fin Vi.l Prji f i&ty lEmmmn Herald L PMnrTriTy-wrrmirTmMti- ..ii . . OFFICIAL. NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH COUNTY OFFICIAimiWmMt - ' T S-"W OF JCLAMATH FAILS . a Ktrtenth Year X". .it'M KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 19, 1917 rlwtf Wht$w$9 llt L W. W. THREATEN TO TIE RED WOOD WORK MAY BE STOPPED I. W, W. lll'HV IN XOHTHWKMTKHN ' AI.IIOH.MA strike CAM. tIAi HKKX IMMl'KII WHICH MAV PllOt K SKHIOt IWHKKA. Calif .July lt 'Further rtll f Ihn Industrial Worker nf the World U aliow ti In the otrlVn rail ..utl b) I W W. hnre today. till mil llinlna I tip redwood mllU vl Humboldt. IM Sort ami Mxtidtrluo riiMutli-n anil mar partially lie up lli Irdeitry If rfapondrd i tlir W W member arn agitat ing lu nitiio- III thn mill. Hiirli ittiltx miiii hi nnf limoly ((MI the op. rtollmt ( Hi" mill" III that .rcltoli ol llic ptute 24 FOREST FIRES IN TWO WEEKS -, JACKHOX KIMIIAI.I. OK Tilt: FOR. KKT ItltK ASSOCIATION HKHi:, H.t.MW IV ItKCOItll Til UK PIUII'D OF That twenty-four limber Area have bien tnrteil llliln Klamath County (orotii within Ihn last two wk ami iicmsfully oitlngulilmd, I lha re markable report turned In by Jarknoul V Kimball, head of Ihn Klamatli-I.akc t'ountlrn Korel Kirn Anaorlnllon. "flila tin in im I vigilance requlri-d to make Mich a record la reitllird when llio dry weather of thn lnt two inonlhk In taken Into mnalderntloii, Few, i.rn In our man liildM, urn aarn nf Ihn nlrenuutu measure nv cried by thin unaorlntl'in to protect Ilia wealth of timber, which In ihn county' clilvf resource. livery (KMslbln farlllty for patrol ling Ihn forest la employed, imil Ihn system U pnrfcrtnil In audi drull that hardly on n tiro he alnrloil In any urtlon Uiforn II l illrmTil. and trp taken to alniiip It out. (Junrtlit ar(. on wntrh In nil porilonn, wllli lelophonwa lotatnd at clone In UtmiU, hii ihal naalaUnrn can ho auin imuicd ImniiMlltttBly. Motorryrlna ntul aiilomiililli.B urn provided for thn mad) IranaporlNllon of tho mnn, and tliu tlm rtprnxn of limlntiillilllK aiirli a Kuan) U vnry hunlnnaomn, nxpnrl ctiro hIiiiHh thut It la n ocoilOHllcnl Invratinont, I'mrtlrnlly all thn fir pa miwrted by Mr. Kimball In thla Inatanco aro In wlmt la known na Ulatrk-t No. 1, In the I'oki.BUiim K-itlon. While n few of llio llrna lira hnllnvod'to Iikvo liccn by lightning, moat of thorn liw nil tho Indlratlona of IibIiir not. Tim totni luaa of thn flrca la vnry Hllil, an (hoy wore nil tlUcovurml fly anil worn aoou under wmlrol, Mr. mid Mi. Ilohort Kmmltl havo feliirncd from an uutn tilp of two moiuiiH thru Oregon and Idaho. Thoy "port a aplnndld time, but aay they f" Klad to bo buck In Klnniuth onco moro. IHIAW TOMOIIIIOW MOIIXIXO I WABIIINOTON, U. C, July ID. Tllll V .I..U.I... I. A - .... ..m, win, iiiHntH, ! o do held at 9:30 tomorrow morning n tho committee room t thn aenate building, Bccreury Tinker and other faulnet offloera, mcmbcr of tho ongreBHona military commit te, w wltnead the drawing. Cleneral Crowdar plana lo fin- Inn the mnltlai. In .. !.... - -. , hh uvm, Kaiser Suppresses Radical's Newspaper H .JgeLnsBBBBBBBBsu ju! " jfct iann! ffi fswrr-v ,, yrs- MAaiKII All HAKOUl Mnilinlllnii Mnrdrn, hour rndlial iinpaptr, Din Tlitkiilitt hnit (ujiiyml (rrullar liumiitilty whllo nioagoihrr radlial piibllratloiu xrtr fnrblddili III (irruiaii). Ima at !