$$w i-v ' '. & av-aiu." v.ti E 5 STw'i - ' IIUIIAV, JUNK Ittf, IUI7 THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH PALLS, OREGON- p- I UK ta" if. LEOAL NOTICES IMWNiniMWMWimw lummeni (KqMlty Ml) I'll the Circuit Cowl eif the meson, for Urn County of Hind- of Klittiiiitli i-in a. Campbell, I'lniiiiirr, vs. Win. M. wtnipweii, iM'H'ii.iniu. fit VM. M. Campbell, llm defendant above nameei: In Hi" imltu' of I ho lUittii lit tiri'i:"". . .... ..1....1 ... ..i. ....... .....i WlU Ml" tlVtVUf HH1M'. III llll. HUH inwir llm inniiilnliit Med iiKiilimt on In III" aboet entitled null, mi m btlot, Friday" l day 'f Juy 1117. Hint being llm ilny of lit" ll BUbllcntlmi of summons, iinil tlit last1 ity within which are int. rmjuhnl to biieiir mul answer iliilnllrt'n' dim tlslnl, ait D"',l ,Jr "'" ,,r,1,'r of ("'II' (lnii of summons. If you full to. mul nil pirnoim hmlitK or ilnlinliiK Itinrnr wiul answer, the plaintiff wllliitiy Iriti'i out In any of tlm etnld IiiiuIk mull' lo ll court for llm lellef tie- BUinilrit In said reiiuplAlul Knlil suit1 be-fote I In- county iiitirt of mild county t lillltlgllt to secure, illimollllloil of. lit nrilil time mill pllire, mill 1)1" (lii'lr th lionds of matrimony eilMing be'i-i,tnplalnl for damares, unit show liriit yourself mul tlm plaintiff upon Ihr ground of tinsel lion, mul for the! tutody of llm minor iUuhter Vada Caninbrll. Thin nuiniuoti U publMu'.l i. iIim KvniiliiK llrrntil n itnlly iihwh ... ..f MM.iMrfcl flri'lltfllllttl 111 Mllt R" " """- lUivn nirntlontHl County mul Hlnte, Mid In pt Intnl. publlnhr.l mul tln-U' lainl ilntly uforfimlil. nt KUmatli "ll. In IIik County tl Hlmn for' Mlit. by order of the llonornliln I). V. Kukrntml, Jui1k of Mid Court, ali onlrr iIkiihI lb 31lh ily of Mny, 1SI7, (Hireling mil numnionii to bo o pub lUhnl for mi uccpiiI mul conjincu tn wrrkn, the lUxl publlcntlolt to b OR Ilia :Mh Uny of May, 1117. II. II. MANNINO. Aitoitiey for Ilia I'UlntlCf. IamiiiU IIIiIk., Klmnmh Kulln. Ori'Kon. :n nit, .; o fttltlen for Location of Logglne Road lo ilia County Court of Klamath County. Hlntit of OirKun, County of Klmnntli, in: In llm MatliT of the Application of tlm Alxumn Lumber Company, a Cor poration, to OtablUh a LojckIhk Itoad. Noilce U hereby aWen Ibat on the 7th day of June, 1917. llm AIkoiiiu Lumber company, a cortMiratlon. fllitlj In tho offlco or the county ciitk or KUmath county, ntnlo of OreRon, n map and petition In aupport of the up plication of imli! comiHiny for the loca tion of a IokkIiik rond In nnld county, the proponed rlxht of way for nuch Ior rtiiK road beliiK denUnatiHl on nuch map and mentioned In nuch petition, llm point of rommeiiremenl of nurh ftoiHim-il IokkIhr mail beltiR on the nomliwent fourth of the nouthwent fourth of nerllon 2C tnwnnhlp 37 noutli, ranre 9 eanl W. M.. mul the placu of tentilnatlon of nnld proponed rond be In on the north rat qunrter of nee Hon R In nald lonnhlp and ruiiKe, nml nnld de.'