'ti ii.it- m, W$t Iguf nfng Bgraljfc E OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH CoONTY OFFICIAL OP KLAMATH PALLI " ? KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDN3EDAY, JULY 11, 1917 T "I " i " ' i i Eleventh Year Kit. il.lWMI Teutons Start Offensive KAISER'S FORCES MENACE BRITISH FRONT POSITIONS RELIEVED HERMANS TKVIMJ TO Hi:.Uil DUNKIRK Nit Hundred Yank of Engllli Mm Am IVneiratixt Alirr Day " Mgl.t Artillery Wrk. In WI1M1 Hi Hand Dun lrfrnHi Wrr lrr rllrl tiermaua Remit ljit Hank or the Yer. Hy AkMH Uteri l'rM Tlir (icrmuiia li Mailed menac Itif tbe wetteru front near 111" Unt Ktum roast, following n twenty-four hour raimoiiatlliiir, which levelled ilm sand dune defense. The Herman have penetrated i'.OO yard deep along fourteen hundred feet of the front, pushing a far rant a Ilm rat dank of thr Yser, near the North Sea. Tbe bombardment detroyd ttir bridge acroM llio Ycr. making Hi" ending of llrllUli reinforcements im possible. It If unknown whether the llrltkh will be able to cope with tho attack. It U believed that the Herman are attempting to reach thn city of Dun kirk, seventeen mile distant. riF.UI.IN. July I Arordlug to ofTI. rial auiiniinrement morn than I.3S0 prUonnrn were taken by tlm Herman marine corpn In the Ynr dlatrlrt. CURTIS COMPANY CHARGED UNFAIR BOYCOTT irriinis AUK i:m. PUYKI IIY HATi:illAY KVIIX- in ttmr ih;iii.ihiii:iih, ac CXJHIM.NH TO tXIMI'iaiXT WAHIIINOTON, I). C, July II. That tho Curtla I'ublUhlng company la attempting to atlfle coinpotttlon bf refusing to aoll the Knturday Kvcn Ing I'oat to iloulera hnndllng otlior piibllratlnna la nllegod hy tho Federal Trade Conunlmilaii In a formal ram plaint iMiiod hero today. The complaint atatea that nuch urta are unfiilr buulrioMa practlrea. HI' IT IN FII.F.D For tho recovery of $3-tr, nlleged duo plulntlff for mercliandlHo pur cliBMnd, nil Ion lins'boon commenced In the circuit court hy K. I lloaloy of tho Chlloiiiilii Morcnntlln company, against A. (1, Patterson. Horace. Man ning I attorney for tliu plaintiff. Tliod Mcllattiin I nx ted homo tonight nftor n vltdt with relative In Jackson County. NOftTHWKST WKATHBR FOMCAlT ' ORKaON-WAHHINOTON Fair I and warm; modorate west- arly wind. HLAMATH U, . II, . Maximum, yesterday, 100 dog. Minimum, today, 60 dei, No precipitation, bvwvwwwwwwl,,,MW STIUMEII KANSAS HUNK NEW YOIIK, Jul II Tim Aiin-rlinn steamer Kun, car- ryliig cntw of fifty li been clink, pri'iiliuililn nit Urn const ti( France iirtonlliiK lo n rabl- kruin revived by Hut official. The fntt of Hie crew U mi- 4 hniiHit. Tlit Kansas was valued 4 Ml I3.00II.OIIO, ROAD TO LAKE SOON 10 OPEN s.miw will mhi.v hi; shoveled FROM Till: ROADS Ml T1I.T tourist r.s jet in mand creek hoar nearly open AIUiiiiikIi not opened clear to the tint, Ilm road to Critter likn Is rap Idly bring ilcarrd. owing to stronti um, effort to inalru It nnlluble to totirUt at Hie carHcM tonlble mo- menl. and Is not H'llhlli half n mlln f; Hut rim on tteHand Cruek road. Know linn seen sliotcled about llirrh mlltijt ft.ovo tlio rump at liraJ quarter, lent lite; two mile yet ilosed. Hot oral local ram have gouo to Him park loduy. WARMEST DAY WAS YESTERDAY IHTTFJT HAY IN HIX YHAItri IS KXI'KIHKXCKI) AT KUMATII FA I.I J THK TKMI'KHATl'lli: ItRlCHKJi XK lll'MHIKH "la It warm enough (or you? Old you obiorva the weather yea terday. It wa not only the warmeit day thl aummer or lant lummer, but for hU yearn pant. The thermometer at tho reclama tion building reached 100 degree for the tint time aluco June, 1911. Tho urmet day laxt tummor wna July llth, when n temperature of 1)8 de gree wan recorded. Mr. and