( bin llrncrd. Ill ltnttpawr ha bnrli iippituwid for thn rrtiialnilcr of thn war. ami lir baa l)Mn romprllrd to Join thn ninll- Ury rlvll ,ri.., irn ho mum ?rve n a rlcrk . ' RAJDOLPHCASL jn IS REVERSED HI'IIIKIK l-OIItT llCflSIO.V Ul TIIK iO.NHTITt'TIO.NAIf.OillIn by up-to-date methoda. I ArriHtKi-meiitii urn not fully ma TIIK LAW ItKOAItltlMi ,t,., rr ,nlll rl(i (t , believed ITV Ol HTIM'K IIIIA.Mlrt Word lm Jiihl been toinltvil r.y lornny W. II. A, Itciiiier. ioiiiisi-1 for ('. (' Itnudolph, (hut tint derUlou In the man of the Htnle . Itundulih, tried hnrn Muurnl moiithii .iro, Im been revuraed, and thn dufeiiduul grunted n now trlnl. Tlm rai-n mm rtniuuili-d on tho Kround lhat the cir cuit court erred In refiiHliiK nn in klrurtlon to tin- Jul) reiiui'Kted by the dnfnnae. Itnndolph wum contlrted of HleulliiK n nicer baleiiRlui: to M, S. Mu field, the Mi'cr beliiK brunded with the let turn III1 connected. During tho trial liiiudolph iitteiiipled to hIiou that thU hi nnd luiil not biieii iihi'il hy Mu) Held 'X(lllHely, but wim iiImi lined by II. 8, llrtgaby, 4nd upon tho com I'm re f lining to nllow thin cildcitco to be In troMuced the dcfenduul look uxcep- HiiiiM, nnd unnlgiipd thin ruling uh en or. The rulliiK of tun circuit court, hotwiter, wuh upheld, nod In tho opln Ion llio court gona Into dolnll regard lug tint law on hmiida mid ntnles that the prnnent Inw la (oiiHtltulloiiiil, and Hint nil hiuuda numt be recoided with lha atutn Milerlnnry lu oidur lo be imillnbte for unii In enlnblUliIng own i rnhlp. Tho court ulxu nn It Unit cor- tuln prolHloua nre uiiitlo for record ing hrandn, nnd nny party ualng a brund who fill In to comply with thete provlnloiiH Iuih no right to tho Humo, and In ruan nuother party iiHauinei tho hi and unci pro)erly lecorda It ho lll ho entitled lo till the mlvuntagnn ol tho brund and tho uxo thereof. There liau heou aomo little urgumont uh to thu roiiHtltiitlnnullly or tho now atook brand law, but thla opinion of tho court uottlea tho mutter a vory complete ii ml convincing uinnuor. Mr. nnd Mrs. John Mooro roturnod lant ivonlng from a two weeka vaca tion visit nt los Angeloa and Kong Uiut'k Mr. and 'Mrs. Chat. Marple and eon have roturnod ffom a ramping trip at Spring Creek. 1 "w"wwwwwww CROWDER STARTS DRAWING METHOD MASTKII KKV SYSTEM Tl UK I'SKD ItlMl I'KHCK.NT OF OCOTA TO UK CAI.I.KD. TO PROVIDE I'Oll kxkmitioxs WAHIIINOTON. I), C. July 19. I'ioviim Marhall (Jcncral Crowder uiilioiinrrd that tho natbod of draw. Inc tlm OHT.noo rnKlatnrvd men need rd at ihn flral rail for the national Mrmy will be vnry almple. Thn ao-callnd Maater Key ayatem w im iim-iI, In whlrh thero will he drawn one t of t.nuu nunibera flrai. then nnmliir of nletnn nutunrala will n Ihn rhaln In which Ihn 10.000.000 will rnpori Thn IimhI tMjarda are to call for 200 prr nnt of the quota to provide for pomllilo nxemptlona. , The nutnlM'nt will be drawn In cap. mil by a blindfolded man. STOCK FARM NOW FOR RESERVATION I'l.A.Mi KOIt A SUMKAfltK IIIIIIOAT. KM II A Mil KOIl IMHAXH AT AliKXIV Si'HOOL t'MIKII WAV tit ItAIHK Fl'ltK ItltKII CATTLK J- A thorobred atork farm on tho ln dlnn re(rvatlon la now planned by the different ofllrlala there, who