"$ (II?? u tmistg Herald OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH COUNTY OFFICIAL NEWIPAFn OF KLAMATH FALLS .r t A. ' a " wwMtn-KiwMm.iw,mn n nrn.. r--wrrTrrrw it-mrr l.lrtrulli Vir ' H.IMM KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 25, 1017 Prise, Fhss Coato ALFALFA CROP LARGEST IN COUNTTS HISTORY rj Ground Gained in FOUR TONS OF ALFALFA PER ACREjREPORTED imiMKMMllS HAY HlOP PIT FP IX KI.AMATH IIAHIN V.rtj Farmer In ! Valley I Now 'ri I tin Main untl Day to (in ilir 'ri Tarn 'rr of Wurm U'ratlwe of I! Thii Month IU mnt Wniler- for lrtiglrl Hay ami irntn Ktrsdlrnt July, Tlm treated Irrigated crops In tho hUfury ti( Ktamalh County ar t lin lianrtetl. From all points of llic watered territory come reports of lumr )lettl of hay ami Imllruted grain crop. The f1rl rutting of alfalfa now be. IllK l"ll II l In lit xitll" plftre nli In be jlrlillliK an hravy a all three crops In previous year. TI111 warm weather f J tinv ami July, epeially the warm nights, which are unusual In IhU itertlnn, arc believed to tin largely rep"nlble for the heavy yield, Tim exceptional nutritive iiimllllp w tilth the nlfalfn ami Krnliu rained here, are known lo I.avk, coupled with thin unusual lrld. will make a line knowing for I tit niutitjr thin year, when m much I i.rrdnl In ttiU anil rtirelgu roiinlrle. Tliii Altamoiit ratuli ninl that of O, A llunllrtR am anionic thoso reporting iy largo. )lcl of hay. JOE SCHROEDER GROWS. SASSY HM'llirrAIIY OF I. W. W. Gl.TH TEN DAYS M) REMARKS MADE TO JI'ikjk omvA.x coxvicti.h or VAGKAXFV, SENTENCE HKI.lt In securing tho-conviction of Joo H"liroiii'.r, hcorclnry or tlm local I. W. W. Association, at tho Justice 'inrt of i:, v. (lowHii this rnliiK. ho usual rout liio of tlm punt two ilnyn ii brotum by n vy altercation of ord between tho Justice nml tho do fondant, regarding tba furnishing of roiiinwl, Krhiomlnr maintaining that ho hml Imil no opportunity of secur iK aid, m Intimating Hint It would ll him lltdo In that "court If ho had. , Justice (liiwiiu informed him with ilttci liy that nny kind of satisfaction oiild ho Nornrnd nt IiIm court Hint wiw wial.td, nml commlttiul him for ten 'ItyM for contomin, Pchrocdnr wH notllled InRt Butur- "X of IiIm rnmlnR trial, anil hnd four "n)H to Hocure council, hail ho carod 10 'In ho. (o waived liU rluht to "iiko n Htutomont. 'ivldnnro won Introduced lo aliaw hal "abolnRo" wim purt of tho prop. "Bninla of tho oricnnlintlon. Bchroedor convlrtod and aontenca wlthhnld r tha proiient. Tho hearing of Dun B"Hlvan lH In proRrona thU aftarnoon. Mlm Minnie Bchubort of nakor or "nl hore a few duya ao for a vllt "Ith her parents. frw ---- -.-..-.-.----.-.-.-.--.-.- .. Pennsylvania Family Murdered i r? r!f9Hii K 'r jmr tixtmr"' n.ifw,v-i- Hf JF " &" te l.'diiiuud I lliimtilirlra, io.il uprr- atiir of-Cambria ('aunty. riMiii)lva. lilaMii lt and Imy were tuurdarmi til.. J.thor day In a mtt latin way, whlln thry rotln III mi' tuiltiimililli- RACE ON TO FILL QUOTAS: MIYhH'AI. i:.AMI.VATIO.H Alti: IIKI.VtJ HKI.U IN HAMK Pl.At'F.S tohav hi:i.ii:vi:i that so 8t:nM i'ai.Ii wii.i. iik maim: I WAHIIINC.TON. I. C. July 2.'