vi 1 OFFICIAL NEWSPAPKR OF KLAMATH COUNTY Illrunlli Vwir .'. M.IMil MIDNIGHT FIRE People Aroused Martin Brothers Big Flour Mill Plant is Destroyed by Fire" ok i. w. w. m:mkh iit:n: I1I.M. lll.. i:rr ltxW.r. ., Ol I IVrprUMrO In llm llurvltia uf j Ini'iuMryAlK'WMt in Hum l.wrr Mill Hll,. I. .V.rn.Hl l'rrrMt' , Itrliull.l lu Tlwtr lu IUmIIt Till Veer's Crop. I The plant was a "S-lmrrul dally rapacity mill. It ban lrmi In' uirr.i- UllMlr. a heap of iuouldrln ,,,. ,;,(,,, Tn r(llinny wnrt rulim, Martin llrothen. flour mill. oite rnplmlUril nt Hs.non. S, i:. Martin of the prominent ln.1u.irle. and pay , president, V J Martin tr. pro. roll, of thi. city, loday Rl cvidmire ,,,rl ,, j,,,,,, Martin rnnnr) and of the da.tsrdly work of lb I. W W j ,raj(llrpr. T,,r, l)f ,! nfty harbored lu tl.U community. A lo.s dollat. worth of flour w..r.. of IJO.QOU to Martin brollmr. , Rrmind carli year, and iilim wen eni )rr' food niipply for Ihr outlrii cotin ,,,!, m ,, ,. A w. ,,M.,iin. tr at a time of imtlonnl .horinec, mn.'hn m.,r ,,rt,jmd t week, derlng It Ittiponntble to ltrln.1 UiU. H,ri men worked vety late nt Jrar'n whrsl tnakn. ilil. hv far n, viimt blow rirr ntrtirk thl. tomniuii.,,, Mr,., ,( tlm lire broke out iiy, aim one or tlm mo.t nemllnh re- ,;, My nM,,r ,M..r .leimrturo It i lorilrdln theblood-rurdllUB arl pnr.J.nWu ,hM ,tl wrt,.,, wh,, nre.l letralril all u,r tho rountry nt this ,tl (ll walled until the men rroi "0,r' the ntlent left befor.' riuiHilpncliiR That there wan n deliberate attempt , their work on the part of the I. W. V. to delroy It In tmll.ived thai tlm hllslit nhower the wlinln lower mill section of the rllr. whlrli Inrludes the Kwauna llox roniiiy, Ills: ltken Lumber roinpaiiy, lltt reiHirted by C. V, KeHer of MIIU Addition, who nnw the names break Ihroimh thn twit frm ! nom ,, notified the fire department littiuedl. KlMiialli Iron Works, Htaiidiird Oil I. W. W. FIRES BUNTING DARN KIMIUMJ IH VUVXtt I'AIITI.V milXKI) OIJTHIIIK OK IIAIIN IX IT HI'lllMW, WIIKX F1IIK IH I'M WKKKII AXII I'UT Ot'T Further nvlileiire that tlm I. W. V, ' utterly hefirtlens lu Its plans and prratlons Is shown In the II ro which el lust night at tho barn of C. A. lunttiiK In 0t Hpilngs Addition. Atom 11 .rof,B1M,r w K, ""Rlit who wua passing saw thu "" Hiid notiiiod Mr. IluntliiK. hn depurtniunt was Immediately 'W. but tlm lira was under ton fl heforo Its arrival. Klndllni with which the lire wh, on thu outHldo of tlm barn was minljr visible when the fire was dl. wvtred. No clue t0 the Identity or the Ineen- wries hns been dlsoavnred, ultho 11 eplclQ ""King character waa en Ino nellhborhnnrt r i.m.. n..i. tune rld,nc' n,"rby mt b0t tht Thera wero no hortaa, and only n )lltd. llinlr mxliu to ll" tl'l doubt (MIIU nilnire rVllfr.l nine iTtin nrn l brlled (n hat lir-mi l-y. Inn ,irti a nlfltl (mil b.'.-n Kdlttpil tmdirn It could nrrh; on ilia ,, ,,,, Uft, ,..lli0 lu cm It l,,1,I"r -ImiI. In about two hours (hi- t'lilltr mill wa In rulun. ami It was .ml, tlitil the lierolr clttiru if U ',Bl,""- '"' ' -urwundlng lhiliilrlr, Mctrit n.-il. The loon of I tin mill ami supplies Is irxllmatml t Illu.oiH). Tli" amount Nil Ittatiraiire ha not been ntitioumed. of llm early eteulUK aed the adJolu Iiik lumber yards from dentrurtloti for Lem.irJ'lLr.and." ",rr""! airons by the ilu.unandn, Tlm riKif of the offlro of the IIIk'I Ukm Lumber lompauy i-ihikIu ' and woinm thlH neason than ever not twlre. but wns extinguished before It (,(( previously." had Rained headway. limited amount of hay In the barn, nnirdliig lo the report of the tire de pnrlmetiti and It Is hellowd by Home that thin lire wns Marled In an at tempt to draw the department and Ike crowd so that others lould be Mailed JI11 other pnrtH of the illy. TEUTONS DRIVEN HARD IN EAST ii:ki'i:iiati: attkmit is ih:ixj MAMK Til HTOI' HIHSI.WH IIV Nil I ITI Xtl HUM 'KH I'HTII I A XH IX II.HJIIT WAHIIINdTON, II. 0., July . Ollleliil I'uli'oKrad dlsiuilchea lo Iho IIiihhIiui 0 m bunny buy thu whole Huh hIuii front from tlm (lulf of Itlgii ti Itumiilila Ih 11 II vd with battle. Troopa from Italian and French fronts urn rearranging positions Sen tinnspoiU aro carrying reinforce inentH to (tin front neur Ittgu. Tmitoiiii nre being nhlpped buck mid forth on thn hctntmrg front In heavy automobiles to prevent tho Huslnim from advancing further. It la reported that the Austrian aro in full flight In the Carpathian mountains. 