V i.- ffwt Sttj ? iu mm$ Mvrulb UNCIAL NEWSPAPER , OFFICIAL , NEWtPAFII OF KLAMATH FALLS OF KLAMATH wun. Vwr-X". . KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 2, 1917 rice, FIvt CjMtf ncle Sam to Settle I. W. Fs ' LLIES CONTINUE GAINS IN EAST II TO THREE MILES GAINED IN GREAT DRIVE iood Progress Made in Spite of Bad Storm VMWWWWWMWWWMWMWWM1 " MAY SOON GET RURAL DELIVERY lOSTMAKTKIt DEIAELIi lK- ciaitKH ntoHPEtrrs good, al- THOIGII IWTHOLEH IX ROADS MAY INTERFERE " tiw Dmprralrljr Trying HM TrrnrluM in Fiercest OiwUught of War Atrocious Weather Hinders Operation llom to Drive Enemy, turn HelgUn OwM America I'm-.' I Urlpatc With Surgical Teams. George Bury Is Knjighted lljr Aiuhh Intisl Prcwi The trrmmiclouH drive of the allien Iahii tkjk U1... ..-.. I. ..Ill I.. WVUf (HU IfVBIVIU II Will ih mm llli rorc, and Germany In tinttlliiK, Ilth desperation unpin allcloil to lioltt I le (lander lines nKitluitt the Froneh bd llrltlih nttuckri. In iplte of tlio atrocious weather, te illicit hate gained from one to. fee mllci, and urn apparently wait-1 l for cleiir weather to liluHt their! y further Into tlio Toutonlc front. The Valuer has Kent congratulations ' (Crown Prince Kuprccht of llavnrla, the German blocking tlio uIIIoh' Itfmpt to conquer tlio Flanders it. It in bcllovod that Germany's it are baited on tlio unwarranted umpilon Hint tlio allies' attempt to k thru hnd failed. Washington authorities uro walcli- ll the progress of tho buttlo now PlnK on with extraordinary Intorost. ey hcllovo that tho attack has! launched against tlio moat vul riblo point In the Gorman line. If ' HIch can succood In pushing tho wait rank back from tlio llolKlum l. It In believed that the U boat !MWl 'Sil UZtv. aiR.oroncc BURY KIiir (JoorKo of Knglund baa ro- oble m n III have boon roIvbiI. n tlin'wiiriimi riiuirco llury fin- Ills hard ln bancs for tho submarlno opera-, work during moro tliun u quarter of u kh. ...... - i ......... " would be mumped out. Many of tho nnny officers am hod s' for thn nbnndonmcnt of tho eh warfare, as It la thought that aiiics, with their more powerful tlllcry would have greater succeaa Vm Held opcintlons. The war hna p far been fouiriit ninn h nnn plrti tho Gormnn "officers haVe map- r "i. h in doclarod. I'roKpeUa for rural free delivery thruout the farming sections of the county are reported good at this tltno by Postmaster V. A. Dclzcll. who Iiiih been working to Bccuro thU Improvement. Mr. Delicti returned from a trip csterday on which ho wan checking up tlio data for the proposed delivery, and declares that tlio only drawback wlili b may prevent tho securing of tlio new Hervlio Ih a group of bad pot holes In the, road near the Jory ranch at Midland. If tho new aorvlrc Is secured, It will Include froo delivery In the Mills Ad dition, according to Mr. Delscll. Frenchman Who Ousted Constantine PORTLAND GETS ROCKPILE READY OBGAM.HH WILLIAM FOBD IH arbckted aktkit htbuggle. "iron hand" method to uk used in dealing with i.w.w. PORTLAND, Aug. I. In begin nine a stntowido campaign to uro "Iron hand" methods in handling the I. W. V. situation. William Ford, or Kimlcer, was arrestod after a des- nerato IlKlit. Tho county ofllcers aro getting n rock pllo ready. mfsemmmx RUSSIA WILL NOW BRACE UP I'KTItonRAD BKVOLT IB CRU8HKD AXI FIGHTISO STRENGTH OF THK ABMV WILL SOON BE RE- GAINED v--,r t- - - fusass Senator Jonnart'of France, who has had several positions In French cabi nets, is the man who caused the abdi cation of Klnc Cciiblnntlne of Greece. Ho hnd been bent there as a repre sentative or franco, ureal iininin unu Itussla, and shortly after no had di gested the whole Greek situation ho, told Premier Znlmls tho king must go. And within a few hours the King uiu go. This is tho Unit photograph of tho commoner who overthrew a monarchy. PETROGRAD, Aug. 2. Russia Is going to "come back." The prompt' meusures adopted by Premier Keren sky and her officials to stop the panic of last week and to Instil confidence among the people are commencing to Hhow their effects. Foreign Minister Tereestchenkl and Russian diplomats at the capitals of the allies state that Russia Is determined to continue the war to the triumph of principles