Sty? iEummg Herald OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH COUNTY OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH' FALLS ;:xr;injsi'jrtM.fefc"KjKsawj.'.rjcu. .lrriith rmt .. ".H""" KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, JULY 21, 1017 Prt,riem' NCEND1ARY FIRES WILLIAMS DAIRY IRE CONSUMES MILK HOUSE AT WILLIAMS OAlRYIr ll'MIKIINt'l. AM .11 Till III- tltllW ItlM'IXKH VIM'. Illellrtnl Atlrntpl of ImlitaOUl Work- r, in t'ui OR AwHlivr Milk Supply In hlmi'Klli Fall N Roulil KUl TImI I'll'' Wm HH Olm Mslil AmIu In i'unirolllnic tlir Hum". Imi U I'liHUitrmbl. In mi alH-mpt l ilclixr llix build, j Inn ati'l mrtipalil nf Itio Williams dairy. nn mll- 'iii(ii f ihl !-. at I o'clock thl morning, 0110 mom fientllili rR'irl lo nil down III food tut'i'llr ill Hilt rammuiilty U pl ilfticr.t Krn with the prompt inra. ur takm by nrnrly 11 duivn uini tin the rrly town l III. lUi;. Km 6w mi in iiuutoi anu ii,iuuftiff im trurlilnt i''rttiii ll Ml tlui o( rrl titinittntl tnllnr, Tht WlllUm ilalry ht lrn o- mini Iir Trrd V. WlllUimi only boui a mouih, and lh it (if ma. chlnrry hail tirn InatallcMt. Shortly tlr 3 udork Iho rtre a dlinuvrrd f mpinbor ol lh li) trw ilrtiln In lh harn, and ll wiitwr (;im.. fojulaud. Kd l.rirr. Win. only iu to pliauiitln pfforla on llio(s',irion. Jom'pIi Vo.p. T K UniM-ly fart ol all thai alt liillldlliKH on lhp,nm (, h Ih.opI) ' PU rp not burnrd. Thr farl that, llii-rn wa no wind alo aaalntrd ma Ivrlally 1 . npciar.i in., nioimii r iiiriiilirm of tlm houtithold that llioru a aliMilutnly no doubt but that Hip flip nrl, na tliprp had Iippii no firn arotiml tlm milk htitmo Inrn narly In thp mornliiK brlorr, and ihrti only In tlir linllvr oiiuUIp Hip Iioiiup. Moip. ovrr, Hip flocra wprn nil ilainp from IxiltiK rrcriitly rriihuvd. liAIIIIKN I'AUTV (ilVKN A ry plraaant Kardpu parly wn kIvpii hi Hip Iiiiiiip of Mlna Nora Mi Uan 1111 Wall htrcet Monday iiIkIiI, 'I I'D t.'lirlnllnii Kuilnaxor Hoclpl) of the ClirlMliin cliuri It bun Iippii liiulnic a tnninjtt to iirraiiv mitnbnnihii, and fur Hip pint mouth Hip "lloda" nlnrl thii moat point, no they wero cnlor lalllnl by Hip "llluim." Cnmpn wpin plnyod on Hip lawn. Ml Jion Applaialo lavornd Hip com I'Hiiy Willi 11 pliiuii nolo. Ml WUn nil Clyde llnchiilder each gnvo n "mi noio, which wore iniicn appro- rlaled. Ditllclnua rofreahmenlH wore vi( nt a ,,io hour. 1 lie foiinwliiK wnm prcMPiit: Mm. W. C, lltiuilio, Mr, W. K. Ilnmbo. Ml "nrhi'l Aiiplegnip, Maud Miller, Itiilli MIMnr, Inez Ili,. ,ia llnrvev. draco "-Maim, iiaiiKa, iieutrico wiho,ih,(,,( for uooil. niiiNieil, Alia tloillil, Mra. Mnnt-I Mnmry, Nn0 Im, Anna lluckland.i,!,. ,,,( ,, r0inoliiK ll bIio found iiiriiun Mirt, ciyiio llucholiler, fvln Hi.cK. Konnnth Wallen, Albert .m.11, iiernurd llocklaud, MUa Jcnn M'l'IcKiiif KLAMATH INDIANH TO VKI A man Inge llconin was IhiiiiiI yen- lariln 11 ruay , Joi(,,,n nrown and IaiiImo "mill, Until urn ItnllnitH of tlm v. ... .. rnsorvatlon. rpHlilln