lr 4 T t. -J ri lST.K? i s,Fia J W . " " - .....'' ' '' ' - v ' w Xv 'Cwc i - ' ?. ? -0. '"? s.4t . ' ' " K U-fl .'lL . ' "-' ! rf r, ' A'H OFFICIAL NBWIPA " VT4f J, ' Hi 'i OP KLAMATH COU OFFI nKtXHMH LTSl f l KLAMATH PALLS, CftECON, MONDAY JUNE 18, -A ?JtBKat'' "Til"1 y ? ' T ". j.. j5H toby BmHi- --. , lffedfflri i BBBBj il n iiiiii in mi i! in ri urn. ihIBu-mlu , Eleventh Year No. 8.111 lgmE jm&A. l, m bm -m ' jf f bb F r f,4T8"iT rttlT " ' 17 l& !' wrw KM -O K if si fm BALKAN ammmmmmw . dammmmmmmmmmu- ONLY ROUTE TO SERBIA THOUGHT TO BE CHOSEN BRITISH TROOP WITHDRAW WITHOUT PRESSURE t to, Offcnelvo In Vardar Valley Expect- 4 Seen Withdrawal From Sturm Stiver Made King Cenetantlno'e Ah- dlctlen Remevee Mtnaca f Attaok n Alllt rrm Rwr If New May taut Oavalaaa. LONDON, Jim 1 In fact af a rtraaf attach tha Irltlth hava kean tatcai to fall back fram thalr amma aavaiHaa aaaltlaitB. la allium their new aeeltlene. far tha main aa are still held. ty Aaaaelatoel Preea) Important devalopaiaala are fare- aaa4awad o tha Maceelaoalaa fraat hy tha retorted withdrawal of tha Brit lli force from tha advaaced oa- HIom aaat of the gtttrm River without vreaeara aaaJaal them. It la reported that proaoaaced ro coMoltertog actlvltlaa of the alUea f-Jmeo tin MMaitpJ,ymmrVaila. Military obocrvera claim that the Vardar Valley Is tha oaly practical roate for a aaeceaafal advaace to cut the Teatoa Haas la the Balkans In an olort to reclaim Serbia. It Is believed that aa offensive in Vardar is Imminent. It appears that an aggressive move nay possibly result from King Con' etaatine'a abdlctlon which removed all possible menace to the allies from the rear In such a move. GIVE POWER TO WILSOHORKAISER LKVIR SAY PRKtlDINT MUST BK OIVIN AUTOCRATIC OWIRt OVER FOOD OR KAIaIR WILL ASSUMI THIM. WASHINUTON. D. C. June M-The admialstratlon'a food controf'blll ha been pushed to the front In both houses and with tha personsl Influence of Wil son pressing for Immediate passage, It Is more than likely that nothing else will be done until the anticipated at tache on giving Wilson extraordinary power are -disposed of. Representative Lever said In a soeech today, "we must either confer the so-called autocratic powers upon the constitutional head of our govern ment or be prepared to have the mas aumed by the Kaiser." Wilson Removes Scott From Office at Trisco apt J. ieott, collector of Internal rev wtk tu tMx. toatt waa see Ma at laa Francisco, feaa been re- rotary of the Woodrow WIlsoa.League mavadfrattoaleabydlractlMaf rasl.fin California before his appointment. "" M!.! WovtlieU uutq NorthellBe, pubuui ui the London Times and London Dally Mall, along with many more newspspers and periodicals, ha just arrived In the United Slates to head the British war mission here. He will have complete charge of the work to be done by the British officials, and will do all he can to show the American people why they should awaken to the Importance of the war. KVIDKNCK Of OIRMAMt a it rdumlm Alaska e NBW YORK. Juae laOmoera v.fwi waaawaaii nmii ia a tloa assert that they have foaad a evidence that pro-German