SjBS M, A im z iEurmny IteraUl OFFICIAL NKWSPAPBR OFFICIAL NIWfFAm OF KLAMATH PALL1 ,F KLAMATH COUNTY z. ni.JL.uw ns ". lynfc, X. e)miima Kiel mil' " """ KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 27, 1917 PrlM, WNt Canto 4 1 CLhe rainage otable Guests to ... .w,' w.w...S HE MARSH LANDS RECLAMATION MAY SOON BE STARTED rNTH.WI M'IIMITTi:i HV GOV. :itih,vr is .Mvr.tiwiti.i: nmnlh llmlnnitp DlMrtrt I Sail. Hrl Willi lfet PmpnMl tjr hw. rlatj of Inlrflor llonnl or Cum. ttilinrrii tin llpeM ,Hilitln1. tl.WM Arm of Krrtlln lml Aildril In lllrlrl Wlirn ftttiirpl. That there U it patfcilhtlky of the ( r a( tlm railroad rnmlnK at I ho Ir.mslli illtnlt being climed i'onil.1 r. lljr tlili (ult, unit the ri'dntiiiitliin I ho C 1,01)0 urri't nf lul lamia. I'd- u( willed iitouiinl li) l In' Kttttn. i DmlinKo itlmrlrt, iiiiiiiuiuilne, the ntiiiiiuiifi'ini'iii niivilo today (It ili appointment of threw mm nleiior. I II, Henry. It. A. lim it :inil I'tntik Ward, to liittTt llm V t ntnl niitnn tint tii'iicflirt and t:nif;rj! in i lin iriinirty by tlm pro il n tloit II lip rcdii million nf thnie tnnrnti li", v.lilrli nre known to Ait i-xcop- knnlly fertile, bun Iippii ii iiinitnr tll up b llMttntluit of one lilnil nml 'Ulipr fur n low; period. I'nrt or Klnmnth ithtr In ilhprlpil n few licit Mouth of tliln rlty, ntul tlm water ! Ilirti tlii' Kliiinntli Hi ml I nml Ii'iIk the mnmli Iniidti pimt of tlm lulboru 1'iirlflc trarUtt. Ily Install- Kntcs where Hip Mrnll Mown Im-' NUli tlm trnek, Hi" iiourco nf mip- -' HI ho tiirnoil off ntul ri'rlnuiii 'i lll ImniPtllntuly rnmmpiH'ii. lrt of iIP,n n,u r ,ct inihllr .mi inri ur in iiiiiiuiiiii niru ""-. but n great portion nrn ilrod. nnil nwni'il liy iiuitnlicm of tlm U iiiiintii DriilmiKo Dlntrlrt. A rontrnct hnu now Iippii offproil lo mnmli lainl imnprn, npiirovoil by ' Kerri'tiiry of llio liitoilor. llio II rut, I" Willi whlrh (,iy )i,lV0 ,,,n Witln. "I. wi.l whllo thorn iiro Hllll n num. CVDI HDCD 00011 rof pioliHiiim tobo wnrkml nut bo-'rlrl 1 1 ft T II .Ml II II ff llio iiiirmiiiKuil rloHliic of tho! Ui ii-h iioromPM n rtnllty, llm owncm 1 koIiik nhoitil with tluilr imrt of llio Kk In llm hopo Hint llio nmttor inny RlltoiiKsfiilly tHiliilniitiiil IliU vniir. Willi din nililltlon of till tm-rltory ,,u"iy ti Kliimiill, KiiIIh. llio Irrl-1 l('l lii'rrnirii luirn u in i,.. ..i.n.wi ""'"ii, nml mi nron nipitlilo nlono,' TnnniiB to oiikIiiooch' PAllinutos of. Il'l'oriliiu n clly of r.,000 Itilinb- r win imvo H.m, oroatod. Tlm f Ihu iiiii mh IiiikIh Ih ilirrnrniit P llm Nuiiily lonm of moKt of tlm "mill llnHln, IioIiik of a blnrk nn- Pu llOnvllv plinrirnil wltl. v.l.l Mor. II Ih k.,.,u ... i. ..w. i "I'lcd to u,0 Krowt, f ,.0ory ,i y other voKetiililoH. Tlm rum. IhhIoh uppolntcd will Inspnet tho J"i unci moot with tho dlrrrtnra Iho DrulnuRo Hlsliict July ssth. Mrs. Cliarlca Moore has totitrned r n vmit lo relatives In Clrnnln I w,. "-.,'''''-'''''iWIWMWWWWWWWWWMWWWWM 9 MMWMWWVMMVWWWWNM Submarine Torpedo Coming Head On - n', hufowtm; "-fit "XASSi VI.3---'-V .iSnK r-S'iSfef ' t ! -;Tf a fi ibi ' --- -rs" i' - j. ! :.5i ! ,f- ;3- t If ) u v oio to si iiiul on tlm ilpck of llnir nnil wiw hoiiiuIIiIiik lllin tln ......iim. i,. r,i ton win umiM knnw i(( (,m , m(( .;., ,()rMo W(H . . ,, "' 'r'"" ,l iiiiiio. niui H"l " ' '"" ciioiikIi Imlow the Hiiifiui.' of Ihu wittor, 'llio .uvcs uihIumI It iih It wiml on to iluutroy ..,..., , ,, ' ' LUIll.Ii UVUIl BACK FROM NORTH l.Mi:i. MiMIMi.W I'AII.S TO I im riiorKi:iti..Ni, iihmcv i:i hv I'hahv to hi: m:ah capi: HimiiAHii 1I0STON, July 27. Doimlil Me- Mlllnn. llio Arctic iilorr who wont I" Iho Arcllo In 1013, oxpocu