5ffiL JEwttittg Herald OFFICIAL NEW8PAPER OF KLAMATH COUNTY OFFICIAL NIWSPAMOI' OF KLAMATH PALLS K.letrnlli Vwif Nm. H.lWft KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 18, 1917 ,1 Prtot, Phm Omm Fearful Blow is Again Struck "" '"'" I,M,M'W w. h FORTY MEN WILL BE DRAWN FROM KLAMATH COUNTY 1IITIM IK TO IMt'APK IMUIT K.NTIIIKI.Y KUnuili I'tiuni) I Mrml IHm-KIkIi. Irrtilli of TIiimv lining I'mm M4lr, 1'iiUrtwn I'tiunllra Kx-ai Diari .. i Kfrllirr Mallirwr ItmU Willi lft,Mi.r Wheeler H. Tl.irr fur Mrr hliair. KlaniMlt County ' quota fur the ciiiuliic ilrnlt will be forty limn, ac cording to a dUpatrh Just frirWml limit I'urlland Adjutant tlcneral White estimate, that loUllrrli rotmllea III Oregon rape ilralt enlllely. Portland aim raped. Moat i( the t-ouulle whlrli have tin lull quota rt Ihoao bavins militia companies. Following U Ilm ILl: IUkr in llentnn . , 00 CUrkara to (IMmi 54 Columbia 41 ('k no Crook 09 Curry 51 IfcuruiiiM 37 tkmitaa no fllltlam 31 Oranl K Harney .. 37 Hood lllver no Jarkson , ,. on Ji-nron fn Josephine , , , , on Klamath 40 lAkn 44 l.an 00 Mini 00 Malheur r.n Marlon 00 Morrow 41 Miiltnninitli on " City of Cortland oo lolk no Sherman 30 Tillamook oo I'malllln 43 I'nlon II Wallowa .....,,,.,,, 13 Wasco ,,,,, 22 Wwtlilngton ..,.,..,. 3 Wheeler ,..,,.,,,,., n Vlimlilll 00 Toliil rn ATTENTION! On nioiini nf lr romlltloiiD illlnu in our city nt Ilm pirM-ut "ir, m roiiNluVml itHMt urt((nt HmI tlio Miller niipplj IwiiMiM-nrtl, and Mr kk your riMiprrnUnii In Ilm roiumt Hint no Inlmillnii from Inn illy niniiiH t lnid iiuImIiId at Ilm lioum Ihiuiiii 7 nml N n, in. (', K. KTOXK, nwlrnmn Klaiiuilli mfrno Iiiiii. Attorney is Interview With Prisoner Kl.liKNHIlliao, WuhIi, July 18. J. Klnch, who claims to bn a Boat " Mtorney, assoclatod with thu do '( I. W. W4's In the Kvorolt trial It hr i a irivttori ny soiiihth ni i.io r, I II III mm .u.,y ,rymg io interview over' nfht, and wero brought hero. J."1' ' w W. men, held by, federal j Fifteen more were arrested b- ""r'mcW. Officers refuted blm twoon Clo Elmn and Kaston thU nw.r rmttihlon to see the prisoners, claim.1 ulnar, and brought here at noon. Will Ttach American Aviators r - " ' rf-' I Mrstyv J1 K "Vn vwfci krT-:J " V? tMMl Ct tACrAf3C Itafoli tin In CrnilKr, on,, of ttin tirl kiiun IViiihIi iiln(iirii, lio lm ninny fiirinnii. to til rrKilll. linn Ih-kii Klrti a rita o nlmrlirr ffom llir nrmy lo fiiitm lo lr I'nllrd Hlntr to llinlrilrt Anirllraii nlfirn, STEAMER SAVED BY U. S. SHIP HltlTIKH KHII flt.WMOIIi:. HK. I.IKi:i Kt'llllKM, W.IK KAVKII IIV .IKIllf. HUSTItOVKIt. Mill Itt'.NK WIIKX IT AI'I'K.tliS NKW YOUK. July IN - Tim llrlt lull utrniui'i' ('milium i uhlrli waa urn". minimi)' ri'iMittril Hiitiinarlui'il, anvcd from di'ntrurtloii h un Amur Iran d:ir)ir, hlrli coutoyiMl hrr thru Ilm dniiRir toun, mtorilliiK lo the rriM airlvltiK hrn from Kliclanil Tin- HUhmarltii' ntliirki'd ilm ('ran inorr mid kIoi In flii plali'ri with ;i torndii, It did not iiti(!tr. nml rimuf'il iilliirkliiR wIiimi llic iti'HtnotT ulnar up, Tim iillucknd iKNid was iihln In prnrccil inulrr ItH own niinm. CITIZENS! Refused liiK HmI tho civil courts hiivn no Juris, dlcllou. Klfleen more I, W. W.'h worn In liudlnK Orgnulznr MuiIIhoii, wnru nr- I , i J ' " p AJ& I. W. W. LEADER IS NOW HELD!: MAX WHO W.IK KIIIKIi OCT OF M-.SU A KIIOKT TIM I C4I IHI ( M OUT IX ItOA (.lt K.N HOI'TI I'OU THIK ITTV A Ii-uiIit of llu I W W. U lie-lli-wil In ruloi- inri In tln nri'Kt of Cnrl Hmi-IkIii, mIio im liikfii by ofTI riu In n fmlKlit mr nt Dorrln and luoiiKlit ft thin illy lad iivoiiIiik liy Orion; Mnmlinl John Kiirnrll and an. Utaill ili'putlfii A tit it tl KlllllK the tin ni- of 'In rn it Han alio bruUKlu In. MiM'lKlM had n Milt raxo full of I, W W HliTiittirn, nml U ludlated to h tin