The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, July 17, 1917, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    TVMDAT, JlfMf IT, ItIT
National Baby Week Is
Staged In Great Britain
M)NIKN. July 17. Nallnnal Haliy
Week, 'w wfiipjf Urn
lion t.f meat llrllalu during ven
,'yi of July, " four.d 'r
,l,u mh'J drmutntratlona In every
Itmx.tlni.l H'ii and rlK l -1
Uti lle '"' 'r, "' '' ,"r
a hate in n inure .tatting and.
rrlllosl etnmlnsilon Hw evwr before
Onlr children belwren agr tf l ami'
lrl 'imiltha "III Im eligible 1(1 the
...r.,.riiilon. ami children allowing
,iHdrlml iiijiliim o( rough, mlda,
aoie throat r nmutl!u ailment"
will .r tlguruualy barred,
Tin prtferl baby should have fifty
gno-l Ki!nl, according lu Ihe aland
rtl agreed upon for Ihe Judge
Mental, weighing, measuring, tb'
ral, dental, eye. ear and throat tenia
will It Hindu III mil ttliin An a
menial let. ilm mother will talk lu
lir baby, am) . in,, mi the
Jlllge Will llllll Il4 facial I'M't'MlollK,
lln m llmi. mil) ilm iinilll i lu nt'
lnlttlat at iri'('ll
Weighing uml lutinmiiliiK Imluile
height, Ilm i Irrllmfi-rellte ,i( pelvlii,
chrat, lii-ai nmt ttliOiimini, anil (In.
length u( anna ntul leg Hrmity hair
dora nut run m RKuliml n ililhl until
ll U a year old Mem pit Ilium U of
mi nrruuiil (I'Htiiira nte mit mnnld-
ered Individually llcnulltul bliin
f" ami rherub m tin nut gain
lnm, Iml niniftry, rjMit t Inn of
feature, fare roiilour itml riprenalon
liioc llielr value A rlillil does nut
In.r murk it fnr birthmark. moe,
alitanliMU nr miiall tram rauaed by
mimir arrldetit
Flll.ll llt'KHI.VO TO lll'll,l Til III
AMKTKIII.AM. July 17 Tli
Itnalolwlie WeMtaellaclm Z.ltung u(
Ketrn, Germany, In a leading article
headed "Nr OfJenl Agalnal Our I
Katii of Ktrhango." deplores Ilm !
rllae In tli" etrhango rain Itf III'
Mark, ami ' I
"Tti rtirmy lis rriy Inturrtt lu
kpiln Iho ralo a low a MMalin,
rot only In urilrr lu lnrrpa lli rui .
of import into utrmany uurin ui
war. hui in lilmlrr rr-uniruriliin of
I'ml lliimlnr; or lliU rlty will cou
rt mi I it fllin now rrnlilnnrn al Ilm tor
lii r of Third nml lllcli trtU.
I'lTinlt waa lvmi lilm tail iiIrIiI
by llin city roiinrll to ror onn aud
iine'liair vlory rldrnro or roucruto
lloikn at thla (Millil at a coat of
3,r,uu. Hi' rontKiutilata rommenc-
(UK work litiinrillatfly.
I'crry Ktuu wax glvrn iirrinlimlon
lu i-n-rt a KaroKo at liU home on
KlKhlli ami I'lmt utrM-t.
(trritiiiy' rituiniiilr Ufa nfirr thi
Tim rauialKU aealnt tin- rnln of
rirlialifn of Ilm mark l nttrlliutpit In
a laien ,SVw Yotk ImnklnK lioutn and
to Ilm rri-nil liirrran In ilm number
of (Jrriiiany'n etmuilr, wlilcli ha nar..
rowntl llin Wliir within X lllc'll ilrf
lltaliy rail take llirtiUfr to lliliuv
ilm tiirliatiRn. whlln ilm tralliatlnti of
nrnrltlii of tioatlln niiltlttlM In (irr
mini liamla U ilrrarr. In lm lnio-' I
Tlir rtillrnlr HKrnry U llin ImiI i or
llip .l.'lna niMunlp, 9 I
('Illy Attornny It. C. (Inwubrrk pr
intnl a InttKr at the roiinrll Hireling
IbI t piiIiik from (lovnrnor Jame
Wltliyromtm regarding tlm I. V. W.