are ro-oprrnlliiK wllh the AKvnry achool. to Ktork a .too-ucru ranch under the Irrlisutlon prnji'it and raUc pure bred Hint Urn mote will prove of econom ic. I im well im educational value to Al-',,m """,n- COUNTY COURT OFFERS REWARD NI'llSTANTIAI. SIM IS FOMTKO III TIIK fOfXTV XMMISHIONKIIS KOIl TIIK AllltKHT AM) CONVIC TIOX OK MAIIAVOKIIH HKWAItU .Notice la liereby given lliat I lie (Yuniy I'ouri f Klantatli County will my Tcut)-lhe huNdrml dollnra re uiiiil for the nrrtwt and conviction of anyone wsaJIclounly causing the dc Nldurlion of nny building or property by Hit or by wilfully uoinoning nny cnltlo or stuck In Klamath County. Oalel July 19, 1017. MAItlOX HANKS, tVNinty Judge, K. II. McCOII.XACK, II. t SHOUT, Commissioners. That tho county officials will take nil) steps possible for the apprehen sion of tho criminals who aro operat ing hero Is evidenced by tho preced ing notice, Issuod today. It Is believed that this Is n sufficient loward lo Induce tbe most strenuous effort on tho part of the public to get hold of the Incendiaries. AiailM AOAIX STAHTLKii CTTV The fire department was called out Hi noon today to, extinguish a blue on Sixth street, near Main, Tbe tar In a kettle which waa being used by w. I). Miner in repairing roof caught fire but waa soon put out. J. M. Flyn of Ukevlaw Is In Klain. nth Falls on business. I. W. W. ATTORNEY 1 i MAKES KLAMATH I A BRIEF VISIT! I'llKMNIXU MATTKUH WOI'LO .OT i FKIIMIT IIIH IIKMAI.M.NO Dan K. IVmnrn Arrive In Att I. . W. I'rlxmwa KlmU Hrntlmrnt IMfferrft! Tliaa lir Ktpednl. ami Htmmm OU4 of 0iponuailr In Kor. ake Ttiwa lir Came to Kern-Mr. Leave bjr AMlomobllri reellns ran high In Klamath Falls ynaterday afternoon when the ncw of, the arrival of Uan K. I'owtrn. the Cortland I. W. W. attorney, had, apread, and owing to aubsequent acu during bin very brief vlnlt. he bad a narrow eacape from being roughly bandied by cltisens of the city. Towera hasbecn expected here, and bt wa met and recognlicd by offi cers before he reached town. He tried to kiln access to the city Jail, and Is known to have bad letters to I. W. W. Mutators from the Seattle headquar ter, urging on the character of work being done here. As Powers proenre in the city at large waa not deemed safe for thn community, and as be was not wanted in Jail, where hecould communicate with the prisoners, he was taken to the bridge by a large group of promi nent men here and threatened with a plunge In the river, which it was be lleved would cool his ardor to assist the Industrial Workers. I'owera wax a very frightened mnn at this stage of the game, and he got down and begged llko a good fellow to be released, agreeing to leave im mediately. If lot go. Iln was therefore taken by local parties oer a good portion of tho road to Ashlur.d, which he hud come so recently, and when lost seen wan pointed in that direction. It I be lieved by many here that he will not return for a considerable period. shoot JO Kill SOUTH Ml'UDI'.lt OK KOLDIKH AltOl'SKS IXTKXSK KKI.IXU I. W. W. AUK RK.8I-OXHIIILK KOIt t 8TRIKKS OI.OI1K. Arli.. July 19. "Shoot to kill" orders prevail here, following intense Indignation of cltisens grow, log out of the alleged murder of l'rl vnte Murk Cafudo, whose body was found on a railroad track. Officers