mfcs y Fv5 tf cii. . U ,Ni '. " v3 i J1 i ... iS ru tl& ' , w illji? lEurttmn Herald grraywi..-il ! . . e f kw A& a"r.', IB OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH COUNTY jsranpiOBSjiiawmMSSTanra Eleventh Ifsnr No. n.4J KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY JUNE 30, 1917 ' i iMIsBB official wtnNdntrimm SnaanSBnnnnaanaaanBaBBaHBBnBHBBV94aWnBSr! y I W 6iV Lens GERMAN TROOPS BADLY SHATTERED - ABOUT VERDUN MAKE mil OAJNM HUT AUK IlltlV. K. HACK Craw Itoarefta Attack on Alan Front U L'Mnrrranfnl German AaaaslU ItsMevrtl Mrrr Ditmonatrs- Uoen Ituanta Kurta Arihliy the East Along lli litilMfic llrady Kail nay. lljr Ammm-UImI I'tvmm IMckml Gorman troop are (lark ing the Verdun region, according to Paris reports, and havn penctratl lh Krenrh ltrt line over llin mil Ire front, tint havn liwn driven nut x rMtl op III wimterii ultilic of Dvail Man Mill. The Krvnrh lmot niillilUlnl Hip Uvrmana loni inllo ami three quartar front. It la unknown wlinthtir tlin Orninii aauulta am an) thing mora than ilrm- natratloma oa a large arale. Th crown prince ahm uiuurrron fully attacked along the Alune front. The Herman contlnun to hotel l.eni. although ihn Hrlilnh In flank inovement have tenvtrateil well umlli of the city. IIKUI.IN, Juno 30. ItumiUli activ ity la reported In Kant tinllcla, the war office announco. ami Indication are that further attack nro contem plated. K atrong ltiilan iliutrmtlvn lira I maintained from LtmberK- llrody railway to the south of Ilrcxi- sany. BRAZIL STANDS WITH AMERICA WILL MELT HUNT UEILMAN !' IMATM UNITED 8TATFJ TO HEXD DII'liOMATIC MIHMIO.V rt)lt tmKATKIt CO-OI'EHATItl.V WAHIIINUTON, 1). C, Jmtn 30. llraill' navy ha begun co-oiteratlng with the American fleet lit South At- Untlo waters, hunting raldura ami watching for submarines. The lovernmont la considering ending a special diplomatic mission tu Hraill to arraugo grcator co-ordl-nation of forcea und co-oprutlon bo tween the two governmimlH. W. U. Kennedy of Eugene la here akitfaitM. i -. il4j Mrs. itaymond Tower of Mnlln was a Klamath Falls visitor this week. Joa C. Mlllor la up from Mt.llobrou for a few days. Coatless Men Drive Portland's a... iUn . a oi........iu. 4 MM art driving Portland's street Wl for tha first tine In the city' trousers ana sn... ---"-" -w. .. . . --... w . .. .... hniiHins- hor uniforms Its eie javory. a recent ioriuiuv i weather moved the street car com- pany to change the uniform of the Still . w.wx Officials Dispute Over Ship Program v2tF?ii&.-i ..JjMA&&0v.t,kt v i pm3m I fa .&. K A WILLIAM DENMAN 'GEN.aWGOCTHALa i.. I .,T. titi- I Illkr&rSitx .i?L rAj3!' mTA Central (teorgo ' !ethal and banquet U tendered to the celebra- Win. Penman of the shipping board, Hon Ultors by the cltUens of Klatn- .. ... .. .Jth Kail, and It U hoped that all , . ...V. Bu.c, ........ ... " I. ...... U .11-. ... I...f..ri lr..wlilnnl II. w-vii ... ...-r... w.... . ..-.- son concerning tin policy of building vi..l ,p uimitnn hhis to renlare the ,. -,,k by tho Oerman iibma - rlnea. There U n quratlon In Wash' lugton n to who will first resign. REGULAR ARMY 50,000 SHORT MEN OF XATIOX FAIL TO HK. HFOXD TO WII-SOX'S CALL Ft)H TIIHEE HUXDHED TIIOVtlAXD VOLUXTKEItS WAHIIINUTON. D. C . Jmio 30. Tho president's call for voluuteerb to bring tho regular army to full Htrongth of 300,000 by today is not realized. Thu ranks are htlll 50,000 men short. Dri-enn was ono of nlno static n r..r..iuh i tin miotii called for. Tho iminiipr reiiutred from Oregon was i Mi 4 uhiin nho actually furnished ----- S,2ti0 men Street Cars ...ninrmon and conductors from the heavy blue serge aulta to llgh blue " - - , ...,.. vntor operator In white duck during the summer. in Germany .,... - . i --- i-i-i-lnnruTAAAjnjvuTxirj'jij-Ln- -wvvv-.