WWUA" i.t-w" t" . f&?: 5AJ,J;AlftL.4.. " . !H' SsaK - Mm,. 3tf 3u tmf tig 'A.iA OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER V", STWW'j - v-J .V-: m OF KLAMATH COUNTY Aittmif t I - w!XA-5 OF KLAMATH - Ifl W.1 .-'. jCBCTitanacaatrir r rvrraaa wwrit i Vl , .-"-frr '.ag-ji KM.Ul VWw..No, il,iUU KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY JUNE 23, 1M7. V ..wi J.i-(ji.vTj "i"? W itirrald NEW JERSEY TOWN AT HEAD OF RED StOSS tl l II I Til TnTii iDIOIinn iiiiniirn i zz rr .i l ia- ft&ft- tji n M !l u ', KLAMATH T01AI NOW OVER $6,000 FOR PAST WEEK NMIKTWAIHT DAM'K MONDAY NIGHT AT i:i.KH Red Oua Will HrniJ -inmliti i Work llrtilmt lUlllr Uno aa Ml- 4m Art Now la Krartrt ami IM- alaa Eugene Ultra km.ooo, Mrt. foul IM.mMI, fori la nil fttM.ooo, Pla Urme llaa Meeting. BISHOP HUGHES WILL BE HERE i FOR JULY 3-41 1 CRATER LAKE HUPPER IH IMRT OF I'LAN New King 0 Greece and Mother a Contribution i:o.T5 Kuril dUtrlcu . ... 4l0 3f. Public booth . ... 159.63 city want i:r..r.o Membership committee. 43 uo 4 Yralerduy total . . .S1.S39.22 l'rov(IU total . . . r., a3K.H0 Grand Total . .t6.7fiK.u3 44444444 WASHINGTON. I. C. June 23 Knglewood, New Jersey, a roldcutlal community, ha collected oer fhe time lla Red Cross Krtltiiriirrit and elands first on tho lint of honor cltltt. All Klamath county, ami especial Ijr tli outside districts, arc Invited to the big ahlrt walM danco at thr Klka Temple Monday evening, for the Red Croaa bcneflt, where the total report for I"" ok"n work will be turned In by the various committee. Hleady progress I being made In all parta of the county by those at work to raise the ftl.ouu In Klam- lb county, and while the fund U con stantly swelling at the rate of 11.200 a day, a IrcmendotiH effort will hai' to be made to get the desired mim by the clone of the canvas Monday Po wholehearted devotion to lied Croaa work, Pine Oroo last night eat an example that all section or the tate might be proud to Imitate. The keanet Interest wan shown In the re marka of the speaker who addrcsKcd tha meeting In the I'lne (Irote school house, and after talks by K. II. Hall, II. I). Mortvnaon, Captain W. F. Arant and C. K. Ktone, the lad leu of the district served n mol Inviting lunch of sandwiches, cake and coffee. all luteraperned with the brxt of feci. In grand good cheer. So encroMiicd were all prcaent with the InlorontliiK work of the lied Cron that the moot. Ing did not break up until midnight. On of the happy Incident,) of the evening waa the donation of u birth day cako to the lied C'roxH by Utile 7-year-old June llrudbury. TIiIh whk old at auction noveral tlmex, uml purchased by the goncrou people of I'lne drove for the total mini of Ill.GO, which amount wa turned over by MIk June to the lied Ci-osk, the young ludy beliiK the yooiiKOHt member of that organization In I'lne 0 rove. Another cako whh iinrtloneil and and re-aurtloned, until the Red Croia wag richer In the mint of $1 maklna- a total for tho dlHtrlct of 1168.65. The raiult of the efficient work of the Pine drove committee, coiiHlstliis of Mm. O. U llrown, Mm. A. I-. Mar Khali, Mra. I). KIIIh Young, and Mrs. Orb Campbell, waa highly pralnod by Chairman Charlea Mack, tho apeukor of the evening Hnd all prewnt. Tho ladlei from Klamath Fall who au dited the work materially were Mra. H. D. Mortemon, Mra. K. H. Hall, Mr. Martin, MIib Marie McMillan and Mra. C. P. fltone. t'onlrat for (iiHhkvw of IMtrtly rni rmllng 1iwr .tt VritUy Mght One tmliiUte Wlllidrana. Hlirr Iterrlvlng V"l Klainatli People Clear hnow ltil to (Yaier Him. -Krt for Aiinoiiiininrnl b) Chalrnian NV P Johiuon that HUhop "Matt" lluglie or Portland will be ono of tho tpcak rr at the Ktraliom dmllratlon here July 3rd U new that lia Junt been rmeltrd with great nut Uf art Ion b) the coiiiinlttif In charge or this cere mony Credit for necurlug thin prominent and Mipular npraker lit due to Itev