"it .Vi r . M.1' 3t kt tfW a,. wa ir VK 4'5f 'A , - ,r. r ' fflp? iEuimmn Bentllt "rf"'"r!nrtrii iitiisj i n. OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH COUNTY Eleventh Year No. 1,112 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY JUNE 19, 1917 1 "l official nrnmrngBi-: 0-"P"' e oaaajalaaPaaaBPpEBJ FIFTEEN MEN 6IVE $100 EACH TO RED CROSS WESTERN STATU RAISE OVER Nerth Central Stelae .thaw Up Beat ia Netteo-Wld Camealeft Total af Flrot Day In 117 Clllaa, Exclusive af New York, Waa Kmjm-4mAOO.- tot la Goal Bad Creee Booths Main telitad. ,t WASHINGTON, Jttna ll.-Karlr re porta received at lb Rixl Croa bead urtera hare from 1ST cIUm, iclu Ira of Naw York. ehow ibal M.tOJ.M waa eubeeribad or pledged to ihe 1100. 090,000 war relief fund on the Art day of tka big drive. Tba aorth central state mad th baat abowlag wllb Sl.tfiMOO. Five Waatara slalea aland fourth, wllb ISI.ItO subscribed. Flfleea hundred dollar waa, raUnl among Sfteea bualarsa nan and Arm of tba ally yaaterday. Baaldaa tbla, bootba ara being main lalaad at many points thruout the city wbara Individual mambarablpa and doaaileaa ara balag taken. Tba Sftaen Rat and Inaa which con' trlbatad tba 1100 aacb ara aa follewa: Pelican Bay Cumber Ce: N. D. Martaaaoa R. A. Jabi J. W. Flrat f lata aad Saving allnk M. R. Rume rtral National Baak T Kwauaa Baa Co. Martin Bra. K. K. K. Store Rowtwara Oregon Aato Co. Oeldea Kala Van Riper Bros, flaaaot Oroeary Roberta 6 Whit more Had Croaa beadauartora and Infor mation bureau will ba aialntalnad at tba Commercial Clab rooau tbla weak. A representative of tba loclely will bo ataUoaod tbara thruout tba day aad aarly avaalag to furnUb data aad eup pllea to tba corpa of worker now In tba Said. If uaaole to call, phone re coeste to let. CeanMatotajoa tba campaign of the Anwriee a)Croea to rUa 1100.000, 000 ta carry oa Ita war actlvltla. B. R. 'Ream eald:" "Tb big aecaaalty of tba present II to Aaanee tka Red Croaa ao liberally aa to atveifce chance to atap Into tbo gag Mii) grand work of upbuild ing aat-taapiring our alllea while our eoldter ara balag ' moblllied aad trained. . "Aad dolag tbla, wo are not merely readarlag moral encouragement, but actual physical help to tke ighllng armlea of rraace. We are taking from tba ahoaldera of aa overburdened na tion tba teak of helping Iheae unfor tunatae. Tbua wa are lacreaalng the man power of France at the' vary time when tbla eowta moat. We eat them up In life ao they eaa help themaelve "Tbla la net charity. Don't let any body get that lldea for a moment It la debt paying. We owe all that and vaatly more to the France that poared out her blood for ua. It la the Jeaet wa earn do while our armlea of Sghtlag men ara getting ready to aerve In the trencbee. "A tremeadeua Ruaalaa problem con freaU Ua Red Croaa. We have a debt to pay to Ruaala aa well aa to France, The altuatlon aa ragarda the nmellora- tlea af aufarlng oa the long Rueaian aUla Una la deplorable. On !the whale IJtH mllea of front there are only 9fiH amubUneaa. wheraaa la iruoa, aa a front of 400 mllea, there re SI.SM ambulance. Succor mtut be rushed te Russia. There are prob too af eoeouragement awl af material W eeafreaUng aa there ta great in ttelr way aa await ua la franc We rnsat be up aad doing-)! of u, ovary Ingle Amerteaa. Our thought la to go te Ruaala with aa swob rallaf aa we at Miami!, -.The aearteaiag ,reb Um wry prWtog JJpM. m Um wktlt eetter moat uaderataad by thla CAMAQK CIQARS ARE RIALITV IM nnuiuv COI'KNIIAIIKN. June ll.