aMf iamtmg Herald OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OP KLAMATH COUNTY OFFICIAL OF KLAMATH F Exgacjeaaigg latana wjjsisagrdtaaiw, jevavananuz Ktavawtll Year Xu. ti.ll Id KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 6, 1917 Pfftf rWl OMNP. it nwm TRAHORN RAILROAD STARTS . S. S. NEW ORLEANS IS SUBMARINED WMWMMWMWMWWWWWMWWWWNMWWWMWWWWwyMMWWMWMMNM WWMMMWWWlWNMlMMWWWMMMWWMW XWMWMMMWWMMWMWMWMWMWVWMWWWWNWMMWWWMWMWWWWWWMftMMMM1 'regon, California and Eastern Road Begins Construction This P.M. kWMWWWWMWMWWWWWMWW flLL MAHOX AMI tV WALTON TAKK FIRST EIGHT MILKS t Work Don Will I to thi YawW a. (taml Hapftly of ttorora Itr. f smrlari Available. Work t'ampa i : Urn KatabtMinl in a Fe-w Da) a mm! largi Frc of Men I'm I I" Worm. i Actual construction on the Hint- rn railroad commenced today. A llract was signed last night with III Maou ami (lux Walton, a protu- int rancher near town for the team rk from mll mm to Mile nlno anil contractors Immediately prepnr to begin operation. Several ims will bn started on the. anU lla afternoon. Chief Engineer N. Iloguo announces that it largo imbnr f horses aro now available this work. Regular camp will established In a day or two. IT WILL TRY TO STOP STRIKES MIMKH OOYKHXOH WILL RES. POND TO nKqUKST Tl TAKE IIAMI IX ARIZONA TROUBLE, LEFT FOR GLOBE PHOENIX, Arts.. July 0 Former Governor Hunt acting on the' request If Federal Conciliator John Mcllrldo (ft today (or Ulobo to act us media r li. mining strike. Between twin- hva mud thirty urrestVhavu boon lade at (llnho following the the troops. DENVER, Colo., July 0 Indus- rial Workers of the World at Jer- bmo, ArUonit on tho strike of llio Jnltcd Verde und other copper mines. President Moyor haa advised tho min ora to continue at work. I i HEAVY SHIPMENT OF STEEL RAILS EXPECTED DAILY AM. NECESSARY (VlNSTIII'ITION TiHHM IIAYK lll.'KN SHIPPED KtrrylMna Will Shortly II In lUwill. nen for Ktnlr t.'onnlrurtloa Operation Spukan YMlors View Route, of llrl Mllr, and He. turn 'Wry Much linpieul Willi Outlook of Xrtt Vrnliirr, Twenty rnrlotuls of steel for the new Hlruhorn railroad nrn dun to ar rive at any time. All ueccimar) con ulrurtlou toolit which could not bn so. cured locally havn beru purchased on the outside, uud lire oil the. May here. A largo supply of bildge material tin been received. Tim active prepara tions for work on tho new venturn are being made und luimedlnto con struction la assured. Thn twenty rurload of steel now on thn way arn one-third of the amount required for the Klamath PallN-liahy link of thn system. Mr. Htrahorn yesterday drove IiIm visiting friends, Mr. and Mrs. Will Murglttroyd and Mr. Waldo 1), I'allio. over thU end of thn lino, nml they oxpiositod themselves na greatly pleased with thn outlook. Washington exemption' boards auk reporting OI.YMPIA, WuhIi., July 0 All hIx local exemption bonrda In tho Htulo of Washington have reported themselves uh organti ml except the oun In Rnattlo. bridge Sentry Found Dead at His Post NTANA tMHJIIKIl IM FOUND KILLK1) AT IIRIIMK Al'ROACII WHICH HK HAD RKBN OUARD. IKQ ORRAT FALLfi, Mont., July 6 MAMMMNMMMMA, Jacob Lou aged ill yuara u moinbor of Company 4 of tho Second Montana wua found dead today at tho approach of a railroad bridge whero ha had been acting as sentry, with a bullet hole thorough hit toman.b. An In vestigation hau'begun, General Pershing Ready to Board Train tor Paris, After His Trip Across the Channel X'gBggRuSIHgglgggggggHLIIIBgggHi1 ilEggHEri9gBI ygHgLHKlgHgUlHlfLIHIigBF ' 'Smmuli .'HBgaBgr "" Lf BatWM i ? KgaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBMBBBBBBDBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBWaBBBBBBBBBBBaVW V V bBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbIB 'Wwv "-f ggBgBHggHckBAMHaglLH Vaaaaff' t ,lf?"' W f.MLr jg&CgaaMaaPK&ttaaaal BbbV 3lVTj-t ' 7m'-.lMFzt-Waal aaaaaTaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaTTaaaalaaalaaaalgl B Baaf ' '-: PJPXKVaS I BPfBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBttBfBBBBBBBBffaBBBBBWiV ' BH HBBBBBatl BBkiaBBBBKV aamBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaH araaf t IHgaBBBBBBBBBBBvV'jyEHVBHgHgHgnBgHgHgHgSHgHgH . r1. aT. aam' Mam l ' bbbbbbbbbbbWbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbi bbbb1bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbTbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI:bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb1 7 i gBEBagscbaintattllESbg JTZT3Z&$i JUSTICE AGENTS ARREST GERMANS TWO STIKH fir THK GKIl.MAX CO' KUNMK.NT ARK OW IX THK IIAMM OF FKUKIUL AtTHOR ITIKS ' CCtl PCLCTiCR. CCH PCRSMINO. LIEUT COt-HARBORD Celtcral I'vrshlng la hero about to board the train for I'nrls after ho had arrived In France from!. K er where bo apieared In Franco ho wan cheered by the populace. TIo French Koernment received him with hlRh honcrit. (Jcncrnl 1'elcllcr, detailed by the war department to help his in France, is shouu on hlt loll, ami on hU right In l.leutemiut Colonel llurbord, thief of General I'ershliiR'.s staff. NKW YORK. July 6 Agents for iii nnnnrtmrnt of Justice today ar- J rested two (Jcrmans, one who la re puted to be a paymaster ,for the Cerman sqy system In this couatiy and the other, a man who was for mely associated with Captain Von I'dpcn. ARGENTINE WILL MMW RlfiHTS t.i Vhiiaiiiav . w 1 i 'sor.TIl AMKRICAV RKPl'BUC SHOWS HKR TEETH TO KAIHER lUI.Ii. ASKS PAY FOR SUBBED BOATS Western TroopsChan8 1 WiU Mobilize August 1st WAKIIINOTON, July . .The or iginal plan for assembling tho nat lonal guard at Itn divisional training camps In three increments will bo carried out, altho the entire forco will bu drafted formally Into tho army of the United States on tho xaino day to prevent confusion and Injustice In tho relative rank of guard officers. The mobilisation datea are July 1G for tho eastern section of the country, July 35 for the Central section and August 5 for the Western. MRS. ORACK PKNNY PAHHKS BKYONII On Thursday morning at 0:30 Mrs. draco I'onny whoso home Is at tho corner of High and Tenth Streets, passed to tho giout beyond at the Blackburn Hospital during an opera tion. Dm. Truax and Hunt wore the physicians und surgeons In charge. Mrs. Penny was a native of (Irani Kails, Minnesota and was held In the high osteem of all who knew her. Hho leaves her husband, Mr. WllllamJ Penny and one daughter who resides In Los Angeles and who Is expected to arrive hore In time for the fun eral, which will be held, at the Bap tist Church at 8:30 o'clock on Run day afternoon July 8th. Rev. W. If, Cox will oficlate. Hsun Reported Losing His Hold on Chinese Affairs SHIPS 8UXK j FOUR ARK van WASHINGTON. D. C, Jaly American Steamship New Or- leans has been torpetMt u4 sunk by a submarine acenratag to an announcement by the ttata department. Four of thn craw were .drowned, bat the arsaai naval guard was tarea. KAISER GIVES UP OFFENSIVE ALONG AISIE GERMANS ARE NOW FIRBTO Dispairia of Vlctarr aa daasea, Tanituaa Attacks Want of RasaUaa aa4 Twfcs I'enOaji Froat. Regardiac Moreaaeate at Fran. ATTKIPT TO Ri:STORK THE MAX (HU IIYXAKTY IX CHINA PIIOIIAHI.Y UK .MPPKD BY THK HEPUHI.ICAXH TIENTSIN, China. July fi Fifty thouMtnd soldiers of llepublican forc es are conveiRlng at I'ekliiK, uud tho wwwwwMawwwwwwwwwww LONDON. July 6 According to a, dispatch to tho London Times from! Iliicno.s Ayres. tho Argentine Oovern-j ment has demanded immediate apol-j jopy and Indemnity from Germany fort torpedoing of Argentine- ressels Orl-j 1 ana and Toro and a guarantee that, the Argcntino flag will be respected in mo uiuro. 