Kltunlioii lmr In which tin auurm
tlm Miip herv that ttii tnli author.
Illca arn ortUf, and that thi whole
xtato w lir organllr-d to handln thl
I a art i-llrd undnr which thene
agltatora may he apprehended, aurn
an ngrnury, flan dcnivratlolii, riot
Inx. i'l.
Mm S O Jolmnon and family ar-
rhl lal ptrnliig from San Pranrliro
ami art- reglnlcrfd at the While I'et
Iran liulrl,
Hopes every man and woman here will adopt
this splendid health habit.
Says a glass of hot water with a teaspoonful of
limestone phosphate in it washes poisons
from system, and makes one feel
clean, sweet and fresh.
Why u man and woman, half
the time, feeling nervous, despon
dent, worried; boiuo dayn head
achy, dull and uiiHtriuiK; Home
daya really incapacitated by ill
ness. If we all would practico tho
drinking of phosphntcd hot water
before breakfast, what a gratify
ing change would take place. In
stead of thousands of half-sick,
anaemic-looking souls with pasty,
muddy complexions we should sco
crowds of nappy, healthy, rosy
cheeked peoplo everywhere. Tho
reason is that tho human system
does not rid itself each day of all
the waste it accumulates under
our present mode of living. For
every ounco of food and drink
taken into the system nearly an
ounce of waste material must bo
carried out, else it ferments and
forms ptomaine-like poisons in
the bowels which are absorbed
into the blood.
Just as necessary as it is to
clean the ashes from the furnace
each day, before the fire will burn
bright and hot, so we must each
morning clear the insido organs
of tho previous day's accumula
tion of indigestible waste and
body toxins. Men and women,
whether sick or well, arc advised
to drink each morning, before
breakfast, a glass of real hot
water with a teaspoonful of lime
stone phosphate in it, as a harm
less means of washing out of
the stomach, liver, kidneys and
bowels the indigestible material,
waste, sour bilo and toxins; thus
cleansing, 'sweetening and puri
fying tho entire alimentary oana!
before nutting moro food into thft
Millions of people who mui
their turn at constipation, bilious
attacks, acid stomach, sick head
aohos, rheumatism, lumbago,
nervous days and sleepless nights
liavo becomo real cranks about
the morning-inside bath. A'
quarter pound of limestone phos
phate will not cost much at the
drug store, but is sufficient to
demonstrate to anyoue its cleans
iug sweetening and freshening
effect upou the system,
Porto Rice Signs Many
For Red Cross Society
HAN JUAN, I'orlo lllro, July n. lu Krahtlng Ilm charter,
(Correwpomlimcn) -Twi-I hundred On account or the now wan of the
new meinbnra 'for tho lti-il l'ro u organization I he campaign for rni-m-thn
reiord made by the tuvinberiihlp hern did not xlop at tho end or tho
commute,) of Ilm I'orto Itko ihupter uatloiml lt-, Cromt Week, but will
or the A mer linn Ited Croim hi Hun (ontlniio until the maximum numb'-r
Juan ilurlng ltd Cro Week. Tho1 U necurecl. It U expected that 2A.00U
report rrom commltteiM working In memhcr.i will bo otbslncd before tho
other parln of Ilm lalaml hue not et end or tho campaign. Committee
ronin In, It la known Hint the work.nto at work In till or the larr.o town
wan iilmont aa NUrcinniful on n mailer nml tire being organ lied In the small
acale elMwhero. There urn now 4,-,otie.
