-qmiC W'v-r i I -t"; 'm ' 7 Sift '.! i. i OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH COUNTY w. a c !?H f" .vmsmmmaammtnArtanmiairnv Kleveatli Veer X, ilium RED GROSS TOTAL TOPPED DY FOUR MILLION AT NOON tl9,MO.OOO t:CKKH I'llKDHTKH IIV TOXHillT Klamath tVauly Total Ktpertej) in Itr ! tlHl KdftllbnrlMNMl of U.IMM) Cowplrte. llepurta Are Made ami Totals Am t'umpllM furMVxinty. Believed MMt, ttiaaldertng Itnrat Drain In C'uMMtjr. WANIIIKttTUX. !. V., June 'JA Croa "Humealty IMInr" rempaJgw liaa naaaml the 9100,000.. wltli a total of 9101,000,. II, UtmUtrd at hikdi tmlay. The Heat t'rwa war council pmllri that the total reached will he 91 10,. i by nightfall. WAtllllNGTON. I) 0 , June :C The collection of licit Cross subsrrlp lion obtained In the week's rauipslgii began Willi Indication llial lln lotnl amount would exceed (lie f loo.ooo, 000 goal by sevetal million Several hundred thousand voluti leer worker participated In an in tensive canvas, which was unique In American history Tka plan for the nallon-wlde drive warn completed In Iwo week thru the aid of tht- National V. M. C. A and the chambers of com merer of the United Htatca. The lied Croat drive In Klamntli couaty will net a total of nearly $, 000, according to present Indications For one week a hot of loyal work' era have turned aside every other Malaeaa.au ssatter-how pressing, and davotertaairwliole'tlnin to the relief of suffering humanity. TliU nation' wide movement waa nowhere taken up with greater enthusiasm nor fol lowed with greater steadiness than la Klamath county, where nearly ev. eryone gave generously, according to hla ability. While tho total figure will fall a little short of the quota allotted for Klamath, It la thought hy lenders In the move In consideration of the fact that thla la a new country, mid that ao many nubile demands hnd been made for money In the last fen moatha, that surprisingly Reed re epoaee baa been made. Aa soon aa the complete reports are received from the outside districts, which, may lake a dsy or two, a com. plat atatement will bo published of the .week's work. la the meantime the leaders In the movement wish to sincerely thank the patriotic men and women of this com. munlty who have given their time to thla work, and to those who linve ro ponded so royally to Urn cull for fundi. The reports turned In Monday are aa follows; First Ward Mlsa Maud Ualdwln Hecoml Ward Mrs. O, V. Robertson . . Fourth Want Mr. K. 0. Hall Ihibllr lliMiilis Mra. W. I. Johnson Business Men J. W, Hletnens .fST.qt ....I i nvii . 80.s: . 23r,,3 . r.i.oo Memliendilp Commit too R. II. Dunbar CollntiunN '.I) H. D. Mortenson 70.00 Illy Mra. Dixon !" Wait Side Upper Lake L. Prltchard .r.3.7& Krm Grant NoIhou !".& Hlldebraml J. 0. Wlaht 80 Merrill Mra. M. A. Hilton 27.50 PORTLAND, June 20. P. W. tone, Rod Croia Northwest campaign manager, eatlmated today that Wain Ingtoa, Idaho, Oregon and Montana have ubwrlbed 13,500,000 to the fuad. ActlDit the combined apportion ment for tht Northwest lw of f , MARTIAL LAW IM DMLAHKH l HPAIX MAHItll), June 2,Tlm kov. eminent linn fiiiMmled nil m. Illullonnl Kiniranlres, follow. Iiik speclnl iiihliii't minting yesterday. The SUM" lixlon Of nil ronstl tutlonsl gimraiitees Is similar to Proclamation of martini law In this Uniilry. BRITISH CLOSING SLOWLYON LENS PKTAIX HKMMKH DANHI.MJ !'. KHATIOXN U AIHN'K FRONT. UKHMAXH LOHK .HN I'ltlKOXKIW IX KKillT lly AasocUted I'nmi IIHITIrfll. 1IKADQI riiAM.-une 26. The llrltlsb are rloslnjtliout Lens. t r After the rapture Hun day of Hill Tliree, the enemy's trenches west from the hill mid erral new posl tlon have been occupied nearer lns, Patrols are advancing across the plain of Kaslerly. TliU. this great milling renter, held by the (iermons since early In the war. Is being slowly encircled. lly AsMK-lated l'm (leueral I'llnln lias resumed his dashing operation along the Alsne front and reports h'rllllani success for the allied troop In a surprise attack northwest of lltirtobfsc. 