.. The rnro litilwciui hi.iIoh for the hun 01 of IioIiik llrnl to till tho draft uuotu In now on In viirnciit. Moil with rail. rd for ih)li'ul itxniultuit limn In yov inil it'KloiiH tlil.i iiiiiiiiIiik. Dntulln of tho nuirlilm-ry for rnllliiK men Into.nrt mil Mirvlco and houiIIiik to rnmpii will Im worked out lator. The mon will Im ft'iil to cnutonuiiMit umpH nratoiit liouio with t!ulr uwn xtatn troop', If pohhIIiIm Omiornl Croudur Hiild ho bcllou'l thiiro would ho no H-oud ilrnft till )car lo Mtimiuoii moro than tho (iSU, 000 now vnllvil, OKItMAXK l.OSi: NIX IT IIOATH HALIFAX,, July 25. Ilrltlsh sail- ors iirrlvhiB lif ileclnrii they woto (tedltahty Infcrmod that (Ionium huIi- mnrlnea attacked tho transporla eiir- rylug Amerliaus to Fiance, and were bouten off with n Iohs of six Hiibnm- rlnes, only oue imcapliiK. Tho Hallors wern on nlilpa withlu throo miles of the transports, and wit nessed tho continuous Ores, Mr. and .Mrs. F. W. Hehulti, Mr. and Mrs, F. J. Ilramlt, John Henlers uitd family, Frank ,Mny and family, Mrs. O. J. Lehaion and daughter and II, 0, l.ebaron are n party of tourists fioui' HealdsburK, Calif., which ar rived last ovonlng and aio reglsteruj nt the Hotel Hall. Kdward Freuer, a prominent farm, er of the Poo Valley country, Is horrl for u bt let visit. Eastern rinrirnrrrnnnririrunnjrinjnj t r-t. j.e 21.1' , t tKI i J ' X&&Xi$y 33fcMW l.ji ' ' iit-ar Carrolltouu of that ulutc. All Wflo hat la dnath. JiMtrao C. Tompklui, ownrr or th Vi.wmnrtt tfiinl nifimufiv iil.itiv ulih nm,,hrle. b nrrwted and chariteii with murdrr. TROOPS CALLED FORSAN JOSE l.ll H AMI I'ltOPKItTV THItKAT- K.NKU IX CAXXKIIY HTKIKK8 OF MAXTA fiaitA VAMiKV 4XK MAX Kll.l.KI) IX MOTH .SAN JOSK. July 2 .'.Colonel DbtU Iiiih wired Major Cviioral Hunter Ml Kelt recommendlnK that troops bo Kent lo Kan J out) and tho Santa Clara Valley to guard the life and property I threatened by tho striking tannery workers. Davis tins been Investlgat Iiik tho atrlKo situation carefully. Socral armed men, believed to be agitators, hnvo been arrested In con nect Ion with last night's riots, In which ono man was killed. Dau.lskoy loft this morning tor hit. Swan l.ako ranch uftor attending lo business mnttors here. Ho re ports that the firm of Mskey Ilrothers or which ho Is a inombor, have put up over 800 tons of hay In tho rocord time of eleven dns. W. C. Dunning of Merrill drovo In I today to attend to matters of business hero. Clua Keller of the flouania vicinity took out a load of lumber for his in neb there yesterday. HIHIMAIUXK K.LOHIO.N KILLS tls IXJURK8 5 WA8IIIN0T0N, D. C, July I1.'., An explosion yesterday on board tho submarine A-7, In the Philippines killed three and In; Jmed flvo officers of the crew, nontenant Arnold Marcus was among those killed. Offensive is Lost mwwwmwwwwwmwwwwv wmmwmmma HEAVY LOSS OF LIVE STOCK SUFFERED HERE AKTOMHHI.VO NTATKMKNT MAOK IIV INVMTItiATOIt ItrprmrtiUtlvc "' Hurrnu of Anlnuil luilttMry Makm ThorouKli lnrtl. Itnllna of llcad Stock cm ItaiiRm r INxtrtrt K no lloulH Flt That ll Han Itrvii roltoitcil Iah Hardly IWicTl.r. j Ouo hundred and fifty thousand dollars worth of lltettock has boon poUotiid In Klamath county. This Is the rttlmate, claimed lo be conservative, made by J. M. Lundcll of the bureau of anlmnl Industry of the department of agriculture, who left today after sctcral days of Into. tlgatlug thesltuatlon here, l.undell scoured the range districts of the I jiva lied and other sectlous on hort.e Lark, to (ft afftlie data possible. The animals killed bad been Uoail so long that It was impossible for him to tell tho nature or the poison. It Ih believed line that tho stock was killed by I V. W. workers. LOCAL MEN TO TAKE ARMY EXAMS HKVKK.II. IIAVK ALIIKAUV HF CKIVKH XOTICK TO AIM'KAK AT MKIMOlin TIIK LAST OF THK MONTH To take the examinations nt tho second training camp on July ISth, Attorneys J II. Curnulinn and Harold Metryman, Vice President V. F. I Wnhrer or tho First State and Snv- lugs bank, Perry DeLap, N. II. Deeleri