Wt itrotmg HraU FFICIAL NEWSPAPER OFFICIAL lWSPAKft OF KLAMATH FALLS V KLAMATH COUNTY ::--":--rc3n.-.' ji jhotk . wn nuinnniwwy svrwtli Yrr No. tt.XH KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 12, 1917 ins? PvfMy VPH wMI attle With I. f BEE RILED, EHIPS I. W. W. IN ONE PACKAGE kxdh iii'sixkhs to abolish NUISANCE Mmi Are KltleO In Itatlle He. i Striker ami rlllfrn'a PrHr. le ix-agu imiuMrtai vturhrr uutiikil I'ii ami I'lamt AlMmnl III, ItrMlHAIIon I'ttknoMtt Old. Arittma Tiin Art. IIOCNIX. ArU.. July 12 Tim nil- l.lowu of HUbne hnn tipnudel rpiui, ami I tin Citltau I'rolecllta ue, numbering l(r)0 lull)- armed hate rounded uit 1.000 Initio- Worker or the World. searched anil loaded them Into freight i In deport Ihrin. ro m li have, been killed nl lll- according to Mil v Ire received by rney Oenrral Whitney. Our w llv UtiMftff HVfletM ssttit lti SitttnP far. IhitalU are lacking, but It U tmtood that the two men killed other firing lmultaneouly. racllcatly all in e in hern of the I, were rounded up In the lmm i park and iiearched for weapon he tittle red rard. howlug their tterahlp In the I, W. W. ey were afterwurd taken to on n nearby tdlug.k The train be comiioel of over a doen Kallrond official rofnue to ill the dnxtlnntlon of the train. I work began at midnight. I.OIIK, Aril., July 13 Former irnor Hunt, the pemonnl repre- lllvn of Crelirnt WIInoii In King the atrlkn nltiuitlou, ha appeateil to from HUbee, to lop It ml n on which the men are hcliml tried. fwo thoimnnd miner being de led by corporation gunmen from f Warren dltrlrt; Mop train," wn metnago received by Mr. Hunt, ch in nald to have been algned by urney W, II, Cleury of llUbcc. rilHCON, ArU.. July IS. A iHmg- meage J tint received nald that cltlietiM of that place, hoiivlly noil with th roo iniiclilno gun, hud for lllvhco to uHlt In the "round fwenty-flve cattle cur huvo been; t to lliabot) to deport men. I0IT0R HERE FOR NEW ROAD li. HtXrTT, A POIt.MKH AHHIHT- ANT TO nOIIKUT K. HTIIAIIOHX, IK IN THK CITY, AMI WIMi h'M. TAtlMHH OFFICK 1IKHK i A. L. Hoott, uudllor for the Oregon, kllfornla A Eastern railroad, arrived t night to rommenrn his new duties VI.M.Ik t.ll. ninuiatll rlia. I Ua Dull t... l.An I.IahIJI.I ...1,1.1 mr. Ptuu nan wu luuiituiini mill - .-,-,. I 1.1 ' "T" ,"" """"" " 'u""Dr, rN ' I He will be located at the railroad Ices In the Odd Fellows building. t I Clarenca tiolnes and F. K, Maston ira amoiic today's business visitors om Pot Valey.- MMMMAAMMWVWWMMWMWWMWWWVWWWWMVWMMVWWWM Admiral Who Saved American Transports siMa Tim, etu rsy anil Intelligence of Ad- . . S1 i ,r"n M,W,rr" " " tran.pnru wriwuiri puuumiiiin niiacx in, ue At- hiiitlr In the flmt effort the German ! ll.IV., IIIII.Ih I. Ml..lr k .....!.. .. . l ...... ...n.,,. ,.. ninn miii'i it nn tiiHri rntryliig troop to Frtiuce. Ilu with hi iSnflroinra w nrennred for ilm attnik the tlermim miide fur In the' Alhitillr, where It wit not hollmed1 Htthuiarliie would cm.. mi- in t.mr battle off the coast of France he. iicaln put the mihtunrlne to night. MORE STEEL IS AfTIVITV IH NOW NIIUW.V ON KV. I.IIV H..M MKVKIMI MCHtK (MIIH OF KgUII'MK.NT AUK K.. CKCTKH DAILY Two morn cum of Hleel nrilvod this morning for the now Htraliorn rail road, mid It I announced that lx more cam have loft Cortland. Klii'd for the tool and eiiulpmont for thu roud urn now being built near the Kie Y. Tho grade pur from the new llm. to the Houthern Caclflo, iihout one liiilf mile In length, la about luilf completed, Another big load of suppllen for tlia now rail roil il cutnp nt Clue Flnt went out