4 The Fwoi h carried the entire flrat line of ihV strong derinan imsltlon 'there, and held them against strong counter atack. erlln reports say that the French traopa-whlcb prnemTM-the Herman lines near IliirlebUa yesterday were subject to a counter attack, and eject ed from the greater part of the posl tlons they occupied. American Destroyed Six Fokkers MiMitiMiunt II. Hall, American mm hor of the French flying corps, who has nlii'iidy arrounted for six Gorman Kokkcra on the western front, Is on his wuy to tho United StHtos under orders of the French government. He was rapidly making fame for himself. Hut ho will come to tho United States to IhHtruct American aviators, 350,000, It Is' Indicated that Oregon has subscribed l,6oo,000 against its quota, or T600,"000. The committees which havo been at work over the countyand In Klamath (Continued oapage t)' laalaWlf2SiSv' .Jafl laasMmAkaCaam IRsawHasaHaB WmxAm I aaaaPflH aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalaHU' " J?-s yr ! "A- lrtVrBtaBJMfI' LXaVI lalT tlWWl f rwvas) KLAMATH FALLS, OttGON, TUESDAY 6REECE TO JOIN ALLIES IF PLANS DO NOTJSCARRY (MMIMKJX OF IXKORMATtOX TO UK MADR King Alesaader Will Kerrite Vealae loa, WImj la K I per ted to Propoao to tiie Deputies That Oreera 4otm tile Alllea Xot to Mobilise Coaatrjr Against It WIH-.VVU1 Rsptala Ad. vantage of Move to People. IXiNDON. June .26. An Athens dispatch to the London Time says that French troops yesterday entered Athens and occupied several points In the ilty, due to demonstrations which occurred Sunday night. The French landed to assist In the main tenance of order. The demonstration was organised by reservists of the navy under the leadership of Demetrlon Gournarls snd his follower. Oournarls Crcece, and dencles. waa once premier of Is of pro-Germsn ten LONDON. June 2S. A Haras dis patch from Athens say that King Alexander, who commissioned former Premier Venitelo to form a new cab. Inet, will receive Venitelo. who ar rived In Athens yesterday. The 1-ondon Time has received a dispatch from Athens, which say that when the Greek parliament convenes Venlielos will probably propose to the deputies that Greece Join the allies. The dispatch says that It Is not In. tended to mobilise the nation against Its will, and It la expected that a great campaign will be undertaken first to explain to the people how Grecian Interest lie with the allies. If the campaign Is successful!. It Is expected Greece will be able to enter the war actively In about three month. CRATER SEASON TO BE DELAYED LXLFXS WORK IS DONE BY KLAM. ATH PM)PLK TO OPKX ROADS. MANY TOL'ItlHTH DAILY PASS KiaMATH Dt'K TO 8XOW Unless some action Is taken by Klamath county people, Crater Lake will not opeu to tourists any earlier this oar than it was last, according to word received from Wilt Steele, who is at the lake, according to K. B Hull. The park was not opened last var until the latter part of July. It Is held imperative by local men that tome action should be taken by local people, and the Wood River Val ley peoplo to make an effort to clear the snow from the roads and see that the park Is open early In July. This Is held especially important, owing to the heavy tourist traffic already pass ing dally over the Pacific highway, and much of which wilt not visit Klamath unless Crater Lake Is open. A count made at a station on the highway one day recently totalled a number of 3(S tourists In one day. It Is also felt that If local people n III take some steps toward opening tho lake earlier, that some aid may bo received from government officials also. Mr. Wilson of the Southern Pacing company advertising department, is here now relative to securing data on the opening of the lake, and was re sponsible for toe word from Mr. Steele. He Is la the Lava Bads aad Glass Mountain region today. S. L. Parknurst Is expected bare today. 