WKSSS m tSfrg jEuenhtg Meratfi OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER J M.r?.i OFFICIAL OF KLAMATH COUNTY L'. sf$ aiasMaU r tESKssmeurftnascMsqosnssai Eleventh Vimi ii. n,illn sissalasssasaxMHI KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY JUNE 24Te 17 . HWjtjr JJWJjMA vi5S!SHt! v v'i 7. v ssao i 11 LIBERTY GODDESS CONTEST IS FAST HEARING FINISH! NIMH MARIE IIAMIIO HTII.I. MAINS IN tr.SU in:. PrwgraHi of Evrtiu U Pn-iwnil anil Will lie lllvrii Out for Publication Tomorrow Tho PMntilm Will Re Hti-lMno.u-t lo It liltm m While Pelican In VMUin In Clly, ProtMlneat Visitor. Will Speak. 44)44444)44444 MODRKMM'OF MIIKIITV Mario lUmlM 4,500 Cltr Calhlna t.noo llM Plrkett 3,000 4 , Madge duimi :,ooo ) A tomorrow la the wlndup of the' contest for (ioddei of Liberty, the friend of the young lady candidal! am becoming more active In support of their favorites, Mlw Mario llambo la still at the head of the Hat. with ,5uo votes to her credit. Mlaa Clara Calkins has jumped to second place with 4.000. Miss llcaal I'lckclt and Miss Madge Dixon now have 3,000 and !,&00 votes rcspec lively. The contest closes tomorrow after noon at fi o'clock. All Interested are urged lo get In their votes before that lime. The Birahom Dedication and July 41b celebration are to be so brim full of events that it has been very diffi cult to arrange a schedule where all the feature ran bo given a place. Diaculllos of thl problem were Ibreahcd out until a lata hour by the different committers last night, and after thoro discussion the following program was eutlined: The parades, which are to be undor the supervision of W. T. l.ee, II. II. Dunbar uud ,W. A. Deltell, will be staged In keeping with the two dif ferent events commemorated. For Tuesday It planned a historical pagvunt, Illustrative of the transpor tation of Central Oregon. This pa rade will be led by the Klamath and Modoc Indians In old costumes, fol lowed by miners' pack trains, settlors' wagon, stage coaches, cowboys and railroad floats. It la also expected that n greater portion of the thousand and one men rf Utcred for the draft will be In the parade, with it section on horseback. On July 4th tho parade given will be emblematic of tho loyalty and patriotism of our nation at this lime. Civil and Spanish war veterans, eligi ble under the new army act, Wo man's Itellef Corps, Hod Cross chap ter will all be represented In the varl oui sections of the parade. A special feature will be tho mnrchliiK of thu school children undor thu direction of Mm. Laura Mayer. A banquet will ho tendered tho clty'a visitors Tuesday night at the White Pelican hotel, at which tlmo (he prominent visitors will speak. The list of speakers will bo announced to morrow. v Kl' WORTH LKAIJUKH WILL VIKIT HAWMILL All Kpworth Leaguors and thoir frlonds uro cordially Invited to attend hiking parly tonight, lo start at 7: in at the llrnco M. K, church. They will go lo PellcBii City, after which they will bo nerved refreshment! and hown thru tho Pollcnn lluy Lumber company's sawmill. CJOVKIINOR NAMKH KXKMPTIOX HOARD 8A1.KM. Juno 88. Oovornor With yoombe has appointed G, L. Humph rey. C. R. Detail and Dr. Warren v . . . Hunt to act as the exemption board in Klamath county. These will pan upon claims for exemption from the draft for the uew national army, HEROIC KMMATII FALLH Them la n Hplrndld example of imlillc spirit In the work of Kli.tii.itli Full connection with lh Htruhorn railroad. Tlmt little rlty Invented $300,. Hti In tin. rimil, It la n proillical support of the eliterprUo, The people provided the funds for building twenty miu-H f till) lltm, beadle imidi otiii-r money and properly for terminals, rights-of-way iiml other require ment for cnrnuraglng Hie con struction of tht. road. Tim effort put foith by a com- paratlvrly niniili number of peo- pin turrit lo accomplish auch a wonderful result Iiuh hren heroic In Ilin hlgtiral degree. It la a riitnarknliln illaplay