TMi 7P. OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH COUNTY Kkrw"' r-,- m y,,w.Nil. lUMMI tl?e Euntfttn Herald OFFICIAL NEWlPAfnt; OF KLAMATH FALLJt f ' KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, JULY 31, 1917 Hee, Plvt oeDer Builds New Mill on Sixth St. erman Trenches Shattered in Big Offensive Ay VWMMWWWWMMMWWMWMWW4MMWMWWVVWVWVWWWWWVWWMWWt laning Mill Firm Is to Enlarge Capacity loves From Former Location to Sixth St. WMWWWMWWWMAMA at to fie Materially Increased and New lto-at Machinery Instal led. Baslnem Outlook Bright III ThU Unit. New Spur to lie Kan New Mexican Beauty in Washington PAA WWWWWMWMWWMWWWWWW I. W. W. THREATEN GREAT WALKOUT HAYWOOD NOTIFIES PRESIDENT THAT QUARTER MILLION MEN STRIKE UNLESS DEPORTED MINEItH ARK RETURNED From Enpoe Tracks. Mill to llo Doubled. Output f k'V . . i. vSdWL f. -V.V . ft S,' W ..'1 " V" fA iS e Cabinet Members Are i 4so in Training Now Work was tlnrlcil toilny by floellor Ind Son on a now planing mill on tho' fluih aliln of Hlxth street extending! letwcen tlrnnil ii ml Commercial Mta, rhe ground rotors something over, Ihrfo acre. , The now plant which I to bn In-i tailed In n two story building, much iritor than the one, now occupied by bl nrm will Imvn n rnrinrlty nlmut' loublo llio ono now being used. Tim Id machinery will bo movoit nml n' limber of additions made. Ono now1 imerlcan editor nnd planing machine, Ming pieces eight by thirty Inchon MM bo added. Tho lumber of tho IiiiIIiIIiik Ir be- "Hawed nt AlRomn now nnd .1. F. Boeller declares that this will probata. do received In tlmn no tluit tho IftW tllnilt ft... I.A ...... .,.. 1... .1.. I . '.: "" "I'lwiuu ujr will ....,. ., .. , ,,, ... Mx. irii or Riiiiih i ....... ...... iiunuius. uuuKim-i feet in length i. being ru, 'to tho "'"' '''" ' "T T w plant. Iiiik created something of n Btlr lu Mr. i... ki- Washington. She at onro uoramn onM i, ....... .. .. . ' . . i fnvi.i Ito lii cimltnl Hoclcty. Sho In of .uuivriniiy incrcaseii on ins . . .... ., , woval to tho now location, nrovlded , l,!0 ,ruo ,'n,,u ,,,u '" "l " could secure the labor. I 110 lllllnniii nntlnnls I. .,...,.... II.. I "! umswuh aai iiiiuaiioiiT & t thla tlmo hero according to i Judgment. The Ami Of (iopllnr anil Run I. nn I' the old eRtnhlliihnii Ann. n .hi. YlT and Ita extension nt thla tlmo Ih ea upon aa on Inatnnco of tha pgren or tl0 community. -" . CI I IC AUO. III.. July 31 Mlnera. harvest handa and lumbermen of the iniilillo nest threaten to go on ai 'Hympnthotlc. atriko unleaa the djeport umI indtiRtrlnl Workers are returned to i their homes lu the Warren dlatrlct of Arlinna. A tpli'Rmm voicing the Intention of "AkalanLpAiBiiiiiiimAV aiV vaaiiiiiiiiiv aauKl.r.LWBW at 1 . .a va aaaVHD ay :', aoalwiaT" ' .-.-rx;-r''JTfwJBBlllBmiauBB1WBl ntstiirsaaiixvnci nnt jjj-vi. .2r;rr'av,'j:.i.-a,r . ai.KSlAril'M'h'sjViUav H'AOCO A! TCSNLV OCNuRAL uHSGORY. tlm walkout of over a quarter of ai'"dor the million men whh aont yesterday to Instructor. Soerl members of Prealdcnt Wll hoii'h cabinet, nnd many of their as sistants, have begun vliysUal training I President Wllsnn by W. D. Haywood, secrctur) of tho I. V. V. k I The mi'SHage snld that the Mlchl- 'kiiii mlneiH lnid begun a general strike nnd that tho Minnesota mlnera and Dakota Turin hands would fall Into line unlesH tho doported men woro returned to their homes. V' r j i mi leiiuurs mt iiini iiiu bubiuhiuii ii . 'of the harvest work menna losa of i S? UlioiiKanili or dollars. I Senorltii Ihilnit-M IWmiIIIiin I Tln beauty of Snuiirllii DoloreB Word has been rerolvnH ham nr hn parrlago of Lawrnn. n..'