j,1 'iS'-LV 1 T (Eh? lEuenma Herald jr vTt OFFICIAL MBWITAFIKj OF KLAMATH FALLt OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER 0F KLAMATH COUNTY . -ognnmiw wtgUBBI'iSgaBniTWMriWiM3!0ttML 2- -" KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, JULY 23, lt!7 tlctenlli Vwr-!. ttlM w- ussians Resume Eastern v- Wwm$ rjnp Drive Ux.k.JL erious Collision on 0. W.R.& N. Near Baker ULrLOJiArLAiJxnxirrri-Lrx-r-"X----.nrn'"' "l- -. -.. "" i - -- I ' Russia Again Upset Thru the Bickerings of Factions Kernesky Assumes the Position of Dictator The Elks New Exalted Ruler mmUmmmmmmmmmwwmmmmw tl&V0V0W0VWVA"A w .National OnMNilllrr uf Hafrt of C'Mttnrtt Similar lo I'ubtlr K-fr-II OmimJlir of Ptwwch llrvol--iWa i'uualrr Revolution U Fr. d by TIm- In ISrarr. SLAVS AGAIN SUCCESSFUL IN THEIR ADVANCE POISONED IE STOCK REPORTED MlKEf AUK KILLED UN ASHLAND ROAD MEHH1LL STOCKMEN AHK HOUNDING CP wiUCK FROM THE LAVA REDS tly .MHiatrl I'tcmi The Internal ItUMlnn ulttmllon tlll cntillliur rilllrnl nmt the stability uf Iho pri-scut government l threaten rit (1) the wa.- or disorder (tint rixk the empire, ntul strenuous measures arc being taken to hold the factions tttKclher, At n rmnirll of workmen tiiul sol dier ilvtrgnlr, peasant (if nil Russia rn (ranted "unlimited powers" l Itin Itnstlnit iirovlilutinl government under ihii new Premier Koru.ky, I" grapple the itttilntcr force which threaten tu wreck new Itinmln, burn uf the March resolution. ......... ... .... I.-U rlllll! Tl'IIIMlV' lliltr IWUHr-iM' .....".- LINKS More Klamnlh livestock have uen loUoned In tint Mt two days. A re port to Iho effect that a considerable number uf sheep belonging to Charles Cray of Pine Grove havo been pol ened while ranting In the southwest ern pttit of tho count) has been re- rit ml liv Hm offlclU here. The I. i$e&L?d I aaaBBaBBBBY &. C3 BaaWBWBWt t 'ML wmmm & bbb-bb-HIH W WWVMMWWMMMMMMMMMM u FIRST RAILROAD CHECK IS CASHFO CHKCK NO. I IB KNDORKKO BY O. M. ItAMHIlV IIIG CALL POH LA IMHt IN KLAMATH OOUNTV tS. TKIUMT OtTSIDE 18 ORBAT Freight and Passengi Trains Meet Heai TUCP-WHAHPtfl. Pay to the order of To Nick Settler for labor on the Strahorn railroad, three and no-one- .hundredth dollars. Singed, Robert K. Strahorn. That Is the war Check No.l. cashed b Carer Rarosbr. and oa eihlbitloa In the window of The Sa6ke, reads. It Is the first actual erldeace that the new railroad system, which has been undertaken after .such lndefatlf. able effort on part of people of tta community. In co-operaUem wltfc Mr. Strahorn. after surmounting dlfledl: ties that seeased at tlaaea IsanaaaikU. Is going anead, and that dlreetbene- flts from It are to be felt IramedUtelr- This three dollar check is the fore- runner of thousands of others that NNMHMIMMVMM WWWWM & ADJUSTMENTS IN RATES ARE MADE PfBLlO BKRV1CB COMM188ION uttTEs nxmxGs in the cask OP KLAMATH PALLS VERSUS CALORE. POWER CO. "la Wew of these Indlags no .gen eral reducttoa Of rates U Justine. Fearfal Hasaehay Occvra Trtasy oa O. W. R.ad X. Kawr Baker. Eav glaeen, Flresnaaj aad Oaken 8er ioMljr lajared. AM AsvSakta lead Aasistafi Pussftle Is Vt& W. Ilarner of Lynchburg. Va., I " " .! ..... uuinber n not made known. It U.was elected grand exalted ruler of are to be clrcuiatea in wis oniric. l.U.r.l b the officials that this U,e Eki nt , heir Boston (Irand lodge. Just how mucn or mis money re.. . ....... I i itnm will lAtu.nil to a larae extent Aflir hiiffitii llrere fr another attempt to destroy property .riur 1. a iwer nnd i ... ... i. . - -- . itiiil resources ol 1110 couniy. ' Milkmen of the Merrill and MIIb Mrt of n!?0 ! ii .. -il ....!, I.. Innrt K U 43 llo wns born In South .. -II ....!. I.. I nnrff TV ' II II unK UCVIl III Ulliviiih ..iiim nr.. rtiuiifiiiiE un an sr.ui;i in i' anil the l.atn lleds and bringing II out.'lnw at l.nchburg for twenty jcars ; at nome win aepenu o m. ii j w.oi tipon the people themselTes, as Mr. Strahorn Is doing his best to give the neonlc here the first chance. There are vast quantities of ties to . ilMUn l-rrr lUlly anil the ! Hel and Bringing ll otn. Mw at l.)ncnuurB ior mcuv ,... . .