I71? -Euimmri Iteratfi OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH COUNTY OFFICIAL NEWIPAmt OF KLAMATH PALLS I jtr-T Tf " '" 1M""!";t'""",'-"-T-TTir-rnriiiTirri.inii-ii an.- ifijUMiiuamjLamji,tmB;g Mrtnilh Yrr X. H.IW KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, JULY 17 1917 erte, fbm Cane I. W. W. Strikes 4Mb- J y''11111' nUIMFQS PIUMI hM.U.I. I'HH '"T OK KMPMIYKM WAI.h HIT WIIKHK MllllE MMiir'H irt nrti.NTWi I'lii.v. tirrnrx mii.ij vumr. sKArri.t:. Vdi,. "Jir i: -with r. I hall I.UOO IIU of 10,000 rllf I yUijr ttrlklng, the I ii iii It IiIiiKI" mill iiMtirio uf Western Washington har liJitrd III strike by the III- iuitrUI Workers of the World as a failure Only rtftwn mill are now rlou ' fl.- mhH aA.IH,,i liv Itln luwttitrtl cil U'rtrtn Washington for III" fail ure of III" strike l that " ' "' ' Industrial Worker of llm World nm really workers, and lhal when they ar rallnl out mi strike they form urn a iiialt proportion of the out ploy that the reult U generally a fliilo, Insofar as handicapping llm work It coiirttrnmt. TERMS OF PEACE HAMEO THURSOAY CiKIMIANH KJIWH NEW ClIAX. Ci:t.U)lt MirilAKI.IS to taki: A liMlliKII HTAXII AT THK Itl.lCIIHTAII ON TIII'lUillAV COI'KNIIA(iKN. July IT.-llrlllli dispatches say that a majority of the rslctistas: plana to irnl pear term resolution nt Ihn meeting on Ttiumilay, A ilenmutt ha been mnilii of )r. Mlrharlln, ttit new chancellor, that he accept till,, prlnelplo. The rlinm.-llor la now working nl'ii ami ilay on tlm program speech which m r' I a to make nl the meet lot of 1I10 relt-hslug. I. W. W. LEADER TAKEN AT DORRIS IH I OlIMi Amili MKAIMH hiding IX I HKKiHT CAR KHDKHAI. I'KI't'TIIIH IIAVi: I.KIT TO UK. TI'IIX IIIM TO I.TTV 'rl IWKlillm, an hIIurdJ I. V. It-advr hiii, luu lioi-n miiturctl lit l)or rl, and fidrriil doimtlua from Imro ft lulu id a ufuunoon In luko lilni Into ruainily. u wiu rmrtil In llmi vldnliy. uitil u mmrch waa rn wrdcd by dlacovurliiK him In u 'felKlil nir. Mr. aild Mm. (Mmrlfia lly.ini ulll 'vc tomorrow for n two wenka' vlall Hh Mim, Dunurfa aUtor, In I'oitlitnd. Marlon Nlm.-of thu Nino Lumber mwny nt llray, Cullf., H here for a nort buHlneas visit. U. Howman from Plenty wood, Mon- a, a urothor of 0. II. Ilowmnn of Klamath County High achool, la filling Klamath County. The two wotherM have boon fluhlng at Spring lit , ,l(, ,n,on', f0,n l0 CroU)r we In a short time. Mr. Bowman h WarMiMi n th. mining bualnaia In Dramatic Critic fosses Aaj WU.UAM William Winter, llm moat famous Anirrlmn ilramatlr rrltlr, who thru llm rilliliin of th'i "New Yirk Trib une, made himself known hII.omt tin worlil, U dead In lil Msi rar NO AUTOS NOW BY STATE BANK OIIIMXAM'K timililN lAIIKIli ox i:st hum: or iiitii uiu TWKKX KiaMATH AXIl I.IX tint mem: tiiax 'M mim;ti:s 1 The t'lly nnllimliic iirnlilliltlliR lh luirkliic of niitnmotillra iiIoiir MmIii Uorl and ollmr hItitIh fur u porlod of ovr wniy mlnutra wu Inxl iiIkIiI i-tnudid by Ihn illy counrll to In-rluili- th n naalt-rly aldtt of Fifth Mrci't hot wren Klamitth iivt-uiiu and Main alri'fl. Thla hlock U a tcry ioiulnr onu for Hie tuirkliig of nim during bualnenw hourn. and with both aldea filled with vara It Interferes with the lire truck' gnttlug thru, eHpechtlly on a hurrliMl, call. CAR STRIKE ON SEATTLE LINES Moroit.MKX axii nMii'rroits IIOI.II II TIIAFFir HHt ItKtXMJ. XITIOX OF THKIIt HXIOXH, AOITATKII I ItOM TACOMA HKA1TI.K, Wnali., July 17. Willi Htrcet emu aro iuiuiIiir on thn 1'HKrl Hound l.lghl mid I'ower coiupany ow ing to n Htrlkn of 1,000 tnnlornieii mid (wuductoi'H for loi'OKulllon of their Union, The Htrlko wuh preclpltulod by n strike of the Tucomu omployeH of thin sumo company. Mrs. William Mugiiiro nnd daugh ter Helen, who are spending the sum mer at the Pelican Uuy logging camp on Upper Klamath Uko, uie In town for a faw days. 