yoHtonluy. INDIAN CHARGED WITH FOItUKHY; DISMISSED ChiiiKed wltli forging a chock, John Ktokex, an Indian of tho Klam ath rctei'vnilim, was brought In ye turilny by Deputy Sheriff TU Griffith, niid wiih phicod under u $Tt()U hull, which ho wiih uuiihln to rulao he chui-Ko wiih brought by the Flmt Slate anil SiivIiikh bank. Thu in ho wiih lien id heforo JiihIIco K, W. Gewiii: thin morning, und tllsmlRuoil for vn.it of ovidonco, l.i nnllini-lim lliillnurnv n. nl ...W ...... ?, ..V W. ,,.,, , .,. .b , .. .. ', llt, Wll.igi WH IIDIHR H mi'U Co., him loft for a two weeks vacn- tlnn U.'tl1ihnt norniila fit flrsvu navIM Oregon. ' Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Smith and Mr. and Mrs, Walt Smith of Corvallla are hero visiting Mrs, Chestor Avery, They raada th trip by auto. nmBaVi maK HmnsmaVv .r asmaVI Im siBasmasmavf BM aTJaTJaTJaTJSBM. 14 ATJ H ammammmmmnRk. VmR H ml aenmaenmaVLrwnkJ , S v .Rm aBaBBs3fMj:4 - I IsmaKTfill i H HA"s iKt(' H H IIIUmf:Im B BaBBjfcfi . M'w l I Bsmasma3Ev'sa -B QK'BIyfl m " WeBB. -CaHWVBSJV SIBR BBWWBBWW ADMIRAL W. 5 NOW GROUND REICHSTAG MAKES NEW DEMANDS WWWWWWNMWMWWWWMW Automobile Meet The, totirUU who ktopped at the City Auto Cark In tlir rear of the old Ijili.-nlilc Inn laiil ulght were a fol low it Mr ml Mm. H. M. Ilrown and Mr. and Mitt, Arthur leaning of Hum. I Mho urn ru roil If to Seattle, D F and Frank Woodruff and fatn. Illi of Cortland, on their war to l're-ent City, Calif., whence they will return north. Mr and Mm. A. O. Frock of Ran KriiiK'liM-o, m route for Fort Klam ath Mr. Frock U a newspaper man, connected with the San FrancUcn full, Thin lit til third vUlt hero, and he eipreiwcil hlmnelf as greatly plea, eil with the outlook here. Mr. mid Mm. C. I.. William of Ku-1 gene, touring Central Oregon. I More Ice Caves Are J. II. HAHTKIt AM) II. f. KTtH'T llltl.Mi IN TIIH.NtiS OF HKVKIUI I.AIUiK C.IVKH .K.ll THK MAIX ItOAII IX THK I..WA IIKIM That there are a conlderable num ber of Ice cave In the Ijvn lied aeo tlon heretofore unknown, and aeveral of them very near to the main trav eled road, where they can be reached without tho hard trip neccwary to tho lleiir Caw and other familiar cave, Ih word brought In by J. 11. Ilailrr and Hon C, Stout, prominent rancher of that locality, who have been In conference with J. A. Gordon and K. 11. Catrlck of the White Pel BRITISH LOSS TUESDAY HEAVY GERMAN DRIYK IN BELGIUM RE HtH.TS IN IOHS OF EIGHTEEN HUNDRED TO BRITISH IN KILL. ED AND WOUNDED LONDON, July 18. Tho British disunities resulting from the German HUccesH In Helglum Tuesday are about 0,,,lwn '"ndred, Including prison or, according to u statement just ro. eolved from the war office. TWO NEW 8UMMKR HOMES AT ROCKY POINT NOW Two summer cottages near Rocky Point are now being constructed by A. L. Alexander, one for John Stem on Jr., cashier of the Flrat State and Savings bank ttere, and the other for Dr. O, E. Ogle of Saa Francisco, Both cottages will he completed within a short time, W. W.'s at Phoemx Tourists in City Park Mr. and Mm. Clint MrDuuald of Walla Walla. Mr. and Mm. F. V Allen and Mr F. (I. Wllllarua constituted one party from Medford, W. C. Montgomery of IlronuHvflle, less, now returning home after a five week' tour of the Northwest vln Denver, 1'cndleton and Cortland, where he visited relatives. He ! making the trip entirely alon.e It. (i. Norvllle and family of Moiiu. ment, Colo., bate been a tar went as the llogue Hirer Valley, and are dart ing on their return trip. They Intend to go out thru Alluras and Heno, Nov llurrell Armstrong and wife have