.. .. Illy 26th, a eft neenmiinl,l lw !' brldo for Mlchi,... ... i..i. .. t"Qn corps. Central Point Visitors Here Mr. und Mrs. William Chamber of Central Point, with their daughter of Grants Pass, nro visiting nt the homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. II. 8. (Irlgsby of this city for u few weoks. Tho Chambers uro old pioneers of Kouthorn Oregon, nnd Imvo many friends In this com munity. merican Destroyers Engage 2 Submarines AMERICAN NAVAI, BASIS IN atibmarlnea and forced thera to aub- fRlTlSH WATERS July SlAmar.' roere wthout Be,n Bb,e l0 8h00t n torneilA k... j . une iuwBsni " U.d ik "M'wyoM re- Had ,teamer and the other was nt- 8 1 nnye engaged two hostile tacking a merchantman. SLAV ARMY IS CLOSELY PRESSED TWO MILLION NOW RETREATING IN UALACIA. GERMANS EN. DKAVORING TO TRAP ONE BIG DIVISION direction of u gymnastic This photograph shows in action Secretary of the Treasury Mc- Adoo, who Ig a little too thin, and At torney General Gregory, who la a lit tle too stout. They have all found they have so much work to do since war was declared that they must keep in good physical condition. LONDON, July 31 A Potrograd dispatch to the Post says that It la conservatively estimated that over two million troops are steadily march, lug learward In Galacla. These constitute the eleventh and hetenth armies, Tho eighth army, largely cavalry, not Included in these figures la also retrentlug. Its position Is extremely critical, 'riie'aermans a"re straining every effort to capture tho seventeen th army and It now looka as though the eighth would be caught In a bag., California Crowd Visits ,Mr. and Mrs. J, H. Day and Miss Anna Harder of San Francisco, with MIbs Edna O'Neill of Oakland, have been motoring thru California and Oregon, nnd returned yesterday from a thies days' visit to Crater Lake, TWENTY-ONE MEN ARE SENTENCED ON VAGRANCY CHARGE MAXIMUM SENTENCE IS IMPOSED IN SEVERAL INSTANCES Alleged Industrial Worker Get Stiff yMMWWWWWWJMWWI months or more. In all cases tne costs of the action were added. The amount of these will not be known for some time, as none have been fig urcd out yet. In several Instances the authorities trn Ten of Tcnrm in Jimtliv Court Today Ki.! oeUevo that ihe are desper ate cnaraciers. Following are sentence Impesed: John Pretrell, 60 days and costs. . Fred L. Armstrong, 30 days and COhtS. Frank Slsson, 4 months and costs. DajM for Contempt Court Ih Given in Two Cases Van Seelcn and TlMmpaon Demand! Trial by Jury. Justice E. W. CJowaii has had an other busy day. Twenty-one sen tences to alleged I. W. W, members who have been convicted under dif ferent forms of vagrancy during tho past week were pronounced. These sentences range all the ,way from thirty days In jail and costs of the, action to six months confinement and a fine of (100, the maximum sentence. lu the cases of Joe Scbroeder, sec retary of the local organisation, and Dan Sullivan, who were particularly vicious In their remarks to the court, an additional ten daya for contempt of court waa given. Two of the men, Kenneth Thomp son and Frank Van Beelen, demanded Jury trials, and are being held for aae. r In twelve of the twenty-one cases, the sentence Imposed was for four Conrad Krlgge, 2 months and costs. Wm. McHugli, 4 months and costs. J. J. Conner, 6 months and costs. Dan Detnpsy, 30 days and costs. C. V, Handle, 30 days and costs. Mike Lawler, 60 days and costs, Clins, Martin, 6 months and costs. J. McBrido, 4 months and costs. Joe Chapman, 30 days and costs. T. T. Little, 30 days and costs. Joo