t" W"A- it y v. I. ft ji ': fl5S,& r TtV ' f-i45iA ;. ., ? two, ' , . '.J5l.r .. ' .-iJtiiSrfrfiV.-,. - 7 spFYi OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER sp. CiojulSBBil OF KLAMATH COUNTY wr 'j.j- -r r 5 U" fc. Jf v IMVOftth Var N. 1,34 Local Red Cross Total Is Now Over $4,000 , bbb cross drive results Reported teday: Rural dtotrteta . IM&O Badness mm 610.00 CHf wnrtto MM Mi CNM BeneSt 70.00 Beetas . 40.10 4 Cooked faa Ml MOO rMm i.76 0 4) Ytrday total 4) Pi a i lean dread total t imis ) -.. 3.110 67 lt.4M.73 Khuaatk maty Boosted Its Red Cross fatal mm raised to ever 14400 today ay tk large subecrtption totals which eoaM to free, tbe business bm aad the rural dlet-tota. aad tka other various pkaeea of tke work. A beoeAt entertalaawal given ay Mia. ft ft Hall at tka Wklta PtUcaa katal wkkk aetted nearly 170, and a reeked foot aala fcy tka member of tka Uatou AKar Bodety af tka Sacred Haart ckurek aetted ISO, were feature at yeotorday'a work a tka great Red Oaaa drive tkrseut Klamath cottniy, wklak yesterday totaled tka rum of IU1T.U for tka day. aad brought tb grand total far tka wart to SI.4H73. Tka tanaat aanesata raised yester day aaaaa tnm tka baslaiis men of tkt atty mi Oka fart KRnatb district roHowteg la tka report la dtUll: fart Ktomatk Meter Bkkfatriak f 4S4.W Pollens City . Msaere. Taylar aad Plka 300 to Weal mm Upper Lake LawPrttakara 30J0 ItlasuM Affanay Mn. 6100 First Ward Mnw atear.w4dwto 13.00 i Peart Ward re. Alanaadar . 10.30 PMgaa, IMS) Third Ward '? Mrs. ft ft Wallenberg 34 60 Pink Ward Mra. ft ft Yaaey 30.60 -Jtod Craaa BeaeAt. upproslmate 7000 Bed Creoa aooked food sale 30.00 ttamaaaMtn Oastola J. W. iUaaaaa 630.00 t isy Baatka Mra.-W, P. Jakasaa K0.70 Wm4N- j .ti 15 TU1 11.677.16 Tito laHawlag aaam aad awounU aara kooa a4dad to tka llat taraed la tadw kff tka kaalaaaa ateaa coowui taa. l wkkk Caatala J. W. glcmaaa l I ' Mr. aad Mra. Caas, E. Worden. " ItfJtvM PaalJokaaoa BaMwta Hardware Co. Ward Okaaekala UN. Ma tOaawtb Packing Co. A.B.Wkltaun Itoaa.Nlekaraoa 10J0 B. QuIHtck Jaaaa Ballay A. r laUkky J. W. Bryant M.. Matsekeaaacber Oae,WlrU if II Waaka Abatraet Co. H. Rkaardaon "Brary dollar coatributed to tb Bad Craaa fund will kelp to alleviate etif eriagVaald Captain J. W. Slemena "I aak you to ke generoua in your Mtiibutloai. Tka aaeakera at tka MMttog to Porttoad of 100 dlata mm waaktoataa. Utafc. Idaho; Moa- tmmm'mmA lawranad M tb . fc tka war weald but at tout tare yearn, aad poealbly fear or v. . "Dajyoai raaliae wkat tfcat ateaaat Brary yeuag1 aua la KUauth eeaaty wlH kaVa to to. aad yaar, aok lay r aWtla kakrto,a attV If ya WAIHINOTON, June 31,-The N llonal Rad Cro campaign haa reached Ihn mlddlt of lb wrok with about half of lh awemary 1100,000,000 pledged. Tha rrllleal period ha arrived," aald Henry Uavlaon, head of the Amer ican lied Cro war council today. "We kould overoMcrlbe rather than let up now," he iald. It la eipected that the Northweat will rmlae a half million more than It promlaed. Iloqulam and Wenatchee, Waablng ton, and La Urande, Oregon, bate joined lb konor rail of cltlea reaching and orertuktcritripg tbelr allotment. Krerett. Waahlngton. baa practically reached Ita quota, and Centralla, Wab- Ington, ba reported 10,000 of It 10,- 000 allotmeat. Oregon cltlea are doing well. " ' NKW YORK. June Jl.