made n tour of the section to the north, and will return aoon to their home at itockton, Calif. Discovered ican Karngc, regarding the matter. The cavex decrltHd by Harter an fully a large mid IntoreHtlng a tho cave vliltrd by a large number of Klumath Fall people, and aro very eay of ncceiw. The cuvc dhicovcred by Stout are near tho Mammoth, and are llkcwlxe very targe. A local party will bo arranged at an early date to Investigate the new caves. These cave have always been a great addition to the scenic re source of the district, adding a vari ation to beauties of our lakes and stream that Is appreciated by a large number of our summer visitor. The. extreme difficulty of reaching them heretofore has beon n great drawback but as this handicap can now be obvi ated It will be very fortunate. BAKER SECURES NATION'S STEEL I highway and back by lleud and east OUTPUT OF THEiof "10 Ca8Ca('es. 8 those making a ENTIRE STEEL COUNTRY IH MADE AYAILABLK TO GOVERNMENT HOLD OX BASIS OF COST WASHINGTON, D. C July 12. Secretary of War Daker has an nounred that nn agreement has boon reached with representatives of the ateel Industry, under which tho Indus try'a entire product la to he mailo available for tho government's war purpose at prices determined on a basis of cost, The government has assured tho stel men that reasonable profits will be Allowed, and that the orders would to distributed thruout the entire In dustry. C. R, Patterson was In town buy ing supplies this afternoon. Mr. Pat tenon Is a farmer in the Midland see. tlon, Marconi Honored As Representative cHjaufjjoMgcabO. The Italian Kovernment eould have ent no more welcome representative on Its commission to the United State!, than the Inventor of the wire less. Whenever tho commissioners hint; appeared In public he has been the center of attention. PORTLAND STAGE IS I'OCK CAItS AUK NOW IWNNIXG IIKTWKKN KI.AMATH FALLS AND COKTLAND KOITND TIUC MO SULKS IX OXK WKKK Tho llrst trip of tho season of the Cortland-Klumuth Fall stage line, operated by the Cramer Stuge and licalty company of Cortland, will be made this week, nml the line will bo operated it late as tho conditions of tho toad and weather will permit, iiiTotdliig to Manager Cramer, who is in tho city for a few- days. insienti 01 two cum, a were run last year, four will be put on this season, and It is planned to have a car leave Cortland every other day. Cam will go ono way down the Pacific I rouiiu irip win soe a large part or tho state. The round trip Is 850 milos, and takes ono week. A booklet has been issuod by the company with n map of the route traveled and a brief write-up of the country, with particular mention of Klnmnth County. Advertisements of tho hotels along tho routo aro included. GERMAN CROPS TO HE SHORT NEW YORK, July 12. Advlcos re. celved hero by cable from trustworthy sources in Scandinavia stato that crop pros-pocts In Germany aro poor, aud that the production of wheat will be only 40 per cent of the normal. Miss Joyce Nail was married to Hunter Plel at Roseburg July 2d. Mm. Plel is a nleco of Mrs. George Baldwin and Mr. Plel is a son of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Plel of this city. They will live on the Plel ranch' at Wolf Crtek, NOW RUNNING NEW ROAD IS TO OPEN SOON XKW GIIADK OX WKKT HIDK OK RIrEB WILL BE AVA1UUILK TO I'IDLIC IN ABOUT TWO WKEKS BADLY NKKDED Good progress U being made on the grade road on the west side of the river, and the new road may be open ed to the public In tea days or two weeks, according to Contractor Mad dox. The new grade Is a mile