dtiiiii' Hui'IkIii that nan found to In. llin nicniiliiT of ilm inini'iilciit At Iti-nil rtTctitly, and na ahlpimd out of that roiiiiniinliy. IU liiul not tioun In Kliiinath Kail ni )t, but wan on hit ny hftei lirn tukcit Hi! U ron. fin '-il by lilinnrlf, uud no roiiitiiutil n ton alloMi-d lu'lwocii htm and othor prliioncrii. HEAVY TRAVEL TO CRATER LAKE IX M'lTI-: OK MII.K OK KXOW MOHi: VIKITOHK TIIAX r.SU.1, .TTIIIK TIMK OK Vllllt Alii. IX KYI- IIKXCK AT I'AIIK AlthoiiKli mlli' of miiow still re mains oir uhlrli Uhltorii iiniht walk In older lo low Crater Lake, thu ti.ixi'l at thin Hi'UMin of tlio year linn nr v cr bt'vn mi houvy, arrordltiK to J. A Corduu of tin- Suuttirrn Auto com pany. A Kroat number of innclilncs nro KiiliiK thin, mid it KK'at uiaiiy vUltori coinliiK In by train. Thu fact that tlcki'lK in o xold direct to Crater Ijtkc by the rallroaiU at cnnlern polntH In liellmeil to be tlio reason so many are (omltiK in by train, as thU Ih the llrst j ear It Iiiik been done, Many of I lie loinlM.s kIiik to the lake ncent lo enjoy the tilp vim tuo miou, espeilally the Cullfornln peo ple, lo whom It In u nmelly. (Jreater proKreMM would bo made In clearing Hie roads of the biiow If Hhovellem could bn obtained to do the work, but help there appear to bo very nenrce. FEDERAL TROOPS GOVKHXOIt I.IHTKK KK.CKIVKH XO TICK OK AITIIOIII.ATIOX TO UKi: TKOOPH IX PIIOTKCTIOX OK l.l'MIIKH PI.A.M'H OLVMI'IA, Wni.li., July 18. Tho f secretary of war hits telegrnphnd Gov ernor Lister that If tho lumber strikes hum threaten to interfoto with the nrmy post shipment", ho Is uuthorlxed lo use troops to protect tho plants mid workmen, Tho governor has already arranged for protection with troops whore necessary. Dr. Wright reports the birth or a eon to Mr. and Mrs. E. M, Clark, S37 Menlo Way, WASHINGTON OIIMiOX IICIMilVU IK 4j NOW HOI.IMKKH' (Mil 4j HAN FHANCIHfO, July IK Th war department permit- thiK tlio Itml Crwis Hoilety to ) convert tho old Oregon hulldlni on the Ban Francl.co exposition i "hit iiim ii rnnuiuK rmii itwin lur ; w Miiniora ni ins rrrmuio. w !! To Help the Soldiers' Morals O.A. DAVIS C.C. CARTER.' E. c. Carter, in charge ot tbo war work i on ml I or tlio Youne .Men's Clirlbtlnn AksiicIiiIIoii headquarters In London, mid 1) A. Davis. In charge of Himtlar luMiliiimitei-s In I'arls, will look out for the morals of holdlcru of the liiilted States sent to the trenches on tlio continent. Uoth are hard :it work to prepare comforts and rocreu. Horn- for the soldiers the Uuiled Slates has sent abroad ROSS OFFENSIVE IS NOW HALTED IIKIXKOIU'KMKXTli AltltlVK IX TIMK TO HOLD MTIUTK.GIC PO HITIOXK OK (iKHMAXS AMIMi U)MXICA ItlVKIt lly AsMxinteil I'resri Tho oxpected Gorman reinforce ments on the eastern front have ar rived lu tlino to temporarily chock tho Russian advance along Mio Lomnlca River. Tho Austrian lino has been sutlW'lontly stiffened to effect a stub born resistance The holding of this river Is vital to the safety of Teutonic positions thoro and also northward to the On inclan border, r iim - -JZlBBVBBBBr j."" . 1- &. i .rr:.:v f ttvV Straw Dairy Barn Down Blaze is Discovered too Late to Fight With Any Success Barn Owned by C. B. Clendinning is Total Lost As Well As Small Building Nearby. No Clew to Perpretators Yet Discovered Another fiendish blow was struck at Klamath Kails last night In the burning of the Straw dairy barns, owned by C. II. Clendcnnlnc, midway between the business district and Shlppington, clore to midnight, with a loss of moto tKcn J8.000. j The Are was not discovered until It had gained great headway, and by the time the department could reach the GERMANS WATCH NEW CHANCELLOR CltKAT IXTKHKST IS KHOWX IX TIIK Kl'KKX'H TO UK MAHK IIV MU'HAK.MS AT MKI-rTIXG OK TIIK KKICHSTAU AMSTKIIUAM, July