of purpose. clllerprUe ami self help, A moat pleaalng feature la that thin trvmundoiia effort by thn people of Klamath Falls has been made to Up themselves up more cloaely to Portland. Their rail coniiectltiiiH have been such a to naturally bind them to Cal ifornia, A carload of potatoes or other local products to be deliv ered In I'ortlaml had lo make a lone excursion southward thru Northern California to Weed and Iheiicn northward to thla city. It was a round about procesa that made business with Port- land dliririilt and illiu-ouraglug, The Htrahorn railroad offered deliverance, and the Klamath Kails people acted. They enlist- ed for a great railroad drive. Their erfertlvcneM and Hie spirit are revealed In the figures of their contribution!!, and they are figures lo reflect the highest credit uKn a far larger rommun Ity. The beginning of construction on the Htrahorn line Is to be eel- ebrated at Klamath Palls July 3 and I. There Is lo be an excur- slon from I'oriland. and Port- T T . . ' ... . " .. v ine spiru or tviamam ran, u will be opportunity lo stand on 4 distant border and gel the viewpoint of remote Oregon. And It will be u chance far Port- land to catch the spirit of push that, applied here, would write progress and prosperity above the portals of Portland Port- land Journal. .. LOCAL HOSPITAL NOW ACCREDITED STATK HOARD OK KXAMJXKRS ACTS HIVttRARLK OX HKJUKT TO ALUIW IAK.-AL SCHOOL TO (IIYK XirilSKJi t'KRTIKICATKS PORTLAND, Juno 2S. The state board of hospital examiners designat ed an accredited training school for muses at tho lilackbum hospital at Klamath Fulls today. A. J. Lyle, mauagor of tho local hospital , hua boon attempting to se cure this action for several years. Ordinarily a small hospital is made nn accredited training school only in connection with u lurgo hospltul, but owing l Klamalh's geographical no sltlon It has not been practical to so cslubllsh such u connection here. The president of this board visited the local hospital two weoks ago, and Investigated and viewed tho local hos pital and Its facilities, which she stat od then wero satisfactory. Mr. l.yle. who Bont tho above tele gram from Portland, Biild boforo loav Ing for Portland that tho local hospl tiil'H school will now bo able to glvo nurses who lake the training and do thoir work satisfactorily their diplo mas direct, without their being com pelled to spond several months at a larger hospital, as Is ordinarily the case. Elks Lodge Tonight. Klamath Fall Lodge 1247, n. P. ' -. ..- in t..1 . ue.sviilfit ettaftlnn to o. kiss, wi ---' ""-- " nisht. At this time arrangements to he perfected for an Elk's float for the big parade at the' coming election. BAN PLACED ON FETTI AND SDCH MAYOR CHIHLEH INSTRUCTS If). LICE TO ARREST FOR USING TORPEDO CAXKK, HIHROXS AXDI CONFETTI l. CELEIIHATINU "Owing to the many complaints on thn part of luminous men and resl- ,"vnu or the city made In the pant. , reiauve lo trie throwing of confetti tand paper ribbons on tho streets and sidewalks, rendering the same un a sightly and entailing much work In , i cleaning, and In some Instances work 4 Ing a damage to property, and deem a, Ing that public sentiment In general , Is against the practice, the policy of A, the city during the coming cclobra a tlon will b to enforce the ordinances . forbidding the littering of the streets. and It Is hoped that all cllliens will cooperate," said Mayor C, II. Crlsler 4,1 today. ! 