7? JEraning Herald KLAMATH a""'''w.w.iW..w,,,,w,.,M)w, LOCAL MAN IS GIVEN PRAISE lilt NTt AliltH'l 1tTltlST AliK.XT (il..tsVi:it IS Hll.Ml iKH.Nt. KK- ri:irii: woiik iiv htati: i.iancit r.t i, v. mm 'I'liiil kimiJ work In tvlttK done lirrp liy l.'oiinty AKrliitlttirnl Akpiii II. It.' Cluiati.r H iti.rlnro.l l.v ! t ..!. I "r I'aul V Marin, who l.-fl jr.liTilar after u da)' tUlt koIiik ocr tlic dlf. fnriMil 1 1 Urn of tl work. "Tim M'Ktilar work of tin. yrnr liui liiM-n nerloiiKl)- lirnkn Into thin year I liy tin. rnnimlKli for lnrrdKril food iiil). In m tilth tin- tiKrlrultural (iKciiU wrio rall.'d U(ion by llm fid- ml aiilliorlll.B to looprrali-. and In, wlilrh tln.y of urrnt iMr-l tl.o to th nation," Mild Mr Marin "If tin- war fhoulil rontlntic th.r will probably !. tiu many utvn lu the fiolil ai. now, bcrniue tho mt- lll I lll'V urn ntiln lit rnn.lnr I. .Il.t to tln Koi-rnmint at midli ilnim iiH'rc ar" national ami Ma!i dlvl. loun for tin. food prepnrrdnrM ram. pnlRti. but after nil It U tbo county' null, that arioiiiplUh renultn, owiik to their ili'inltcil kiiunledRp or lorjil lonilltlons Knrm labor thruout llm ntntn li ry khort. and mt-nt nnnUtam-e in i"'ij "ii'.ii. nnw Ki.-ai annihianre in lender.'.! thin thn .-ounty nceuts. Iflnrt an liivpsllgatliiu al once. "I.oi.ilv, f i vry efferilwi work' "vlllsh itiKonulty Is shown in an linn l.i.ui done lu the way of er!idlc:il.,n"cni',t lo Durn '10 Adams barn at Inc pntlalory prts thru the orKnnJM"lr", A hlrong lens was llxed be Iratlon of folhiin rlub nmniiK the'10011 l "ticks, accordlnx to the farmers. The iuronds made by the rut win ins enily In the bcanou wore iiirialled thru the prompt unn of IMilnnn bran mash "recoiniiiended by "" '"''"'" " lo.."- "" " ih. damage ... winter sennon. favorable for breeding UoDC' ,.-,.. then. hav.. I1....11 ninro HORDES OF MEN ' TAKEN IN EAST WO.WICItPUli WOIIK has i:iikx HONK lU'UIXt; H)UK 1'AltT OK Jl'I.V IIV HIHSIANS MAXV I'lllSO.VKHH Vi:STKIUIAV I'KTHOCItAll, July 1C The llus hIiiiih yesterday captured sixteen oRI eels and '.'00 TiiuIouk, Hetween July 1st 11 ml nth tho litis hIiiiik captured S:U oIIUoih ami 3 T , R 0 1 moil. A Rrcnt many kuiih and largo iiiiiouut of eiiulpmeiit has been so curoil. OXK MOUK AMHKICAX HTKAMKIt NUJIIIKII WAHIIINOTON, D. C, July It!. Tho state department has iinnounccd that the Steamer Cirnco has been submarined. Th rou men, one an American wero killed. Two members of the riuvnl board were Injured. The Mirvlvors were lauded. FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, to Danger .,,,,,,,, mm KLAMATH STOCK ARE POISONED IN IAVA BEDS IIOllKKS. VATTI.K AMI MHKKI fol'.nu iiv luxta: iiui:n.s TM nt Htix-k ItrloticlnaT to Klaiualli lUnrliiiirn ,tv IMxruvcr. r.1 on Hit Ijib lied lUnxen lie- port Tliat More Tliau a llundrrd llrn.1 Have llrrn Klllnl Itrrrivrtl. .tllrnitl lu Hum I Urn Kruot ruled. That liirce qtiantltlw of liventock a'B bol" voltouti In the lava bed ! '. forty-five milt, aoutheaat, m,nJr ' h'ch belong to J. Frank At 0 tll of thin cltV. and tllUt all t - Jt.inpt ha been made to trurn the bars " ' rucn near Merrill ima u'eU reliably reimrtcd. j Twenty-live head of horse, besides " ,""t number of nhoep and cattlc.j utv lA ia already been de-1 Hio)e.l. and rider are now In that ' ,rrnurJ atscovcr wnai further ' has iun done. The authorities - "r "-" "' itomiuuniim reiiort. and the devlco was adjusted so tliul thf sun's rays would concen trate on the barn and start the Are. It was discovered In time, however, CIVIL STRIFE STIRS GERMANY VOX IIOM.WKO IIKSIUX8 AMI Illl. OrXIHOK MICHAKLH IH Al. IHIIXTKII IIA(KI,M)U All. IIKK8HK8 UKIt'llKTAO Definite nuuounceniont of tho resig nation of Chancellor von Dcthman Hollweg has been received, and the teport or (loiicral von Stein, Prussian miiiMer of war .roslgnlng la also he I'evmt thruout (leriuaiiy. That there la 11 treiui'iidoiis ii'.)