, MOXIMV. .U'HVWT HI. HUT THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON r. ,. PAQW TOHim Soldiers In Encouraged To Save ARCADIA. C'- Au' ,8 A "V ,DM bunk Iim lw established by Iho IntiriinOtI committee of the Y. M. i uiliurn once mi the paddock for tliu Himu Anita race irnck on the ranch of the ! K. K. (I.ucky) Raid win. to encourage thrift among the oldlcr encamped her. ..you will need the money when 0ur Unci" Hnmroy stops the bod. board and doctor' care." printed on signs, cards and pamphdela, which are distributed among the aoldlera each pay ly. ' """ of ,,M melUo,,H of rallliiK attention of the young de Half Billion Wanted tor Navy WASHINGTON, I). C Auk. 13. Another half billion dollar appropria tion fur shipbuilding will bu asked of riinari'tH thla week by the whipping board. Contracla already let, It win ald Saturday night, huvo abMorbod all of the $MM, 000,000 given tint board in the war budget bill passed In June. An uddltlonal 1250.000. 000 appropriated at that time will bo mul In commandeering ships. Tho emergency fleet corporation have approved rontrarta for about fifty ships, steel and wood, with a total displacement of about 200,000 toni. The rot of the veaaela will be 115.000,000. Ilulldera of the veaaela (or which coutracti have been" let announced they would organise a national ship building niaoclatlon, with offlcea In Washington, to provide a central agency fleet corporation, and tliu obviate tne neroaalty of Individual) coming to Washington to deal with De Sanlles and Son Tlti li one of the recent photo- ...... . ri,ph Jok D Baules, the former V,, to0U pfyer, who was ahot to South fenders of tlm tuition to uxlxlniico of tlitt linnk. Tim Imnli U mi experiment, iicrord. Iiik to (I. 0, Itunywti mid Thomas Clny of tliu nriny V. M. (J. A., who orlKlnuti'il tliu Idea. "It Is to ciicouriiKO men to think or their nniiiiilnl nturt hi life utter the war la nvor tluit We liiiw In inliiil iih tliu hlKhiiHt ohjcct of tliu Imnk," I Mr. ItniDott Willi. Ik- Htiitud deposits for n hIiikIu pay day nvuciKi'd mora tlmn 12 pur man In ramp. With tliu lurreiun In pay to $.'!( a month, be ginning with tlm July pay day, the men can hiiui Jlin a inoiitli easily, ac lordlng to Ituuyun. More subjects that could bo handled more uxpuilltloimly thru nil orKiinUatlon. Tliu Itcot (iirporatlnii Ktlll has he fiiro It i on 1 1 in i apiirovt'd by (lunural (IoiiIIiiiIh for two koVuiiiiiiuiiI owuml HhlpbiillilliiK plaiita to con 1 1 act fabri cated Hteul ships. Tim rubricated plan u 111 lit! cuirlud out, but tliuiiKiM MiiKKHt'd by Mr. Dciiiiiau vs 111 bu made, mill tliu piobublo tout or tliu vessels will bu much below tliu (ICO a ton ptopRHt-d In tliu original con tractu. There are no holm In .Ktiui dlKnbll. Ity iMtllrlKH. H o Cliitcote. 27 CHAIN INSURANCE Hcrbil Killcy foriim twined by the litna i-ouiitiy cotci-lug grain uncut, rut, In shocks, lu stuck and In kacIu III Held. ItntCN me ery low. See Clillt-ote, Oitil Mnlu, or phono OS. 2 for Whom He Was Killed death In hU Long Wand bomeby it... uiro ! niiiiiiun beauty, and the hla wife, the Chllllan beauty, and the aon. the poaaeaalon of wuom was toe cauie of tne muraar. "SH CONDITIONS ARE GOOIWnWEY 111(111 HCIIOOI, TO OPEN WITH MORE TEACHERS AND ADDED SUIUECTH BOUNTIFUL CROPS IN PROSPECT HKNI.KY, Aug. 13. The Henley high school and grammar schools opens on Monday, Septembor 3d, only for tho purposo of organising. It Is very Important that all pu pils who expect to attend shall be thcro, so they may get the list of text books needed for tho term. If tho pupils are not there they may have to wait a week or two for text books, which handlcapa them for tho whole term. The Henley high school will have two teachers this year, and Instruction will bo given In the ninth, tenth and eleventh grades. Uook keeping, business correspondence and penmanship are anme of the subjects to b added to the curriculum this term. A Hutof tho luteal edition or the luturiintloiial Kncclopudlin has been ordered for the high school. Mlxs Htuart of the grammar school and her mother and sister and broth er hnvo arrived at Henley. The sla ter Is a Junior, and will register In the Henley high. The brother will enter tho grammar department. Miss Jennie. I. Rose, principal of the Henley school, has returned fromj Ilcrkoley, Calif., where she has been! Information You Need Sugar going higher. There will be n Alk' unr tax on