STl tEwttitu Herald OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH FALL ETFICIAL NKWBr.r.. KLAMATH cuum KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 3, 1917 Price, Flvt Cowtt rtni. v"-" i,:,'m 1 tx . ew Road to Crescent Started ff ROAD TO THE NORTH IS UNDER WAY NOW tWWWWAMWWWWIMWWWWW V KW.-i MIWWWWW -. . m - WVWW.VMWWWWMWMW ruWLrWLrj-Lilr-i.rii-i---i " risfe Leaders in the War IKUilWllfHY NIMH Till: HKI KLtMATII MARSH llr.xnu t hr N'w Uo4Ml '""d u Voted Till Vtwr Arc Xolrcl hbmialh "unty II H"l. hiirli I X Wurii Out, Will lie wluanl nl n !mmI Hlrnlulit mI Will Ho Hulll. ord that a Rruup or surveyors it work on a uuw road grado uti iiuteln llcml, which Mill inko the rtl direction of the old road, but mcti moro direct, l brought In ', II. Jolly, n prominent resident rcirent, who U hem for n itliorl looking lifter IjiihIiichh Interests. )U It the fir! evidence of beiiollt llatnath Couuty to be noted from 10,000,000 bond Issue pasRod iprlnc nnd It In mi Improvement b I wcrlouuly ru-cded, accord- lo Mr, Jolly, who declares tlmt traffic thin )i'ar, twin; as heavy my Hanoi! previous. In wearing olj road out cry rntililly. Umncjorn arc now between the Imaruli ami tint l.ouz ranch, uiiil ' plans embrace the construction very kooiI graclod roml. I expected tlmt work will be menced on this route In tlm near re, although it will ho no mo time re It can bo completed. Part of road will ho built by fund from forestry nervier. treat deal of money Ih being t on the road thru the lionet dry which Ih a continuation of route now being surveyed. hni I . .... " large number of hah nro Ming placed. In tho lakes and ma of Northern Klamath la also fried by Mr. Jolly. Ono hundred even thousand havo JiiHt boon )ted In Oclell and CrcHront Inkca, !, and a total cif half a million I In the dlffornnt Inkn. nn.l of that section. Thov woro NRht In by way of lloncl. .. H1C01E EXPANDS IE WORK M' IIKTAIX O. K. HAE OK CAIN "'. t'AMK, TO LOOK AFTER OMTIOX OK lUH BUSINESS IN tHK FUTl'HK tyMWVWWWWWMWWMWM 1 VALUES RAISED $30 PER ACRE COMMIHSIONKKS RECENTLY AP HUNTED ESTIMATE THAT Till: MARSH LANDS Wll.l. Ill: MICH IIKNEKITKD IIV RECLAMATION ' " fa"-" mk t&MStik.. JJTg KAISKH CALLS WAK roUXflli AMSTERDAM. AUK. .V-TIio IciilMor bun enllod a war council of tho high military und naval leadiTH at UrtiKHflH In llclglum, today. ROCK PILE WORK IS UP 10 THE COUNTY COURT OPINION IH UIVKN IIV ATTOItXKV OKNKKAb Proven Germany Could Have Prevented World War Had She Been Inclined to Do So ijMWWWWVMWMiiWMWMMMM NEW IRRIGATION DIST. CREATED COINTV COUUT K8TAIILISHKH I'INi: OHOVK IHHTHICT THIS MOUXIXG WILL UK VOTED OX SKITKMIlKIt FOUBTH Zimmerman Admits Knowledge By Germany of Ultimatum tjXnjXruVVVVVV'i!! mmm mm.. Forestry Sharp Goes to France That the Innilh owned by the Klain nth Drainage Dlxtrlct In tho lwer Kliiuiiith l.aku are without lomninr cliil value an they now Htaiid, but that II leilallileit by darning the witterx of l In- Klainath Strait thoy will be worth 3 nn aero, Ih the teport lllecl wlili the county clerk by the coiiiiiiIh. hIoiiith nppolllted lo rutlmaje tho btmelltN to lhcHo IiiihIm by proponed rei lainatlou, Tlm coiiiiiilwilon.TwiiU'WHl of K. II. Ilciury. It. A. Kiiunltl und Krnnk Wnnl viewed the luntl In quiHiUin on July l!Ktli. It In now helleM'd by tlm dlreclors of tlm Klamath llnllnagK DlHtilrt that jirriingomeulM ran bo completed with the giixeriiiuout mo that tho re claiming of rtl.oon ncrcH of fe.rlllo land can (oiumrnco thlK fall, Necennary work upon thin recla mation ban nil been done, and all that romiiliiH In tho ntnilghtonlng up of legnl compllcatloiiri which havo han dicapped tho matter In yearn pust. NSURANG ' Md M,B- Oron K. Hon mul fam. "-arrived from Cornl.iK. Calif., w" niako thnlr fui,i, ..,., i.. mBtn PnlU, Mr. Hen u,m i.m 'MJed with u, M. Chllcoto In the " acidcnt Imurance btiHlnoHa, l" ban cIovbIoik.,1 . h , unable to handle It alone. i e Zt" Ucon ,n Klamath Pall. .1- ' "- man nny other ' the Went. FARMERS WANT RURAL DELIVERY HTHOXd IH:i.i:OATIOX WAITS OX (IMJXTV fOUHT TO HAVH THK VKCIKSAIIV ItKI'AIHS M.l)i: IN ItOADS 5fe.. "v,:m frSi twgf J?