ft SHj iEtunthtn Mrralft 0 OFFICIAL NJWIfJUp " FFICIAL NEWSPAPER F KLAMATH COUNTY OF KLAMATH FALLS t rf f :-raBaBylgffeTsaursJgaJrgK.rfr?lrrv7,rl,,r, w.aiiaappgv3-m- .j-n-iTaw KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, JULY 7, 1917 HeveNlli Year No. tl.lt 17 EARFUL AIR RAD) ON LONDON in:. ussians Are Successful Along Eastern Front VWMMWMWVMMWWMWVMWMWWMMWWWMMAMMAAAAAAAMMMAAAMA ' WMWMWMMMWWWWWWMWWWWWMMMWWMMWWMNWWWWMMM RMAN PLANES ITTACK LONDON IN 016 RAID gkht attack ever made whifiem London people rli uf Twenty Arrudn U Mrl In Terrtlle Air lutil lljr HriiWi fearier. Ilrarl uf City Picked the IUM and Where the Dam ta Muftrml. No Dratlia lie- urtwJ Ttiu Fur. RATE REDUCTION AGAIN COMES UP KAN FRANCISCO HATE ATTORNEY WILL UK HERE MONDAY NIGHT FOR TALK WITH HOME MH.'AL MEN. )NIKN, July 7 Tim gTiwlesl lal atlutk ever attempted Imiu- led Ixindou todsy. The attack mat by it Urge number uf Hrlt- ' machines asaUted by heavy ar- ry. The ilinmir done was In Ilin rt of the city where thousands of ion rntwded ilin rlly. The sound sxplodlng guns mitt bomb over i rlly wan deafmlng. No rssuull- Imil len reported ui lit noon, IN IS TIED TO IILE NOT ACCUSING GERMAN 7LKHKN OF QUESTIONABLE ILTM, PRECAUTION H TAKEN IT WASHINGTON WASHINGTON, l. J July 7 All k'rmuiu who have boon formerly con- cted with tho Gorman Embassy or Herman Consulate In America tve been requested to leave the iintry by tint Htntn Oepattmeut. i Germans have not been told that X were suspected or being spies It that It la Inferred that their loy- y to the Kulsur might inuko It dlf- Jlt (or thuin to remain here with- t attempting to send Information a uillltury character to Germany. ke men In question aro moitly clorkM servants. Thai there are ne tleveloomenta In tin- trrlKbi rain reduction mutter between Klnmalli Fall and Califor nia ixiliitit, v hlrti has been before the California Hallway Commltlnn and ilia Court for u number of month, being tuklltued by memberit of the Klamath Commercial Club and Busi ness Mm' Association. U Indicated In a leilnr Jui received from Ihe Han Francisco rate attorney emtdoy. ed. The new prime of the alttistloh are nol mad public but the fart that the president uf the firm I., ft. UUliop will be bald at the Commercial Club Rooms and all 4 he buslnes men are iectaUy urged to be preneut. Tho itecUliiuit mnde by the California Commission and the District Court havn all been favorable to the reduc tion, which U no very material as to be of van! Importance to all local shipper and receiver and the re bate to many hem on shipment re ceived slnre April will bo suhtnntlal ir Ihn decUlon finally goea Into ottoct. SPY SUSPECTS NAVAL RECRUITS LEAVE TOMORROW TOTAL FROM KLAMATH NOW WKIJi OVF.lt OXF. HUNDRED, MORE TO GO WITHIN THE NEXT FEW RAYS Four more Klamath County boys will leuvo to HUHWvr Ihe coll or the colors' Hundny, according to Postmds ter W. A. Delsell, who la acting ua re cruiting agent for thU county. Tho llat of tho group thus far con- alata of Keith Ambroao, Arthur Tap pan, Ram Coniha and Thotnaa Thor- aon. All four will enllat for the navy. This brlnga Klamath'a total rocrulta up to conaldorably over a hundred. ALF HOLE SPUR IS BEING BUILT CHELSEA O FACILITATE CONVENIENCE IN IN UNLOADING MATERIALS, SHORT GRADE IM BEING CON STHUCTKR Work on two miles of the new trahorn line will be In progress In- it of a week according to the plana contractor Ouy Walton and If the bt of vay matter ego be atralght- ned out aatUfactorlly a large force will bo put out over aoverul mllen of thu (trado in tho noxt row diiyH. Tho work now being done Is tho grading for about ono-hulf mile of apur to roach from the Houtbcrn Taclllu V over to a point on the Htra horn airvoy where the rail and other matuilalii run he swltchod on their urrlvi.1 without having to 'Unload and handle again. Tho ground to be filled la very wet owing to tho Irri gation water and only a email force can be put 'to work. Mr, Walton was busy this morning making ar rangement for hay and horses. JMMWMWMMWMMMMWMMMWWW0M)WWMlyWWVWWWWl Marines, the Soldiers-Sailors, Departing tor France, and Their Commanding Officers BigggIWLJlPLrWalLlglBffiEfi.fc f.r, LliMv4K7V(jflkfliBi BglllllllMBgggllglllMgt8aBgnAlaaWj?JJ aWaWrlA! AlSaaWW.lia1aaaaLalggWat? JaV' WBfc (ggCPH(lPBI B 'i'l ' A mr &' 'JggiiiB$Mg&FJjg,,'"' TJ.gHWBalLrSB ,Saxsfsmhivm-v mi jimvM i !. . .'