and a quarter In length, and when complet ed will make It possible to haul heavy loads up the bill without difficulty. It lan Improvement long needed by farmer In that locality. The view of the valley below af forded from the new road will be one of great beauty. SENATE MOURNS LOSS OF LANE BODY CASSK8 RKSOLUTIOXS DE PLOIUXG DEATH OF OREGON. IAN HIS WORK FOR INDIANS BRINGS HIM GREAT CREDIT PORTLAND, July 12 Resolutions deploring the recent death -of United States Senator Harry Lane were read In the United States Senate and print ed In the Congressional Record re cently by order of Vice President Marshall, according to advices reach lng here. The resolutions declared the late senator accomplished much toward better treatment of Indians generally and brought to the Blackfeet reser vatlon improvements in Ha social and industrial activities. KLAMATH SPIRIT BRINGS PRAISE SACRAMENTO BOYS ON THEIR RETURN TAKE STEPS TO IN. FORM THE PUBLIC OF THEIR ENTERTAINMENT HERE That the Klamath Falls people are royal hosts Is Indicated by the state ments made by members of the Kimball-Upson ball team on their return to Sacramento, following the series of games here last week. A story appears In yesterday's is sue of the Union in which Harry Duke lauds Manager Ray Watts, President Fred Garrlch and Director Archie Wiggins for their efforts exerted to make it pleasant here tor the visitors Mr. and Mrs. Alex Martin arrived here yesterday by auto from Port land, The trip was made without mishap or any expense to tho car other than gasoline and ell. KAISER MUST YIELD TO THE PEOPLE'S WRL BETHMAX BOLLWEOO'S MMOIVA .. TlOX NOT ACCEPTED VpM EsBperor by ReJcfcateg? b by Call of Crows Prince Field to Atteatd Arrive ey Special Tvate te With KERNE. July 2. That the polit ical situation la Oeraaaay b critical b Indicated In the Vesaleae Zeltaig of Berlin, which says that Imperial ChamcaUor von Bethaaaa Hellweg kaa resigned, and that the kaiser has postponed accepting .hla rrslf stiea until he can confer with tno erawa ' prince. The kaiser said yesterday that the constitutional reforms demanded ky the relcbstag, concern his successor as well as himself, and the crown priace has therefore been summoned to at' tend a council at which anal deckrien will be made as to bow far the crown will concede to the demands of the relcbstag. The prince has arrived by special train. Hollweg attended the council. KIETH AMBROSE THANKSJ.Ffy. EXPRESSION orfoKVITTCDE TO, HIS FORMER-MATES FOR OsFT IS RECEIVED GOES AFTER KAISER OR US GOAT A letter of appreciation front Ex Chief Kleth Ambrose to tho Klamatk Falls Are department has last been received by Ray Hunsaker, regarding a gift made him by the department on his departure for the front. He says: "It didn't seem like it was in me the morning I left to tell you how much I appreciated the gift and loy alty jou showed me before leaving. There isn't any way by words that I can express myself, but from the bot tom of my heart I am with you fel lows every minute, whether I am there or not. Never will tho good will that you showed me be forgotten for one minute. "I passed all exams O.K., and leave hero tonight for Bremerton navy yards to get down to the Inn points of tho game, principally tho kaiser or bis goat. ' COUNTY COURT MEET! The county court continued, Uaad. journed session yesterday from' lent week. Allowing of lUc ssHntod the principal buataeei of tho sMettag. W. P. Johasest m4.9., V; Robert- son are dowa fojnanMsn WMl taw --. ' .' . 'm ' ej" i JPB4sspnns"x psrmnms camp on Four Mite ta1st.W ' t't'l ?fi hi r m