-.vrja-'L-irri''u-j-rrr - George Savs Germans Are Driven Underground I1 .anVasBl ssnni nm rrrn it mil rrrii it morccufli WHITE PELICAN TUESDAY NIGHT ATTIIAfTIVK t.lUH'l' OF hlRK- Kits TO UK PUKSK.NT Klamalli Will Tender lo IU ;teM a Keal Tlutt Will Isoo lie Itejnrni hrrfl K. It. Mall, Toatmanler. TlrkHn .Vm OtxaJnable Krom Uie tlialnnan, W. I. Juhmou li epar. alln Weil Along. I'rrparatlonj for the bis banquet at the White 1'ellcan Hotel Tuesday eve ulng arc ell along toward comple tion, according to an announcement made by Chairman W. I. Johnson today. Thl gathering, which will prob nM be the must notable ot its kind eitr held In Klamath Falls, Is to be most complete in every detail. The best of food, service and talks arc aurcd all lhoe ho attend. This pro-ame-ji cl-eng wm aail them i of Hip offer to be nrcaent. Tnei .,.. -ho Wni Ke introduced b the rrnlal toastmaster. K. 11. Hall. I arc 0 K. Stone for Klamath Kails. ... ... mt.i.i . l. i" I'utnam tor iiovernor uuj-i combe, Vernon Korbcs and W. I). Che ney for district. C. H. Asburj for the Indian reservation. BOWDEN LEAVES KLAMATH FALLS llll'l'iait ItASEIIALL CAITAIX LEAVES AFTKK TWO SVCCKsS. FIL SEASONS OKS TO AHI- ZOXA LKAGL'K Frank How den, third bas-cman and captain of the Klamath Kails Cham pions for the past two mwnoiis, will lead his club Into tho fray for tho Inst time during the Sacramento i.eiio.. "lloille" has recehed a tempt ing offer from the Ha) den club of the Arliona Copper League, w hich ho ac cepts. Ho will depart July 5th. w ii Mahar will succeed Uowdcn as captain for the remainder of the season, Cowan, who arrives tonigm, taking M.Uiar'8 place at bhort. Watch this lad Thompson tomor row, if u want to eo first played lu big league st)le. Mageo will no doubt oppose Shader tomorrow, and this should be a rare dUh for tho fans. Uoth Cowan and Thompson, tho new first baseman, will arrive to night with the team from Sacra' mento. C. C. Calloway is In town from Fort Klamath. Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Hoyt are down from Fort Klamath. Gust Petterson, contractor, left this morning after being here several das. aM eBannnV w I . . .. t CITY NOW HAS ADDED PAYROLL KV VKRItOU.D 1XDUKTBY KTAItTH THIS WKKK AT OLD KAVIIMiB BROTHKIW' FLAXT. KtXL VOIICK XKXT WEKK One more substantial pay roll was added to Klamath prosperous Indus tries thin week,! when the Dig Lakes 1!ok company started operations In the plant formerly occupied by Lie Savidge Dothers" Lumber company. Thta new enterprise, which will be under the direct management of A. J. Voye and Uurge Mason, experienced men In the "box game," started yes terday, altho a full force will not be put on until after the celebration. Mr. M. 8. West, manager of the Dlgi Basin Lumber company, la Interested in the venture, as Is also W. A. Uwlght of ,8a Francltco. Ahou thirty-five men are to be employed at the outset, and 35,000 feet per day wll be cut. The managers report that the helti situation is well lined up, that the market la good, and that ever) thing points to a profitable sea son. PORTLANO SHOWS RIGHT SPIRIT CHAMUEK OF COMMEHCE BL'SV ON PLANS FOB CELEBKATIOX HERE EXPECTS TO SEXD UIG DELEGATION Evidence of Portland's Interest in the Strahorn dedication here next week is Bhown in the letter Just re ceived from the executive head, D. B. Dodson. by the Klamath Com mercial Club. This letter, together with press comments recently pub lished, Indicate that n good delega tion from Portland will participate in the celobration. Mr. Dodson's letter follews: "1 have had my becretary, Mr. Mark Woodruff, busy on your plans for tho celebration of tho opening of tho Strahorn project. I agreo with von heartily that wo should