? 01 In? Ituenlng Herald OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH COUNTY OPFICIAL NEWSPAFIft OF KLAMATH FALLS KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, JULY 24, 1917 rfl$9$ FIV9 GtfttO , l City Starts Action for Canal Bridge HEAVIEST FIGHTING NOW IN Klamath Falls Will Demand Canal Bridge A Resolution is Presented to Canal Company Government Refutes to Construct the Bridge Originally Designed in Con tract. Canals Co. Under Bend to Carry Out Agreement III ll"H of (ho rontlhtled rnfllcftl of tint ('lilted Male ti'rlumntloit iriei In rmi.tiiirt a lirlilKn ncron (he gov trnmettt rnnnl nl l.'Uuciith ulrrt't ecu IrtlhiK tlie nil innrnilnm Improv mount liullt lnl year, it dcmnud Ima been iimiln li) ilm rlty thru Attorney It. ' (lrn'!nrk upon Hut Klnmntli t'mml , oiiiiiinn)' (or thin Improvement. In innkltii; I In' urlKlnnl ttt'il (if iiu-iiiwit in iim Klnmntli CiiiiiiI ro ni nny In luoi. pcrnilttliiK iho -n Mriirilon of tlm rim ill thru the city, Um tniler HKrccil h liultil lirliUeii hern rcanonntily demanded tiy the dl), timl unit ncroiu Eleventh Hired nr ilenlic tinted nt U lime, A I.'i.IMMI liml wu kKcii mk nvldenro of good f.iltli Tim IkiIcIIiikh of Ilm Klnmntli Canal cnitipnny worn tutor taken over by Iho r i laiiiut Inn ncrtlu. premimnlily with II") olillKiitloiiH of tint former, lint upon requenl umilo by I ho city to rum. Ply with tlio preM-nt need of u tirlilK'. mi liidlmtcd pcriiiniicnt reTimnl hint kern received from tlm sort Ire. Thin tnovn on tn purl whm recommended by the Wnlnr liners Association. Tho Clewulli mrcc! Improvement hk iniiili) with ihti liica Hint n bridge WUhl (Ollllrtt the two BlttlH of tlm I'lHoiiHint when completed. Ah ll now "lands, ilm irnlllc must eromt out tlm "hi hrlilKn nt Crescent, avenue, and lni nliotii for nearly two blocks bo ' again incothiK iho pavement. it Ih pointed out Hint a hrldgo wross tlm canal in now drilled wilt permit luinvy truflln between Iho rlty "nil Hllllllllnatnn inlllu mi luuirnviul rnndN without tlm nnroimlty of climb Ink the Ninth nlrnn Btiul Tlio iiKrePinoiit. imwnvr ,tn. nut xIbI luiiwi'iin tlm city unit tlm rnrlu uttilnn mirvlco, hut liotweon fho ctly il tlm Klnmntli Cmial compiiny, nnd II Ih lo tlm Intlnr Hint Ilia rltv will I ""k for HUllHfiicilon. , I ii'Koliillon an ndoplcd by the IIMIIK'II rnllriu.u WhcrciiH, On Daromlior B. 1004. " iwuniiuii c'nnitl ronipnny, n cor norutlcn, iiiiido, Kxouiiloil and dr-llv I,., I , .. i inn Mini "inri"n -- - ' a lo1tho el ' KlunrntU Kall8,lnccll,(U,clir0g00fttemitlnKtoilny .!!? tH ,'on,, '" ,h0 8Um of r,.00, "peanut polltlrti" by nmbliiR bnt.oles ,. "T,7 "" ",,u" ,nn "" r HB" I --". iiiiupuny nt hi aia conai w'l'le Hlimo CroauMil earlnln nnmnrt Miwu, Klevanth atreet being one of '' Mrcfcin, whim nnd where ronon uly loijulrofl by the (hen beard of Iriiflni of ilm Iokii of Klnmntli I'dlU. mid, Whrrcni. Tin' Comiiion Coiinrll of (tic city of Klnmntli Kill In now ilrcinti llic loiiiitriirlloii of n lirlilC' nrront iiilil IrrlKntlmi rntinl nl Clmciitli ticri rrmuitintily rciilti'd for tlm r.iiiciilciici' of tin iiiihllc. IIn It lli'iohivl, Ttint u ilcmnuil lr mid licrcliy I iiuidc iiikiii the mild I Klnmntli ('mini rcmi'mi); t lint kaIiI riimpnii)' pnx red fnrlliwltli to comply w It h tlm ald coiiilltliin of IIh unld liond to the city hy cotmlructlnR oor ltd mid IrrlKiilloit rnnnl nt CIcnoihIi iir...-t ii brlilKn to nccommodnlo pcdcu. trlmiH mid chlcln truftlr of tlm ilty, mid Hie rlty nttorncy U Immhy direct fd lo forward to inld Klnmntli (.'mini comnmiy or pcrtioiinlly deliver to om of lit olllicrit n opy of thin rcno. lullon WRANGLE IAKES TIME jF SENATE HllI'l'III.H'.WS M lKMH'U. i-s Vi'.iiiti:i uvi:it i:iihii::v or v.u a.nii x.wv i;r.itT. MII.NTN ("mi.VTUII CIIAIU3KS WA8HINOTON, I). C, July 2. PurliiK blltor dchnlo liclttccu domo- ciMh '1 rci'uhllcaiiH on Sonator I'mi rotm'H iomoIiiIIoii lo InviistlKUto Iho committee, of pulillo Infoi million, I'on- iono dtilnrod tlio nduiliiUtrntlon In 1...11. ilm .vn.' mi.l inivv ilniiui llllelllH whh murknd by IndarlHlon mid luolll- cloncy. uud proiionod mi onrly lines- UkiiIIuii. Kuimtor