near (li,..., , . "'""' 1 im groom Is otiKiiKiid In ruiichhiK In that vicinity. TIlO Ymmir Unm..i. n..i. . .. """ Vliiu inn w I'nril, pnrly last Saturday afternoon I Hiu homo of Mrs. W. K. Hambo. I Auout iwenty.nvo woro preiout, and each uncut was dressed lo rsprescnt "'nu- nieinhor f the vogetablo king- 'I'm, Milch cituscd much merriment. ''' aliiimoon was spent In nomllo- ork. Miss Rachel AppUgato read "tracts from "Bovonteon." Light ro- fieihmenis were served. y - viv - Tj - WAHIIINU'ION, H C July 21 Virtually nurlilni, a li mum (rout Hi Iiimibk m iiuiiiIIi MKO, Min nlllllllilnlllillun linn) i iiioitinni inn Rhine dm pn.i itrnt titnnit niilli(irll to reKiilale ' (mil. frd, (tmU, irolilliiK for a Ixianl u( Hum foil lomiillt' lnur liinlrail of a Inr.ln Imll- tldtial, a in! uutliorldlic n mini- Itilllli price u( 2 n liiinlnl for Mitral, a-. lm main FORT KLAMATH IS it.Miu:uHoF im)m mi:it vai i.kv taui: ktkps to pri:vi:t AW Oflll.tlilN IIY IMH'MTIIIAL MOllKltll TIIKIIK An eflecthe or Knnliatlim (or tint I inrclliiii n( property ilurltiK the I . W W lunnnro u rrralril Mrltrrilav , Kor Ku,ffllh acrerilltii: U r. pull of J K UHKley lmU. A t.u.ll.c like U.dy ol nun Kalli- IP.I ai II... rrramrry. liiro Krank Iturnn nmitf rlialrman of Hip or saiiliatlon and l.lmlay Kimmor mtrtir) An ipHithi ro in mil Hi of U wan I hull nvlrctcd lo wtirk out ,h0 4cU, fr n .jn.m thai would ..nfrguaril ihu roiiimuiilty. Tho ( ( rMip4,, tUaX ,, ,, ,,f tlir CltllPnn Drfpiiim LrnKlln of Klalll. nth Kalln will mnrt thu Karl Klnmalh otflipr thprr nt T o'clock IoiiIk SIRAN6E PLANT umtft ,u,rr , - 0.c,)kU ,,,, IS DISCOVERED ' 1 .... . ,,,1 MUM. FHHI. M'HALUM'K .SI'IM, MVHTKIHOl'S IHUMT HLFOKF. ANY MIM'IHI:F IH IH.M'-AU- IIIOItlTIIH IN DARK SO FAR , Tlm I loo criml piecniitloiiM cniinot lip Hi lie 11 by rllltpiiH of tho rotiimuu ll to guard their own preinlnei cure fully llipun day a In tiroiiRlit out by tho IIiiiIIiik of 11 bunch of otrelnlori rovtireii Willi hoiiiii iiiimiohii miu- xtnnro, nnd which w placed con-1 Irciilcd tiKftlimt Ihu woodahed at tho 'rear of Fred Hrhallock'n realdenre on Hie bluff. Tlm dlKCovciy una miidn IhU mom- Iiik by Mm. Hrhnlloek on koIiik ta tlm Near the door alui loniiml iikiiIumI tho n0,, ,. ,iick n Nlnu (,lnnty of excvlnlor lovtinnl t, yotlowUh, wuxy hiiIihiiuico, tho . f which numilns 11 uiyMtory, In ull Ihu ofllclalM. It wiih limnedl HiiiK' iirniiL-iii ilown town and win' leHted ut Whltman'a dniK Btoro for1 0K6ANIZED . .. .1.. ..-...-. .... 811 li '......... 1.., 1 wiiiwmi ri.uiill. I.iilcr it mil". " ...'' -- -- W1U ,,UITd under kuiiiiI In I ho sun ... . ... . .....1 u.ui. tlm lilnn ilml in mi' raiiiirii "" ...... i. ..r..i...i in Hmi wuv 11 imam ",vu ... "" That this mn Ih more llmullsh ilovlllry of tho I. W. W. Ih tho gonornl belief, hut IIh oxnet iiuluio Is still un- biiIhiiI "m"' Mis. Addln Walker, Miss Kdnn Mil every 111loiy 111 iiiniiinmnoio huh-mo lor and Dr. Johnson returned Tuesday Klttmath Palli v,,tor todRy, evening