Stf.? lEu inttnn Herald OFFICIAL NCWIPAPIK OF KLAMATH FALLS OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OP KLAMATH CUuniT iuiij.ii).iiuiiMW"Jii''fi'"'''''"TfiTi-rwmiiiinnimnTi"l iir nmitnniiiii ""', ' m i "TTfirip" Wr.t. Vi-.V. '" KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, JULY 28, 1917 Prist, Flva CmM - r omen on Both Sides Fight in World War -i-u. i provement Promised for Crater Lake r.-.-.iULiuuifinriiirinm'ini 1" -...-... . J.j. MAN WOMEN SHAME COMRADES ON BATTLEFIELD I.KIlMAX WOMEN AMO t'AITfll. .in;iiTtMi ni:i.t Ilirer-Ienrtli f Hno S..illrr Wiw Mr ul trroml of Israth" Com. Hr Are Killed. Wonadrd it Cs Imrd I-miWt Xw ll-H"l' IIhmUh Mdler Itwrrt lit Wo m to TMr Kale In HHrvat. WASHINGTON STRIKERS veri: ox terms today ; HKATTI.K, Jl 2! HlrlWIiiK trrl car liinii Hill toll today nil I llit rrniaur or rejection of the niU offnteil li) lli rum tmiili-a, whkh maktt rirtnlti mil- rpmltina, but lilrli fjl llir- nun r it: lit in unions to iinlum Big Railroad Strike Starts at .Chicago Nineteen Roads Entering Switching District of Chicago are Directly Affected. Embargo On All Perishable Goods Declared. May Delay National Traffic I'KTIIOUUAD. Jul a. When Hie HuwUti women's battalion, officially ipua ft. the "CninmiwTf Oeslh. ittiulalo artlon ni;liil Il Herman w fiworn on July 3Slb. they rap. lerril invrral ninn. nnd II wa ktnl for the nrm time that '"' CHINESE OUTLOOK IS VERY SERIOUS NORTH AMI MM TH WILL PROD- Altl.V MIX IX CIVIL STRIFE. i cilli.AUW. juijt J. i iip airiss 01 . pekixo ooverxment is xirr wi,ri., belonging to the nii,.r.jj " "" m,uV ",0 "7 " i . .....ithe previous week., when fourteen SWELBIN FOUND TO BE VAGRANT DANGEROUS AGITATOR CHASED OUT OF REND M CONVICTED . JUSTICE COURT DISPLAYS GREAT CLEVERNESS CIIICAOO. July J8. The strike of NEW TRAIL TO LAKE FROM RIM Will BE BUILT DIRECTOR OF -NATIONAL PARKS VISITS KLAMATH recognizer ix southeast IIkhmI of Hallway Trainmen, which " ,rrV'0U wcok" whrB LONDON. July In China l ver ronlltiK lo ilUpaUliPn ........ .... . .i iwcrn iUiiK i:i riiiirii iitnii'riiiir. uuiuuir rucvuiv in a. in. today on nineteen railroads In the smaller category the losses entering tho Chicago iiwllcliinf dU-jnro the nme ak thore Klvon It'i lliu S.s - Tlio ouilook ,tr, rciort of the prelou week thrtw.l vnouiti mniii, np i SCHOOLS WILL NOT MER6E ... . -i - - i... lftlillci there wn fftllluc off by BOen lo illMwUhM rmrh.-,! Iri., . , railroad., h.v. dp- In Iho numlwr of Uhng vpmoU unk.! iwUr A cmmlrtr l.rtwrmi ,wbaro on all nvrLhablo Tho ,; bonU for Thi" predion. .ort-',,iaxs x,, vslTK ALB.XV COL llm North nnil rtoiilh ncntnii limvlt- . .... ., .. ...... - - - ...... piuiiii niiii innii - at u iiaam a. tm ! rn n wr 1 11 n womm rn nUo flRhllnR on tlmi"1' Bl.""". . ''' . . . I -rtie trlkt' lll have national itroi?' mem. but for the current week the nt'rn IIumUii Imllle front. "r n 'J" nn" "" " , may ,,,y iramc on all road upward tendency In tho curve wn Ton hrn.lnci. arlvml In " '" """ " " """"y "' " 'imlnis thru Cttlrna-n. OrBccra of not unexpected. In low of tho vigor I.IXiK AM) PACIFIC t'MVKRMI. TV HAVE FAIXEX THRU AL- I'tllimr.d yr.tqr.lay, Iravlnn Vera f " """""""""" "" piuuliVartff, ih nHeii rommandrr,1 '" . .. , . . .. lh-hernial at WIIM..W "", V" '. . ' ', Z ' .. II , mM Uml only nfly of the 200 "" "" --'' l-omo who rrhn.1 the front now .reni .ruT,r... IfRuIn unliarnifil Tneiuy hne tirun lilllH, cltlit iiiittirfcl iind (lie rent k'uulel. Tlipy nre reported to have thn I'nlon ha e