-fy $? m '- Wm m-.m MiLoAv?'!. M mmi cEIji? lEu ettmg Brald OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH COUNTY 1 0FF1CUI, L r,Ai ,. K.'.A.- . .rh-iJ.. ji kIovomOi Vtt-,ti. ti.ilil KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY JUNE 29, 1917 c 'ii ii k. LIBERTY GODDESS CONTEST WINDING UP WITH A RUSH (lltOVND IIHKAKING (V.llKMOXV AT THIRD AMI KLAMATH tlteage Vrum NUtli Mlrtirt titration Made in Nat lm Walk Will He 1 Hrld Tarwlay Morning at lotito, Following Parod IMHjt Make Flrat Flight at I3t.10 Tuemlay. Ill lredea pinnae!. The race fur the Ooddes of Lib erty took a sudden turn yrsterday when friend of one of I tin local can dldala quietly turned nut and began actively soliciting vote for their can didate on tho street. Today friend of the other are busy also, and hundreds of vole will be secured before the poll close to night. It bring tmHtble at thl time to get any check on the return above yesterday. A rhaugn ha been made for the ground breaking rcremonle. Tuesday morning at 10:30 o'clock, which wire announced to take place on Sixth at reel. They will be held at the cor. Btr of Third street and Klamath avc- nue, close to the court house square, where the speaking In to follow. The change i made at the sug gestion of Mr. Htrahorn. as It will Ve the loug walk and dusty part of Ibt trip to tho end of the pavement on Blitb street. The new location, at Third and Klamath la the point where the rail' road right of way cornea onto Klam ath avenue. Arrangements for the big celebra tion neu week are commencing to taka definite shape. The committers arc working night and day to stage tba the various events on schedule tlrao, and so as not to conflict with each other. Every feature Is going .to be. a winner, and It I believed that the many visitor who are expected will feel well repaid for making the trip here. A stage coach of the carl) days has been ecured for the transportation section of the parade on the third. and under the supervision of O. A. Rtearn of this city, will appear as In the nloneer days of the county. The program as outlined for the two days follew: Tucwlay, July SM. 9:45 Parade. lo:au tlround breaking exercliwtt and speaking; Hon. 13. I. Putnam representing tho governor, lion. C. II. An bury, acting for Klamath Indian Agent. Hon. Ver non A. Forbm of llend. IIIhIhip Matt 8. Hughes of Portland. Hon. W. t. Che ney or Keattle, Hon. Wald I'alne. vice president and traffic manager or Great Northern railway In Wash InKton; Hon, Hubert K. Htrahorn. 8ioknno, Wash. 1I:SU Aeroplane night by l.ymuu Doty, aviator. I 3:30 Hall game, Klamath Falls vs. Sacramento. ' 4:30 Aeroplane flight by l.ywnii Doty. 7:30 Banquet to visitor by cltl sen or Klamath Pall at White Pelican hotel. 8:00 Street dancing between Fifth and Sixth, on Main street. Music thruout tho day by, Klamath Fall Military Hand. Wwlneaday, July 4th :4B Parade. 10:30 July 4 oration and exorcises, court houso Mquure. 12:30 Acrnitlnno lllght by Lynwn Dot, ' 3:30 Ball gamo, Sacramento v. Klamath Fall. 4:30 Flight by Lyman Doty, ball park. 8:30 Firework furnished by Illtt Firework Co,, Panama Pacific Exposition fire work program. ' 0:00 Street dancing between Fifth and SUtb, on Main street, Mmte thruout the day by Klamath Fall Military Band. The various commute working Penhing At a Cadet at Wert Point This photograph of Major Uenera. John Joteph Pershing, now com mander of the American forces rn Kri.nce. was taken In 1 SSC. when be was a cadet In Vet Point. STRAHQRN HERE FROM