Sty? tEmmum Iteratfi nFlCAL NICWSPAPER OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH FALLS OF KLAMATH wumi m- g JRoJLa-lStMW" HBWrthi V..W KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 26, 1917 rflOf WbH 6w Mills Siemens and L. Worden Ranch Buy .NEAR FORT .ui ffllN'K MAM" IMM.ITN HIAMIW HAM II H'ltnlon KrIU riepw in turtle Wornl Ither NATIONAL 6UARD IS MOBILIZED M Hair-oral ! Willi in IW ,,-lffl I, Already IJIri l.tlr Nrth Will Opera! N'r PrMprrlr. A ftl !! ,lr' "' ,,,"r,, l,M,n "r slury Iraporianfr was ronumien ,.rtoUr bcri Captain J. W. Hro m Pf ! Wrl HUI" "mt '" Uik, llh l.l "' "'' " fartbaaed lb' Wnrdrn ranch lit WWJ ttiur Vllr l Major Chaa, K, Wor- Ttf ranch routaln 30 acre. nd Utd'tl mli- Include, all III" etulp. ,( and ihli year' crop of mor lain 400 tons of hay. Tdf raacb lll b. operated aa tiMk r'b, and will bo under the t..n)fmrnl of Mr Mill. Il has tbe trplllln of being one of the bt mil infh In the Wood Kivrr Val. IT. ikr "op ihU yrar being unusual. If fU"l. The definite flgur of Ihrl tn not made public, bul III roMl4rllon waa btlxn $11, OOP u, (OMPAXIM OF tlllMJoN AMI WAHMI.M.Tti HAVE NOW i:.. tehkii federal Hi.itvirr.. Wll.l. REMAIN OV Co.tHT PORTLAND. July Ji; Approil. Iliately 3 .'.00 Omcui, National (iunriU. litrii hate brrti motitlll.d at the home armories anil hatn entered llm federal' 1'wrhn tijliipMiilpa Ol til)' Coast At llllery are going in Kurt rleena, olh cla (it Clarkaltia. AM. TROOP TO FRANCE WASHINGTON, II. C. July 30 'llm aeioud Inntallnitint of Nallunnl Utiardameii I called to the fedi-ral service. All troops fiiiin Washington, Oregon, and other Utr that rami- under tlio 1'rcnMr.titi iiric-lnniatluu, l bn mulillUcd In Kfjiitliern rui and on I II I Ud for ,My In Krntir... TEN REGISTERED MEN ENLISTED NAMKH OF MUX tIIO IIAVK KS I.INTKD MIXCH il.VK 2IHT AIIF. KMT OX KII.K AT Till: COL.NTV ri.F.IIK'N OKF1CF.. HKATTI.i:. . Jul? it. Tim National (liiariUtiirn nmblllrrd lirrn li citlnrnl lit fptlrral .rlcr. Watliltuton U tin "llltnul a Nallunal (limtd. I'nlu l t hrld at Hip h'Wir latloni lor about trn da A SHIPPING BOARD IS RE-ORGANIZED M:V MKMIIKItN WIM, III: .AMKI lO TAKi: I''M OK OOhTHAIi AMI lKMAX IIKK.NT. AtTIMJ (IIAIUMA.V. MAY I.K.4VK FIRST SOLDIER RECEIVES WOUND T.mmi WITH IHIMII WMIOI rUllVM MlAliKIl r'HKXm (iiimti.v i'm:akk.u with wav iuivhtakk hoi.ii II) Arlatrl lria WIITII AMKIIIt'AN KOItCrV IN ntANCK. July 2d. The ltrl Meld fi'lly anion thr. Anirrlran irooti octurrwl liero today. Amldler bram too InguUlllve ri. MillriK ihr roiul ruction of n Kri'iuli wbu among Hip iiiIp bromlit in ri for tralnlni imriio.iui, and ( Iractrd Ike aaUty pin. An iui!olnii ofrwrifd Iranipdlately. In whlrhv he "'l lii rlbt hand. Kortiiiiatrly . Jb dirt not rontaln a full Mrpnutli Mllle chrc. Th. nirn In blue and tlm nirn In "akl ar nmrrhltiK and iIIrrIiik aide V 'bit at ovory point near ramp. Tim uch 'l'lr Ibc aplltudo of lliflr ttlnuiluMlr piiilU. Ilr and Mr I. I Truat lull Hun day In their autniiinblln for a vocation trip thru YIIuioiip I'ark. Tlmy wrrp arruinpanlpit by Noah Trimi, a nnplinit Tlir) in on thru to OhlOf vliam Noali Truu' mother llvra, and hp lll iruialu with hor Mr. and Mr Itatph Trrirll and party ranir oer auto laat nl(hl. WAHHINUTON, II. C. July 2 TIip n-oranlilnK of iba Hblpplng Hoard Kmvrgvnry KUet Corporation In o In full alug, fotlowlm the ir.lKiialloii of (irricral tiocthaU and t'halrniiin iH-niiiaii. Aitttic Clialimaii llrcnl baa offered lil rnlanatlon. which ha not yet from Mndfmd by' Urv" "',,ed 1'1'l.lJi rx IX HIHITTK OVI-Jt HM.1.1. Thu itoublr amonc tlio member ol thr hliplun board aroae orer the idlfurriil Idea rom-oruliiR ronatruc KKIIT dun of woodrn voaaela bold by Go- IthnU pud Ihinmaii. Kollowlnc their ... ........ i hi a nullum nr a mini uiii iai falirn , nt,i lt. rmlgnatlou, of lilKhl at Mrlhiuald'a pool hall Ih- tth ro anipted by I'naldent Wl. twrrii John KarrP. a (!rwk. and ii,,M,, nd th,. rrpntlon of practically a Tom Trltnn, rarrfp l allPKnl lo linr Kecord of ten Klamath County men of registration ax who rpRla. tertd Junq 21at and hat tmlWted luce that date, are iiom- k-pt at the county rlcrk'a office. IIimio Ixiya havo Ji I nod different ufanchp of the nr vlrr, and moat of thfiu are nt their varloiu oaU. They nre Thoodofr t.'nM'. ciilUtrd In RUSSIAN RETREAT STILL CONTINUES OI..M-:ilAI. KOIt.MMlKK IIMWN CI IHVIHIOX OF ItlHHIAX TtlUOFH IX F.FFOIIT ru WTOV MF.X. I INK HUM OX IIOTIf HIDWI My AaotlaUvl I'reaa liotnlli. of the Itumilan retreat tend to minimize the alluatlon In Kaatern (JaljcU, I)lpa(clie rKrt that the nrtlllcr) looaea are trvmendoua, and doubt li -xprcMv! of the ability of tlip Infantry to make good their rt trrnt. Itiillratlona arc that the command. nay fr-r four year. Fred arc making utrcnuoua efforta to Q. M C. all-year torm. KlHh Am-U.-t ih.. refractory troop In hand. Om rrport nay thai tieneral Korflo lotf bleu- an entire dlvlilon of tralt urooi iroopd to plrres with hfa own artillery in an effort to atop them. The Huanlan troops both north and m hi th of the retreat are standing firm. liimc, I. H, Marllicn, term of war HltiM'on V. Kaalwcod, navy, four-year term; Albert I.. OrrUon, field artil lery: J lire I.. Hilton, navy, four years. John A. Knight, mod If a I de partment. Fred K. MlcbrUon, umbo, lame iori; Henry M. Stanley, nary, four years, and Arthur Tappan, navy, four yiars FouiiirT OE VAGRANCY F.IUHTF.F.X fOXVKTIOXH AKF. HK- tTltKO AOAIXKT THK I. W. W Mt'HPIXTH OXK MAX At CISKII OF IXNt'LTlXa VIMl i Heavy Tourist Travel Now On Rooms Are Scarce in all Hotels. Many Campers Spend Vacation Here. Revenue is Big Aid to Klamath Falls IIOOMK ABK ttC'AflCF. IX AH. HO. TKIJ A.M MAXY CAMI'ERM hl'KXD VACATIOX HFJIF R'. IXLK IM IMG All) TO CITY pllllptl u gtlli on the lallrr A war rant lia been Uallpit by Jllnllrn K V Cowan for Hip arret! of Fnreip, new board Is UPtessltnlod. Mlues Marie ridimtb. Clara Calk- 1na, llainl Kr, I'earl mid Mabnlle lltlHll ATTKMIT TO KOI.YK fiOVKUXMK.NT IIIFFItrilriKH lll'lll. IN Jul) :.'. Tim lonvontlon , to emti'iiMir to koi the Irish problem l.eaUt werp member of a l"IH') m been opened here, party departing yesterday for a nrn. Jcl lUMliimml. the nationalist Hon at Kagle Itldgn. Mis Marjorle l,,n,iBr. U an earlv nrrlal. Knlhusl- Deliell expecl. to Join the group Hun ,m ,, mrnK among the spectator. day. It Is safe lo predlil that there pPw cheer hnwi been heard. will be "things doing" at the Hldge WILLIAMS WILL . RE-OPEN DAIRY W,U' MMAIX l'AHTKUIII.IX 'MXT AT KI.AMATII VAUM IX. WAD tF AT HAMX.II AH I'llK. VIOl'HI.Y 8TAHT H4MIX r-erd Xm,, whoM Mry d..; r'7"'"".o..mtl,yl.,. "lb or hi " tUnvU "Vo ,U,,M ieJ. i. ,l,y w,n r,H,"w, "u """uncemont made today. Zu to0,"0". nWUin' WherB " during the slay of thU party FAII.rilF. TO HF.IHIUT WIIMK IIIIIMiS AtTlOX HAI.KM, July :! -The wlliirney STIIIKr: IIKKAKKItH AHUIVK AT WASHIXtiTOX CITY With the conviction of Dan Hulll van and Martin Waullltch yesterday on the charge of ragrano'. eighteen of the suspected tV W. W.'g are now- held by the authorities for tne acu te ore. which may be