pro claimed by the revolution. Tereestchenkl said that the gov ernment has crushed the Petrograd revolt, and "taken all necessary steps at the front for restoring the combat ive strength of the armies." The movement for the creation of a woman's array Is progressing like wildfire thruout Russia as a result of tho heroic conduct of Vera Butch- mureff'b female batallion. Petrograd, Moscow and Kiev have formed regular women's recruttlng bureaus and established barracks. Male commanders have been appoint ed for the peasant working girls. Suitable uniforms will be provided. DRASTIC STEPS WILL BE TAKEN WITHLW.Fs. i' Relieved German Propaganda Responsible for Situation IS FINED FOR KILLING DEER GAS1E WARDEN STOtU T ABBESTS nniTlBH FRONT. Frnrn A.. 9 werlca has played a small but Im- "ni pan In tho battlo of Flanders, numbor of "surgical toams" worked reutury for tlio Canadian Pacific Rail road, tho rauln railway syslom which bus built up Canada. Ho Is now Sir (leorgo Bury. ThlH Is poihnps partly duo to bis atmly "f railway conditions In RhshIu, where ho wont hoiiio tlmo ago at tho Instance of Premier Uod tloorgo. lilt. NCIlUbT. AND JACK KIMII YIX ON Till! BANGi: With JackBon Kimball, head of tho Klamath-Uko County Forebt Fire Ab 'Mnelatlon. Dr. (5. II. SchulU, tlio noted by sldo with tho allies In caring! veterinarian, has gone to the rango " wounded. districts of tho county u munu tub allies have cantum .v.r.i study of tho causo of the doath of "and prlsonors. many from the llvostock l.oro. " lw, who aro raw recruits. Mr. Kimball, wno is cooporomih Pe of the prlsonerg had hopes of with tho local stockmen In nu effort srmany wlnnlna ii w n-mJin truce tlil mattor up, Is greatly Mleved that tho time of the pleased over tho arrival of Dr. Schulu '-wi or the Fatherland was near. nd believes he win ue or greav - HIg opinion U i.ouoh - k '.iiiinnm in dlacovortnE the source of ;. ." ,aMI een, There la a great the trouble. wily of veterans noted. Ul.Bod,gcheroMhFritBute lb hi . btnk w' 'v Baturdar ,u bis famiiw r. .. . ... ... l'o t OdeM,; F. J, Era, the local dry gooda mer chant, has Juat returned from a three weeks1 business trip to Portland. He reports that prices on nearly all goods are still soaring skyward. KLAMATH INDIAN WANTS DIVORCE CBHEl.TV OF WIFE TO BEGIXAIjD HCIIONCIIIN CAUSES REQUEST FOB SEPARATION' ATTACKED WITH FLATIBON AND I'OKBR FISHING FINE IN KLAMATH COUNTY SACRAMENTO. MAN HEBE ON EIGHTH TBIl' IS ENTHUSIASTIC OVEB ANGLING THINKS OP POBTUXITIES WONDEBFUL JIM WOBLOW EARLY DEER IX HIS POSSESSION Department of Justice Will UveeU gate Threatened Strike ttrmm oai Meaaaree Will Be AdOfteel te P revest Tie-Up of lad tries P . mite Actios Baa Not Beam Itorauru feted bj ABtboritlei. PORTLAND WOULD ADVERTISE LAKE ADVOCATES 8TABTING CBATER LAKE CLUBS THHUOUT STATE. OIIEGONIANS MUST VISIT THIS GREAT ATTRACTIOX Tho trial and tribulations of tho roil man on tho Klamath Indian res ervation is certainly full of trials and tribulations, If tho experiences recited In tho petition for divorce by Regi nald Schonchln from his wife, Rose Schonchln, Is any criterion. i the brief two years of their life tourney together not only has his un- dutiful mate rUen against him with flatlron and poker on several occa aions. but has threatened his life with a loaded gun, according to the com plaint. The plaintiff alleges that thruout this time he has proved a fniihfiii husband, but now asks a complete divorce and the custody of the child, Fern Maxlna. H. M. Manning Is attorney for the plaintiff. Fishing In the Klamnth lakes and streams seems to be unusunlly good thl Bcuson from tho reports brought In by local sportsmen and visitor. A twelve pound trout mc-iouring 26 inches In length, was caughtvat the mouth of Williamson River by W. F. Ilopko of the Woinstock Lubtn com pnny of Sacramento, who Is making his eighth annual visit to the Ashing waters of the county. He reports that a party of which ho was a member at Odessa cnught eighty-nine pounds in one day, Mr. Ilopko Is a property owner In Klamath Falls, and thinks that the opportunities In the West nowhere equal those of this section. Ho bo liovea that the resources of the coun ty and geographical position