icfiCIAL NEWSPAPER Tr . ,p KLAMATH COUNTY (rtfth VmrN"-!-im Sttn burning Herald OFFICIAL NEW1PAMC1 OF KLAMATH FALLS KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, AUGUST 6, 1917 Prfee, Five Cento raft Examinations This Week WrfVWOfOfffyyyjyi structions Are Here For Board Members rovost Marshal Crowder Makes Plain the Duties of the Exemption Board. Must Work for interests of the Nation Rather Than Those of the Individual NEW ROAD TO SHlPPINGTOfl IS NOW COMPLETED longest stretch ok city pavement open '--------'-----..--------- ""i"in'VVnriMnnnnnnnnnrvtnnnnnanjinAi"uiAAj't.ru'uxivvvxrj Members of Local Hoards' Unbuilt other proof than Unit nil led r iMiri' entering on n illltlcnll tank,' for regulations or tlnm Unit you may nr.ivlt) of which Is IiuiiiiI nny-jcnll for. np that enn bo hiiIiI III thn way of tuition. You realise thn slgnlfl- loo iif what ou arc to ilo, mid you that n responsibility, honvlcr, linpK, than any oii nnvo over. oil, It, upon you. iVur dcmniiits Inilhlili'il sacrifice ircrommon cause. No people over nwithcd war with n rnlmer-appre. lie of thnt sacrifice or n firmer r- lie In hear It mill to present them- itt ''to tio classified for service In 1 place to which It shall licit servo ronimon good to call thorn." ThU In iMcrmltintlnn rnnld not exist lie It not for thu confidence of the ron In It Institutions. In thin fcllc ron'flilenre U found thn vory pit of the teleetlvo sorvlro Inw. The lt facred rights of country, homo I family nrc entrusted for ndjiidlca. In to local rltloiiK nnd otntlalM. nlratcd hy slate governors nnd bolnltd by the president. Tho moat plUildfl rulei thnt could bo dovlHod There should tic no rules llkn those of court proii'duro, no technical rules of evidence. You should proceed to Investigate nsr aliout which you nro not Htillitllod exactly iih ou, an nu In dividual, would proceed to Inform yourself of any fart uhout which you are) In douht. I, usl of all. It U Important to xny a word about jour own sarrlllro. Tho place to whkh on hai been called 1h one which no man would Keek save In tho porformauca of one of thu highest of patriotic duties. Thorn Ih not. In uuy rc.nl Vmso. any lemuiiiirutluti. llcuuitio UioiiHiimlii of eltlrmiH urKed that members of local lioardH should not bo placed In 11 po sition of performing their grave dutluii for pay, tho regulations pro ldo thnt, ordinarily, tho service mIioII he unconipeiiHuted, llecnuso It wits not desired that any uiuii bo provent ed from rendering the Hirlcc hy the fonlmrfor Garrett FlnMica Construe lion hy Saturday Night Long Kill Is llullt In One Section to Make I toad Permanent New Highway Mke llenutlful Drive aa Well a Commercial Connection imfduult v fiii aitirtiltitf lilrt ttiillv tiritn.l. been prescribed for guldnneo, Hnmll remuneration was provided. I trc administration of those rule n,i lU . ,..,.! ,..! 'I tht sacrifice thnt Ih offered by ,, ,ll,,.k,. T,, imlrB'lll ho long r icghbors Ih entniHted to your ...... ..... ork llil(Mir)i-. The duty Ih Iii1w'iih to take and never to kIvr, mid human nature Ih hiii'Ii theie will bo The Ms. K. II. CROWDKR. Piovost Marshal (lenorul. MANY GERMAN OFFICERS LEAVE rnm ecr onn Ik iloimimU-il a nc. tt Ilttt !..... I.. - At. ... . . V, ""oiHiHininoHKiiiio i, ,,, ,,, m, H,,mu ,,,, ,.-....., ... yo.,r mimi. i no Beiect. nt.rlf,.0 of . f ,10H0 whose, rases n offers l,s life. Thoro Is no greater m lo ,, decided Ih no greater than "" iiiih; nnd that thoiiRht ,lut ,,r ,, ,,. ,, nre , ,ecldo suiue )ou always. Thoro may thom. ,, yollr onIy rownrd mBt ho a few who will urKi, iinon von .i. i. ... .......! I " - I..V niiunii'DKU II. ill, hi yiiuiii. wiainiHi unn tor oinnii.lln.i nr ,iiuxin .- ......... . . "" iarrinre, you nro renuoruiK your i wimtMer may bo your Inrllna- t.ntry an IndlNpemmblo senlce in a " inpniny or nffectlon you will ,nil.,r of i.tmnt ...nnmnt - ""Kin not to bo iminle.l. n PI RtroiiRtboii In to rcmomber thnt f every exemption or dUchnrRo thnt ue for Indlvhlunl ronvonlenco or wane pernonul long of monoy or 'Wty or for favor of nffectlon moiiio w man wIioho tlino would not oth. 