derlarvtl that the men oun offennlve effort which the Cer- 1 would quit nt the apiolnted time, mana are now putting forward on nil It U Kuld that 3,400 wltchrnon be- front, and which no doubt arc re- HAXY KMX)WMK.n GROW toiiR to the'DrothcrhCod iti:v. I(t lth UiiKhtrr nnd oiik. ihn only utiilfaMilii(i( IioIiik when Ihey flml lberorprii uralicred on the field, TtM ere entirely denerted by lliflr men coinrodei In the panic of Ilia r treat. WKIUUNt; AT XtMIX TOIIAV To well kiiuwn younc nconlc of "lutcrn Klnnuilli t'oimlv were iintteil In wcillock nt noon loday'when Judge owan married Monroe Mm tin if lldebrnntl to Mlim Velum IVarnon pf Dairy. Hotll Ihn wiiiiil- iii.onlit hnvn rimld. rl In Hint locality for many yearn anu are r known. Ri.taii, ji:wi:i.i:hh wii.i. Mr.irt' AT liAI.LAH MOMIAV I'AI.I.AH. Jnlv L'N Tin. mi? iiim.1. " cf thu Oregon Itetalt Hlnte Jow- "", Aniocliitlon will ho held hero W 30th mid a Int. ItolfButc, w lomn proimreil to lilCIIHii ltfiu i ,,,, ...lit. i.i.ul.n. "Kultloii retulilng from tho war. I I'd Dallnu ('lllllllliirrli.1 fMi.1. I. lu... ;1'K tO llllllTllllll llm vlnll..! HAMIIO Tt THE KTATK COXVE.NTIOX llev W. K. Ilniuho, pniitor of the riirUtlau church, leaven today for Turner, Oregon, to attend the mate (ouventloii of the church, which con vemm from July 2 Stti to Augunt nth, He will then probably go tit Cheha IU, V(ih for n brief vluli, nnd upend the rent of bin vacation, which ex tend thru Augum umoug thu inoun tuliu of Klumnth Con nly SUB BOAT TOLL AI.HAXY. July 28. Hana to ltr.IIK.MAX AM (iOI.OMAX ARE TO III! IIEItlUTEU NEW VOHK, July 2S.- If Alex llerkiiuin nnd Kmiim (loldmnn. th an nrrliUta, now being linitight hero from federal iiIoiim. nrn freed on their nppenl from conviction on the charge of coimplrncy to obntruct the .elective draft law. Mops will ho tak en to deport them, according to u mutoment by United Htiito Immlgrn. tlini romiulaMlnner Howe. KfforU were being nindo by tholr attorney to got hall of isr.,000 each for Herkman and Minn Ooldmnn. panitlug the healing of tholr nppenl. Nick llniln i..,. I fi...i.. ii. ...ii.... I"" Merrill illHtrlct worn In Klauiuth Fim loihy on l.iiBliu'Urt, "AWeXKH IK N.;W XAMK 1 OH TIKMIfH AnitOAl) IIEI'ORMEII IXFAXT'S MOTHER DIIS IIHOKI-.N IIEARTEII I'AHIH lllll OU 'LI.- A can triimiL. i.. l. .. I Ik '' IIUVU L'llOS- n Hielr own Boubrlquot, accord '"K to tho "Miitlii," adopting tlio llninn ' a........... - . . - n..iuuH, rarmoa by pice- ')( tOKetlllM- tlin .. .... I... tlnn Wrdi Amor,can KPodl- ('IIICA(H), July 28. Death of Unity llollliiger, tho ImpoleuHly clo foniied Infant. wIioho llfu tho phy iilelnii refiifod to huvo In llIi ' "' Moved lo bo nwpoiwlhlo for tho death yonlordny of Mrn. Anna llolllugor. tho mother. Her hiiHbnnd mild nho died or n broken heart, nnd thut nho wnHtod uwoy following tho dentil of tho bnhy HapIiiiI In thn MVflnra tw tltn eillitlin .lit nniiiiMfitiilnei) it viitiivnf lliat ItiMil itttrin Allt.'ittv fi Iaafa n I'rftttli vtnr Ian effeiulvo by itrenuous effort on "the school located here, and tho Pacific ubmarlnn front." .I'nhcrslty. u Concregatlonal Instltu- On the whole tho navy may be lion at Forest (Jrove, two of the old ...m t f.i.u- uoii sniuni.ii ui iii est educntlonal Institutions in Orecon. tho progrcu being mndo ngalust the have been practically abandoued. ac- a .. .... a .. ii tirill n tw t i ntamliAPu rt t liak frm unucr-waior cnoiuy, ami ino lecuiiK ..