rOTr f- OFFICIAL NEWIPAP11 OFFICIAL NKWSPAPBR OP KLAMATH COUNTY OF KLAMATH FALLS t.iw-,1 rT T(JUJ52allllgll'!ifcl1rlfltwTIt-aTrt in win-f KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, JULY 10, 1917 wrt,rGmm Urtentli Ymr No, tl.illll RAFT NUMBERS ARE NOW POSTED Sty iEuenmg literal! i i - - i 'rawing Will Be Made In I'KHV MAN THAT 1 HKGINTKII- Kll SHOULD AT ONCE HWtltH .IIIH M'Mltr.ll AM. NAMES VMW I1WTKD AT THE ttlltllT HOl'NK NKItlAI. .NTMIIKK IK TIIK ONE THAT COUNTS. NUM- SltKIt ON REGISTRATION CAIUM hllAVI.MJ NO HEARING Tim serial number of the men ho have regUtered for the select- jrit ..rati have been poated In (tin lurt house by ili roiiuty esemptlon' iril II U Important thai nil rrg-i terrd mn should acertain ineir rial number, w that they may now at the fnrllr.l Kitltr moment they are Included In llm llt when bn number are niiifniiicml from rastitnsion, The eMlre lllkltnt State In divided kin approslmately 30,000 dUlrlrt. Hi Mm registered men In each dl 1rl are numbered erlally. Tho tawing will take place In Washing In, and mh each single liumtirr In 'wo Men Are On 'That llm alale of Oreson U not an ry a It l poimMilc to iieconm m own by tlm condition In which Kit lamlall and Wllllum Milton wern ItUoli yesterday alone the Kspeo lent of way eat of town. The pair were vouild aaleep with demijohn between (linn, and they KlOI XNTIUI 1111.1. TO UK IIKCIIIKII MOON WAHIIINHTON. I). C July 10. Jnanlmoim consent to beisln final VotlitK on the food control bill linn win given In annale. All amend- rtenlR are to be In not later than :30 Haturdny, July 2 Int. The date IWm augRetled by Senator (luortto Jhamberlaln. DWARD GREEN NOW BENEDICT lAKTKII HTKKHINd HAI'KI.Y THUD A HKA OF MATUIMONIAI. OI. ItlllTUNITII-M, IH HAFKI.V MAIL !IIUI AT I.AHT CIIICAUO, July 10. Colonor Kl nurd II. (Iroon, who Iihm probably ro- reived more propo-iala than any other man In Ameflrn, haa JttHt bcun mur i li-rl to MIhh Mabel K. Ilnrlow of UlKhland Park, it iibttrb u( thla city. The bride la wild to bo vory very wnalthy In her own right. Colonel (Iroon lave the bride, a wedding gift of fOSMOO, fnoo.OOO In check and the remainder In Liber- 1 ty Bondi. He tald the newHpapcm had ratinod him to receive 0.000 proponalu In the lait fifteen yeara. lie added that he married (or something betldea wealth. "JHIIIIons cannot buy a rent home." Washington drawn II w niran (lint approslmate ly an.nnii men have been selected Ihruout llm United Statu. It ohoiild be dUtlnctlvcly under Mood that llm irrlinrato on llm card of llm mm registered linit no significant e, ami tlm only thing tlml roiiul U till nnrlal num ber wlilrh ha been placed on tlm aril In earn district since llm regis Irallon. Tlm II re it of co-operation on tlm pnit of rorli ludhldiial U lion In wonl from Washington that Amer ica' limn of ilrult ace will be held nlMinltin for BrerllnlliK whether or not Ihcy arc drawn In llm big liuiuan lottery Tlm ar l"l"rlmiti ha asked Dial In Urn next few day tlmy be on llm alert aud follow tli newspaper announcement of llm draft requirement ItegUtrant should particularly atth for llm drawing In Washing ton, then Unit out whether they were drawn and tlm order In which limy must appear. Then the) ahonld Inarn when limy mutt appear for physical examination. In rnse of any doubt they ahonld report to I IfV local ex emption board, consisting of 'the shcr IIT, rounly clerk and health officer. Held i. y Federal Charge