The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, July 14, 1917, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Food Prepardness Campaign
Orsgon Agricultural Cslltae Kattntlon Service and UnlUd Statu Of.
partment af Agriculture Co Operating
At the Churches
(American Accent
II In tif h Seal-t llnpuftiili.e riiiis Itpare may hi. saved by rut
that atparagils lr ."tilling ln (rcili.tlliK Itilo Imli IttintUm.
n. I Inr, n lMtn'n liillltiltii 'lit. lulu hnin,. ami blunt It by set.
II,,. National llnmrangry Food Oar-'tin lownr Into un In.;), of hull-
.. 1. 1.... nl.l.... ... ............... .... uuiu .. - .
id'ii . oiiiiiuhm, ! ..,-.'...- -Hi-! i,,r nvn in i u led, tlimi Iru
'The Little Drown Church," corner
Nliilli anil I'Iiib streets.
Illhln school, to a. in,
Meriting worship, 1 1 a. in., lubjact,
"Walking Together "
C. K. Meeting, 7 p. m.
K vnii Ina worship, I pi ni A Japan
i'o Story HcriiKin
In French Fashions
mS'DON. July 14. A itirraspond-i replied, 'Oh, It Ii tho prettiest!' The
Til. Christian 8cln- Solely of1,.,,,,,, ..,, call attention to the pr.,.'"""''' "' ' P"11 t0 clot,,M' ''
lean women iihib i;iw .-.
..III. il.l. tWdlmliHr III Ha liHlllili. Iliur. hid II... .. I.. I .1. . .. I HIiiIiihIIi ITalla MHIMi ! a urinpii nr. a iliu..l...u .... u 1.
IMC. "Ml" ,.,.-....., ...... r. ..." niiiiii) ii lit itUillll live "- . - ' - - - " i ponderaiing ro"irii nun urn . . . f f0 (t jj
.1.1. f.MMl ..iur.rvall..n .Mimmlii. .niliiiit .r.r. .I..,,.-,,.!!,, upon ),K..U..tlo.i of The Mother Church. fc f , ,, -write.-''"" ,,.,.,, drcilitnaker,. advantage
Select stalks of un form age, slse age of Ihe nspurnK.u .i.a. Inline The First Church of Christ Hclcullst.,"" ' ... . , .' . . arcssmaaers ''
... . ..i ., ... .!..,. w.n I,. .....I . .ii. '. r..K " ' '","ty' """" l., .... ii..... hold. at "Thar, la an American arum about mk cotl,.. for them.
mil off tho woody pari of the pl..,,l.' wli.,1.. ..alk I. .,..,) Al , I , . -h,m. "' """ " ",c,"tk "" "" dHBcVU d"n'H, bUl " '" l"v: """. "'"", 7'"" "" ' J , 'Z f ,w
-. MiMiM.itiai miairrM wiidm iiivj wrm vn nit; .-, .--..- , ....-
i j
if!F' aWa -irkiLl v-M jfafc Si wiJv
JV Jjf. l.'iB M.T . JWTf7 AJ. arvarr " .
X4, fiMari inf ill sa utt 7
MrlLT2'JVJ"' AtX rawrtv .1
. I. . .!.! Ut.....
Hubjwl lor Hiinday. July 16th. rlad the atara and alrl.-,, and un,ia an Amrrion """'- -
..l.. ... .. ii,. u..r.. vl.Hilnv mill irlintnacciitiow a similar lnplra-
Th Humlay -thool rlon I. from, mainly for tna -Knicllali wtu-k rnd.'(llon. n fact, lo be drid a I Amer
9 it. to 10 f. v.ry Hunday morn-they ahould carry th.- Am-rlrnn flaK.,l.ant.' la very much Ihe thing.
lug. I'uplU art. enrolled to the age,
of JO. f
The frrn reading room and freT 1 L f lM!.Aiit mm
tlrudlng library I. oinrn from 1:30 toCallKll9ll VIIIVCIOIIV 19
4: an p, ill. on rueaaayi., uiuru7
ami Ha'urdny. The lllblo and all
nuthorUed ChrlMlatt Science lltara
tun. may be read, borrowed or pur
1 ie Kflropal prayer anrvlre will
be hi " ' Library hall Hunday morn
i lug nt ' o'rlork. All who are In-
lereteil' Invlled to thee aervlca.