.lcnntrd and proponed IokrIiik road will pnH through nrcllonn 27, 21, 22, 1C, S nml 0 In nnld lemnnhlp and iniiRe. ,:ul oier tho fiilIoliis dea- rrlbeil pnrllnliH nf nurh nertlnnn! SK'i, the NWl'.. nr.d the SW'.i of rrr. 17. the SV.'U of Hie RV',i ec. 22. thee NK'4 of Hie 8KU and NK14. sec. 21. the 8WU and the NWU of sec. If. the 8WU f I he SWU of ire. 9. the 8K. Iho 8W',i of the NKVi and tho NW'i of sec. 8. That nuch ap plication will be brought on for hear Ing before tho county court of said county at tho county court houno In the cily of Klamath Falls, county and stale aforesaid, at tlm hour of 10 o'clock a. m., on tho 0th day of July, assl.BlalsWsiiHlctTf 1 Ssl sal mrMnr- xi 1 1 if i tmrmxm h aal gaTBKnT - tl If If 17 Y'Wi'MWZ. aal aafMaaaf mmwk H T If'-'- Wil1 In WlVi atM HamaaHaV ML. K i IWMMM. aam "I'lSiw Mm 1 1 tm. .w mm lliAliaM i 11 aaaaW amHaPS 7CT: TiyxjgKKTaa, TaVZal BT9BaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaYBaaaaaaaT'VUnjJxXyaT EaabaV BBS. BK KKiglWIIIII!llxi!fma0!ISty"'fr BBS BU I I Dl VmiMI rarncrnize mV 111 I I B I perfectly aged leaf by V i I I 1 1 my lack of harshness. R I I III M. A. GUNST BRANCH IIH H eSNISAU CIOAN CO., INC. IIH 1 1 1 11 m u BjolCSJ klVr.lHHIl iiri.-ii-i.il a i'Kaci:! I'ltlll'.tlli: I Olt HTOCKIIOI.M, J unci 2'j. -Tim en.. (bill iilltlioillli-rt nf IIwimI.'II nlri'tuly Hill lllllllliltllllK till' I (illttllK of pUIKit They Inn ne-nt ii rlreiilur oieleir to nil rintimu Klntliiiin, iolntliiK out llm ro1iitit lit y Unit, wild dm 1'inl of tlm wer, fielght l nil Hi; will In nil prolm hlllly imniiiiiu oh-i whelming propor tions. ,k f'tilleolei for it KM'ilnl Klnninlli irM'ily. Il-I r 27 I'JlT At whltli Hum hiilil iiiill(iinl will te-tjiifnt tint itimlntim'iil of tlin-o ilUllltrrrMiil persons to net 111 tletw I" of Mirli iiiinriil tlclit of wily are- hereby notlnVil in l' mul ttppi-ur inline, If nny tlny imw, wny sucii Iteind should nut li located IIM ie-eUe-nl- .iit by Hut p.itltlon. Diitid thin "Hi iluy of June, 1'Jl". C It IMuW, Clnk of tlm County Court, Notlet to Credltort In the Coiiuly Court of tlm Htntn of Ori'iiou, for the County or Klmnnlh. Ill Hie Miilli-r of tin- Kntiite nml tho I.nnl Will mid Tintmiient of IMwnrd K. ntch, Ih-reaned. You will pleano tnke notlcn that H. i:. Mnrtln tmn bi'-lt duly nppolntiHl nil' mlnlnlrntor lth tlm will nnuexid of Itio entitle mul last will mid tcntmimnt of Wwunl K. I'ltcli, deccnneil, mul that prrnonn hmltii; clnllun nKnlnnt the mild fitnte w III pleane prrnent them, prop erly lerlfU-d, toRKthtT with tlm necen nnry inuchera, nt tlm otllce of II. M MminliiK. attorney nt law, UiouiU bulldliiK, Klniimth I'nlln. Oh-koii. which place the uiulemlciied vclectH nn bin i plan, nf buluena In IrnniactliiK the bilnlnenn of mild ettnti-, on or m-rore nix monthn from the dntn of thin notice. HIcmiiI. liiibllilii-il mul tinted June 22. 1517. H H MARTIN. Admlnlntntlor with the Will annexed of tlm IMnte and Ijint Will and Ten. lament of ttlwnrd I- Kllch, Do ceaned. 22-29 C-13-20 Notice of Amended Final Account In Hi.. County Court of tl.e Slate of Oregon, for the- County or Klamath. In the Mutter of tho Katute- of MiiRKle Ii Ival, ulno Known nn .MiikkIo II Jones De're-niu'd. Notice In hereby Klien thnt I lime flle-d my iimenele-el lliinl account nn nil mlnlntrnlor eif the entnte of MiirkU K. IH-nl, nlto known nn MnKKle K. Jones, decenneel, nml the iiboo fiitllled court ban flxe-d upon 10 o'clock In the fore noon of Siiturelny. the 28th dny of July. 1917. nn the time, and the county court room In the court limine ef Klmunth county, OreKon. In the city of Klmn ntli Falls, Ori'Kon. nn the place when ami where any person may prenent nn of tlm NKVilnbJecllnni or exceptions lo anything .....i , . ... h. ililni ilnnn o. Mlierelll coniainen, "i " nj."e . by me as ndmlnlstrntor, ami ni toe wild tlmo nnd place the nald court will finally nettle) nnlil account. Thin notice in published pursuant to nn order of Hie above entitled court made June 22. 