raako this a very great ovout, uud snouia havo a most vigorous representation at Klamath Kails to observo the oc casion. I assure you that the Stra horn project is one of tho most pro fnumt interest to Portland. I trust to see It consummated at tho earliest poslble date, and have ropeatedly giv en Mr. Strahorn assurances that we will go to the bat with him at any time ho requests us to seo his work thru to a successful finish," EPISCOPAL LADIES TO SERVE REFRESHMENTS JULY The ladies of the Episcopal church will serve sandwiches, coffee and raspberry Ice in the library hall at the court house square from 10 o'clock In the morning Tuesday thru out the day. Mrs. A. D. Miller, Mrs. L. R. Rob .rtton and Mrs. J. H. Garrett ts the committee In charge. The proceeds will go to the Episcopal church. s oooW " --- - it ; is MARIE RAMBO ! ,. WINS CONTEST FORGODDESS ItH'lLAU Clltli WIX8 CONTEST IV CLOSK HACK fncrcaaed latere at Last Day 'la Tretnendoos and Honors Kvea up Until Vote are Coasted. Maids of Honor Selected by the Winner re Her Opponents la the lUce. Goddess Float to be Very Elaborate With a total of 79.400 vote aa-ainst 77.300 Miss Marie Rambo finished just ahead ot her neares competitor, Miss Clara Calkins for Goddess of Liberty., lata. gasaatpAar following a day of freniled activity by friends of both, candidates. All of the candidates are very popular young ladles and their various friends swarmed to their support In the last few hours of the contest in a truly remarkable manner. Between Miss Rambo and Miss Calkins the Issue was very uncertain until the last minute. The Maids of Honor to ride in the float with the Goddess are two In number and were left to the selec tion of the successful candidate. She has named her contestants In the contest. Miss Clara Calkins and Miss Madge Dixon of Fort Klamath as her Maids of Honor. Final score of the contest was Marie Rambo, 79.400, Clara Caulkins. 77.300. Bess nckett. r.2 nnn Madee Dixon. 45.000. The good feeling among all candidates ihrnout the contest In spite ot the rivalry tor the honor was especially noticeable. The Goddess of Liberty float will be among the first in the narade July Fourth. It Is being con structed by F. D. Miles of tho Mites Sign company, and will be one ot the most elaborate features ot the pageant. NATIONAL GUARD WILL GO SOUTH WESTERN SECTION IS EXPECTED WILL BE DRAFTED EARLY IN AUGUST, AND SENT TCtMOBILI ZATIOX HEADUARTEIW WASHINGTON, D. C, June 30. Washington National Guard regi ments are to be sent forward to divi sional mobilization camps In the South immediately after they have been drafted into tho federal service. It is expected that the Western sec tion of the guard will be drafted by August 5th. RED CROSS PARTY NETS TOTAL SUM OF 936.80 The party given this week by Mrs. Henrietta Melhase and Mrs. Bridget as a Red Cross benefit, netted a total sum of 126,50, which will be added to Klamath County's total raised. i PossessKH A VBF fc A$ks Large Amount for War Aeroplanes QS2yitfk. Brigadier General G. O. Squter, chief of the signal wrvlce cf the United States aimr. who also directs the nation's aviation service, wants $600,000,000 for aeroplanes with which to win the war. That he calls "the Yankee punch," something the Germans never dreamed of. WILSON WANTS BOOZE CONTROL PRESIDENT FEARS THE BONE DRY BILL MAY ENDANGER THE PASSAGE OF THE FOOD CON TROL BILL WASHINGTON, D..C.,.June 30. The president today told the commit tee that he believed the adoption or urnvisiona to orohiblt distilling ana to empower the president to stop brewing and wlno making, it neces sary would satisfy prohibitionists and the country. It is understood that the president feels that the insistence of some sen ators on the bone