4H 2l? lEurmnn Herald OFFICIAL NKWSPAPKR OF KLAMATH COUNTY OFFICIAL NEWSPAFMt OF KLAMATH FALLS A-.ivwjng5inmi'r,w'1' " wama Mrtrnlll War Xh. M.IM1I KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, JULY 14,1917 Prise, ftva Coat L W. W. Strikers Are Herded Like Cattle in South HIloniHT HI MH.IMIHK I'ltOM HEIIMAXAM, X. M. Tialn l I'aiofally Gunnlril U) I', t. Mtry Will IW. Jallrtt In lU.r iter Him hail Tull'stil IUMi uf (Vittiirit Haloum, lltrwil awl Water Art ImupiI by UorriniM-itl In Hun. grj OiimiI. COl.t MIII'H. N, M. Jul) II - -Hit. I.ioo I W W ptrlkrr deported from Hi-hoe hate been brought lir III llirlr rattle Haiti from lleriuaiia., N M American ravalry troop have tirrti guarding III" train rlooy, am). Ihn pIp will l kept III I hn ttallt, today. ! Tonight lliy IH be plared In a tix-kailc detention ranit tiiilll during the bonier trouble in earn fur Mr Iran refugm, lUtluti ronnUtlus of raiiiint Mi nion, I) r rail anil water er ImiiciI by the internment tilt llirlr arrival hero. GERMAN SHAKEUP StEMS CERTAIN HEMIOXATIOX OP CHAXCKI.Um HOI.LWE41 AMI PHI'HMAX MIX INTER OF WAR IH HEI-OHTED TMIIII OFFICIAL SOURCES IIAHKI., Hwllierlanil. July 14. A Hrrlln dUpalrh from lliu piiil-ortWlnl Wolf liurpail, any I tint rilltiiiictit uf vun HfliliroanOliillwpK U cnnnlilnrcil certain. An uftlrlnl Irlccram to llrrnu any that (Inipral von Slolli. Hip rriualnn nilnUlnr of war, lia rrnlRtiril, (IIIIIHTIAX MIHNIOXAItV NMThTV MKI-rriXfi Tim Wnmau'a Mlaxlounry Korlfty of llin ChrlMlnti cliurrli unit at llio lintno of Mm. Miirlon H, Twylor yen lunlny. Tlmro wim a rimhI iillrmitnnii' lurtiiilliiK aiivural vUltora. IiiIitphI Ik RrowliiK, ami nnw mi'iiiliiim nro lir. Ina: nilclcrt. A Irllmlu waa paid to llu iirraliliiul, Mr. W. K. Hrohorn, on lnr miiirn liomn by alliKlUK "lllnat Uu tlm Tit Tlint Hindu." Aflor a aliort liualnnHH noxulon llio I'roKTitm followtid, with MUn Jiunli Aiii-kho an Inmliir. Mra. TIioiiiiih and MIkh lialinl AilKtn inrllclnl d In iiroKrniu. Mra. W. K. Ham. Im ninlliiuod lliu Hlory of luir llfu In Inillu In an xeiitloiiully IntoroKtluK maniirr. Diiluly rofrralnuriilH worn Hcrvrd, and ii tiolal tlnio followed. W, K, IMIXII WIM. AHIIIVi: HtMIX TO JOIX II. II. KTAII With the nrrlvul of Mr. W. K. Ilnntl. who Ih now dully nxpeiied, mid who Iiiih long boon In tlm employ of Hub ert K. Hlrahorn, tlm hnad HtnlT of tlm nnw lino will be locntod imriiiuntiiitly at Klnntatli Fall. Mr. Ilond, Knglnoor N. II. Ilogun mid Auditor A, I.. Scott conntltuln Mr. Rtrahorn'a chief mlvlaary bnnrd of the new line, and the oIDi-on fo nil w,l bn located In thn Odd Kellow' building, where Engineer lloguo haa been ulatlonnd for -evernl nicntba. ChtrlM Draw, a prominent rancher from Ypnna Valley, la transacting bu.lueia In Klamath FalU today. GERMANY REACHES SERIOUS CRISIS I'liAct. riaMoii ;wnvi; nun . HIT lilllt.MAW AMI .HhrillA. Altlir.Ulo. or Till: KAImKU In .or i iiwhti.d II) AmUmI I'lrw Tin- n'tiiiiis Internal irUln In Hi liii.i.u eliipno ha olernlmdoMed lliu pomllng iiillltur) op.nilloun III lln ilu; ii Jlt'tHtrtn tiiilll lleilttl mtiiM lliul (li ii-lrli.tni; lia gone iii ii ulilliK UKiltlst (In- crown and llltlltut) part), uppalolill) III I lit' InleteM uf a parlUIIU litar) yleiii uf Ktitrriliurul l.iililrly uiiidiiliriiinil anil Utile rruilllnl ruiiiur my ttml Hid kulti-r li aliilluilnil In