-The vrnt-rabla joke about cabbage anil hay cigar ham become a Had reality in Germany, on. account of the hlxfa eol of tobacco. The miokrrn ate unlng a mUlure of hay. cabbage, atrawberry leave and namlal wood. A MEETING HELD TO ORGANIZE COUNTY SOCIALISTS OENY THAT "FREE LOVE" AND "OARWIN THEORY" IN PLATFORM - ISSUE TAKEN WITH MRS. O'HARE The nrl meeting to organ I to the tmlalUt party In Klamath counly waa held Uat night at the opera bouse, ac cording lo announcement of the Intro ductory apeakar, who spoke previous (o itrn. Kala O'lUre, who later ad- Urraaed a Urge audience. The Introductory apeaker look upjuatlon of former trouble In that dl- nuppoaed charge against the aoclalUt aa "free love" and "aupport of the Darwin theory," which he dUclatmed nnd denied are In the party platform, lie Ihen read a portion of the Darwin theory, pointing out that It I "the" theory taught In high achoola and col lege, ridiculing the theory. Mr. O'llare alio took up auppoeed chargea agalnit the party. She then took up In a clever manner nameroua point and pbaaea of Ibe war, blaming it cato "a few munition maker," and "the capital!! ylrm." She abaolved the aoclalUt party from any blame or part in it, daijng.tbal the party tried to prevent it; aad held munition mak er and "weak-kneed Christian." the "ylem." aad other, to blame. She aald the oclalUU have no later est In the war. Mr. O'llare atruck at conscription In a round-about manner. She upheld "strong eocialltation," or centralised corporation methods aa used by Ger many, pointing out that there is found the best eiampl of '"aociallxatlon" method. She naked that ake be not criticised after leaving. New pbasea of a few of the many question she touched on were Introduced when Win. Weeks of thla city, questioned a number of her statement, and dlaagrccd with her on them OREOON TOWN NEARLY CONSUMED BY FIRE COKVALMS. June !. About thirty stores and residence, comprising two- third of the town of Alpine, were de- alroyed today by Are. Three builneaa building nave cum ed and others are damaged. The Are ia believed to have been in m,ibfv. it threatened me enure town for a while. DICK CARTER IS PLACED IN JAIL MAN WANTED ON CHARGE OF ' FIRST DEOREI MURDER IN THE KEET BABY CASE IS TAKEN, AC CORDING TO POLICE HUTCHINSON, Kana., June lP-Tue police announce the arrant of Dick Carter of Springlcld. Ma, egals" whom a warrant ataada on a charge of Arat degree murder laaued In connec tion with the myaterloua dlaappearanee aad death of the baby, moya ow- time. It U oapeclally neceaaary naw that Ruaala la l the throen of revolu tionary aftermath. I w rm'X con vinced that the Ruaalaa democracy can be ralield on to keep Ita head, to ZTi.i.i. sAirit.hai aaatehed from UltOMU.Mt it muat be yiM, ! aaipaa mu. A PRESIDENT VIRTUAL PRISONER SOUTHERN PROVINCES ARE RAP. IDLY MAKING WARLIKE PREP. ARATIONS AND OTHERS ARE JOINING THEM f'KKIN, June II. The aouthera pro vince are rapidly making warlike preparation, aad are assured that oth er province will Join them. A elvll war In China la not improb able. Ireldent IJ Yuan Hung la virtually a prisoner. General Chang Sun baa aa- lumed the power of dictator. CRESCENT SCHOOL ELECTION HELO WITH FIREWORKS Deputy Sheriff P. E. Strelt aad J. fC Jolly of Creacent arrived In the clt tbla morning with report of trouble at the t'reacenl acbool elect loa yaaterday. Deputy Sheriff Strelt reported at the kherlQ'a