nutlAT, SVtX la. ir THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS." OREGON PACK rOCft . - -n i wa Local News J. P. Van Meter & Poe Yx!lcy rli tied with lcal Jrtcaif fcre yettrrta; ' Z-UtTtnOCS, Xartox Aisr. e: j-w .. . Ittit . fvS "V. - - -w ... -.j ta tb Ctur A- B sill torts cf tb Nine Ltabcr ! it izlvrttifi. P. t Btrt 1 rftr- flea iSm Fort JKlaoatn coaster for a brit' liiii- ' Me Is itc-rj-Srg at tie HUL NORTHWEST WEATHER FORECAST A. coatirsei wars, asrtfcexrt. erly Trtl. C V. NeUcs, proslsect rascier KLAMATH j tte kj diKrfct. r;ct a part of U. S. R. . j-jerlr at Klxjaxts Falls. JUxtesu. yt-day,. defc Miatacts todar. 2 e- Grrtrsdc Fsvsrr it is to3 No prWlttticc' viiiilic friesd. frro U Frr.- xt tie cr;-' tad cf Poe, , Valley. I "' C"4 j o C Brtiiow t r of T-l Gay Walton, tie coatrwscr for a t . rc tew Strxbcra rxnrotd ccsssrartJoa ,. ,. , o.,. , ,,. JULY CLEARANCE SALE G( News of the Splendid Savings at Moe's Store betweea Klxsxia FxU xsd Olrre, cas iart pcrtizsed x :ew CteTjoJet -m. is tie Kt district. i sen- for vtroBce is filed hxil j E. E. B5y xsd E. E. Bxiy Jr ,ff A1zolz re rrii,ttJ t tte Hcsel'l A nit f- 5ircr. 1 fck Kitt' H. W. Brre of Brke5 Cxlir,' Txylw iM 1 tfce rfrtxil xrt ? ros4. j clerk' Ec Uie jsienia7. Ttei Elixtl! s.d Deli-ert PoU. os cwapJils.1 ctxrrw ditic. 4S2IJ.4 dstter of IV. H. Pr I1. hiJ tri tt ct!r ot to Ea etn- jj, tojan, re-otrt yestTir. ir. s- C- r. Suo U ot for tte B R Hiltoc rrfreJ th o;r- PERSONALS Plu Pctsy. the Utile loj- bo wu rca orer oa ti eTtsIsx; of t Z of Joly. bxs to tir reeoTerrt a.i to b oa tie itrtt xexia. H- -mrUX taos. I si ill -JL-l . lU k i R. A. Alfojd fci Jort psrttased , n xi Ter. riz cylinder Bsiek car. rd U eqslr- f'a ffarncrfs VMi'TW $2.50 Corsets at 98c fcr the (lmraarv !m-. Mmay r. t ylr aandrfe U arlfrt from. all ii is umf tme awairl. tat yoa . U1 Murrlf Sad Jor iae ia taa k(. ata Kary ruaUL Wbir tiiry ". Each only 98c Motor Veils at $1.25 Tliiia'i (tllni Mor Vriia la ll raacf of r4tmi: ctK4 Ura aitra aad wortb nartt bkmt. I at . i $1.25 Motor Hats rwnanif. awr aad iiat p""' Nutor or Mt . all the amm hncM rotor; good bxrumJaC tlr. $2.00 up it $3.00 High Grade Suits Reduced 3 (M.I I4ar Woaiaa'a aat! Mlawa Halla, ark4 for qairk rlaaraarr al Im. lluia ! ut aiaklax. Hwl . (athrr. tllani aiul l'i41a, tiVmi Valara. Nprrlal 1 4OU lliwt Valua.. filarial yAMiWV Jxces Bedford, bo bx ebxree of tie Klir-txth Isdixs io-rn oa bsiae W. E. Ucs of tie Uaa Lstaber 4 n rA trfrJter ft nsitf tie' . . i tte UQber on Utcrxe . t. l. reaerrxtloa. wxa Jack Forber f tbe Woo4s Cortia Tcsterdar. vbo!eaJ hocM. ta lee& qoite ari-l j corspxxy at Modoc Point, is resiiter. BMi tapmti ed at tbe VThite PeUcaa. Ziat Bolivia, sob of Senxtor Geo.! 1. BaMwte, bo I eo located at! Mi Marjorie Edaall of Blf. who Lakeriev la tie aoto txe baxJaea.1 rtsJtiaK frieada of.tal dtr U expected to arrfTe todar lor a s- f w tTer1 t"ed hoae re- $9.98 Women's Dresses White Waist Weather Here EXTIUORUMTflY V.IUIS IX THI .1W):TMKT. .! TBKV FAK lIKTTfllt THAN THK IIIICK Will I4 immimti. ""'': AUK SIRE Tt I.KIX QCirKLV. W CtlMK MRtV .TLKIUIT, IX KTPL WORKM.Wi.HIP. rTT AMI I IMMI. MUJ Jl sT I.N U.. winii: r:nrTi.