'IF U I T-- a rfcsnar r iT)mmmkmat3E3 WiMCtt All Deputies Report nrrrvirra'MTrM"rfry'ivvvwvwMWrfMMwywwMMww ftfwwww--w-w-wMiit CITIZENS COM. IS NOW MADE A PERMANENT BODY TOWN ltll'OXIH TO ;AM. Hill MtOTKtTlOX ltHT XKiHT HoikIiik MrrlliiK of ltrgr I'roml of I'Hitcitu l I'ourt IIoum- HllOM hilrl of t'ommunlly Htlrrlns Talk. Ar Mailr t.'liarlm F. Stone I 10 I Irad the I'mttanrui Organl. Ration. Itrdouhlcd efforti will b made by In) 11I rlti(eu to ,irorrt .the home ami luitUklrlra of thin rlly. Thla win rli-urly ilt'inoniitralcd laat iiIkIiI at a mrollnf at the court houiie, at which about 2U0 wi-rn preaent. Thn ldfa,4( theaiaetlng waa to I'fhtrt a iwrmaiient rllUciu' commit ter to rope with the nerloua local alt nation The liincllUR wan called to order by V I'. Johiinon, who dcllvcrtd a brief, ntlrrltiK ml it if mi on the critical pod- , Hon In which thu community la ulaced and on thu ueiuwlty. In vlow of the' I mitloiial ru 1 1 for men at thu from, , lor lliomi nt hoiiu) to bo prepared to iiU'cl all riiiiTKi'iiclru ihnt may urlno In a rapnhln liiiililiiT. . Thn tt'iuorary coinmltten, which hut hi'iuliid thu cltllnua luovnnoilt llniK far, ri-llred In nrdor that a per iimiii'iit oricauliatlon inlht be crcut. I'd, mid Charlea F. Stone waa aetectcd u chief uxecullve of tho roorganliud liudy A iiomlmitliiK commlltee then with, dtew and niadii the following recom iiirinlatloiiM for an executlva commit leu to art with Chairman Stene: Flunk Ward, 0. J, Ferguaon, V. 8. Wlloy, Hurry .Stilts. Dr. It. It. Ilamll ion, J- A. tiordou, O. V, Kobortaon, Hurt Withrow, Harry Tolford and fliaili'H Hlloy. llert Withrow wag "Ivclod exocutlvo aecrelary. Joe Smith wuh elected chltyf of I'o- lire and Ham Walker nalHtmit chief of the cltUena' commltlee. All thoae prenent I lion Hlguod the roll of tho t-iiiumltleo, and Bland rendy for call for whatever duly may be delected for I hem by the exocutlvo board. A KOHrilon w'na Immediately called of thin hoard following thn mooting, and plana for Immediate, moves mudo. NO BOOZE FOR PORTO RICO NOW IMS1IIKT UOKH IHIY AT Kl.rX TIOX YKHTKKDAY MY OYKIL YIIKI.MIX MAJOIUTY ONK TOWN YOTKS XKAIU.Y 800 TO I SAN JUAN, Porto Rice, July 17. With sixty-two out of sevonty-slx mu nicipalities reported, yesterday's elec tlons showed Porto Rice votod for prohibition by more than two to one. Cavey, a mountain summer resort town, voted over 8,000 for prohlbl Hon and only sixteen against It. in Washington RUSS CABINET FUSSES WHILE ARMIES ADVANCE NI.AVS MAKK HITCKSSFCI. IS.ilXH IX liAI.K l. I'ahlnrt Torn liy INari-rnirnt of I'M. Irint Four Mliiitcn IttxlKti Kol lowing Cmtrrry Ib-Hcrnl Tliat Many Will Xoh Join Hum Korrt-. in Hie Kunreaaful lrh on lite rl era Front. lly Aworlnleil rrrN IliiKJtlan arnilcd are continuing their vlgorotia offenshe In Calacln. Other grouiw of their countrymen are a parontly ready to Kpring Into action! at varloua olnts along the SOO-mllcj ftont. if I Meanwhile ltualan governmental ntfmtr mp. iifflA.I w.1.1. n tfnl.lt,M. dlifl-! . .... ..... ......... agreement. Four minister. Inctudlnc Mlnlaier of Finance Shlngnroff. have realgncd becaiuo thoy object to pol- Idea decided upon by other ministers In Ukaralno. which dohlr.