gltcn by Just let t.owan tomorrow , At the hearing of Sullivan evidence was Introduced to prove that ho had made Insulting remarks regarding the American flag. A wordy altercation ensued during the hearing between himself mid the Justice. Under the law of tlio Btiilr there arc the differ. ent acta under which persons can be convicted of vaKrancy, and ncurly all men brought up have been proved guilty of one or more of these. No rasca arc being heard today, as TWO DISMISSED THIS MORNING TWO MF.X A UK FOt'.MI TO HAYF. IIF.F.X IIF.I.U WITHOUT CACKF, AXI) AKF. HF.I.KAttKI FKDKRA. TIOX OF lAIHH MIXKD. The heavy tourist trarel of the present season Is Indicated In the way the dlflerent hotels of the city are Mlod at the present time. Nearly all the hoteU and rooming bouses report ! that their rooms are now filled con tinually. The White Pelican, which Is now r.carlr full of guests, baa an averag check-out each day of about aerevty flv., showing the constant nor of the travel thru here. The ebckont at the Hall hotel la about tweoty-lv daily. Besides these and the guests at the other rooming houses there are a rase number who travel by car aid camp either at the auto park near tbe Lake side Inn or at other attractive points about tbe city. In spite of tbe war far more people are traveling this summer thru this district than ever before, and an as tonishing revenue to the community is distributed from tbls source. In absence of evidence to bold John MacOregor and Joe Maggy on chargi of vagrancy, these two were dismissed this morning by Judge E. W. Gowaa on the recommendation of District Attorney W. H. Duncan. Av- MacGregor was found to be affili ated with the American Federation of I.abor, mid Maggy was given a good name at the Pelican Bay mill, where he was wanted back at work. Mac Gregor left on the train for Seattle Immediately after his release, and )iaggy went back to his former em-ployment. THKODOHP. IIHKXT I.KAYKS THK 8H1PIXCJ ItOAHD District Attorney Duncan and Wilson i resignation of Theodore Brent WASHINGTON. D. C. July 26. Piesident Wilson hag accepted the SKATTI.K. Wash., July 36. Un ion leaders declare Ihut any attempt of the I'ugei .Sound Power company to general has naked the dMrlci altor- operate ciira with I lie strikebreakers uey of Maker Count) lo atari rrlm- "' m rived Inat night will bo cause Inal proceedings annliist the Oregon, tor the company to be called unfair. Washington llnllroad and Navlgatlonl Washington reports yuil president the.AUIsi company for failure lo report lllndman wreck to the public service commission. Hick Hnmaker, for inuny )ears it maiden! of this county, mid now- of Toledo, Oregon, Is In the city on hli return from a two niouihs' visit with his son Krnest llamnker of lloimiuii, mid his brother, Clark Hnmaker. nt Bly. laou Is seuklug to end the carmen's strike on iirrount of the danger of of feitiug the shipyards. , ICAI.PH WIKIIAItll AT AXXAItH.IH in ralla ...k "alntain . .i ro 'v will ln.D-V.i nfW ,,"nt w" op "k0eLT2"tMyUme' ' 'Mn the next two WWK,, Word has been imelved by Archie Wlshnrd, secretmy of the Wator Users, Association, finm his youngest brother, Kltiilpn. NlatliiK that he hud nrrlvml nl Annapolis to begin (raining for the navy. Itiilph wiim uppoluted to AiinminllK from Hun Frmiriseo. An- other brother, who Iiiik an Important position iin electrician on one of Uncle Ham's ships, Is Interned In China for tlio duration of the wur. I., Ilubni (sou and family of San Jose left today for the north, follow, lug a short visit