Al J. N, lhi..,H V Tfituh,.
Are you a Soldirr of the Soil? If you arc ihciwcan 41..I .liv.
all the fowl you are producini:. Here t the way K.enlut Wriu J
to ihc National KmcfK'ency- ok Cardrn Coinmiioii. JJO Mar .
Uml lluililini;. VahiiiKtoii, D. C. and tell tScin you want's
canniiiK or a drying; primer. You will ret either for i.r akin.. .
vou -.end a two-cent atamp for each to pay pottage. Clunr
Lathrop Tack, the preaident of 'he commUtion, who has lined up,
the great army announce! the Mmnmion is ready to cooperate
with the readera of thia paper, o tend along the poatage and help'
feed your Ik.,-s in the army by feeding yourself.
II rl i " tw " rent ore '
ml II. " ,cw r,M n ' A,e
. rrylag e a, !".'.? k
(.l.llrulr for ral
Greatly Changed Since
' the Outbreak of War
CAMBRIIH2K, July 14. Cam- after, filled It with men of all agea
bridge la recovering It old pre-war who are making the college their
activity, but In an entirely different own for aorau montba. studying for
way. "Vhero tho at reels were formcr-i the army, working In lectura o
ly rilled with devil-may-care sludenu en military problems, while the play
tbey are now full of khaki clad men.' lug fields are ghen over to their
hurrrln t and fro on military er- drills.
rands. Sharp words of rommand at
every gateway replace tho vague,
mysterious nohwa by which the stu
dents conveyed Information to their
Jars with be I wat : " "U'u1 and
tartlally tighten II io9-
Hlerillre bv ularl. ' ir boiling
... and a half to
wi ii?r i.uui an iiuur , . , ...
,two hours, depending W 1 IM M.
of he asimragu. Hem " ' JJ"i of the WBr vlrtua,,y emptied the unl-
IhoU.n, water, tighten l J" j ,. nuw, thrce .
and place out of a draugh to cooi. 1 "
Men students are scarce these days,
and the final batch of applicants for
entrance shows a record of only 100
ns having passed the examinations,
tlrtually alt of whom are unfit for
military service, against 970 In 1911
and 326 In 1915.
Women have bad a successful year.
scoring 16C passes.
ter of tha southeast quarter, the west
half of the southeast quarter, the east
half of th southwest quarter and the
southwest quarter of the southwest
quarter of sect km 3; and tha north
west quarter, and the west half of the
northeast quarter of section 10, In
township 39 south, range 9 east of the
Willamette Meridian; and the, north
cast quarter of the southwest quarter,
and the northwest quarter of the south
cast quarter of section 10; and thai
portion of the southwest quarter of the
southeast quarter of section 10; and
the northwest quarter of the northeast
quarter of section 15, in township 39
nouth, range 9 east of the Willamette
Meridian, which has been platted and
Is now known as lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
, 22, 23 and 24 of Altamont Ranch
Tracts, or so much thereof as may be
necessary to satisfy a Judgment ren
dered In the above entitled ease on the
1st day of June, A. I). 1917, which said
Judgment Is for the sum of nineteen
thousand one hundred and seventeen
and 23100 ($19,117.23) dollars, with
Interest thereon from tBe 10th day of
April, 1917, at the rata of S per cent
per annum, and twelve hundred dot
Urn (11.200) attorney's fees, and the
further sum of twenty-three and 35-100
($23.35) dollar costs and Use further
sum of eighteen hundred and thirty
two and 27100 ($1,832.27) dollars, with
Interest thereon from the 5th day of
April. A- V. 1917. at the rate of S per
cent per annum; and the further aum
of two thousand two hundred anr.
eighty-eight and 22-100 (2.2S.22) dol
lars, with interest thereon from the
12th day of April, A. D. 1917, and the
costs and expense of thia sale on exe
Dated this "ih day of June. A. D.
