iJ!V 15 '&&' S .SB It Aft' lA" i v- Hff? !fc '1H. tti u HtraM W?0. SMITH, Editor tr at f at lUfwarta street atta attar. fey MtU to M7 ta tk rjaKot ftatas &,, TCK8DAY, JVXY IT, ItlT falftOusfctArrs. FOR SALE WMMHMMIMMMM FOR BALE Oao lawyer'e brief caae aa typewrMer desk. C F. Stoae. FOR SALE OR TRADE Good cow, , tools at auros, 1,100. "1th colt; teas auras, 1,160. wlta colt; work teaat, Met. aa 10; driving teas. MO. H. t. Fox. 3 llee oa Keno limC Ml" FOR SALE Ten youag aalry cowi. a lately freak. Phoae J I J. 14-St FOR SALS Garage and repair shop -tottlaeattMtBtowa. Phoal?M or cR at 401 Michigan ave. 1-Ct t, -J ruK, SAL.B uh uft is yi noise, weight too pounds. In air K. WMuuas, Division street. FOR gAXE Modera 4-room house. Apply 1S4 Michigan ave. 9 2St FOR RENT FOR RENT Two nicely furnished tjOQBai. hot aad cold water, close la: reasonable. Apply 131 Second at. MTSCEI.T.ANEOUS ''A targe tract of level, ferUle hoate otee4 laac. WU1 locaU settlers at roasnassli ratea. Addreae Ckaa. Oravas; 303 Washington street. Khun. ata Falls, Oregoa. 13-lm Damt take cJuuacoa. ayCMtrete. lt-ft FARMLANDS TFK GOVERNMENT seeds farmers aa watt aa aghters. Two mlllloa tkra kaadred thouaaad acraa of Ore gon California Railroad Co. grant laaas; UU revested la Ualted SUtea; to ko opeaed f or hoateeteads and aale. Ceatalas aoau of the beat land left It tho Calted SUtea; large copy right' aup'sbowlag land by sec tteWaai.asoerlatloa of toll, climate. rala fall, elevations, temperature, tcKky eooaUos. Postpaid IX. Grant Laaas Locating, Co., Box 010, Port ktfed, Oregea. J3-7lt OMTMTMaUN ACME TRACTS MAa Aero of lard for the Prlco In Ob Jaly llth wo wUI of or tor aale few,oae-aere surbnrbaa homo aitea at tka f rat auburbaa atatloa oa our sow MBBtdpal Railroad, at prlcoa taaa tkaa a dty lot will coat you. Remember, there aro only a few of tkeeo tracts, aad yon get tour or f to tlmea the taad there U la a Bfty foot dty lot, aad Just, outside the city fMalto your OWN gardaa. RaJao yoar OWN small fruit; Hatoo year OWN cblckeai. Have your OWN cow; Aad bo INDEPENDENT. NO CITY TAXES TO PAT. Sold oa Eaay Torasa 14-tf R. E. 8MITH REALTY CO, aero tracts, CIS Jaly Id. 10-tf SaTJD raUT OF '4M BTIUi BaaaVIIN8 WITH OLD SOLDIER ATLANTA, July 17 -You can't tell W. A, miw that ho lan't aa good a ksM at 74 aa ho waa tfty years ago, wkoa ho raaged half a doien coua- trlag M a aoldlor of fortune, and lad a oopfaajr of Georgia voluateera thru tao war'betweOB tko atetea. Mr. Im, aa Instate of tha Old Sol. dlera' beae, waste to eater tho aenr- i of bio eouatry aad to kelp boat the So far ho has sot boos W laduW reeruUlsg oSleors Is itoaceaatblm. uaui two i ao was a realdoat of Oriaa. bo was ISbtlag tor the r wRav Loo Cbriataus, to Coatral KLAMATH COUNTY NEWS MAUN' MENTION MAUN, July 1 Nearly every one la haying here bow. Mr. Herman and Steve Bennett came down from Bryant Mountain aaw Bill to put up hay. Love Chandler and Mr. Fredenberg were at Italia frora thalt homestead Bear Doublehead, Calif., tor supplies. Gua Hall from Bryant Mountain and Mr. 8tout froaa Dry Lake were at Malta oa hualneaa Saturday. Mr. and Mra. Brotanek, Mrs. Ivan D. Applegate. Mra. F. H. Branden burr and Mra. V. X. Wood were trad tag at Malta Saturday. Many are enjoying the bathing in the government canal north of Malln. this hot weather. I Dr. A. Soule and wife and babyf C. G. Morris of the Klamath Ageit daughter left this morning by auto to cy is among today's visitors iu the spend a week's vacaUoa at the home city. He is registered at the Hotel of his pereatt at Uttla Shasta. Calif. Another Gould Romance BBW -Bggj BBl sSmammmmmmmmmmmmmmnBTJBmmBmmllgl ImmmmmTammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmsSal aTsTsmmT faTmTsTsTsTsTsTsTsTsTsTsTsTsTsT loammmi fBeaBmmmmmmmmmmmmVLmmmmmmHai I bbbbbbbb BnmBleB.