to bo lioiiio by tlio Kith rf Kontonihor, ne- onlliiK l lotto- Junt toeolvod hoio. The loiter aya tluil ho failed to find Crockorlund. Tho letter rends. I'Bnrrv fop Pnarv. who sincerely bfl- Ueved It lay 120 miles northwest of Cupo Hubbard, wo went Ml miles, 1 " fty&JtSggmM s w &u - - mid saw nothing nut tho hoiunn." of Lower KAISER WATCHES BATTLE III EAST GliltMA.Ns .MAKE GAINS IN H.U- I t CIA AMI hlTIKIt LOSSES IX lUH.MAMA. EMPEROR NOW on eastern rito.NT IIKIII.IN, Ncnr Tiirnnpo), July 27 Tlu KuliT In Kiuturn (inlliclit c- , ti'tiliiy wnlclii'i) tin. (icrmniiit iimko t t'xirnitvit rhIiih iit Scri'tli llrlilRpliPml iictonlliiK to oDIclnl illttpntlirox. The lirnmiiiM nrn nnlil to In- nitvnticltiK on both klilr-n of DnpUtor. Th Tmit oiiii uncIiT the ronimnml of ArrloliiKn Joeopli Imvp rrtmilnl .I MR tho lloiniiniilnn froiiL. The Koitmnnlnn territory In llm Surhltm V.illcy an fur hit tlin I'pppr I'uliin IIIht U lion left In the hamls f tlm HunHmiK. STEFL IS NOW UNLOADED HERt TWKXTV-TWll 'AHM)AIW OV ItAII.S III.AIIV Til UK hll. I'Ollfi; Ill.l.Vti I.VCHKAHKl) OAII.V NOW The nil-el for llm llmt link of Ihp Stnihurii rnllrcml, twonty-iwo car I IciuIh, I, as now nrrlviul, and will bo uuioniliui by nlKlit, ncrordlni to rell nlilo inport. Moid nion ntul left nw arc being m! tl cil to tlio form now at work us flint tin tltoy rati be obtntulil. nml the work nil iiIuiik tlio Hup Is proteasing luplill). 'I bora will bo nothing to pruvpiit the InyitiK tlio II rut mils with. In thirty iIhvh If tlio tins run bo sp oil I Oil, Itobort I). Blrahorn uuil Chief Kn Clnoor IIckuo mo now In l'ortlitnil on burliiPsH, nml nro oxportoil to rot urn within llio next two or throo ilnys. Mr, IliiKuo will brliiK his family with him on hist return, nnil tuko up lilx poniiiuiont rosldonro bore. The futility will reside In the KaiiKht hoiup In Hot SprliiKs Addition. CAR STRIKES SOON SETTLED ihaction company ami nth ik. i:iis ahi: cikttino tckiktiiku on i'hoihsition hui1mittki) H Till-! WOHKMKN. TACOMA. Wash.. July 37 It Is announced hero that tho street car Htiikn will end within twenty-four hours. The company haa announced that Iho men havo submitted a proposition that Is acceptable to them and satis factory Hettlement Is believed only a few hours distant. Arrive Here NORTHWEST WILL UNITE TO FIGHT T (-OOl'KltATIO.V OK KOI'H STATUS TO Hi: Kt-'KIUTKU iiirprii'r of Orettou, WiuliliiKlon, lililiK nml I'litli IUp lukrn liillinl Stpm lo I'lillo I'orrm fur t.'oinbiit lug I lal Worker. I'mnt Klin, nml Oilier Hminim Whlrli Mpuarp Tliln Territory. I'OltTI.ANP. Ore.. July 27 Tli Koiemor.i of four ntnttyi, Oregon, WimliliiKlon, Idaho find Utah are plauuluR to roourte In chocking the interim! trouble mimed by the In- itiiklrlul Worker of the World dur IliK the term of the wnr, declared iioprttor Alexander of Idaho yoster dny follow Idk a lonfoicuro with Gov ernor W)thvroinbi. (ioernor Alevundcr who oriKinat ed the Idea of tlio nlllancc, conferred with Governor llnnuorKor of Utah on n train Inst week Ho then .iw Gov. crnor Muter at Ol.unpln, WashiiiKton, early ihls week. AlthouKh the details of tlio new nllliuice have not loen phen out, the plans contemplnteil cmbraro coopera tion In llRhtlnK forest fires, procut Ing the destruction of crops and other nunemenlH In which the executives ran work together to advantage. 