ii 'if I -JV IV - SUf lEuntnn Iteratfi J 1 OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH COUNTY OFFICIAL NSWtPAPUt OP KLAMATH PALM Tnrinh Vi-iu x. ':"- KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, AUGUST 7, 1917 Prtotr rivt.CMiM LUES STEADILY CLOSING IN RESIDENT HELPS REGULATE PRICES MWWMWWMMMMMMVMWWMVMWMMVVWMWWWMWNMMWMWMMMWW mmvmmwmwwwvmmmmvmmmammaA iUCCESS FOLLOWS ALIM EFFORTS IMake Good Gains Around Lenz and Repulse Attacks of Germans. Capture Many Prisoners lljr Awmt-lnteil I'rrwt nniTIHII KHONT, Franco, Aug. 7. The HrltUli Hum coiillnua to tighten around tho French city of len. The Canadian Saturday advanced two hundred yard along n thousand mile front In the western outskirts of tlia city. Thny nra established In group houses within ii fow yards of the ciiumy'H line. Purls report that French troops Inst iiIkIiI entered tlio Ocrinaii linos In three places Inflicting Iokhph and rapturing prisoners. Tlio French repulsed Toulon at tacks between, Avocourt und Hill Thrco Hundred nnd Four with heavy losses to the (iermuns. , PAVEMENTS WILL BE PROTECTED BY NEW LAW FIVE TONS IS LIMIT UVKH IM PROVED CITV STREETS Onlliiaiira Providing for Holding Heroml Hand Good in Remodeled nt the Solicitation of Second Hnml Mtn. Jitney Drivers Ordinance la Still I'lutettlcri. Council Spends Muth Time Allowing 11111m. NLA CHANGES NAVAL PERSONNEL RED CROSS ROOMS TO BE CHANGED MITII ATTKXTIOX ATTRACTED WILL REMOVE T M.IIX STREET IIV SHIFT OF OFFICIALS OX ADMIKAI.TY HO A III). IIBLIBV 8TKP IX IIKOItGAXIATION. I.01.NDON, Aug. 7 It la officially HDounrvil that Vlco Admiral Hlr Roielyn Wemyss Is appointed to ro- Plco Admiral Sir Cocll llnrnoy ns iwond Sea Lord. Allen Carrutt AudorMon hitherto !' chairman of the Wheat Coinmls- lion ruccoodu Sir Hrln Piiiniilii.il flml. llio new first Lord of the Ad- "drallty as controller of i.nviil mn. ruction, The ChailEGH are llltrili'tliiir muxh llfntlon and am Interpreted us tlio t atop In i, reorganization, OpitOnOIItu Of thll lirnumit iwlnilri.!- ly methods roKard the changes na fiwBsunntory half measures" nnd they HllOllId lllivn linnn inmln n wmpiete as to give tlio country re solute energetic admiralty, iorraoatod -i viiviitsivu spirit. IX OHI'llBl'lt Ill'ILIIIXU. IIY THK FIRST OF XE.XT WEEK CHANGE WILL UK MADE A chaugu Is to ho made In tlio lo cation of tlio work rooms of the lied Cross Society. Thru tho Kindness of Chns. B. Wordou, one of his storo rooms In tho Orphoiis building hns been made avitlluhlo to the ladlca of this society and nrrangomeiits are being mndo to effect the cluingo by the first of noxt week. Following clinngctt are noted In tho list of those In charge of tho work rooms. Mrs. M. I'. Evans I lo have charge of tho rooms on Wednesday instead of Thursday, Mrs. B. H. Ilonry will Imvo churgo on tho llrst and third Thuraduy of each month and tlio l.ndles (iulld of tho Presbytorlnn Church on tho second and fourth Thursday. second hand dealers, to the clauso In the ordinance which had passed second reading, providing for hold ing of all articles received for ten days before disposing of thorn, tho ordinance was remedied and again Introduced nt lost nights session. The ordinance In Its original form provldo for a keeping of a record of all goods received and holding for tho period mentioned. Motchenbach er brought out the fact that tills would cause great and unnecessary covcnlence to himself and others! when buying large stocks of second hand goods from reliable parties. Under the provisions of the meas ure now before the Council, any such goods can be disposed of Immediately upon the consent, of the Chief of Police. It Is evident from the tone express. cd last night that the second hand men will cooperate with the city in enforcing the new measure, which alma to put a atop to stolen goods being presented at pawn shops. No goods from boys under eighteen years Co truck loads which Including the nro to De accepted. unisht nt ih