m SHj iwnhis Herald f 3"1" rmr. mi' A, " OFFICIAL NIWIPAF1 OF KLAMATH FALLS OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH COUNTY r JEJ -C ismrnvntam u wa.tf -i wiwwiifc.jftjyrt7tmtafTfinjacTawcsg rirtrntli Vir Xh. IMWT KLAMATH FALLS," OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 20, lt!7 PnSS fw) t ,.r.r.r & Reichstag Stringent Measures Being Taken juinfi -jL i -in imyuuurif ifi niiMMWMMMWMMMggBijyggay yVMVMYMMMvvvMyvM"liMMMMMMWMMMi'irfWMiMWMWWMWWi 6ERMANS NOW WANT PEACE HKAVY MAJORITY IX IIKICHMTAU AIMtlTrt I'KAI'K IIKNOl.CTt.V I r llMtirrlliir Majta Amrrirs'a En trance Into War is X'l llrsjsntwl Willi hrrioua Vumm. Hays ' nwm Hni ami HubmnHMra Will Wis Hm Day for Kslve. WihiIiI Like Honorable 1'enre, COPENHAGEN. July 50Tho lt.l rbll yiuterday adopted the Pear Itrtolullon by majority volo of iu hundred ami fourteen to n hundred nd sliteen, seventeen not voting. Chancellor MlcbaelU In making M (hat Germany wuulit tint continue Die war a ilay lunger It ll ro 11 111 obtain bunnrabln uarn. America's Intervention he said n not regarded with mrloim romvrn Tho German fleet, particularly the submarine would provo master ut 11)0 Itutillon, CRATER RIM ROAD IS OPEN That Hip new road around thn rim of Crater l,akn U now upon for a Ionic stretch from tho junction with the Hand Creok road, anil that tho t cur ry there In matchless, la thi wont hroiiKhl bark by Perry Evans of thn Hiiiinet grocery, who waa there with n forty of frli'inlN Ihla wok. Tim ruaiU In thru thn Hand Crook routo aro now In tho heat of condi tion, a h tho miow ban rntlroty dha- farod. Tho new road around thn rim run vry rloao to tho edxo In rinia vnry cioao io no eoao in. WITH WORD many plaroa, and the vl.ltor, mu not, " - " -. - the different vlowa of tho Uko Uli.' ,,- "f "-1 w,,,u, HOW ,,oxt out thn iiiti-khIiv iif wulkhiK far franiiir'n'( their timrhlnoa. Udlea lutoiidlnR to ro over tho nnw up the niiiln road to the Inn nro! snow up ibo main road to the inn irn w " " " " -caulloned to wear heavy shoos, ho as shipped from n well-known Hied firm not to got wet, Eugene Auto Party Visiting in Klamath HocreUry George Quuyle of the Ku. Rene Cliamhur of Commerce and A. ' Houihmando or Florence, with tholr wives, wore among tho tourist visitors at the city auto camp grounds lust evening; This purty, which re I'orln a matt 'enjoyable trip north from Biigea? to Portland, up the Co. lumbla River highway and down the an side of tbe Cascades, will go 'cuth thru Northern California, and Mining Man is fled Cross CAwf fan Mk Pvjf?3 i art.tt'sw v"" Jotll! ), ItjHtt, ,.,mldeUt Of till) All. aromla Copper rtiiiiniiy, linn been aji. I pointed illrntor emeriti of military relief of thn American lied Cross by Henry I' Itnvlilmm, chairman of the Ucit t'nh war louiit'll. Mr. Ityait U culled by Mr llaxliWnn nil execjitho iKelllu III till' manaKetuonl of tlin Aimroiiilu rompauy lu lm shown ri trnorillnnry ublllty. LORELLA MEN WANT NEW SEED Wll.l, Klllf IX I.AIU1K giUXTITY Ol Vlli:.T PHI XKXT YKAII'N soxvi.vti. hi:i:i TO UK kiiiiti:ii KltOM IOWA. In tho bxlli'f thut tho not'd urn In of IliU dlHtrlrt Iiiih run loo Ionic with, out b.'liiK ri'iiowcd, fnrmorH of tho 1 1 iriili. ui-ilikn lii 1-ntiBml Vullov uro . Tills word lit brought In by Mr. I'hldler 11 faiiimr In Hint rommunlty who Ktiiton thm tho new need will uo '" low 11. rolurn up tho Purine highway Ku gene. Mr. Quuyle, who litis