& k aSi.V .. Asf iE i . ir rc : r r 3 r-l mmmrw-mM Mm'&:v&m M t-i -y va&i'm Jt f, l--'- -. "gVVB -m-j w gnniiim.ggw -t K I LIEUT. COL. LOGAN TELAND vCOL.CHAS.A.DOYEN. The upper photograph howB Unlt-llho shin which took thcni'to France. I rctlment at tho front in France, and ed Hlalea marlncN, those soldiers of Tho lower scene shows the loading of Lieutenant Colonel U)gsn Feland me seu nnu mo land who aro tlrst In their vessel with supplies. Colonel will be next In authority. every war. mnrchliiK on their way tc I Charles A. Doyen will command thol NARROW ESCAPE BY LOCAL BOYS TKADK OFF MOTOKCYCLK FOR AtTO IUSVLT8 DWAHTEBOC8 LY FOR 4 KLAMATH FALLS BOYS RUSS FORCES ATTACK PINSK RIHSIAN FORCKS SHOW FAJTal TO ALLIES BY TERRIFIC BOM. BARDMENT ALONG EA8TBBX FRONT , j A aarrow escape from a faUl trag edr occurred but Bight sear the Klamath Hot Springs when an auto-j mobile driven by a Klamath Falls! boy overturned ob the grade, turned over three time and planed two of; the occupants to the ground. John Arnold, aa eighteen year old boy whose parents lira ta the Mills Ad dition rede a motorcycle to the cele bratloBBtAjblaa4 and while there he traded the auaBlae for aa auto mobile. He startaj ta retara y ester-1 day with a yonag ataa aaased Leach i arid two others whose names ware not teamed. Oa the grade three miles beyond the Klamath Hot Springs, the steering gear gave- way and control of the machine was lost. It'turned off the steep grade at that point and that the entire party was not killed ta almost a miracle. Arn old and Leach were pinned under the car for more than half an hour. Dr. R. R. Hamilton was called and tbe party was removed to the Hot Springs where their Injuries were eared for. Arnold was badly cut around the eye and Leach sustained painful Injuries oa tbe head while the Injuries of the other two were of a minor nature. They expect to come on to Klamath Falls this afternoon. First Farming Is Done by Many in Portland I'OKTI.AND. Ore., July 7 Hun dreds or Portland residents this year will harvest their first crops of po tatoes, onions, corn and other truck crops as a result of the recent "back yard garden" movement Inaugurated to add to the nation's food supply. Many vegetables planted at tho bo. rIiiuIiir of tho "back yard campaign" aro now climbing well above tho soil ami many IioumiwIu-s have nlrcmly ' had their first lettuce ad radishes from their awn gardens. Across the Wlliunetto River, in Portland's "Kant Side" where most of the city's residences are located, dotens of curb lawns have been re placed by potuto putcuoa and In many places poiatoes, oulons, tomatoes and other Vegetables are wowing ulilo by ,slda with rosobushes. MANY TOURISTS VISIT KLAMATH WARM WkAtHKU IIKINGS HKAYY INFLUX OF TOURISTS TO VISIT THK IIKAI'TIFUL SCKNIC AT. TRACTIONS OF COUNTY Miss Bessie Applegate has returned from Pasadena, where she taught English in the high school. She will occupy the same position, next year. PLANT STARTS WHEELS NKW MH'AL FIRM STARTS OPKIt ATIONS AT FAIR GROUNDS UK. LOW THH CITY O.V LAKK KWAUNA. Klamath Falls baa added aaotatr year round payroll to Its already bub stantlal list, With the opening of tbe Chelsea Box Company at the Bouth end of Lake Kwauna yesterday another Industry which has already proven Itself to be remarkably profit able here, In u number of Instances was started. While a full forco of men will not be put on until next week the saw dust is flying and everything Is bolng made ready for a busy season. About thirty men will be employed under the supervision or C. F, Setter for merly or the Klamath Manufacturing Company. The plant will be run simply as a box