Ccorgc llennett of the Crace Mctlio- illnl church of thU city, who has fol lowed the trail of the blahop with til egrainn lliruoul the Kant for nome lime. Ills wire recelted today from Portland Mute that he will bo on hand for the ocaslon. HUhop Mutthvw Slniptxin Hughes U a man of national reputation, who haa ortcd aa paator of soeral of the lurgctt Methodist ponlorates In tne United Htateit; Ixia Angele. Toeka Kana., Mlnnvaiiollw Mlnni, and Bos ton, MaMi., being among hli charge. It In foil' that HUhop Hughes' ap pearance on the program here will add much to the Impresltenevs of the event commemorated. Word receded from lloe Zlabck of Merrill states that she wishes her nntne withdrawn from the (ioddesg of Liberty contest for tho July 3-t cclc liratlou. Slio wishes to thank the parties for entering her name In the conteit. and stnton that she finds It in convenient to run. Are you plajlng your favorite in the race for the (ioddess of Liberty fur the Fourth or July pageant? KU candidates are now In the flold for the honor mentioned, and all arc sure to bring out heavy support from their hosts of friends. The contest ends Friday. Juno 29 less than one week from tonight. Folowlng Is a list of the arlous candidates and their present stand ing by etcs: Miss Mario Itumbo l.r.00 Mlsa Pearl llolvln 800 Miss Madce Dixon. Ft. Klamath .100 MUh Clara Calkins .100 Miss Vera Houston '-00 Miss Hess Pickett r00 A large supply of lithographed pos ters featuring tho Struhoru llallroad dedication nnd Fourth of July cele bration here has Just been received by the committee and are now being circulated thruout the country. A modern englno and passenger train, headed with the words "Pros perity," and 'Development" occupies tho central portion of the poster, U ft AgellllVBflfge(lzVlf)tr VSgVgWViHSgikel. gllllllE: & u ii'mmmmmmmmTL l mm w&3k XmmWWmW K agellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllH ? gelllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllwA ' i aVgftglgHgegMKIgeKP Nil . M W i mmmmm bssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssV m ggeilllllllllllllllllH NEW YORK M ITALIAN WANTED CAUGHT IN ITALY COCMD, NTRWin OF YOCXO OWL, GDliriSMES Atfredo OeeeM. WlM Fled to ftalx of Itotk a Dews Caster Clow QtwaUeaiaw of IkaHaa Jiiagi Glvea 1 ui i. si .fi .' otpniin niDTiw .-mri.BBBdaa .aaar m.mwmv.i REPORTS VICTli OVER SUBIAMK Reeawa fer Otear. The new ruler of Greece, Klngate and name bis successor, chose I situation which led to the abdication Alexander, sou of King ConsUntlne.l his second eon. Queen Sophie, sister of the king. Her German taadeacJee Is 24 years of age. The king, pressed of the kaiser, haa done more than any embittered the agents of tbe alllea by the agenta of the allies to abdl-1 other alnglo person to bring about the ' and others against the royal keoae. OBINDALB, June 83. C. O. Hunt haa vlalted nearly every house In the I'levna, Round like und Oiindule districts, hollciting for tho Hod Cross fund. To All Chanters Numerous "end less chain" letters have been brought to the attention of the Hed Cross many of them for causes worthy In theniKolvcs, but conducted by unrec ognixod Individuals. Nothing of this sort has over boon uuthorUed by the lied Cross, nnd this Is to Inform you that all such methods of raising mon ny are without the countenance, or counsel of tho national headquarters. It would be very useful to have this statement printed by your local news papers In as prominent a way as pos sible. Eliot Wadsworth, Acting Chairman... Mr. J7&. McClelaln was In today on' business rrom..ke1lley, which Is produced In a red, white and blue effect. The names "Strahorn" and "Klam ath Falls" are prominent headlines, and the significance of the dedication to the public Is given In a concise statement. Two flags In the lower corners com plete a very attractive card, and the spectacular features of the occasion