Sheriff of Klamath County, Oregon.
Dy T. E. GRIFFITH, Deputy.
..1. ,,. tff..h. ......
hkii faun, maiuai.i vuuut villus,
by order of the Honorable D. V. Kuy.
kendutl, Judgo of the above-entitled!
cojrt, made, dated and Bled la tkta
action on the 29th day of June, 1917,
which said order requires that thia
summons bo published once a weex
for six (C) consecutive works, begin
mng cm tho 20th day of Jane, 1917.
The data of the first publication of
thia summqns Is June 30, 1917,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Klamath Falls, Oregon.
Xotlre of Final Account
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Klam
ath. In the Matter of the Estate of Mary
A. Wilcox, also known as Mary A.
Jones, Deceased.
.Vol Ice Is hereby given that I hare
filed my final account as administra
tor of the estate of Mary A. Wilcox,
also known as Mary A. Jones, de
femec", and the above entitled court
haa fixed upon 10 o'clock In the fore
noon o( Saturday, the 28th day of
July. 1917, aa the time, and the coun
ty court room In trie court house of
Klamath county, Oregon, In the city
of Klamath Falls, Oregon, as the
place when and where any person
may present any objections or excep
tions to anything therein contained,
or to anything done by me as ad m In
itiator, and at the aaid time and
place the aald court will finally set
tle said account.
This notice la published pursuant
to an order of the above entitled
court, made June 23, 1917; and th
tint ubllcatlon thereof Is made on
June 23. 1917.
Administrator Aforesaid.
.Nutlet. Inviting lllil
Nollre Is hereby gltvii that the
county court of Klamath County, Ore.
Kim. will receive blda up to and In
cluding the nrt day of Aug.ut, lIT,
for tha furnishing of 35 cord of IC
Ittrh body Wood and uU cords of 1C
Inrh limb w.hmI, name in b cm from
lite timber and thoroly seaMinnl and
In he neatly piled In the court Iiouh.
I Ml Very o be made not later than
tWlilrmber I Sill, 1917.
All li, It in ii. I be 0 It'll will, the
nullity clrrk.
OrlM-'il check amounting In I per
rriil or mm hi tit of bid iiiiiol acrom
I'niiy name.
The court reserves the right to
rnj.-ct any or all bids.
I'iiti'il IliU r.'lli duy of July, 1917
C It. OI.I.AI'. County Clerk.
1 15 1
.Nnlln' of HIierllT. Kale on l.teruli.m
Notice Is hereby given that under
ami by virtue of a writ of execution
In foreclosure Issued out of the cir
cuit court nf ih.. Stale of Oregon, for
Klainnth County, In tli ciirfo or (l.-o
T. Ilulilwln vs. A. It. Chmnbers mid
J. t Chambers, .-...part iters .IoIiik
liiislness under the firm name and
fiyli. of Klainnth Lumber company,
Cllsaheth Munulng, First Hti.ti. and
Kiivlngs bank of Klamath Falls, Ore
gnu. lien tlay, Nora I'lckens. J. W.
Ne, J. II, Ilea, It, H. Woodford, Daa
Irwin, A. McUiiii and Fred Carlisle,
which until writ wiih dated on I he
Vulcanizing and
All work
tao uth t lath 'treat
title and Interest of the said A. II.
Chambers and J e Chambers, and
l.'lUaliclli Manning, In and to the fol
lowing dr.crlbi-d real property, local
ed In Klamath (..unity, Oregen:
llrgliinltig at n iKiltit on the coal
line of tlm Writ i of the 8V U of
section Id, o 11. hip as 8 range
10 i: V. M.. 250 fet-i mirth of the
road which rie Dm said West
H lii an .'.-mir-rly timl wester
ly direction, ami from thence
parallel to tin. tHilil load
v.-.rrly tin,, of the said
; thence nun lb 6110 feet; Ibelica
east parallnl to the said road to
the east line of snld Wesi H ;
thence north 5i)o feet. Intending by
this description to Include tho real
otiit.. upon which I tit. following
building an. nltiiated, providing
that u right of way out Hie said
described premises Is reserved for,'
niriii- of IokkIiik, H'Ki'thi'r with
the buildings on the said premises
described ns follews: 'l .