factory this year but next season the company plans to have a saw mill In operation In connection with Iks factory. Although Crater Lake Park is not open lo tho public and 'will not be for a uumber of days yet, there are a large number of tourists appear ing dally, and thero Is every Indica tion of u heavier year than ever be fore. The city auto park at the rear of the old lakeside lun Is now crowd ed evory night by tourist campers who apparently enjoy the privileges afforded them very much aa many of thorn stay for several days at a time, A cook stove, benches and tables have beeu supplied also wood tor cooking purposes. Many of the campers take advantage or tho flshlnc on tbe wharf nearby and on up the river. Were It not for the old and unsanitary burns adjoining tbis park. It would bo an ideal place In which to camp and It is to be hoped that in the future these features can be remed led. Our tourist visitors of tbe sum. mer months are a most valuable rev enue to the city.4 On leaving It they all advertise opa way or tbe other and their pleasata should be care fully catered to while bsre, PETROGRAD. July 7 Renewed fervor among tbe Raaslaa Military forces U seen la tbe reports racatvad today from tbe Eastern Froat la Ojs district of Plnsk. which is made ta object of a violent attack. All ob stacles are being leveled by taa heavy , Are or tbe Rossiaa artillery. Ftosk is said-to be buralag aceordias to semi-oBclal news ageaey resorts. This activity marks tho secoad tart of the Russians after a loaa- arlai nf uuiettollowlag jao TsaUast Plask Is la tbe awampy Waits Baa sla about the middle of the Ri Galacian battle line. Russians have captured the forti fied forest of Slaaka with all Ua enemy's positions aad have peaetrat ed to the village of Godov la Gatecla a hundred and flfty miles from Plash. The eleventh army has captured sev eral first line trenches. Plnsk has been In the possassioa of the Germans since the inrasloa ot 1915 in which the Russians were swept far back. Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Wilson, sob Hllbert and daughter Ella May left Thursday morning for their home la Roseburg. They have beea vtattjap Mrs. Luke Walker, who is 0fmm, week end at Braohalde. the horn af of Mr. and Mrs, tpaon. COST OF FIGHT IS TREMENDOUS ONE UNPRKCKDKNDKD RISE IN THE PRICE OF FOOD AND BQUIP MENT IS ALMOST BEYOND BE IJKF WASHINGTON. July 5 An idea ol the enormous cost ot maintaining America's fighting forces is given In a statement Issued by the committee on public Information today, show ing tbe relatives amounts expended In 1915 when tbe country was at peace and to be expended tbla year. Subsistence which, for Instance, la 1915 was supplied at the modest cost of 9,800,000, this year has been pro vided for la the appropriation esti mates at $138,000,600. Mow Costa BJso Clothing aad camp and garrison equipage, which two years ago were had for 11,500.000. will oast this year. 1111,009.000. , . Ordaaaca and Mffsly stores which la 1915 were furalshsd for only $700,000, this year will cost mora than $100,000,000. Manufacture of arms, which' la 1915 cost $450,000. thU year wtll cost more than $55,000,000. AauaualUoa 14aeawaw Ammunition for small arms, which In 1915 was had tor $875,000, thts year will cost $148,000,000. g Transportation, which In 1915 was furnished at $18,000,000, this year will cost $888,000,000. Regular supplies, which In 1915 cost $10,000,000, this year will cost $110,000,000. For aeronautics $450,000 wasi ap- nronrlated la 1915. while $47.000..;, 000 already has been appropriate for this year. Thts does Bet taclaaa. ot course, the admlalstraUea'a hi, aircraft program, whkh calm far am, Initial approartatloa of $00.090,000.. Among the add Items aireeay par chased are: , , . Five million blaaksts. 8T.000.00t? yards ot .hobWaette. S,tatJtJftiL .45.500,080 yard's ot cPUOj Sjeffc flX to.uee yaras las. .000.e00,asiraaf bbbbbbLTM: ioi. nan salrs' ' Wjr I af aaaamdaaiTl' sBwCTwaBaaTCBBBW VL - . i ' fi 1 .cjTA "TV f W4