F j cj V & " " mgJglNINO HIKALP, KLAMATHJALLOjUOOW WIONIIDAV, JUNt 20, in? r," tlwEYunf Herald COMMITTEE TO KOREA ARSENAL PLAN OF JAPAN WAR REACHES CANPINTIR WANTIO Food Prepardneis Campaign OFFICIAL Oregon Agricultural Celleae Rateealen tervk and Unltad Stataa Da. aartmaat af Afrtcwltur Ca-Oaratlnt Ta build small hues by tomract. Lamm Lumber Co., Modoc Point tt a New shlpmeat up locate llecord al Shapharaa. .g .. Chllsata has th escluilv tats sf many ef the beat farms and rsnchst n the Klamath Basin. Havs a took be. fere buy In ,, W. O. SMITH, Editor OFFER CHAN6ES PORTUGAL NOW ef PeSa, at HI Peerth atreet BhJB,Qitjsa,li timrtilw ihiegpa terme ay aaaR iv to the UaHed Btataat HJt WSDNUDAY, JUNK at, 1117 BenUsOwMAfo. FOR SALE MMWMWMMMMWMMMMMM FORD FOR SAUK Good condition W. H. Kltts, 741 Walnut street even 4t FOR 8ALB New modern 5-room baa aelew, cabinet kitchen, buffet, etc.: etoae fouadaUoa with large basement: feymH areunds: Ideal tocatloa; mi be iwa to be appreciated; easy Imw. 32 Mtrose street. Hot Sprlags Addttlea. Phone I24W. lfrt FOB SALB Cheap, ob almost sew aurek pleae; Prt cash, belaace oa (mm. Require at Hersw omc. w-ii" rOR SALS 2M acre Uad cheap, be tween Beaaaaa aad Bly. Address M. B. Joaaaoa. P. O. box 11. Taft, CaMferala. MK FOR SALBrOood paylag hotel baa- a. Far lafermaUoa writeNo. CM HaraUoBca. U-tt FOR RENT MbJbJVVVWbJVbJVWiaVbyvaAMMAMAAMMMMA FOB RENT Nica Croat room, aewly taralahed. Eaeulre 131 Second street. IMV BOOMS Slagta aad doable; with or wttheat board; home privileges; tel ephone aad aiaaa Pheae 31TR; 1149 Pie street lMt HELP WANTED WANTED-We far gaaaral 24R.lMt IHICELLANEOUS ; far hire. Phone Olaaa er L. B. SeMven, ITS Palm dear Star. It-lit Aafc ChHeete far a special price liat af aHy aad aaaatry property. 1 HOUSTON'C HOUSTON OPEKA HOUSE DARK THIATI1 L. Laaky Presents Clee Rtdafey aad Wallaca Raid la THE YItLOW PAWN" Pradaead by Jaaaa L. Laaky Peatare Play Compaay TEMPLE THIATI1 V ' "THB TSLLTALB STBP" Starring Shirley Maaan Phete Draaw far abora the ararag. la Fir Parta Haarat Path Nawa Carraat Eraata, aad a Muaty Strfara Comedy MEaarnj opera house motion pkttjbbs jubbbatb amd satvboats fdarrfaLOf ORPHEUS THEATER The Mad Hermit," A Drama la Two Parta VVffwIf wrwJVeFtwe MS Maaa Faatara la Two Parte The Heart af Mary Ana." WHb Bath Steaeaouse, taa Cap. tlvatlag Universal Star "Ma Biaami ajteeular Fallow," Vaster Ceeaedy C& KtaaMU Led N. 1ST. I. O. O. P.. aia Friday ataala. W. D. CeferN. O.. P.: Nat Ottarbaia. aaaratery. Bwaaaa Baaaaiaaiaat Ma. 49. aMate ORBQON AGRICULTURAL COL LKOB. CorralUa. Jaa SO. Mack daab a to Tjtttabl aardcaa at tata IIbm of the year la caaaed by overtrrUatioa. Tkla waratac to Yetetabl irowara la aade br Profeaaor A. O. Doaaaet of O. A. C. wbo atatea further that "aw. lax to the wet apriaa there I bow pleaty of Molatare la Weatera Oraaon sotla, aad that IrrigaUoa la aot aecea aary. except oa coara. aaady aroaad. They are farther urtad to exaatla taa noil carefally before watertac for. al thoaah It auy aeeai dry oa the aarface, there U atltl pleaty of BMtatare at a depth of two or three tachea. Where water la Beceeaary, the beat reaalta are obtained It the Irrlaatloa U followed by a aood ealtlratloa aa aooa aa the