jf-jK- ".tr-HtsT j??2w' i vra j .-.)tt, '?? Xi TU "ffe- , 'VP . -t..VJE aFy '.," .," fcrld a &w;ite; jjjk" wjifrT:.i ... "r 'i 1 m JEttgjtma Hit! ' AAflAMMS SB. n . .elSnte W am...... .-.TTS -fe?f.v"5,?s .(" y-'1.,;.- OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER TjBTO-v.-iraT LlAr. . JM OF KLAMATH COUNTY 'JfHWrt BH& H m 'WJM 'ur M S JW-S .rw''"-?-w r"X T":""', . if T' " J -jp !ftaers'i:-'i w.-v- '"-J-:f.:-,, -.if . .. . itovoath Yw-Ni, t,MN PHPBVBVBWIiMHBBIi KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY JUNE 22, 1917 SWETEFI h v Wiwjaiirffw - y: .feSsmtf 'effinnmK am eanmramaY v3k --'pHIjW: mSm3ESJv. gfM&BeV"t ., 8 I1","1 ' , .T V "- I 5. If M, K, if f I 11 f :. r. f. J W Is :t 13? . g lif I t it; 'lTj, a X ,. , v , ft I lrt Lk: ,t AMERICAN BODIES RAISING FUNDS IN MANY FOREIGN LANDS OVBRSMM IU Allotment tf taMUSM) PeeHWe That Another Cnnvsao Will Have to Be MM of AMOfMvi 4wS WfM9T v f Wrt tor Soilsly May Demand Mere Yes terday law Ovar I1,SM) Raised Hira i . WAmiNOTON. Jaaa M.-Aawrica'n lo ralM 1100.000,006 for lb CrM Boctolr Mttmd lalarna prafrtloaa today warn word aadaaarf n km that tb Aawrleaa eoaualttaaa an nhlag fuadi la Lamtoa, Part, Paaaau, Ecuador aad Ptm taty-tkraa rillloM of dollar bar aaw ratoad to tear days la the United auto, aad'taa total la assorted to ntktnjmjm ay toalfkt. It la fceUoTsd Uat a aaw caaraaa wUI ko acaaaary aooa. aa laa ald of work kaa toaraaaad. aad UOO.000.000 U at aaoaa to earry oa taa aecesaary AN nUNCIICO, Jbm St. It la an that WaahiaitoR has given to the Xdd Cross aad Oregoa Seattle kaa subscribed IMO.OOO and Pertlaad ISSI.0N, oversubscribing her aUotaseat at IMO.OOO. RID CROM DRIVI RESULTS Reported teday: Public Booths i.flM.00 City Wards ST0.15 Ratal Districts 1TI.H X. H. Daaaar 155.00 115.00 YeeUrdays total 11.011.50 e) t5.MS.t0 )' 4ooo Om thaasaad aad thlrteea dollars aad aereaty eeaU added to the Red Craaa faad by local workers la the Mg drive yesterday gives very substantia! addlslOB to the aasoaat received prevl oaaly, aad hriags taa totol so far this weak to JCrSlll. Sasaa of the outlying districts which aave aot retorted thus far are slaioat eertala to kave substantial asaouaU which will swell the total at the close of the week, A Ms daaee at tka Wka Temple for Meaday algkt la kolas prossoted by Mrs. B. HalL Mrs. H. D. Morteaaon aad Mr W. P. Johasoa. TlekeU will be om dollar per couple, and the pro ceeds will ao to the Red Cross fund. A rally la to ho held at Pine Orove toalght, at wakk all local people are tavUed to attaad. raUewlag is the list xrf -reporta turn ad la far yesterday: , West Side Upper Lake Idw PritosMra ...