a number of local friends, gained during tho co )nttlvo movomonla of tho Eugene nnd Klamnth commercial organise iIoiih, Hpent a pnrtliiti of l6i ovcnlnv with them. Ho renoitH that n considerable sum will be made available this year for survey work on the new road by Oak ridge, connecting Klamath FalU with Kugsne. Adopts Peace Resolution , ,!.. ' DRAFT WORK FULL SWIN6 MAXY lAH-.M, IMIVH XAMEH AL READY IIKCKIVKII Every Krrtkm of County la larluiled Im Um Xamw ao Far lleretrtwl. Himtr Who llrgialrml Here Fromf Ouulite Arr .Named. Worilra Ilea Ow Mas Draw (hit of Pmr lUgts lemt. That the drafting at Washington teday U piorrrdlng according to ch rdiile U rvldenred by tho fact that name of nearly one hundred bate already been received here tbriTAa aoclated l're dlapatche and more are experled. Of the name o far received twen. ty-tbree aro from Klamath Palli, ten from Merrill, five from Algoma and the roM H-n tiered thruout the amalter prerlnctit of the county. Worden Ik reported to have, had only four men regUtored and one of thci U drawn. Crescent, l-al'lne and Illy each have one man drawn. ::,S KMwanl II. Owen. Klamath Kallx. 1,'iS Oliver .lerTeraon, Cblloquln. KM Nannl Domenlco, Algoma. 73 Itoht. K. Wlnnlnghnm, Al- gomn. HIT Clifford W. Taylor, Klamath Palln. 837 Thomai Nlkla, Algoma. 337 Itnbert Claire Arnold, Klam ath Falla. r,7fi Clarence 8. Mullock, l.n I'lne. 27.' CharloK 1-. Hobertu, Klamath KnllH, r,0!) l.loyil I.. Andrriion, Olene. IIS.'. I.i-m Marln, Klamath Falla. niil Hubert S. Adam, Merrill. Mr. Vaitlllon K. Krekoo. Weed. r.!8 Hugh Falvoy, Merrill. r.atl Thoa. K. Anderson, Wordou. MS Joneph I,. Fothcrlnghara, Merrill. NOW New American Submarine Chaser Carries Tube on Deck ,i . t. i-v J"xSvy) - .-vKt.v y x ifN I i'S . ;. -Siisv "n 3&&aBjgfnnj i A new American submarine chaser,, more of wblob are betag built uadtr the supervision of J, J. Phelps, a well ! mAiAmi 1J6 lwla Oamba, Klamath Falla 74 (ieorge A, Muitoe Algoma. 75& Alden Ira llroka, lirella. 107 Guy Wra, Khccloy, Klamath Falls. 1C John Oskar, Keno. 373 Deluert Sly. Fort Klamath. 776 Kdwln A. Miller. Ungell Val ley. 4 Evle K. Woods. Panama. C9I Archa O. Itoberts, Olene. 600 Ivan Taylor, Merrill. RIO l.urm Durlgkello, Algoma. S07 John Flodln, Olene. 309 Alson V. Davidson, Midland. 437 Frank Cacks, Merrill. 604 Lamonde . Pone, Merrill. 43 Jamea Itred Uhrln. Klamath Falls. 1066- Meltblades Kongon, Dunsmulr. Edmund W. Row en, Jr.. Klam ath FalU. Otto F. Boye, Illy. 9: 1 480- 1014 Oeo. J. Agapetof, Odessa. 1178 Oulsepp Malestesta, Klamath Falla. 514 Oscar !,. Arlell, Klamath Falls. 433 Dan lie D.iMurphy, Malln. 1011. W, Humphrey. 1015 George Kllenlklotes. Klamath Falla. 1031 Willie lUlch. Klamnth Falls. 487 Wn. McCibson, Donanta. 79? Olorannt'Bof; Algoma. 140 Dorse E. Johnson. Merrill. 720 Fred (!. Itrown. Crystal. 11 George W. Flury. Klamath' Falls. 432 Jos. F. Kamarad, Malln. 18 Harry Horel, Klamath Falls. 6i2 Melvln E. Dedlent. Crescent. 937 Stephen D. Valentino, Klam ath Falls. 7(1 raul Otto Hersog-, Algoma. 739 Jame W. Jonas. Dairy. 601 Jesse H. Kldwell. Merrill. 1146 Delbert F. White. Klamath Falls. 1 1103 Alvln Terry Ilonham, Klamath. Falls. J 606 Frank II. Vochatxer. Merrill. 1 183 Arthur noleo. Klamnth Falls.! MS Guy II. Uyswanor, Klamath Falls. I 46 Joseph V. Mann, Klnmath Falls'. 1020 Robert Curtis. Klamnth Falls. 