are printed on a special circular to be posted below the other. After tho celebration the circulars can be removed, and the original pos ters will remain h tine advertisement for Klamath Falls for months to come. A considerable number have been placed thruout San Francisco by the San Francisco Chamber of Commerce and a substantial supply has been for warded to Portland. r.lfcmath FalU people and her vis itors to the Fourth or July and Rail road Day celebration, July 3-4, are going lo have an oportunlty to eat supper on the rim of Crater Lake Sunday night, July 1st, thru the work an I ccnttesy of the Fort Klamath and Wood Diver Valley, ncordlng to Paul Johnson, chairman of the celebration committee, at least two weeks before the road to the park would ordinar ily bo open to the public. The route will be up Sand Creek canyon, aud tho Fort Klamath com mittee iu charge has had bobsleds nnd cutters running over the road for several days already, to break up the snow as much as possible. As soon as practical they will put a large number of plows on this road to broak up the snow so that It will melt to open the road, and there is no doubt, according to Mr. Johnson, that the road will be open for this unique feature set among the snow- clad mountains on the rim of the famous Crater Iake and on a road thru one continuous snowbank. Tho details and plans for this are rapidly being worked out, and will bo completely announced later. This work is the contribution of tho Fort Klamath people to the Fourth of July celebration fund, said Mr. Johnson today. lleccnt travelers over the road to tho rim aay that It will probably be the middle of July before this road Is open to automoniies, ana anno me snow Is going rapidly now, the late and heavy winter storms will proba bly delay the opening. AFTER OUTLAWS FORROUNDUP SIMS HKTUIt.NS PltOM TOl'It OF .MODOC, LAKK AND KLAMATH COLW'TIKS AITKIt OLTiaWS. WILL TAKK SIXTY HKAD W. L. Sims, one of the contractors fuiiilbhlng stock, has returned from lkovlew and reports that he has gothered up tho big outlaws on tho ranches in Lake, Klamath and Mo doc counties for the Montague Round up July 4th. Sixty head of horbos and mules, a hull, including White Cloud, are to be taken to Montague. Riders will ride from Scott's Valley, Shasta Val loy und Ills Valley, as well us from many other points. The steers and rattle wilt bo secured in the Mon tague vicinity. The riders will be announced later. i-.fct. L3iiJ it MCClOUDFnnT HATOIIOt DKSIKK TO HAVE III COVERED, ACCORDING TO MAXAGKR WATT OF LOCAL TEAM RE- I'LY IS SENT BOLOGNA. Italy. Jaae M. Alfred Cocski. fagttlT New York Motor cycle dealer, has abaadeaed the re- teaeo of ale laaoceace, and haa em feaeed to the asnler of Rath Crager, the lf-yr-M New York high achool j girl, whoee body was foeag la hie cellar reeeatlr.' He waa arrested jhi &. He givee jeeJoaer aa the motive. Ha declared thai he waa enable to wta her tort, aad became furious whfa ah rebated him. Cocshl to a married maa. deeahl broke dewa aader the Boarehlag Mcetleae at to hte by Jadjge laeeooJ. cried, aad became greatly agitated. t He bad claimed that he met her iirleTrammur wbea ahe-weat to hJgrmm'1mmJb?r'J,jarfc tr. M. avtnnsm orr U-boat Vi.K ms tJ''5' Arrlvfjkg at aa Amaatte Irace ,am aerte Battle TmmMm; $$ Xnal fiasBaetw Hfiasl Faar aaemv FEDERAL COURT THE A. P. Manager Watt of the Klamath Falls baseball team, says that the following telegrams have been ccved and sent between himself and Manager Harry Kock of the McCloud team, which plays Klamath Falls at Slsson tomerow: "Faus here all worked up over this game after our last game. They are making a pool. Can they get It cov eted by your fans? There will be lots of loose change Sunday." Thf- following telegram was seat In reply, according to Manager Watt: "Advise slse of pool to be covered. Will attempt to accommodate sub ject to these conditiens: That line in p of both clubs remain as adver tised; umpire to be agreed upon by us before game. Otherwise will wait and look you over." f. a. Campbell foremaa of the Lake- coaatr- mamataetv Lakwrleiw. aceemaaaled by hie wife aad aea James. Jr.. aad brother George ar rived Setarday tor a few days visit la the city. ' '"A'Jgfl tioM -T" W 7" i&. iSAvT.ft1 ' j-V-efl . -.r . . . wtm 1''' nl am aTutnuu rvai twwm T.J The captala of aa Amerteaa frebjht1 steamer which arrived here today, re- I porta that his steamer nmgat.a aaowi . j-. 