- ;;3&J&'.1 m LppiClAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH COUNTY Sty? -Euenntg Herald OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH FALLS. Vfar X- 11,1107 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 1, 1917 PtSf, FN. cmm DUSTRIAL WORKER HANGED VWWWWWWWWWWMWWm WWWWVWMMAAMMMMMA' uAJxnjuunjiAjrunnjvvv-irrii'i-i'i----"-" mm ORK RUSHED ON STRAHORN RAILWAY 1RST CAR FOR NEW ROAD IS NOW HERE night Car No. 300 Is Now in This City First Photograph of German Airplanes From British Soil in the Recent Raid on London W WMMMMMMfSgNNApJA VWWVWMMAMAAAMAMAAAAAMAMAMAA Int Csr for the Svw Munlr.,! Hull rwdt'omra UmuUhI Willi the Hull Orrr Whldi l In l Travel. Three Ml One-Hnlf Mile of Grmlc Are .Now Cuitilftel. Fifty Men Work Between KUiitntli I'nIU Ami OleiM. freight rar No. 300 of tlui Kliiinntli fUi Municipal Hnllroiicl In on tltn round. Tlio first rnr for tltn now uunlcliml lino now under construe- Ian here litis arrived nml Iiiih com menced It useful career already. It 'cached Klnmuth Falls llllod with iteel for the second ten miles of the lrt link between Klamath Fill's anil Dairy, urroinimiili'il by nnotlier with like load. "'very evldnucu of activity Ih now iliowu along ,tho new right-of-way md the work Ih going abend us rapid ly a was anticipated. Two tar of invert platen, enough for tlio Hint lenty mile nml enough barbed wire lo fence that distance of right-of-way liai been received. Several miles of ties aro now ready nd oiio of tlio local mllU Ik getting put more na flint ns possible. Over hroo nml ono half miles of grading Pi now completed between Klamath "lis nml Olonu. ton miles oust. In pddltlon to n considerable stretch at P'lno Kbit. flood progress Ik reported on tlio piwvy rock int. tlilH aldo of Pine Kbit. Lontrnctnr (lay Walton rations that nenasllfty lllell now at u-nrk linlwiinn N and Olene and that tlio grudo F'Ollia bo I'Ollllilotiiil hv Dclnlmr II rut hi,,.. .. "ii mo harvest of thu hay crop tlio pmrciiy (if i(),nn fnnil luiu Iioi.ii r. Illcvoi, IEAVY CROP AT MIDLAND '""J WH'WTH IlKPOIITH li.IUI. MIT AI,K.VI,-, CROP IN COUN. n iiihrnilV. HAH FIXIHIIKD L"i(MriiitHr(i:rrii Tli.i.A. . . '"KOal lnv itrnil kiiii lini,v.un,l P reported ,y jdg0 Wllllts who has P-- iBiurnea from his Midland ranch ' C0WPietlng the harvest. estimates thnt hla llrst cutting 1 Urge na hi tnt.i .. .. find rt-i. . " vw"" "'"' ": ---. Mi-vmrf.li ihfit !. ..I..,., .... . Iknl . .. "" "" f'" u uini "' ""'" la tremendous, New Manager of Plan to Fight Submarines lUMP (ll'KXIXd delayed 4 WASHINGTON, I). C, Auk. 1 lel:iyn In preparing tlio National Citard Mobilization Camps will postpone their opening for about a fortnight, according to oOlclat niiiiouticemonl iniido today. SMisffe jfmmw- u . NflflfN m FLANDERS BATTLE MAY LAST MONTHS THi:.MKMMi;S OI'FKXHIVK NOW STAKTKI Wll.li UK OXK OF THK CiltKATKKT t'OXFI.ICTH OF WAU. ItKSl'l.T VKHV HKJMF1CAXT iA M&smi jtefmai&sGii H 1 1 m mi, f V rmwimn u MUflLCY iijSTSDmm.uiCAvr. Iinmedlntoly aflor Major Oenoial (loothaU and Clialrninn Donman of tlio hhlppinR board handed tholr ros lemitloiiH to 1'ienldont WlUon ho named in their ploecs Kdwurd N. liar Ivy ns chulrinun of tho United Statoa hhlpliliig board to take llio place of Mr. Ueiiimin, and flour Admlml Capiw (or tho iilnce hold by (ionorul (loo thnlH, Mr. Hurley wiih formerly tho elialnnau of the federal trade com mlMBlon, from which ho ruKlgned to j;o iuto IiiibIiicbh. Admiral Capps Ih a nnviil cnnntructor of renown, PAULS, Aug. 1. A trcmendoiiB movement has now commenced on the western front of the Kuropean war theater by the allien. That this of fensive Is one that has been