'o hne como. iniiHt l.w.ir ih riuir IolniC IiIh life. TWO can ho no room for lienllnMnn liuch a coho. lAnollier fundntnonini ii,,.... ... T?M "" m,t court for tho ndJiiHt- - i miioronroH botwoen two per- In controverHv. v... . . .. .. - . -m uiv UftVIIIB r7 wwnmont. onRORod In Holect- " c" lor l,1 Kovornmont and thoro o controversy. You. nctlnir for ' Mvernment, nro to InvostlRiuo n "'o In tho lntro nf .i. .. .n- and never In tho iiM HICriMN, Aug. C-U In ofllclnlly "vldual. Thoro la nm nnnouncod thnt llvo mlnUtors of Htuto, n or dluKl.n. i ' lt.pl. iilltiar Ifnrnlpn Rnrretnrv Zlmmor. . " in ino mw or roKu-i ,("8 that in 1H,t tnoro for t)io no "n and four Boctoturlos of Btnto, In- 1 ' any Imllvldunl Alt ... .iw.J Wudlng Flnanca MlnlBtor Lonti, In- the benefit of tho notion und to tcr,or M,n,stor l'lo11 vo roalgnoil. ei(l that "thn wi.ni nni Dr. Richard von Kiiohlmuii. tho team In which ench ninn shall ,'ormun bBiidor to TurKoy, np X the part for which ho Ih bo8t'l'l'nr8 ,,,1,tc,, 'oiol "ocrctary. rhe . . In ft ciinrnctor bkcicu or ur. von nimg J"-0 n" 0nn lins ii vostod right Kiiohlnianii, tho now foiolRn Bocre umeni r by nttornJ'. to urge, by ' tary, Nlcuwo Courunt, 11 llnguo newa- i, un " "uaiiig, hlu Individual 'paper, nays thnt ho la vigorously op- 'luda ii, hould rigidly poaod.to ruthloHa Bubmarluo warfare iiki :ii..ji:s to itK maim: in TIIK IHCI'.tltTMK.VT HKADS OK TIIK KAIHKIl'S 8TAKK XINK UHHHi XATIOXH II M Kl V Kl The Shlpplngton road U completed. The oil macadam highway voted by tho UtlzenH of Klnmath Falls last year to furnlHh a connection to the IiiihIiichh part of tho city and tho In dtiHirlcH on tho Upper Klamath take lit n cohI of (20,000, wan finished Haturdiiy evening. Contractor J. II. Oarrott declares that this Is tho best piece of oil ma uiiliun rond In Klnmath County, and that It will stand up under tho traffic which will go over It. In order to make the new road inoie perniunent, a III! 750 feet long wus built across tho low ground Just thls'sldo of the Klnmath Manufactur ing company. This (111 Is an average of fourteen Inches deep, and Is con structed of good dirt and rock to rc- pliiio tho Kwmnpy soil of that section. Difficulty In obtaining materials prevented tho completing of tho road ut mi earlier date. It Ih reported that J. II. Hamilton will construct a short oil macadam Improvement fiom tho now road to connect with his boat landing. Cap tain M. F. Parker also plans to build u parking strip In front of his house along tho now road. Tho Shlpplngton road not only makes commercial connection bo- tweun tho two sections of tho city, hut furnlsheH n delightful drlvo for residents. It Is doubtful whether a greater variety 6f sconory could be found within u two nillo drlvo any where. Klnmath FiiIIh now boasts of more than Hoven miles of Improved high ways. New Officers tor the American Defense Society FAVOKAMIiK KKI'OUT OX WAR MIX 'C'vBSi MsnDT i vOtiVl' bv - -. ha. m fsasaWwiA. J-"'i?'' I 4i'Z?Jzv - - iSEW'C'Ki.'i mm r ,v-iA LA .sasaB 'V.yv : WASHINGTON, D. C. Aug. 7. 4 The state finance committee fa- vorably reported upon the war tax bill as finally revised. To meet the latest estimates It Is proposed to raise $'2,006,970 by taxation. CROWD VISI T CRATER LAKE WILL BE BIGGEST YEAIl IX HIS TORY OF LAKE FIFTY CARS FROM HERE SUNDAY TAME DEER ARE SEEN IN PARK A total of 2,763 people visited Cra ter Lake Park during the month of July, according to the official records Just received, and this in spite of the fact that the lake was not accessible to the public until very late in the month. This report indicates the record breaking tourist travel which may be expected this summer. A total of those traveling in private cars was 2,292, Sip the transportation company 389, and walking, driving, ete.,189.- - -..... The work on the new trail down to the water's edge from the hotel on tha win la .nc nnAw woP an4 wrfion treasurer. Henry C. Qulraby chairman long before there was general expec-' . ... "... .... lIMj, ,. ofl r ti.n v..n,u. ,.,.... in,.,,..,.! I f ... .... .. ... completed will make it possible for ail m ....... .,..,... .., ... " : ..,!;;...: :. .:..Jl." .:". 