& . w. ... w.wauu Is that time la all on tho side of the "juod of the Presbyterian church, allien, as every week socs anti-sub-, which met In Eugene recently. it a & nnill.Ail.. ftikVAlAltlnt Si Mil t ltaa I A Imniila n4 In kn SMbiIa tk ! " "" ' I Mini uw .- u vur mv viwmii5 stMii nituuiia uiu w uv iuhuv tw u h-i.uiu itLiNtti-r lu co-ordination of the various pnru of crease the endowments of the Albany AITIIO I.AHT WEKS RhltlRT IH anti-submarine camnnlgn linnrov- Institution. NTARTI.IX1!) THE IIIIITIHH ARK,"'- The'admlralty's statement fol- lows GROWS HEAVIER HTII.Ii COXFIREXT FhAVER FISHIXt. VESSELS Sl'XK LONDON, July 28 Tho nnnotinco- i.ui.L.nm, .. fe b m - -. ... ..... ruiwir.ii r,nrr.iiuii uiitvina iaimi Arrivals, J791; xalltngs 2701. Urltlsh merchantmen sunk by mine or suuiuarine over iooo iou. inciuu-, L0N,)0X( J(1,y ,8A Petr08rad ing two previous.,, si; uuuer it-ue uglnlc ,,,, ,at former EmDoror tons. 3. Iv......... . ... ..- .-Tt... , .tiuuums iuii uuu urunu iiib ira wnuo ment of the HrltUh admiralty on tho llrltlsh merchantmen unsuccessful- cycling iu the gardens of the Tsarskoe meni or mo iiritisn auuuraiiy on ino mvnuouiunu uhii- cycling iu tne garaens or tne rsarsKoe week's work of German submarines ly nttacked, Including three previous- celo palace here, where be has been hIiowh an Increase of seven vessels of ly. 1". 'incarcerated since the recent revolu- inoru than 1,000 tons sent to the hot-1 llrltlsh fishing vessels sunk, 1. tlon. Canadian Government Encourages Boxing to Make Good Soldiers Carl Swelgln, believed by local au thorities to be one of the most dan gerous of the I. W.V. agitators at Urge, was yesterday afternoon con victed of vagrancy In the Justice court of E. W. Gowan. Swelgln was the man who waa recently deported from Bend and was captured In a box car at DorrU on his way to Klamath Falls. He Is also reported to have been tried as a German spy in Port land, but was released for lack of evidence. During his cross examination by DIstrlctAttortity Duncan and W. 8. tviiav Rwnirifntiisnlavad rreat clev erness in bis admissions regarding the propaganda and motives of the Industrial-Workers. "He claimed that sabotage and other menacing propa ganda were not officially encouraged br the organisation, but at the same time admitted that these measures might be resorted to by Individuals, and that the tactics, songs and other anarchistic literature was distribut ed among members as a means of ed ucatlon. Swelgln demanded the return of a certain Infamous piece of verse taken from him by the officers, asserting that It was his personal property, and that they had no right to It. On his conviction he was ordered placed In a separate cell as a dan gerous character. Several other convictions have been secured on the charge of Tag rancy since yesterday. t WAR BUD6ET UP FOR SETTLEMENT METHODS FOR PROVIDING THE KXORMOl'B INCOME TO CARRY OX THE WAR TO BE TAKEN UP UV SENATE COMMITTEE gsrs Hemic Beauties are CTot-aCi-'s Greatest Asset Looks for ' dons Travel Thm Here From Now on Season Has Opeaed UnasnsMy Heavr This Y to Be Improved. FJyfV ,.- M i2 ,vW&tcl ' " . T,iiantfTjlf ' TMP ' gssaMsaMsaBWBaissssssI vo ' ima-w-'i i HWi' if ' Ian WASHINGTON. D. C, July J8. What part of the war budget, which may reach 110,000,000,000, will be raised by taxation, nnd on what com modities the levies will fall, will be considered at a meeting of the senate finance committee to be held In the near future. It Is estimated that over $5,000. 