'Walter Depuy and Walter Turner are town'vlsltors today. If RACE AND MOTOR CONTESTS ,;F0RJ01Y4TH DR. CATssKY PLACKD IX CHAItOK ' OP RACKS Jt Race TrA U Ksrarrd Thru K. It. Reaaevaa4 Win He Pat la Shape. Airptaa to Ply at Track Letters ArtakawtedgiaK Receipts of lavita Uoa to CeleoraUoa Received Prom Mare Ralph aad R. A. Booth. Thai tka spectacular automobile aad motoreycle races to be held here at the Poaftb of inly celebration are to be a 'big feature of this occasion was.broogat out today at a meeting of tboarraagemeat' committee, when It waa decided to bold a series of races at the race track on Lake Ewauaa. These grouada, which have been secured through the kindness of K. R. Reames, will he Immediately put in shape for the speed demons of tbla aad ouislda districts, a number of whom havtialready made known their desire to participate. Dr. Geoske A. Catbey I to have charge of this feature of the celebra tlon, and aider kls efficient supervl slon the committee feels assured of a well stage! eveat. There will also be at least fee flight of the celebrated aviator, Lyijkan Doty, from this point. as there 1st ample room la front of the grandstand for a machine to tart aad Ikjbt: In the aato races Dr. Catbey plan to have a aUtber of unique races. In eluded aatoig the straight speed con tests, amoMwhtch. U be alow races. races on Jala gear, races- backward; around the track, and others which are hound to create great amusement for the spectators. The decision to hold the races at the track is believed to be a much bet ter plan than the country road race, originally planned. as there will be fsr less danger of acident on the curved track, and' everyone Interest ed can see the entire rare. The long est race will be 50 miles. The contest for the Goddess of Lib erty grows keener as the end draws near. Miss Marie Rambo stilll 'holds the lead, wits 3,700 votes,' and Madge Dixon of Fort Klamath second, with 3,000. Miss Clara Calkins baa 1,700 votes and Miss Bess Pickett 1,400. Miss Houston has withdrawn from the race on account of abence from the city. as has Miss Pearl Bolvln. The con' test closes Friday at 5 p. m.. and all votes must be In by that time. rne to-lowing letter has been re ceived by Mr. Eberleln from James Rolph Jr., mayor of San Francisco "Permit me to thank you for your cordial invitation to 'The Mayor and City Council of San Francisco,' to at tend the celebration, to take place In your city July 3d, to commemorate the beginning of the construction of the Strahorn railroad system for the opening of Central Oregon. "I should like to have attended., but It is Imperative that I should' be! In San Francisco all day the Fourth ! t..i. thai.. h.in -..mho. .r patriotic exercise, planned, at which I am to preside, and this will prevent m havlnv that nlmaura. Thla tuif.l This year. ' which Is unusual one In our history, I feel it my duty to be at home on our National Day. to lead my own fellow cltisens in their demonstrations of loyalty. "I have, boa ever, transmitted your letter to our board of supervisors, and you will bear from that body in due course. With my congratulations to your people upon the commencement of thla project, and the hope that It will be speedily completed, I beg to re main." The following has been received CoBttaaai M 1st B. J. Grant, manager of the Al- goaa lumbar company, is In town to day from Algoma oa business. JUNE 2f, fit Ringini Liberty v. 7 t a f of On the last day of the Liberty Loaa mds were open for