ultcr a most delightful trip jr. Jolmsnn'a ear. Thoy wont us Mis. A. U Harrison and Miss Ag- far south 11s Dunsniiilr, going by way.nes Matt left this morning for a two of Ashland over tho Oreen 'Spring weoks' visit with their two sisters Mountuln, nnd returning by wny of oud biothor, Claronco A. Matl, of JMcCloud nnd Castle Point. I Portland. . .nrjjj - r.n.r.ruTjv - . - . - j - L - j - u - j - ij - j - j - LrjijTji. - L - . - . - . - . - .i.ii.rin.rinnniiui.iuLri.n.n.nni - irii - ii rrnnnnnmnnm-i 1 Ohio Governor and the Girl He is Going to Wed :rK 5 - - t"- .mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmi h r ' t jJammm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmnml.. anVm k tmmmmmmmnm c mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmK mmr W- a ammmmmmmn XSSSSSSVBESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSh W BrmT ia " nYMmmmmfl BssF' H I 'JK'lJflBBBV 2 i-i Bjm 1 ,J' BBjP iE vtEvBBW M b 4'if l"j ' flKi f Bmittl v"BFW ' I m i vl IBssbW ft BSte' I' BB"' ZBliBBSSSSSSSSsWw Br i-. -: . -Ji - vA3RscusaCIiT;',UHauww MISS MAFni.TrAPBlAi i!iintiior Jnmr M. fox of Ohio d.rldeJ lo w.d. IT rarn of !, lion Mini (til fall Minn Mitricarptta I'. nialr of cllrll,( UauKl.ler f .P l.rad of ,r,orTUor Cox and Mr. Illnlr both a.l . . . ..,. ,ti- .' , ., lint Illnlr KmclnrprliiK roropany of FIRE DESTROYS HARRISON, IDAHO K.NTIHK lll'KIM'aiH 8MTIOX AMI IIAI.K OV IH-SiKM'K IHSTHHT Al.ltlIIV (iONK. WITH I.OKSOK IIAI.K A MILLION IIAItltLSUN. Idaho. July 21. Fins of 1111 unknown origin becan hero irnrly thin moruliiR, ond by 10:30 hadi.i,,.- ,, i,n.inni.. nr n.n nrnn.m 1.l.alro.d all Ih. bu.ln.a. ''llon.'rutMeM ,,,, canu,an le dc. iinu 111 inr rriurui.c iwuun ia buiiv. with ulo. 01 half a million dollar.. .ru",on ' morchnntmen hitherto Tie n ubou, , 000 ,n.vallable to the entente allies com- hahltnnl.. , h, bwn ul ,eVt,lirottr t,mM tirnln In Northern Idaho, all of Tho louse Indicated are about a 1 . nilerlou orlnlii TROI'RLK HLTWKKN RUSSIA AND FINLAND THRKATKNS IIKI.S1N(1F0KI). Finland, July 21. A conflict with llutudn li regarded ni iipllulil rn n riwult of the Finnish him nnopiuy; ine oiu araming uiue- pnnduncii. PAl'L JOHNSON ILL W. I', .lohnaon, who hna boon Hiif- ferlnir for nuverul daya with an In- foiled foot, la now confined lo IiIh bed at home, under tho care of a phynlclnn. Tho trouble Htartod with 11 liinipon thofool, whlrh wuHopenodi nnd Inter became. Infecteil. lt. C. SIllPLHY RURNFR It. C. Shipley, while employed nt as is M.a... ..... in.iii iiHikiriiiit imann 1 corn K"rii'. i""'"""J """'') tlilu inoriiliiB ulioiil tne linnd and nrm - " by tho explosion of some giisollnn num. wlilrli h wiia worklns. IIli - Injurlos, tho painful, are not consld- orod BOilnus. I Paul McDonald, a merchant at Mer- rill, Is In the city today on business, 11. II. Van Valkonbu'rg. a proml. n..i rniirlinr on (lie Kenn road, lu TtWCXTH 1&&J AJRi 4R-5WRJ r vi COVWOiAtJ-'2 . . i... in t ...... 