6REAT DAMAGE ACROSS DIVIDE IIK.AVY UIKS IS HKKOHTKII KHO.M Till! KOHK.ST 1IHKS IN JACK. SON roi'NTV AVAII.AIU.I MKN NOW KKillTINt! KI.AMl.'S That the InigeM foiest fires thus far known In the Ashland uii'd Med ford districts am now raging, nud that all the available men In, that sec- I Ion aio now In the hills fighting the Humus, Ih the report brought In by Rykos llaiiiiiker of Ilonnnzn, who up turned last night from n several weeks' stay in trinity. One Hi a Ib miiMiiK great headway south of Ashland over the divide of the Slsklyous, nud another In the Crater I.nko forest In tho region of Prospect Is destroy lug a great den) of vuluablo timber, according to Mr; lifimukor, llnmnker left on tho htnge for Bo nanza this morning. KAItTligUAKK SHOCK IS RKPOHTKO VICTORIA, II. C July 26 (I. N. 8.) An earthquake shock that last ed 30 minutes was registered on tho seismograph hero at 7:84 o'clock last night. The distance from here of the center of the shork was from COMMON ROUBLE 1200 to 1400 miles, Lake Marshes SLAVS CAN NOW BE CONTROLLED i , ll'.AItl-tl, MIHKKM ON l-UMTKHN litO.VT IIAVK MTIIKNCTHKNKD I INK n)VKH OK GOVKItXMKXT, STItC.M'Ot'K MKAHl'ltKH NOW IIIIITIhll IXMto POSITION CMITUIIKI LONDON, July 27 The Ilrlt- bh liirt night raptured the La rpfhce llln in llclgium near the Trench borddn They later -.vlthdiew in llio face Of N !r- man ultack according to official announcement. WASHINGTON. U. C, July 27. American AmuaFwdor Krancia at 1'i'troKrad repot ; that the Rlisslan military reverses hare enormously fctietiKthened the hands of the ajoV eminent In i'ctrograd. The Impos'slb'illty or controlling the artu by soldiers lias been shown, and the koi eminent will now use any and jail measures necessary to meet the gerlous bituatlon at the front. Dispatches to the Kussian embassy eoulirm the belief that many of the iconiervntlvo leaders are again com ing to the front and arc forecasting u better experienced and more repre sentative Kovemmeht. At tho same time arrests of trait ors In the Russian armies are eon. tlnulng. Premier Kcrensky has called a council extraordinary session of the National Council at Moscow for July 31st. All lenders are to meet at this time. The splendid harvests of Rus sia hnc dispelled tho fear of food riots. Tho report that American troops will be sent to Russia has been de nied. MORE RIOTS AT PETROGRAD GOV KlkVMKNT TROOPS 8l'l. I'ltKSSKO RIOTS STARTKO 1IY Till! SOCIALISTS OKKAT RE VOLT ORGANIZED LONDON, July 27. Violent fight, lug occurred on tho streots of Petro Ki;ul during the last two days, ac cording to dispatches. The extreme soclnlistH havo organized a great re volt, but tho tioops huve suppressed tho riots. ZC.MWALT Sl'RVKYS liOGOINO x ROAD FOR ALOOMA COMPANY City Engineer Don J. Zumwalt Is lit town for a few days from Algoma, where ho Is engaged in surveying the now logging railroad for the Algoma Lumber company. The new road will bo between five and six miles long, and will run north and east from the top of the mountain at Algoma, Next BIG PARTY FROM EAST IS DUE HERE THIRTY MASHACHfHKTTS HOTAN. 18TK 1TIIX VISIT KLAMATH rarlr lwe KorUad Tonight After Tlirr Dt' Vllt and Will Toar Ttils Section Many Prominent Mm and Women Inrlmtod WiU See All National Park in United State Kxperted Swadnjr. Klamath fajfs to be visited to the next few diVs by a large party of Eastern scientist which Is making a tour of the West this summcOstudy lng the trees and park conditions. The party Is made up of members of the Massachusetts Foicstry Associa tion, and Is now in Portland." being extensively entertained. The party left Boston nearly a month ago and has thus far visited the Rocky Mountain, Yellowstone, Glacier and Ranter National parks, it leaves Portland this evening, and after visiting Crater Lake Park via the Pacific, highway and Medford, will probably arrive here Sunday or Mon. day. .After a short stop here the group will see the remaining parks of California and the