-Tbe Rocke feller Foundation baa given 15,000,000 to lb Red Croaa Society in the nation al 3100,000,000 campaign. bad a million dollar, you would not be able to relieve bl afferlng at once, aad here come In this great Red Croaa orgaaltatlon, ever ready to al leviate pain and suffering, whether In war flood or tree, and lb dollars w contribute lo Ihl fund will be aaed to alleviate the aufferlng of our boy. . "We mutt provide for the care of our wounded and lck otdlere, and we will not be any too ready by tb time lb casualty IUU of 'our boys' from Franc begin to come borne. "Let. us aot fall to realise the seri ousness of Ibe sltuatlon.y end again l ask all te ae as liberal as possible In tbelr doaairaas." ,-,n v llr. kV 1). Jobasoa of this city pre sided at aa laterasllng Red Croaa meet- fag at Merrill laat night The speakers were Rev. Anderson of Merrill, Dr. Johnson, H. D. Mortenson. Rev. Mar shall. B. D. Hall and It C. Groabcck. Merrill promised to do her part The speakers were accompanied by tbelr families and others. HEAVY FIGHTING in msraoit FRENCH ARK INTRINCHKO IN A FAVORABLK POSITION AFTER ADVANCE. THIS SFRINO-OER MANS REINFORCED y Associated Press Heavy tabling Is progressing along tb Alsne front la Northern France, where the French are entrenched In a favorable position after notable ad' vances were made during the spring campaign. The Germans, apparently, have heav ily reinforced their troops in this sec tion by men from the Russian front, one suck division kaviag been seat Into the Sgbtlng directly after Ita arrival along a front a nil In length. The French stopped the German rush, suffering losses of only 600 yards of tb flrst Una trenches. a Austrian In Jail LBADVILLB. June 31.-Forty-two Austrian prisoners are In Jail here, held ea charges of evading tbe draft law. They were removed by troops for safe keeping. m 4 f a B-sa-MCM PLIERS SAV 4 IK. FLIERS CAN WIN WAR-W 4 a mw YORK. June 31. After 0 Inspecting tbe United States amy d aviatloa tId at Miaeoia, d gatten of Franc aviators who ar- ,ia vaatarday to train Amer- 4 lean almta. declared tkat ''Annr. 4 tea could and tka war at eneo o and ak posslbl a deelslv vie f a tory aver Oermany for tta allies e If tke TJslto Siates aeM supply d m. ia AAA Avlatara BAW." , . -. vO) KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY BIG FIREWORKS PROGRAM JULY 4 4 THE HITT FIREWORKS COMPANY, WHICH HAD CHAROE OF THE 'FRISCO EXPOSITION, TO STABS EXHIBITION On of lb features of tbe big cele bration here on the Fourth of July Is a very eitenslve Srework program, put out by tbe llltt Fireworks company of Seattle, which Ira bad entire charge of tbe flrework at tke Ban Francisco eiposltlon In 1115. A large portion of this program was used at the esposlUen very effectively, and baa been revised for present use. This program, one of the moat espen- sive offered by the company. Is known aa Ihn "Plli I The program of flreworks Includes many special features aad wonderful dlsplsys. Including a special flreworks balloon, ascent of newest 1117 aerial novelty In shells, "Amonol" rocket sad parachute rockets with suspended asteriod lights; n dlsplsy of two three- pound ksladelscope