OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH COUNTY Mtotaatlt Year No, aS4S wo -Day ;itors pleased with pagaents 116 PARADE IN IAIN'S HONOR THRILLS PEOPLE IT APPLAUSE GREETS AP FEASANCE OK PROCESSION Displayed Ukra Rsteasive of Liberty Mesne Make Hraattfal Near i Ml Attractive Drills m4 by Srtseot Girts ta Rod, I WaHoaa Ara Vary Effective (Tha monster pageant bsra yeeter- waa aere alabarata aad apectac- ir than that of Tuesday, aad waa a station ta tha spectators, tha air with karats af applauaa' It paeaad. About three-alerters a alia at aulaue Maaa aad artistic ratios aaassd before tha throne, lea llasd tha streets. At ao provl- occasion aaa taara aaaa auca a Iplay la this city, la tha Ooddasa Ubsrty, Rod Cross aad Btraaora stive floats, put oa by tha. tbratloa committals F. D. Mllas of Mils Sign company, snowed a lias which had not hltharto baaa llsed by hla local Meads. Tha Ooddasa of Ubsrty, Miss Maria bo, aad bar two maids of hoaor, i Josls Low and Mis Karla Mont. ssry, carried of tha honors of the slon In the most gracious manner llaabla. Miss Clara Calklas. tvlag la a chariot handled a wild fcpearlag alk la tka B. P. O. K. float tkoat apparent dlfaculty. There ere unique lumber displays by tha Itcaa Ray Lumber compaay aad tha ith Maaufacturlag cempany: were flower decorations, bunt- decorations In every design that kuld be Imagined. A very attractive iture of tha parade waa marching id drIIUag of tka small school girls corated In red, white and blue, and miniature Uncle Bam, under the hpervlsloa of Mrs. Laura Mayer, who sat a great deal of palne la work out this pleasing spectacle. Tha suits, however, certainly Justified le efort, for the drill wklck occur at tka various coraera was fault- Particularly noticeable was tha suntaln," given at tha comer of tie aad Main. Cfcalraaa W. T. Lee, R. II. Dunbar W. A. Deliell, the committee Ehlch had tha parade la charge, as all as those who participated, ara ertalBly to ba congratulated on this madid BracMaioa with hioh vi.. ' leaaia procession with which Kwa. h rails greeted Its vi vtajKra. atfag tha Ood- Tha silk flaga decorating of Liberty float were presented tha Ooddasa aad her two maids by se oslsbratloa committee la co-on itlaa with r. D. Milne, Tha pagaat arias ebmmlttee con- I t Mrs. R. H. WrHtaabuM. 0.0. logua aad Professor ft. R. Bowman. fhey awda the fellawlag awards on sa btivbm aoaui . r l rirat arise, WhlttiPelUan garage.' lit eaeoaa prise, missee vm oeaad, . fatal aad Barbara Qaeller, Rllaabeth pa vara Houstoa, rapreaaatiag tha l a.v. .. :. . .r i . -. svy, is) inira arias, Artaur'Bette, raiioas., , Mr. and lira, JasIum Kimball toft Mterday far a few days' buslnass trip ta tha Creeeent cauatry. , Stfjtt ftf tmfttg Herald MWIMMMM AVIATOR OOTY FAILS TO. SOAR HEAVY MACHINE BROUGHT BY AIRMAN WOULD NOT TAKK TO THIS AIR IN THIN ALTITUDE. DISAPPOINTS CROWD Great disappointment waa evt dtitc4 by the people of Klamath rails and by Aviator Lyman Doty, over his unsuccessful attempts to per. form kla aerial feat during tha cele brattoa. Only once was ho abla to ralsa from iba ground la a short lakl mmA Ikaa hU uk HhtlB Wfta wMUlf of . ortllM. "Tha big biplane constructed eene dally (or daradavll aiuats could not ba gotten lata (ha air la this altitude and uausual air conditions, where an rdlaary machine would fly without who-dlmculty," declared Doty, today la dtoc"B w' rni l hU ""' I"'"" "' " "Tha air hera Is as full of bolsa aa a BwHa chaasa, but had I baaa aaia to aacaad a taw thousand fast I would have baaa an right," aa saw. no was wara la his pralsa of tha treataeat acoordtd him by local people la his mUfortuas. CIVIL STRIFE IN EAST THREATENS CHANG WHIN DHIRRGARDH ULTI MATCH. Of MILITARY COVER NOR TSAO KUN LATTER MO niLUua troops TIKNT8IN. July B. A military email In China Is Imminent. Psadlng troops showing signs of opposition to Qeneral Chang Hsun's dictatorship, under tha guise of monarchy, Tsao Kun, tha military governor of Chi LI province, sent aa ultimatum detanda. Ing that Chang llaun withdraw troops from Pskla within twenty-four hours. Hmb dlaragarded this ultimatum, aad Tsao Kua la now aobllUlag 10. 