1099 Saml. C. Delanger, Klamath FalU. Elmer 1,. French, Klamnth !33- Falls., 117 Mlkel II. Wooley. Klamath Falls. 603 Paul n. McDonald, Merrill. j 603 Calvin Newton Hasklus, Mor-I rill. known yachtsman of New York city, who has received a commission of en. stgu In the United States navy, car ries a torredo tube on her deck. She by the sii mm. WMAMMMMMMWMMW iiO- Paul C. ilovlch. Fort KUmatb. Harold R. Olalsyer, KUmatb 75- Falls. 772 Fred W. Hilton, I-angell Val ley. 721 Lewis C. Wampler. OdefM. 786 Alexander W. Wysock, Al goma. 2 SO Van Allen Cornish, Klamath Falls. 971 John AndreatU. Klamath Falls. 983 James Lloyd Ioper, Klaaatb Falls. .'.T James Howard Boggs, Lorella. rcfl Reuben R. Rpackmaa. Ktox atb Falli. CC William Crewe, La Pine. S6S Haralompos Tsokas, Algoma. 332 Charles Langell Moore, KUnu atb FalU. 3T9 Jesse A. Johnson, Ft. Klam ath. r.42-1'.I4- 874- Frank D. Olney, Merrill. Uladson Roy Shelby, Klamath Falla. -Thoo. Dlmetracopuloa. Algo ma. :.r,! John C. Lebhery. Merrill. Z9S Cbas. E. Jackson. KlaaMth Fall, r.:.-, Fay L. Howard, La Pine. 1148 Theo. Hey las. Klamath Falls. 313 7tms.4fc-lubbarsVCriUi. -, P?2 Pollios PolUoa, Astoria. 726 Louie Masalmlno, Portland. 15 Curtis E. Held rich. 905 Floyd A. Humlpage, Klamath Falls. 93--William C. Hura. Klamath Falls. 4 Karl Richards. Merrill. I .. 31 Raymond C. Watts, Klamath FalU. 981 George Pappas, Klamath Falls. 770 Masslnlo Vial, Algoma. SS2 Marlon 8. Taylor, Klamath Falls. 677 Felix Springstube, La Pine. 749 Carmle M. Oden. Dairy. Ill Ettore Plnelll, Klamath FalU. -.25 Karl M. Miller, Olene. "SO Roy Tracy, Lorella. 183 Albert H. Loewe, Klamath FalU. 56 Otis J. Underwood, Klamath FalU. 732 Vittorio Favero, Algoma. 5 William E. Strofeld, Klamath FalU. 350 DaTid J. Bliss, Hildebrand. 54 Roy E. Glasco, Klamath FalU. STO Mike Crlnes, Algoma. 649 Ira D. Wolfe. Merrill. (Continued on page 4) . .?. ,v( . Sv Ki.TX v: a ilVaki VTJ SV Xmmamwr- UL-etit:irPi will fight the submarine with its owa weapon. The torpedo may be lauaoh. ed as culckly a a gun may be fired ordinarily. , Defence Preparations to Protect Property Now Complete The following statement made for Dublieatlon todar by Charles J. Fer- guson, military bead of the Defense Ieexue, make It very evident that while little U said, steps are being taken to safeguard tbe city aad coun ty In the present crisis, snd a great deal Is being dona. Since the public meeting of Mon dsv evening which was held at the Houston's Opera House, the Execu tive Committee appointed at that time bare nerfeetad tbe orcaalxaUon of the Defease League and from this time oat there to no question but what Klamath County to prepared to take care of Itself without outside assist ance. Property owners can feel reason ly secure that their property will Be protected for the. league to pre pared it a moments notice to call ISO - ! aallaa A battalion has been organised aad"drilto wllSetnotth held as often as possible. Safflclent sutos have been pledged to transport thto force to any point within the county should trouble arise. These men will be governea oy omcers who have bad military experience and no confusion will occur. Tbe people or this city need have no fear that they are at the mercy of any prowler or firebug for flying squadrons in autos will within a very few seconds be cevering: every portion of the city. These squadrons will be composed of! determined men who have been care fully selected from the large lUt of members