appointed to Inves'tigaletho cntme of his death teported It was tin. doubtedly murdor. Lieutenant llalley following this report, announced that ull guards hud been given ordorn to shoot to kill If anyone attempted to puss tho 8outry lines without complete Identity nnd uuthorlty. Thero has boon to iHlderablo show of antagonism by I. W. W. against the troops. Alleged to be German, I. W. W. agitators, responsible for starting tho big Arliona copper strikes that have crippled tbe Industry In the state for several weeks, three "alien enemy" Teutons were taken into custody here early today by the department of jus tlce. H. W. Humphreys arrived last evening from Ban Francisco, where hw took tbe entrance examinations for the englBMrlag corps. ORDERS UP CALIFORNIA IBS German Chancellor Has Been Forced Oat ot Office ' .-gigfcg-rV .agggBlggggggW '-? gftagftagftaMgftagftagftagftagftaB ggHPgggH a " ggSgHHaaaggglggB n ili BnHBBBaaBV j ggggHKSggggggggBBW a. J agggaBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBW ,r- &y- gaBgagW(' - ggggggggggggggg7 "lagggggggaaW iBgggaaBW ; 1 - BlaVgHtgBaL ' gVP'fggglagBgW V VanEaSalgggglaW hTIKiigggggggKgaavl aBsB3 'ttftiBttttttwatggggggggggViafafiga BBsaTTHtgSarLaagBllElClST I Charicellor on Itethmann Hollwcg. who thru three years of war ha niood the brunt of work managing the German empire, has been forced from office. PICKETERS ARE I'KKMDKXT KHKKK WOMKX WHO IIAO KTAItTKO TO WOHK OCT A SIXTY DAY SKXTKXCK. SO IlKASOX UIVKX WASHINGTON. D. C, July 19. Prosident Wilson hits pardoned six teen suffragists serlng sixty day sen tences In the work house at Occo quam, Virginia, who had been sen tenced for picketing In front of the White House. Secretary Joseph Tumulty said the puidon must speak for itself, that the White llouno hud no statement to make of tho president's reason. MODOC PROJECT ABOUT COMPLETED WKLI. COXSTRCCTKD 8YSTKM COYKRM OVER SIX THOUSAND AOUKS FOR CSK OF THK KUM. ATI! RKSKRYATIOX IXDIAXS I The Modoc Point Irrigation project on the ulumath lndlun reservation will be flnully completed in about three weeks, according to Project En. g'ueor II, W. Htnks, who Is In Ule' city attending to buslnoss matters. , This project, which embraces 6,340 acres, was started In 1918," The very best of material and work manship have been used In the con struction ot this project, and that It will stand for years to coma Is the as. surance of the builders. The cost per acre of the saw sys tem will run between twenty-eight and thirty dollars par acra, tbe deft nlte figure not having baen arrived at.' NW PARDONED , i-i-i-i-ii i -i n-nnrinnnnaaaaaTjxaxxxjivijuLij-uTjT-uTj-i-ai-L-jTjT.ixTanarij U. S. WILL NOT ATTEND COUNCIL GOYKRSMKST DKCIDKS SOT TO UK RKPRKiftCSTED IX COtflSG I' tXWXCIL OF WAR TO BE HELD UY THK AUJKS The allies have Invited the United States to participate In an Inter-aliled conference this month, but tbe gov ernment has decided that it la un necessary to participate in such meet ings at present, as meetings do not directly affect America's part in the war. The state department has explain ed that the present move does not in dicate the future policy of tbe govern ment in such matters. HAXS C. XKXSOX Hans C. Nelson of this city died suddenly yesterday morning at Dori rls, at the