given much preparation, and that It will bo one of the greatest, If not the great est, bnttlu of tho war Is bellovcd by many of tho lending observers. The battle or Klandors Is expectod to last weeks and perhaps monthH. Prominent authorities saytbut It Is not too much to hope, with the buc cons already secured, that tho Ger mans may soon bo cleared from French llelfilan Flanders. Ity Ammh-IuUmI ProsM With over 3, 500 prisoners nnd a wide stretch of territory In their bunds as a result of tho new offensive, the French troops last night consoli dated their positions. The allies bnvo captured ten towns. Kuln in bumpering furthor moves. FOOD CONTROL BILLjETTLED HKXATK CtlMMITTKK AGIIKKH TO HTltlKK OUT AMKXDMKXT PIM). ViniXO FOIt LX)XaitKK8IOXAIi COM. OX WAU K.XPKXWmmK WASHINGTON. D. 0., Aug, X The detullock of the conferees on the Food Control Dill has been broken. A complete agreement was reached Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Gllroy and when the Senate conferees consented vu if. thl mornlna for to strlKe out ine amenumant propo.. Redding on account of, Mr. Gllroy's Ins the Congressional Commltt.a to 'hniiiti.. Mr. nilroy wan an omployeo HiipervlBO the war expenditures, which of the Ewaunn Box Factory. , President Wilson had opposed. rl ..' 'vV 5 i , A --, ,,-?y;',. f1 '.5v ;,5t?i 'V M , - l?&jm -V -"P-rc Jtasw- '&&& yy : ,?r , , r T Q iiifSt . - t t - t vw; .'" -?'', ' - t a K. ' . m Vm w' . m i m " . - ! . . . its : . . .. t, Uatk. .," -.- . k-2 '" n .ti K&m. -er r- iiFW a vfif ri sS -v I m8&mMiSMi ?zmmmzm&im'M tmkfm&mm U. -- 1vYMTHtirFsTBtSViTrnTiiri fl Calls American Soldiers "Scabs in Uniforms" mwmwma WYTHECOMBE TO . CREATE BOARD v 'llnBWKS t&i&m-m lS?': &H4sA b - i2besa(i'iMSEss2aia MMMIWWMMWIr - This remarkable photograph was taken on the outskirts of London July "Hi shortly before tho German flotilla , of airplanes began to drop bombs on London. The flotilla remained in this regular formation till it was attacked Ijy llrltlsh airplanes an d the anti-aircraft guns below. Russ Army Needs 100,000 Yankees SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 1. The lesults to Germany," declared Gen- nf American Iroons on the CHIl inSSUKOVlCn. v. ... .. , 8TATK UOARU OF AUUITRATION TO BK XA.MED BV KXKCt'TIVE IX FEW DAYS TO 8KTTLE CAM- TAIj AND liABOR DIHPCTEH AGITATOR RECENTLY ARRIVED FROM ARIZONA TAKEN FROM ROOM BY MASKED MEN AXD HANGED TO TRESTLE SALEM, Aug . 1. Governor Withy combe said recently that he would an. nounce in a few days the personnel, of the board of arbitration be intends to appoint for settlement of disputes be tween capital and labor. "I am absolutely convinced that! such a board Is the proper solution for disputes between capital and la bor," said the governor. "In (act, I have for years had such an opinion. Employers have not yet signified their approval of such a board, but laboring people have, and I Intend to appoint a board. The board will consist of sev en members; three from labor and three from capital, the seventh to be the chief Justice of the supreme court. I will appoint on the board only men whom I consider broadminded enough to cope with all problems that may come before the board." BUTTE, Mont., Aug. 1. Six men masked, took Frank Little, a member of the executive board of Industrial Workers, out of his room here before dawn, piled him into an automobile and. hanged blm to a railroad trestle in the outskirts of the city. Little recently arrived from Ari zona, where he was a prominent ad tator. In speaking here, be attacked toe government, calling American sol diers "American scabs In uniform." He urged men to "CTOethe