office that he bad placed four men under arrent. He did not bring them to the city. The trouble eem to be a contln trlrL Illowa were atruck yaaterday, during the general melee. ShertC Humphrey referred them to the district attorney'a office. RAILROAD BIDS ARK OPENED; NO CONTRACT YET N II. Rogue, engineer for RobL R. Slrahorn, announced thla afternoon that the coatraeta for the grading of the railroad from tbla city to Dairy have no! t been awarded. Mr. Kogne opened the bids yaaterday, of which there are Ave or als. aad baa been working on them alnee. He Is, thoroly canvassing and checking each one. UNDERWOOD AND H06UE ELECTED FOUR CANDIDATES IN FIELD FOR SCHOOL BOARD ELECTION HELD IN THIS CITY YESTBRDAY. EVANS WITHDREW The annual city school election wu held yesterday, C. C. Hogno and C H. Underwood being elected member of the board. The other caadldatea were E. M. Chllcote and Dr. Geo. H. Merrymaa. Percy Evans, who had anaouaoed hla candidacy, withdraw hla name. Following the election the board or ganised. The reaulte wore u follewa: C. C. Hogue . MS C. H. Underwood -MS E. M. Chllcote .... -lOt Dr Geo. H. Merrymaa Ml O. A. C. OPENING , POSTPONED TO OCT. CORVALUS, June It. In order that men and women students-of the Ore gon Agricultural College may help gather the crops thla autumn, the op ening of college bu been postponed unUI October tth. Usually acbool opona early In September CHIN n THIMOBIOFTHXSI THE RED CROSS MUST ii ' s-A, ". J HOOVER EXPOSES FOOD J06GLERS TO 0. S. SENATE says mjmfloo TAKEN IN FIVE MONTHS Telia Senatera That Alllea Depend en North America far Feed, and Will Be Unable to Fight Unleae It te Pre. vlded, ana That United Sjatea May Find Hereelf Alane Against Oar. many Net Blvan Olctater'e Power! WASHINGTON. June 18. Food apeculateCB have been taking 150,000.- 000 a month for the put tve months, a total of a quarter of a billion dollar. from the American people, Herbert C. Hoover told tba ornate today In ex plalalag the purpose of the food con trol Mil now before congress. Hoover, President Wilson's food ad ministrator, aald that the alllea are de pendent upon North America for a vast majority of their food Import. He aald, without food the alllea will be unable to'Sght, and we shall find ourselvea alone against Germany ua- leaa food la sent to them. Hoover aald the Ruaaaa revolution waa a food riot Hoover dteclatmed entirely that the food control bill set up a food dicta torahlp. He totd the senator that ita purpose la to organise the country's reaourcee aadl'the people Into the ad mlaiatraUoa of food to limit the mid dlemaa'a commission and to prevent extortions. KLAMATH COUNTY HAS ONE OP TWO ELK PRESERVES rORTLANDJaae -It. The Oregon Flab aad Game commission Is taking steps to establish aa elk preserve near Sllverton. The atate at present owns two elk preserves, one In Klamath county and the other In Wallowa coun ty. About aevonty-Ava elk run In the two preserves. WATT SCOUTING FOR A FIRST BASEMAN NOW Thompson. Arat baseman of the Red ding ball club hu been approached repardlng a position of the Klamath Falls team, and word la expected from him ahortly. Manager WaU wu pleued with Downeya work behind the plate Sunday, and hu decided to keep him there. Sam Jolly, a catcher of Stockton, who wu unable to come lut week, hu, aent word he can come now, but Watt will try out Downey. Information received from Slsaoa uya that a special train will be run to the game Sunday from McCloud