-mmmmmmmmmmmmpv ki'ammmmmmmB I BBBiiiaWaBSmaeMmmBB sBVBmmmmmmmmmmmmmBmmmtfmemmS -aaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaKBa mmi ammmmmammmmwaiTaammmmmmmmmmmmmKmmmi ammVammmmmlemmmmmBBmmmmBeSfBmi aaaa! mi mmmmmtaT Jr WammmmmmmmmmmtW sBsmmmmmmmmmmmmmmammmmlBeamTOyami aaaa! rtlanL v ammmmmfaefmammmBfl HBY-avBBBsaatL SiaKammmmmmnEEusHBmmmK mH Ib?9bbsbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb BHauBWBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBa aaPBmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmxmmmmisBm ammmmaam maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam H maafaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBnBBBBBm 1 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam BBbI BBBBBBBBBBBaKmHaBBBBTBBBBBBBBBBm safmaaRa9aaaaaaaaaaaaam SssKaasmaaaaaBaaaaaaam BJ frig JRrBaHaaaaaaat'll sBammamTsTaaaamaaaawSBBBB Three days after attending his; brother Klngdon'a wadding, at which be waa the only member of his fam ily present, George J. Gould Jr., waa quietly married 1b Philadelphia to Miss Laura M. Carter of Freehold N. J. In obtaining the license young Gould stated his age waa 31 and Miss Carter aald that waa har age also. The only witnesses of the Gould Carter wedding were Mrs. E. J. Cal lahan of Ardeaa, the brldo'a aunt; Dixon Calahaa, bar cousin, aad Dr. Offsetting Attack Tho call to arms In tho battle of Ufa may come to yoa at any moment. Preparation against the Invasion of wsnt li always in order. The first line of defense Is In a growing Savings Account. . A fixed sum regularly deposited In this institution builds a strong forti fication against tho day of need. Our ofBcera Invito your account. First State & Savings Bank KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON MT. LAM LACONICS MT. I.AK1. July 17. A Red Crosa social was held at the church last Saturday evening by thi tadle of the district. The urogram consisted of readings, sours and "Tlu l'unkln Center llugle," which wan read by Mra. McCorob. The paper contained many witty and funny article-! and jokes, mart)- of the jokes being on some of those present. The entire program was greatly enjocd by ail, and after it was oier refreshments of Ice cream and cake, cand, soda pop and lemonade were sold. A total of about 15 was taken in for the Ited Cross. C E. Hunt and family went in their new car to religious sen Up held at Straw, Calif., today. Hall. George A. Coleman, an old friend. The bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Carter, are both dead. Mr. Carter was a New York business man. For seventeen years the bride has lived with Mr. and Mrs. Callahan She Is a graduate of Freehold high school and an accomplished dancer. She and Mr. Gould became acquainted at an Informal tea In Freehold two years ago, and have been engaged three months. The Gould family, ac cording to the new Mrs. Gould, of fered no objection to the match. , Jt v t THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON One Third More Men Than Women Voters SAI.K.M, July IT Male voters In Oregon outnumber women olcr by about 60,000, accordlnK to a table of stutMltcs mudo public hero today by Secretary of State Hon Olcott. The table, whlrh has been prepared for the 1917-18 Oregon lllue llook, shows and 3,395 men. Registered progres. there were 181,119 men and 131.S7M1 slves totalled 1.453 when the regis women registered nfteen days before tratlon books closed, the special bond election June 4. Approximately 33.000 voters failed Registered republican women out- number their democratic sisters more than two to one. there being 75,340 lUU'll WIHHAttO KXTKUS ANNAPOLIS At'ADKMY Word has Just been received here by Archie Wlshant that his brother, Itnlph. had passed the examinations sucicsfully for the Annapolis Naval Academy, and Is now on his way there to enter school. Ralph attended the high school here during part of the year 191 5. and Is well known among the local boys. DRAFT MACHINKItV DKf.AYKI WASHINGTON. D. C. July 17 Fifteen states had not reported the completion of exemption board or. ganliatlons. The war department has said that the selective draft could hardly he held before Saturday at the earliest. y00m00000000wwww00i Moving Pictures 0WWmW0A000mWWWWW "Blood Will Tell," at the Star to night. Is a new Triangle-Kay Ilee play of lote and finance that will cause man) thrills and heart throbs as you follow the fortunes of a man who bated business, who was turned adrift by his money-grubbing father, who married a chorus girl and was arous ed by her to deeds of daring and en ergy that culminated in the saving of hta own father from his business ene mies. H OUSTON' Metropolitan Anueementa s HOUSTON OPERA HOUSE DARK STAR THEATER William Desmond In "BLOOD WILL TELL" One Xlgtit Only TEMPLE THIATII Greater Yitagraph Presents Mary Anderson in "THE LAST MAX" A thrilling, masterful drama In Fire Parts ADMISSION TEN CENTS MERRILL OPERA HOUSE MOTION PICTDRKR TUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS Merrill. Oregon ORPHEUS THEATER Tuesday aad Wednesday "The Great Torpedo Secret," A Universal Drama In Three Parts "King Cotton," Powers Special "Shooting His Art Oat," L-Ko Comedy In Two Parts. ADMISSION TEN CENTS MANAGERS WANTED DISTRICT AND LOCAL MAN. AGKRS WANTED In this and adjoining counties to Represent THE KNIGHTS AND LADIES OF SECURITY America's Moat Popular aad Fasteat Growing Fraternal Insurance Society. 25 years old; ,300,000 mem bers; $3,000,000,00 assets, writes partial disability, total disability, old age, death; also Juvenile Insurance. Will soon maintain great homo and hos pital for orphans, aged and af flicted members. Write at once. Reference re. quired. Address J. M. Kirkpat rick, President, Topaka, Haas. 1-lt womeu registered n republicans and 33,9X1 us democrats. Theie are 1 IS,. 063 tnuii regixteretl rupiiblliuns and 4M.843 us demtKruts. In the prohibition party regitra lions the women outnumber the men, there being 4.7H6 women registered to cast their ballots at the presided tlal election Itut lug to the table. November, accord STRAHORN 6IVEN CROSSING PERMIT HKVtH'AIU.t: PKItMIT It HI TKMI-lK ItAltV HPl'll CIMMiSlXtl WANT UANII AND SI.XTII I'KIIMA NKNT S. I. tNNWTItN lTr:!t Robert K. Strahorn was last night given a permit by the council to ion struct a spur from the Southern Pa cific Y crossing Wantland avenue ami Sixth street to his construction ward below Sixth. The spur, whlih Is to be temporary,.wllt be used to unload his steel aud other equipment as It arrives. The permit granted by the council waa revokable, as the spur will prob. ably not be used after a few months as arrangementa have been made to tap tho Eapee line west of Sixth street. JITNEY DRIVERS WANT LICENSE WOULD PAY Ut'KNSK AND KS- TAULISH SCHEDULE ENDORSED BY CITY COUNCIL MATTER TO BE ARRANGED THIS WEEK The Jitney drivers of Klamath raus, who nave organised among themselves for protection against out siders who come in for a few months of the ear when the roads are good, and leave with the wet weather, wish to pay a good license to the city for the privilege of operation, and have a fair schedule of prices arranged endorsed by the council for the dif ferent seasons which will be effective. The question has been brought to the uttentlon of that body, which Is favorably Inclined to the Idea, previ ously, and waa up for discussion again laat night, but nothing dellulto was done, as the proposed schedule was not anally arranged. Attorney R. C. Oroesbeck will meet with the driven Thursday evening, and have this prepared for the next meeting. ELKS BECOME TAME BY WINTER FEEDIN6 L,KWlHTtN, Mont., July 17. Few parsons believe that a herd of elk, considered almost as shy and skit tlmU Jk . .u at mmr, wuum necomo so tame that they needed a herder, but elk herding has become an occupation In Lewlston. A herd of elk turned loosn in n, foothills near here several years ago failed to remain In the hits when the cold weather auneared. and v winter for the last few years they have returned and raided the grain fields. A solution to the problem was sougnt, and It was taken up In the i.ewwion lodge of Elks. The organisation decided that Elks alwaye behaved better with a herder la charge, so they voted to bear nan ui me expense