000 troops, preparing to proceed to Pekln. Tka advocatei of tka restoration of the Maachu dynasty haa Jailed Waag; flku Chaa, minister of war un der the republic. Nine alleged trait. W aeuted, among them .,... n,. , u,,. , ,fc. ..... Prlnr Pu U'n, chairman of the state council, Pu Lun was the Chinese envoy to tha flt Louis ssposltloni RAN PRANCIBCO, July 5 Dr. flun Yat Bun, the first representative of tha Chinese republic, haa been ap polateJ commander of tha naval forces or unmese ngnting ror vrassr- Wtla of tha republic, aocordlag to aaneei. Mrs. Ckarlsa Putnam of Badlands, Calif., who haa baaa visiting Mrs. I. D. Applaaata soutasast of Malla, toavsd-wlth Judge D. V. Kuykeadall aad faatlly far Geseeat btty aad Ba raka Prlaay, Tkey will eamp an route wa tr tkrn weeks. KLAMATH FALLS, OMGON, THURSDAY, Celebration TROUBLE STARTS AM0N6 MINERS NEAR PHOENIX APPEAL FOR AID in SENT TO WASHINGTON I'aMaal Ntata Tiuopa Have Bora Or aWad Proa Doagtea to OjawM Dta tarhaara BHaatloa at CMrtoa Is sjarloaa ldoral laviallgatlnei of PHOKNIX, Arts.. July 6. Serious strikes ere la progress la mlaea thru- out this aactloa of the state. Couaty Attorney. Poster of Olebe haa tele phoned that tha situation la beyoad coairoi. reaerai irooaa aava aeea ordered from Douglas to tha recommoadatloB of Major rapreeeatlag tha gorarameat WABHINOTON, D. C. July 8. Beaator Ashnrst of ArUoaa hae re ceived a telegram from three mining companies at Clifton, Arts., request lag that government aid be sent there to deal with tha miners' strike. A government Investigation Is urged. OLOIIR, Arls., July 5 Everything Is quiet. Streets clear. Btrlksrs ap parently resting after strenuous In dependence day, Last nights dispatches Indicated local council of defence llehed censorship. estaa- ThoENlX, Arls., former Ooveraor Iluat may go to Olobe to act aa per sonal represeatatlve of Wllsoa la aa effort to settle tha strike sltuattoa la Arlsonn. Wllsoa kaa wired Huat, asking him to net aa mediator. EWAUNA DISPLAY VERY BRILLIANT BEAUTIFUL inREWORKS RXHI RITION LAST BVKNING IS MAR. t RED BY INJURY TO UMC BEAN, IN CHARGE. The gorgeous array of flraworks. wttnaaaad ky a great erowd of spsc-l tators along tha aaora of Lake Ewau- na last evening waa curtailed aoao what by tha Injury received by Lea Bean, who had charge of the display early la the evening. ' Ona cf the big rockets exploded aa It waa touched of, scorching him so seriously oa thai right arm that he waa barely able to eeatlaue tha work. Several at tha moat apactaaalar pieces had to ba est aside owing to this aa cldaat. ,f- Tka electa of tka rockets, taago saells, wheat akeavea aad Nortltera moat bsautlfal, aad wore greatly aa- Joyed by tha spaetatara. ,a' ' ' li 'Miss Lulu Xlaaap a las, rreaotseo la TWtlag her stater Mrs. Daa J. lumwalt, far a eeuple at waaka. MMIMWWMMMMMM Bishop Hughes Holds Audience By Eloquence i The most aotable patriotic addrese to be glvea la Klamath, F I U in many yearn waa glvea at the court bouse square yesterday by Mabop Matthew Simpson Ileghee of Pprtlsnd lu bis Fourth of July oration. Featured amoag hlbi Inspired re marks were tka following entlments: "Wa ara met la very solemn clr- caBMtancee at tkla fourth of July. tha flret appearance of tbe stars and stripes la Europe kaa been made, aad tae great preparaiioaa wnicn must oe crowded lato tha neat few weeks should have baaa made during pre redlag years. The last three years have baaa a time at great Illumine tlon. aad we have learned two les les eons: v "First, wa cannot continue to be a hermit aatloa; atedoaa methods o ALLIES PREPARE TO RESUME WORK ftUOHT GAINS RKPORTRD ON THE RELGIAN FROXT ADVANCE8 IN EAST REPULSED BY THE RUSSIANS Ry Aasoriatad