Schroeder, 10 daya for con tempt of court, $100 lino, 0 months and costs. Dan Sullivan, 10 daya for contempt of court, $100 fine, 6 months and costs. Martin Wultcb, $100 fine, 6 months and costs. Robt. Wurl, 6 months and costs. Henry Savldge, 4 months and costs. John Riley, $100 fine, fl months and costs, Carl Swelgin, $100 fine, 6 months and costs. - Chas, Hettinger, 30 days and costs. ALLIES PIERCE TEUTON'S LINES ON WEST FRONT RED CROSS ADDS NEW COMMITTEE CIVIL REUET WORK af TO BE TAKBN UP BT LOCAL CHAPTER. CHAPTER TO BE PREPARED TO" MEET ANY LOCAL CALAMITY HEAVY ACTION OCCURS ALONG TWENTY MILE FRONT Expected Btg Western Drive Hsj Coiasaesiced Allies) Dane fnl la ReactUac Secoad Lis TimisW. Have Dwstmtg Ale: fieri V " Ity Atteaept Submarine InBetgU A Civil Relief Corps, a new com bittee of the Local Red Cross Society. waa elected yesterday at a meeting ot the board of managers of the Klam ath Falls chapter, with Harry C. Bo gard of San Francisco, chief superin tendent of civil relief, present. , Captain J. W. Siemens Is to be chairman of the new committee and Mrs. G. A. Krause secretary. The object of tbe new work is to be or service in case of need by families of drafted men at the front and kindred emergencies. ThU constitutes the fourth general committee ot the society, military re lief, finance, publicity and civil re lief. Mr. Bogard left this morning for Eugene and Portland, and expects to be here again In about a month with Mr. Dalton, who has charge of chap ter organisation. That tbe members ot tbe Red Crosa 8oclety will rise to meet any emer gency of local nature that they may be called upon to meet is Indicated In a resolution passed by the board of managers, which requests all mem- bers of tbe society to bold themselves in readiness to assist any crisis or calamity that may occur In the com munity. ' By Associated Press BRITISH FRONT IN FRANCE, July 31. The allies bare launched a big offensive on the western front, and have advanced beyond the shell shattered first line trenches in many places along a twenty mile front. . The French have entered the bat tle under cover of what Is perhaps the greatest barrage fire of the war. It Is being fought over the most dif ficult ground Imaginable. v The British have again captured Labas Seville. The Germans are concejitrtitsjg their artillery and are rusblsftffllviv to the scene of action. Tha allies are. reported to have essjjhllihed complete, superiority of the air. This offensive is apparently one ot the war's big moves, and has been ex pected for some time by those who have followed the situation closely. Many believe that the allies are en. deavorlng to turn the German flank In Flanders, and if possible reach the German submarine bases on tbe Bel. glan shores. Fishing on the Upper Rogue Will Be Shown All the Sights Tom Mitchell, Leslie Piymale and Ed Bodge, have left for a few days fishing trip In the Upper Rogue River visit Valley. employed at Telford Bros, garage, Mrs. R. J. Hawk's of San Jose, Cal., is visiting her daughter, Mrs. L, E. Bordman of this city. She will be taken to Crater Lake and other points of Interest in this section during her Mr. Bordman is a machinist State and U. S. Officials Unite to Curb I.W.W. PORTLAND, Or., July 81 Got-.afternoon tq eetsMe ptajiR.wttop ernor Wlthyeombe. U. 8. Federal At torney Rsamss, Mayor Baker and other officials are meeting here this any aHeptsoft JftSgfcJ Interfere win. tea lBCUSUMB l city and the Matey ..jtetf v 1 I-' Vl ' . iV ,M' VM JV I " 'I 3W N -'?& J'l "! V J .(. ;" ,'W4, !-,-? ...y. -gm&LA 'M-- M.JEmWh'