- hcavr.l thruout Germany there ran bo no, and the result can only bo conjectured fleneial von Stelu is known to ho nn opKiioiit of peace without niiuoxa- tlon or indemnities. Ho recently aroused tho iro of the socialists by taking part In the Pan-American propaganda against peace efforts. A dispatch Just rocelved from Co penhagen says that Dr. George Mich- rolls, the now chuucellor, dollver; his maiden speech in the retchstag Thurs day, and It is oxpected that the forth coming program will be announced. Field Marshal von Hindenburg, General Ludendorf and Dr. Mlcnaells nro now conferring with party lead' ers. 8. D. Tucker of Dairy Is In town today oa business, , . -. ' e- - -tQCaa iieaW JULY 16, 1917 STUNS CITY 1-1-,-ni-ii-u-ian.nnaaaafu- -1.-.-.v wicn wood ffiUOl Dt IjUI: KLAMATH COUNTY MKX TO HAK I'l.KXTV OF WORK THIS VKAR, tiVmSU Ot'T COROWOOO AND TUX Hill XKW IIAILROAD. That there will be plenty of work for all thou who wUh to fnrnlih cordwood and tle for the new Ore- con. California A Katern railroad Jwm Indicated In a auument made by Itobert K. Strahorn today. There aro (real quantities of wood at I Itu- Flat, on fltukel mountain and nt other point along the Una which tan be gotten out profitably, and thim will be ample demand for It, aixordlng to Mr. Strahorn. All fir and tamarack ties furnished win be taken at reasonable price. ' irge quantltlta of cord wood will be jud In the locomotive. Thla work in lu imilnliko llin. Id. .na fall and winter. Particular ayba further nee u red by Interviewing Chief Kr.Kineer N. If. Bogue at the oflcea In the Odd Fellows building. It Is estimated by prominent mm here that It will require 25,000 cords of wtiod for the city of Klamath Falls this coming winter. U. S. DEPDTIES ARE APPOINTED CITIZEX8 ARE Acnxc VSDKR KKIIKIUL AtTHORITY IN AR- UKHTK OK I. W. W. JOHN MX XKI.L DKI'LTV MARSHAL Any vestige of doubt regarding the lawfulness of the actions taken by the citizens here In regard to appre hension of I. V. w. members was fully removed on receipt of a wire from Hulled States District Attorney Clarence fleames of Portland yester day, authorizing the raid made on the headquarters and appointing John Flnnell as deputy marshal to proceed with the work being done, Considerable talk Was made regard ing the advisability of erecting a blockade for prisoners taken when the jail became full, but Mayor Crls. led said he thought this step would prove unnecessary, as the federal au thorltles would probably look after this matter since they had taken the proposition in hand. HPKCIAI. AUKXTK KX ItOUTK KOR KLAMATH e) PORTLAND, July 16. Wm. 4) Uryon, special agent of the de- partment of Justice, left with several assistants to Investigate reports that the I, V. V. start- ed the fire which destroyed Mar- O tin Brothers warehouse. Bob Sloan took Billy Earl. Glen Calen, and his pa-ln-law to tha Sloan Saturday evening, and oa to th North Fork yesterday, i . . of I. W. W . - Citizens ol ,n T.l nave iaKen jrana to Wipe Out Menace RAIXY TO PRESSING XKEO OF COMMUNITY WITHOUT DELAY Large Crowd ef Mem Offer Services sum! Are Sworm la m Pepatlee ta AM Local OaWela la Work of ReaasVaff t I. W. W-AU geaas. doat Chaiaclera Are Takea ta. Roaas to Cltjr Gaeraed. easssiBsiBasiassBss Paralysed at first by the aadacity of -teaes who eeraed the Martla