awbaeripUea. lmnit were ones for MMerlBtlOa, Mayor Smith of .Philadelphia went, Into Independence Hall aad'raag tte Liberty Bell. It yas the' last call of ' 1-N. e0 . ITlBBBBMBBBBBBBBBBBBmBAl a jt I! YI iiuit uMmMaSK 111 M1 Bb1 MM asBBBBBBBBmamBBBBBBBmBmBBBa BBBBBBBBBBBBBsNXaBBBBBBBV. IHbBBBSS TjaBBBBBBBBSB rBBBBBBBBBBBEBT JbQBBM ' - V'BBBBBBBBBBi laamBBBBBBBBHsBBBBBBBBBa. W BbW 1BBBbHI BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB IBBmBBBBBBBB! bbbbbbbbbbbbbbH ImbH I K-'tlgH mLbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbW MbbbbbbI I 'ryt bbbbbbbbbbbI I bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV IsbbbbbbI Jl bbbbbbbbbbbbI I bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbT sbbbbbL JaalaBBBBBTB UBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBmBBBH Klamath Pioneer Wants Cfler Re-organized ' . . ;a- i. g 1. v of Klamath cwnty-siSSSi-karate celebrate the eatraaee of the railroad to this couhty;aad city, the organisation of the Klamath Pioneers wss Inaugurated with much eathaat asm and a Urge attendance." said O. A. Stearns, a well. known Klamath p'oneer today.-aad premlneaUy cea- nected with this oramatsatloa from Ita start. " "Over 300 of the eltlxeas of this county, whose residence here dated prior to 1890, registered their names as eligible to and desiring member ship. Committees were elected to draw up a constitution and bylaws for the asociatlon. which were later presented, adopted, and the officers provided for therein duly elected," he said. "For three yeara the annual re unlona were held and attended by a large enthusiastic membership. Ev erything gave promise of a contin ued usefulness of the organisation, when suddenly, tor some unknown and unexplained reason, the interest that had been so marked, suddenly ceased, and it has never since, been possible to secure attendance at any call for a Pioneer reunion, aad the beneficial results contemplated thru the organisation have" never been realised. ' "It may have been caused by the disappointment of the realisation of the promises of the Southern Pacific company that Its, railroad was to be continued thru to our state metrop- niint Pertland: or it may have been caused by the Injection of new blood and new enterprises into me commun. i""' SUPREME COURT FAVORS: BONDS TAKKB ACTION ON "BEAN-RAR-RKTT" BILL, AND ISaVVES NAN. DAMUS ORDERING THAT BONDS BK IKSUED TO MATCH FEDERAL MONEV. SALEM, June '? 0r?0.f . premeourt hiaadad dowa rule that 4 tirni ' BU die the aathm to rabaerlbe to the loaa. Re Upped the bell thirteen times, eae for each or tie onrpaai lairon states. Aad the aext cay the worn was'closed oversubserlbed. Us" itgPat k.. t I.M.al Sfc :rtlltl w eeeWoil lickerish kepaa siflgggg many of the pleaaers that a true aad I ! errect klatery of tka early aetUemeat of, thto eoaktr aslclrt be cearpUed from. the. teattaoay ,ef the Uylac actors U IU avolutiea. Tka trials, the hardships, struggles of the early settlers, the kumoross as well aa the pathetic and tragic incidents of that early time that deserve aad should have a place la recorded local history, are likely to become lest, aaless tkere is a revival of laterest in the Pioneer Association- "May the coming Railroad Day eel ehratlea. wherein we meet to cele brate the entry of another railroad lato our county which promises to realise for ua the long promised con. nectloa with other portions of our state, reeatksse aad reanimate tka pioneers of tku oaaaty, causing them to remember the promises of the past, and rally once more to celebrate aad perpetuate the entrance of civilisa tion Into this country la pioneer days. "Every year sees the thinning of our ranks and the passing of every pioneer renders more difficult the task of collecting aad verifying the true history of pioneer