'The city has a specific ordinance relating to firecrackers, torpedo canes .' and fireworks, forbidding use of the 4 same on the streets. "The police have Instructions to ( enforce this ordinance rigidly, and It Oils hoped that cltlscns and parents will lend assistance. The good rea- , sons prompting the observance of the . city taw on these two subjects should 1 be apparent to all." STRAHORN DOE HERE TONIGHT COMI.VU IIV AUTOMOUILK PROM liAKKVIKW WITH MIW. 8TRA HORX AXD HPOKAXK PARTY WILL AXXOVXO: PLAX8 Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Strahorn and a nartv of friends from Spokane arc scheduled to arrive here tonight I by automobile from Lakevlew, after touring thru Central and Eastern Oregon. i They were expected In last night, but made a trip to Lakevlew after visiting llend and after planning to come direct from Bend. chief Knclneer N. H. Home inti- mated today that the letting of the coutracu for construction work on iilm railroad is comnleted. but said no.'ed In the columns of the Herald to- I -" announcement would be made until the announcement. FORJULY 4TH LAKKYIKW PARTY AXD HOUSTON HOYS FROM SUMMER LAKE SAY LARGE NUMUER WILL HE HERE FOR RAILROAD DAY Frank O. Bunting, B. C. Ahlstrom and John McGuIre left today on their return home to Lakeview after a brief business visit to Klamath Falls. ' Mr. Bunting stated that quite a number of Lakeview people are plan ning on coming to Klamath Falls on July 3 and 4 to help celebrate the starting of work on tho Strahorn rallr road, which Is to open up the unde veloped sections of Interior Oregon. Vem and Leo Houston of Summer Uke. who are aUo here with their families for the Fourth, came down by way of Silver Lake, and report a large number or people coming to this city for July 4th. They estimate at least fifteen auto mobile loads will come from that sec. tlon of Oregon. Both Vern and Leo will remain here over the Fourth and Railroad Day before returning to their ranch near Summer Lake. CROWDS COMING PUBLIC SAFETY BODY MEETS TOMUKROW J A special meeting of the Klam ath County Public Safety Com- mlttie will lie held tomorrow nlgbf, at 8 o'clock. In the court nous. A large attendance If desired. :, U. Si AVIATOR BELIEVED KILLED CORPORAIi - HALL, AUTHOR A.l AVIATOIt, SHOT THRU IAJXO WHILK HOHTIXO HKVKX CJKR MAXMAC1IINKH PARIS, June 27. Corporal James Hall of Colfax. Iowa, member of lafayette's Kscadritle, which la com posed principally of American avi ators, Is believed to have been killed while fighting seven German air planes. He was shot thru the lungs, and his machine fell within tho French lines. James Hall Is the author of "Kitch ener's Mob.;' and was formerly in me British shay. BAND CONCERT FRIDAY NIGHT KLAMATH FALLS MILITARY BAND WILL MARK 8KCO.VD AP. PKARAXCK ON KLK8 TKMPLK HTEPS KW PLAYERS HERK' With two new players in the ranks of the Klamath Falls Military band. the second of the-regular street con- will be held on the steps of the I Rika Temnle tomorrow nlffht. F. E. Necley, trombone player from Roseburg, and Alva Walker, cornct- 1st from Gold Hill, are the new mem bers, and these are to be followed shortly by others, according to Man lager John Hubbard. A number of thlse new men Intend to locate here permanently. The pro gram for the concert will be announc i ... morrow night, PRIESTS PLACED UNDEIURREST PAPER REPORTS THAT GERMANS PLACE PRIESTS .IX BELGIUM UNDER ARREST, TAKING SOME TO GERMANY AMSTERDAM, June 28. The Tel. egrnf says that several priests of En tourage of Cardinal Merciers primate of Belgium have been arrested and recently Imprisoned tn Germany. Twenty others have been imprison ed In Belgium. Merciers private sec retary was sentenced to one year tor preaching a sermon on Christian charity. SPOKANE PASSES THRU GOOD YEAR FOR FIRES SPOKANE, June 28. Spokane has passed thru 'an exceptional year in the matter of destructive fires, ac cording to the .report of the chief of the Are department of this city, Just made public. The loss In 1815 was 1511,581. Last year's lots was slight ly moro than one-halt of 1915, the figures being $'307,504. Much of the difference In losses Is ascribed by Chief Week to the fact that Spo kane's department's completely no tarised, CAPTU EOF IBS ft IMMINENT r CANADIAN TROOPS STORM AND CAPTURE GERMAN FRONT LINE IN SUBURB Of LENS, GREAT FRENCH COAL DISTRICT CANADIAN ARMY HEADQUAR TERS IN FRANCE, June 28. Under the protection of artillery Ore, Cana dian troops have stormed and