1917, and the first pub lication of raid notice In made on said June 22, 1917. JOHN N. WARREN, Administrator Aforesaid. 22-29 0-13-20-27 B)MMM,,MWM,M,,)S9mm sM KING'S DAUGHTER SERVES WORKERS I'lll.VCCSH MARY IMXimiTH IN VIHITIMJ Mt'.MTION U'OltKH IH'RIMJ MIIAL TI.MLH, WITH Ol'T AXNOr.NrKMIJNT LONDON. JIJNi: 17 (Correspond i'ii(ii) I'rlme'nn Mnry, only dauKhtcr of tliu kliiK, In ilUldltiK her 1 1 bi-lui-fti hr ti'Ki'tnblo Kiirilvn nt Wind nou Cnntlo mid vlnltliiK mimltloiis plnlitn, mIhtii aim uniinlly pre-nldei owr tlm tmitcejim. Tho prlnccnn llki-n to r.'Ji'li a miiiiltloii tenter nn- minoiiiiefd mul to de-light the factory Klrln by ncrvltiK and pnnnlnK out to tbetm their hot midday meal. Wlmii the- munition worker at a eertnln factory btirrlvd Into thjclr innte-iii fur their dinner the other day they wen- nurprltwjd to (Ind tho prl tiri-MH hIiiiuIIiik bcnldu a Rreat urn, rind lit InrK" bui ovorull, r.aily to hand out fmid to thi-m. Kwry girl wan i':i kit to purchanu at hur hand, and many returned to the counter for a iiiperUuoiiM packet of chocolate) or a bun, JuKt for tbu nuke of another alii lie from tbu prlncenn. rUntK.VCK MIT DK.tl.KK Hl'KS ON I'AI.VnXO I'AKIS, June 2'J, Alfred Cerl, the de-nlur In antiquities of Florence, Italy, thru whom Leonardo de Vlncl'n eulcbrated painting, the Jo ceiudv, n ivstorcd to the louvro intiimuiii, has brought action against tho French government to recover a premium of 10 per cent of the value of tho picture. Kstlmatlng It to be worth 1,000,000 fruncs, be asks for luo.ouu francs. Tl.u French government refused tbu claim, and tho cuno will come up In court nt an early date. MANY 8KUVANT8 ARK MTII.L KKIT IX KXGLAXD LONDON. June 29. Thousands ot families thruout the country are, In nplto of the shortage of labor, keep ing their usual pro-war quota of ser niiln. There ure lustunces of house holds consisting of a mother and two daughters employing u staff of nine nei x r.nts. In fact, In many homes there nro so many servants that they spend most of their tlmo waiting on each other. P .ritiui Mdlcle provlele perfect pro-iM-tlnn. Ttirr nee standard of tile world. Ask Clilli-otc. 27 ! W8 i: Clear, Peachy Skin 6 : Awaits Anyone Who Drinks Hot Water Saya an Inside bath, before break-1 Z . k.lu Inflk and fsal 4 X OW.fRl .ww" clean, swsti, rrssn. SDarkllns and vivacious merry, bright, alert a good, clear skin and a natural, rosy, healthy complexion are assured only by pure blood, u only enery man nnd woman could be in duced to adopt the morning inside bath what a crntlfiing change would tage place. Instead of the thousands of sick ly, anaemic looking men. women mu Klrls, with pasty or muddy complex ions; Instead of tho multitudes ot a II HValn "nervo wrecks," -runuowns, . fags" and pessimists, we should see a virile, optimistic throng of rosy-cheeked peoplo everywhere. An Inside bnth Is had by drinking each morning before breakfast a glass of real hot water with a teaspoonful of limestone phosphate In It to wash from tho stomach, liver, kidneys and ten yards of bowels the previous day's In- illgestiblo wasto, sour