- iff JOHN t!WftSlt) ' P flaiLJOHN LON60lC Justice of tho Pence May Xot Sen- toneo I'riwuiertc to Hurt) iMiwr, Hut tho County Court In Wlicwc Charge Tliey Are rineecl May lnioe Thin Duty, Acortllug to a Ituling ltecelv el by PrfmeeiiliiiK Attorney Duncan A strong movement will bo madu by furmnra of tho Spring Iwiko din trlct to hnvo tho county oftlclalH re pair tho roncU In tho Midland sortlon bo tlmt tho rural free clollvory can bo Hccurcd for farmer of tho county, nccordliiK to BtatomenU innilo Inst evening by Hubert Choyno, Frank Htowart und other promlnont farmors of that section, who doclnre they aro much In need of tho proposed Im proVomont. Thoy Bny that In order to Bocure UiIh Horvlco, tho road Improvement mtiHt bo under way by tho Kith of tho month, In order that It can bo imiur. cd In the InBpoctor's report, which In forwarded to tho government at that time, Tho county court will Innpoct tho road In question today. mOTHX KIIOM AUTO TOUIt W. (J. Davonpoit, wlfo and duugh tor and Mrs. Chan. Sevlts returned lant night frdm a several weeks' auto tour of California, having traversed the entire length of the state and vis. lied a (aw points across the Mexican line. Thoy report a very pleaBiint trip. V i John K. Hedmoiicl, leader of tho NuiloiiulintH lu Ireland, is tho mana ger of their patty In tho Dublin con vention, while Sir John Uinsdale Is leader of tho Ulstorltes. (Joorgo N. IMimkctt, known as "Count" l'luu kett, lender of the Sinn Keiners, ro fiibecl to take part In tho convention, but ho and his party watch It cloBcly from tho oiitBido. SALKM, Aug. 3. Justices of tho pence In Klamath County will not be able to sentenco 1. W. W. agitators to tho rockpllo ns tho officials there would wish, according opinion of Attorney (fcnernl Ilrown, lu reply to a query from W. M. Duncan, dis trict attorney for that county, UBklng whether or not a Justice of tho peace in pronouncing sentenco on a prison er can require him to work on tho rock pile, or If where imprisonment sentences aro pronounced can the sheriff on orders of tho county court require thom to work on tho rock pile Justices of tho peace puss sentenco only by fine or Imprisonment or both, says the attorney general. Prisoners nro ordered to labor only on the or der of the county court, and it is the sentence that gives tho county court Jurisdiction. The opinion reads: "Such n convict, having been sen tenced for a definite number of days, or to pay a fine, nnd In default' of payment of same, Is required to serve n sentenco in tho couuty Jail, during tho period of such sentence he shall be under the exclusive and absolute, control of tho county court and may bo required to work upon the public roads of tho county." This opinion was wired to District Attorney Duncan. The I'lno Grove Irrigation District was established by the county court at its session this morning. The new district comprises appro, imately 1.C00 acres in the Pine Grove section, seven miles east of the city, and Is being served with water from the government canal by means of a pumping plant. An election will be held to vote upon the matter Sep tember 4th. The new pumping plant hat al ready been Installed, and the water put on the land to Irrigate this sea son's crops, .-ci, Kleven farmers are Interested In the new venture, which Is working out very successfully. They are S. K. McKenzIe, A. It. Campbell, Emma P. Holland, June P. Grimes, John Shepard. T. M. Cunningham, Chas. Mack, W. T. Elliott, S. E. Icenblce, C. A. Harris, Mrs. L. Gerber and Dick Breitensteln.. i.;w. wiijj ! FEDERAL CHARGE HA.V SITLLIVAX IS ACCUSED OK IXTEHKKHIXH WITH THK DHAKT COXHCIMITION HEAH- IX(J SATUnDAV MOHXIXQ Dan Sullivan, ono of the I. W. V. workers who was recently convicted of vagrancy hero and given the max imum Bontonce, was yesterday for mally churged with a violation of the esplouago act before United States n.immlssloner Bert C. Thomas. His hearing was set for 10 a. m. Satur day. Sullivan la alleged to have violated the enlistment clause by making Ira proper remarks regarding the con sciiptlon draft. IS SURE OF . GERMANS HERE PIIKSIDKXT IS COXF1DEXT OK LOVAI.TV OK GKHMAN-AMKIt. ICAX CITIZENS KX1MIESSES CONVICTION IX LETTER RED CROSS OPENS i 4a4aaaLV VS' II" '- -' jihiii' i 'v- ? '!x', 'ukfeaaT'sT V gflPJSWB' KmSHsR BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBm. ' 4Ci feSsSft-T aHBriC f ftERKv GRAVCS WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 3. Germany possessed Austria's ultima tum to Serbia fourteen hours before It was delivered to Belgrade, accord ing to positive Information reaching here. It Is stated that former Foreign Secretary Zimmerman admitted this when pressed regarding Germany's, foreknowledge of the allies act which precipitated the war. Germany has always maintained that she was not consulted by Austria regarding the ultimatum, which prac tically denied the Independence of Serbia, and has said that' she had bo knowledge of this ultimatum. It Is believed that Germany had knowledge of this note in time to stop action, had she been so Inclined. ENEMY BASE IN UTAH SUSPECTED SEWING ROOMS DOMESTIC SCIENCE QUARTERS AT CENTRAL SCHOOL WILL BE USED 11V MEMIiERS OK LOCAL UODV TO SEW FOR SOLDIERS