000 member or the I'orto Itlro chap- Tim citnpalgn thua far haa-bcen
ter In San Juan alone, and aavvrallaolvly for memhemhlp, tha fundi col-
humlred morn lu the Ulicr Iowuh, lecteil coming rrom the Initiation
with tho number
The I'orto Itko chapter In nald hero the Inland, a campaign for fundi will
to be the flrt chapter of the Amer-J begin.
lean lleil Croaa to be organized, out- The I'orto Itlcana nre dUplaylng a
aide or continental United Htatci. The remarkable xplrlt or imtrlotUm. Their
charier wax not grauteil until May I. lutereu lu the work and mixtion of
two monttiH after rltUeimhli hud been the lt-i Cross U heightened became
conferred on the I'orto Itlciimi by nu of the fnrt that I'orto Itlcan troopi
art or congrena, nnd the recognition nlrcmly arn In tho United States er
or I'orto Itlro uh a territory of the lr, ami herniino others soon will be
United State waa the deciding factor called to the colors.
ncreualtig every f--, hut uh soon ax tho enllntlng
movement la well organized thruout
Gas Mask to Be Used by American Soldiers
rj ' MfBBBVaLBV BbbJW."- TKV-'' f V"
A3t k wCv ru mm Wl iBHBcMLf Wl Bv ft 1 f
Mmm m B& w" mmr mm L r ''BT ""T V BtiB X m fl
ft 11131 1 rrrafJ
i ivt1 if w-9 BBnldE 'V &r mjk AmTmE? Bl
. inv. bWkjtj m -?y..j r;rtfj. Mmr--. !?-
bb . .t ii Tm mri t . -- ..---r- iiv
hsi?&. zairn2- esggrti
mvS3mmw - s.-atfgs,i i iwa ii -nf 7iKr
is: r i
t i. .. t i
r.iiv ?", 'i
HwfiKSt'w '
t j ;" .; .-. k
Reprenentatlve llelnt or Clncln-(mnsk picked up on the battlefield in
uatl here ahown wearing a sa
mak Bu'cb aa has been provided for
American aoldlera In Prance. He U
one of the two members or congress
who haa enlUted in the army. The
nifsk was modolcd arter a (iernian
Fiance, llut the attached bag is an
American Improvement. It is an air
lllter which will purify the air of
noxious gases so when It Is received
into the mouth It will not poison the
We nra a nation or meat caters and
our blood la filled with uric acid, says a
well known authority, who warns us
to be constantly on guard against kid
ney trouble.
The kidneys do their utmost to free
(he blood or this Irritating acid, but
become weak from the overwork; tbey
get sluggish; the cllmlnatlvo tissues
clog and thua the waste Is retained In
the blood to poison the entire system.
When your kidneys ache and feel
like lumps of lead, and you have sting
ing pains In the back or the urlno Is
cloudy, full of sediment, or the bladder
Is Irritable, obliging you to seek relief
during the night; when you have so
'vere headaches, nervous and dizzy
spells, sleeplessness, acid stomach or
rheumatism In bad weather, get from
your pharmacist about four ounces
of Jad Salts; take a tablespoonful In a
glass of water before breakfast each
morning and In a few .days your kid
neys will act fine. This famous salts
Is made from the acid of grapes and
lemon Juice, combined with IJthla, and
baa been used for generations to flush
and stimulate clogged kidneys, to neu
tralise the acids In urine so It Is no
longer a source of irritation, thua end
ing urinary and bladder disorders.
Jad Salts Is Inexpensive and cannot
Injure; makes a delightful effervescent
Uthla water drink, and' nobody can
make a mistake by taking a little oc
casionally to keep the kidneys clean
and aeUve. Adv.
TACOMA, Wash.. July 17. The
shingle mills ure closed at Grays Har
bor nml Aberdeen as result of a strike
for au eight-hour day.
About twenty-live hundred men
walked out at Grays Harbor.