000,000 will be necessary to main tain America's military forces until next July, A new trail dosrn to the waters edge from the hotel on the rim of Crater Lake to be completed this year at a cost of between $6,000 nnd $7,000 Is the announcement made to day by Acting Director of National Park Service Horace Harden Al bright, who left on the train tats morning following a visit to the Inks yesterday. The new trail is to as broad and easy, so that n person of 80 years can make It easily. Mr. Albright came In by way of Medford with H. W. Wenxel, travel ing passenger agent of the Southern Pacific. This Is Mr. Albright's first trio to this section, and he waa won derfully enthused by the scenic at tractions, not only of the Crater Lake Park, but of the drives coming In nnd out. The drive down by the beautiful Upper Klamath Lake, he says, la one never to be forgotten, and he be lieves that our scenic attractions, in spite of our other big resources, will yet prove our biggest asset. t Every year the tourist tratac alt over the country to Increasing, . he says, and Crater like will come la for Its full share. "The travel there thus far this year surpasses anything ever known before. More than 700 have registered at the Inn this sea son, with the hotel opened less than two weeks. It must also be remem bered that a large number of visitors are campers, who do not go to the hotel. Mr. Albright estimates that 100, 000 cars will come west every year with the completion of the road across the Middle West now being built, and points out the tremendous revenue to this district If one fourth of them visit here. Two hundred thousand cars visited Denver last year. Better roads are predicted for this section with the money available from the Shackelford bill thru the national forests. It is probable that the new road around the rim of the lake will be completed next year. Mr. Albright has assumed the du ties of R. B. Marshall, who passed thru here last August. ftfci.J-.". T. f'M.:..?.'.'.. ismAf2i.5tU .:JWt PREKRYTKR1AX CHURCH HOLDS SERVICE SUNDAY J, II. Hockley mid Thud Mcllattiin loft loduy for Portland via Ashland by automobile. They expect to bo Keno about ton days. ... I caimdu. omcers of the regiment have .heArrtthv.c.r.t Roc . V- i U on. of the be.,, This iceno shows the regular mar- If not the best, exercise for the hu lling drill outside the armories of the man body. It gives wind, speed and 355th, the Queens Own Battalion of self-coufidence. These qualities are neaded In war. Therefore, in making men ever to save the British empire MHUtt&V ,dMS8SSSSTO..US$JS it beennio necessary to have them take the kind of exercise that would make the most of them physically and men tally. They are not trying In war time In Canada to legislate boxln$ out of existence, but to encourage It. WOMAN FROM BURNS UNDERGOES OPERATION The Row E. Ev Clark of PlacervHle, Calif., is to preacn at tne rintv rtw bytf-rlan church here tomorrow morn- ing nnd evening. Ilev. Clark comes highly recom mended as a man and minister from 1'lscervUle. where he has served for a great many years, uracers ot tne church desire members Mrs. J. H. Balcomb of Burns ar rived here yesterday la a very seri ous physical condition, and waa taken Immediately to the HlacKOur?i naa pltal by Dr. Oeorge'Merryaun, where she was operated upon far asairsa- ous appendicitis, Although theoasratiaa waa at a very asrious nature. Mrs. Baleomn Hire that a large auaber of Is reported doing a. weltMj enuia ha hear Mr, Clark' prtach. I expected. j4 9 4 4 kl V.l i-. I .- n V4.I W