INVESTIGATION IS REQUESTED FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE BELIEVED INFORM- Henry S. Graves, chief of the Unit- ATION SENT OUT VIA MEXICO ed States forestry service, has gone; to France for forest work with the American army engineers. He holds a commission as major lu the reserve engineers' corps. WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 3. President Wilson, in writing to Rep resentative Dyor of Missouri, reiter ated his confidence in the loyalty of the groat body of American clttrens of German blood, Dyer complained that the federal officials at St. Louis had discharged clt Irons of German blood whose loy alty was questioned simply on state ments of affidavits, "Your letter struck a responsive chord in my mind," the president wrote. "I am suro the German Americans need no further assurance from me of my confidence In the en tire Integrity and loyalty of the great body of citizens of German blood." Tho Red Cross work rooms will be opened next week at the domestic science rooms at the Central school for tho use of all who desire to aid in this worthy cause, according to an nouncement mndo today by Mrs. H, 1). Mortensen, head of the local or ganization. The rooms will be open from S un til 5, and tho ladles are invited to come and work there, but If it is not posslblo for them to stay they may secure tho material and do what work they can at their homes. On Monday the rooms will be In charge of Mrs. G. A. Krause, on Tues day In charge of Mrs. Addle Walker, Wednesday Mrs. E. B. Henry, Thurs day Mrs Percy Evans, Friday Mrs. O. W. Robertson, and Saturday Mrs. Fred Mills. Everybody is cordially urged to come and participate In this work. Mrs. C. C, Hogue has been ap pointed lu charge of the purchasing of materials during the absence of Mrs. R, to. Wattenburg, who will be away for three months, She will bo u.stEted by Mm. Goeller. JACKSON COUNTY FIRES CONTROLLED FOREST SUPERVISOR ERICKSOX REPORTS DANGER OF SPREAD ING IS OVER ABOUT S30 ACRES OF TIMBER DESTROYED Mrs. Gilbert Tempter Is expected on this evening's train from Antloch, California. Mrs. Templer comes to visit her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Templer , and nnd her brother and sister-in-law, Mr, and Mrs. Nate Oteerbela. SALT LAKE CITY, Aug. 3. Sat isfied that enemy airplanes have been flying over Southern Utah, Leon Bone Bpeclal Investigator for the depart ment of justice has asked that the war department send airplanes to this state to make an Investigation of the reports from San Juan and Grand counties as to nightly flights of air planes. Bone said that It Is Impos sible for parties on foot to determine the headquarters of the machines, and that as a last resort the fliers of the war department have been asked to aid In the search. Further evidence of the airplanes in Southern Utah was brought to Salt Lake by R. P. Flagel of the Unit ed States geological survey, who has been In San Juan county for two montbs. Mr. Flagel traced the air planes from Mexican Hat, where Gen- That the" fires which have been era Hugh L. Scott subdued the Plutes t -I... I.. .Iia intap l.nlfA . a . proving so serious In the Crater Lake National Forest on the west side of the divide are now practically under control, and danger of further spread over, Is the word brought down by Forest Supervisor M. L. Erickson, who returned from that district yes terday, Mr. Erickson declared that there have been twelve fires raging in the forest, but that, the one in tho vicin ity of Prospect was the largest. He estimates that the timber on about 10 per cent of the land burned over was destroyed. The space burned over la roughly estimated at 2,500 ncres, and the amount of timber lost would be in the neighborhood of ? feat. Mr. Erickson said that this was the largest Are In this district since 1910. two years ago, to La Sal and Moab, a distance of more than 100 miles. It is said the machines operating In the southern part of the state are ene. my airplanes. There are not there to throw bombs, but to get Information and send It to other countries by way of Mexico, according to information which has been placed in Bone's hands. B. W. Kwert, district traffic chlet of the Pacific Telephone and Tele graph company, is in' the city for a few days, atendlng to matters of business. 'Mr. Ewers' headquarters are at Eugene. i . CAR SERVICE . IS RESUMED SEATTLE, Aug. 3. Normal street car service has been returned after sixteen days' interruption, due to the strike of 1600 motormen and con ductors of the traction company for right to join the national ualoa, The' men won the pelat coatetted for. ' i. , I if " vl $ mm . m or! i ' f w