'if -ii with a sabmarlae oa Jaae eta.,M day oat from Geaacvr Italy. .j ?f('Vll The aaval gaaaera tred leari aad scored oa hit, he eeJd, haeeUac I the periscope Uto the air. This Is the oecead eaeoaa ed la two days. la which ! .in i tmi Satamm vjJpSpl selves against eabmartaea. K uml sujfSU 1 ,.? ..V'A.' . m V. - -i - -" ". Mr. aae mra. v. j. stow i ham W alaht.w taw1g4M9: speadtac the peat . aeas laterams thafa.' Mrs. Gas. v small- aaaghter home U saead a few. la other parts of tha friends. mafMa eaaaamaw mimmerana.: aaeVaat. --- ty, -m-1. weeks here aai I' J iiaJL ,. Aiw Vsss w .1i UPHOLDS Nate Otterbeln left at noon today on a Ashing trip to Rocky Point. He expects to return with a limit catch of trout. INJUNCTION GRANTED TO KEKI' INTERNATIONAL NEWS SKRV- a ICE FROM APPROPRIATING NEWS FROM ASSOCIATED j Afkcraum is Re-elected. J SALEM, Or., June 23 J. H. Ack jerman has been re-elected presideat or the Oregon state normay Beaoai at Monmouth for a term of three years. Ackerman has been presideat at Monmouth since 1911. The tui tion was raised from four to six dol lars effective in September, 1918. NEW YORK, June 23. The Fed eral circuit court of appeals has granted the full prayer of the Asso ciated Press in the case against the International News service, and has directed the Issuance of an Injunction In iicordnnce therewith. The Associated Press sued the In ternational News service, William Randolph Hearst's corporation, to'cago. prevent the International from ap-j proprlatlng news secured by the As-, this 80clsted Press. RETURN FROM FUNERAL OF HUSBAND AND FATHER Mrs. W. II. Robertson and W. H Robertson Jr. returned last alght from Koseburg, where the funeral of W. H. Robinson Sd. was held this week. Mr. Robertson was a Civil ar veteran, and the father of O. W. and W. H. Robertson of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Robertson came to Klamath Falls about four years ago from Chi. 'The International News service suf fered a severe expose last winter when It developed that European news it was selling to Its papers In country under signatures, was being forged, the signatures being of, men not Irving, and the stories being v. rltten In New York offices. Many of the stories purported to come from the principal capitals of Jgum Is, Ger many, France and England. 5fC '" Sunday and Monday Only Two Day s More HELP QUICK t m n4 . ..j-jis. c 2 . " fr VSS. W tt- jk THE RED CROSS IB TRYING TO BbVIIH Alili. WVV SV. J ... - Og WK PtWPT 8KB XOU, CUT OUT Tnia, nuonst, a awMia, i PAIXUfF IX WITH ALL YOU CAN GIVE. WE ARE SHORT. IF YOU HAVE GIVEN AND CAN GIVEfhIORh DO BO. HELP KLAMATH GIVE A BIG ANSWER TO A CAUSE. NOW! Mttveae men are on beds op pain RKUrr i. "tl f w "i ffUi. rftY k A RECEIPT WILL BE MAILED VOU. iff KLAMATH RED CROSS c k".y r-vx i X! -,, yjiifi Im the Mine or mmtj aaa toe ouppMot w nr g IU . ek. Vad rSwadatt rataaafl ftaa Bmm maaaamtaaWf aay uir-i .w - - , --r y.-. Istered by the War OoaaeU apaoiatcd by the preetaoat. . 'Nfe eeeaeeea MVdtVw' Address m $ B If you desire a Membership for any part of roar gift, ktadlyj. -JL... It h.u V , . Km .I.HV W'")! sftima V Udlcste it hero. Ve No No eeUgatteae whatsoever sarolved ta aay cteas of. .- f m MeUeeateaerefearaaalrs, wMh eaecg aapaata ea aacea. f.T r ' ,vxi? 5iUr.C-JSV,fj -WM n- V'-VJVj1 Mlt&tf$f&& m rjv.r;"'Tjpnwii' ,, rf C 1U'. V -w .,iw