faxor uf I'rlucn Juu rliliu, lil lull ami ftiurttt Min Tlii'li' U u pi-niii rliimui K'"IUK lull) tlilliuill lliTfliiali) unit Allot rh. I'ait of Hid IIiiiiIiIh tiolwix'll I lie rclrli las unit lliu KiHiTlllllK iIuhi U lrr tint utiirunii'UI iinltrllt ri'fiuul tu niiitu (iiTiiinii)' lu'iur Iprnu un u tumln ur no iiiiiii'XlUili. lrh U ln IIIK ilnlltaiiilril li) Hliul now rtilll ir ln I In- iiinjurlly lilixk In lliu u-Ii-MMhk. Tliu HpiI Cii Kirnl Aid l Mhlrli linn Im-i-Ii uirutltiK il tliu Wlillu I'pllraii linlcl, hat Ihm-ii I'tmlpiiiiril In doflultply. MU OIIn II liorduil uf Oakland. Calll , It !u:ID InklllK utilmii fur lliu Standard dlrtlun.iry ul Kaita. a inonl uuiileli Hud Illli'ii'HtlltK uililini'. Mr Carter and .Mr. Wulmirr of tin- Orr Uiku Hot rouipiiii) of limy, mm ili to Klaiiuitli KuIIk lat lilKlit liy I nuto. .MIm llarliura ntid llun-l lioellci' lrao for Cortland to lake n iU moiitlia' rourun In lliu Knllroud In Kllluto of Telegraphy. HI.VI KIIIXK Til Hi: MAHK KHO.M Sl'liAH WAHIIINOTON. II. C July H. -Tlm Ireiimiry dopailmunt tin un nounred Hint Hie Internal Itevoiiuo DIvUlou Uiborntor Im dlHcovered u proi-oN of mnniifnriiirliig Klerlm fiom Niigar. MltS. SI.Ol till I.ILWKS IIOHI'ITAI. Min, W. S. Slough, who lerelilly undeiweiil it very nerlou operation ut tlm lllnrkhiiru hopllnl. bus m far reeoveled na lo bo iilile to bo removed to bur homo today. iiiu i-ikii i:.i'kiti:d iomoiiiuiw It Ih oxpui-tcil Hint tlm cur of big lukii trout which la being nlilppeil from Ihu lloniievlllo Imtchory wilt iiitIvu limn lomerrow night. Thomi IIhIi, hutched fiom egga. whipped from l.ukn Supeilor, will probiibly ho pluut nil In Upper lnko. They nro extreme ly lui'g". H" ultiiluliig llio weight of Mlxly and tuiwuly poiiiiiIh. Chin Ioh Agur of tlm Spilug l-nku illalrlii Ih umoiiB todio'a vImIIois In the rliy. II. A. SlninioiiH and fumlly huvo ar rived from Lukevluw lo luko up tliidr leHldonco liiim. Mr. HIiiiiuohm 1ih eepled u iohIHoii n bulter mukor ut Iho Klunmlh Full crminmry, mid will eoiiiimmrn hU imw dutloH Momliiy inoiiiliiK. It. Freed, an enii'loyo of Herbert FMtdiliacker, arrived last night from Ran FranrlRco, ahd left thla morning for I'olnt Comfort on Upper Klamath l.ho, lo prepare, for 'thn nrrlvnl of the FluUhhuckai July 19th. USE OF WATER CAUSES SUIT ItAMHKIIH IF THE HI.V Ki:TIOXKKGO.V8 IMMKXHE LIST OF Vol.- IIAVi: TIIOtllLE OVER THE WA TER OK GAVIIAHT CHEEK IX. JI'MTHIX FILED liclurlitg (hut tint. Iy lliu defendant of Huinr which lie, the plaintiff, linn tini-d uliiru l:i(i. and thnrnfuru ha drawing will be deferred until tlm pilor rlKliI t It, (it-orgo lloyd ban In-I "ek "' '"'' 23d- '"""Mr a tlious nlllilted urtloii liKuliut Alfred Hten. and eX-lnptloii boardu nre not oricaii- t"w, on Joining hi in axalnm further at In uf tbU nature, and imkliiK darn- nee enuned by Ion, of wild bay thru laik of wuter. Tim land In nuetlon U luruleil near Illy. In lliu complaint Died with Ihn clnull niurl clnrk yenterdny It U Hecrrlary Maker olflie i. Inlnl iliat tlm plaintiff ban uacd a- Km h uunibor drawn r.illn for clec ier of linybart t"rek for Irrigation Hon of four tbouaand men from each lure I'jill. mid therefore haa prior dlitrlct. Thoim called flrnl will have rlKhl I" unit of ivanin. that In 1!U3 and plare filled by other A Ceflnlte juihieiiuiilly the defendant ban place In Iho waiting