Prase With Russto proving rehablllUted army abla to strike telling blows, the allies ara preparing to reaume the of fensive aloag the western front The Oermaas aspect the British to strike aortk or Arras. The British last alght pushed tbe lines forward slightly along 600 yards of front In Belgium, and captured several prls- eaars. Petrograd reports that tha Teutons, In Qalacla yesterday attack ed tba Russian advanced poets east of Bresesany, and were driven off by tha Russian artillery. MILITARY RAND IS UNUHUALLY EFFICIENT Tka splendid service rendered tka Klamath Palls Military band dur ing both days of the celebration, Is worthy of commendation. Tha boys Beamed to have a faculty of being at dlffareat spots at precisely the time waaa they were most needed, and the tasplrlag musio rendered waa a large factor In the success of the celebra tion. RErRHSENTATIVK OF PORTLAND CHAMBER VISITS In response to n wire from Port land asking him to represent the Portland Chamber of Commerce at tbe 8trakora celebration, Vice Presi dent L. L. Mullt of tka Northwestern National bank of Portlaad, who was visiting at Ashland, JMt that place at I P. m. Tuesday, arriving; hero In tbe evoalag. bat too lata to participate In tha banquet or ether features of the day. Had ha been correctly notlfled t tka date ha would have been hera la time ta take an aettve part la tha eeraasaatas. Restarted back ta Ash' land yesterday, and will da' soma ash. lag en the way, JULY 5, 1S17 WMMMMMWMMMMMMMMMMNMAMMMMWMIMAMMAMMMMM communication mske It Impossible to follow tbe advice of Washlagtoa aad the pollclen of tbe Monroe doctrine. We must play a aatlon' part la tha affairs of men. The constitution gusrsntees life, liberty aad the pur suit of happiness to every man. wo man and child under this government, nnd this gunrsntee must be carried out by meMl of forct( If necessary. the p fBCtloll of a-overam ent is to protect IU citlseashlp eiti either st home or abroad. Tha high seas bo longs to all people outside of the three mile limit. The impudeaca of Germanys demands upon American commerce have never bean surpassed that she would allow us to send one ship, painted like a tebra, to Coacladed oa Paaa t ESPEE OIL FIRE QUICKLY CHECKED EARLY MORNING FIRE IN RAIL ROAD YARDS IS CAUSED BY DRIPPING OIL The Ore department waa called to the Southern Paclflc yards this menu ing at I: JO, to put oat aa all Ire which It Is believed was started nader the engine of the passeager trala thru tbe dripping of oil to tha ground. On Investigation Chief Ambrose discovered that two of the coaches and the matt car were also on Are underneath, presumably where ttfey! had stood over tbe oil Are. Owing to the two wooden floors with shav ings filled between, It waa necessary to make close Inspection to discover the fires. One of tke passeager coaches waa badly acorcbed. The explanation of the railroad men, who said a "green" man was on the Job, waa that the alght hostler I must have pulled tha trala ahead over the burning oil after discover . Ina It. FORMER KLAMATH MAN SUICIDES JOHN BOWMAN OF PENDLETON KILLS HIMSELF IN FIT OF JEALOUSY OVER HIS WIFE 8peclal to Herald. PENDLETON, July 6, Joha Bow. man shot and killed klasaalt here ta day. Wife Jealousy caused tka act. Bowman waa a carpeatar who for marly lived at Klamath Palls. Mrs. B. R. Reamaa at teaaatala View, aear Palo Alto, Calit...JaUad ker huibaad here tkla weal for a moath's visit. a and speeches 6E0R6E PHTNAI PRAISES KLAMATH REPRKBCKTATITE Of GOVERNOR WIIHUOMBW AT MEDICATION CmUEMO.MBB PLEASED WITIR LOCAL OVTLOOK Pralsa for all features of the Stra- hora railroad celebration aad for the Fourth of July program was express ed by George Palmer Putnam, who repreeeated Ooveraor Wlthycombe hera dariag the last two days. "It was aa altogether delightful occastoa," said Mr. Pntaam, "aad I coastder myself fortunate at having the opportunity te be here. AaarasL deat of