SPOKANE NO IXiNTHACTS TO UK AWAIIHKO INTO. f.Ki:itKN('K IS MAD WITH t'HIKK KMilNKKIt IMKJfK ON MATTKKM ftobert K. Strnhorn. accompanied by Mm. Strahcrn and Mr and Mrs. M. Murclttroyd of Spokane, arrived late jctterda) by auto from that point. They have engaged quarters at the White Pelican. hcre Mr. Strahorn saM he will make his headquarters thruuch the summer and until the nrl link of the railroad I well along toward completion. Several matters of Importance which he expected would be taken care of before hit arrival, will occupy his attention before the ijsteni is offi cial! dedicated next week. No contract, will be awarded until he link gone over the matter thorol with Chief Knglnecr N. H. Iloguc. J. F. Ilakcr Is In town from Malln Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Pclton of Uose- burg arrived last night on a trip here. out the details of the cclebiatlon un- der tho chalrmauhhlp of W. P. John mm arc alven belew: nnr., ...i rntiimltlev J. W. Slem- ens, Kd Vannlce. K. Sugarman. Parade committee Will l.ee, H. II Dunbar. W. A. Uelxell. Grand stand committee O. B. Wllloy, M. 8. Wfit, Harry acmc. Fireworks committee l.ee Mean, O. W. llobcrtson. Ifaseball commltttx O. B. Wlllcy, Fred ttarrleh, Kay Watts. Street dauco committee C 1). Tajlor, Roland (Hals) er, J. U. Mc Alllstor. Aeroplane committee Dr. C. b. Wheeler, Dr. eo. Cathoy. Publicity committee W. O. Smith, W. II. Mason, Fred Fleet. Master Oround-IlreaklnB ccrcmon lus Bert Hall. Tonstmnster nt banquet Bert Spoakorn nt banqtet C. F. Stono for Klamath Fall; O. P. Putnam for Oovernor; Vernon Forbe and . D. Cheney for district: C. II. Asbury for Indian Agency: Robert K. Strahorn and Blibcp Matt S. Hughe. .,. h of July Oration BUhop .Matt . Htlghe. Introduced hy Hon. 1, V. Kuykendall. rmmmE?7v. .V' 7 sbbbbtPv y$ut f li bbsbmk',$ ., xsbbbvI fLtHEttiSMiL w rrBBBBBBBBBBBBmf Htullp. tcj Hi BJgssBmlE? 'w Vtt fjUm mWr tju I gKgHggsVmmmv lmmmmmmmmmgBav I mmmmmmmsmma MsBBBBBmmv gggggggggmggjjaBHv rfPrSc I RRHrWS''i " p I risfjf $ "V ' I '- I I iazswXBwvgTMaammwr JOHN a PffOMINg, -'BBassBsiSBBvm ALLIES MUST FIGHT TO END I.MYI GEORGE HAVH ACXTCPT. AM'K OK GERMANY'S CHAI. LENGE TO CIVILIZATION MIST UK MH'GIIT OCT t:i.A"' ., Jus i? "The altl mutt fight until they have reached tl. cm! lliey nt out to attain when they arcet'ted CirmaLy's challenge to clillUalloti," Kc!.ireJ Premier Lloyd OorKe In a sicrch here today. "To permit tLc ar to end a single hour monrr vould be the greatest (I littler that our Lcft-l mankind," be dccUrtJ. The.- Iitlraiice4 ari- slgnlScant at this tiine, b-caiie It was recently sug. rcitrU that the allies might revise their ar,alms It has alto been hinted that Chan cellor Hollweg might make new state mrnt regarding Germany's war aimi at neit week's tcmlon of the rclcb tag OREGON FLOOD VICTIMS AIDED ItKTlKX TO HOMKS THX)BY THAT HAM RKLHiSIXO 12,000,. tioo aLUS WATKR DY.VA. MITKH DIKMISKU ' UAKKit. Ore , June !. Residents of Hock Creek, Haines and Muddy Creek are returning to their home eotated by yesterday's flood, when 1.130.000 gallons of water poured fioni the broken dam at Klllmacue l-ake. The realdenU are taking refugees lito their homes. Utile credence Is placed In a story that the dam was dynamited. A sus pect who was arrested last night has been released. KIAMATHS WILL mkktim; callkii for july sth NEAR KtRT tMMlTTKB DK MltKS INDIANS TO ItKCOMK flTIZKNsi. I.1KK WHITK8 DusatUncd with prevailing condi tions on the Klamath Indian reserva tion, and desiriug to become citizen