were taken Into runtody by llm fed era) nulhorllle. churod with kIvIiik HhlKkey to IndlaiiH. Tlm hearlnit wan to have been held ihU mornltiR beforn United Ktalen CommlMloner II, C. Thoman, but wim pout poned awtiiK lo almenre from llm city of W. II. A. Henner, council for one of tlm dnfendanti. . OANfK AT IUK.KV l-OINT NK.XT H.TUItlAV Ml JUT Hoy at thn I'd Ira n Hay Lumber company camp on the weal aide of tipper Klamath Uikn nro planniiiK to give a big dance at tho Itocky I'olnt retort on Hiilurday night. Ar raugementa are being made to dance all night, as Iheno boya do not be lieve In doing anything by halve. A good crowd la expected to go up from Klamath Falla. J. O. Hamaker of Donania la among the clly'a bualneaa vlaltora to. day. ARIZONA TOWN FIRES I. W. W. tTTI.KNH CI.KAN THK CITV OF IMUIHTIMAI. WOKKMKN WITH THK AID OF HIFI.KH AND I'll.K HAMH.KH JKI.OMI., ArU., July 10, Hun tlrodH or inliierH and citlxeiiH, torno nrmoil with rltle and othara wilh pick bundles, atarted at aunrUo to clean tliu towu of agitator who they couHlil.ired ua uudoalrable aa a reattlt of tho atrlke called Friday by the Motal Minora branch of tho Indus trial Workera of the World. No violence hag been reported. Ap parently moat of the I, W. W. learned of the plana and left town during the night. Blsty were put aboard a train going out of town. LTj-juT.-uT.-Tjx-L-.r-L-.--i .r -.-i-.irjn.imr -nn"iT Surgeon General i$ Preparing Doctor I tieorrnl William I'. (Jorgm (lelieral U'llllnm (.'. Corga. Riir Keon aeiirral of tho United State army U charged with thn talk of do- telopliiK a form of at leant lu.UOO lihjnU Iuiih and Mirci-otu for war er. tire Tlm iiit'dlrat branch now In i hull-it lew than .'.,000 men. In ad dition, he mimt deelop u large en- tUtrd perniiel for the medlral de partment of'llm army. BELGIANS ENJOY WESTERN TRIP COMMISSION K.XI'ltl-aMKS I'LI-H-tllK AT SKillT OF SHII'IUUI.O IMS UMH.H WAV AT l-OHT-I.AN1I AT TIIIH TIMK I'OHTKANI). July 10. Tho llol- glan rommlKHtonent arrived IhU morning ou it apcclul train from Seattle. rimy were taken for a trip thru the nl'l anln, lumber yard and over tho Columbia highway. Me.mbcrt rxpremioil themsclvcti ui greatly pleased at thn night of the ahlpH beliiK bulll lo combat the sub marine. Thlx afternoon tho coin- nilnulon will attend the National Kdu catl'tial convention, and a public re ception held for It In a downtown park. Departure for San Kranctuco will be mudo tonight. STEAM ROLLER MAKES HEADWAY . MOKK THAN SIX MILKN I'KNK TIUTE1) IN TWO DAYfi AROUND O.U.AOIA, WKHT OF HTAN18. I.AV, ItV Ill'HHIANH lly Aaotlatotl I'rena I'KTKOnitAl), July 10. General Kornlloft'a offenalvo In Kaitern data- tia continue, despite Teuton'a ener getic roslatunce and stubborn coun ter attack. A number of villages were cap tured yesterday and over a thousand prUinera raptured. The enemy has rcl rented to the Iomnla River. In two daya the Russians hay pen etrated to a depth of six and two thlid miless Into the enemy's posj tioni west of BUoUlau, , FliPPS89Etl aw J8 &J'' f yul99S2&i am av v ' .amraaaanaviH a. l , flHr PPq ....- Destructive Fire juux-.n.-.n.-.UJLX-. .