Mr. I.. K. Wllllta loavo today for jilt to friend uud rela tive ti JucKHon County. " Mr J John Howell of the Merrill tioctloit wa among the city' visitor today. DRY FARMERS NEED E AOKNT HiaiHYICIl DKCI,AIU THAT HITUATION ' IS CltlTICAIi IN HOMi: IMIITS OK Till-: Co'u. TY lllltioATKU CHOI'S HOOD Whllo there I every Indication of u Hiii'coiisful teuHou for tho farmer tiudnr the Irrigation project of tho count), tho lack of mnhtturo for the Iiihi mouth la commencing to work a eriuutj hunWhlp on tho rancher of tho dry farming districts. County Agricultural Agent 11. R. Cllalayor reports that unlos a rain Is rticettod within a short time tho grain and bay yield will ha reduced mater-tally. MOISTUR .. jS f! lUn'ii il MarrlilMinr Till. In ilm lud'Kl ihotograih of Unroll KmlU' do Cartli-r do Marchl enne, lldglan mlutntnr to the United Htatra. He U iorha one of the biuliMt men In Vintilngton, TralnliiR Camp Oiflinilttre Atolnted U1Ip Itorem. Captain J. W. Hlent eiu and Kd HliHmltigrnmp are the loml rommlltev appointed by thn On-con DlvUlon of the Mllitar) Traln liiR Camp AkMirlatlon, and anyeno lUflrlng to apply for admliwlon to llic.ie camps Is reiietrd to Interview homo one of this committee. QUAKE SHAKES PACIFIC ISLES IIDAIi WAVK AND F.AItTHOttAKF. C.UKi: UKF.AT DAMAHK IN KA MOAN AND FHF.XDKY IHL..MM IN THK PACIFIC MKl.HOtlUNK, July 11 A dispatch from Suva, In the Fiji Islands, says damage was caused by a aevero earthquake. In Hie Kamoan Islands. A tldul wave ha visited Friendly Islands, which huve also experienced the eaitliquake. FRED MARTIN PASSES AWAY YOUNH MAN OF SMI, WHO WAS KICKF.D IIY A VICIOl'S HOKMK LAST SUNDAY DIKH WITHOl'T HI'.COVKItlXH CONHCIOtmNKMS word Iibh boon received of tho death or Fied Martin, the young man who was kicked In tho head by a vicious horso Sunday, In the vicinity of Merrill. Muiliu hud recently traded for tho unimal, according to report, and had Just unhitched from the rig lu which ho had boon driving. The horso lunged suddenly, and kicked him lu the Hide of the head above the ear, Inflicting the Injury which caused hi death. Ho waa 30 years old. Fied Martin was the oldest of a family of eight children, and one of tho chief sources of Its support. Thar reside ou a ranch at the east end of Poe Valley. Funeral service wore hold at afer rlll. thlsi afternoon. BannrXGunnnnnnnnnnWannni nnnffSnnKffennnnnnV ML lwSSw amat m hero IHKUUDI ItHiH IttHhIAX KMXT llflY IS XHW MOOT fOIM'llt MAX I.V SKW ltKlflim-MflfKHH LI)K IIV OWN KFHJItW IM I'KTHOCItAl), July H. All llut xla I ringing with the name of the latent war hero, Lieutenant Oticrjl I.. ('. Kornlloff, the vlcior In tlio campaign In Ualarla. Kornlloff waa born fort) -six years ago III a needy Cowtark home In West ern Siberia, and attended school by hla own effort. He commanded the Klghth army after the revolution, and the brilliant exploit In (iilarl art- due primarily lo him. STATE EDITORS MEET THIS WEEK MANY AttK KXI'VXTKI Ttl AT TKXII KlllTOlllAli AHBOCIATIOX SII:tmXJ AT I'KNIH.KTOX IX- TFHFJiTlXO TAI.KH ASMIHFH I'KNDI.KTON. July 11. Nowspa per men from nearly every section of OrcKOn are expected to attend tho liilT meeting of tho Oregon Stato Kd itorlal Asoclatlon, which Is to be held here July 13, 14 and IS. Trip for the visiting editors are being plaunoit to the Umatilla Indian reservation, Wallowa Ijike. tho Kast em Oregon Mnto hospital, and over the wheut fields of this section. On the speaker list arc Edgar fl I'lper, editor of the Portland Oregon Ian; A. K. Voorhiea, editor of the (5 rants IV.hh Courier; C. K. Ingall. editor of tho fiaxette-Tlmes, Corval lis; Krlc. W. Allen, dean