of the United State, a general meet ing of all Indians ha been called for July T.th at the old celebration grounds, near Fort Klamath, to con sider plans for bringing this matter about. Clajton Kirk. William Crawforu. Abraham Charle and Garfield Jack are among the leaders of the move ment, and are among the Influential men of the tribe. The Indians feel that they are now capable of undertaking the responsi bilities of citlsenshlp, and can look after their own Interest better than they arc now taken care of by the In diau department. Clayton Kirk has recently returned from a trip to Washington, D. C. where he went as a delegate In tribal Interest. He Is not satisfied with the way the Indian problem are han dled In the department, and desires the Klamath to take steps to prove their ability to handle their own af fair. The committee also desires the reservation land to be thrown open. . Mr. and Mr. Jaf Pelton are here for a brief visit from Fort Klam ath. They are rt!Urd at the White Pelican. DISCUSS QUESTION Organizing Nation-Wide Wake Up American Cpnpaigii Hr H wKr s V&lggl gggH -vl m-F TlllgH j tWst ggaMaH gH VIK.. "HaBlJjglHakaSEmmS iiA4v w VSiftllllH mHi -S- BMkSPwVglH itm rgggl mlB ? TaimBmM hlmmm Jf v4ggHI9H BAkP ' BgkmmmmmmmmH & eMmmmmmmmVUgH gggSig9p9''r 3 CniBmmmmmmmV SgglBHlBvM V2mk &KKM BbbbbbbbV8JIsbI 1M tS(Mgvly wtSivji-'imml I glBBBBBBBBBHrtiWl . v KIbbI WB,i .feaC-iti? s -'. . .i ill ,;iWrsi -tri ici--'si bIb?' "Z sslH l6TS.'(P' -Mi M KB!' As BUiaBVV '&"& .geM Hi Jm IgMgKSi IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVOfssftHgtfvV ktllllllllHSt gHHHHHIIH POFV', ! aHma WgB IIL mftftr Mal gr 9. .L -'te" 9AIRilglmH rVJIjKB v' 3W smmmmml T&'VfMsl b9Ll msr M WllMr ag g1 bk ,1 sRmmVrkaBP H ssv v?GtF .gBV i m asl J . ssi lft to right, top row Henry J. Alle n. alitor WklUta Beanw. aad rrp r A. n. Hart, professor of hist ory at Harvard; eeoia torn fh; llOllp X. Moore of Ht Iioalm pr sdesitof the NatlOBal men. anitAvthar K. Beator, sweet of the Ch.st.u-H- lastltwOlea: third row . 8. Meaken, dialnn aa of evecutlve committee of th Na tional Security League, aad Prof ewor T. K. Moraa of Perdae OoUe. These members of a committee of the Rational Security League are hard at work on a plan to send.ora tors over the United States to arouse the people to a better understanding of war and Its needs. Flnul plans for Greece Considers State War Exists; Not Declared ATHENS. June 29. Tho war has! exist since ite advent aa a power yes-tprilav rot been declared, the Greek govern- ment cousldcrs that a btate of war! PERSHING HOST TO LORRAINERS HKl'KIVF.S DKLBtisfriON FROM ALBACE-LORUAINK, OK WHICH PROVINCES THE GENERAL IS A DESCENDANT PARIS, June 89. Generat Persu ing yesterday received a delegation from the Alsace-Lorraine republican committee Referring to Pershing s Alsatian ancestry, the spokesman of the com mlttee told him how proud tney are that a descendant of their country came to fight for them. General Pershing wa vuimy moved, lie said that he was happy to gveet the pooplo who suffered so deeply because of fidelity to tneir onuntrv and further that he ha a warm place In hi heart for Alsace, tho land of hi fathers. -Bpratt Well, a well known stock man of the Bly dtotrlct, came In yes terday to lnnk nfter business matter. ' 'It 7 f the' campaign will be arranged at a conference of all organisation en raced In patriotic education and a speakers' training camp at Chautau qua Institution. Chautauqua, N. T from July 3 to July 7. . Tne recan 0f ai