mill, men all over the city quickly awoke to the necessity of Immediate and strenuous action to prevent a rep Itltlon of the Infamous deed by put ting all those who were thought to be leagned In the I. W. W. movement where they would be secure for the time being, and by the middle of the forenoon nearly a hundred deputy sheriffs bad been sworn In at the city hall, extra guards put at alt the mills and factories and nearly all the roads were being patrolled for suspicious looking characters. Before noon sev eral of the ringleaders of the I. W. W. were safely locked in the cells of the police station, and by the middle of the afternoon nearly thirty had been token in. Not the slightest doubt appeared in the minds of anyone at to the source of the Ore. A. Stlplen. n laborer of thla city, who la well and favorably known, declared before a group of officers and citizens In the mayors' oflce. yesterday that he was ap proached about 9 o'clock Saturday evening by members of the I. W. W., UNCLE SAM GETS FOUR SUB BOATS MOST MODERN OF THE BURMA. RINKS ARE DESTROYED RY CONVOYS OF AMERICAN TROOP SHIPS, IS RELIABLY REPORTED LONDON, June 1. American war ships convoying the first Installment of American troopa to France de stroyed four of the largest modern German submarines, according to a report from Genua sources con tained In a Berne dispatch to a Rome news agency. . Roy Ores hat enlisted In the Coast Artillery at Cogent, and will leave Sunday, aocoapaaled by Leland Haines and Clifford Sevlts, who en listed ssso time ago. Wl' HI - OFFICIAL NBWtM OF KLAMATH PALU rlee, Fh Crt Klamath fli J and Invited to attended their and that he accepted their Invttattea. Arrived there, he fonad ealy a few men. but evidence of n great deal at whiskey. He was asked to get "Uaat up" with the organisation, and refae ed with the statement that he waa toe patriotic to Join such a body la 1 like these. The members then ' their surprise than aa latelUgeat aaa such as he appeared to be. held patri otic sentiments, and aftaaed that thla was the time to strike, when there was a chance of success. Stlplln declared farther that thera were German apiee now at work ta the bozjfaetories of the city. New I. W. W. aaspeehTeeatniaa ta be picked up by the dtfferaat Betrete around the city. Betweea thlrtytve and forty are now being heM. Oa twelve or fifteen the I. W. W. moat bershlp cards were found. The saea have been picked up In all sectleas. With the membership list foand at the headquarters yesterday to guide them, the officers and deputies are leaving no atone unturned to corral all who are believed to have any con nection with the disturbers. John Finnell has been appointed United States deputy marshal! and At torney J. H. Carnahan UaMed Stntea deputy attorney by District Attorney Clarence Reames of Portland. Two secret service men who have been here for some time were ef great assutance to the sheriff. HSit Among the correspondence seenred yesterday nt tha raid nude on I. W. W. headquarterawere Instructions for the local officers to cache all papere, etc.. relating to the work of the or ganisation, at some point outside tha headquarters. This order had evi dently not been compiled with at tha time of the raid. ROCK PILE FOR KLAMATH I. W. W. GOVERNOR WITHYOOMBK WANTS MEN ARRESTED HERE PUT AT HARD LABORTO BE CONFIX. ED ON VAGRANCY CHARGE SALEM, July 16. It la announced that Governor James Wlthycomhe will recommend that the Industrial Workers of tha World be confined in county JaiU tor six months, which to the maximum sentence for vatraaey. Also that they be put oa the rock alio during confinement. He believes that Midlers ara neces sary only aa tost resort. Ho will recommend that the arrested at KtoaiaU Valto be pt the rock plls. At the ead -e,'ttx months the danger to tlM.MraatjHI be over. ,vv 1 '! 1 r? 4 ti 3 H? tJM J. 71 1 M'Atff-. tK ?