Ceatral Oregon. I aas, of course, especially laterested la every Ulag wklea looks toward the dovel opaseat of oar laterier coaatry, aad tha people of KlamaU Falla ara to ba eeagratalated aaaa Ue good start whlek haa baaa asada because of their Qovaraor WRaycembo regretted greatly that hoeaaM not be bora him self. Ho haa always realised the great aosalbUlUas. aad the great aeed for railroad derelopmeat la Ceatral Oregaa. aapaetally la ha pleased at Bay seek dsvatep meat which will link tha people of tkla aactloa up mora cleanly wkk tha rest of Orogoa. Oa hla behalf, aad for myself personally I want to eiarsaa my appreciation oi the courtesies extended me here, as his represeatatlve. CHIEF AMDROSE OFF FOR FRONT EFFICtBNT BEAD OF KLAMATH'S FIRE DEPARTMENT LEAVES TO JOIN UNCLB BAN'S TABS Keith Ambreae, aakc of the Kua ath FaUa Ira deaartmsat for eome time past, handed ta hla reelgaatioa to the city couacll taw week. Ambroaa ptaaa to leave Boaday for Portlaad to ealist te tha alactrlcal braaohi of tha aavy. He had coatem. plated Jolalag tha navy several waeka ago, bat waa persuaded at tbat time from dolag sa. It la believed on the prospect at aa lacrosse la nay aa ire chief, wklch, hewever, waa aot forth coalag waaa tka paw couacll adjust ad salaries of city, oBclals. ralalag a number aad cutting down aomswhat la the etse of tae force. Ambrose kaa baaa an eBclea t cklef , aad kaa aoeoapllaaad asuca toward tka preveatwa oJ.flre ta tka city by worklag far Are prevention ordl aaaoee, laspactloB prdlaaacoa, cleaa up caapalgaa aad active work follow, lag Ma erdlaaaoes. Ha was alaa fastrnmaatal la secur las tha reducUoa of tha city's Are rata Is a sahataattal aaouat. aid placlag It oa afar aad above tha av. erage la tka state, It la bellevod, thru tka ordlaaaeea aad drawlag tka attaa tloa of tka nadarwrltara. ' aa P. C. Wharf, rearaseatws tka Ore gaaiaa, la to faa etty tar artel bast- aeaa vWt. aa raafa fraa Lakarlew to AU .. l: OFFICIAL NIWSPAKX OP KLAMATH PALLS Winner BANQUET GIVEN CUTS GUESTS 6REATSUCCESS BISHOP -MATT H1JGHHS, ItMbT LAND. PRINCIPAL Praise of tao of IU ef Robert K. of Oaa of tka aaaviaat i assembled la Klamath. Fatta pated at tka railroad isdlatli aet at tka Watte PeHeaa kaaat WaaV aesday evaalag. at Uoaa have baaa ajtvam aft tftaa tatry, bat ao sesaalsa aa moweoaploto la-ovary tbe sparkllag wtttltlsas aad talks by tbe noted vtetters to tha da llcloua alz coarse dinner aenred Rb the elegance for whieb tkla ptaoa as aoted. Tha baaaaat waa tsadsrad ta the visitors by Ue ettmaaa of tka etty. The guests, aaarly 1M la sat dowa shortly altar f ad About two houra were reaiamed by the dinner, which pat every oaa an" the most receptive mood for the talks which followed. E. B. Hall bamoreasly tatrodaced himself as the "perpotaal taaataaa ter." aad dariag tka evaalag be pear. ed bis right to this title. Bishop Matt S. Hagnes, la makiag tbo prladpal addraea of the evaalag. polated oat tha loftier talaga waleh come to a eoaaaatty oaly wttk aaaa' progressive aovaa aa are aaw JOHN W. NELLS CROSSES DIVIDE WELL KNOWN PIONEER OF KLAMATH COUNTY P- AWAY MONDAY AT MU IN ASHLAND Joha W. Walls, a well kaowa pto aeer stock aaa of Kkuaatk Cauaty, died at kw koasa la Aaalaad, Saaday mornlna at tha age of 79 years. A stroke of paralysis, several maatha ago caused a geaeral breakdowa. from wklck ke never recovered. John Wells baa baaa Ideatlaed with; tha history of Klaaatk Ooaaty for tba Bast tklrtr-Avo years, kavtag operated a very large stock raaea la tha Bly district for tha greater pari of that time. Hla karssa aad BManN wara faaoaa aH aaar tkla aaeUaa'of tha Coast Four years ago. awhsg ta HI ksaltk, ka remove ta Aaalaad, leavtag kla raaeh lataraata la tka ear of klasoa, Spratt. ' He la survived b a. vMa. Mas, Pkoeae walla af AaaMaa, aaa am aaa. Saratt WaUa of Biy. ' yieee ware emM aad totaraaat View seastsry. 7L iiZZr.tSSA Mi t v:M r wj um &?l tt' h J& 4MW' ' fitf 1"W. .