of Langcll Valley and Ernest Nail will leave for Mcdford In a short time. About sixteen young men of this local it made application to take the examination thru tho local committee composed of Lcsllo HoRers, J. W. Siemens and Kd Dloomtngcamp. nnd moro will probably receho notlco to appear boforo the date set. Final notlco regarding thoso who am rrccptort will bu made by August 10th, iccordlng to announcement. XOTHK Ittlt IHtAFTKO MKX That the local exemption board w Ishes to keep in touch w ith tho men who are on the drafted list was mado known yesterday by County Clerk C. R, DeLap. Mr. DeLap declared that the drafted men would be Informed of all movements roqulrod of them, but is waa especially desired that tho office be posted on where to reach the different men. L, Normandln and A. W. Maderas and families are tourists from 8au Jose now stopping here for a brief visit. Tho party have been north as tar as Vancouver, and are on their return. They state that they have not traveled the same road twjee on tba trip thus far, and do not Intend doing so. FEDERAL LOAN MONEY READY I.A.MM OX WHICH AI'IM.ICATIONS II K IIKKN MAHK U ll.li MK).V UK AITKAIHKI FAKMKlUt Alt. VIHKI) TO CJJ7T HFDV 1 he Spokane Federal !oan bank now has money on hand for all ap proved loans, according to Secretary Treasurer 1.. I). Hague of the local Federal Ioan Association, and notice hail been given that lands on ,whicii loans hate been applied for will be appraised at an early date. All farmers who contemplate secur ing runds by this means are advised to get their applications In at as early a date as possible, in order to secure attention. NEW MINISTER HERE SUNDAY OI'ltJHTUXITV TO HKCL'RK PAH TOIt IS FltKSKferKD TO I'ltKH HYTKIUAX CHL'RCH MKMIIKR8. TOMKS WKI.L RKCOMMKXDKO llev. K. K. Clark, pastor of the l'resbj terlan church of Plucervllle, Calif., will be In this city next Sun day, July 29th, and will preach' the morning and evening sermons at the First Presbyterian cJiurch here, at the request of the local church. llev. Clark has been serving the Maecnlllo church for over ten years, ard writes that be might consider a call to Klamath Falls. It Is. hoped that all the members of tho church and congregation will be In attend, a nee next Sunday. KliACKKH nOVXD OVKIt Frod K. Stone, the first alleged slacker apprehended In Klamath county, was bound over to the fed eral grand Jury last evening at a hearing held before United States Commissioner Uert C. Thomas. His bonds were placed at $1,000, which he was unable to raise, so he waa committed to jail. Stone is belloved to be In sympathy with the I. V. , and was first taken into custody on account.of his expres sions In this regard and toward the government in geuerul. WARNING ISHVED The Oregon Forestry Association has It-sued a warning today by the went her bureau, declaring that extra j Precaution Is necessary to guard against fires In the woods. Major and Mrs. John T. Jones and Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Sttmaon of Los Angeles form a party of tourists which arrived yesterday from Bend. They will probably visit Crater LaLke today. The party Is registered at the White Pelican. Mrs. U. B. Blddle and H. 8. Diddle of Portland, relative of D. O. Wil liams of this city, arrived laat even ing for a visit with the latter. They are registered at the White Pelican. A. L. Allison, a well known farmer living near the city, has returned from Spring Lake, where be has been engaged in putting up hay. By the HKXTKV Tttll-X TO MALT I'AHAPK. I AnitWTKO I.OUI8VIU.K. Ky., July 25. A