Hutu will be glv wruugfiilly approprlalrd. and that en nil who are registered, ihlaaraaon tlm Iohk oitaalotied the de. The war department hnu given fendant on hl hay crop will amount credit for enllntmenu in the army up to 5ii. W II I )u nun U attorney for to June 30th. and Oregon's amall the plaintiff J A Meti-nlf. C. A. Welmter and W II. Klrklnud, prominent Southern I'arlflr onirliilN, left yeterday In Hu-lr lirhaln car, the "Hhaln," following a tilli.t llt of liiKperllou horn. Ready tor German Attack on Atlantic Coast -. ,,'.' -T:-lgga-lS:fi--rrT5 V V'-f:.!' r- i.. e- -. iini i ill aai i a n ,p "kW-i. ;m " SgKm-iX : 3BiSi UP .J gHB2?i Tilgjairi tVII - T . -mmmthm!Prz-i: 7 '&-$w: Thl great dlt-a-vpearlng gun Is In I one of tlm American fort on tlm At-f mfkumtHLmmM' m opt--: -ru w, v JtagflMalBal Big Timber Deal is Consumated In Portland Tlm hlggpn timber deal occurring in tlm slate In several your was con summated Wednesday afternoon lu I'oiilund, when David C. Kecles, head of Iho Oregon American Lumber com puny, signed lluiil papers In the pur chase of approximately 2,500,000.900 feet of timber from John DuDols of the Dullols Lumber company. The canslderutlon was slightly bo- Baker is Ready If They HAKKH, Ore., July 14. If 1. W. W. membora Invndo Eastern Oregon to upset labor conditions, at they havo done elsewhere, they will find the clt liens ready and armed to put down at once any effort to close up mills or other industries, aa threat ened. Tho linker county public safe ly committee will have an armed DRAWING PUT OFF UNTIL 230 UXTEEHM HAM CI'T DOWN HKIt CONHCHIITION gi'OTA TO MIX. IMI'M IKMHIW INCOMPLETE I , WASHINGTON. D.C.July H. 1 Indications are that tin; roimcrlpllon 'I'ed yet. Twenty-four utatca have not . compleled the lurk of nurnberlriK the renUtratlon cardil. , U ' hellovcd that numbered llp will be enclosed In raptula and drawn from a larRc Klaat vccn.-l In iiiotn I a roftill! of IbU creillt. Mr. and Mr, K. K Koberiuin of Muryavllte, Calif., are among Hie tourlM today at the city auto park Mr. Itoberiwiii la :i piano tuner, am! baa been here before. &$$&& ' Mantle const primed for the utuck of a (lermnn licet, At a distance of twelve miles It would blow from the low $4,000,000, of which $1,000,000 In cash wus transferred thru tlm Hank of California, acting for correspond ent bank of San Francisco anil Chi cago. Tlm limber lies In Clatsop. Tillamook and Columbia comities. In the Nehalum basin, about sixty miles '.no west of I'oillaiul. Tho timber is on 27,025 ncres, nnd the laud wits kV-.m, "mmmLi2u2t Yfm "Start Something" There unit operating under Sheriff Ander son nnd deputlsod with several linn Jred able bodied men organised and ready for Instant call. One of the two I, W, W, organizers here has departed, and only eighteen members havo enrolled here. Word from La Grande stated that a mooting of citliens for the same purpose was held Wednesday night. ! JITNEY SERVICE GROWS POPULAR IIIIHMi THE RODS" AMI "BUND IIAGGAUE" IH HEHOHTED TO IX ORDER TO INDULGE IX KLAM ATii JOV HIRES How inucli I tlio regular Jitney fare for porcupine Thla la ueatlon that haa been bothering U. E. flulll- ' suu ilnce early thla mornlnc, when he found one of theae animal on the I rear axle of hi car. Sullivan made a trip to Algoma Ut night, and think the paaaenged got I aboard