- lt:nirl T. HWH .aajaaj. STOIU. I l. - 1T1 ONE LOT FAA'CV VOII.K WASH III(kS TO CIXJSE AT $3.50 Price only $2.00 C 1. Aidermoa of RoseSrcrs. vitt fcia faaxflr. is xv xnpd at the eitr asto can? sroaadf. cb roate for Fort J tj. taTe left for xa OTerlxcd trip to gfritfc and Crater Lake. S Portland, and -ariU stop here apda r ! f its thfr rnn. I --.. terdxj-. Mr. aad Mrt. Ward DUht of San Fraaeiaco, SiO arrired bere Wednes. Aetins Superiateadent C. H. Aa burr of the Klamath Indian reser Txtioa, vas in Klamath Fall jester dar. attcadinc: to tioslseis matters. Mr. asd Mrs. V.Jl. MeLaiore of Saa Fra&dxeo xrriTed ia tieir bis PatkSsder car jeaterdar sfioaaeav Mrs. McLemore drcrre a good portion C taa war. A&d declares ooct of the roads are In poor coaditka. Tier will ressxln aeTerxl weeks, looUs! B. 0. McGee. a lasibenaxa who after Mr. MtLnre'i lireitock inter-, ha been makiag his headquarters est in the cocntr. Mrs. Melore here for several months, returned was foraerlr Miss Winnie Warn pier j yesterday, after a three weeks trip of Odessa, and has a host of Klamath , thru the northeastern part of the Ctiildrra cood quality Ikm liaa foariiread hrrl ami tr: nam ia Mark and tan; rtir 0 ap to 9. for ISr, 3 pr. Site OIT SIZE HOSE Id4e white or r-Utk oat Mie. ia Utat i to 10 i. aiadr frosn ailk. IfaOe. rottfa. aoft aad Tery eiafttic; Trry good valae. 3Sr, 3 pr. sil.OO L.IRGE TURKISH TOWELS Very special Taluea for Sat anlaf. earli . . . .10c, 3 for .Vie MMDch plaia white table oikloth. per jard 2-V I.IXE.V TOWELING Oar applj l rowwJete, ia Mearlinl aaal aablrarfwd ; Tl arm Omt are war below the market prirp today. From .... iair ap to S.V Vnpl-te llae of pallrraw, plaia aad faarr, rulor. are the terT btt, prira per yanl..iV Tarkalt Wah Cloth. pUla white, also colored border; rt Ira eil ralae OV Jioe&Zb. M THE!LAD1ES STORE" I'MII.V hllTH !dir Jprvy Htblwl l'nla Suit, low ank, rlllf kurr, ultra ap lo II: trry .pr-rial XV ttilldmt. lt l'Htn Hall. tiMiir from ftno iiulix. barrrtl ,nlniik, ir- :l In 1 1, IJifli 3V .-tO-lnrli IVIm lUwrh (lirfh. KtMranlrrl to waJi. I'rr yard . . ,a..VI (Oar lot ItriniMnl. jut half prlrr. Lot KCflMMtS OieMPnct CoBBty friends. county. mm TlWlali Your Money Cheerfully Refunded bhfm -""-lr:" Cmr&A 1-' f." -1 a fT Our Great July Clearance Sale IS NOW GOING ON Don t Miss This Opportunity THE SAME CHANCE T.O SAVE MONEY WILL NOT TURN L'P AGAIN VERY SOON. EVERY SUCCESSFUL MERCHANT IS ALWAYS WATCHING FOR THE CHANCE TO HUY MERCHAN DISE WHEN THE PRICES ARE DOWN. WHY DON'T YOU DO LIKEWISE AND SAVE REAL MONEY? Stock Up for Winter at this Sale Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morris of Poe! Valley are meeting Klamath