1.1- i.i.i.. " l ,l' ' uccou" "" """ Tie wrl,p" lhr WC,,d",K '"" ,,0, CB? 1 10 linvo IMP iMlRUH'iinviil miuuuincu 1 lull wlidi It llnally 1II1I come out. milted It. I). BOATS ARE MAKING HEADWAY SHU'S OF ALI.IKH IIKI.Mi SfXK Mll'll TIMri AH FAST AH IHILT. MILLION TONS MONTHLY SINCK f'AMIMION KTAIITKII WA8HINOTON. I. C. July 21.- Tho Rovernroont llKtires Indicate that .... . ... . . .. .. . million toim iivuti wpikiii moniniy, in- rludlliR tho wpIkIH of carKO. NO PEACE NOW SAYS L. GEORGE WAR NOW STHUilil.i: IlimVKKX RKFIMTK NATIONAL IIIFIX KKRNSKY ASSUMES LHAPKR. SHIP IN RUSSIA IX)NDON, July 21. "Tho speech ol Clinncellor .MlchnelU In the roiclu litng showed that tho ruling powers of (lermany htixo inuilo n choice for tho moment fei war," paid Piomler Lloyd (loorgo In a speech hero today. "if aormauy is victorious," he bald, ......i . ...... .1 .. ..n UllMU wuillil un itiiiicAliliiilin 1111 Broundi Ilrt ,ltnry autocracy would .. ..t.. . . ....... uo oamuiiHiioti inure iirmiy inuu over. , cnnno, mnko ,,01lC0 wth 0crm dominated by mitociacy," ho added. "The war now becomes a struggle between two definite form of na- tlonal Ideals." 8" l iwt I. tho " ii"' '- "-". Russian, Kernsky. to leadership In the Russian democracy, it Is freely predicted that It will be long before the chancellor delivers a different speech. It Is said that the Russian food supply for J917 s,nd 191R hart already been secured. MORE MEN ARE CALLED TODAY I FltOM I'UKHK.NT IMICATIO.M.OFriCIAM FROM DKPARTMKXT THK F..NTIHF. ItMHNTKRKU UHT WILL IIK lillAFTKII. OFFICIAL LIHT MAILKO WHKN COMPLKTK KIkIiI) three moir namn have been rcrelted today by wire for the aelect- l draft. There nnmen are, of course. not official, and It la poaalble for er- ror to be made In Kt-ttlnR them over tho wire, but they aie probably cor rect. The official list will be mailed to the iiiunty board as soon as complet ed. It lB probable from the way the names arc coming In that the entire lUt will be drawn, so that each may know In Just what order he will be raited. As there are now many more drawn than wll be drafted at the first call. no more names will be received by wire here. The complete official list will soon be received by the county board. The names received today are. '.; Alouza D. Huff. Klamath Falls !37 Fumoshl Nakatu, Klamath Falls, nro Thos. A. Lovclady, Hildebrand i:i 7 Carl P. Peterson, Klamath Falls. .'71 James Krejcl, Merrill. 588 Lee Earl Brown, Merrill. 794 John E. Hanan. Oleae. 7 2 Oscar U. Cornish, KUaiatb Falls, to:: Christ Vangclcs, Klamath Falls. li.'.fi Ivan Welch, Dairy. 112 John J. Staokey, Klamath Falls. I11G Athanaslos 1'ctetsoglas, Klam ath Falls. 128 C. Austin Harden , Klamath Falls. 619 Chesley Gilbert Tower, Wor den. 80. Wm. J. L'hrln. Algoma. 900 Clarence V. Mustard, Sacra mento. 363 Ora W. Engle. Fort Klamath. .1142 Chas. Sgherx, Klamath Falls. 6 In in F. Tobcy, Klamath Falls. 327 Arthur R. 1-eavltt, Klamath Falls. 664 Lloyd Llnille, Crescent. 93 Philip II. Motschenbacher, Klamath Falls. Si 7 Jim Varelas, Klamath Falls. 