while the machine itopped there. For obvious reasona he beal- I titled about dUlodglng It thl morn- 1 lug. Whether It was urgent builnesa 'or whether a dealre to lake In the i me rile attraction prompted the un locked for action, baa not been de termined. CiOKH KOH VACATION IM Van nice of the (Solden Rule leave tomorrow morning by automo bile with hi family for Spokane, via 1'orlland and other point. He ex port to Mop at (ranta.l'a, where bl brother Frank will Join the party. A trailer with camp equipment li attached to the new Mitchell car, and the party will probably ramp out part of the time. They expect to be gone about two weeks. gB fL vLVaVVgVnrv'M -.1 J .-' v. LT, T t --a. -i1. J i v.- ,-. .A. t '.. n - J water any ship It struck, and the gun disappears after tiring, so It would be u poor target for a battleship rifle. transferred in the deal with the stumpuKc. The price balance Is to bo paid within ten years, according to tlm terms of the agreement. Mr. Kecles said, after tho papers hud been signed, that the Investment is not u speculative one, but was made for purposes of Immediate de velopment. ... ... . . i.r I. w. w. headquarters lnera were raided and records confiscated, show lug seventy-five had joined. Pendleton also is organised to meet I. W. W. Invasion, acordlng to phone message from there to the aherit from Fire Marshal Harvey Welto, who is in Eastern Oregon especially to or. gunlte for crop protection, If efort ta mad ta burn them, as threatened- KKHtKKBBmiKKIKnKKUKmRM Half of Steel Has Arrived for First Link of Road Here HYDKOURAPHKIt HVMVHUVX TAKK8 KXOIXKKIUXG ANM. II. W. Humphrey, local ensineer for the U. 8. reclamation service, left tbU morning for Bob PraacUco to take the examlnaUon in the engin eering corpa la the offlcera reserve camp. Mr. Humphrey made application for admission shortly after the first offlcera camp was established, bat did not receive notice to appear for ex amination until this weak. CHANG HSUN IS NOW A FUGITIVE KKPUBUCAN FORCES HATE FI NAIXV ROUTED THE ROYALIST ADHERENTS FIGHTING COX. TIXl'ES IX FORBIDDEN CIAY TIEN T8IN. July 14. The repub lican headquarter report that three thousand troops of General Chang Hfta, ta aoaarealat leader, surren dered la the Temple of Heaven, after a fight at two hoars. . Chang Hsan has taken refuge with the Dutch legation. The lighting con tlnuas in the Forbidden City, with the remnant of Chang Htun'a force. A large lire Is ragtag there. It Is re ported that the fight begaa at 4 o'clock thla morning. AQUA PLANING IS NOW "CAME" WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT THE AQUA PLANE?" WE SERVE THEM AT KLAMATH FALLS HOT OR COLD Aqua planing, that what the man called it that was doing it, and he ought to know, hadn't he? One couldn't very well dispute him, a there was really nothing else to call It. and this will probably be the last plane to appear before the pub lic, anyway. With the biplane, hydroplanes, Kansas plain and other planes, the plains are pretty well exhausted. The last plain lady left Klamath Falls more than three years ago. An aqua plane, as staged for the public most every evening at the auto park back of the Lakeside Inn, con sists of a human projectile attached to a board by means of strings, and tot thru the air or water, whichever he happens to fancy, at the rear