti:M Main Mrret, or ione 00. 1C beauty to (he Imlr. A well known downtnan ittm iKOH everybody uses Wyolhi Bit?!! Kiilpliur Compound now bfcltj., iliukrn so untiirally and Wu) nobody ran loll It Ihin t,ccn inJuT Iff no ensy to lino. Ion y0tt JV ilnmpeu a romb or soft hru ilrnw It through your Imlr, Ukli2 Krand at a tlino. My monlnf gray linlr illnnppcars; after aaothy nppllratlon or two, It Ik teuton (T iiiiturnl color mid lonks aUj 1 and benutlfiil. Thin ireirlloi T ilellRhtful toilet ronulBlic it tjiL! Intended for the rnrc. niltlgattoi preTciuiuu ui uisoase, Adr, IIO.tltD OF KQUALIUTION Notlco Is hereby given that tho board of equalisation of Klamath County will bo In session nt the roun. ty court room for thirty days, begin nlnff Monday, September 10, 1917. All protests must bo written and en tered during the first week of the ses. flon. Dated August 6, 1917. N aug25 J. I'. I.KK Assessor. tlillcotn ran find vim a cihwI home In the city or country. 18 W. D. MILLER Cement Contractor Walks, Floors, FounditloBi, cJ crete Ilulldlng lllocks, Flnnn Tiles. 222 8. Sixth HI. Phn( HAVE DARK HAIR AND LOOK YOUNG NOItODY CAN TKOi WHEN YOU D.WIKK.V GRAY. FADED IIAIIt WITH HAtJK TEA New City Laundry we uuarantte Our Wtrk, Shirts and Collars LsvNtni We also wash silk, wool, u4 s ered gods nrf carefully, Tfjs once and be convinced. OvrsHsj are right Phone 154. 127 Fourth StreeJ Back of First Nstlontl Us) Grandmother kept her hair bcautl. fully darkened, glossy and attractive, with u brew of Sago Tea and Sulphur. I Whunever her hair took on that dull, ' failed or streaked appearance, this simple mixture was applied with won derful effect. Ily anklug nt any drug FOR SHUT METAL W0J PLUMBING, S TEAM FITTIRj PUMPS AND PIPE WORKOFAUI KINDS SEE G. C. Lorenzl 70S Mala St. Ageats FAIItllANKeVMOKSK E.NOUSl m0000wwmm0wA0w0i000iii0mmM k EVX)LVE1T ana fisiul LAirri(.tsi MOST men use their revolver! but seldom. Yet a4laW PlTiM rtNnMiiMl M! . Iwmi their ammunition due to the force of example! That is Remington UMC opinion. You see your guide with a belt full of Remington UMC. You find your dealer handing you Remington UMC is a matter of course. You hear the men at the Pistol and Rifle Club insisting on Remington UMC at strongly in .aa caliber short as in the .4) automatics. There's a thought here for every man who u shoot ing any, kind or make of pistol or revolver. Remington UMC Revolver or Pistol Cartridges ate Droducedforetgry standard nuke and caliberof arm. Sold by Sporting Goods Dealer In Your Community ft! iWw, hnau W km FnynhH THE MMINCTONr AWUNION METAtXIC UtmaUtnftattm fimmi ttj Ammtmitin i lit H '-U WoolwocO. Building, N.w yefc n "A Daughter of the Gods," the William Fox million dollar picture beautiful, featuring Annette Keller- man, will be the attraction at the opera house tonight' and tomorrow night. This production surpasses any j thins in the annals of tba motion pic ture In Its entrancing scones. Its mac nlflcfcnt pageants and the thrills of Its daring action. In order to properly (resent this masterpiece. Mr. Foa took over an entire Island at Kings ton, Jamaica, upon which he built a city of steel and concrete, and which I he peopled with 10,000 persons. San Francisco and "Back" $21 $17 .25 .75 ON HALE DAILY Hetura limit, October a 1st. Stopovers at all points. ON 8AlK PIUIMY AND 8ATUBB Hetura limit Fifteen Days. No Stopovers. T.v VIik.il n.ii- in-A01.il Ar.Weed HiP-fl 2:0 P,- v. ween Ar.San Francisco T:I0 RBTURN1NG Lv. Ban Francisco 5'H 8:10f- Ar.sWeed 1:S0P Lv.Weed 2:18P-' Ar. Klamath Falls 9 6:B0 CALIFORNIA TTK FAIR SACRAMENTO HEPTEMDRR aV15 SEE AGENT Southern Pacific