--.qi-unnnm- -ii-firir 'i HIGH TARIFFS ON LOCAL RATES ARE DISCUSSED NAN KKANCIHCO IIATK ATTOIU NKV MKinX l-OCAI. IMHIY IHarrlmiiiatorr Claaa ttatm to and From Till City Moat I'niortunatr. Flm Claaa lUte to Klamath Fall Nearly Double Tliat to Ikirri. iMteratato Commerre ComnilMlon ApfHwleil to. At a meeting of the Commercial Club last night, Mr. UUhop of Ulh op & llahler, Sail FranrUco, explain ed that the railroad rommlsslon of California had ordered the Southern Pacific rotupuny to reduce the clan rato from San Francisco to DorrU on flrnt cla to 97 rent, correspond Ing redurtlona on an the other classe. This reduction waa to have been effective tho latter part of lat year, but tnc Houtnerii racinc com pany aecured an Injunction prevent ing the order from going Into effect. This Injunction, however, was dis solved June 28 Ih. and the new rates will go Into effect today. The Southern Pacific, company havo refused lo extend the reduction thru to Klamath Fall, saying that a Portland ha now pendltiK before llm Intcmtnto Commerce Commis sion an application lor a reduction in the rluas rate from Portland to Klcmath Fall, basing their claim on the present low rates from San Francisco, any reduction from San Francisco would make Portland's casio that much stronger. The railroad commission of Cali fornia only has jurisdiction in the stain of California, and therefore can not force the Southern Pacific ronv pony to extend tho reduced rate fur ther than DorrU. It the Southern raclflt. company would apply the combination rate figured over Dorris. tho reduction to Klamath Fulls would be 3!i cent on llrst class, with cor lospondlng reductions on tho other classes. If same basis as prescribed by them waa used thru Klamath Falls would get a reduction of 60 cents on first class, and correspond ing reduction on the other classes, lllshop & Ilnhler are filing at once a formal complaint with the Inter state Commerce Commission, asking for tho 60 cent reduction, and feet Owl no doubt this reduction can be obtained. FRED HARPER HEAD OF ELKS LYNCHIIURG ATTORNEY KLKfT ED GRAND EXALTED RULER AT IMMiTON TODAY' NEXT CONVENTION ATLANTIC CITY H08TON, July 10. Fred Harper, a lawyer of Lynchburg, Va., waa elec ted Grand Exalted Ruler of the KUa Lodge here today. The next convention will he held at Atlantic j City, In spite of .the fact that Seattle wanted It badly. The convention adopted tions supporting President reiolu-WlUen. ww . ij - u - u - - r - xn - rLrTxriru - rnrLi Women at Front at N. K. A. PORTLAND. July 10, Wo- men hold the tagc at the Na- tlonal Kdurati'in convention hero. JoKophlue Corll I'reston, Waihlngton Mipcrlntendent of education, said teacher must mould youth to serve In crises. All Npeakerit. Klla Flagg Young, ! anil ueproioniaine n, aic- w ander Thompson, told the as- nembled educators that all muat work to win the war. MUST CONQUER SAYS HOLLWEG ! UKRMANY'H CHANCKLMJIt DK- ,-i .HI.U iwiri. UITHIIIT AN. NKXATION IH UNACCEPTABLE, J RKFOKK ItKHHHTAO 11KKNK. Swiuerland, July 10. "I repeat, that formula of peace with out annexations Is unacceptable to u," declared German Chancellor llethman-llollwcg, In a speech to the relchslag members today. "We cannot declare our terms of peace. We must fight and conquer," he added. J. D. Morgan Octa Contract The county court has awarded the contract to make the till at the canal bridge east of Mills Addition to J. D. Morgan for the sum of $113.65, this being considered tho lowest of sev eral bids that were submitted. No meeting of the court waa held yes twenty day and a fine of 125. Flora Morgan. Victor Miller and J. F. hoosley are visitors from Fort Klamath registered at the Hotel Hall. Chinese Ruler PRESIDENT LI The ruler of China, LI Yuan Hung, has been asked