One house 14x20 feet, one house!
2ZI2U reel, two nouses 16X34 feet.
0110 boime 1 0x1 N feet, one garage
una bunk Iiouhc, 20x40 feet, 0110
story In height, celled Inside, ship
Inp (touring and celling, siding out
Hide, Inr paper roof, one conk
Iioiim! 2(, feel wllh wing 12x35,
feet wllh dieSH.-d flooring, shlyg
celling, siding outside, tnr y4r
roof, ami one barn, 30x70 (tMiij with
liny loft, two bonnes I,tx84 feel
each, with lenuto 10x2,4. feet;
or so much I hereof as may be neces
niry to satisfy the Judgments render
ed In the above entitled cause on tow
2!)th day of Juno, 1917, which Judg
ments aggregate the sum of $1,
grotntd of desertion for more 'J0" on"
year last past Immediately p VdJnK
the fit1 tig of the complaint here. -'
This summons Is served upoi ' .u
the aald defendant, by public n
thirraT In the Kvenlm Herald, a pub
lic newspaper of general circulatl on.
printed and published at Klama th
F.UIs, Klamath county, Oregon, once
week for six surcesshe weeks (seven
IrtKcrtlonri). the nrsl publication being
1 lade June K. 1917, and the last pub-
lo Hie Mention July 28, 1917, by order of the
West ilonorable l. V. Kuykendall, Jddge of
the circuit court of Klamath county.
Oregon, which said order was made,
entered, dated and Bled in thia ault
Jwno 15th. 1917.
Attorneys for I'lalntttf.
1 Whose poslornctt address Is Klamath
Falls. Oregon. 16-23-30-7-14-21-28
(!.iiw No. 958)
tha Circuit Court of the State of
Oreaon. for Klamath County.
J CIO of Klamath. Falls. Oregon, a
. . . . ...... .,.....
I Municipal lorpurauuii, iiaiuiiu,
Cg rles K. Wlldey, Defendant.
T Charles K. Wlldey, above named
j lefeudnut:
la the Namo of the State of Ore-
.. v.k.t u..i lmrA.iv rAiullAt In
upu ir and auawer the com- IMairy C. McCnrley, V. B. McCnrloy. 11
t In Eminent Domain filed, I s. tlrlgsby and 8tou r-"" uui..
st you In the above entitled
nth day of July, A. 1). 1917, I will,
mi the ir.ll, day f August, 1917, atUai.uj, and for the sum of flOO nt
in" iron, uoor or tun court noiisu or
Kluinnth County, Oregon, In tho City
of Klamath Fulls, Oregon, at tha hour
of 2 o'clock p. m. an snld date, pro
reed to sell nt piildle auction lo the
'IgliBBi bidder for rush, the right,
tome) a' fees, mid tha further sum of
f 10,40 costs mid disbursements and
the costs and expousea of thia sale
on execution.
Ditted this Kith duy of July. 1917.
Sheriff of Klumnth County, Oregon
lly T. K. GRIFFITH, Deputy.
ages to Mid defendants incurred In
such appropriation, and that upon
payment Into court of the amount of
damages so assessed. Judgment be en
tered appropriating tsld premises and
the whole thereof to the uses and pur-
poses of tbla plaintiff. This summons
k served upon you, the said defend
MUt, Charles K. Wlldey by publica
tion thereof In the Eeulng Herald, a
dally newspaper of general circula
tion m 'Intod and published at Ktam-
lh fain. Klamath county. Oregon,
by order c " Honorable D. V. Kuy
k, indall. Ju ot tn above-entitled
co in. made, dated and tiled In this
act ton on the . -"" '.
whl .h said orar requires that this
sum.wons be pu..-'b nM wpk
for a to (6) week, beginning on the
300. day of June. .1 '"
The date of tlue nt publication of
this aommons 1 J-oeur 3tf' V9";
t , Attomw for PlalntllT.