'f 'Wtors, young and old. to get to the ;M ji'V. v ' t ' C .Vy , '.. A . -'rXi U , V V Trustees of tho American Defense hnid for preparedness long before otlv Scclety hnc chosen Robert Appleton er important interests took It up and DRAFTED MEN MOST APPEAR FOR INSPECTION ELKS HALL TO BE HEADQUAR TERS FOR WORK Forty Men Are to Be Selected for the First Call From the Govenuaeat. Decisions of Local Board aot Final. Men Most Be Examined Before They Can Apply for Exemptiom. Exemption Fled by Angmst 11th. M. Hun! chairman of tho board of 'the war. Amung members of the ad- trustees, and Mnjor William Tutherly xlbory board are Theodore Roosevelt, hecrctnry. This orgiinlcatlon fought David J. Hill and Robert Bacon. I water. It is to.be six feet wide, and will take 'a much easier grade than ROSS CABINET NOW COMPLETED KKRKXHKY TO HAVE ADDED DU TIES MINISTER OF INTERIOR RECENTLY RELEASED FROM I'KP.MTEXTIARY Flude this, ordinarily you should! It Is declared that Kuehlemann is on lh - . - im aiuunvt. t j .... -. ... ,ii. ........ Dr In. UII QOSirO "I IUVOI W. UUI.IJS UVl'lll.l.lh IUDDIU.U r '"lorniaiinn .. . . .. ...,. .. ., rtet .1 ,. '" may proceed to avom lurmer aiienuiiuu oi cim- " ' If VOL Hn..l.4 il. . .. ..... . . ........ ... .... j ..,.. .- mnv . . uul l,,q ftiuanvita iana, uouoving mat irieuusuip ho- m"f Interrnirnio .i. I. ........... ..... r. . Ilou ilnoi. '-"" umor persona. iwoou kiikhiiiu mm uormauy uuor I n. . "0,e l,rot you may sot the war is necessary to the latter, r,almn"t Jibs a right to la n antlannexatlonlst. I'ETUOGRAD, Aug. 6. The cabi net of Premier Korcnsky Is now prac tically complote. The constitutional democrats have agreed to Korensky's appoiutmoiit as premier and minister or war marines. M. I. Terestchenko is to be minis ter of foreign affairs, and M. Aksen tleff, a social revolutionary, recently rolouBod from tho penitentiary, Is to be mlnistor of tho Interior. RESISTERS ARE . HELDTRAITORS WILL UK CHARGED WITH TREAS ON AND DEATH PENALTY ASK ED HY GOVEIIXMEXT TROU BLE KOOX OVER, PREDICTED 'WALTON'S TO NEWPORT George Walton of the California Oregon Power company left yester day with his family (or Medford. Mrs, Walton and the two little girls will take the train at that point for New pott, where they expect tos pend two He weeks. Mr. Walton will rteurn today or tomorrow. MU8KOCEE, Aug. C. United States District Attorney McGlnnis has announced thnt tho men arrested on charges of resisting tho draft law In connection with tho Oklahoma up i islng will bo tried for treason. The government will nsk for the death penalty. Two deputies have been sent to the Infested districts of the state to gather evidence against the alleged resistors. The second week of guerilla war fare begun with predictions thnt tho uprising was doomed. One resistor was killed last night. Several of tho leaders have beon captured. The alleged traitors consists of armed bands of tanant farmers, half breed IndlaiiB and negroes, who are running rampant thru five counties in East Central Oklahoma. FOOD CONTROL STILL IN AIR HITTER FIGHT XOW OX IX SEX- TACKED HY REED OF MIS HOUR! THRU WEDNESDAY the one formerly used. About fifty cars from Klamath Falls visited the lake yesterday, and a fine time is reported by all. A number of deer have been seen within the last few days by tourists, which pass very near without apparently be ing frightened in the least. Among those visiting tbe lake yes terday were J. E. Swansen and fam ily. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Parker, Dr. F. M. White .vn; HKitHKHT HOOVER IS AT- and Family. O. T. Anderson, H. A Mullens, W. E. Lamm of Modoc Point, Mr. and Mrs. John McCall, Ar thur Boleo, Mr. and Mrs. F. Hill Hun ter, Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Shepherd, Fred Houston and family, Mrs, Joe Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lambert, Alman Lambert, Marjorie Lambert, Lillian Lambert. Grace Hoagland, Mrs. August Goettsche and Lee Hoi man and Mr. and Mrs. E. Shepherd. Tbe examinations for the drafted men will bo held this week, Wednes day, Thursday and Friday at the Elks hall by the local exemption board. Noticea have been sent to each man apprising him of the date he is to ap pear. Eighty will be examined