ale- menu lastigated strikes at tha company's' Alaska copper proper tlea , supposedly aa a strike f against the country's military re- sources. LACK OF FAMINOIR BOATS KEtF FAtStNQtRS IN tNOLAND LONDON, June 18. There are 40, 000 dependents of Canadian soldiers In this country unsble to return to Canada, owing to the lack of passen ger accommodation on the few steam ers running to Canada. They came soon after their men folk when the latter enlisted and, In some cases, the men already have re turned to Canada, wounded or dis charged from the army. Others were relatives of soldiers who have been killed, and are anxious to return to relatives. m IVANOtLIST FURDOM It BACK IN KLAMATH FALLS Elder C. A. 1'urUom. wife and little boy bate returned to Klamath Falls. Elder Purdom Is to be the paator for the Seventh Day Adventlsts and will be remembered as the evangelist who conducted a lecture series here during February, March and April. ORBQON ORANGE WILL MBET AT SALEM NEXT ASTORIA, Juno 18 The State Orange will meet at 8alem next year It was decided at the state convention here Saturday. saeStMviM' BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBmWAi amvmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmml m 1ammmmmmmmmmmmmmmml II LmmmmmmmmmmmfllM ml I mmmmammHmmW ill I mrmmmm mw3"mmm-M! Imi M mmmmmmV - I i1-. mmWJmmu amammmrm iF'mKmmmmmH OFFENSE " KLAMATH'S RED CROSS DRIVE MMMMnWMMMNMMMMMM MORE THAN 535 VESSELS SUBBED SINCE FEBRUARY Itt OF THEM OVER SIXTEEN HUNDRED TONt All British Vessels IN Under IMS 'Tens 7S Sailing and Fishing Vcs- aela Sunk in Three Weeke 3M Ships Unsuccessfully Attacked by Submarines During This Feried Seme Records Are Incomplete New. WA8HINGT0N. D. C. Juae lt-Sab- marinea since February 17 have atak 3tt British vessels of over MOO tons and US under 1100 torn. There have also been sunk since that date 78 steam tahlag vessels while on the sailing and Ashing vessels the records are tacaaagletc. Seventy eight were sunk in three weeks. 1 8abmariace attack M hlpe a saccessfally dariaffthla parted, TO FIX WAR SUPPLY PRICES SECRETARY DANIELS ORDERS COAL AND OIL IN LARGE QUAN TITIES, FJtICES OF WHICH. TO BE FIXED LATER. '! ' i'. WASHINGTON, D. C. Juae 18 Sec retary of the Navy Daniels has order ed coal and oil producers to supply enormous quantities needed by the navy at prices to be fixed later by the president when tha federal trade com mission determines a fair rate. The navy will use 1.7M.000 toaa of coal and 50,000,000 barrele of oil pur chased under this authority. JAP WARSHIP PROBABLY SUNK OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT OF PROBABLE tlNKINB MADE IN LONDON. JAPANESE FLOTILLA ATTACKS SUB. LONDON, June 18 The Japanese warship Mediterranean haa probably beea sunk by a Teuton 'submariaa ac cording to aa official dispatch. A Japanese flotilla encountered and attacked a submarine on June 18. EMMA GOLDMAN AND BERKMAN HELD BY JURY NEW YORK, Juae ItBmma Gold man and Alexander Berkmaa, oaHad tha two leading aaarchlate of America, tmve bees' held by the, federal grand jur charted with oaaf4rwtU tro veardrai.ft"a1aUM.UToJr hall haa been placed at f 8MM sack. x . V v? w. THOUGHT ti .... - - . 