rockets, new this season; sscent of tourbiUkms or flery whirlwinds, a vivid display of aaoitan lava from a volcano; aerial salvo, ra dium flashlight, n grand 4Uamiuation of the entire surroundings with powerful colored lights, Interspersed with mam moth bags of colored Are; stars of many kinds, display of compound re peating shells aad rockets aad clusters of all varieties. No. on tbe program Is "War la tbe Trenches." which will be produced by means of tke same class of material as supplied to the United States govern meat It Is a combination of trench lights and machine gun flashes. There ar thirty-two numbers of to dividual pieces and combinations on the program. JURY FINOS FOR STEARNS IN SUIT AOAINST MURDOCK Thejury found a verdict for oTA. 8tearaa In the case brought by him as olslBtlE agalnt H. F. Murdoch, tke " I .1 sum of 1416.60 being awarded tke plain- tlE. the Red Cross Stands for Yours and Yon - wii:S:aas!. m$m-Jm- s M JLaMM VJm ' lX.,mmmJlKlX3l: 79JL Cillr-tAwll--aAo- H lWmmWT ' V'K . AVVAUMjitC'Jr-Pr SB nHpjmLr w Z2?zi X-nJimms . W-rThk wr CLU r jm .n.'.j'i .. f n i rniiniBnTTtMn i . i . b .. VKwE ,U4 - I 1 aanananananaMVAV7 PansfSBSBSf n smnj , i a "" " ,i 1 1 . I r " ""4BBJ m mj mmn kMwnamnnnnfafl ! ' HmWmG'9lfarl-i 111 " iMTOTB"BTBBMfMfsl eM J I J aVn vmaaf'AwU ,. , IbIui 1 'asB l Himana CfXimKWWWV iii FIRE DOES NOT THREATEN WEED THIRTY-SIX CARS OF SAWED LOOS BURNEB, BUT OTHERWISE DAM. ABB WAB LIGHT RANCH HOUSE THREATENED LINES DOWN WKBD, Calif., June 31. Tblrty-slz carloads it hawed logs have been burn- , but etker than that the forest Are dsssag la aemparatlvely slight . One Bra has been burning at Camp S af tke Weed Lumber company. Aaotker Bra Is burning south of Weed. and eoversi territory of about eight miles la tonfth. The Are are mostly In tke krask aad small timber. There la no danger to Weed now. Several reach bouses aad bams are threatened.' Tbe power aad telephone lines nave keen down from Stsson to DunsswJr. Weed was without lights Tuesday night WILSON NAMES RECUI16 WEEK JUNE 2S 80 30 FOR REGULAR ARMY UNMARRIED MEN WANT. ED RECRUITING OF MEN RE- PORTEDJSLOW WASHINGTON. June 3L President Wilson nan Issued n proclamation des ignating tke week 3340 as recruiting week for tke tegular army. Hecalla at unmarried men without daendata.to enlist OMdala are concerned about tbe lav leiiasaSis iweorta over .tke! . v1 Soldiers Vote Confidence LONDON. June 31. Tb Russian council of workmen and soldiers dele- gates ns tow oo a-- ... . J SlJ... Am tka, MWt ernment and resnmpMoa m we ose- ,MT - x m yfaL 2Kizzsji" -J ' AIHavJ. I3I:aV JT'l. J. . l-5vjr.S,m anV, aWST TSkw I ymw&Tr!m-w && , ZMBW n?-f F JS-. JFT- MHMJZZz JUNE 21, ItlT ,. 'M M FOR SIDE HACKS ,M IS STRAHORN'S FIWPBRTY FOR CONSTRUCTION WBBK, SAYS LETTER CONTRABTS WAIT ON RIOHTOP WAY . ' A considerable mkiaadsntsaitag has been current In tbeeKy reanrdtog the character of steel to be need to tke new municipal railway, - Tke eoatracts for ceaatrneUem of tke read are still keld upewlng to tke right of way net actor to N. H. Begae, engineer la eonsldersble time in nsalatlng to tats work. Tke following stntensent has been re ceived by Cbas. W. BaerMa ef tkts city, from Robert B. Strakorn. regard ing tbe steel which has arrived