OFFICIAL newspaper OF KLAMATH COUNTY siWBriSsrjwacii aaoa.jawminMB.oiagM'nPwgn" rTnCTsgBBXjaBBrrnnaB5ggai)Bagmara f Eleventh Year n. ti.nin EXPLOSION BLOWS IP STORE ROOMS ill MARE ISLANO INI) OP KNMP.V IH KEEN AT WORK AT MAN PHAMTMM) Am HllhM Ml THin-4MHI IN Jnrrtt III TVrrllle Epl(lnn No see of Origin 'ommiinlaM With Onlald Potato (Ml Mf by i. Plre Following Etlaian I'ader ttoatral. IAN FRANCIBCO. July 9. Two re house In the Mam UUml navy havo been destroyed by eiplo It form waa no terrific lliat a luaand window at Valtejo, hair a away, worn broken. The caua. have nut bceu reported. LWAHIIINOTON, D. C. July li ve hilled and thirty-oil Injured l i tail official report or tlm explosion rh wrecked the two store house lht Maro Inland navy yard, arrord. to the commandant report to navy department, fVAI.I.I'JO, Calif. June . Com- Miration betwem Mara Island and lldn point ha boon Interrupted 1 order or atithnrlllra since imp ex- Ion. Nothing la yet known of Id gin. The fire which started aa u bull of the explosion, la now under Btrol. HAclal have started ayttomatlc Itch ol tliu wrecked and damaged Mdlncs. ITALLLEJO, July B. Iloofa wore rd rr the, building near tho ex lou, according to report. Sunnnr Allen F. McKenzle. wire I two daughter worn among Iho .d. MORE MATERIAL ARRIVES Five or lx Kum of plkea ami nalU tho Hlrahoru railroad have arrlv- on the ground and will bn In rend I. ror tho rontrurtlou crew when i lien are laid. (JKItAItt) Itl-MIONH j WAHHINOTON. I). ., July J. kmea V. (lerard, forinor tlerman Ibaaaador. ha rclgued from dip- Intntlo aervlre and retired to private He. Ill realgnatlon waa accepted ima time ago, but not mnde public utll today. UMMa.for OaAUiid O. K. Wllley and family have led or Oakland, Calir.. wnero iney tnuy tilde to make their borne. Mr. Wll. y hn bee aaanciatea wun tne ai- oma Lumber company here (or aome Ime, and ha been Identified prom- gent In the athletic matter or the illy during lila realdence here, IIU leparltiro will he regretted by ninny rlenda, ahould lie docldo not tu re- urn. Mis Mabln Martin of tho Hotel all ha returned Irom a week end rllt with Mr. und Mra. Dan Ityun ol fort Klamath. While there ahe ut ended the ceremonies of tlm Indian feolobrntlon, and reports that tho Rhakor danrea and war dances wero nost Interesting. Mra. Oeorge II. Murryinun roiurnod Baturdny evening: from Portland, where ahe has been visiting with Ur ind Mra. A.'u. Ilailey. NORTHWKtT WIATHKR FORBCAaT f) ORKOON WA8HIN0TON Fair and cooler; easterly winds. KLAMATH U. ... Maximum. Saturday. 97 dog, Maximum Sunday, 90 deg. Minimum, Sunday, 64 deg. Mlatmum, today, 60 dec 4i4 Ij WHIHKEY'M DOOM HKP.MM MEALED CIH'AUO, July !. L'hsplti A llurr, oil" at Mm lament whiskey making Drill of tlitt nation, In going Olll or biislueiui President Charles lloriimii made this nn- liouurnmellt today. The action 10 in m aa a direct rnnutt here of tlit imtlminl nitll-wliiifcy legl- Inllon marled by tlm senate, II U declared itmt within sixty liny a.uou aljon hero will tie closed liy I lie now legislation. CITY GARDENS SHOW UP WELL .i'l A lAHOE PORTION OK VACANT PROPERTY HITHERTO I'M'HWI IH PLANTED THIH YEAH TO POTTOEfi Harden all oer the tity are now In a moat thriving condition, If ap pearance la any criterion and evidence that ieople here are "doing their bit" to Increase tlm country' food supply at Ihli time, of national shortage, grevtn th eyr at every hand lleporta come III trout outalde ec llotu from time