1 mmmmy UNLESS WORK IS RUSHtD, ARMY MAYBE DELAYED aas-aNMn-aaw. I SIX WEEKt DELAY IN CALL NOW r BXFSCTKD Only Unfersecn .developments to Rush Work on, Cantmante Will Make Feasible CalllntOut of First Draft By September l-dMto U First Call No Oveirhgfflce Allowed Build era. Maximum Freftt fhtcd. WASHINOTC1N. D. C, June 18 Un less uaforsoen SeveJopmenta hurry the coastntctlon work an the 1 new army caatonmeata for the training of the flrat increment of S50,000 troops, the s new National army will not be in training by September 1 as generally sappossd and- may not bo la training feriu, week, thereafter. M-"IH 'l' T.U af) oallderB of the camps; The maximum prott for any camp haa beea flzed at 88M.e90. MORE CONTRACTS FOR SHIPS LET GOETHALt HAS ANNOUNCED CON TRACTS FOR TEN MORE STEEL SHIPS, AND 24 WOODEN BOT TOMS ON PACIFIC COAST. WASHINGTON, D. C, June 18 Gen eral Goethals, general manager of the "Emergency Fleet Corporation." an- aced today that he baa Issued con- traeta for tea more steel merchant ships complete.) Twenty-four addition contracts tor wooden ahips have been let to a Seattle Construction " company. The Drydock company got the steel con tracts. CHICAGO MAYOR . NOT PATRIOTIC BACKWARD OFFICIAL WHO HESI TATED TO INVITE JOFFRE TO CITY ALSO FAILS TO BUY LIB ERTY BONDS. CHICAGO. June IS Apparently Mayor Thompson, of Chicago, did not purchase a Liberty bond. Tha mayor's backwardaees in Invit ing Oeaeral Jottre hero because "Chi sago la the sixth city to the world of German population" lent a peculiar In terest to his position in the loan bond subscriptloa campaign, A half hour before tha teak closed Saturday reporters asked if -ha had purchased a bond. Tha reply waa ao. v"""",, n.m . -- ' t , Missouri Baby Killed by Ki rlxmmmmmmmmmi!-,'!B H'riJttv'At'n's'i; -i'wU BSmmmmmfflBajimksmmmBiBmM rn"ttW ' V J J ' .'-?-' 2? 1 ItBmmmmmmmmmmmmmUlixiH R PBi 1 StSStiSSJSm lJ'BBmiilliiiiiiiiiH ffW'W SMhbI nidHaTfwBmmKBmmmB-J-lf ''iH'?PPPt-'i- vlmapjiyjBBBBBBBBI B ItT i ''bW (iiIrIi ii II immiSSsB (tHmmK!)BxlBmmmTNBmmml I'VSKjBmammmmma tSXinSTSKKm rff?lr.mmlVfig1gmB I;ptsaax:al4a 53)'al:lmJamKammmmmmmPIfi " ' .-'-'waw.gyw nwr jrsxf m leaaaaaaaj gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar aajaaajmnrw v BgWiBJRjBlKBBBBBBjfpflBBBBBBBBBBBBBBV 1 - taefIk . ItSBBMPawaaKJBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBVrtiWPRfKl A ; .& 't .j' - i.K " - .bm.' -Jrmzvin m i..xw vobm iHyari nv?.,J.H.Ket.efjn ' Baby Keet, 14 mouths old, son of J. Holland Keet, banker of Springteld. Mo., was stolen by kidnapers and later killed and thrown into a welL Several KLAMATH SHUTS OUT SOLDIERS FIVE TO NOTHING SCORE HANDED TEAM FROM THIRD OREBON. SACRAMENTO COMING FOR 4TH OF JULY GAMES. ' i Klamath Falls kept up 'er rep. and tWsoidlers of Company I, Third Ore gon regiment, now at Medtord, went home yesterday with a 5 to 0 defeat to their credit , Manager'Watt announced today that he had closed with Duke and 0Nell, of Sacramento for the Railroad and July 4 celebration games aa Portland failed