sentry guarding a cantonment here discharged a rifle at the parade containing the Belblan mission, when the leading car In the procession refused to obey his command to halt. He fired oter the occupants' heads, and was arrested. Take (Mice After Cabinet Shake Up aHBBHSEBranEssrssR! amtwcccoocs. WNSTON 9KNCM CMSKHtg WE'?' nrwBfty - - Sir Eric Geddes, who once worked on an American railroad, hag risen to new power In England In the recent cabinet shake up, tor he has been named first lord of the admiralty, a most difficult position. Winston Churchill, who has been In the cabi net betore. and whose failures In the J defense of Antwerp and the Galltpolt campaign were supposed to nave ruined his political prospects, was named minister of munitions, wune Edwin 8amuel Montagu, a Jew, and former member of the cabinet, was made secretary for India. He suc ceeds Austin Chamberlain, forced from office on the Investigation of the failure In the Mssapotamla campaign. OFF FOR ROCKY POINT Under the careful chaperonage of Judd Low, Misses Josle Lew, Alleen Smith, Karl Montgomery and Feme Hoagland left this afternoon for Rocky Point for a tew day'a vacation and a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Pickett. Mrs. Cba. Maupla is la the city on a brief visit from Walla. ,iaBB"BB"g Baaq r tmms iij Russians GREAT LOSSES SUFFEREO BY SLAVS III EAST KIMHIAX FORCES FLEE IX PANIC BEFORE TEtTOXS Retreat Will Be Greater Tbsus Gr Ualaed la Reresrt OsTe Kaiser susd Ken fry on Froat IadfcatioflM That ised GovenusMsst Will MaK Amy and Pat Ca Fir reat. By Associated Pre The demoralised condition of tha Russian army Is permitting great gains by the Germans oa the aastara froat, and it seems more than prob able that all the ground galaai In tta recent great offensive will be lost. It is hoped that Premier Kereaskys ar rival at the froat will be somdeatly timely to prevent farther disorganisa tion and to stem the Teataa aa siaught. With the kaiser and Karaa sky both at the froat. great efforts are sure to be made by each side. The Russian shaken armies are still retreating, and It Is ladleatad that they will not stop until the aproxl mate line occupied by General Brus slloff lsst year has been reached, lu the district of Tarnpol the Germans have pushed further Into the Russian territory. The tone at Petrograd Indicates that the armys disorganisation will be adequately dealt with, and that a Arm front will be again presented to the enemy, on acount of Germany's admission that they uavent eaough men to prosecute a lengthy offensive, in Galacla. Russia haa big reserves. BERLIN. July 25 The Tlifl.a4-, vance contlaiiasln Galacla acoerdleaT to official reports. Tarnopol has been captured and tike troops are neariag Bucacx. The kaiser, watched the Germans repulse the Russian attacks on Dereth plain. WOMEN SOLDIERS FI6HT BRAVELY COMMA.XD OF DEATH UATTAUOX COMPOSED OF RUSSIAN WOMEN FIGHT VALIANTLY BESIDE MEN ON BATTLEFIELD OF KREVB PETROGRAD, July 25. The Rus sian Womens battalion raised by the twice wounded girl officer, Vera But chareff. la reported to have been la successful action on the Kreve front yesterday, altho the battallpn suffered sumo losses. Newspaper correspond ents report that the women behaved in an exemplary manner, nnd gained the respect of tha man. "The Command of Death" Is the official title of this womens regiment. The majority of1 members are from the higher. Khaota.a4Aweajr, their hair short or shaved. .i C-.T.-OstveraiJ hU uutk at " " - ww .w WW, -www w. t- -VWlw vj 'f . f a vi . A ,- -. K 1& - J L.. HT? m '"j".