to time of front yard that have breli plowed up for gar- den, but Klamath Full ran go them all one better, for evera Initanrea are noted where the people have plowed up boulevard here lit an ef fort to atock the larder unit winter. I'otatoe are the main rop planted, and nearly all the patrhe are In a very healthy condition. J)nlva omt. thing unfomeen occur to bllght'ltm clop, the (tipply produced 1ieie thl year ahould wucli mora than meet the local demand. DltY FOL'ltTH AT KI.AMATII HAYM lOUTUXI MAIWIIAI.1 Deputy MnmlmU !. K. Jnckvon and W. F. Ilarrmntiii, who were hern aver the celebrnllon lat week to lnveatl gale any quetlonahln liquor tranac tlona. left with tho Matement that there would bn no proceeding to In Mltute, aa for a the rederal author Itle were concerned. A new law went Into effect July 1, making It a criminal action to tratiH fer liquor by common carrier thru Interstate commerce. HITTING CONTEST WON BY LOCALS KLAMATH PALI.H "COMKM HACK" IN THK I.AHT C.AMK OK HKRIK8 WITH HACHAMKXTO VIHITOHH IN OAMK YI-TI-:ilDAY With an old-gushltined batting ral ly In almost every Inning, Klamath Pulls and tho Klmball-Upsona of Sac ramento battled to an 18-to-ll win for the home gtfard Sunday, a a final wind-up of the baseball series be tween those two club. A a whole the series was the hard est fought ever played in Klamath Fall, and porhap tho equal of any soml-pio Merles ever staged for thrills. In the first three games neither team displayed enough edge to warrant a choice of whinor hi the next game, and the last Kumo, with every man tuklnK n too-hold und a wallop at tho pill, made, tho result uncertain, even to the end. Klovon two huso hits, n triple und a homer, four men irappod betweon bases and run down, the In cffmtUonoHH of pitchers, and a sen sntloti'il cnli'ln y Sheehy ou the left flold I'ink, furnished an Ideal wind up of tho aeries, Tho team i (presenting the Kim ball Upsons showed baseball class In ' all four game, and it is a pleasure to have such baseball as has been of- a ferad to the fans by Manager Watts of the locals and Manager Duke of tbe Sacramento Club. jgtigtttttg KLAMATH FALLS, U. S. WAR BOAT IS SUBMARINED M)EH DOWN NEAR FRANCE, llt'T MIEW IH LANDED ON NEAHIIY INLAND CAMMED (ll'XM AM) UUNNEHH I.ONDON, July 9,Tho American trBitiiir Massatteaua waa aubinarlned Saturday and I lie crew landed on I lie, (land of Zln, on (lie roat or France Tlm MaaaatKXitia carried naval gun mid gunner, and a general cargo. LOCAL SHIPPERS MEETING TOKIGHT KVKIIY KIIII'I'KIt IH IHtiKII TO AT- TI.MI A Mf:inIN TIIIH KVKX- IXti. IIY ATTOIINKY I-. II. IIIHII Ol OF KAN PIIANCIM) A bualnrw meeting of great Im I portatire to local hlpper Is called for Ihl etenlug at the Commercial! Club room on Fourth afreet, when new phaae of the frelghl rate sltua- ton reulllug trom the ult Inatltut-. ed by member or the lltilue Mens AMCclntlon and the Commercial Club mIII l. t.W.n . I.v I II IIUI..1I, nt Han Francisco, olio of the rate attor- no) employed on the case. A wire Inst received from ItUhoo aUtea that he will arrive on the even, Ing train, and desire to have aa many j tahlUliixl here fir the Mile purpose of the htpHr present a possible. lof equipping men nnd women In a , business way. Kdltor tleorge llraduaek or thej Some of tho roiirKCh are Insurance, DorrlA and Merrill Times, Is attend- economics, the trade of the 1'utlllc hie tn natters of business III Klnm- slime. Industrial orK.lllUatlon and nth Falls. I Horn, to