Juiiioh, roplyliiK for tlm iliimocrntH ruforrod lo "copporhond- Ihiii" mid "hiiIpIiik In the niimtc, mid chnruea. Morion Nine of the Nine Kumber rnmpanV nt Brny In looklnK nflor uiiHlnosi) IntereiU here. frssJNeVeWsesWise Power Behind German Kaiser ;rrfc e t-. czu ,Ki ii;ociwarr (iciiornl Min I.tidctidorfT. ho linit tlm tit lo of qunrtcr innntur Kenornl of the (iormnn nrmy, U believed to be 'tlm power behind tlm kaiser and the holt' C cr nui n mllltnry Mructure. Ho and CfiiVrnl on llliidcnbiiri: have hri'ii ronsiiltcd on nil tlm recent pollt luil mm en 'In (iorninny. Von I-udon- doiff wiih Iho utratcRlxt of the von lIlnilcnliiiiK (umiuiltfn In Vi l'rui sl.i. wlmro Dm prciivnt war chief won f (nmo ,t ,,, who know bolh Ifiblm on l.udendorff waa the bralna of IiIm chief In thnt iindortnkliir. FIRST SLACKER NOW IN CUSTODY rili:i K. KTONK IS TAKKN IN FOIl ll.XI'ltHI.VO I. " W. HKNTI Mi:XT8 OX i:AMINAT10X HK WAS VOVSU XOT HK(JISTKHKI Fred F. Htonc, Klamath's first Hlnvker, uh arrostod Suniiuy after noon by Deputy Shorlff Charios firnvea. Slone had worked at Eietl IlrothorM' niucli during last week, and wim dlNchnrKud Saturday night. Ha oxiufXMod lilniHtdf concerning the war and tlm government In a character tulle, i. V. W. manner, and was taken In cIuiiko nt tho dun Store. On HOiircbliiK hU room at tho Hous ton hotel imperii wore discovered that Rtono hud entered the United States army in ID 13 ut the age of 23 years, mid whh court inartlaled, dlshouor ubly (Uncharged and sentenced to serve a term, in Jail. Later ho was paroled, nnd his torin expired about the first or this year. When questioned on his non-regls-tiation, he declared he did not have to register, as he had been serving his term at this time. He la now in Jail here. The facta of the case were not released for publication until today. an$ : F"' r " t . itft tab J y. m0WWWWWmAAWWWWAQ NEW INDUSTRY NOW RUNNING FULL CAPACITY I'l.ANH FOR HAWMIM, AIMOIXIXfi NKXT VKAIt llallr tViparily Is Now no.OOU Feet, ad this may no lmr Inrrraitr. Mow orders oh Hand Titan On lie Take Care of Thirty Men Xnw Kniployei); More to lie Added Dally Output to thread Car lioad The new Chelsea Lumber and Kox coinpnny Is now In full operation, with every ladlrUon of a successful yenr s run, arrerdlnic to Mannger C. F. Sotcr, who declares that the greatest handicap to the business here Is lack of mi mills to provide more material. To proxlde aKalnst this, the Chelsea company plnns to construct a mill of their own near the bos factory an other yenr, and suw their own lum ber. The new mill now emploNs tlilrt men, and eight or ten more will be added to tho force In n short time. Tho factor) Ih now operatliiK four( cutoffs, and has u dully capacity of about 60,000 feet. An up-to-date. tll..f Ha.ul..... Il.n lid..... I t.1.1 k t t.t I...U.' uiv" nflii'iii linn m. vii iiii. .'., iii.-.- evor, to take rare of six cutoffs, nnd Mr. Stctxer declares that with a few minor chunges nnd machinery addi tions the output of the plant will bo as great as any box factory in this district. Moro orders aro available thnn can bo taken care of at thin time, and there ncenix to be every indication that tho market will continue active. Altho the factory started up lth n Hinall force, moro thnn kIx cars lme been shipped thus far, and tlio output from now on will bo more than a car loud n day. TRAIN ROBBERS ARE CAPTURED GKIIMAX IS OAVtillT WITH IIAX IHTS WHO GOT AWAY WITH $31,000 SATUIUIAY MOSTR-' moxi;y llKCOVKUKO NOOALKS, Arlx., July 24. Gen eral Flores' uoldiora have cuptnred General Ferdlndes Esptnosa, who led tho bandits that hold up the passen ger train Saturday at Slnaloa, The robbers took $30,000 from tho express car and $4,000 from tho sta tion, but most of this money has been recovered, Paul Herts, a German in Esponosa's ratty, was also captured, K l.oasely la transacting business la Klamath pfclla toVlay. He has ex tensive ranch' Interests near Fort Klamath. Chicago Banker In a Uniform f "W&'efl v'wMSr XicutcsLcrvCAWUi Charles G. Dawes of Chicago, con trollcr of the currency In 1897 under President McKlnley, and president of the Illinois Trust