here aa far: "Tke Arst steel skipped in sgiaed particularly or as ia the ma terial yards and temporary spars, aad tke municipal railway haa nkaetately nothing to do wltk It, tkat being sty Individual property as a eeatraetor to further tbe work. "As yon well understand, eves ex pound second ksnd steel la need by many of tke companies new, net only for temporary spurs, kvt far track all ever tbe country. "The 5-pound steel, which will be coming In later for use la tbe track, la of muck better euality. It aslant ke added tkat we are la great leek, to get any kind of .steeL Even tkts 60owad steel which we are going to use In ma terial yards, costs us twice as sspeh aa steel a year ago. and a great deal than new steel font-u year ago." VOk-. BAND CONCRT MUCH ' 'v, RMJOYEBBAUDt t, i Tke,. bribe was mack enjoyed by the large Mdt eaco that attended. The work of tin) band Is exceptional aad a-swasher .of I tke selectloas USt algbt. are not ersM narily played by n mere ar less volun teer aad unpaid organisation; aa Khuhv atk Falls kas; STEEL HERE IS bond . osnasat JmmiJmWMmmTt;jzitZLm-i SBJrsnBMGXSm srteKrftoeMssnmutofv ms lawsasai wnssonpevos ssr smmmmi tnaannswe;'aaaatemmmnBTw KSUBSkS TWSSS- SSSRWI7' BU., -- A . - - - - -- - v-ySrMr!-.. wvT. 'laaV tnKp FOOD! r !'. t yyv r I aVV. Ztj & YF- BILLS IV 0. F. INCREASB ANB DISTRIBUTION 4 ABB AIMEB AT SJfJ4"V0)f f rtSvp M vAVWwl SJlanSW wiSfl UUttj . idmtrtalflllfllfllnnawAtal TllW SW FBT4lBJBTBaajBip sfSSJBBJBJ ef PreeMai--Sede atay,- IsaAJ ST j naWaianafiaSan ETallnlBaBanAi afldn. snmjmmrmmnj tWW BammsjwwnnBsssMtBsTBaamm wjvns Operative P A Secretary of AgilcaRur P. tonnes issued tke fettowtag eoaeeralag tka two feed MBs new be fore eoagress, aad wktok war so.vlg- oreosly attacked by Senator Gere yes terday Is tke senate when be pwfltot od faasine and great lessee weaM re suR frssn tkotr aaaaase: Cooperating aa we are wltk tke nn Uessof Boreas to tke war ssstost tke central powers, tka took of amtotssi tog tke subslstsse df tke aBssa la at esee a poaUlenl and antral etssgntlen aad n mtsMary noeeantty. War Is alwnys destraeUve ef predue Uos snd. to a aeeulalr seaee, tt to de structive ef prodoetlos ef ainee war leada to aeareKy of aadVlakar la one of theokief faetors In tke easttvatlos of fkolsaB. -to addttlan, tke wkeet ores of pcnotleaay' tke en tire world bos i ties dwriag tke past year, foot for tbe eomsng year promt-Jt- uo or so Hseronso ns taw uuih. UOasos-ntMeeroaL ..vfe .ejBne,smo ef , twweeammn Baa, eson to'Jk' Tke second Bias ossaieta to tke elation or, control of ear fssdstnts. to tkeaoakle aanV ef anstatoaaaoe of tke snbslatenee of the aBtes and tke pro tection ef too feed cUl tatereata ef ear own people. Two btUs kave kees atton to'eoaares wktok provide fog systeoMttlcrdivilspmtnt of oar prodwaj Uve toraaa and aa ndaajsata eentrol ef dtotrtbaUon-and tiaiiamption. to tka AjAjkjdj 4)1; Qttm1mmmlU &Qm3tt&1& SaBBsI otSV tke alMea tWfeoeatuBB provtded tkii tke stiesuk.ef agrteeJtore., Preduotlsa and Control The two bUls, known as tke -feel proeoetien kitt. uad'tke "feed eontrol kUl" are deslgnod to nJaea to tke of tke nenatol aoosuate to ae- Mta. The daetton fctM provides for tka ottke normal aetrrMtoa of tka deaorU sunt wltk n view further