horn. Mr. Itohortson Is a boa farmer, who Ih looking for a location In Oregon, The family will go not tit to the Columbia Itlver nnd return. Henry Anderson of Ocusta, Wush., iirrlted lust ulght and left this morn. Iiik for Dairy, where he will visit with .Mr, and Mrs. W. P. Sedgo. The llnyiugton III others, logging loiitrui'toiH at Odessa, are In town to. day trnnsnrtlng luminous, Win. Lambert purchased supplies for his ranch In Hound Luke from the ot-ul merchants this nfternoon. John Van Meter, a prominent Poe Viilley rancher, Is visiting with Klani uth Fulls friends today. t .luck Horner, farmer living south of town, was among tho city's visitors to. da)'. S. Wiley are rounding up more cvl deuce against those yet to bo tried. HF.AYY OKKMAX SHIPPING ItF.POItTKD CHAItGF.D WITH AHHAULT WITH DF.ADLY WKAWX Fred Urown, a prominent farmer gt Crystal, on the writ side of Upper Kltmith Like, Is In the clly .attend ing to business matter. A wuiTuut hits bevii Issuod for the arrest of J. W, Thresher for an as mult with u deadly weapon. Thresh. I or Ih ulleged to have assaulted W. Fioldlng with a gun on a farm near this city, ond to have severely In jured him about the head. L. D. Rosa of Toe Valley brought In a load of cream from tbe dairyman of that district to tbe local cronroexy today. . HOTTKHDAM. July 26. A revival in German shipping Is the latest curi ous feature of llottordums water traf fic. No fewer than fourteen Cor man steamship urrUod in port within 48 hours a day or two ago. Their occu patlon la perhaps still more strange, for, coming In ballast, they mo en gaged In loading German coal nt Rot terdam nnd carrying It to German, Swedish and Norwegian ports. Tho coal Is mostly brought down tho Ithlno In buiKi, the object achieved by this latest move being u lighten ing of Hie overburdened German rail ways, where, on top of the pressure, ol wur's demands, has come the short age of rolling stock duo to tho in creased wear nnd tear resulting from lack of sufficient lubricating oil. Tho now Idea was first tested. One or two vessels laid up at Rotterdam wero loaded with coal and put to sea. Hugging tho coast they arrived safely at Kmdsn. Then an occasional Ger man ship arrhod to tuko a cargo of coal. The experiment proved suci-eas-ful, the the New Orleans vice chairman of Shipping Board. Ill ent sided with former Chairman Dcumaii In tho disagreement with Gocthals. (iOKTHALS HFADN AHMY KNtUN'KKItM NOW WASHINGTON, D. C July 36. Major Qeneral Goethals Is expected to go to France as head of the American army of englu- 4 cers. He expressed a wjsh for service of some aort since the re 0 organisation of the shipping , board. . T. A. Barrows, a farmer near Mer rill. Is In town this afternoon. Mr. Klutxubah, a sheepman of the Mulln section, is here on business. Tho O'Connor Brothers, stockmen from the Tulo I.ake country, are look ing after Interests here. Carl Schubert Sr a farmer in the Spring Lake section, transacted busl ness in Klamath Falls today. STHKXrOCK MKAHl'RFH e ADOPTKD IX FAST PKTROGRAD, July 36. Tbe government has re-established tbe death penalty at tbe front la the attempt to bait the army's disorganisation. Tbe suppression of newspa- per. that incite Insubordination of troops has also been ordered. TEUTONS AGAIN ATTACK IN WEST - WORLD CONQUEST DREAM SHATTERED GBRHA.V PRISOXER8 NOW BB. UKVE THAT WAR MVaTf KXD BY DIPLOMACY RATHER THAX BY BRILLIANT VICTORY LONDON, July 36. Germany's dream of a world coaaest la aattor- ed, acceding to tbe belief of all Ger- ASHAl'LT