rermeuiauuu- nn.1 noisons. thus cieanBing, "" Ing nnd freshening tho entire alimen tary cniml boforo putting more food Into tho stomach. Those subject to sick ueaaacne, on- lousness, nasty Dream. rntuuw'. celds: and particularly those who have a pallid, sallow complexion and who are constipated very often, are urged to obtain a quarter pound or limestone phosphate at the drugstore, which will cost but a trifle, but is sufficient to elemonstrote the quick nnd remark able change In both health and appear ance awaiting those who practice In ternal sanitation. Wo must remember that inside cleanliness Is more Import n than outside, because the skin does not absorb impurities to contaminate the blood, while the pores In the thirty feet ot boweli da Aar. Deserters From German Army flock to Holland TUB IIAdUK. Juno 15 (Corrc npondftico) Tlioimnndn of ilvnertcra, inontly from the Herman army, now are nwelllnic tho ntream of rcfuK-c pourliiK Into Holland from adjoining countrlen. Holland ha become a great place of refuge for fugitive llvclng from the torrora of tho Her man front, food hardships or the Ger man military regime. Ho numeroua have these war refu gven become that a weekly periodical, called "The Combat," has been entab. Untied at Amsterdam to carry on a revolutionary socialist propaganda among them. A Society of Deserters has been formed In Holland, nppar eutly by (ierman agents. In order to discover the names of deserters and exert pressure on their families to In duce them to return to Germany. Re turning deserters no longer are shot, but are Bent to the front. The country Is overrun by a small army of spies, persons of both sexes, whose work Is to spy Into Dutch at taint, to spy upon the belligerents, and sometimes to spy upon one an other. These ref usees, deserters and gov-i ernment agents, added to escaping' adequate precautionary measures prisoners of war of virtually every than most people thought. Two Suffragettes Arrested at White Home Gates for TO THE ENVOYS OP mnu - IK resident Wilson and Envoy Bool aie deceiving Russia ibej f satfte aie ademoaacy.Hdp us win a world war so that democracies may survive." We.feWmofiUKnaMyw iKnly aaMeNoQ iHNMi Wonen ae (lenifdlb(fiM bvote. I IkbasiKtlisntiN) VBgSV' Miss Lucy Burns and Miss Kather ine Morey, ardent followers ot the Congressional Union In Washington, were wrested at the main entrance gate ot the White House when they HAMMKK AND TIN 1AV Bl'OOKSTKD FOR FOURTH SALEM, June 29. 'Tor the per son to whom patriotism means noise, we seriously suggest a hammer and a tlrf pan," reads a bulletin State Fire Marshal Wells hag Issued, In which he urges the people of Oregon to make the coming Independence Day a "Ftreless Fourth." He advises all citliens to exercise care in handling fireworks, for "It Is better to be safe than sorry," as the bulletin says. PIN THIS UPON . WIFE'S DRESSER WARNS WOMEN AGAINST CUT TINO CORNS ANY SAV8 THEV LIFT RIOHT OUT Because style decrees that women crowd and buckle up their tender toes In high heel footwear they suffer from corns, then they cut and trim "at these painful pesta which merely maxes we corn grow hard. This suicioat uaon may cause lockjaw, and women are warned to Btop It. A few drops ot a drug called freez one applied directly upon a sore corn gives quick relief, and soon the entire corn, root and