to atlaMlato tka sMdnetton and. to conssrve tke ss1t of feed ataats. Tke kffl la fressedasnwarsssaaure. It antkorlsea tke seeretory of agri culture to nuke n survey ef tke toed supply of tke nation In order to seear full and neenrato tafemation regard- tog Ha ejaaattty. leeatlea .and owjt Bkto, aa wan aa luwwledgo of tke ta- strunMBtaUtles or agenetos tkat awn, (Centinaed on page S) SENATOR MsNARY PLACED ON IMPORTANT COMMITTEES PORTLAND, Jane 3L Dispatokes received aero from Washington say, United States Senator MeNary of Ore son kas keen appelated to tke senate eemmHtoss on pnalie leads, Indian af fairs, irrigation, puan aaniw, rswr pinee, aiaaufacturers and PaelAe rail roads and eommere. .'Tbe Aret three nsawd have to da wltk many Oregon Interests. j?H BOOD ROADS CAMPAHVN . , CBSTB.TTBISMI BnuAZ 5v! i5illiv T S BALBM.' JlSto 3l.--K.aaBt Intlva sand fwadiTeensasMee j tkaV'saasnalsn'-nkakaat' aBSMHEWBoyv oogenp waWnonFv"o" "aTe-sTnw HO-tOH blaka-sr ktnl 1111" Wm V " '1 -7"". - J jr.T-"! BAB B-S1-." Seeeetarr ef Btoto 4MoatH-f?V t t.4 - -Al rysuuuji laWlslmCir MM "mmTmAmmmTl m'm'm'-mmmm 2SMliMMlasfln1 v - ''- -mitt. miL -7T-i.Jj.fT-.Wfc-)X-T-V7-lSWi - ,mm -- -tt rT".r- r- i .-" jw-" to-" mshbv .H.w.v i rmm-?mmh"7rr?zi W 'pjgfaggfffy . aamsraaBt'seeosBo.es. tss'sassoo iVim i-aBM' VAMslj . Mm-' VjjiJ. wm ss- avnaf w'(";fs"viji . VlW W 4! I.HR i m wjnrmrmt 'i&c. WOMEN iv tp ' m , fwysf a tsfa. SjXu 9fr , yjwMum w , . -,ji A sh ,$?& . wm bm) azsse. - . ' '.?&nrvirHi VMaAOaradV woasaps snastrkA' W v ifFfJft3-"iV -SH TZttZTLk'i&gZF1 . '. ""a" mi -Tin i mIi flnfOO, W9mmrfjjww9 &?&?- 's&mt .Au.. z: '&'' ?" . fu 4zxrt-zp TwnoQUAiimmw of Wer KstoaskytoAar la 1 CSH tke-riiisiinlofPaaab,'' raised by tka twlarawplil airteB The ii glm in W fcovo Waa iteBoeeSMM law front tonlartotosV1kal m lebsblr ba stoltonsd WJ-sBBBW ' iarawisr'ra!T- ww- ., t, .(.,, w jjj-jff"!; hae-vlsfteditbo hair is est skoH or akavefl snVi SaV PaTaiWnjo7BaiW IIBBBBf BBB,dBBf '. pojTGRAD,JoaeSl " ( I In' BlkersroBwB after tkoy Sail g ' Atmjl , IAAjAA satoAaStAiAal OaiyB J "-. T-" TTTTTSH iV . . fVV ? r cWT-i. f Wl fwf r. Iill ;ih 4i J.fi ii . v&a nTMIA-frlv (&$?. ryeri mUt$ laBBal sWaasBanlnW - . . Cl( , AmA ."W aassBBaclJW.iaslasnsV Mwanajmswa BJiBMB vBBBBmSfl tVEo?- SbT-AAbbbbbbbm wnnnnrBrBBiBBBBBnw. nwonnnnnnnnrWBKt .'!-. m - --"-'- lauek I f ROWS Wfi IMT MIMIIl "- wm ED AT :TaS4IAB4Jr BkWB. r4tlto ANDITMM CW)IPsto 'swmmm$m5i WASHWOTON.JuajO-4.-Tnopt- stotoney of ; tkeWaltoBeoM mm amfli BBB) f sjoTmBmBomBapu, MtloaaTrngo day.wheoaeeof 1 S'.jl r Nilu. ..) N- J , !P:rf?5 ptnwtvx ttis&WZ t ttPbW V. A 'tW;aaaa " ?-rTTr--T ,d baaasa fveas toea? and rnfimpkmm. The boMos kave erdored lassirakF mi The poUee save tattkOjk ;. al -.bA 'vWC' i 7di sasnaa-i "SMM-B---k-B-B m '. t Ttcr'J7' ior Jndgo w k-hto'ettlto. tka i.'aaiy'V TT i-w -- A . ( - ..TJ . - -t. r' TT-i Ua.;;?" ry . p. i.Tnotaue 'f: P""P"r kyas mr '. S. tsJ-a f ; A PW-.1 . !i'4i-rAir'V..tf- -. mr .J. t .F T .4-r.--r - ' 1 (k .sat7 ".?:- j' BERMAN SUBBBMBVL . LIFEBOATS OT 3 w "y. mTT M. l.l.JllV.'Viiij. B FAJtW. ""EJ maa. afr- i jv-m sa: f tsk HilMto, BaBM tgl S ABMlMMSawfwiBHKn iaaaaaWaaWt, ' I''lflaai "O W" "S . s BBaaaa If. 't ' i hr 4 V ,1' -, i se i" i . u -jftrMASSfc ttW '...