Ixinmath' Falls. OreW.
ritinitnons v
( (law No; 959)
la the Circuit Caurt of tho Wate of
Oreaon. for Klamath Connty.
Caty of Klama? FalU. Oregon, n
,' Municipal Coloration, I'lalntllt,
' (No. 896 Equity)
In the Circuit Court, In and for the
County of Klnmalh and State of
V, A. Duel I, l'lalnUff,
Resale A. lluell, Defendant.
To liesslo A. lluell, Defendant above
You are hereby required to appear
and answer to the complaint filed
against you In the above entitled ault'
on or beloie Iho 30th day of July, 1917,
that being tho last day of tho time
prescribed In tho order of publication
of this, summons, and If you fall ao to
appear, plead, 'answer, demur or other
wise movo, for want thereof, plaintiff
will apply to the court for the relief
prayed for In Ida complaint, to wlti
For a decree dissolving the bonds of
mulHni'inv nnar nxlstlnn hotwaan the
plaintiff and defendant, upon the I
luatlla 1. on or before the 11th day ol
Atugi !, 1917,that being the laat day
of 1 0 time prescribed In the order
forr ll ie publication of thia aummona.
andl 1 f you full ao to appear or an-
Hwsnr, for wunt thereof, the plaintiff
wllll 1 pply to the court for the relief
piws d for In Ita complaint, to-wlt:
Kurr 1 udgment for the appropUatlon
to. lift In Jff'a use for all proper rail-
rcitdl purposes of the following de-
acntlaa 1 premises:
i atrip of land 100 fast la width.
Uwii g fifty feet In width on each
atusi of and parallel with tha can
mt line of the main track ot the
Kla math Falls Municipal Railroad,
aw 1 the same Is staked out a.vd e-
call d over and serosa the lands oj
tha said defendant 'situate In
Kla.' math county, atataYof Oregon,
and known and designated aa fol-
lowi 1, to-wlt:
la ginning at a point on the sec
tion line between sections 31 and
S3, I In township 39 south, range 9
east, Willamette Meridian, and the
cent 3r line ot Third street, la the
city of Klamath Falls, Oregon, pro
duct d south to Intersection with
said section line, being Stat. 5482
plus 48.9 of Klamath Falla Munlcl
pal 1 ttallroad survey aa located and
stak ad on ground; running thence
nort h 61 degrees 04 satavtea weat
a dli tanca of 437 feet mora or lees,
a southerly Una of Pacific ave
In Klamath Addition to Link
(now city of Klamath Falls),
on. Bald atrip of land coa
tg 1.01 acres, mora or laas,
ni tat - tha assessment of tha dam-
of State of Oregon, Defendants.
To Mary C. McCarley. TV. - McCar
.ley, defendanta abovtf namexl:
Ie the Namo ot the State of Ore
mi you and each of you are here-
1 equlred to appear und answer
i'-the complaint In Eminent Domain
Hied .a'galnst you In the above entitled
actlot , on or before the 11th day of
Jkugui t, 1917,lhat being tho last day
tat" tha time prescribed In the order
for tha publication of thia aummona,
nri at you fall ao to appear or an-
a if want thereof, the plaintiff
will aim ly to tha court for the relief
nravaal for In Ita complaint, to-wit
Kor h,A tment for the appropriation
to plaltat lff' use for all proper rail
road pirn poaea of the following uo
acrlaadloi -emlaea:
J Jcvant 'u of land 100 feet in width,
Being, g Cty feat In width on each
aide off and parallel with the cen
ter lima of the main track of tho
KlamasH Falls. Municipal Railroad.