end of an "aqua" locomotive. One's first Impression at first sight of this novel recreation is that some one has been disappointed In love, and takes this spectacular method of drowning bis cares as well a himself. The funny part of It Is, they all seem to get back In good order. Wilbur Telford Ijsb a launch espe cially built tor speed. To the end of a long rope behind Is atached a tobog. gaa-looking arrangement, upon which those who wish to act as shooting stars, climb, and as the boat gathers headway they are enabled to stand balanced by short ropes in front. It is probably' the most exciting sport thla side of the trenches, and much nearer horn. It yon have not mi the Biaa plane by all means see It rr exhibitions are given by Bob ls;aadplkNai , , MKVKK-tL NEW CAMPS CTAKTMD AUNG RK2HT OV WAY HaaVlee Xaterwl mow mm Ammttc IauMdiato Activity Wtgail of Way Matter Are Wnklag Ovat Hatlstactorlljr Work le Be I Forward aa Jtapfy aa AddHloaal Force Net Waek. One half the steel for the first llak of the Oregon, California Eaatera railroad from Klamath Falls to Dairy la now oa the ground here, aceeraiag to announcement, made today ay Rob ert E. Strahora, builder. Other ma terials have also arrived, so thai work can be pnshed rapidly aloag wlthoai danger of delay for lack of fl ment. Another auto track load of nav piles left today for tie railroad earns at Pine Flat beyond Oleae. It Is ex pected that William Peaay will havo a crew at work near tee city early next week. Ed Probst I another con tractor who commenced today. Ho la at work oa the HllUard reach. Many of the right of way matter have been satisfactorily settled, aa R Is believed that the work eaa areeaod without many of the dlmeaRlas of this kind that were at first eatstf ITALY PROTECTS ALFREDO COCCHI U. & AUTHORITIES MAY HAVE TROUBLE IX BRINGING THE ITALIAN MURDERER OF RUTH CRIGER TO JUSTICE ROME, July 14. The maleter of foreign affairs yesterday attttfoi) the American embassy that it wwlaf; . Impossible te extradite Alfredo Ose chi, the confess' murderer of Rath Cruger, the jfcVw York high school girl, without Violating the fundamen tal laws of Italy. Ruth Cruger was murdered la New York last winter by Cocchl oa ecca sion of her visit to his shop to have her skates sharpened. She made desrjerate struggle for life, but was overpowered, and her body burled beneath the floor of the shop. Coecal was suspected, and Investigation made by the officers, but no evidence se cured, and It remained for Mrs. Grace Humlston, a woman lawyer, to dear up the mystery after It had beea all but dropped. It was she who ordered the excavation made beneath tho cel lar, which disclosed the body at s depth of several feet. Meanwhile Cocchl escaped to Italy. MEETING POSTPONED The Woman's Relief Corps will aot hold Its usual meeting Monday after- noon. The next meeting win ae note the first Monday In August, aad at that time the corps' knitting for tho Klamath uaval boys will be decided upon. . m ' MELTIXG BXOW OX MT. SHASTA CAUSES WASHOUT , Melting anew oa the aH ' .' ' ... ..... .....4 araafcaat Bear "'- Hoey. this aide ft Wo4V lysnetaMprfl, & , vi.v .I.1...4 h ineal trala aavOf M h.uM that It m aeoxk alfilolsTev i -w-. .. -- -- --- Tlt, , j , wtin it raacaaa aaasn'maa - ',.. -. --- .-i v ' ,- v WVK ft I - , A flp 1 "&T ':&? "in, ja rf: V '... na'