-..."M ? Olens Mrs. A. L. Marshall 70.00 Merrill Mrs. M. A. Hlltea 4100 First Ward Miss Maud BaMwla MM Fourth Ward Mrs. EB. Hall toe.oo fama-t 1,.. pTIftk Wsirdl mtu v Re Tuwy t .. t.oo ruMIe Beeths Mrs, W. P. Jekasea 114.00 lll.eo Buelness Man Caatata 3. W. IMHtmtHMM v y"wlw''wwwwwwwwwwwiw ROUMANIAN MIIIION AT PACIFIC FORT A PACIFIC PORT. June tl- A Romnaalaa mlMlon to the United HUtea baa arrived. Meav d bera of (be nUnlon are Count 0 Vacallo Stolea, Rev. y. Motea Ba- alio, and leeel. Count Stolea wore the aalfona of a Ruaalaa llealtaaat LYMAN DOTY TO FLY HERE JULY 4 CONTRACT SICURINQ IXCIFTION. AL AVIATOR TO BB StQNBO TO DAV OR TOMORROW, FAUL JOHNSON ANNOUNCES DeSalte saaouacsaieat la aude that the celebrated Lyaasa Doty will be on hand with a btplaae July. 4th. aad loop the loop for the beaeSt of Falls aad IU visitors. Arraageawats were completed for Ibis event lata yestsrday by Chalnaaa W. P. Johasoa of the celebraUoa atlttee, aad the contract wUI ably be signed today or tsaasirow, Pour lights are arranged for, altho It baa aot been decided whether these will all take puce onjthe Fourth, or be give partly oa the third la conaecuoa with the dedication aaarclses. tvm asrejaaaeavsHSi paa ed for this occasion Is assured, by assay local people wao aave seen ixxjr per form, aad praise of. his reckless audac ity la the clouds Is voiced without ex ception by,'tbese. It has beea aa ex tremely dlfdcult matter to get aa aviator for this celebraUoa at Sgures within the limit of funds raised, aad much saUsfactloa U felt by the mlttee in securing so spectacular feature. PORTLAND MEN SEE CRATER LAKE 11. P. Rssmueson aad B. R Rasmus son of Portland arrived here today, after spending several days oa a trip to Crater Lake over the snow, aad en Joying a elelghride oa their trip down this side of the mountain. They went as far as possible by automobile from the Medford aide, to the vicinity of Whiskey Creek, and walked la on the enow from there. They secured several Interesting pic tures, one of the Rim Hotel with a nwhadk reachlna- the roof OB the aide facial the lake. Tkey state the snow on the road from headquarters to Fort Klamath still lies solid six or eight miles below headquarters. They enjoyed the trip, and came out with healthy saow bums H. H Momyer was In town laat week and reported four feet of saow at head quarters. KLAMATH YOUTHS RBFORTID ARRBSTBO FOR SLACKIRS it is sutkorltatlvely reported that two Klamath youtha whom It la re ported left Klamath Falla previous to June 5th, Registration way. w -Intsntlon of escaping registsrlag. have been arrested aad placed In Jail la ..iiinrtrui. Local authorities know that they are" not regUtered la their home preclacts. oae oi tae " advised to register kef ore e left by kh hi fsthsr aad mother. Km fath er. C L, Wyaa. ".lM BWM!ih? hope that ."? T2 hate arrested. A third ha wao left hsve been rrested. ' , RED CROSS The little Citizens of Nancy Seme of the Little CHIasM of Naney at Flay Within Sound of the Bis Buna By Marian Bemad Davie (Mrs. Davis speat six ssoaths la Prance as a toluateer worker. This sketch Is the resuR of a visit to Nsaey) TO lean patriotism, It Is well to sit at the feet of the little elUsees of Kaacy, aad the chltdrea refugees wao kave found skelter there frees skat, tered aad burning hemes, Sometimes you can sear them siagtag while the guaa are booming oa the Lorralaa froa tier less than three mOas away patri otic songs about Alsaeo aad Lorraine. Then the older people take a aew grip oa