- -.- .--. - --. --- ' 'am,. .ling i report, brought In today ,, ,c ,ull.u.aW nnd former law be gotten out In the next few weeks Mkn HMbMantial ti-ln- In MarwlHM b w c of Merr,. No fc ,, UnllM SlnU8 Scn and month. 4nd this work bopnto v a. Snecn. of M.,e- new cch of noUonin, are rented.) " "" ' Hc n,bod at a P ice a-u rtMII ood BAKER. Ore.. Julr J3 A senger and freight trala eoUM4. to day oa the O. W. R. aad N. road at Hlndman. aixteea aUea aaat f aar with serious recalls. The frettat trala waa a doable header aad It hi reported that six engineers aad Ire- were Injured. All available doctor been ruaaed to the seeaw ban have t hut the owner, uo noi care o run went JeupanllMil by 'rt Ctm- further rlk. Merrill I now patrolled ut nignt oy 'u guard of three, one regular deputy North of l'lnk. illtloiM of Army. lmiOflUAl). July 23 The litis- I.iiik )eterdny reitiinuil theli of fell- . ntul to nnll.fnrlorlly ccpo with nnr whoj till' .-IHIIII IU.UIIIIIWII, I . . vu oporntloim lu tho runt by pen-, After mi nll-ulght stormy session ipl" ' ,. ' am not prepared to give explanation of their prosenco and business. ator John W. Daniel of Virginia. Hc wages. In case It prove Impossible Is a graduate of Trinity College, to KCt ,ne tie. from lecal labor, ther North Carollnn, and received hla ue- will hae to be shipped In from tne outside, Mr. Strahorn vleclare. no one. needs to be without employment in Klamath County at this time; aa there U much more work than men to cree of law at the University of Vir- two olunteers, who. are wnw);,!-!. iie HBS initiated in tho Lynch- i burg Lodge in 1900, and became ev iikw ruling boil)- named the govern ment uf national safety wu. created ThU rerun, the famous public safe ly lommlttee of the Krenrlt revolu tion. The powers vested with Kern ky now siiitRnst those of a vlrtuil lit tutor. The council Is apprehen sive of a counter revolution. QUIET NOW IN KLAMATH FALLS tralliiR the Herman lines nunr Krew Vltnn, mirth of the IMusk marshes I for ii distance of over two miles, and capturing thousands of prisoners. .The sin cess of the movement W however Jeopardised by tho moral weakness and instability of certain iiumiiun iletnihmnnts. A chief of tho lliisslan Divisional Stuff wns killed nKnf .-..i.. u-i.iin reixtiiiiii.niiiK orucri .IfllMJ T.....W ...-.--- among tho troops. MOTORBIKE HITS AN AUTOMOBILE TO ailed ruler in 1'.'03. In 1911 he was do appointed member of tho Grand i IjuIko committee on ritual, und later became chairman. Ho served on tho New Elks' National Home commission and In 1910 wan elected president of the State Association of tilks of tho State of Virginia. Theodora Cnso Jr., from tho Ml. Ijikl district, left .veMenlay inoriiliiK on the train for I'ortland, where ho tins previously Joined tho navy. H l probnhln thnt he vvlll be sont to San Francisco later. MOHIKIl IH THROWN PAVEMENT AND IWDLY DHtlH-, El) WHEN MACHINE HITS REAR TIRE OK PASSING CAB DRAFT CHECKING ABOUT COMPLETED Ilert Mosler of this city had a nar- 'row escape from serloua Injury at ........ i.r to.inv w-hnn thn motorcycle IIUUII ,V.i- .,f ".