Mr. and Mrs. A V. Ton- hum of .H3 Ninth street, this morn-' Ing, a loy. Dr. (leorgo I. Wright was the big economic tasks that are ex In attendance. peeled to follow the close of tho war. Oregon Children Active In State 8AI.KM,, July 9. Fifteen counties. fHe more than last year, wilt send collective exhibits or products to tho chlldren'a department or the Oregon stale ralr to bo held here September 2I-.10, Assistant Superintendent of I'uhllc Instruction Cnrleton, who Is superintendent of tho educational building at tho ralr, announced today. "Probably the most Interesting part or the educational exhibit at the state fair aro the prise winning boys and girls themselves, Superintendent collective exhibit tilling one of tlm Carlton said. ''Each county Is per- regulation sized booths Installed by nilttod to send the two boy and the 10 a. m. ou the opening day will re two girls scoring the highest in tholrlcehe $35 In cash. PORTLAND N. L HPKKCHKM OP WKIiOOMH OIVKN IIY UOVUHNOR AND MAYOR. IIKMilUM WAR MIHHION TO I1K Ul'KHTH AT (JATHKRIXO PORTLAND, July 9. The North west welcomed teachers to the Na tional Education Association conven- j tlon this afternoon. Speeches of welcome were made by Governor Wlthycombe and Mayor Baker. Governor Lister of Washing ton Is to talk. The mayor announced OREGON, MONDAY, JULY 9, 1917 A Little Victim of German Shell Till U Just one of the thousand of French orpliailH In the north of i France who hnve been Injured by (inriniin iJiolU llred Into lln-lr home I i...iw..ft iiu. hull I.. Ilnrii or near them. Many nro afflicted with a fort of Kbell thock. which makea them appear to hate St Vltun dance. WAMIIINOTON HAH TIIAIXIXti M-IIOOI, sTATK hTARTHTIIAINIMJ M'HtKH. TO l-l'IP CITIZENS Ttl MKI-H" coXIHTIOXK PtiLMIWINfl THK WAR Cl'lTI'l I' U'tmll Jlllv 'j. The tate of WimliliiKton-lms cone Into the vocation or training limine men. n. rhiol nnart from uuy other tate de- rdtinillonnl 'institution na been en- business management and bushiest. law. The primary object of the school to turn out business executive, and Its wink Is especially designed for Fair This Year club work to the ralr, and they are cntei tnlnod during tho week by tho statu lulr board. Tenia nu pitched, nnd n principal Is put In charge or the boys' cump and a mation In charge of the glrla' camp." The twenty bos and girls winning tlm capital prizes for raising products will rocelvo a two weeks' summer roitrso free ut the Oregon Agricul tural College at Corwillls. In addi tion to tho cash prizes to be given for excellence, each county which has a OPENS A. MEETING that troops would guard, the audi torium during tho convention. Tho llelglnn wui mission, which Is now la Seattle making friends with the Unit ed Stiile, III loave for I'ortlund to night to attend tho N. E. A. conven tion. Josephine Corliss Preston, state su perintendent of education of Wash ington, is among tho candidates ntui Honed for president of tho associa tion. President Vanhlse of the Univer sity declared In a speech here today that "food extortion must stop if America Is to win the war." ' bbbbVVbMPbS,,i. t4iMI BB-SBBSiaM bWbbbHTI BBBlaAlUli.