of the league and their ord ers are to take up every suspicious character found at large. Within a day or two Identification cards will be ready to be Usued to all strangers within Klamath County who can satisfy the officers of the league that they are entitled to them and those who cannot render a satis factory account of themselves and their business within the county will be detained until the facts In connec tion with them have been ascertained. These cards will be recognised by all) patrols and guards, and strangers are advised that they should secure these cards to save themselves inconven ience and annoyance. It Is the ob teet and nurnose of hte league to see h.t ,.ri.t. ana nthara who are on loeitlmata business be free to remain unmolested and enjoy their stay In Ki.matt. rvmntv a. in ordinary times, I It Is also desired to Impress upon, the people on the ouUlde and at home! that there are no labor troubles or! strikes in Klamath County; that the' honest laborer Is wanted and welcome and that there is plenty of work for them la tha woods, mills and harvest fields but the labor agitator, the de- Spreckels Interests Buy Soda Beds DUNIMUIR, July 10. Parties rap. rssaattai Us Spraeklas Interests have mrcaaasa' o a tonnage basis deposits la tha soda beds aar Dprns. The deposits btlot toTC. B.' Weed League sclples of arson, riot and dastmetl 1 property wm DOT um . Klamath County has prof tad ky Its lesson of tolerating the prsjseae men who preaeh the doctrlass aiia.! archy and from now a the farther tbey remain from Klassath Ceutr the safer they" will . Branches of the Klaaaath Falls er ganlsatlon bare been urgnilMl la Merrill, Ft. KUmatb and rthr nt lytng communities and ther wfll b complete cooperation so that ewery part of the county and trrery raa erty owner within lt,vlii ha nrataataC Bberlff Humphrey who hal'warkat unceasingly and without hast uacaaatagly and wlthoat rent contlnaa to he the directing feme tar the preservation of law aad The defense league la working 1 his orders and nader hie and In conjunction with tha attr af- leers and with the state an4 federal " - rf'' It to unfortunate that stese war not uken to organise saeh a laagaa when It first became ertdeat that the I W. W. were obtaining a faotheM in the county but at that tlaw the trouble to a great many was snore fanciful than real, hut It Is safe to say that at the present time erery cltUen of the county realises the character of the men who hare eosse In for the purpose of causing trouble and the objects and parpoasa at tale order, and than gh..Ktomath County is as large as some of the eastern States there to'nt room enough far the I. W. W. or any of its members. n INDIANS 6ET IW BRIDGES THE ENDORSEMENT OF THRKM BRIDGES FOR UPPER SPRsOCm. RIVER HAS BEEN FROM WASHINGTON That the Indian department at Washington has authorised the coa- structlon of three new bridges across the Sprague River to news recently received by the offlclaU oa the Klaa- nth reservation. One bridge will be placed at the Junction of tha Stcan and Bprague. one three miles west of Yalnax, aad one ten miles east. The cost of tha new Improvements has not been mads known. Near Dorris aad 0. U. Hug a;DMmtily art Br. Fred Teak of Waad. ,. It is estimated thsrs to saw te tko dumps ssvsatjM, cirtoaeX af tH tons each. .tl 4 ? -,- a , u t.&'W,. 4., '(n 1 'it M H - vAS .,A)S. Vl.-jl H , . A ' -,. $ffi&& .