age of 45 years. Nelson was a saw flier employed by the Pel loan Bay Lumber company. He waa a brother-in-law of John Hamilton. ,1,B "" advices wm oe ueiu tomorrow afternoon at the Whltlock """"" Prors. COl'FLK WKD HKRK YESTERDAY The marriage of J. Edwin Frye and Miss Eleanor Olive Bocock of thla city waa performed yesterday by Judge J. B. Qrlfflth at hla borne, The groom la a box factory em ploye here. Tbe bride baa resided in Klamath Falls but a short tlm. TnrnTo'PKMXGS SOW IS AKMY The postmaster announces tkat an. llitments are now open in the regular army for man In the signal corna at follews: Telegraphers, - wtra 'meal Una man and pbotograpkers; alto cooks and bakara la tka regular army. PLOGKY WOMAN HALTS SUPPOSED I. W. W. WORKER JOK JOMKPMS II AT t'XKXPKCnOi la Held l With Sfietga an iaaUInc Pwattlea, Be fore Sheriff nnd DennUw On Ar rive DyasiMUe Tnma On If B Fernliar Brand Jonephn Southward. Probably the most unique hold-nn staged here la years, and ,tke bringing tbe most surprising results occurred yesterday two miles south of this city. As a result, a large supply of tka most dangerous dynamite Is now mi the safe hands of Sheriff George Humphreys, and on Jo Josephs, erstwhile jitney driver, BeUtiesea. and believed otherwise harmleaa by' local friends, has been dines weed deep dyed la vtUlaajr. and la a fugitive from jostle la th,vfMa at California. Also It waa a -imr. If you Pjease, who was Of cans of his downfall. Night before last Josephs shad a trip to Derris on business of hla ova. and on his return he mad a la the national bank of south of town. The nature of the deposit waa, of course, no one's business, and aa no., one else, was present, very Uttle pub licity was given to tbe matter. Yesterday, for more private rea sons, Josephs took a small launch at a point very- close to where he had stopped tbe night previous. About the same time, coincident with and In fact simultaneously, one of the good farm ers wives of that neighborhood, whoa name Is withheld, discovered a f and lh looking brigand loading two hoary cases of dynamite on n ship. Rearm ing that one of the I. W. W. vUllaa was at his devilish work, ska Imtao diately commanded him to bajt at the point of a gun, and called to to TO th officers summoned. Joaephjja"dfff ever, for It was no other, manaylff to dump one of 'tsaaoases Into tho wator and made his enelhne before the sheriff and a deputy coiM arrive. Tbe culprit is still st large, but the dynamite, which is labelled "Sunny Brook." is safe at the city hall. CABINET MAY 60 TO MOSCOW SKAT OF PROVISIONAL GOVERN. MKXT COXTKMPLATKS MOVING TO MOSCOW r- GOVERNMENT SOW COXTROL8 PETROGRAD PETROQRAD, July 19. The cab inet council extraordinary here la die cussing the advisability of transfer ring tbe seat of the provisional gov ernmeut to Moscow. A general assembly of workmen. koldlera and peasants la to be hold at Moscow to prevent Interference from tbe Irresponsible section of tbe Petro grad garrison. . The government controls the elty today as completely aa Bblskevtkl an. peared t control It yesterday. Miss Alien' Mtflebr.hWfroB the Willamette, YaWon vtaHJa tor ato-, tar, Miss FranW Kahar ; ' hlkis Xatherlae Hallowff wjanirtadanajn . from a vacatk vWt Moierew oto lag. rftUMAij lA& j. 4 t'l ft mm