aoU la la worklat coadltlOB. la BKt caaea calUvatloB te at pre eat aa eBeteat aaeaaa of alvtag yeaet ablee plaated aoaw waeka aaa the mceaaary BMtatare. aad th dry aar face layer will prereat toea of water by evaporatloB. CalUvatloa eaablee the plaat to Kt BMtatare la the aaoat approred way. aaaaely by taklag It fraai beww at the deep roota. It la beat aot to cattlvata the tardea early la the bmtbIbs, while the dew la oa taa leave, for It will tead to aaake the plaat saor aaacaaUbla to dlaeaae, aad th foUata wiU becom dirty aad the per throaah which the planta breath wtl a cloaed up. Uader ao clrcuawtaacea la a aarden Irrigated oace a day; la rnaay la alaacea not evea once a week, anient the aoll la aaady and quite porua. Veg etable auf er from damping oa. ateat rot aad other fuagua dlaeaae whea the ground la continually wet aad cob pact. GOVERNOR'S INVISTIQATION COMMITTKI TO IUHIIT CRBA. TION OP OPPICI OP STATI AUDITOR AND NIW URIAU 8ALKUM. Jua t, Creation of taa oaic of atat aadltar aad the fonaa- , Hon of a aw state department af aa i rlcultur ar twa recoaHaemUtloaa to I be made by a caaualtta appoint y Uovernor Jalnea Wltaycowbe at the I requeat of the laat Oregon leglilatur to Investigate proposed conaolklatlaa of oBclal departmeata aa a weaaa of THK HAOUR. Netherlanda. May SH.Iru,Un aowa the cost af aperatlag the -(Corrpoadace)-Captala Krol of . pM,,, the Hollaad-AMerica liner Ryndaat ha Undw lh. propoM4 dpartBat af received from tae preaident or tne -Hpui,u, woutA w. rnii.t.ted the PRISIDINT WILSON PRKSINTS DUTCN CAPTAIN OOLD WATCH Ualted State a gold watch and chain la recognition of hla bravery oa Octo ber 39. lilt, la aavlag the captain aad crew of the Aawrlcaa tugboat Vigilant prevent dairy aad food cobuuImIob. th weights and measure departmeat, taa atate fair board aad th organisation tnow admlBlattrlng th various state First OBcr Jaa Pleter Wepater of the. agrtcuuural and eBaarlatent statloaa. Hyaaav received aiaocaiar mm) propoaed aadlter weald be let giasae. wane au oiaer saemaera or tae crew were awarded gold medals. CARPINTBR WANTSD To build pile bottom by contract. Lamm Lumber Co.. Modoc Point. 19-St Atna accident and health allcla ed by a committee af Ive elected by the people for that purpose. Seven business bmb comprise the consolidation commit, Thy ar Herman von Borstal aad Cbsrlea Re deem Portland; A. J. Johnson, Corral' lis; Mary T. Pattoa. Astoria; Clean 8crogglas, La Oraade; John Carkta, JAPANISI ARMY 0IVIII0N CRI ATID IN ItIS FOR KORIA 01 S TRICT TO BK PROVIDID FOR IN IMIRtlNCIIS are the standard ef the world. ajMedford. and A. a Baatoa. Farast Chllcete. 14 Qrove. V::":- .,0 I j-urt ' asBaTl 1 "-- 'i " eatTy'- J IS v .A ;- I a:;tXTTy?ry y:.r V-;.:i;;:!!.yA I 1 'V'V rVeiaaasleaavtl l(liBBSkBn aammmmmmm'SVEsEfiBSET? BSsmEammVBflrwTSammmmmmmmmmf .dammmmmmmmmmmmH dmmm BMmmmmmmmmmmmfEr .7BmmmmmiL.ammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmTi J mJ BBBBaBaaBaBaBiBBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBa BaaBrimBap BBr maBBBaBaBaBaBaBaw a bkw BBBaBa.maBaBBBaBaBSBBaBf aaa 'Baaasp .Ba.. aBBaBBaBBaBVa .da aBSBaT EmTmTmTmTmTmTPBBmmammmaawRajB BBBBBma SBJBEVdBS ' mm m mow is the tjmei IfCOOX A f WITH 1 PEARL m oil J NFortaUWy S Baldwin I Hardware I Company I B TOKIO, Juae M.