Greek diplomats from the central power to Imminent. ANOTHER SCHOOL DIRECTOR SUED t OMPLA1NT MADE BY DISTRICT ATTORNEY ON GROVNDS THAT JENNIE SHANKS OK CRESCENT IS NOT A CITIZEN A second suit In the Crescent school election tight haa been filed with thp circuit court clerk by Dis trict Attorney Duncan and other, , , t Jcnnlo c , Snks of Crescent, of the school board. The complaint alleges that the de fendant has usurped, Intruded and held Illegally a position of the school board of District No. 89 since on or about May , 1917. ,, nkA ..AM,,l.ln la .nB.dll OD the Urcund that the deferflant l not a cltUen or the United States. Dut a subject, of Great BrNatn. Some time ago tylt was brought gainst aeveral pafjle at Crescent who. it is stated, areHllegaUy holding school board oHees ftru Juggling tho returns 1 the election. SOUTHERI TIMBER MEN VISIT HERE PARTY HKADEt) BY R. A., BOOTH VUMTH BOOTH TIMBER, WHICH MAY RR8CLT IX BKAL, BCK TO HTRAHORN RAILROAD A party of UmbermaB, headed by R. A.Jootb, president of the Booth Kelly Lumber company of Eugene. Sprlngaeld and Weadllag, Oregon, aad E. A. Frowt. F. D. Whlted. J. L. Keeaan, C. W. Nelson and C. D.'John- on. of the Johnsoa-Frost comDaar of LoaMana. arrived here last alght and left this morning, after Inspect ing the white pla timber owned by the Booth compaay la the northern part of the coaaty tbla week. They stayed at the White Pelican over night, and had nothing to say concerning the trip except that they were vlaltlng the couatry and Inspect- i lag the timber resource. It la understood, however, that a deal Involving extensive development of the white pipe Industry in Uw county may remit from the baildlag of the Strahara railroad from this city, which, la expected to Up the timber owaea by the Booth company. SUITS INVOIIE AB0UT7 ACRES TOTAL Or OYER 11 HAVE BKKN OFFRRHD BY COMMrTTEK FOR LANBB, BCT RKFC8KB BY THE OWNERS OF THREE TRACTS y The condemnation salts hroaght ta the aasaa tha etty against owners of thrae tracts t land on the right of tray forth BwrRaMn'araTTor' a total of 7.S7 acres of mad,- for-walea a total earn of $11.15 has been of fered to the owners by tho right of wsy committee, which sums have been refused. The flrst suit Is brought against A. Ganthler and J. O. Gaathler. owners, and Mike Brod. who to tn possession. The owners are non-residents of the county. The committee ask for a right of way strip 100 feet la width; aa is the ease in all throe nK; on this tract covering about 3.09 acres of land. The committee has ofered the owners the mm of $30.0 for the land, aad haa been refaad.aays the complaint. Th, .w,ii ant l. inlut Chaa. E. Wlldey, who does not reside here, tor l.vi sens v taw, - of $136.15 haa been offered by the committee, and refused. The third ult i against Mary C. McCarley. owner In possession, and W. B. McCarley, who claims an In terest, and B. 8. Grlgsby. who claim to bold a tax Ilea against the land, and the state land hoard thru a mort nn. The committee desires 3.47 acres, and has ofered $34.70, states the complaiat, which has been re fused bv the owner. The suit as reported would seem to imnly that B. 8. Grlgsby haa not given rights of way on his land, which Is not the case. Ha and Mrs. Qrtgsoy have given right of war thru their lands amounting to $500 or tvoo HOAGLAND PASSES EXAMINATIONS Word received from Louis Hoag land state that he haa succeeded la passing his anal examinations as an 'expert gaa engine man," at Fort 8am Houston, Texas. His letter states: "I passed the expert gas engine exams today by a perfect score of actual work, and am assigned to stay in the shoos. Eighteen of us out of 150 In our squadron wade good In the hop. About tba same proportion niui la aaroDlano awemDiing. i am tne nnd dandy In grant ehape and enjoytal P 9 "" w . 