company. Is here shown In camp at Atlanta, awaiting orders from the war department. He is lieutenant colonel of the Seventh regjnemt, U. S. Engtnoeds. He has snrrilleed tils personal Interests and his Important position in Chicago finance to serve his country. I.W.W. CASES ARE CONTINUED FOl'll A HE COXVICTKli OK VAC ItAXCY IX THE JUSTICE COURT THIS MOKXIXG SIX CASES TO Hi: HEAim THIS AFTERXOX Tlio trials of the alleged Industrial Workers of tho World aro being con tinued today in tho Justice court of K. W. Gowan, nnd up to noon today four convictions had been secured by District Attorney W. H. Duncan, as- slsloil by Wilson S. Wiley, and three eases had' been dismissed for lack of e Idenco, Some of the men make no state ments In their own behalf, and the state docs not provide council in the justice court. Six cases are scheduled to be heard this afternoon. WEDD1XG AT A1.GOMA A pretty homo wedding was sol emnized Saturday night at Algoma, when Joseph Drown and Miss Louise Ubrln were united by Reverend W, E Rambo. pastor of the Christian church ofAhla city. The gaJStu Is an employe of the box factory at Algoma, and the bride Is a daughter of Mr, and Mrs. John Uhrln of that district. Both the young peo ple are well known there, and have a host of friends who with them every good thing in their Journey together. a gafj5iflVT 4JTsm3ffiSBSsfiBsl P 4 f - PROGRESS Battles Both Now Intense Action East and West Terrific Artillery Russians Resume , mans Predict Yet Undertaken by By Associated Prea BERLIN. July 24. An artillery battle of intensity never paralleled previously is raging day and night in Flanders. The Russians have taken the offen sive at both ends of the eastern front in the regions of Jacobstadt Olvlnsk and also Roumanla. The Russian offensive in the In the Trotus and Putna valleys has been defeated. A German announcement predicts that the next British attack would surpass any effort previously made by them. INDIANS ARE TODE CALLED TEX REGIMEXTS TO HE ORGAN IZED FOR CAVALRY SERVICE. OPPORTUNITY SOUGHT RY THE KLAMATHS TO HE AVAILABLE, The Indians of the Klamath reser vation who evidenced the desire to en list In the service of the nation when the call was first made for volun teers, but for whom no provision was made at that time, may now have the opportunity they seek, and serve with their white brothers at the front. A dispatch Just received from Washington says that the house mili tary committee is now considering the Kahn bill to organUe ten more regiments of Indian cavalry as part of the American army. It provides that medical examiners and recruiting officers visit the different reservations of the nation and invite the Indians to enlist. Most of the Klamath Indians would prefer cavalry aervlce, as they are, al mist without exception, expert horse men, and would he able to five good account of themselves In this Held. On Fronts Raging is Reported in Work in Flanders Offensive. Ger Heaviest Attack RUSSIA WILL BE HELD TOGETHER KEREXSKY XOW VIRTUALLY MC TATOR, DECLARES THAT SITU. ATIOX, ALTHO SERIOUS, 18 BY XO MEANS INCURABLE PETROGRAD. July 24. The "blood and tna" policy will be put into effect. If peed be. to save Russia by Premier Kereasky's government, to which unlimited power has been granted. Kerensky In an interview said that the situation at the front was very serious, and that it demanded heroic measures. He Is convinced that "the organism of the state is suflclently vigorous to be cured without partial amputation." AEROPLANE BILL IS NOW A LAW MORE THAN HALF' A BILUOX IS SET ASIDE TO CONSTRUCT AX AERIAL FLEET TO CONQUER GERMANY 20,000 TO RE BUILT WASHINGTON, D. C, July 24. The $610,000,000 aeroplane bill be came a law today.wlth the president's signature. This Immense appropriation Is only the beginning of preparations tor ft campaign Intended to overwhelm Ger many from the air. Over 20.000 planes will be built at first, as many tbousasdi aviators will have to be Instructed Ja; the art ot fl)ing. ' Germany: realising the danger, la already feverishly building air srttt to igbt the fleets' colg, ,, whelm Mr, . iiM jva A$ n- i b n At iw nw