first, and more If it is necessary to meet tbe required quota of this district. Drafted men have until August 11 to file examptions, but all must take to file exemptions, but all must take those who are not accepted will not have to file exemptions. Tbe local board will only examine on the physical, alien and dependency sections. The questions of occupation dtcrarcto-be-dechredbythenHstrlet board. v It has been announced by tbe local board that their decisions are not to be regarded as final, and that men may be recalled after they have been dismissed by the county board. Exemption blanks will be furnished on application to all wishing them af ter they have passed the examination. The examinations will commence at 9 o'clock each morning and con tinue until those scheduled for that day are concluded. ( CATCHES RIG FISH Oscar Peyton claims the honor of the biggest trout catch yesterday at Eagle Ridge. Ho spent the day there In company with U. F. Weber of Sac ramento, nnd during tho forenoon caught ono fish weighing ten pounds. Twenty-four pounds of fish wore caught by Peyton and Weber during the forenoon, WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 6. The consideration of the conference repoit on tho administration food con trol bill ha& been resumed in the sen ate, with a bitter fight ahead. Senator Reed of Missouri began with another attack on Herbert Hoov er. He also attacked the men Hoover had selected to assist him in the food ndmlnlstiatlon, and said that the ap polntment of thirteen agents to take charge of the thirteen terminal grain markets was made without authority of law, i The administration hopes to put tho bill thru by Wednesday. WEDDING HERE YESTERDAY The marriage of two well known young people of Klamath County oc cur! ed yesterday morning when Clin ton 1). Chorponlng of Klamath Falls and Miss Florence DoggB of Lorella wore united by Reverend George Ben nett of tho Methodist church. Tho groom has beeu prominent among the teachers of the county for several years, and has ranching inter ests hero also. Tho bride Is a mem ber of this year's graduating class of tho county high school. The couple will llvo on Mr. Chorpenlngs ranch In the Pine Grove section this year. Mr. Chorpenlng will teach the Pine drove school. Immediately following the cere mony they loft for a two weeks' hon eymoon trip In the northern part of the county. CHINA WILL NOW I JOIN WORLD WAR PRESIDENT APPROVES DECISION' OF CABINET BELIEVED THAT DECLARATION WILL BE MADE THIS WEEK PEKING, Aug. 2. (Delayed) Acting President Fong Kwo Chang tins minrnVAft ItlA i.nnnlmm.a rifwlalnn reached at the special cabinet meet-ld,lnot know BOTTLES BREAK . LAURO ARRESffi SHOEMAKER IS TAKEN INTO CUS. TODY ON RECEIPT OF TRUNK WHICH LEAKS WINE HEAR ING TOMORROW A trunk filled with many bottles of red wine caused the arrest late Sat urday of W. K. Lauro, a shoemaker located on Main street, near the Cen tral school. The trunk was recently shipped from California, and on Its arrival was found to be leaking liquid of a very suspicious nature. The authori ties here were notified of Its condi tion, and were on the lookout for the owner. The checks for ownership were held by Lauro, who sent the express wagon to tbe depot for it. Federal officials accompanied the expressman when It was delivered, and arrested Lauro, who claimed that it was not his trunk, but that tbe checkB for it were left by a man he Ing to declare war on Germany and Austria. It Is expected that the declaration will be 'Issued next week. Prominent Germans are arranging The name on the trunk was Capica. Lauro claims that he attends to the. business of many of his customers, and Is not 'acquainted with, the man who left the check. HU hearjpc will come tomorrow morning before Untt- to go to Java. Spain Is expected to ed states commissioner Bert C handle Austria's interests. Thomas. Assistant Untied BUtet At- Premier Tuan Chl Jut Insists that Feng Kwo Chang automatically be came president when LI Yuan Hung resigned. torney J. H. Carnahaa will appear for the government. Tbe charge U a vio lation of the interstate commerce nln uea nt ihm fail arl llaiiar law. ' X 'U h''i