STERLING, Colo., July 17. Sixty
chlldreu of Sterling are working dally
1 for the lied Cross under the direction
'of Miss Harriet Jacobs. The chlldreu
gather each afternoon at tho court
! house to cut old rags for fracture pil
lows while their mothers are engaged
In another room making up the pil
lows. Tho work Is under tho auspices of
Sterling chapter of the Red Cross.
farming: ma acrkacik
NORTH YAKIMA, Wash., July 17.
Yaklnm Indian reservation land own
ers are "doing their' bit" this year by
cropping 9,604 acres of land In addi
tion to that planted last year.
More than half of this Increased
acreage has been planted to grain,
about one-quarter to corn and the re
mainder to sugar beets.
i- - - ' s
It's Toatsted
fjj f delicious Burlcy i
ft flavor. You'll like it. f
n Guaranteed by
Oil Ideal
FORD C-1- Vcsdi, Oakland
"Cdifm nil arnkih Ii nil fiirnst ssi 1
'fcraFofJcsr." -STUDEBAKER
Staidiaktr Ganft, Stockton
"having uad Zirslwi fee or ah rw. fmijutA-
xwd as ncoaUBMkdiag it to uacxs of Scudebaaar cats."
DODGE McAitW Bra., Pbosu
"bav. Mssd Zircilian 'nduanfriy ia aB our Dodge
Bcothtts cats.1'
OAKLAND OiVlmil Auto Sain Company, Portland
TkeSteMdvd Oil for Motor Qti
tna tecoffds of dafae sarvm
that Zatoltaw. uiul wtmd troea
baa cnada, givaa Bwrfccthibricstaoa
f saw, atasc rarn oapaaw. fj
SaBw Dtaltn tmywbtrc an4 at ear sfsr
rTBTl- atnrk Hatiooa, iTT
'. (CaUMila) M
IMI in
Lemons Beautify!
Strain lemon juice well before
mixing and massage facet
reek, arms, hands.
Here Is told how" to prepare an in
expensive lemon lotion which can be
used to bring back to any skin the
sweet freshness, softness, whiteness
and beauty.
The Juice of two fresh lemons
strained into a bottle containing three
ounces of orchard white makes a
whole quarter pint of the most re
markable lemon skin beautifler at
about the cost one must pay for a
small Jar of the ordinary cold creams.
Care should be taken- to strain the
lemon Juice through a fine cloth so
no lemon pulp gets In, then this lotion
will keep fresh for months. Every
woman knows that lemon Juice is used
to bleach and remove such blemishes
as freckles, sallowness and tan, and Is
the Ideal skin softener, smoothener
and beautifler.
Just tiy it! Get three ounces of
orchard white at any pharmacy and
two lemons from the grocer and make
up a quarter pint of this sweetly frag
rant lemon loUon and massage, It
dally into the face, neck, arms and
hands, and see for yourself. Adv.
Will trade good lot In Railroad
Addition wKJ spur track for good
residence lot. See Chllcote. 9
Have tiouie good 40 and SO acre ir
rigated tracts tloae to Full, partly
in nlfaUa. lrirea are low and terms ,
right. See Chllcote. 9
' BnasnasasasVBBasm 4awi !"'
fVIC''t aVJ ..
I IVA ejlb ? ilC VCJT-U
fwlm Seeds
for lot malts ia ffriaf flowors
aaoWtfataMa. Maat sow Swart
fat, i win's ad otfcer Ciwad Prise
California Seeds
Abo Caabsfa, Carrots, Oaioa,
Bwta, Pms, Saiaack, TunHM,
8?Mlla?l,,l,,, """ "
0 Sato tr Uadkxt Deslaw
U nw avatar if art am MW
MsbbbU. bWsI suasBBal mrnrnr mmtM aMaaaJHasBaaw4aBam.
a a mm & oo.
H litasim Mmtmm J
bh 'mm
BnananananananansaBnanBnananV "" &
-v .at1
tarffir. Ws '81 iiS