tnirk nimiin flvn nnJ The ordinance providing for n II- are allowed on the Improved streets cense among the Jitney drivers amlj of this city acocrdlng to an ordinance' regulating a schedule of prices to be, passed at tho mcetnlr of the City charged In the cltyUlrnks-wssagaln; Council Inst night. All loads exceed-!1'!' for discussion nnd while those lug two tons must bo carried on Prices are now apparently acceptable) triiekr with tiros nt least four inches presented, the question arose from iu width according to the tortus of the drivers and tho matter was post-1 the new measure. poned until it could be given consld. f-l.l.. h. In. r l.t.n I... l.n CmtlOn. 1 ma invmutiiiM ,n mncii vj ,nu EXAMINATION FOR DRAFT TO BE6IN EARLY TOMORROW FIRST VUOTA WILL BE SELECTED IIV LOCAL BOARD Council to prevent If possible some The ordinance prohibiting the of the damage that has been done In vrk'n .of car '" ce.r,nln 8C.cl,ons vi llio uusy Birutns lor a longer thil piiut to tho city pavoments which have been constructed at groat ex pense to tho cltlzons. I period than twenty minutes passed second reading and will bo put to final vote at the next meeting. j a .... ...u .ru...im iue ,mmKUj Mogt of the ,mo at ,Mt cven,ng.s of any steam engine or other ma- , wag taken ,n (ne aUowIng chine, having wheels of a corrugated f b,g ngangt tll0 clty surface, over tho pavoment at all. m The question was brought up by one or two of tho councllmont just I .sH17 SoOn On beteio the llnal vote was taken as to whether the city Ore engine could be run thru the streets under the terms of the ordinance, but it was decided that were tho new truck overweight, Long Auto Trip Miss Nell Buckner will leave In the morning for a three weeks trip' to Northern Dolnta vlsltlnir her honin Itn very wldo rubber tires would effect at gttIfim ... fr,ondg . PorUand nnii i no Injury to the streets. In response to objections mado by M. flotclionbacher and others of the Seattle. Miss Myler Calkins will All her position at the office of Drs. Johnson and Cm hoy. Instructions From Adjutant General White Suggest Publication of AU Those Claiming Exemption or Dis. charge and Granada oa Which Tlieso Claims are Based. Progress Should Be Given Publicity. The names of the first eighty men called to appear before the local ex emption board are given in the order In which they will appear. The ex amlnaticns wWcb commence tomor row, and will continue thru Thursday end Friday will be held at the Elks Club. A wire to Sheriff George Humph reys received from Adj. Gen. Geo. A. White of Portland says: "It is assumed that the exemption work Is now being actively conducted by your local board, active time hav ing passed for this puprose, sine the day notice was sent you. In this con nection your attention is Invited to the obvious fact that when any regls tcied person imposes upon a local board and improperly secures a cer tificate of exemption, or discharge, he advances the time of call of all other uncalled persons on the list. For this reason every registered per son and to some extent every person in the community Is directly interest ed In seeing that the true facts are brought to the attention of the gov ernment." "You are advised that a represen- WILSON IS BUSY FIXING THINGS UP Will Satisfy Himself That Price Regu lation Proceeds Satisfactorily. Looks Up Coal and Steel WASHINGTON, D. C. Aug. 7 The President took a hand today In the governments plana for price reg ulations, and conferred with officials having charge of the work. He irst went to the Federal Trade Comaalsslon sad. later to the Depart- mentof Justice. Both departments keeping the process ;are wtjtltlag sjn keep of .materials for the governments war needs down to a reasonable basis. The President Inquired particularly regarding the investigation of the cost of producing coal, steel and lum ber. The commission hopes to give the President a report of the costs of copper within a fortnight "" """ KINGDOM GOULD y FILES EXEMPTION WEALTH!' .RAILROAD OFFICIAL MARRIED RECENTLY CLAIMS EXEMPTION ON GROUNDS THAT ' HE HAS DEPENDENTS (Continued on page 4) Boring Tube for Great 16-Inch Gun at U. S. Arsenal Mrs. (Tlinu I. ii..... , ,.. iu . "iwuio uuu uwiKiiier, i". I. (I. V.m n..n ... ..i.. .. I I,.. Minn uuu otibh mury Hen Fohtcr of San Francisco are on jPleaaure trip to Itocky Point today.' Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Dunham and children, with Miss Josle .ow, re turned from n short trip last night from McClaud nnd Shasta Springs. TEUTONS DRIVE WITHOUT SUCCESS EVKIIAL ATTEMPTS TO llliEAK TK AUIKN links ON THK H4XDKIIH FHONT ARE UK. I PWLSKI WITH GREAT LOSSES By Asaoriated Press Aug. 7Ya..jo..i . -.. etn. . iremanaaus nonad00' the Flnndsrs front, waH followed Inst night by two attempts of the Germans to shako tho British from tholr hold on the Important sectors. Neither attempt met with success. They first attacked In tho Hollebek. region and later west of Hoek on the French front. The Germans also attacked vainly at Bovlile, Avolrcourt Wood In Alsace. sgssaaaaaaaaaBBllBaaaiprali3lW a ' . .ssaBaBBBasaaw-'r The United Statas arsenal at this photograph shows the tube of a pleted and have been sent to coast Watervllet, New York, Is turning out great 16-tncb gun being bored. A fortifications, Before many aoritht ninny hundred -guns each week, and few of these weapons have been com- every coast'statioq will have them. NEW YORK. ' Aug. 7 Kingdom Gould, a railroad official, the eldest sin of George J. Gould, has filed draft exemption on the ground that be has dependents. He has been passed as physically fit for army duty. He was married July second. BLAMES MAGNATE FOR DISTURBANCE WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 7 Representative Jeannette Rankin of Montana In addressing the House, charged the responsibility of the Mon- I tana Mine workers trouble which cur I tailed the output of copper Xo John I D. Ryan, of New York. President of 'the Amalgamated Copper Company. She said the abolition of the "rustl ing card" system by which the am algamated company decides which miners shall work, would restore peace. She said her eff ortv leen- UCENSE IS ISSUED A marriage license was issued yes terday by County Olerk C. R. DeLap to Miss Mary Godow and Jasper Turner, Indians of the Klamath Res ervatlon living near Yalnax. The couple are to be married Sun day at the home of the bride. The ceremony will be preformed by Rev. C. H. Dunlap, the Methodist pastor on the Reservation. The groom is a cattle rancher la the Yalatx section. vlnce Ryan of this fact by telegra$. produced no results. She aaoea tnai the power to abolish 'the system was In Ryans hands. "" Representative Rankin declared the workers knew they would never be safe under the "rustling card" system for under the system every man who complained or reported dangers or endeavored to form or ganisations was laid off and unable to obtain work in any mine again. E. R. Bishman and Mrs. M. J. Shaw from Richmond, Cal., are among re cent arrivals who are enjoying the fishing at Rocky point. DRAFT RESISTERS ARE GIVING UP MORE THAN FIFTY OF THE BAND HAVE SURRENDERED IN OAK. ' LAHOMA. WITH THREE OR FOUR OTHERS CAPTURED OAKLAHOMA CITY, Aug. 7 Draft restaurs have continued to sur. render without resistance here. Over fifty prisoners have been' take, In cluding two organisers, of the working class union, oaeera ar looking for three or tour more leaders whose capture they think will end the out' bursts. It Is believed that the disturbance caused by a crowd of negroes and half-breeds in Central Oaklahewa will be terminated shortly. The gov ernment will adopt the strictest of measures In dealing with these rseUt ers, In many cases asking ; that tho death sentence for .lijfcltWf'iiH'1"' posed, Many haTe.hewwJnto the movement against their will and these will receive more lenleit treat. ment. u . ww , imv n jf (