captur ed the German front line ' before Avion, a suburb of Lens, the great French coal city. The assaulting troops, were com posed of men from Columbia, Mani toba, Ontario and Nova Scotia. Their opponents were the crack Prusslsn Guard corps. The advance carried 'the British line to within one mile of the center of Lens. UNCLE SAM IS NOW SET TO GO AMERICANS NOW PREPARED TO LINE UP WITH EUROPEAN VET. ERANS FOR, ACTIVE SERVICE e IN FRONT TRENCHES ' WASHINGTON, D. C. Jane 28. Somewhere In France thousands of American soldiers are encamped. ready to take their places la the trenches beside ithe allies' jseasonid campaigners. aj)Kf The regulars and marines leaded yesterday after .a voyage. In which German subinarfaeK:wera'elHeVaa4 all records broken for'transportlag a large military unit overseas. The Americans bare supplies taken from this country already stored. which will be sufficient for months. COCCHI FEELS MORALLY FREE r ,, CONSCIENCE DOES NOT HURT HIM, BUT READY TO UNDERGO LEGAL PENALTY IN ITALY HE FEARS ELECTRIC CHAIR BOLOGNA, Italy. June 28. "I feel myself morally acquitted, but am ready to undergo the legal penalty of my country," Alfred Cocchl. the slay er of Ruth Cruger of New York, la quoted as saying to Interrogations of an Italian Judge. It Is believed that Cocchl, with his friends, dreads a sentence to death in the electric chair. His friends are starting a fund to fight extradition proceedings. LIFE TERMER HEADS CONVICTS RED CROSS SALEM, June 28. One hundred convicts at the Oregon state penlten. tlury recently organised an auxiliary to the Willamette Chapter of" the Red Cross and subscribed $100 to the "mercy fund." Jesse P. Webb, serr. Ing a life term from Portland, was elected president, and George Mc Mahon, another "life termer." was named treasurer. Three women pris oners belong. , CORYALL1S CLOSES MOVIES ON SUNDAY CORVALLIS.June 28. Corvallls has roted to close all motion picture houses here on Sundays. la Earl Beesona former reside ef this city. Is here'froai Ashland. r Mrs; Etta Kilgare s in town this week from Bonansa. ; ORROON DRAFT EXEMPTION iwMUktU entiANizE SALEM, Jgne,l8. The draft exemption boards thruont the state have been ordered to or- gsnUe. , COURT DECIDES AGAINST ESPEE PERMANENT INJUNCTION TO PRE. VENT CLASS RATES FROM GO ING INTO EFFECT DENIED AND I SUIT DISMISSED The attempt of the Southern Pa cific company to secure a permanent injunction against a ruling of the Cal ifornia railroad, commission flxlng certain class rates from California points to the Oregon line has been dismissed by the United Ststes dis trict court aid the rates ordered Into effect, according to a letter re ceived by Secretary Fleet of the Klamath Commercial Club from the traflc managers. The letter Is as follews: The application of the Southern PaeUc company for a permanent In junction prohibiting the enforcement of the order of the railroad commis sion of the state of California In the matter of class rates between Baa Francisco, Oakland, Sacramento, etc., and Northern' California points was dismissed today by the United States district court. Therefore, the South ern Paclic company must Immediate, ly comply with the order of the com mission or take aa. appeal to the su preme coart'of the Halted States. "We are Terymneh of the epiatoa Ihat a appoeTwUI be taken, a they itterry failed "to make' a eeaclaslve ehowtavteirMerVeCbaaiipUesw for the lajaacilea. .'and to onr rnlad and farther appeal weald be frivolous to eay the least. "We propose to ase every efort to hare these rates published Immedi ately, as we feel that the reductions that, will be made at Klamath Falls. as result of this deelelon. are Just and reasonable, aad should hare been published long ago. ,t'We feel confident that there will be.no further litigation In connection with this matter." NAVAL CADETS ARE GRADUATED THIRD YEAR CLASS BOOSTED ONE YEAR TO' BECOME OFFI OERS IN WARDANIELS AD DRESSES AT COMMENCEMENT