for the game, and that hotel reservations are being made there for people from u far aouth u Redding and Kennett. Part of the local team will leave Sat urday afternoon at I o'clock and the other Saturday night Watt te par ticularly anxloua to'wln thla game, u the lut ball he played wu at Btaeon. BUR0ESS REAPPOINTED LAND OFFICE REGISTRAR WASHINGTON, June It. Preeldent Wilson hu appointed Jamea Burgess registrar of the land offteo at Lahcvlew. GIVE To Save Lives of Soldiers and Cart For Dependents at Hmm ft, t 8 OREGON'S SHARE SIMS IS SENIOR ALLIED OFFICER PLACED IN CHAROE OP FLEET IN IRISH WATERS DURlNO THE AS SENCE OF BRITISH COMMANDER ON OFFICIAL DUTY . LONDON. June It. Vice Admiral William 81ms, V. S. N., hu been ap pointed to take generar charge of the allied naval forcee la Irish water while the BritUh naval commaader as absent from his post for a period, ac cording to an official announcement Admiral Sims' Sag hu been hoUted as the allied eenlor officer. Social Leader Is Active War Worker Mrs. John Astor, Arat wife of John Jacob Astor, who apeada moat of her time In London, hu been busy with charitable work In helping BriUah sol diers. ThU is the Arst photograph of her taken in some years, In fact, alnee her former husband wu lost In the wreck of the Titanic a A. R. In Sseelen 8EATLE, June It. The thlrty-Atth anual encampment of the Department of .Washington. Grand Army of the Re public, wu called to order In the Moose temple thla morning by Depart ment Commander J. E. Oaady of Spo kane. Tonight a reception will be held in Eagles', hall by the Grand Army, Wo men's Relief Corps. Daughtera of Vet erans. Sons of Veterans aad Ladlw of the G. A. R. v THIRTIETH CONVENTION OF TRAIN DISPATCHERS SHELB FKBSNO, Calif.. June It. The thir tieth annual convention of the Train Dleptechera Association of America be gan here thla morning when SOO dele gatea fro mall parte of the country met for the Arat of their four daya sea slons. Manyv of the delegate brought members of their famlllee with them, so that the total of vUltora hu been swelled to more than SOO peraons con nected with the railroad men. NOW! HAVE I aJbF I ' .mmmSank. gsEaHBsS Ut LWkkmTmffmmwi ami snnW;:'iii'VS m2j . ainsnjgavifasy . asaAaar ji ganmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmr ammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmT snmmmmmmmmmmmm4r nuammmmmmmmmmmmmmmw ffnammmmmmmmmmmmmmV anmmmmmmmmmmmmmf TBI FXWIR OF THBU , ?- IS W0)000. - -i.. . .... -., &li AUSTRIANJCABINET IB BASEL, Swltxerlaad, Jaao It. A Vienna dtepatch uya that the Austrian cabinet hu resinned. ts&M FRENCH MONEY OFFERED MEXICO EXTRA EDITION OF CARRANZA PAPER ANNOUNCES LOAN IF MEXICO WILL HELP ALLIES IS NOT BELIEVED OFFICIAL- SAN ANTONIO, Juao. It. The La- a Carraaxa newspaper here, la- sued aa extra thla afternoon contain ing a telegram from Universal, Mex ico City, which said that France hu of fered to lend Mexico 10,000,000 pesos if Mexico will participate la the .war oa the aide of the alllea. There la ao oBkial tone to the tele gram. GERMANS HANGED 30,000 POLES STATEMENT OF PAN-GERMANIST HEINE THAT "ALL OUGHT TO BE HANGED" PRECIPITATES A RIOT IN VIENNA REICH8TRATH ZUmiCHrJnno If. Pollah Deputy Duslaaki declared lathe VJeaaa , roteh- otratb that goor JMSt Sena have aa banged by order of the .German. According to the Vienna, Arbelter Zeltung. Paa-Germeniet Heine declared that the Genmuta hu not used rope enough. "They nil ought to be