their courage. There are souse ehlktrea la Haney wao live eoaafortably la their homes. Because so away bombs fall on Nancy, aad because the city is sometimes bom barded.' tka ebildrea know that oa a town atonal they mast run Into the cel lar' of the aeareat bouse awrked with the great red cross of Lorraiae. Per haps there they will have pratecUoa. Thea then are the children la the hospitals, victims of the bombs. Wo are so used to talkiag la mUlloas sow that It seems mora than legions to aea om UUe ntrl whose lens were eat eoT, kugglag a dell tight la her arms, her grave faoa never mamas Two little keys who have and amputatlene tram the bombs have asked to ko allowed to Ue la the same room wtth the soldiers. The said -Wen": aad the little fellows are inordinately proud of the accidents that gave them Uw. right to Ho m n . -t M la ilimSii k 4 at ii !! !! i ww iiw. ik.. .tiiLiMM mix ! ana thine No horrible thlna can over surprise Uem. for their baby eyes have seen the unspeakable. They have seen violence witk harasM. uhh .otk 'in tb -wwb m Then, too, there are the Uttl. oaasl. J r"! $? the refugee colonies. It you have " ' f kelped to carry tae world burden, by bla to you. and that U to help, your service, by your asoaey. you can At Naacy. the mayor. Monsieur Mlr look clear into Uelr eyes. Otherwise man. a remarkable and far seeing man. you turn away. These little ones are kas turned the Wg amy barracks into aad wrath ia IU most perverted forma their nursery and patriotic songa. witn grandparents herded and driven, out seeing In one's mind the countless mothers hunted down. They era too army of the helpless where the fright- young to know that these things are not a common part of life. And tho they are so much older than you In McGOWAN QUITS EWAUNA COMPANY VICE FRESIDENT AND MANABIR WITH COMFANY SINCE START ED, SELLS TO PARTNERS-MAY ENTER SAW MILL Cans. W. McOovan. vice president and manager of tho Kwauna Bos cens- paay of this city, kaa disposed of bis interest la tho plant to the other throe partners, aad baa aevsred his oonnee- Uoas with the company, with wakk he has beea connected for several years. Mr. MoOowan'a Interest kas taken over by C. B. Crialer, president of the company; Fred Seksltoek and Claude Daggett, tka other three own era of tho concern. Mr. McOowaa'a future plana are sot known at this time, but It la under stood he experts to remain In this lo cality, aad may become Interested la the saw mill basin The Bwauan Box company waa the trst factory installed kern, beea oae of the thriving InsUtuUea of kainuUb rsUs aver slaee It started. s at aU times has usually I Hers than could be titol. At the prseeat Uase H U dstiy.uatUSp.ai.. WORK By Marian Renaall Oavlt knowledge of suf ering. And violence, aad terror, yot;because you are big evmn wiiaaoi ww,- imwj yw to ebJM'aWbwfiii"lisW - - - Aka Vt. -- - - - - - - -.k refaneo schools aad dormitories. It is a wise aad kindly shelter. But. one does aot see Uttle refugees at their slatee aad primers and bear them alng eaed look still dwells. You see the Uttje red