sugur la a short tli.ie. l-'iesh tomatoes, pears, peat lies, plums anil prtinoi will be In the mar. ket In, two Meeks. Be prepared for running, tills fruit will not last long. x Our cannery la AahUad vdll start tn ran tomatoes, peaches, pears aad other fruit by September 1st. Oct your winter supply as soon as possible. Buy la larger quantities to save paper, wrapping aad labor. We should all economise at thla time more tlmn ever before. Ashland Fruit Store Car. Third aid Miii Sta , Khmrtk Falb, Ore. SI1F3 Tills la the age of KAcieary. Tin Successful Buslaeas Man knows that the best is always the cheapest. You can always tell the Successful Mechanic by the quality of tools he uses. The nrna who thinks he Is economising by uslag cheep quality la doomed to failure, fa buying Hardware yon cannot always depend on looks. You should insist oa Goods of Proven Quality, With the guarantee of both the dealer aad the auiaufacturer back of them. ' Let us eho.v Hardware. Roberts RKLIABLK HARDWARK DIALERS ittreli'dlnir(WofUBfflera9Rslonatthc University of California. ' R, C, Short and family are aoon to be out fross quarantine on account or ncarletlna. Henley farmers arc very busy Irri gating the second crop of ulfulfa, There are fine gardens and Home good" wheat and oat fields In IIiIh vi cinity. The apple trees uro loaded heavily, and give prospect of an ex cellent crop. The school children of the county will have vacation during tho first woek In September, oh tho Teachers' Institute convened (September 4, G and 8. - -- - 1'I.KyNA I'ICKINUS . - PLEVNA, Aug. 13. Airoira.hay Is all put up In thla vicinity, and some are at work Irrigating again. It. A. Talbot Is on the sick list this week. Mrs. L. D. Kenaston called on Mrs Qeorge Shell Thursday afternoon. Mrs. If. Murphy and daughter were shopping In town Tuesday. i O. O. Kerns and son left for San Francisco Thursday to spend a few days. Mrs. Oeorge Heavlln spent Tues day at J. A. Bushong's. H. H. Van Valkenburg and D. It Price and wife motored to Aspen lake Sunday, and put out salt for the range cattle. Oeorge Ager and family were shop ping in the county seat Friday. Charles Sevlts and wife from Klamath Falls callod at L. D. Konas ton Wednesday evening. D. W. Qeorge made a business tilp to Klamath Falla "Wednesday. IIAX I'UT ON I. W. W. DULUTH, Apg. 13. Commission era of St. Lou la county, Mlnn.r the county In which Dulutb la located, have accepted a resolution barring from employment by the county any person connected with the Industrial Workers of the World. About 200 men will be affected. you wliat we by Quality la ( ' & Hanks 4W MAIN ST. NEW 'NICAMJIN,, SPIAY PROVK8 TO BK SUCCESS I'AMia, Aug. 13. Gordon L. Ward of Han Francisco, who ha Just re turned from tho front, declared that Ci cut Hiicress Is being nttalned by the use of a quinine anaesthetic spray for imidrrlns wounds painless during tho dressing operations. The solu tion, which Is (ailed nlcalgln. Is a non-toxic quinine chloride, which Is sprayed upon the fresh wounds and burns. In addition to relieving pain, It causes the growth of now celt tis sues. An Inside, Bath Makes You Look and Peel Fresh taya m glass of net watsr with phoephate before breakfast keeps lib This excellent, common-ssnss health measure being atfoptstf by millions. Count Dohna-Schlodlen, comman der of the German raider Moewe, who hasijust returned to Berlin, where be was received by the kaiser, reported that he had sunk twenty-six of the ships of tlie-Allles on his second raid. Physicians the world over recom mend the inside bath, claiming this is of vastly more Importance than out side cleanliness, because the skin pores do not absorb impurities into tho blood causing ill health, while the pores In the ten yards of bowels do. Mnn nti.1 vriffnnn MA IIPfPAfV tn ifrlnlf each morning, before breakfast, a glass of hot water with a teaspoonful of limestone phosphate in it, as a harmless means of. helping to wash trom tho stomach, liver, kidneys and spwcls tho previous day's indigestible material, poisons, sour bile and tox - Ins; thus cleansing, sweetening and purifying the entire alimentary canal before putting more food into the stomach. Just as soap and hot water cleanse and freshen the skin, so hot water and limestone phosphate act on the ellmlnatlve organs. Those who get up with a bad breath coated tongue, nasty taste or have a dull, aching head, sallow complexion, I