all. lifts out without pain. Ask the drugstore man for a quarter ot an ounce ot freexone, which costs very little, but Is sufficient to re move every hard or soft corn or callus fmm one's feet. This drug Is gummy, but it dries In a moment and simply abrlvela up the corn without inflamlBl or even irritating the I surrounding tUaue or skin. aot. ' i ( - tadBBBBB ( y.Turoiur Mnorvv entente nationality, fugitive Poles and other peoples of Eastern Europe, fleeing from forced labor and other evils, have swelled the Immigration flood until the problem of what dis position to make of these foreigners has become acute In Holland. The prime minister, Cort van der Linden, nnnounced a few days ago that the Increased Influx and the bod liy condition of persons entering the country, had necessitated more dras tic sanitary measures. Barracks are to be erected at five different points en the frontier, where all Germans entering the country, of whom the great majority arc deserters, will be disinfected, while a camp Is to be erected for the accommodation of dangerous or undesirable elements among the deserters. As regards the national danger, the minister of war, Major General N. nosboom, endear- ored to reassure public opinion in parliament a few days ago by declar Ing that If Holland became Involved in the war It would be made evident that the goverment was far more con- versant with the position as regards foreigners, and has taken far more Displaying This Banner kchmjmanmm displayed this banner, which was con strueu by many as an insult to the 1'resident of the United States. They had been attacked the day before, and tho banner was trailed In the dust. ICE FOR SALE: A few tons of clear crystal Ice for sale; 25c per 100 in ton lots; 30c per hundred In 500-lb. lots; weighed while you look. M. F. Parker, Shlpplngton. Phone 82X. 29-2t Proper fitted glasses afford pleas ure to the wearer. See Dr. Coble, 126 Third street. 29-3t Lemons Beautify! train lemon Juice well before j mixing and massage race, rack, arms, hands. .Here is told how to prepare an in expensive lemon lotion which can be used to bring back to any skin the sweet freshness, softness, whiteness and beauty. The juice of two fresh lemons strained Into a bottle containing three ounces ot orchard white makes a whole quarter pint1 of the most re markable lemon skin beautlfler at about the cost one must pay for a small Jar of the ordinary cold creams, rare should be taken to Btratn the lemon Juice through a fine cloth so no lemon pulp gets In, then this lotion will keep fresh for months. Every woman knows that lemon juice Is used to bleach and remove such blemishes as freckles, sallowness and tan, and is the Ideal skin softener, smoothener and beautlfler. just try it I Get three ounces ot orchard white at any pharmacy aud two lemons from the grocer and make ud a auarter pint of this sweetly frag rant lemon lotion aad massage, it iuiiv into the face, neck, arms and hands, and tee tor yourself. Adv. aBsaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa1aaBaaBal aaaaaaaelaaaaaal aaaBaaVBaW -'Baaas'MEZ nninbitiii ..