Southwest. In tbe party are several members of the Massachusetts Forestry Asso ciation composed of 3,000 prominent men and women whose hobby is to advance the Interest of forest protec tion and the propagation of shade trees. They are C. L. Babcock of Bcston, president of the bureau of university travel; H. A. Reynolds, a Boston landscape architect and sec retary of the Massachusetts Forest ry Association; H. K. Baumgardner, a lumber dealer of Lancaster, Pa.; W. H. Carpenter, a Philadelphia banker; Professor C. F. Mabery of the department of chemistry in tbe Case school. Cleveland; E. B. Spin ney, banker, and F. C. Spinney, re tired 'shoe manufacturer, Lynn. WILL STAND FOR RIGHTSOF PEOPLE ALLIES PLEDGE THEMSELVES TO FIGHT UNTIL THE GERMAN 1H)LIC1KS ARK DEFINITELY DISMISSED PARIS, July 27 The entente al lies yesterday concluded their confer ence alter announcing their unani mously renewed decision to continue the wur until the Teutons were un able to again pursue the policy of criminal aggression. The allies declared themselves to be more closely united than ever for the defense of the people's rights, particularly in the Balkini. . J Week Mass.; George C. Wheeler, district attorney. Portland. Maine; Samel V. Wood, former president of inn state senate, Phllippl, W. Va.; Mini Emma Cummings, , botanist and member of the Brookllne, Maas., tree planting commission, n body haviag Jurisdiction over tbe pnblie parks ( that city. Of the women in tbe party are sev eral botanists and others of inde pendent means. They are Miss Lncjr E. Allen, owner of the Alien senool for girls. West Newton, Mass.; Mrs. A. P. Appleton, tbe Misses Watson. Plymouth, Mass; Mrs.- W. A. At wood, Fitcbburg. Mass.; Miss Era Cbannlng. Miss Susan Hunter, Miss Harriet Freeman, Mrs. E. B. Town send, Miss Townsend, Boston; Mrs. Salome A. Lewis, Mrs. B. W. Ren fenr Swampscott, Mass.; Mrs. T. K. (Varick. Yonkers, N. T.; Miss Alice Jierrlam, New Haven, Conn.; Miss Holsmaur, New York city; Miss Ethel Crandall. Portersville, N. Y.; Mrs. Banmgardner, , Mrs, Mabery, Mrs. Wood. The membership of the Massachu setts Forestry Asociation has reached 3,000 and Its opinion is sought from forest conservationists from nearly every state on matters of legislation, taxation, forest protection and refor esting. Tbe association was instru mental in obtaining an appropriation or 1300,000 by congress to extermi nate white pine blister rast, after the Masachufetts legislature had appro priated '$50,000 to rout the Might in that state. F. A. Elliott, state forest er of Oregon, is a member of"tMrl. tlonal campaign committee to eradi." catc the pest. s- BOUND OVER FOR PRO-GERMAN TALK HENRY STl'MPF HOPES THAT THE ALLIES AND U. S, WILL BE LICKED WILL BE GIVEN LF4S. IRE TO GO OX HOPING For making Blanderous remarks regarding President Wilson and ex pressing the hope that the United States and all the allies would be de feated In the world conflict now rag ing, Henry Stumpt of Merrill was lust night bound over to the federal grand jury at a hearing before United Slates Commissioner Bert C. Thomas. He Is charged with violating sec tion 3. title 1 of the Espionage Act. Stumpt was. accused by tbe .Hasklas brothers of Merrill, on whose rancn he had been employed, of making tit Insulting remarks regarding the na- Hon and the flag'. Three witnesses were brought forward to prsflf;e, allegations. Stumpf's konds '' ! placed at f 1,500, which hewaa-MV. able to raise, and be was remand to tbe county Jail. " Assistant Ualted'itatei Attetw Jl! 8. Cnrnahan conducted I Hon. i s ji) ' t ...-. :w& tm&M "" - ""itA."" Viift'W.Sy - UrT hKi'y-j !-- - ' VW !..J" . .NtfJSM