ANNAPOLIS, June 28. America Is demonstrating to the world that a democracy of 100,000.000 persons can wage war effectively and tn a wide unity of spirit, Secretary of the Nary Daniels declared la hu com mencement address to nearly 100 members of the third year clasa of the United State aaral academy, whose graduation was adranced one year to prorlde officers for warships. "Those who phophested that Amer ica would not enter the war whole heartedly hare beea. discredited," he said. "Only divided councils hare existed as to the beet methods to be employed." Sturling Garrett, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Garrett of this city, is a member of this class, and was, grad uated at noon today with his class. He was a member of the .football' squad wall attending the naval academy, also. Oaklaad Mea Vmtt. Eaf lander Brothers, special repr. senUUres of the- HeadersMitMectHe Loop .araaerUw at. Qaklaad.' Calif, are la the oityjer a week of 'n a weea or mar aa)issjssemi, s uj, a., f '" tarfi auataees.v 'Taf-re Whtts) PeUcaa hatel mmmTA SWEEP TSfMfl - viii!.W m """ "" ' i'Jml in' JL 'iadH HOCK .CREEK. Rl I OW I WB'WMtmi ?r?;' mil m Barme aa4 Fsnsi '.W Away by need Whoa a lWaaa i .. -.- ' .. ' ! at JUHsaacae JSJHM WOK f SMtSMB ftOBSSJsaaa BAKER, Or., Jnne sands of galleas e water i the moaatalaeMe aad' several barns aad farm, I a flfty-feot dam at'KHis fifteen miles west of gave way. ' '" ' '-""k it m report tan tae eaura t of RocW Creek' has beea wa It Is not known It any jirss waft killed. - t &m .RestdeaU of HaJaee.Ma tae the flood, are flsetag to the I Many ranches have also beoKul This lake is on top of the! touBtala rsaae. sad eaten .,Mm &M Ksa 3i. 8'VflC,J'S?S.V 'fci1jhhn$l - (WW "' r .1 . 7... pg Jgfaw ?rii StWVAvtiftg. AND ON vaimm?tiff$m it- -. Mfji,,.i iSi-iN- iJ Pli Klrb . KUasaAh - -- r . ri-." .". ' t was la Waealagtoa, D.C aa. aeiegate aaa maee set forth a sUtement, (. facta lag to the tribal, UtsrseUeftoaf KUmath trtc,,o,,Udlaasas;iaeaif 1 Uined by him at wsaauio;ntB oHclal sourees.duri'ig' hie'. stay. Ia 'The KUmaU Iadlaas kaow.'aad 1 believe they know better, tlsu aay one .else, when there I ment. wnea leasee are unwise control it' their aad it U to W"n;tat thorltiee at,Wasaiagtoa;irB realise the iht'4 4 Is speak, to art. and" to ;pwoafi' .i intelligent aid lal'watlotleisf ed',1 Prtawe1rlaiuasoeealeaie4aise,' heel-fs - mWil The felsewlag are the. drawn frees the InrestlgvUeMi aad theEfneasatk gtndjtkj, flcUl aad unoRclai eaaaaets;,, Ing Sir. Kirk's staynWaTslOat "First, the Indian 'OnWm,;,J disposed to eacoarage; orrita entertala consideratioa of, oar ( foe nartlcloatlOB is" the -J :.' :. ..-:-. -.r.Ji" oi our vrtmmt mmum. '--i.v ,r i Aa. ; m 1 S'.?' kUT "'J II Tileafl ;.tV; y&smt& null! H mil w'Wassgaea,' .a.-uttaan-t', saHSSSJS ssaiSHss, '? seagCT ., '""-llv"' hed away 11 iHKHsMM tMftJ : '), INDIANS WAIT : t SELF fiOVERIWl I sWSssmmmKa- J rVV wismTiiff TRIP TO '1 AM- .SvSHL-' timsgfwmm AsjgesMmKfr - lasaawil1 WSJ mm smesMeWs ' ''tu3'im. "i wB99r"w tssnVB' 'sscond. 'TherVare'SMtiSBalirfstaVilv ! sympathy jwlthaar '',' f - oaiy acting unaer sirtwivss .w; ssssa? -jg. enacted by congress Which. Uj seires aouDuase turssatswBjtfswf not dUpoeed to aid us ta aarwtf A cent that"which ther tksmslftlt 1 ' 'a. " '- .'.' ! . ". ",. - -m "ThlrdhfymoaaMilgatta trol.ot worfcaajoagtsWiam aad do not ssm wllllag te b; farad with br'IndiaaaJoMamaajr t side influence that W&mjjmm: tendency to' lsissa thepoWar a ) -" -, wi,- , . -. ...,,r,'aasr'-: t j a . r.di.i. naiea)." - K?rilffaa;V "Fourth, instead Cdli L. . - , . . a..-,w,7 lal attention. to dlaintsalac aaa it appears that Uey wrtant)! Increasing xpaes byalartiaf ' Held and oHce fores, 'asj aRJI coMladM .', Pag ' iWi' ; Mipa Mr. d Mrs: J. H. BeWey from KlaibathMaralr. mwa ':sb BSSMVasiSSBBSBaBBBBBBBBSSSSBSBSSBSSSSMaaa' ;i-i '?Sii3semBmi V!ii? is X-f . 4&. kk -STlltth at VC I i& r;. li SsD8 I m i r j . t jrr --t j'j1 j- WH jPV.,-jsi