antly dark and beautiful, acid stomach ; others who are subject I This is the age of youth. Gray to bilious attacks or constipation, haired, unattractive folks arent want- should obtain a quarter pound of lime stone phosphate at the drug store.' This will cost very little,' but ft suffi cient to demonstrate the value of In side bathing. Those who continue It each morning are assured of pro- nounced results, both In regard to health and appearance. Adv. tj: r vwr, wholesome, antiseptic, refreshing confection to take the place of the cave man's pebbles We help teeth, breath, appetite, digeatlon and deliciWaly soothe mouth and throat with . this welcome sweetmeat. TaWrigloylpoamoawaat toedy their Bek of GuavpOeau iesXtapseeal for it today, Was. Wrigley Jr. C, 17M Keener sMMtaf, CMf. The Flavor Lasts! FEEL FRESH AND FIT You can feel fine all summer and aTold the depression which la so often caused by an Inactive Hrer and the resultant stomach and bowel troubles, by using Nyal's Little Liver Pills. They act as a mild laxative and at the same time tone up the bowels and increase the activity of the liver. Price 23c. UKWWK wwrMV I f ", iKLAMATHFALLS OREGON TrS I : . J ' WHgwe. fAsrrieiiLAsi smpi r Ul! ;; utuij r --...,. . . ----- ----- .... BOARD OF EQUALIZATION Notice Is hereby given that tho board of equalization of Klamath County will be In session at the coun ty court room for thirty days, begin ning Monday, September 10, 1917. All protests mutt bewrltten and en tered during the' first week of the ses sion. Dated August , 1917. aug25 J. P. LEE .Assessor. SHOE TEA DANDY i ' TO DARKEN HAIR IT'S GRANDMOTHER'S RECIPE TO BRING BACK COLOR AND LVS TRE TO HAIR ; You can turn gray, faded hair beau titully dark and lustrous almost over ; night -if you'll get a 60-cent bottle of : "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Conv pound" at any drug i.tore. Millions . of bottles of this old famous Sage Tea j Recipe, Improved by the addition of .other ingredients, are sold annually, i says a well known druggist here, be- cause it darkens the hair so natur ally and evenly that no one can tell Is has been applied. Those whose hair Is turning gray or becoming faded have a surprise awaiting them, because after one or two applications the gray hair van- Ishes and your locks become luxurl- ed around, so get busy with Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound tonight and you'll be delighted with your dark, handsome hair and your youth ful appearance within a few days, This preparation Is a toilet requisite .and la not intended for the cure, mltl- igatlon or prevention of disease. Adv He used a pebble In bl day. to keep bit moutfa moist we 1GLFYS lrCKQ U.'URiTY BUY TMCIFT r-.AAAAAAAAAAA.....------. jtrtyfe' 731 DRUGS --TTTTTTrt,tttt tttlMMST LEGAL NOTICES Notice of Final Settlement .Notice is.hereby,givea that the un- dersicned has filed in ihm nnmtr Court of the State of Oregon, for Klamath County, the final account of her administration of the estate of I Seward P. French, deceased, aad said court has fixed August 23, 1917, at 10 o'clock a. m., as the time, and the court room of said court, In Klamath Falb, Oregon, as the place for bear Ing objections, if any, to said final account, and for the settlement thereof. Dated July 23, 1917. BERTHA E. FRENCH. Administratrix of the Estate of Seward F, French, Deceased. " 23-30-6-13-20 W. D. MILLER Cement Contractor Walks, Floors, Foundations. Con crete Building Blocks, Flues and Tiles. 213 S. Sixth St. Phone 19 FOR SHEET METAL WORK, PLUMIINQ, STEAM FITTING, PUMPS AND PIPE WORK OF ALL KINDS SEE G. C. Lorenz 706 Mala St. Agent. FAIRBANKS-MORSE ENGDfSS PROFESSIONAL CARDS JOHN C. CXEGHOBN County Surveyor Civil Engineer DR J. H.CARTER DENTLST OFFICE, ROOMS 7 and WHITE BUILDINQ City ft County Abstract Co. ARTHUR R. WILSON 517 Main St. ABSTRACTS, LOANS AND 8 per cent Money for Tinea. INSURANCE ; DR. F. R. GODDARD OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Salt. 2t, I. O. O. F. Temple Remember Examination aad cost, saltation Is free at your hoase, or la the offlce. Farther I use the portable folding steel table for home treat, meat. This Insures the home treatment to be equal to aay given la the offlce aad the price is the Phone 831. Restdeace phone SSaVR; Automobile fires Vulcanizing and Repairing AH work Guaranteed AUTO TIRE COMPANY 1M teuUi Sixth Street ..ww ri.irv 'I M1 .. 7, K