1. E. Walferd of Yalhax to daw on builnaw, vr i. .ti$m idling ftHH c JMt iininmiFR .P '. . 6EIN6EIGI t ii,,.j CnOlMAX POWtlONB iA uinuun, . , iw UK. mm a ti TlT troops in their oteasive have whole objectives freea th sir. a telaarram from tfes) frssk. - w . . . ' j-. Oermaa forward peeRlssM ' mt beea cantered on a . nfd oath and west of Oppy, einlM Arms sector. .,. , ,?,! MaekbM gvna have boon .saglswit also, aaa taw uiiisbb mmmmmw mmmm-:. grosuM sosna wc awwmsisai'eBsa jmmym- Untered tho town of iMM, JM iBBm MMk nr iHM. nz ...flrtftf'rtu -.'K " YARahlrBONT 4l Ha fltrikes at Far Wnnti of 4kv :" ami nasi Lteos Ahesst CTIf ,OHHt, Towb Two MlyiweB,CM4MibX -T, glsMMmasW sW mVjsmHmhiBml ' vy JFvesicsi amSMK as sjsjbbjst anaw' Fast Is WetesT"" " V$$& wj?y fPB,3 ' -- W - T r J fMnAdI Umlm tm alBllBV mm ! BBBTT V.W-..-. . j ,-j q--,--?UT-TAK. tanks ahoat Lena, taa Croat awnv, in a wide eireUsg PARIS. Jaao 3. Plehad traaaa have at frnat mad at Avecoart Waagvgdmltg) . - iii .winratair'sa sa'adli''---'' . . Kt-..' vfiV'.' r- . iiw ?vt. Tae rreaea are iimia.w4i tacks aacept la a few P tho Germaaa obteJa!)!, the trst Maes. . t&hm&if' ' m :?$?, Th. ,knn uhui BBsnaaassi bbsbk:m sa if" M'S'SSSi BssmfssL' --; V2K$f4 t , WW fJi't v Mftrt$S . .ft&$0& MEN- WHO HAVE ibWMI X7rT -iTiTi .! '-- ' WAR, HOBSEMEN AKB ATED ACTOMOBOJtB BT tWOE 1fisiS DKdIRED BY COMMrTTEE v - mm It I nrgently desired thai m SBjvJh aa poaslble of tho l.tM aa whrlK r utnd la Klamath eoaatyfor'ssH'1';: tary duty ahall Uhe part ta,tha ImlKl parada'to be ImU mftilr b' Wk Ue committee la caarte. sM'BB ctollyoaJnIy4th. .V.i&$S it i. ike desired out aa-aasw'i;.: mounted moa aa iMiiBili-afc'tf " - . 'jt. irt t the Berades. iM'iwwim many decorated en4ssefJiHv v nmrt in what la BteaBvad sOfiOwB'SBl of the bigs parades and dftMMS g or painoiss .; J. i i-JT; "" ' ., v. iMii and Klamath esjastaJJnly..g-. tn .nto. ara wanted hi bath lMJs3ft the decorated ones on ant n. -VJCM .v i ... a mwmrdes4a 'j -" - . . ...vr-- s.fj-. thn htst decorated autmaMhHo & T .. F.i.rl M ..! m.. In IRA !! B tfW.v" Tha trt is $10, aeeoad 'H,iH; Klamath FWto W'MgUl aunareae oi wuifn pw - --.-. people, ,aa well aa ntajny dljHnwpMW guesU of Waaas0.,OrJwj .. . J K- TJmrtkmrm'mni MlSBBBa. WMtum .tats, aad tt to deetfed.tssK ' thebat PfW'; maao jniy a aaa si' ' tv. nrad aa July 3 ,wttt, MM! it., -urkit. v.1Im hatel. astlBVn Bwr iw nv ' "'-LT'-V..'Z!,i. surt.n, pla for M eWggiftlR HBiBiailBitTgfU adiaVfte asrw -- ,i- f , day, will start at 114 : .TMmi'mM. ova.- mmva Vl tMBWIJI,-.",' ni.a -.- -- " ;' -v !T2. mm. vmm IWllSftSIBBnTr SMSSIMBUSi . tiax w yjT. v;v(y aiiv hA. mna mmm mam .mmmrmmmm meet at U court koaao 'iwrt . hJK ' morrow storaladf' " jff mwmg aiaiii rna raaaa BHriaawvaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBm oamBBr - ehlMroa'g featao kr bad' ' J . -JMW- f--tlf ". bratWa fmnmm. -wp:? & Mr. Lawra syer.nBis la direct caag.''4 rH" . !l,t!S,,SJ BfgjBBBBKw V gsssrawa -lk . a. lA.1nBBBsmHgJssssa. kT? mmirm;zzs7t .1 'V''TWrtrr- f-it (r"V5i,'Ji'rtt, imiVmwmmuitf- "iT'ssfnTrnfliTir 'I Ja iT V -z 4. :m :& n:i S&jrl vz,a? MB ja.t&r.t'nmKW'lWi" cnPHl ' x tvt NJ!4 J. 1--rtil J-t r StVi . 3Si.Zf,airii . .hMUmv SS3JIJf jWZZ iT Z, k .. X ,.. .JmmmmmmmM