-ln th sapplvmea tary badget estlmlte which Is to be In tredaced la the catlap; special sessloa af the diet la aa Item af 3.QM.9M yea, or tl.SM.aes, aa expeadlture tor the e tsbHaameat ef aa army arsenal la Korea. This la a new undertaking aeceaaltated by the creatloa of two army alvlsleaa la Korea which were aataerlaed la ISIS. la ease ef imirgiacy la the future, the Korean elvteteaa aad the garrlaoaa la Maaeharia wlH be eaaaled la have a aujck supply at guaa aad muattleaa 4 ether eraaaace without relying apaa sappUes frem Jaaaa. The phta waa leas eaataaMlated by the army aatberiUea aad the lesaoaa faralsaed by th Barapeaa war hat aeeessltated Its speedy asecatlea. Credits will alaa be ashed for th coaatrocU af fertrease la Korea, Now is the time to consider Idtchen comfort this summer now is the time to buy an oil cook-stove. Look for the specially-decorated win dows of the merchants listed at the left. The orange discs proclaim a menage welcome to every housewife. They tell how the New Perfection drives out the drudgery and discomfort of summer cooking,andat the same time gives better results than your regular kitchen range for all-the-year-'round cooking. This is New Perfection Oil Cook Stove Week. Ask these dealers to explain how the long blue chimneys of the New Perfec tion Oil Cook-Stove prevent all smoke and smell. Learn the comfort and econ omy of cooking with Pearl Oil. NEW PERFECTION OIL COOK STOVE Dret aamw .bbT NORTNWSST COMMISSIONIRS TALK SRAIN STANOAROS PORTLAND, Jaae Ja.-Publlc Ser vice rnmmlnlnasr af Oregoa aad Waaalagiea met bare Meaday la th erst ef a series af aeetlaas to be held ta discuss tablUhmeat of similar grata standards aad laapectloa rules for the two states. It te expected lb standards set will coatrel the awvemeat ef grata thru Paella Northwest, aa Idaho ai Montane have aa grala taspeetlea taws. Yesterday the commlssloaers mt at Tacesaa, today at Saokaae, aad tomsrrew they win met at Peadletoa. NISROIS NSSD RURAL AND ASBIS SCHOOLS WASHINGTON, juae M.-laveati-gatlea af Sfty years ef edaeaUeaal ef fort amaag aegreas la the Seath, re- ceatly ramplsted by the federal bareau ef edaeatloa, aad made aoaslMe by the coeaeraUoB of the Pblp-8toks faad ef New Terk. emphasises mora th saytalag eke the seed ef rural edaea tloa, particularly the edaeatloa ef ae- gro caUdrea la agriculture aad simple trades, rather than the higher taara lag af the prtated page. ORASTIC MlAlURIS BO INTO IF. FICT TO INSURI BRBAO FOR THK PIOPLB WHILB STRUTS KBPT OARK AFTSR NISHTFALL LIHIM1N, IMrlugal , Juna M. Th war has reached Portugal In earnest, and drastic measure are being put Into effect by the goveramvnt ta lasure bread for the people. Coafeclleaery ami cake no longer rah be sold. All person possessing supplies ef Hour are required lo Inform th authorities of th amount they own. Qorn bread la being mad la eke out the scanty supply ef wheal Hour, aad acorn Hour aad other substitutes ar being utilised. Th LUboa streets. Ilk the af London, now are In darkness after nightfall, as th gas faclerlea have ceased operations, Ktectrle street ear bow are operated oaly up to II p. m. The dIBcally of obtaining public caa- vyanee