of the city are bound to bring it to the front rank among tho groat centers of the West. wARumriTON. D. C. Aug. 1. THIS. The Government will take drastle . measures to meet tho labor dhrturh- MORXIXG FOR HAVING BUCK . ... . - southwest, it the situation becomes more acutt. It u believed here that the Oeraaaa piopaganda is responsible for the dis turbances. The deuartment of Justice has un dertaken a broad general inquiry into The first case of infringement of ! the game laws this season was !... mikiio itliA tnilav. when U.UUB.UI W F ' . . - ". .... .u- TT-I..A Ml Jim Worlow pleaded guilty to unlaw- me inreai io cu um. . . fully having a buck deer In his pos- Workers, should the government not session. The case was heard in the Intervene in be"half of the Industrial justice court of E. W. Gowan. (Workers. Worlow 1. reported to have been The Inquiry haj not jel preached . arrested this morning about 5 o'clock -tage where definite action Is tormu- by Game Warden Henry Stout in the;'"""- Bryant Mountain country. Worlow was fined $60 and costs tor the of; tense. ' A move is on foot, Initiated by the Portland Chamber of Commerce, to induce residents of the state to See tl o matchless Crater Lake In Klamath County, so It will become more widely advertised. To this end every commercial club and chamber of commerce In Oregon Iiiih been asked to form a Crater Lake Club. It is declared that if this bcpiiIc asset was In California It 'would bo the greatest attraction of the West, nnd It It was in Switzerland, the American tourists would cross the ocean to visit It. H is pointed out that Oregonlans Hhould make more of the resources which lie undeveloped at their very doors. CtllA TURNS INTERNED BOATS TO UNITED STATES WASHINGTON. Aug. 2. Cuba yes. terday turned over to the United States the five German merchant ships seised in Cuban ports when Cuba de. dared war on Germany. The ships will be made ready for repair and operation. i BI6 STRIKE ON ESPEE THREATENS Authorities assert that nothing will be left undone to prevent a t-t't? Industries. SISTERS MOl IS COMMENCED EIGHTV-FIVE HUNDRED TBAIX. FEB BROTHERS HAVE COX AMERICAN STUDENT8 LEAVE OXFORD OXFORD, Aug. 8. Most American Rhodes scholars have obtained lndeK nlte leave of absence, and are return ing home for military training or are continuing their training In England, expecting to join the American forces in France. The majority already have bad two nionthf' training with the Oxford Uni versity officers' training corps. Virtu, ally no Americans aro expected to be In residence next year. MEN MAY START STRIKE .SAT URDAY NIGHT LIXE8 FROM lORTLAND TO EL PASO 3AN FRANCISCO, Aug. 2. Eighty .TRACT STRUCTURE, WHICH 18 TO BE USED TEMPORARILY. BRICK BUILDING LATER Work started here today on tho, SAN rKANCtbuu. AUg. "'W Bgterg gch00, on th, property of five hundred ralnmen on the Pacific , aw mfAh division of the Southern Pacific have voted to strike next Saturday """ httVe tha ,,... for unlets the grievance claims are set-i ,,, whlch u t0 be a tied, I . ,.nm DriiMnr if will be ready i 'Ble (t'WSU Sit) v wt m-w .. --- . v i fcf occupancy early in September. i It Is planned later, when the w;ir 'kttuation becomes less acute, to con Btrurt a brick building for this instl- The trainmen affected are engin eers, conductors, firemen and brake- men from El Paso to Portland. There Is no indication of the company's at titude made.- COUNTY COURT CONVENES The County Court startad Its monthly bwiness sessltn at the court house this morning. Allowing of bills constituted the business ot the occasion. tutlon, at a cost of between 125,000 and $35,000, but the temporary building will be used, tbtsr year. s Mrs. O, Stlth and daagator, Hiss Essie M. Stlth, of Seattle are1 visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Lewis. They aro greatly pleased with the cltmato and scenery ot the Klamath couatryj v Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Smith and Mr. and Mrs. J, J. Parker plan to spend tbe weeaveoa at crater wifsj uw.- "-" '--7 "vlviK.ui-,Ii5-wHk, going up la tbo car of tie for- ing trip in IW Oard Van Rlpefaaol A. 1V1 bave,reture4 frosa i Mfo $m lnfa 1 '.I r, t j i &l Vp,l l V I J?i ,Vt