heads, the plg-taila.and the curts, the freckled noses and the SCHOOL DIRECTOR MAY OUSTED DISTRICT ATTORNEY ASKS THAT . C SNODORASS BE OUSTED AT CRESCENT AND KATE NACKER INSTALLED IN COMPLAINT As a result of dUticuiUes at the Cres cent school election, suit has been Sled with the circuit court clerk here, ask- tag tkat O. C. Snodgrsss. declared elected school director by the chalr man at the election board, be ousted. and that Kate Nacker, really elected, it la claimed, be placed In the office, ihe complaint algned by W. M. Dun- can, district attorney, Roes Farnhaml ui srt c. Thomaa. allecea that the. defeadant, O. & Eaodgrass bss usurp ed and holds unlawfully the office of director of School District No, It, since June Id, 1017. - Tho complslnt further alleges that there were forty-two ballota cast for senool director la the school election Monday, thirty-six of which were for Kate Nacker. It is further declared that, the tellere'et the board, O. C Saadjpraas aadC; A. RaUch, declared thatlh 0. amdBBua reeeired twnety Svo votee aad Kate Naeker seventeen, tad that chairman Jesaa Davis of the heard declared Snodsrass eleeted. . The sianliUt ssj-tsilamsat that aadgrnss be ousted aad atnftuto from . amKVBHBmsmnuBJsmBmmmnBmmmswjawaeennHwaan I I IP I I I HI a-ias-wau-wa-tal I '.nD&HUEmHttfBmWmMMD'wtKK I ama-wau-wau-wauHmatHB ' i 1 u-wau-wau-wau-wau-wsuafta-wauK . d7H & 'a r awmmusnnnnnnnnnujBbjBrB nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnunnnj MHHHHHaumnUhWsmaBmMsseBaoaasi 'mamsma mumm mUB smamafsranTSs! If amaHsnaf uaVkwal I BBUmBBUmBBUmBBUmBBUmBBUmBBUmam gnmBBumBBumBBnmBBumBBumBBumBBumBBum LH AB AS FTVB BtBBOM APTAC HpBEfWgUnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnm LVimaas.i.' swiuv iiwwmwmsv, mmm i KgnfJmmmmmmBMBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BSsmBBUmBBUmBmBBUmBBUmBsumBBwRP ' tt4SS aHaHHIB ' BXAMATM AORNCY. Jaaa U.-A Just mmmm . . jz : ,-. . r oi nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnmommmmmmmmmmm hen'sA'ihsi snUusnsssmtsdans on'tnolsm I mVdBaVsVsVdBaVsVsVdaaVs1 high as tre kssn were reesfred BaTamwmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm encon. anwomsK., ' monrsnujsniajroa WiiiiiiiiHl tmm IBM to .. Iwjiadmg unn aYsWswnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnm jl . .--... .. - - .....- uw-mnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnm ,-.- , - T9t -r B' Bsufmrnnar AfsBnmaannsl ftlvm gsMaugaMf. ttjwek ml Bmrml fm SAW A tBkA riw - iHsBBamBBmmmm BR-w-J ' lR oMsBWMBBssWtw lfiJ . "f-trf-- &jfgZ&M, 'mkmAsk ft I,-. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm . n ' i mmaT ; v t Tkntaalaas kwi.a.rlet:to.reiset .- ':' .-..- . .. - . . i--- ... i i in iiii ii r Miii nit lbs ,J" 1 smsssSessjaancanmneegnsprinf wimm assnmeinm-nnrnnms. - .-tt nT-' iat-jAl -r-: TvT. asnan. smsuasmBBmsmsBUsmWmmBimBmwsBlM mmim-wm'rm-mm.'Mmmmm'wm.m V . . i ... ..f.-wto' ., rfienhwbifti&s smaVxa 'afJman..'' MM,.MMMHiMMM&,Htvill mmmm snmauF mammaus'-v.. wnmmrwnmmi i mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm-wnummmmm tmnmmi f manor ?; mmmr -. . . . - w TT. v, .