days. "I would, suggest that all pioneers of Klamath county, as wall as all eligible to membership, meet together In the court house yard la taw city oa Tuesday, the 3d of July, at S o'clock p. m., to reorganise and reform the Klamath Ploaeer Asociatlon. that thto county may, sot fall behind otter less popular and less Important counties of the state in perpetuating upre. raigMj. . I.. . . - - .. - -.. tne state noara oi control '7 authorised to Issue bonds under the Been-Barratt" bill to match Ue fed eral approprlatloas for state highway construction work. The court Issued a writ of mandam us eammaading It to issue bonds to talling $431,000 to match a like sum uow available from Ue government The decision was -the .result, of a friendly suit to test ike beads under tke Barrett Mil, and ateaaa ek to the future of tke roads la Oregon, as work may be carried oauaaaer, Uto bill as well as under Ue.t000,090 brad Issue. Mr. and Mrs. 0, 0. Couafc aad Mr. aa4 Mrs. B. M. ukbwert;e44y via. Mra ysoriloy .WK' H 'tlm fil Merrill. t . AJfM p 'V "J tr m , f Lt.rfi ETTZXga MMIH m&- UW' ' B g ff ft 4t- jS1 tstema ,i wraLKi " . "fwfet WABHINOTOlf.'D. C. Jem ! w fi ' 'A? the local esemptlea bearee te fear states which win seleet tka dtdates for the aew J Ik. Mm tmtm . i. '.ra vi The rales gevei have not yet bees hawed, bit wffif eat aooa, aa that tka work ei law tke army may bo stertesl av weak. '-'fi:'. rfiJS WA8HIN0TON, D. C. Jaae Kfj Tke eemplete official isgletrMlasi e f military age la tke States show that i at t.m.m claim exessptlea far vnrleea la Ue total retdetr e( ,4t j t3 U laeladed ,H1 ed by the departmeat ef ike I Aa UvaaUgatlaei 1 determiae .tke wkere barely mere tkaa I.; t the asslaaalasT Bsmres akawi O. tke wkeai. 1 rt . - 'y rw i itti aiarsnai uaejerat.CTawaer tka.r sStce.- Mjafehi'sSs Tkraeet tke. boards were u earry Ue arovialems'ef the. aalaatraetedbytbe are appraalmstely; 4. ffvfi boards, sack ef tares aaomaera:, .nMa j appelated ray largely oa tke rieemmaadatlai tta) state authorities. '-The draft ! Onss rnaaltt at tka'akei couaty clerk aad county pkyslaHk. DrsAls(eBeByXaBBr$ '&H The boards ary.erpeetad by at Ue latest teTsmve every, r . . . mm ,1. JmHIbs atwv, mw wvi.. -wvw done byaumber laetaad ef ayi Tke local boards wflt mea registered aj send tkeaa ed earda to Ue adjaM smiarej e the rtate in which they ate, I Each sUto's numerals wBihjJ No. I'tasanrds. spoad wltf Ue aassbers la tke i will be knitted la'ttw.BfwVeeV akaJ aaaasafa effiea la WashlageSSl i" I :-nr . .it Z7&U When Ue draftlac bedas aat mm exnected to hegia aot later tau a i second week of 'July: UeaamkdtW-1 win be drawa frosa a iarywkeel, to wasaiagtoa. Taere win a i ate draft for each state, so state may be called, upon for Ma J nil nam ! BUY not' W ISMaalf 1 ..!. .. .. . niinrliaatlTihaa'1 aaoUer. President Wlaiom wat lbV elatm the number ef must supply. Tka areaidsat alsejwjffil; set a day for Ue drstUag. ; ?Mf Nansbera to Be TilisBaks1 The numbers drawa taea wsH;aw( teleeranked from WaaklkaHM UffiaV goveraors off Ue varies MMea.V . wlU B9tlfy Ue adjutaatasaatej holds tae con sspsniiaa vaamswtsm ,- eards, and Ue adjutaat feaeeal ajif aotlfy Ua leeal bead:asaai; adjaga jurisdtotlea Ue aiaftedmaa jfa,'' Tke onus of detemlalaf wbattar ar aot ko kaa beaa ixim,Vm'mm nun himself. PlenU W BfattaSs have been nude far teiUawasBB-sBrnf kaow whether c.aMTb.rsaaVaaaa; drafted. lweeeteaefUBSisaBas tlealUtaadUeaaamberMbaawaaa to bo a. &mt$m-- TT? -A: hr Si fi. .r. W?Wfj ym.ms BBtsBV'" ANIOWICEWf ! HALE OF Sfflft DRArnXQ ralBCTa'TO.BBBB! i i"-M llqsjeaai Jt amasli aBsaevliai pgassV aeh Oaswly i Afler imBsmaamj Caetai j- m& mwrfnm8s :ii -1 - vir$5M AX,, .-- m 'aa .'.v. .a.z ic''n ?'2JI '--i rt i .i.1 ' , ".iii K' cy.etf, A ,n'' L, vWi 'mste'LiXx 't? i tifhh&m J s : ?