(BH-jy gt m vijurWM &fiM i Bgralft iknoDinncv pitv HELDjY USUI KAHT HTAXI) WIU. IIK MADF. MY IMI'KltlAli FOItC AT THIH I'Ut'K IF DKFKAT IH HUFFKfU Y.U SUMi I'KKIXO I'KKINC, July 9. C-neral Chang llaun, bend or the Imperial force, la nrovUlonlng the Forbidden Cltr gad trengthnlng hi defennea. Indicating that hi lout Ktand la to be made there If hi troop urn defeated at Feng Tal. nmr IVklnK, where they are now sta tioned, The thirteenth dlvUlon. accoBI- panled by artillery, are leaving Pe king for Feng Tal. DANIELS WANTS AERIAL FLEET KKt'HKTAIlY AHKM CONGKMtH FOR POItTY nK MILLION MORE TO lll'ILI) AIR MACHIXKM WASHINGTON. D. C. July . t Secretary Daniel ha aaked coagreat to appropriate H5.000.000 for naval aeronautics in addition to the great $625,000,000 air craft project of the Defense Council. He said today. 'The navy I an dca.orlng to build up air forces to operate a scouts from naval vessel to patrol the coast water aad to e operate with the navy in anti-subma rine warfare." KWAL'NA KHOP IIANGKf HANDS The Kwauna barber shop, next door to the Rex cafe, has Just been pur chased by T. B. Skecn. formerly of Ashland, who will conduct tbe bus! ness at tho same stand. Mr. 8keen operated a shop for eight years In Ashland previous to his removal here. II. O. Wortley. the former owner, left with his family Saturday for Cleveland, Ohio, on receipt of news or the death of his father there. C. J. Swingle left this morning for his ranch at Lorella, after a brief business visit here. He was accom panied by his daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ferguson are back after a two weeks camping trip In tho mountains. Friends of Oeorge T. Baldwin aro glad to see him on the street again. nftor his recent illness. Mrs. Olenn Beala of Port Klamath came in today for a visit with bar mother, Mrs. Joe Moore. A great many tourists ara leaving each day for Eagle Ridge Tavarn, and this nonulnr summer hostelry Is now well filled with summer guests Don J. Zumwalt left this morning for Algoma on business. 0. 8. Hoyt is registered at the Hotel Hull from Fort Klamath). W. V. Johnson and O. W. Johnson left yesterday for a several weeks hunting and fishing trip tn the north ern part of the county. Mrs. Johnson expects to follow tn about ten days. Mrs. Oeorge Cathey has Just re turned from a trip to Rocky Point. She reports a very pleasant time. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Underwood left Saturday for Ben Francisco. They expect to be gone from two to three weeks, and visit In 8eattle and other Washington points before returning. s Mr. and Mrs. r. W. Sexton ara among the guests now rusticating at Rocky Point. U.. tlx.Mman and liar llttla I... i.i i. ..i.i.i-- .. w.. k. IIHIW girl. i" in m near Portland. COt'XTllYH LAROKHT CKOF M FBOHPKCrr J WASHINGTON, D. C, Jolr ? A iropect of 3,000,000,000 bushel this year I the answer returned by the farmer of America to the president' call for food for America and the Allies. Never before ha such a erop been grown. 4 III ft I WIZARD ISLAND MYHTfC MITCH TO BK ADMIXU. TKRED TO LUMBKRMEN "NEO PHYTW WITH IMPREfSIVE HKTTIXG Plana arc bow belag made to stage a trip by the Western Pine Manufac turer Association to Crater Lake, following the coming convention at Bend, In August. The Order of Hoo Hooa. which U a social fraternity of the Lumbermen. will probabtly bold aa Incantation oa Wlsard Island, whore tbe wlerd forces of Nature will add to the Am presslreness of tbe ceremonies. It la believed that tbe suggested ex- Dedlthm to tbe lake will be a big drawing card for tbe atteadaaca to tbe convention. CELEBRATION MOV1KS ARE SEEN The moving pictures of tke railroad MtatMtion br Cbarlea Miller of tbe Milter rabt company were sbowa for ah. alsasa tlafJasa, IsRaa laTalft in SB lUU