Falls friends today. R. Nudml of Medford. who has been connected with the Klamath FalN hakery here until recently. Is over for a few day attending to matters of bnalncim. Messrs. Guy and Jtay Merrill of Merrill are in the city today. They report that haying ha commenced, there In earnest now, and that a big crop of alfalfa will be harvested. rlieriff Oeorge Humphrey has re turned from a trip to Salem, where he took Paul Lane to the state train. Ing rhool. While away he attended seme official duties at French Gulch.1 Calif. "LESS THA.V COST" f 1 00 down and a wek; $60 will buy a solid oak bed davenport and mattress of the Tery best work' manshlp; upholstered In Imported) French tapestry, with oil tempered. icei luuBiruLuuii. a rare oargain. Regular price $90. i It JOHNSTONE FURNITURE CO.' REAL ESTATE TRANSFER OWING TO THE EXTREME HIGH MARKET PRICE OF RELIABLE MERCHANDISE, IT. WOULD BE ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE TO FIND A STORE ANYWHERE ON THIS COAST THAT WOULD DIS PLAY NERVE ENOUGH TO PLACE THEIR ENTIRE STOCK ON SALE. AN OPPORTUNITY AWAITS YOU HERE T.HAT CANNOT BE DUPLICATED ANYWHERE IN THIS CITY. WE DO NOT CLAIM TO.IIAVE THE LARGEST CLOTHING STOCK IN THE STATE OF OREGON. BUT WE DO CLAIM TO HAVE T.HE FINEST CLOTHING STOCK IN KLAMATH FALLS. AND WE GUARANTEE EVERY SUIT WE SELL FOR SERVICE. PERFECT FIT, STYLE AND FABRIC. HUNDREDS HAVE ALREADY TAKEN ADVANTAGE OF THIS GENUINE MONEY SAVING EVENT JOIN IN YOURSELF. x John R. Mashbum to Lem L. (ia-! ghagen, warranty deed, lot 4, block 40, Hot Springs Addition to Klamath Fall. James W. Jory, administrator, to United States, deed, a portion of the (8 BE4. sec. 10, twa.40 8., r. ft, E. W. M.. to be used for flood water purposes and as a sump ground United States to Fred w. McMan. us. patent, NW4 NK4. sec. 8, twp.l l H., r. 1Z, K. W. M. Shoe Bargains Ten per cent reduction on all Ladies' and Children's Pumps and Low Shoes. Short lines Ladies' Pumps, Regular $5.00, now . . . ,$ilJXi Short lines Ladies' Pumps, Regular $4.00, now . . . .$L8Ti Ladies White Canvas Hi Shoes, Regular $3.00, now $', Short lines Ladies' Pumps, sizes 2 to 5, Regular $3.50 and $4.00, now $1 ;"() Men's Oxfords, $4.50 and $5.00, now $'V, Men's Ventilated Oxfords, $3.00, now ........... '.$2Ao ALL MENS ELK SKIN AND HEAVY WORK SHOES GREATLY REDUCED. IT WILL PAY YOU TO COME IN AND LOOK ?00?WEHARSE SHE BARCAIN NEEOF REGAL SHOE STORE I REMEMBER, EVERY ARTICLE ON SALE aHaaaajj j...--- V , K.SUGARMAN REMEMBER, EVERY ARTICLE ON SALE TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY A Urge tract of level, fertile home, stead land. Will locale seltlrrs at' reasonable rates. Address Ph.. i Graves, 203 Washington street. KUmi atb Falls, Oregon. 12-im WANTED Dishwasher at Keller's cafe; ft: week. ij.u aUyiaaawa. Dealuk ttara it laaared by Chllrota. pZf I tSBBalBBBlBBBBBBal BBSBBnBBBaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl BBBBBBB