Butte mines. Little recently addressed Governor Campbell of Arlsona from Salt Lake, protesting against the deportation of the men from Bisbee, and was be lieved to have been one of Secretary W. D. Haywood's chief lieutenants. Little was lame, and was half car ried and half dragged to the machine, not given time to dress. YUCATAN GOVERNOR WILL EXTERMINATE THE BANDITS pretence eastern front would be 'fatal to Ger many, according to Genoral Mtchol Yuhsiikovlch, chief of ihe Russian military commission, who was hero jesierday. "If America will sond 100,000 men to Russia she will furnish an army that will be the nucleus of a million men that may be grouped with fatal "Germany will not be able to' face such a combtnntlon'ln the eastern the ater, while, France, Great Britain and America press her in the west. There Is no doubt thnt splendid Russian iirmles of million men each, organ ized, stiffened and encouraged by the piesence of (your troops, can be built upon the foundation of each 100,000 Americans seut to our front." ' I Superintendent ior New Hospital TrainingSchoolHere toTakeHold Miss Gladys Steole, tho now Super intendent of, the Blackburn Hospital and Tralulng School for nurses ar rived last night to take up her new duties here. Miss Steele comes highly recommended by Mrs. O. E. Osborne, president of tho State Board of Train Ing Schoela, She Is. u graduate of, any time. the Northwestern at Minneapolis uiid has been superintendent of the Wll 'itmette Sanitarium at Salem. The Blackburn Hospital hi now been placed 'on the accredited, list of Training Schools of the State, The new term will open September first. Applications will be received now at n. lnH ' - M SEATTLE CAR STRIKE SETTLED W.5 AGREEMENT 18t8IONED BY REP RE8ENTATIVBB OF COMPANY AND STRIKER WILL BE RAT IFIED AT MEETING TODAY MEXICO CITY, Aug. 1 General Salvador Alvarado, Governor'of Yuca tan, who was called to the capital some time ago for a conference with President Carransa, has returned to Yucatan to assume full charge of military operations for the extermina tion of bandits, in the states of Yuca tan, Tabasco and Campeche. It was SEATTLE, Aug. 1 Street cars will generally rumored when General Al- probably start In Seattle and Tacoma varado arrived here that he was to, tonight and tomorrow. assume a place In Carranza's cabinet. The company baa now signed an but .hla departure seems, to have put j agreement with the strikers which an end to such rumors. . , will settle the differences of the two factions. The men are to meet this Miss Myrtle Grlffen, who has "been' afternoon In both cities to ratify the with the Golden Rule store for sev- contracts. nrnl vears. left this morning for u u sjpwwb uw " Rnrlmrfleld. Missouri, to visit her par-, strikebreakers will ents for six weeks. be returned New York Immediately. to Agitator Vultchls lip on a Federal Charge iJuuuui.iii'iiinnnri-n-i-i-1 - '" MAN SENTENCED FOR VAGRAX. CY IS ALSO ALLEGED TO HAVE VIOLATED ESPIONAGE ACJV-18 RELEASED, LACK EVIDENCE Charged with' violating the esplon agew act, Martin Vultcb, one of the men sentenced yesterday morning by Justice E. W. Gowan on a charge o( vagrancy, was later' brought before United States Commliiloner Bert C. Thomas, by AssVstantB. Attorney j. H.Carnauan. v ., The evidence at hftad was" not su. clently cpncluslye to Sin hist orer Jo the federal grand Jury, hewvr; M he was released from the charge, , Vultch was:gtye":sl3montihe;. ,. fine of lioo on tae'vairancy caarg. sf 4' vl :! i 1 Jk ' - ' M3HOT w!""i wffiSW " ft..'' vtV.-MlU.. v iiM .s,;. i ZT?ll . .t-'ib-.-eu HM 'Aft I .u. ... . .1 COTt..'. .'t..l 1r "MS f- v t iwM x