me Is staked out ana to-
r and across the lands of
defendanta situate In
county, etate of Oregon
n aid designated aa fol
It: '
It of tha northeast quar
ath Falls Municipal Railroad sur
vey aa located and staked, and
which Is a point on a 1 degree
curve to the left, whose tangent at
said point bears south 19 degrees
02 minutes west; running thence
on the arc of said 1 degree curve
to the left a distance of 307.0
feet; thence south 15 degrees 59
minutes minutes west a distance
of 1202.7 feet to the south line ot
the north half of the soatheaat
quarter of section 2, ot said town
ship and range, and containing
3.47 acres more or less,
and for the assessment ot the dam
nges to cald defendants Incurred. In
such appropriation, and that upon
payment into court of the amount of
damages so assessed. Judgment be en
tered appropriating said premises and
the whole thereof to the uses and pur
poses of this plaintiff. This summons
Ik served upon you and each of you
oy publication thereof In the Even
ing Herald, a dally newspaper of gen
eral circulation printed and pub
lished at Klamath Falls, Klamath
county, Oregon, by order ot the Hon
orable D. V. Kuykendall, judge of the
above entitled court, made, dated and
filed In this action on the'29th day ot
June. 1917, which said order requires
tbiit this said summons be published
once a week for six (6) weeks, be
ginning on the 30th day of June,
The date of tne first publication ot
this summons is June 30, 1917.
'Attorney for Plaintiff.
Klamath Falls, Oregon.
as thee
catad on
the. aatll
and knena
South It
.r .n,u i tha north half of the
aoutheaatt larter of section 2,
townM4 "tn. " 10 ea8t
of that Wet mette Meridian, aald
center Urn Ik deeerttjed as fol
Iowa: i
Beglnkitngt ttfsithe eaat
Una ot aaattb. I t at said township,
and raiiawlW 3.3 feet south ot the
northeaeitoem r tltaewof, aald polt
Jm1b L.V4gsaa luall erf tha Klam-
Notice of Sheriff's Sale en Execution
Notice la hereby given that under
and by virtue of a writ of execution in
foreclosure, issued out of the circuit
court of the state of Oregon, for the
county of Klamath, in the case of G.
W. Smith Real Estate company, a cor
poration, plaintiff, vs. George Goodell,
administrator of the estate of George
Noland, deceased; George Goodell, ad
ministrator of the estate of Lottie No-
land, deceased; N. J. Chapman, ad
ministrator of Altamont ranch; Alta
mont Investment .company, a corpora
tlon; N. J. Chapman, J. D. Carroll,
Perl E. Carroll, Ella Carroll. H. Crane,
the heirs of E. D. Ward, deceased, and
J. L. Beckley, defendants, which said
writ was dater on the 7th day ot June,
1917, I will, on the 17th day of July,
A. D. 1917. at the front door of the
court hoilse of Klamath county, Ore
gon, In the city of Klamath Falls, Ore
gon. at the hour of 2 o'clock In thr
afternoon of said date, proceed to sell
at nubile auction, to the highest btddei
for cash, all the right, title, Interest
and equity of the said George Qoodell
administrator of the estate of Qeorgt
Noland, deceased; Qeorge Godell, ad
tnlntstrator of the estate of Lottie No
land, deceased; N. J. Chapman, admin
istrator of Altamont ranch; Altamon
Investment company, a corperation:
N. J. Chapman and J. L. Beckley ir.
and to the aouthwest quarter ot tni
northeast quarter, tha northeast quar
, Sammoa
(Law No. 957)
In the Circuit Court of the State ot
Oregon, for Klamath County.
City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, a
Municipal Corporation, Plaintiff,
A. Gauthler. Mandy Gauthler, J.
Gautbier.' Lucl Gauthler and Mike
Brod. Defendants.
To A. Gauthler. Mandy Gautbier. J.