- -" gg f a. - jr - t " " ' ' . . " -tf i . f Mnm wd tali ty-essm able was reestvod HBm M twanV-osfiJ-'asmtamnts e--'ladssn f landn by C. Astmj. speetol aaumt tuned up ones. tlMfaeas, mode to .Sy-..,B.:,v yZZZ'- ! laugh turned sosmWsm. tlsTW ggftafPWSMafe M - j- j- I iianalils Mil maT nmu mmmsindTaal Bslslalmami look Mirounaster leasv jaabesaanvaanyeat ?sasvsaei;jsi &,- .&4mlmulBt srass: IM.WS"-.'; .T55. session of you "! kingdom of heaven" be should ofeud one of these Htlle oaee". " , " There la very aulckj etaemKa, prac tical way to help. "Tho amorlesa Bed Cross la asking f or tX00.tH.iO0 diately. Some of thm goss to the ea drea directly; all of it, of rectly. Every cent you gtve will further than you would believe a eont could go. A cent will, give a bowl of soup'to a hungry, frightened, orphan tehild. Oae dollar, ten. . There la a phrase, now la common use "tho luxury, of good." office and Kate Nacker be declared the incumbent 'A number of, Crescent people have been In the city since the election, can ing on the aborts and dkrtrtet attorney over the school election aerap, in whleh one man received n bUck eye and oth er Injuries. PORTLAND PASTOR ,-J . i" WIFK'S HEALTH AND DRAIN OF WAR ON CONBREBATION ARB ASSIGNED AS REASON FOR NOT ACCEPTING CALL Word has been received by tka congregation church from of the Presbyterian Rev. Beemsnn nf Pott- land, stattag ihat he wttl bo unable to accept the oCerot the leoal pusptt lor two reasons. neemjvftifrCPsri & Thomas. ' ,fw ,a One reason given is his.wifo'a health and the other la tho drem'on.tho Port- isnd chureh by men .of the, tion aolng to war. Rev. not feel he ought to leave the ohuroh at thta time. Mrs. SeemeaVheeJB had always beea sed;unml'ahwnt' the Ume Dr. Swmsaa eanm -.hern; he waa taken Ui. aad has akaat sd a eemalete bnaktewn. be writes. Severai ether wpaestlsnl k been reeoltod by tka lnal nanrastl m k in saw t inaillitll ' "- ' ??j " T"i. -.1 . T.i Jv.. -. ."spvp: UNABLE TO COME l3fflSii wT: m. UBm amBBBm ' nummummm WmiSmmm "SUmmm mtm0tm0a0m0tmtmMti0miiMMitmtmmimiMitt . UMRTV LOAN TOTALS. d e OVBR TMRBB MLUOtt .. r . - i ' WASstWOTON.Jnae.Xi-Sub-d. serlpUsns to .tka. Uksrty. Loan wht now eaneed IMStOMOt, It t-.gmAjSkraasmmmni v' ;. ., eXfX " 1. J tr4- & fcSf ? u i ' 1 -"jiffy snw am.' WansiaLh.anw 'nunklmnaamiAJkaUnkBlBi" lu-l,,'' n .-w -' f-3W . TWENTY-TWO THOVSANtt ABRBB WITH NATIONAL OOMMITTBB TO '-? t if TAKB STEP JULY toTH-WOULD FEED SWMS0 PEOPLE ., ft - w WASHINOTON, June St. More than SUM hakan thruout the nation Kavb wRhtno heart to knsto on July 10th to "T ws to aetm m mm ww. t-H. -S' - 3 f it f :. v ' -' RED BLUFF PLAYER " .. V TO FLAY AT S4SSON B. Cramer of Red BtasT, WoedMSrst kwiTearwiakeM down the ITamsW mills Mil' CMudtethe ,of n aestoaac ,wn of BUsts g. has tar'tha rsnasamdar of the but wRtbo day owtog to .am, lapswaiKai, Orldky. i ; -r . -- s . ipii "A totooram roeeifod laat;ntnbrmn Tanu'1 amTaipim nmnm WSII vaM' 'thernsa.' MeOtoud eevoral peseta wnt putu a ?anjeJI sum if BTIeaialk Vmlla Pans sam"daW'it" imtMermaa r', "?" "."r59' i an ?