-... -. WHIM: NO MARAUDERS HAVE) to bit hoped that Klamath Falls will on which he was riding collided wita be dropped from the HhI of rommunl- tho rear wheel of an auto at the cor AmMITi:i TO CONTINUE iiEP-L .... r,,.un.l. like a hot no- ,. of Fourth nnd Main, throwing itkin-rii.vu . .... ......... u mm hi in off nnd bruising him painfully. ....,.., us.r.ii., iahh'i '.,.., .. 1.,,.,,,,,,,-nv. dnelnred M,lp uim coming oast on Malll i niiorii. .i'"iis ""i""-- ... - - i today thnt he was most nnxlaua lo nn, tho nuto was turning around at have a wontenco Imposed on tne prm- tno corner wnon me iii ADDITIONAL DRAWINGS TO RK'0f the country. The steel for half the road to Dairy Is now nearly unloaded, and If tho ties were available we could com mence laying the road within thirty das." sold Mr. Strahorn yesterday. "Construction will be pushed from now- on as fast as men and team can be seemed to nut to work." lleneflta of the publicity given the district by the new road are also now being seen in the large number of In ulries received by the Commercial Club, Mr. Strahora and other. A surprising number of letter are ar riving each day, and a very large per cent of all Inquiries ask about the proKress of the new railroad, when started, destination, and all manner of questions regarding the resources BoV la tt BAUered Oiat the total re- tern earn aaueiactsnir isctw n . - - ' &ii r ' - i . .. .. .w.. .-..i.k. la vroMBt taHfa wW therefore be " ? ""?: deseed to malaUia awlr , "J""8 " "TT.aZr. .miImIiIji ih kMaawt tout laeoma F"- - --- aad to erase aay ooatlbte aajtmt dls-rom their berth. ttttH of Sla.UoabetweiaTrtoer..cla-.,U.o trlfht lne refund to work e of wrrlco or loeallUe. to give the It reported. compear rate nader which the in-1 vestors mar nltlmatelr obtain the rrMteat reasonable return: aad to eneouraae among present and pros-1 lUMtin nataasera a. freer aad mora extensive use of the facilities andj aenrlce now maintained tor their convenience." A copy of the new Indlngs has been received at the Herald once aad mar he examlaed br any one In terested. t After nearlr two year of waltrng. the decision In the case Instituted by the City of Klamata Palls x against the California-Oregon rower wiav pany for relief from certain of the tariffs which were held to be exces- slve.has been givea oat. The order MAD CAT IS LATEST MENACE PTVaVYKAlVOLD DAUGHTER OP A. C. GWNGER SUPPERS PAIX FUL INJURY PROM PET IN SUB. DEN SPASM , T- ' cover fifty page and goes into ml-, h , d fc nnte detail of the ouslnes. of tbe;DeueTa W'J eomnanr in thla State. It show that Bitten thru fa bom by what Is . . a w-J a .WIjI -h 0OVM - na..i. rieaM ti illttlfi fivea.r-oll VCBIVIUMi uiave, te- - HELD HV STATE lO AVOID CON. FUSION OF SERIAL NUMIIKRK AND TO HANDLE LATE CARDS WASHINGTON, I). C, July 23. WILL ItKMAIN ON IH'TV The chocking or tno omemi urnit tuny ,l.-hl ...'.. . .... .. !..... . I.. .1.1 an flllll IlllfV IIIIIIU WU .l L'liriDUi I OTW V. ..,,''-"" ...,.. Tim fr..i. . . .... ..... ,.i ,. .n..iniv n,i Hm rock ntio. in. u.u rnrrvins on the macaino pre - mui wura oi mo unison a to worn uinii'itj --- - -- - iHfenHo LoKUOi worklng , ,0.0orn. wiilla tl.oro Is considerable talk of vented hi. managing the mach,ne i. .. ' . . " '. .i - ut..,.kn.in where the iir R- im could otherwise have dose. l.".yra?FutM"UMWWl,u':rCZ7:. mw no n, w.r,Bn Hunt wa immedl I ceodlng rapidly. It la probable that they will 'ought a decided check In the I. W.M-nwa enn bo kept pormunent y. no Br. warren nun w. ,m.... , d W. activity t Klaninth Vrtor i.'-..