of the school of Journalism of the Unlvorslty of Oregon, and George Palmer Putnam, publisher of tho Ilend Uulletin. Mr. and Mr. Will Cumpboll are In town for a brief visit from Iorella. Mr. Campbell, who la a prominent stockman of that district, report that whllo the grain crops there need tain badly, tho wild hay on the ewnmpa I unusually good. Hay cut ting wilt commence there next Mon day. DIVORCE ACTION IS INSTITUTED FAMILY l,IFF. OF KLAMATH IX DIAN HAS ITS JAHH AX1 DIM Tl'HHAXCF.H, THK SAMK AS HIS YVH1TK IIIIOTHKII All Is not bliss nor domestic tran quility among the Indians of the Klamath reservation, as Judged by a suit filed yesterday for divorce, In which Anne Patterson I plaintiff and llroen Patterson Is defendant. Cruel and Induman treatment are among the charges made ogalust tl.o defendant. Plaintiff asks to be freed from all bonds hitherto existing be tween herself and plaintiff, and res toration, of her maiden name. No all. mony Is aaked. Attorney R, L. Elli RUSSIA ott represents the platatUf. on Belgium .., .,.Tr,........ ' Wants Big . Air Navy " gPa igBisKSi vmmSzv ggW. lai gBv" Howaao ccornW Howard K. Coffin of the Council for Natl6flal Defense want an enor mou air navy, one so large that on nil the western front from the North Sea to the Alps no Herman aeroplane will be permitted to leave It aero drome He said that the proposed appropriation of $54,000,000 waa a mere drop In the bucket If America is to do her part in the war. AXOTHKlt FALMK ALAHM The second false alarm to be turn ed in within a week was given last night about 9:30, from 25, the cor ner of Sixth and M.iln. Nothing could be discovered needing the attention of the department on its arrival. SULTAN'S CITY IS AKItOPLAXKS ATTACK THK ENE MY'S FLF.KT IN THK HARBOR AND THK WAR OFFICE AT CON. STANTINOPLK IXhS'DOX, July 11 British airmen raided the enemy's fleet off Constan tinople, according to official an nouncement Just received. Ucmbs were dropped ou the Turk ish cruiser Ywus Cultan Sellui, for merly the Herman cruiser Hoeben. Tho war office at Constantinople was also attacked. Lloyd Churchill was in Klamath Fnlls on business from hi home In Montague yesterday. KIETH AMBROSE' PASSES EXAMS. POPULAR EX-FIHE CHIEF IS NOW EX ROUTE FOR THK NAVAL YARD TRAINING CAMPS PUTS IN HOOD WORD FOR CITY A postcard received this morning by Mayor Crisler from former Fire Chief Kleth Ambrose conveys the new that be passed his entrance ex amination to the navy without diffi culty, and leaves for the Bremerton navy yards Immediately. While In Portland Ambrose put In a good word for Klamath Falls by interviewing tbe fire Insurance un derwriters, aad giving them accurate Information regarding the Are depart. BOMBARDED meat of bta city, KEY TO LEMBER6 NOWCAPTURED AtrfAXCK REPORTED AUTX0 ALL HECTIONat OF EASTWUJ FRONT. MANY nOsWXKM AND GUNS ARKTAKK FBTKOCRAD, July 11. Tbe Rus sians are eentlourag to persae the enemy lata Gatecia, after captarfag Halrcs, wilea to Um strategic key to Lemberg. ' Over M00 prlamer aad thirty guns hare keen captured. An adrance has bees) made to the westward to the left bask of the Lomnlca River, and the treepa hmv pressed ferward on tbe Begorodchaa Zolotvin freat. ' Frank Swingle, oa of the pioneer of Klamath county, now lecated near Aihland, rUlted with some of hi old time friends here today. He ts accompanied by hi brother Oliver ( Arizona, whs t also well kam locally Mr. Ethel McKlule aatf Mies Ruth DUoai bare left for Eageae, fee lowing a valt wRk their sister. Mrs. Charles LejomU of this city. Miss DlaoBexpecta to attend tbe high school at saiajeae. MUs Muriel