eace la taa lasVmsnt of the Wktta PaUeaBkeaal. Tbe aktarea were taa according to those wbo saw the exhi bition. Relatives of Dr. Geo. Calbey YUit A party consisting of Dr. B. A. Catbey and wUe. father aad mother of Dr. George Cathey; C. P. Cathay, a brother, aad Miss Evelyn Catbey. a sister, and, Mr. and Mrs. Barrett Ran dall, hare lust arrived for a visit with Dr. and Mrs. Cathey. coming by auto from Condon. Stockholders and offlciala of tbe local baseball association are notified of a meeting to be held tomorrow evening at the Palm Cigar store. All local fans are Invited to attend this meeting. Mr. and Mra. Ray Court left today for their home In Oakland, folowlng a two weeks' vUlt with Mrs. Court's mother. Mrs. Joe Moore. They left In their car. and will return home by way of Lakevlew. ily 4th Committee Meets The Poarth of July committee had a business meeting Saturday evening to settle the financial matters per taining to the celebration. A com plete statement Is being prepared of all receipts and expenditures by H. N. Moe, aad this will be published False . - . . i- . u. i at 9:U SSTmS Z Tauswe by the i local department on double w ... quick, to warn oa its arrival across R. CaropisEstabkbed A railroad eama for tha aaw Sua bora line la aaw katssiatUMlsaa at PiBS OrOVa. A UTCa ttUCg Waa O uKBllam feast tha eit aat aat vat rr" ' . tayday, asttlsd y tke .Vtara Tan. OFFICIAL NEWtFAfrtft OF KLAMATH FALLi 4r PHea, na Cania' NATIONAL 6UARD SENT TO BLOCK I. W. W. WORK COMPANY U ARR4VK8 AT NORTH YAKDU IiMtostrtal WoHuneej'a ArttvHr la Nortfaeni Lawbrr Caaafs Csuaars HUle Cbtmcil of Decease t Ap peal for Tiuuaa O Coeaaaay Ajw rlvea at North Yaaisaa to Dtarbascea. NORTH TAKIMA. Jaly f. Torts Oregon National Ouardsmea of Caav pany B arrived and aa eadaavor win be made to block tbe ladaatrlal Workmen of the World la the activity among tbe lumber camps. Detachments of troops at Elleas burg. Cleerum aad Weaatcbee ara re porting to the mayor of sack etty. Tbe troops were requested by thsj Bute Council of Defence. RUSSIA POUNDS ITS WAY ALQN6 TEUTON FRONT IX KAJaT YtRLRS TO MRAVY ONSLACCU UKR 18 BROKEN WEST OP CtTTOP BTAXItXAV By Steady progress U Indicated by re ports received from the Rasstaa Ini tiative on the eastern front. The Teu ton line has apparently been broke west of Staulslau, as Pctrograd re ports that several villages have bean captured by the Russians. Over seven thousand prisoaers have been takea wast of Stanislas). Tbe retreating Teutons ara belag pursued by cavalry. The Russian's prisoners now total over 15.09. Hallcx. the gateway to Lssabarg from the south, seems doomed aafcas tbe Russians are quickly stopped. r Tho. Martin-will leas tossarraw for Rocky Point for a seyerasajks fishing' trip. 8 . rv Mrs. Joseph Foraat, formerly a res ident of Chlloquhjt has 'returned to Klamath PaUs. attar a tw years res idence In Durant. alshoma. for-the benefit of tho public wlthla a day or two. There will be a eery tain amount of money remaining at ter all bills are paid, and It waa tha unanimous Idea of those present at the meeting Saturday to donate this to the Red Cross work. th. rivr that some one was burnlag brush back of the schoo, and that this hadbeea mistake, for ! a...nlHa la flmaWaaa ... . uism&fi'MMb lag rights oi war "y..?..,;?a tied than eape 1R.aJakilrr all abaaar aBBlas-aM-JaaaUBW. I . I -. 'l 4$i f I -4 la full awlfaftV tfidffffiiW, t'i.ii 4'i c i -V . . (iri ,i w "S J AU uili s l z "M. .1 f ". J