20,000 troops between Tien Tain and I'eUlug by midnight. PEKING. July Fighting began yesterday thirty-flvo miles southeast of Peking between troops of Chang I Is mi supporters of mourn chy nml foircb of repuhlUaus. PEKIN. July fi Situation in capi tal becoming serious. The trains aie tilled with fleeing Chinese going to attempt to icMoio the Manchu i)j.i Tientsin. The position of Chans nvty appears to be at point of failure. Trim Chi Jul, Commander In Chief of punltivo expedition expects to have' will loot Pekln. j lluam, tho rojallst lender is appar ently liopeless. It is feared that when this Is realized that the troopi PROHIBITION UP NOW TO SENATE AMKXDMKXT BE YOTKD UPON TONIGHT BEFORE OTHER MATTERS ARE TAKKX UP VirK PRKHIDKXT ASSURES. ORAFT DETAILS BEING DECIOEO SKCRirr.lRY OF WAR AXD PRO YOST ARE MAKING FIXAIi ARRANGEMENTS IXHt THE BIG DRAWING WASHINGTON, I). C, July 6 Tho Sennto voted today to disposo tonight of tho prohibition amendment to the food bill beforo voting on other amendments, after prohibition sup porters had received assurance from Viva President Marshall that there would be an opportunity to vote on prohibition. WASHINGTON. D. C. July 6 Secretary Baker nml Provost Marshall Crow dor today were completing filial dotalls of method to bo employed In selecting registrants for new Nation al Army. The drawings are to be made In Washington but the date has not yet been announced. SPANIARDS WANT ADDED FREEDOM INDEPENDENCE OF ALL PROY lXt'ES IS DEMANDED AT BAR CELOXA GATHERING OF SEXA. TORS AXD DEPUTIES MADRID, Spain, July 6 Sixty Cutalonlau Senators and Deputies met In Barcelona jesferday and asked the government to give autonomy to all provinces, declaring that they would calt Parliament unless the request was complied with. By Associated.! Having failed dlsastoromaly In their recent effort to drive tte Tttp from commanding positions oa CMgf -indesdamas oa the Aiana front. tk Germans are now twain tkatr at- tentton to tna vuasspogae. were made Ustalght bjLt Princes troops west of Mal lent and souttasMfTakar, fcat warn easily repulsed. JbMdoala ratlafaat as to what Is gafac oa) aloa tka British front In France, where Usaa have been indlcaUaas of laaartMit moves In prospect. In Macaiaala there Is some re-rlvil of acttYMr Russians and the newly ralnfereail Turkish detachments are engaged In battle In the Blstan region of Perstaa Mesopotamlan frontier. BERLIN, July 6 Troops of Wwr temburg Regiment last alght engag ed French soldiers north of the Aosaa in bitter hand to hand 'fighting, la which large numbers of the Frenea were taken prisoners. Mr. and Mrs. James Bgan warn visitors here from Algomayaataraay. Mr. Egan is superintendent of the Algoma Lumebr Co. ' ' Klamath County Works with Builder KLAMATH COMMISSIONERS WILL (tM)PERATE WITH THE NKW RAILROAD SYSTEM REGARD 1NG CROSSINGS, ETC. Chief Engineer N, H. Bogua of tka StrahOTB llnaa has been In elate sea WVVMMMIMIMWMMIMMmaMaejasVsMr ' v slon today with tka ennnty eoart t their regular meatlag tatey. Tfea permission of the county wttt- quired for the erecUon at )N4Mm4 crostlncs farsthe hwj ty juaca aianan fsaaaai-apawsjawsw,-- -u -ii this aftemaa toto&mtfmmNMm tJ. Ci that an oraar wtriM liMI JalWii '" would ha drawn m aa'ssssssmmmV " -''vl " - -- . w - .TT- -rTTT Engmm .-ih mjmm, t m .. .. i ,w vji :'c '