-s lndeneml. cut Kovoruuieut. It U honed that the rciilgnntlons will be withdrawn. BERNSTORFF IS KOHMKIl AMKIIK'AX A.MIIAHSA. IKUt IH KKXT TO COI'K.MIAliKX. IMI NOT Kl'tTKK.D SKCItKlMKY .IMMKItMAX, AS KXI'rXTKIt I'AKIS, July 17. A Zurich dl pntch nays that Count von nornstorff, former ambassador to America, hits been appointed (ierman minister to Coiinhagon. It had been previously reported Hint ncrustorff was a candidate to succeed Forolgn Secretory Zimmer man, w-ho resigned recently. SOCIALIST RIOT QUICKLY HALTED DKMOXHTKATIOXS AGAIXHT THK (lOVKRXMKXT AUK SHOUT I.IYKU SKYF.H.U. ARK KIM.KII AMI WOUXHKII PKTUOCIRAI), July 17. Two dem onstrations against tho government resulted in the tiring of shots In tho Novsky district about mlduight. A number wore killed and wounded by the firing, apparently us a result of stray shots, which started the panic. Tho demonstrators turned the rifles and machine guns among each other, Quiet was restored after a fow min utes. The majority faction of the social democratic party organlsad the dem onstration. DANISH MINISTER Tomorrow Morning at Nine iiirt-ini-Mnrwr"MMw'wvvvvina'fMirv Who Manages Selective Draft I , CCN.CNCOI.JCR0W0OI. General Enoch H. Crowder, proToat mamhal of the United States army. Is managing the aelectlve draft by which an army for aervlce In France IH aoon be chomn. He has been wry biiny for weekn naming members of tho local exemption boards. PROTECTION FOR CITY PAVEMENTS OIUMXAXCK WIU. IK KltOM IMIKYKXT RXCE8S1YK nitK.KIXG THICKS WKItillT THK CITV 8T11KKTS To protect the improved streets of the city from damage by heavy truck in, an ordinance was Introduced and passed to second reading at last night's council meeting which pro hiblts the hauling of engines with corrugated wheels over any of tho pavements. The ordinance further piovides that no load over five tons. Including tho weight of the truck, shall bo hauled, and that all loads of more than two tons must be on tires of four Inches width or wider. It is believed that with the passage of this measure a great saving will bo made. to the city streets. The or dlnnnco was passed to second reading. Captain J. W. Siemens has returned from a ten Uuy visit to Portland, where he bus been attending to mat tors of business. He reports a pleas ant trip. William Dulton, a prominent stock man of the Malln bectlon, Is In the city today with his family. DRAFT COMMENCES LAST OF WEEK WASHINGTON. D. C, July 17. It 1st epected that draft drawings will begin Friday or Saturday. Ton states have not yet completed the organisation of committees. I . KSftA. ' giiggtgkalgggggB aBiHaaBafaHBaffiHHHlBW k. Jt4. A ALL DEPUTIES REPORT MierisT Geersaf H Hirer recjswsta Oast all depatlea aayoistfeeJ bring their gmsaad report at th AUSTRIA VOICES ITS DISCONTENT I'ROMJXKXT CmZEX DECLARE! HATE OP WORLD DIRECTED AGAIX8T GERMANY, XOT AC8-TRIA-MTST BREAK WITH ALLY ZURICH, July 17. The Austrian reicharath waa thrcrfa Into aa uproar oa Satarday waame former Caec.li Minister. HssilPracaek. declared the hate of the satire world Jraa aot directed aajrhwt'Gwasaay. and that. Austria should detach herself from her ally, says a Vienna dispatch. "How are we to obtain peace?" de manded Htrr Praschek. "If we cllag to