1112 Umberto Reglnato, Klamath Falls. 34.' Thos. Wilson. Klamath Falls. 103 Claude O. Prentice, Klamath Falls. 1221 Gobemo Plepro, Klamath Falls 1102 Herbert Spencer Ballard.Klam ath Falls ;.:6 Clarence Harding Bralley, Merrill !.' 4--Frederick William Schallhorn, Klamath Falls 01 RuMb A. Perkins. Klamath Falls 717 Robert K. Gillespie, Cordon, Wisconsin 1067 Fiank Pistas. Klamath Falls 30 Antone Johnson, Klamath Falls 199 Alex Matthew Pardue, Klam ath Falls 3 8 Karl Milton Jackson. Fort Klamath 773 Merle Shelly Kilgore, Langell Valley 608 Edward Milton Knox, Merrill 406 Frederick Joy, Illy 519 Charles Franklin Trlplett. Oleue 2fi Lloyd Gibson Rlppey, Klam ath Falls 392 Ernest Byres Bennett, Fort Klamath 889 Jesse Anson Hunaaker, Klam. ath Falls 383 John Emraltt Slsemore, Fort Klamath 1166 Benheo Linil, Klamath Falls SIS Lee Karl Brown, Merrill , iiw FEDERAL MEN ON WAY HERE OF ilHTJO: TO DKCIDK WHfTTH EB OB NOT TO HKXD FEOKIUL TROOPS BAN FRANCISCO. July 31 On or.' dera froas the department of Justice, Federal Attorney Orobmum and two depnty msrshaU hare left to Investl- gat f. W. W. activities at Klamath rails and DorrU. They will decide whether to send troops to stop at tempt to destroy crops and livestock. SSi Louis James Cooler, Algoma 70S Boy G. Helmes, Bonanza 57 Jesse Wright. Merrill 944 William Ralph Earte. Klam ath Falls 132 Cameron Wilson. Klamath Falls (43 Thomas Percy Dixon, Klamath Falls 939 Johannes Peter Nielson, Klamath Falls 323 Jack K. Murphy. Klamath fall. 90C George E. Panagos, Klamath Falls 700 Francis J. Brotherton. Olene 1 Paal Roswell Dodge. Klamath Mil 74 Aafelo Barter. Klamath Fells ' JSOA Morris Grey Leslie, Klamath FUls 950 SMeey L. Beales. Klamath Falls 936 Nicholas John Karcow, Klam ath'FalU I1010 Bnstull Aleil. Oakland. Calif, 919 Carl Aden Grubb, Klamath FalU 656 Clarence Chris Maha, LaPine 814 Pletro Viol. Algoma 1070 John Georges, Klamath Falls 738 Gerald W. Oden. Dairy 1167 Gulslppe Reglnato. Klamath Falls 1097 Rossi Glo Babtlsta flails 119 1 Loseth LeFey ton Klamath Falls Klamath Marrow.' 848 Thomas Stougn, Algoma 1118 Algot Westman.Klamath Falls Ill Hyman Wechsler, Klamath Falls 331 William Warver Powell, Klam- ath Falls 393 Otto Arthur Arnold, Klamath FalU 833 Silvio Finato, Algoma 1064 Pletro Zlmoll. Klamath Falls 1305 Globannlnl Orlste, Klamath Falls 1091 Tom Accatiannl.Klamath Falls 470 Frederick R. Mlckelson, Ca mas, Wash. 312 William Pose Hooper. Midland 90 Rhlnehart G. Motschenbacher, Klamath Falls 191 Charles Elven Ogle, Klamath FalU 477 Frederick E. Bechdoldt, Bo- nania 1187 Alselmo Meruato. Klamath Falls 1170 James Spyropulos, Klamath Falls 7 S3 Alfred Nlcholoa. Lorella 130 William Alvln White, Klamath Falls 856 Louis Jams Cooley, Algoma 168 Russell Lee Griffith, Klamath Falls 1023 George Got Sovas, Odessa 424 Orlet Clarence Edsall, Bly 840 Hosmo Vial, Algoma 657 John Adolf Knight, LaPine 175 Milton Harold Era, Klamath Falls 300 Benjamin Franklin