HADF. LAST NIGHT OX AIHXF. FRONT WITH HKAVY LOS8KS GAINS MADE THRU FRENCH FIRST LINK PARIS, July 36. German assaults reopened last night along two miles of the Alsne front, according to offi cial statements today. Tremendous losses were sustained in the altacas. which penetrated certain first line French trenches. The Germans have captured dom inating positions on the Alsne front, northwest of Hurtblse. Tbe French trenches along 1,800 meters front were penetrated 400 meters. OHKGOX BOYS ORDERED TO COAST WITHIN WEEK PORTLAND,' July 36. It Is ex pected Hint the Oregon Coast Artil lery men will move from tbe homd armories within a week to Fort Stev euson on the coust. The removal of other units of the guard from their homes to Clackamas depends en tho time tho supplies ar i ho at Camp Withycombe from San Francisco. RACE RIOTS START A6AIN MANY KILLED AND IXJVRED AS RESULT OF NOB FIGHT AT CHESTER, PA. DOZENS ARE IX HOSPITAL Mrs. K. H. Muixe with her two lit tle children, Is visiting her sisters, Misses Kdna and Kittle Wells. Her home Is In Ashland, and Miss Wells drove over In her car after them, re turning 8unday. They will be here about three weeks. Mrs. Klnneur, mother of Lawrence Klnnear, arrived from San Francisco last nlgbt. She will make her home here with Mr. and Mrs. Klnnear. Mrs. Klnnear has completely recovered from her recent Illness. .V" CHESTER, Pa.. July 36. Three are shot, scores are beaten and fifty Ave are arrested here In a series of race riots adjacent to the negro sec tion last night. A doxen have been taken to the hospital. The riots followed the arrest of four negroes for stabbing a white youth to death. V. A. PLATH RETURNS FOR A SHORT STAY Carl A. Plath of the Star Drug com pany arrived last night from Portland where he took his family a short time ago by auto. Business In the north ern part of the state will demand his attention for several weeks yet, and be will return there la a day or two. C. G, Hunt of tee Plevna section U here oa business today. 'ar must end by diplomacy ratker than by brilliant victory, according ( German prisoners. An Associated Press representative who has Just returned from the In ternment camp at Dorchester, where 1,900 Germans are quartered, found that some believe that Germany, hav ing held up this far. Is prepared to hold to the end. Others say that tbe economical situation of Germany Is not as bad as reported, and that there is no visible shortage of material) necessary for the prosecution of the war. Many believe that America's en trance Into the war will prolong In stead of shorten it. Three youths, who had the appearance of ktlag peasants, asserted that they (Mfci know that Amacka.was in the war. '' STRIKEBpTVEAKERS ARRIVE IN SEATTLE TRACTION COMPANY MAY START .CARS TODAY REPRE8ENTA. TIVES OF COMPANY AND STIUKERS CONFERRING SEATTLE, Wash.. July 36. OM claU of the Puget Sound Light and Power company are today conferring with six striking carmen, three for Seattle and three for Tacoma. One hundred and seventy-five strikebreakers arrived from New York last night, and the company may attempt to operate the cars to day. When tbe strike conference bad adjourned for luncheon, President Leonard of the railroad said that, the conferes bad discussed tbe itrlke and made some progress. Tke Union men agreed to Leonard's atatesjtMt. as, " ' Mr. aad Mrs. .';0cly l4ay entertained at dinner Mr, Ml Mra. John ChamWa at' Central fbtlTIrs, A. Lu.Harvejr etAshlani. Mr. answers. Nate otterbaln,,Mrs.'Wu.antlr. Tames Qriaaae.Hu. , -n u VSI HI