IS. Strong peace sentiment is now current thru out (iermiuiy, according to the trend of outside dispatches and the German press. Intense interest is felt thru out the country regarding the speech of tho new chancellor. Dr. MlchuelU, who makes his maiden speech before Ilm rulchstug tomorrow. Accoidlng to arrivals from Berlin, liberals believe that the now chan cellor is merely a stop-gap, who will preparo the way for something In the way of n dictatorship, with Genernl Ludendorff in command. A Munich newspaper, Nuestes Mnchrichten, says the Mlchaelis declaration beforo the relrhstag tomorrow will be for peace. HONOR BIRTH OF LAFAYETTE XATIOX WILL hi: AKKKD to join IX COMMK.MOHATIXU HIKTH OK AMERICA'S (iRKAT HBXE. FACTOR NKW YORK. July 18. A call for the celebration of tho birthday of Lafuyotto on September 6th will bo' Issuod, Municipalities will be asked to co operate with patriotic societies in honoring the memory of the great Frenchman. is the Latest Move spot it was boyond all control, and burned to th ground. The dairy cows were rescued without loss, a they had been turned into the corral before the catastrophe. About twelve tons of hay were de stroyed besides the large cow barjt, which Is one of the biggest in tbii vicinity, and a small horse barn near, by. The blaze was discovered by one 600ZE DEALERS ARE FRIGHTENED AUK TAKIXO WHISKKY OUT OF WAUKHOt'SKH AT AX UXPKKCB. DKXTKO KATK KKAHKtTIj OF (OVKKXMKXT SKIZIHK WASHINGTON, D. C. July 18. Liquor dealers are alarmed over the prospect of the government seising vast quantities of distilled spirits un der the terms of the new food bill. The rate at which whiskey has been withdrawn from bonded warehouses has never been equalled, more partic ularly within the last ten days. More than 1,000,000 gallons have been drawn and placed mostly in re tail establishments. yonxH REAPPOINTED Sl'HVKYOR OKXKIUL WASHINGTON. D. C, July 18. 1'resldent Wilson has sent the seuate his nomination for the reappointment of Kdward G. Worth of Oregon for surveyor general. Disease Germs Are Spread by Spies KANSAS CITY. July 18. The plot to spread terror tnru tvansas oy piac '"K deadly germs on court plaster has been broken up thru the arrest of three mon of German names In dif ferent towns. , ' This devilish-scheme has not only Burned of the fnilkBMn too late to ataka af fective resistance. No trace or the source haT ka discovered, but operators feel eertala It waa set, a there are ao asMkera employed there, aad ao Ire la the vicinity. The Straw dairy la the largest la this district. It to awmHt'tftrWT Clendennlng. The toes to resortee estimated at 18,000. half of whJea la covered by insurance. ROLAND MORRIS GOES TO JAPAN PROM1XKXT LAWYER AND SUP PORTER OP PRESIDENT WHV SON, WILL BE JAPANESE AM BASADOR SUCCEEDS GUTHRIE WASHINGTON. D. C, July 18. Roland N. Mejrris, a Philadelphia lawyer, has beea chosen for the ap pointment of ambassador to Japan to succeed the late George Guthrie. His nomination will be sent to the senate Immediately. Morris was a democratic leader who stood steadfast for Wilson during the Baltimore con vention. I Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stickles and Mrs. jLowry were a Eugene party regis tered at tbe White Pelican last night. Mr. Stickles Is city treasurer of Eu gene, and Mrs. Stickles waa formerly Miss riorence Thrall, a Klamath Falls girl, and hao many local friends, tome cf whom she met this morning. The party expect to go out by way of Crater Lake this afternoon. been detected In Kansas, but haa alee been discovered In California and Iowa as well. A German was arrest, ed in Henderson,. Iowa, a ,f aw dayi ago, tad the court elasur ae wan teU. lag was sent to Dea Melaea U,e amlned. It was found to he ceyered with leprosy germs; ii( it V, I &$&