Owens, Midland I 178 Howard Ervln Qulnby, Klam ath FalU 1011 James Harris, Klamath Falls 514 Hurlra MUlar, Otene 911 aeorge Qerhlno.Klamath FalU HTlv-ArmlBta Tarresum, Klamath FalU VA6RANCY CHARGE IS FILED HERE AGAINST. W. W. THIRTY-FIVE COMPLAINT HAVX BEK.N INSTrnrtKD Day Today Auesapt Wttl Be 1 to Ooarlrt Prisoners Already Tak e A Nwsaber of Those Now hi Custody Can Be Proved GstfMjr T the Oteasea Charged Agslawt '. Charged with vagrancy and o he Ing members of the I. W. W. orwfp r associating with members of that er. der. whose precepts teach willfel, wanton destruction and waatoa ap propriation or property, directly an tagonistic to the laws of the State of Oregon and the United States ger ernment. complaints are today being filed with Justice of the Peace E. W. . Gowan against thirty-five of the pris oners now In the city JaU. Attorney Wilson 8. WUey, who Is assisting District Attorney W- H. Duncan Issuing the complaints, de clares his belief that those attempt ing to spread doctrines that are red- Ically opposed -to the spirit nnd the latter of the laws ot the land, as these men are known to be doing, can be convicted. The form of complaints being Is sued is as follews: . SVC cused by this complaint of the crime of vagrancy committtedaa follews: The said on the . . . i . . day of July, 1917, ia the County of Klamath, and State ot Ore. gon, did willfully and unlawfully, then and there being, then and there wniiir about the streets of the City I of Klamath Falls at unusual hours of the night, the said I then and there being an idle, dlseo- lute person, who conducts himself In ' a violent, riotous and disorderly man- ner. the said then and there being an associate of persons, to-wlw members of the In- dustrUI WorkersMf the World, whose doctrine teach ijlhe willful and wan ton destruction! property, and the willful and wanton appropriation of property created by the Ubpr of members of the aforesaid Industrial Workers of the World, contrary to the statute In such cases made and provided, and against the peace and dignity of the State of Oregon. Dated this 20th day ot July. 1917. Names of those against whom complaints have been issued are: Dan Dempsey, George Hennessey. Charley .Hettinger, Martin Waeltch, Rueben Goldman, G. F. Little, Con rad Rulggl. Jim Howell, Max Hlerley. J. McBrfde, John Rtetell. WlllUm McHugh. Bert Ralls, William Mealte, Carl Swelgtn, Frank Slsson, Charles Martin, Harry Lloyd, Herman Van aeelen, Frank Burns, Dan Sullivan, Joe Chapman, Curtis Randall, W. J. Hagbred, R. O. Malno, J. J. Conner, Charley Miller, Mike Lawler, Frank Armstrong. Henry 8avage. Robert Wure, Chauncey Grim, Fred Ander son, James Fraser, John RlUy, Ken neth Thompson, Joseph gchroeder. 532- Earl John Gavison. KUmath FalU 1139 Conrad Richardson, Klamath FalU 1314 Gulsaeppe Pretarl, KUmath Falls 336 Earl Lin wood, T,racy, Klamath FalU 211 Edwin J. FwKlugtt JWU 49 Frank Osbarn.fN!, Klamath JPalWr 8 George Clla,ten, KUmath FalU A TiS f tM" Vtt