-fc JAP GENERAL VISITSCHINESE TRIP CAtHKM MUCH COMMEXT, AH JAPAKE8R HAVK BKKX CHARGED WITH MRODLING IX CHINA AFFAIRS to an NANKING, China, Jane H. Tho visit of Lieutenant General Tanaka, vice chief of the Japanese general staff, to China, has caused much comment. He went to Tslng-tau and other points In Shantung province, where the Japanese have been 'charged by the Chinese with helping revolution ists, and in other ways undermining Chinese authority. Chinese oclals extended General Tanaka every cour tesy at Tslnanfu and other places of Importance visited by his. He was entertained at many dinners before he reached Nanking, Chinese newspapers have comment ed widely on the visit of General Tanaka at a time when internal af fairs are so unsettled in the repabUc and the anti-Japanese press has saade many bitter attacks on the alasioa, which was denounced as one designed to cause further uneasiness. WANTED. Three or four nicely furnished rooms with a private family, will cob. elder board and room, family of three, apply to W. O. Dawson, care of K. Sugarman. J7-Jt Choice Building Lots Surrounding the Chevrolet Au tomobile plant in the electric loop district at Oakland, sold, on easy terms. See or phone Mr. Englander at the White Pelican hotel. Will be bare (or a few days only. - ,.,,,, j,, 1,1 HI 120 South Sixth Street S' nlBBBWBBCTrsr sr H-r? vCbbbbbV QsrTjflv ti&P 2 TillssBTBBBBmwwnvJk SBbbbbbbbbb1 Una Qs- J all BMBBBBBmBgaj.iEBSsg-ygPBBBBBBBM JVUn J i 'f I H 311 WBbBBbI WSteiHMAKiBBBBBVR BHlfl t?& 11D iHwl JJbSSsbwBHbbw7 SO "- !s BBwlvWZ - - Xrl l&snt t.Pkm BjiPBUl BBBES3 SBSWHiBKS. fMBBBW i, bSaSuV JbswES"" -Bs5sbX. BBr ,' '..f.; SbssbbswbssbTSIX seHBBBBBHNHaB LaBBBBBHjBHWaT MBa'c'JsBBsMk V' SBBSbV BsV'SSWaSfBBBBBBBBBBBfr VVBbV"' ' "", TBBBaaJBBsw ' BBsssBBMCaBBBFC rtli BXaxaaAssw bbsbsSsbbbbt , !x.-s,'-,U I tttrl If wf I r A ' '..V:- a I pU ti. -w y:m I "nSK" on your tire is a guar- I $m I antee that you have the greatert .1 il I dollar-for-aollar value that it is IMl I possible to buy. When you pay MkWm I more than Fisk prices you pay: lfM I for something that doesn't exist. ;ipl I ft tr ii p -mmW'm I I- Hauiia uaraciA IV J3 bVW ww -w -, - TB t stiffs wf.ailAdEiPB sdcau - ' ':.hw;.' ;wxm IMIHIMIIHH .'' JHOBH LEAwnmirMCAifctril , mm, AMSTERDAM, June I!.-Ow1tW ,,;ssflMi the scarcity of leather la OefMMr order has, been Issued reiuistile ing me sums oi an una and .wild' rabbits, hares and domestic eats. ' A STOPS HEADACHE, PAIN, NEURALGIA Doit Mff! fTJr.Ja Mt u.1 Tea eaa dear your bead aad relieve a dull, splitting or violent tkrobWag baadaebe to a aMMeat witt a Dr. JasMS Headasbe Powder. This oM time beadaebe rtlktf acts alsaost ssagi eaTlr. 8cad sonw eae to the dreg store now for a disss yaeksge aad a few sm taeats after Tea take a powder you will wonder what became of the bead-f ache, neuralgia aad pain. Stop suffer ing it's needless. Bo sure you got what you ask for. W. D. MILLER Koeflac Ooatfacter Maltboid, Tar and Gravel -lag. Root Coating. Repair Work a Specialty. Ml 8. Mxtb Street. Pboae SIS. WOOD Place yeur Order fer QUEEN SLAB WOOD NOW Beat weed obtainable fer the meaey Khatk Fed Ce. WWWWWWAWWW Antomobile Ilia ukniziiig and Repairing All work Guaranteed - KLAMATH AUTO TIRE COMPANY r .;,,. - SBB-.,-JIaBBl m t.lW! wm 2& vfcJ5 J! K.1 &tm fkHll wrat ? . .V' m . 'Mm "XtS . AuVi-; KSf 0M, tm ikl k, SVCSU "ia-ti Wi i te&A M'l'l VJKPfJ i.S "tJI f$4 Jm V . !lM1 iv mi n-ino ytm zii"-X Ml ?i rt-!"f.S J.tiHy J-tTS '. ."i V r A. . S'"K cTm! 3 mm JSS -ti.. ' f ' 1MFM "sa? .""CSt v Triit mm ym mn &; iiM .53 rm M 5 Ui;l vmn