-v-w V STATE NURSE BXAhHNERS ?- , BOARD PRSSIDEN THERE Mrs. O. B. Onborae.jriiiiat of the tats heart if ."W"jm wrr,T, vistorUMi8Mnf and vleHedtbe mi wr. neleaeep4talhoihada tor smmml' tn la . -dismiss :ow to hat K nmimiPiii kw-wau .aw.ausununnuJt.faml abb's ninHU wf ba;os;a;pnfr Bittetetown4ntBao -A - - - m .! ' .vrr.vj t J " ' . ,. t-.- i . i F.I . M ffi m VamWgflU HP m . .u -z. . j r-.-Jit ji.i ti j'y n-prm t-C", -CL XZZ,- J. ,.'.- .- -J weiAS. U. ,IT ii'kwi; BhTffjf'wmnjnn;nnnjrvm U!",.Ai.-'.A "" awaiai mrui .inn nam aa uj. - r. wftf $.-"-T-P!WWRWffgk a that IsslRriiPl BMsmT mrii::'m$m MlMiHiii arpsj""jf".'iijft:?s:j?i?vT v.-.f 'iwtjs' ,.. tirff r. .j'r'ii.-MPf.iiwyriYs.r.r'" 4-''ei J'StiW-.''S.l enupwswswsAMWwwemens fr. AffJj(f-f)f ?rxAzrr2TttZTz7M-j. WSC& iiKiiiiaiui:Uii Wtl i. : ' "ViiJL2l.S'55S.&S.S?iMi ''I-. -i '.; Jt. ."-;--:'.. m'i. i .rasesnes' sanwewnHnwF.vwMV P ."'- 1Kiii TtiVtei3' -."': H vi-.-iV va.MKt.--t , . vi: r -ml. -" nBnpi. .?$$ ?&&&:d& vpii--: &&'&&$& Yf-ufrA V isr art.aimri '"H-Mifw jymLmML mM '!a-m, WTeneei-'-i'jt4 '$mHr$&$&. amnnnnr X Wrfi. that he Mm, twndayuoutl i L TBW jrjTmmmdM t.'r-..-.v Fnua.esnanm), a aw. p iipj m ij'-,-, -K!T? f. .r- V --- t. Ty1 i. " vw t iizS J -" i.X " '''" sen.se Taw-awaauk-gpaianss aanam'lt' , ' m wo :aholmsi r,blew.rieeweShi' RiF(V!, Ss .. dt. j j '?- H kmPRKi yftWmW& swmpnB-pmmsnBj u BHSupmnsBswrnnrurnm ', 'ffnjunsnnmnnmni - 'mwawmku 'A. ?&." ' u -H ... . ..-"v.'i?"'-l.'r4.T.A - ,t. . .Wx-FvJ r'Tyt.J?,'lft "f-Sf!' -tYTV-""'m.- "W1 sssmtaaMussl smtR MprntaButaVA ' aaaBi(imi?aml'Jnnm-i, wnunt BggjgMSjsjjgajsmV.' -JS'S?' "" j wi" asTawRmp awfeWunr aamPW Bn.nnnnnn wnnnjnngp- sraianemspabBK,: m. wpny & BaMBswaTJBpwBJsTJani,; SPSJJnBstil SBmTaWgBKSnuVfl mm w-v.r . v ? 'ifiKi i ,risr,tJ4rf.r.jjiM&Ml mimmmi .. $ . - fr- " wwss: TWO ARRCnTUW HIIUUS t-.jjjiw; imn 'jra.stau..c)BBnmm.PMvV.VEt i-.w.w "- .T .J.S...rt..v.Sl.. . h, - &' A?-jyjj-C B B.K kK .. mi.s4a fT ., ""'- tWir-H. "; - wt 'o-f -"2TA-l-i.oii,-.Amej fc kS. ifr teti.(ariyHfcK5KAV' 5.gi fjl-i Sj-aa.3 t:?!?; ;'SKii ..-' sssss- 3r?ise .. jrsi nnjovT.ati --. i.UA!fti . p - Ti 1 Vv : . r 'j- "THAT BnujaPT sf-i.'IiL " WIWs WfRwflluiW? rTjMJlH.y;4H:fi- ' -, t? stiSfVflrt. . "' MMnff: nWASiiuaSrrOll tta'.reeeayt-wsssmai-' wBapaW VTF"'"l,wE"t - ikvtke total ' )hM''dpSll ! be ready far VUfW'ISWl MiWW 'Sms vKi V ' ?a.. , pnj 'nnm anjmmnjanmvn ' V-I llmUM-llaimmmmHO & &B awlamsyunupnmnnntj SS?Kij;;r -,.-,, &. K LU 'jWASBtliaytynman pfssBsn'taw;WBtbS' Mesuov wPSSsnunurinnm, wwwswnnnnnnnm move 'pfaWKJP&!WJSBBml thnm own tiiialiaiso m-. , " -, .- ...,--- .- , .- . .. -- . sannnnsnnmBBsmmmBnnnnnfBwaw i i i j.i i b- V"1 1 avu- jbi. PE HH OIOI EUmnlH aWumBuaHsxeV Baf'BBmBmamlBnBmBmBmBmmBl P.-'':'. ':N4i ranBaBSSsai i - -? W7 ... , ' v. K7nnnBnBBBBBsnBBBnBBiam i tc-.v ftmHVn I?-! INK, R. H.Duabar: 155.00 .. " Tf,l".il ' T n tAftr I.,. j ,5,. . Ii a-Ar-.jiM Jtsk.TIP .ITiWi 'k 4m. J t sTavwi A ifrHSfl- v SiySflS-" M..WS&& ?&5-: w ' ,'S .Ti'r Wf. ' i ' rvftvj--.7rla1 It--,, ; - W m st vm - iTwKf::r,;-:: ri M . '