to come thru by Saturday, tha date set. Watt states that Duke baa promised to bring the best aggregation of ball players that ever migrated to southern Oregon hero on those dates. The crumbling of the Trolley league is ex pected to add a number of stars. It is expected that four or tva games; will be played on Sunday, July 1. and I Tuesday and Wednesday, July 3 and Next Sunday Klamal Playa McCIoud teamr which shut out hare two weeks ago, at; Yesterday's game wi a rub aa had been ex soldiers MtneVertheleen baseball day ue game several Innings. Downey caught the ie Kgaeand looks tar Falls , siftnot aa tight pBJtoeyfrom Ue wf an ideal wamwM up u w . -l ' -----. L . innawiAlULlf . 1 1 kt 'JUiMsai..w'ijc t& . i . . . "ym fafin f KtilllTn mil BXvV I Itfr V ' suspects have beea arrested 'for' this crime, "and there" have bee I threats and alternate to lyaeh;aeeae of them. . ',' good in tha pbsKlea, Crawfordubeti tatlag at arst.whera.t Mttle fellow, accepted a tot of hard ehaneea bt goad shape. Data atoyed'rigMtald whee f- it - 44. he apearod a hard eae fraat ue oaaa Ktomathla defaase waa strong all tha way tare.' Bhader oaeaatod the has and played wkh'ihe aaMtora. BRITItH tECOND-HAND VESSELS OFF iNRICE LONDON. June 18. British second hand vessels are not, hftagtas the high prices of a year ago. aad buyara'aca boldiag off in Ttew of the, new eaawr tloaa aad increased taxation of protta proposed ls the last badge;'" -Xsr V While Scandinavian nd, Japanese second-hand steamers aroaelliag up to 80 pounds a ton, three British steam ers, aggregating 80,000 toaa. recently were sold at U pounds, 10 salUlnga par ton. CITY SCHOOL BOARDS - 4 ELECTION It HELD The polls for the city school board election opened thiav afternoon at t o'clock. Araerican-Fr office haa completed ite rowM af satol tr r V M - v . v r1 n m'st,: Rh at m m IHItfHkHmC K , -f m m 8iaTMMgPlOl-'gllBBjBT VffBT ammdBmmKTsmmfamV smmVmmfjammVffffffffBTj f ai ' f i t i iAt,v jiat .wi?Y( "4 ammi t' . js r . r .wrfiu'iitflirAT wv .n -? --'-",- -i.n .'jwciiili T, .'(, I, -saamf aammdtU gaLmm yi kt J 7 I f rat?. -hijnikm.. raia .amaV ll'iuia .'-' 4SteHirMlesaaSISM wjcaaathhlsdshaal'iill atto f iaitTj amamvrlac I ' j i.T.'JL jmA. '.ZU worOfiaanraaax xorssmj A oaargW af 8 eeaaa i frayvwiKy?UgA arei M tha moJMr Mad Craaa Bsetotr. k-iw'sM'saweamtto 0m9mtmW& fff? T T: r-.-a - , iii-J "-1 a l V AbVM?&7,Wfy Mr, m. r. jcaasaai.wam.ig woekw,f fmem UoHeraW, Ue toltowtag f Sam1 ih mm m wre. ii.iipiirnffm- Brofikiiibrourt 1 :eaalrmaat K lwreaosuWskimwl-ji.aJ; "- -ji liji iSffrrT'i iSrf huitemxAMhsasihdl ttjt;. .Tr: h Baldwu? etv,ajfiigfswas a aay.-' ir rtxs?wffl s --ao aawviwsew t era nowid(Netad'vl .. . ,'." - '.W-TJ OBwiaiiaaa,-8mejjV.i IVgJUsyJttWli eWJRPt iwJ""J PrrP TsW aiambera. etHM;:tnpt.4 eeri,,Uaoto.Saaa WtarytapStej , ,.,. ..uiirTJ i-tvi1-: 'fMM. smm nrtteg Uttffffta 7 "---7 -w ,-'--rr r v&f.ifl VI .! m, i 1 BsewaaaupmrnBal -: wmmim, vtai , -. mmt, immmmmmm- ra -7mm': .ta r ' 4'S ,.jT?X8?S'':'.'"-T" t' JiaSHWaMSJ ft ,. r? i v -t f ' ?s w vr i . TWVfm rKWt.Jt fl.( JV'SrJT'lL. 'flV'K' f'HKWffV , J i . a IfW ': ffyy