dry law endangers the early passage of the food bill, which he is anxious to seo become a law as soon as possible. ntrinn TELEPHONE CO. GIVES CORPS TO COUNTRY A signal corps composed entirely of men from the Paclfio Telephone and Telegraph company's ranks pawed south yesterday on the main line, ac cording to word received by & R Robertson, local manager. The corps will go Into camp at Mnnterev. and la 'accompanied by 0. F. Cole, known locally, s he makes frequent trips here as division super- intendeut. The men will receive taeir salaries from the company during their service, as well as the govern ment pay. Victoria M. Price U a vUltor today from Klamath Agency. J '!!.,, 1111 .VaSBSjjasjJsjSjsa- 1 BBBSSSSSBSSBSSKSSsI lssssssssssssWsW?ssff SBBBBBBBBBBBjSSBjHSBBBBSftriSBBBL SBBBSBSBSBSBSBSRf tSBSBHL'$ SBSBH EBBBBBBBBBBBJSUSSBBKSBBB SBBSSSSSBSWSaHHsSBBSSSSSSsl SSBSBSBSfSBSBSBaSBv96SBSBBI SBBsKSBBBBSSSSSSSSSSSf MU'.IM I ssssssssssssssssssssssssf,'v 1 fjSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBK ''tABSI flMtjjLIHHPvsT' J9MOr Bfc SBBBBBSBflsasBBSSSV tewftaffaaB f -iL js "fefs"i " " mm?!mmr'0f4?1!' ?i?tjtV .?-Av4l, t- "'i, , W M 3.$H -: rinflrilRlll w. wwj(1. .ttt.e' . WAR SEER Wm 1 1 nvn ncnoM UUIU DLUHil DECLABB8 GERMAN AJUIT Htmm DRIVX TO OOVBsY In Ofsecli at A. ifPJfl ForteUs ItessJt H aiw5. l jfiftJIS. clares Their Infertecsty is nj j jiT MSKiag ts Be Sossi fcf Who aUvs Never Mad sMssrtjr. -r .s i5?n .sfvj r-$ft' fr?si ' DUNDBlVSeotUsi. Jus t-gk& tin drivam Gsrsaany's sA"-sSJg'3,a . . .. ... Bl I'tmmArJ'i,-:- BBaergroBBa, saw - -,. rJSpsi Itorg, t. a srWttet take tlMM taettes. It U. the U&SBmiM "Wssssi KTwrni mrmmm mb.ZTwm-Xzz3ZZ3k oftheea. It,aMgwj ,&&, ina a sens of IfertorlrjlsMsiaff' pore of.Oemany'a smtary"slsA; Is good for the prsssni a-a ps-w -jWifi the tntnre. becaase as is-c wau Prussians stw m m'mZZzK'Ji&& . - t- w. IJ m HHbii.VM ttr in their aatads, Barsff rt io be a decent P w nve "2f2,fw . - - -- '-7?vJ- Presater George declaree w.-m.Aft tmlan haa maBT TlrtSeS, Wt ssFfWSsski u.a . r nnsallltT.M , ." "A5'-- s P "J ?.( . v - . ,ii CITY INSTITOa nF (RF Sffll 4. fT 'S-. v z zm?z:2 1 W&JMfr Twgt-wi-iti, CONDEMNATION Diiiviin ' AnAlNST coRPENiNo. t&umm-rim . j-,. i"i .,. -HMnn.w.iimwm ?"-,.z&rJXF&. lMJr fT-fflTTS T.ifTM a- af...Jak Mni4BMttsrtCaMnt iu www W v7STi Strucuon ga ""Tr "--i5wiS has been died with the Mr clerk by the city tnru . . "Ttf ,...b M attorney, against F. rrfl,di bek. cltr attorney, agawn ' ,, ... Knnt' CorDeniag. r. Ai'.a-i; - . - .- r rj-5 jvt jyvctsweat - A ". nAnnnttln fUtll Ibfi Klamath Water BBtfV Users AssocfaUon. it. W&M, The right ot way comnuuee j"" for a right of way nvomsw ,x.$& acres ot land, tor which. U plaint states, the sum oi a i.wfnvji The complaint states thsjj f , Ufel rnmanlns is the owner In poseesslonlill Nena Corpening Cs the we l,ttJl . ta Alaaleaaian sntl lH.m i owner; F. A. uorpewaa TmmT'mn terest In the SS8M and tnat we n-w w WW i,n rialma an Interns oue tv rc38tiwi tnat to reclaim th. I ., hJM City Attorney OroesheksaMJ terday that a large nuataer 'T&fm: vt to be brought, a ew wUnMa f. agreement, are g-JUr -ffiS t" r. wbicn ne uemywm mm.rwfM r.7v-..t .Hatta-aBtlMSmSaUnat'ry w". ". ""TTi-SiXsnentfJntf .. , l .MMadlBjntif.He ?'"". ZZAfiSEtori, tan up - -S.rTjJiVJ'J' K.iiAvinr that a ueasliaraiiej. ot salts eaa Ta immw&&?,. '-- -T" -.- ?ilt.t " !, -A-ir. TWmnVantJtA OsnSJnBnte. JnfsBir rfW BAKI. Ore.. 2nM ottheKlUasaeaeB now-ciaa,tB ensi - ' iikimslad ,"" nut --,TTr7LT7 ' ' ' UaMflflBV.f i"j rRSSak .is vJVjaCW liM KSw &$&. VSi.-1 . fA?S PS i-Ss&f cirv'&: a 3 JrwZ i.e.', uWX "l-WKi MV ir !AI W'Ml I ',.- $M sat H(i,I mmM sTi- rtV-i rm ,-1 i v.r.i'w.$..vjiu' h ft SiMffllH' . . . .'. r.. ., :.? . "t ti 4j4Mmmm r