or hiring a h.... whose duties will he to keep the herd in the mountains. Dr. A. A. Soule reports the birth nr a baby daughter to Mr. and Mrs. C, L. Cornish on July 10th. Mr. Cornish is connected with the Klamath Falls Fire Department. iV ui Mannmtr JvCHr JrlUMUCf Or fi'Mixa dimo aciocrv II tl co lleidek, who tm I'l-nti mtliis n rtout. I the n'W lualiaser of the IMitithurK Niitloiml tissue llmll club, succeeding Han Wnsner. who n? at Una manager for only two in. Wagner at ishrll the plsrn when Jlmiii) t'allahnu was minted lleidek wn nt one time a lur fotit-t-nll player at the t'nUerslly of Clil- ciro and afterwnnU was uperlitor of phynlcnl liutrurlloii and football conch at the l'nl entity of Orecou .i:tnn atrlilent anil lirrtllli Milrlr are the olaniUrtl. Ak fhllrole. '.' Ilie ue of lullllMht "dlrnt arllim" taitlr In the full rtlrul of our ier to make gNt. AN OLD RECIPE TO DARKEN HAIR SAtIK TK. AM. Sl'l.nillt TURNS GRAY, FAIIl'D HAIR DARK AND GMIMHY AlmtMtl nvnrvontt bnowa Mini ltni Tea and Sulphur, properly compound ml. nrinKS, back the natural color and lustre to the hair when failed, streak, ed or araV. Ynirn nun ttut nnlv n to get this mixture was to make It at no m f. w nun U iiiusny and trouble some. Nowailars Wn hIiiihIv nuk m mu ll rug store for "Wyeth's Sage and Kill pliur L'ompouiid " You will got n largo bottle of this old time recipe. Improved by the addition of other In Krcdlcnlrf, for about 50 crnts, Kury. body iims thU prvparnilou now, In-. lUUie'no Olio can iiiinmIIiIi. lull Hmi you darkened your hair, as It does It so naturally nml eeny. You damp. on u sponge or Mift brush with It and draw this through ytur hnlr, taking one small strand at a lime; by morn. nig me gray iiuir nisnpMurs, and af ter another application or two, your hnlr become beautifully dark, thlrli and glosiy. nnd you look years young or. wyi'tiis ange anil Sulphur Com pound Is a delightful toilet requisite It Ih not Intended for the cure, mltlgn. tlon or prevent Ion of disease. Adv. L E Dr. Jutag Haadaobt Powders rt. lievo at oiioo 10 oonto a ptokage. Poldle!. .' J""-' neadsch. your bead clears aad all neuralgia and distress vanishes. It's the quickest and surest relief for headache whether rseaing. SeniT someone to the droe tore and get a dime package now Quit suirerrnglfa ao ninllZ. ' surelou ? m jHeXS iitwl4 A.UUAK. I FILMS Bought at our slora Developed Free YOU SAVK IS CKNTS ON KACII ROM, - mHH i oaaBBaaBBBBiamamWaaml '- BBBaaaaaBBs JaaVv I ' AbbbV "- aaaaaal .aaaaVsama. "- Jaaaamfl ' I3B- , N li I DUL SPLITTING SICK HEADACH LMrwootfs Wfv KLAMATH FAl 1 j rT KLAMATH FALLS OREGOM nfflfefvi iwmMyuLZ58ri TI'KSMAV, MI.V 17, HUT ' PROFESSIONAL CARDS I hi in i 1 1 inrrrr r iTmrrri n ai-gui JOHN C. a.KtlllORN t'ounty Surieyor t'lvll Kngliieer DR J. II. CARTER DENTIST orriCS, ROOMS 7 and WMITK BUIUDINQ City A County Abstract Co. AHTMIII' II. WIIJMIV MT Main HI. AllMTII.lrrS, MIANH AND M er rrnl Money lor I him INNt'HAM'K DR. P. K. GODDAKD tMHH'AIHII' PHYSICIAN Suite UIU, I. O, O. F. Temple ttrliirmlirr KMlillS)Mtln ami roe. ullatlon la frro at your liuwas, or In the oiUiw, Farther I mso Itio p"Halile folding lerl Mtde for Imhiw ir!. ineni. Till liiaurr I tie tmnir Oretmriil in he equal In any gltrn In the olBie'sed I tie awlre to Ilie eiuo. flnme -Ml, llltlr-M. plmne g.tN.N. (I Klamsth lxlie No. 137, I. O O f, tnecta Friday nights. W, l. tjofor N. tl I'.: Nat, Ottertwln. st-crnary. Kwraiina Kncampment No. it, mrets riieiday ulgbl. V. U Fountain, C. P.; ).. J Dean, scribe. W. D. MILLER Hoofing Contractor Malthold. Tar and Gravel Roof Ing. Roof Costing. Repair Work a Specialty. 231 H. Slsib Hire!. I'lions 3 a J. WOOD Place yeur Ordara for QREEN SLAB WOOD NOW Best wood obtainable for the money Klamath Fuel Co. m000WWWWWW Automobile Tires Vulcanizing and Repairing All work Guaranteed KLAMATH AUTO TIRE COMPANY 120 South Sixth Street tV S9 " w .ayVSSv ABBBBBBBf aaVaBav" C SS bbbbbbbbL safaaaaaaTC aaW ' saaaaaal ' HIWIMY i w' i wwwwwwww4TWmw'T;w; rF!.rtJ1 J BBBBVl, I Mi S '