the Geraan aide? Must we con tinue to submit to the German mili tarism that has drawn us Into this war?" The speaker declared that Csech deputies had been Imprisoned for at nmntlnc tn brine about an alliance oL Austria with Russia and France, and. added that If they were to be stigma-1 Hied as traitors, then all Csech who, believed similarly should be so stig-. matlsed. GREAT NAVAL VICTORY WON ELEVEN SHIPS ROUTED IN BAT TLE JUST REPORTED Telllas Blow la Struck at the Eaemy'a Sea Forces la Big Kacagetacat. Three Ships Returned to Port, Four Were Captured, aad Four More Are Sunk. WASHINGTON, D. C, July 17. A dispatch Just receive! from YmuL- den says that British destroyers In the North Sea have sunk four ships of the German fleet, captured four and forced three to return to Rotter dam. The captured vessels are small. The three beachedrwere badly damaged by gun Are. E. T. SHEPHERD AWAY ON TRIP Good conditions prevailing In Klamath County are evidenced In the report ot the sale of Ave grand and player pianos recently by Earl T. Shepherd. Some of the Instruments run as high aa f 1,000 In value. Mr. Shepherd left today for his an nual tour of Eastern Oregon, aad will be away several weeks. Mrs. Shep herd will aot aoeempaay htm at this. time, but will remala la Klamath Falls. . ' Fails ctty hall at 0 o'clock $30,000 LOSS AT MOJAVE. CALIF. STRANGER 18 HELD BY AUTHOR ITIES OX ADMITTING THAT HE WAS IN BUILDING WHERE THE FIRE STARTED MOJAVE, Calif., July 17.- third of the buslaese asjetlea of Me Jave, including the postoHce, new, paper oce, the telephoae xehaaaa and telegraph oflce were wheUy de stroyed by Are. A stranger glvlag the aasMof, J- O. Day, said by the aataar. Hies to hare 'admitted "be wa la'tha , building of the Mojave Prase, where the fire started, is under arrest. Otto Haes, the postmaster, entered the burning postoHce In an attempt to save a big bag of mall, aad waa caught under (ailing timbers. Ha was dragged to safety by Bremen af ter bis feet has been seriously turned. Acordlng to the oflcers. Day was left In charge of the Mojave Press office by W. J. Evans, the editor, who left town for a vacation a few hours before the lire was discovered. Day was arrested, the offleers said, as he was walking along the railroad away from town. It was also asserted by. the officers that they discovered yea- terday that a Are hydrant across from the burned buildings had beea tem pered with. T Day, the of ears said, admitted re sponsibility for lae Ire, but main tained It was th result of the acci dental dropping of a lamp in a bucket of gasoline. He denied having touch, ed the fire hydrant, they said. AVIATION BILL T SENATE MILITARY COMMITTEE REPORTS FAVORABLY WITH. OUT AMENDMENT FOOD BILL" TEMPORARILY SET ASIDE , WASHINGTON. D. C. July 17. Another speed record in considering the 140.000.000 aviation program bill passed last Saturday la Ave hours, was made today when the senate mil. itary committee at a 45-mlnute ses sion unanimously ordered a favorable report without amendment. Leaders hope to have the food bill ( temporarily set aside tomorrow, Ther ( expect to have the aviation measure passed with a brief debate. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Haasabeck have left for their home la Lawtoa, Okla.. followlag a four weeks'' visit ' with Sid Evaas aad family of this -lw lf UawhAjtW Im lair of liHl .. - , wwwww - Mrs. Evaas. RUSHED HROUGH I A '? -t