to retire from otlce by General Chang Hsua, mtHHwy governor of Anhwet. The proaunda. Jlfll'jjar? v- AJsWL-' !l.JWIi ' JllaeWv t tJVv r SJjjjW-Hsf-N BBSilll .PSgSgSa "eBIGIsjiBSeBSBHffBBVv - - i - ii - i - iri - " ' at Ft ' " iiimi.hwwwwwmm wwww EASTERN MEN TO VISIT KLAMATH LUMBER MKN FROM MAHftACHf MKT TO TAKK IN COfXTV ON VISIT TO THE MOHC OOAHT IjATER IN SEASON Prospects for a visit later In the season from tntrty ssassacauseu lumber men to Klamath Falls are good at this time. Thla party, representing the forest Association of that state, will arrive In Portland about July J5tb, and af ter a study of conditions there they will go to California, stopping off at Klamath Falls and visiting Crater " eB rout' A conference on scientific milling wm be held la Portland. GERMAttDEPT. HEM RESIGNS OFFICIAL HEADS OF PROMINEXT TEUTONS ARE CHOPPED BV KAISER -SECRETARY OF FOR EIGN AFFAIRS INCLUDED LONDON, July 10. It Is reported In Amsterdam, says a telegraph ex change, that the kaiser has decided upon the resignations of Dr. Karl Helfertch. German vice chancellor. Secretary of the Interior and Dr. Al fred ".Iramerman, German Secretary of Foreign Afalra. Ashed to Quit YUAN HUNG mento declares that the (eraser em restored to the throne. LI Yuan Hung was vice president of China under the last president. m '' MNOWMM Klamath FORT KLAMATH SUFFERS HEAVY FIRE LOSSES 7,000 LOSS IS SUSTAINED NEIGHBORING TOW r Fire Starts la George Hoyt's Sbofs WMcfa Is er With Adjetetac Are Rescaed la Moved Froaa Mrthase's Store. Considerable property was deatrey. d in Fort Klamath yesterday ky a Are which started to the eat shop belonging to George Heyt. It ignited oil and gasoline la the ahee, which was sooa coasamed. The cement garage adjoining wan also burned, tho the ataea and n large tank of gasoline were aared. On the other side of the machine shop was a butcher shop with nn-te-date ttttlnga and patented Ice-eoeled. ventilated refrigerators. Aa tea house adjoined the butcher shop, and a satsage plant. Next waa a haUaV ing formerly a saloon, but recently used for storing gasoline. Aa sooa as the tire started the antoe were rolled out. and aa much of the gaso line was saved as possible. The buildings were all destroyed. The stock In Melhase's store across the street was moved out, and the store building and Melhase hease ad joining were hung with wet blankets. The buildings burned all belonged, to Mr. Huyt. tho the 'machine shop was rented to a man by the name nf Calloway. The loss Is estimated at 17.000. " . ON IS TOO BY REPUBLICANS ROYALIST LEADER DRIVEN TO SHELTER IN PEKING TEMPLBS. THE END OF THK DYNASTY MOVEMENT BELIEVED NEAR WASHINGTON, D. C July 10. General Chang Hsun, Imperial leader In the attempt to restore the Maacau dynasty of China, is reported by Mia. Istar Relnsch to have withdrawn hta troops into tho Imperial city and Temple of Heaven, two of the most beautiful sections of Peking. Loyal republican troops surround the city, and complete distraction of the monarchist government la con sldered only a matter of n short time. A dispatch lust received saya that the republican government has an nounced conarmatlon of. General Feng Kwo as president. It has been decided to banish the emperor an the imperial family and the monarch. 1st princes (rem Peking. Another dispatch any that a re publican airnUne bombed the lev perlal eewca-'v i ir' r- Mrs. A. Fatterten 1 itojmmalhj 4 'i A kf -:r . V . Ss .. 1 '.