Ktaney left yesterday morning, after a visit of two weeks with Ml Fannie Vlrgtl. She was accompanied by her father, W. A. Kinney, who Is a salesman for M. Sel ler ft Co. of Portland. Jsck Bates, a national guardsman and former student at the University of Washington, left this morning for his home In Portland. CHANGES ARE SUPERFICIAL RESIGNATIONS OF ZIMMERMAN AND HOLLWEG ARE NOT RE CARDED AS SIGNIFICANT BY WASHINGTON AUTHORITIES WASHINGTON. D. C. Jul 11. Germany's latest difficulties are re garded as due largely to Internal troubles, and are probably of a tran sitory nature only, according to be lief here. Tbe dismissal of Secretary Simmer man and even Chancellor Hollweg himself Is considered' largely a sur face movement, for not until the great army general staff itself' is reached will the real crustof German militarism be broken. Dr. F. M. White Is a Dorrts visitor today. Number Thirteen Will Be Unlucky I LONDON, June SO. An onVlal statement from tan foreign oflet re cently informed the British PUbHe that tweaty-two couatrles bad sever ed diplomatic retatltnu wltn' many. 'Of these." thn stnlisment added, "thirteen are at, wr,wiU GermaaV and may bo ""unaHtri lu to Coast RATE REDUCT10I ' WILL BE PUSHED BY LOCAL MEI MEDFORD WILL BE ASKBB TO JOIX IX COMPLAINT UGJvestaUte eya Wke Have Uoas to CaMforato Potato to cce4 Wltn the laaenute Goods Froaa Dorras. Merchants and business men e this city wUI continue tn tkenr at tempt to secure what they eeneMer reasonable class freight rates to and from Klamath Fall. Urn tnetr -rato attorneys. Bishop 4k Banter ex St Francisco, and bar agreed .to naeent tbe co-operation of Medferd tn tno matter. If It can be secured. Follow. ing a day' visit wiU local buelaese men. L. R. Bishop, wltk kls wife, re turned to San Francisco tbis morn ing. It U felt by Klamath Falls sklnpera that n rate from San Praacleco and similar points to Dorru of 97 eejnts on first class goods and a luiienf-und lag raw to Klamath Falls of tl.l't . most unfair, especially as tan lawn existing will not permit sending? f goods to Dorris and reshlppiag, npan which a saving of S3 cento would bo made. Bishop Babler hope to make the Interstate Commerce Commission see the injustice.of thl situation, and to bring tbe first class rate down to $1,01, and declare tbe chances of this re good, as these rates have never before been before tbe commission. This firm represents the lumbering Interests here la their remonstrance against the proposed IS per cent' In crease on commodity rates," and are also retained by tbe year bytne Klamath Manufacturing .company, Ewauna Box company and othere. Several of the merchants nave sug gested the adTisahJlltrntfrrtlpplng good to Dorris and forwarding kern by auto truck: $' - ' MILTditTBOtKD OVER William Milton waa bound over today to the federal .grand jury of Portland, charged ' with furnishing liquor to the Klamath Indiana, He was placed under 1500 bonds by V. i. Commissioner Bert C. Taomas, which he bas been unable to secure, and was placed la tbe county Jail ing the arival of tbe United marshal. Mr. and Mra. Leslie TerwIUiger, MUs Mabel Martin and Hardin Garter are leaving la the morning to spend tbe rest of the week camping In Jaek on county. On their return Mr. and Mrs. TerwIUiger will go to Montague to spend a week with Mr. TerwilU ger's relatives. , or Germany lf slllaace for that purpose." Thavllet j of mm fireaafrinw nyto'StMewau -Kneeta, Fraaoe. lelenem., oeenc -. Zir'uZir:mmA.,,. , rsill. BelWia, Ouatsniam, HfMar ,, MmmmtW9mmmmAwmjwmt . ama. l4tWif.mmi''. &? 1. fi at l " r " . 0 X V " iipin- nf.,' vt,wrj M'iv'.j ,.. ...