-.. . X- - - 2TiT The state boards are to ho, be WILSON A6AINST BOARD OF THREE while some of the rates were discrim inatory and In need of adjustment, the company receives only Ave per cent on Ita Investment thruout south- era Oregon, which Is held to be Just. Th rhanttM effected by the order are designed to put all consumer on an equal basis. The report Is quoted In one In stance as follews: "The Commission Is satUaed that the Company has not received an unreasonably high return unon ita nronerty. but oa the other hand has obtained less than Investors might be reasonably entitled to ex- nect from Investments Involving like risks, and leu than the prevailing rat of Interest thruout tne terri tory." past three iluvs. and that a whole-, (he mutter. Itnina . . . . . luapnci tor tne incensed people f the community hint boon calubllsh fd among the cowardly wretches who have destroyed tho property here, 'ore ran be no doubt, No atlempts have bean noted to HHy on the fiendish work, and It la serious Injuries resulted from the Willi the docronse of atlempts lo mishap. destroy property, thorn has been no relaxation of vigilance on the part of J. C. anfl I J. u a, ..-i. .. nnv ivim urn snreEiiiira- wuni, wii..., me iwiuw i " - -. iiio Ina the city. In fact, me nusHiea. " Mitchell of Mt. who buy large of 'cattle from Klamath Tho state boards are to hold addi tional drawings to obviate any confu sion of serial numbers, and also to handle cards arriving after July 10th. , - W. T. Elliott of the Piue Grove section wak among the ranchers who transacted business here today. WASHINGTON. D. C, July IS The President will probably bring nersonal Influence to bear on the Ben daughter of A, C. Geinger of this city is reported better today, altho her la Jury will receive the most careful at tention. , The child was playing on the Soor when the cat. which waa about Ive feet distant suddenly made a luag and had Inflicted the wound before anyone could prevent it. it uea dashed madly around, biting aad striking at everything wlthla reach, and was finally disposed of. Dr. Warren Huat, who attended the little girl, tear that the animal bad rabies, nnd has sent the head away for examination. In referring to the matter today he gave tho cau tion that In any cases such as this, the animals should be corraled aatt fH tnr aavorxl daVS. and Itt OVeBt Of Mhelr deatli It will be proof positive that rabies exists, and the paUaaU '-. K IhiIkI arrnrdlaelT. VWU II. ..WOT w-m-rm- W-w - SIAM ENTERS LIST OF BELUUKHK.VIV - e WASHINGTON. D. C. July 33 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Meaatfey WASHINGTON. D. c. July 33 Watteabun house a Official aotlBcatlon that Slam Wm;h,nIt0 ,Uett. Mr, aad Un. declared war against Qermany Wm,t.v1.rf, ,-,.. WoAaaaday for nto-House conference on the food bill and Austria oa July find has lpdtt0B, to remala uatll Belt wla to accent the house provision tor been received here. All Teuton j t single food administrator Instead of subJecU and German ships are ' - w board of three as voted by the Senate. It I understood that the President prefers the Senate prohibition sec tion allowing th manufacture of beer and wla but forbidding the manufacture of distilled liquor. balna- Interned - a JO Msaar, eapiain or mm - - 'f Tr.,,i, -arHa I W PslU kaaateU team. Uthta mora- pared In eaae 1 trwab. whs i. F . .- . M.i...-a ' w.'. lag ror nw noase ia vfi. ikaviaw has oraaalsed a protoe- tlva a-oeUtUa slmlUrU Uala Klamath T;HM:M.HrV yx,ft -iff' 'V. VM v&rm J titrrf ",lm 4 1 i' MS fsk.:fii S(J'Jjv JfSJ fi fir-nT m J1 ... Kl 1K , W.'i- ijwa- k.twaL.15.4.