hanged,1 he aald. The Slav-PolUh members of the relchatrath .thereupon rushed' upon Heine aad the preeldent wu obliged to suspend .the sitting of the body la the mldat of a tremendoea uproar. KLAMATH FALLS BAND IN CONCERT TOMORROW The Klamath Fall band will give n concert tomorrow night at T:M o'clock aharp at the Central aehool building. Thla will be the Arat public concert given by the band for thla season, al though the member have appeared publicly fa patriotic. Red Crou; Flag Day aad outer oceuions. W. H. McLaughlin, director, la per fecting a apleadld organisation. ROSEBURG COUNCIL PROVIDES PATRIOTIC MUSIC R08EDURO. June It. For the ex- pressed purpose of giving the people of Roaeburg more patriotic mueie ia time of war, the Roaeburg city oouncll hu employed a tooal band to give two open air patriotic eoaeorte each week and tp play national aire tor aay patri otic organUatlou daalriag muala. Chw. Leas wu a visitor la.towa the Arat of the week. hy .as-rav'cfc-"4- V . .A A 5 ft 1 MMJrffrt ,! iltwl VIJIV'VVB ,V: WHEN BUNK S tttjrTt riV9) If ClVW tMCa AsMoMwIvlf WVporlr SffWfWSjmjw, anasmomHsas g BBwBB EAmBBBBmj BjTSjBJBJBJ t ir- -W. tv f Unltod Statae WareMe) an am TWmWWffmmmm) ,s IMli .UlLiMaWal v " ammmmfco.HIHH ii- f 4a TWO OAVB OUT PROM WUkftG -wt )Ai S "W Charge of VeeeeL NEW YORK. Jane It. aank the Standard OM John D. Archbeld. to Saturday. The erew-ia loot - The ArehboM wu armed ship. U it The tanker wu two a5eyemL'-ea) route to America from aabmarlnad. She had a toaabaBa'of MT4 teaa, aad wu to .eeuamaasl of ,s UoaptoUa U A. TaMVfMB. " -' Ajj .rVllKm n "V WASHINGTON. Jaao It BtaaaGa- partmont adataea npartlag tBa ajajalajr of the ArehboM aaM tbatwetM armed guard ao;aano.,.tTaeoo mMMi- 1 THREE BABY.KLK HAVE AttsVtsnw ARRIVED IN. KLAMATH ", " " v j-, fa-- r ' iMff Word brought tromtho atatea that three baby a bora atnee the Kteasath ktfm aff teen' were moved latetaoeaoleaot t r,t& Five babea-aro U atplayeaT to and their care. DEPUTY BARBCRtaTXAMfMER VISITS LAKEVIBW SOIOPB J. E. Swaaaon. deputy etato I examiaer. to-to Jeview.avbJsi anUaatioutheroand.tanoarbrj Moaday.and thla weak fortao i ttoa ot.baiojor ,on writer, lawa amr. emtog harbor ahops, aad far urn tog orrevekteg of I Mr. Swansea wujujaatotodoaejby to 1H0 to. the atalhjgof oayto. Sto naavtosi aeon anaomapojaBjaasr joaaa aay harbor In the atatOj-ARbte tmMga ana aeciaioaia awvv wp,aw r ipw board. Duriag the paaajoai one ta the atate, ail other i ar aibaaber havo been changed bat Mr. -ii. rLANS MADE FOR ' " ' '" n. ' JULY.kS4.CBWBG The catrPaml ipJB MaatlKl atari made mat aJgbt to esasei Jrtaoy ordinance to prepare' for the latahra tloa crowd expected here Jab S Mat 4 The work wu atartei aad a aaanaeRtoe ofthe)uacUajUJHaaajiwlwek it oat The' jitney men aak tor ptotoo Uon daring the eelebration to 1 the crowd from privately eaoata. ante nor. - maoh tolitmt to anpir waojaaw y ,;. t "r" L'lwr. .- " . -m "v j v. attorttarmaaoafwantofer the aaamtog Of lao;aa:, ' yv &?. l. chinos which are often- poaaodi toto r service, a uoanao as is ; t-rtisv FOR ARMY DOfilR ii BAATAB.IM i'-z-' wW eomn ATkmTi iSm'i ' . i BaUiBBB :eMoaBnamma M fjSGSSiV4 mmmnwm WANTED IN CNHeWaaojei naiTW $$ i . .-r JT j&lcr5ht V ' .iwSI . t " . . t-- LLi - - -'- L..au. .W. VVtti V('rfi'-"V.m . . I.i T-r, . jMV22tXt x.s .. a.T"-i&vTn?risiKY7j? rz"mmT Nknr hmRrtiBjorjoas , AwamatlortlMjaniojgi v.kWi!5j-';2t-J -.JU.SJV4i All a ;4 & Wl ' Kl v-l "L T. m 2' . 'f.t .' ' mik 1 .. .(tf