aftr that hear la eaaaiag great loss lo t be tar aad eight clubs. Imported ceal has bicoms aa un known quantity, aad Ike aetteeal coal. Ilgalt, Is being used for domestic pur poses. Warning has beea given that unless It bscemea posslM ta Impart ceal, lae use of electricity as motive power must be dUcoatlaued. MANY MINES ARE WASHED ON COAST PKOF1SSIONAL CARDS JON.S C. CI.M1IIOIIN t'eeaiy Surveyor aiM Kegtneer DR J. H. CARTER DENTIST fc ROOMS 7 and iTra BUILDINB OFFIC WHI CHy k County Abatract Ca ARTNUP R. WIIJtO.N IT Mala Ml. ARNTRAGTM, LOANM AND S par eaM afwy fee Lo INSVRANCB The aa laauransa elaaaa Is all riant In sense eaaaa aad all arrant la ethera. Be aura yea aaaarataad tkla alauae be fere havlaf R attached te any af yew aelMlaa. AakChlleeas. 14 Buy Kodak Sim from Uadsrwood's aad they wll be developed free. N Wedaesday alght, Jaae M. ia ladles' alaht A said watah wlU be gives away te the meat papular lady. All Moos are reaaoated ta attend. It-It COMMITTBB. WOOD Plaat year Oraera ff BRUM SLAB WOOD NOW BS Mead asaalaafcl See th um bwww wwrnwmy wwwaBawaBnBwap aapar ajsmay fwemrawej v DtswA FmI Gie aBWgBfBBBmaTaWaBpBJBavl aB) BB"BBB eBT"aTB 1 m0mim0m000000mA0pd Automobile Tires VtllCeMUZealg eUld IUwiriiig AD work DJUaAlH AUTO TIUJOJPANY FOUR HUNDRBO HAVB BXPLOOBO 1 1 OR HAVB BSBN FISHBD UP ON COAST OF QOTLAND-POUR BX PLODB UNOBR MAN'S BAVBS STOCKHOLM, Jane M.-Poar ban dred ailne have exploded er beea Ssbed up oa the coast ef Ootlaad slaca the war began. gveaty-lve ef them cam ashore oa a Sfteea mil stretch of coast. Nobody has been hurt by th mplo- sloa with the esceplioa that sem, lives were lost hist oV the coast by the' Mewlag up of the steamer Rumlaa. One peaaaat oa the southern ex tremity of the eastern coast, whose boas Is at the water's edge, aaa ex perieaced four explosions under his very eaves, but aeithsr he nor any oae of hla family has beea hurt. DR. P. R OODDARD UMTNOPATMIO PHYMIC1AN SaMe SIS. f, O. O. P. Trmple Kaamlaatleei ad co. aaHallaa la free a your home, er lalheaeVe. Parthar I as the portable faMsnf ateal labia far home tr. trastmeal a ha aaaal te any gttaa la aha tmm aa4 tha.prlr hi the II. Ww8qL W. D. MILLER Oaatracter Walks. Floors, Pouadatlons. Cos ereU Bulldlag Blocks, Ptur sad Tllea. til S. Sixtk St. I'boo. Ill DmtT bsHsj Hifjt Plret-claas rooms for traaaleat er aarmaaaat roomers. GeaRMsvHoiise Hat changed hands anob now under WWIimGEiEKT St MAIN STRBBT looking Ahead Your eanlag capacity will aot last forevar, Start an laterest kearlag asvlaga accouat wltk us aow. Back deposit will mean added security far your future. Our twaiealled facilities, and tke persoaal attention we give each Individual accouat, af ford baaklag servlc of the highest eta"' . I.IK fJBkk ELBwBwaama" 4T& FIRST STATE A SAVINGS BANK KLAMATH PAL1AL OBBOON - j lpN saBav M yMr 'st rol 0 I ! bbbbbbbbUI' .rBBBBBaV Kodak Pllai for development t mmr 'aam immmibwm a hamswam Bl BBBBafsfaBBBafaBBBBaBB at) sa saa " !' - , MlaBefara4,M,UwlUl ready at 1 p. m. next dsy Saappy, briUlsnt, vslox prints M wi ' Taaajaviiigbt P. L. Pewatata, O. P.; j Aw eaBBu afefJhRt IdtdBAfaaBaB waB An AaMBfjafJ nVs) faamal iiJwxp&ssar1 MMMIMM IIMMM "N W. s -C-- L91BBBUI min wm auataVmiiBaV aWdfllWI