Gauthler anj Lucl Gauthles, De
fendants above named:
In the Name ot the State ot Ore
gon you and each ot you are here
by required to appear and anawer
the complaint In Eminent Domain
Hied against you In the above entltltd
action, on cr before the 11th day of
August, 1917.that being the last day
of the time prescribed in the, order
for the publication ot thia aummona.
and If you fall so to appear or an
swer, for want thereof, the plaintiff
will apply to the court tor the relief
prayed for In Ita complaint, to-wlt:
For Judgment tor the appropriation
to plaintiff's use tor all proper rail
road purposes of the following de
scribed premises:
A strip of land 100 feet In width,
being fifty feet in width on each
side ot and parallel with the cen
ter line ot the main track ot the
Klamath Falla Municipal Railroad,
aa the same la staked out and lo
cated over and across tha lands ot
the said defendanta situate In
Klamath county, state of Oregon,
and known and designated aa fol
lows, to-wlt:
Northeast quarter of the south
west quarter ot section 25, town
ship 38 south, range 10 east ot
Willamette Meridian, said center
line being described as follews:
Teglnnlng at a point on the east
line ot the southwest quarter ot
section 25, township 38 south.
range 10 eaat of Willamette Merld
Ian, and 1558 feet north of the
south line thereof, said point being
8tatIonL'4748pIus99.4 of the Klam
ath Falls Municipal Railroad sur
vey aa located and staked; running
thence south 89 degrees 53 mln.
west a dlstange of 724.9 feet to the
beginning ot a spiral curve to the
left whose radlua varies from In
finity to 955.4 feet; thence along
the arc of said spiral curve whose
long chord U 299.7 feet and bears
soutn 86 degrees 53 minutes west a
distance ot 300 feet; thence along
the arc ot a circular curve to the
left whose radlua la 955.4 feet and
whose tangent at point ot com
roencement bears south 80 degrees
63 minutes west a distance ot 319.5
feel to tho west line ot said NEK
of 8WU ot section 25 ot said town
ship and range, and which contains
3.09 acres more or less,
and for the assessment of tbe dam
ages to said defendants Incurred In
luch appropriation, and that upon
.ayment into court of the amount of
lamages so aasessed, Judgmeut be en
tered appropriating said premises and
.hewhole thereof to the uses and pur-
pokes ot this plaintiff. This summons
s served upon you and each of you,
he said defendants, by publication
thereof la the Evening Herald, a
lallr newspaper ot general circula
tion, printed and published at Klam-
Gray hair, however handsome, de
notes advancing age. We all know tha
advantages of a youthful appearance.
Your balr Is your charm. It makes or
mars tbe face. When It fades, turns
gray and looks streaked. Just a few
applications of Sage Tea and Sulphur
enhances Its appearance a hundred
fold. Don't stay gray! Look young!
Either prepare the recipe at home or
get from any drug store a 50-cent bot
tle of "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur
Compound'. which is merely the old
time recipe Improved by tbe addition
of other Ingredients. Thousands of
folks recommend this ready-to-use
preparation, because It darkens tho
hair beautifully, besides no one ca.n
possibly tell, as It darkens so natur
ally and evenly. You moisten a
sponge or sort brush with It. drawing
this through the hair, taking one
small strand at a time. By morning
the gray hair disappears; after an
other application or two. Its natural
'color Is restored and It becomes thick,
glossy and lustrous, and you appear
years younger.
Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Cora
pound is a delightful toilet requisite.
It Is not intended for the cure, miti
gation or prevention of disease. Adr
of R. F. 0.4, Washiagtoa
Court House, Ohia !
am glad to tell, and have
tokTmany women, what
1 suffered before 1 knew
of Cardul gad the great
benefit to be derived from
(his remedy. A few
years ago I became prac
Ucally helpless . . S
Tin Woman's Toole
"i was very weak," KT
UTl Mn. Edwards goes oa
fa. tony, "and could not tfJB ,
a etoop without suffering (
"I gr pal . . . Nolhlag WtF.
fejjC seemed to help me until aaaW-
1 heard ot Cardul and be- WW' I
aB gan the use of it ... I ,(
"" gradually nmed my safJT
mm streagUt ...l in mow ,.
WM able to do all my work." BaM
WF. If you awed a tonic take 'SbIp
wMm Cardul. Ittatorwomea. """"n
saTal and will probably help amX
WW. ymasHlatVpedmkais'l
IHal Al DffafJMgg -fcflr!
" -si.' ' '
JU--? o-