W .v Sfog Eugnmg Herald i- -M-J !" ,- OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH COUNTY 123. OFFICIAL OF KLAHATH FAUAj n'if$k8& HmrT, gm -lTTT-.rTT-1 Itvtnth Var N. 1.3)0 55r- KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY JUNE 16, 1917 -Sit- .7Z!J i GERMANY PLANS SECOND RETREAT TO VICTORY WITHDRAWAL WOULD PRECIPI, TATI SPANISH TROUSLE Thar la EWdaiKO Thai von Hinder.. Serf la Planning Another Oreat WithdrawalHalt la Prlnt The Steal Canaan Fall la Suppress eaerta-Pead Condlllen and tndua trial Unraat Aid Ravelutlenarlee. y Aaeeclaled Pre The llrlllah Troop are striking leag the oallra Una la Northern Fraac. Thar la considerable l 4mm thai von llladenburg U plan ptag for aaothar great withdrawal. Oaatral Ifalg la pressing him al all faint. If a second "retreat to victory" ma- trrialliea. lha upheaval resulting from Ifea war which baa alraadr burled two rematch froaa their throne threaten tba aucleat throne of Spain. The Spaatab censor have failed to eappres Ibo raporta of the grave hap- Tba spaalsh jumy la reported to he feadtag a revolutionary movement which la accalaratad by I ho food tup pi; tad ladaalrlal unraat. PERSHIN6 TAKES UP ACTIVE WORK COINS ARANGING DETAILS FOR ARRIVAL OF AMERICAN TROOPS IN PRANCE LUNCHES WITH PETAIN PARIH, Juna !. After three days at a gaaat of France, (leneial IVrshlng au plunged Into tba work of prepar- lag for tha arrival and disposition of Aaariean trooaa la rraaea. larly today ha walkad from hia ho Iti carrying an armful of documents ta taa atw Aaaarlcam army headquar (an la tha Xaa 4a Coaataatlne. He aat at a plala 4aak aad took up a great valaaia of bualaaaa which has accutn alatad. PanhlBg lunched today with den aral Petaln. KLAMATH lOOVS' LITTIRS TO It RIAD Y W. R. C. A ragular ataallas of the Women's Relief Corpa of thla city will be held Moaday alteraooa at J: 30 o'clock In laa vaat kail of the Odd Fallow build lag. Several letter will be read from Klaauth county aoya lnlha army and vy, and It la desired thai all others ' ao way have aawa from taa boya will ,11m report to add Interest to the meet- lot. Initiatory acrvlce will alao be held. IRMINQHAM ROWDIR MILL SUFFtRS IXRLOSION Mmlngham, June 11 The presa ( room of tha black powder mill of the Uta Riploalvra company In North lilnalngham waa demolished In an ex PMun eiUrday. Two negroes ware killed and a third Injured. The prop ny damage la negligible. m MRUS OF RID CROS INIFITt MOINS WIDNBSDAY The first of a aeriev of entertain tta for the Had Croa benefits will Stvan aest Wedneaday afternoon y Mrs. ft B. Hall at tha White Pel hotal. All InUraated In tba work Invited to attaad. Other member tha chapter will follow with similar "terteJaawata. t r. aad un. J, W Baeklay araja tlty fraaa ParUaad, whtl r. 'tar ta aka44ag ta aattla !tar i I, An American Gunner Who Sunk Submarine rw w - IlEeEaBEflaV v. EaEaEaEaEfJJ K7 EgM BmmmBBS ttwv-RBBBBBBBBBBT flV'vf.SB sBvBvBvBvSWy A.- oBgBvBvBvBvBvBvBI SBssifTjBSL. Bs 'WRPvn r I Fapppv BH ar "" 'l X 7 ' 'll X-T'SamPVi'Bv. 1 $-r?rak r ayi 'BBmCiZBBr'i BbVsbv BmmmmmvV '.'iV'ammmmi.i mamma' ammTsHI I"CiLwlS'iaaaaaaBlJMBm bbWbII MreyP ''trlLgggggggggggggg rmmmr i ' BBmmKtBmmmmmmmmmmmmKSil laaaV ?W " BBBBBBVaaBBBBBBBBBBSBBBafSfl Baw W4eEaEaEeEaEeEEaEajaa!J' r, .'m .'' BmutiBmSaBBmBmmmmmuBnJ (ifvfjW ' y HPflMRkVaaHkSlPV jPaVP w fiflJRBmSBRHBKSa SpBBjBjBraj wsiMSaaaSMbSRVgRM Thin U the la( phuloRrupli taken of Chief Turret Captain William J. Clark, who waa In command of the naval (tun crew AM he merchant Meant hlp Hllrernhell that nank a German nubmarlne In the Mediterranean May 3uth. The cane hn Jiut recently been reported by the atate department. The phntoicraph liowit Clark and Mm. Clark, whoae home 1 In New York city. The Mate department Jijuucij the fol lewing: The department of Mate I advUed by telegraph of an encasement between an armed Amerlcanateamer and a submarine. The' aiina of the Mcamcr were manned by an American naval crew. The nubmarlne wait flrM heen al about 7,000 ird. She had nj luinrn Run ropraru anil anniner mi Belgium's Official Mission Arrives AN ATLANTIC I'OKT, Juno 16. llelRlum's offlclal war commission to Germany Reported to Offer Peace to Russia Thru Swiss STOCKTON, June 16. The Social Democraten saa lhat Germany haw TWO CANDIDATES OUT FOR BOARD 'ft C HOOU ANNOUNCES HIMSELF OF FOR RE-ELECTION, AND P. M. EVANS WILL RUN FOR DEL SELL'S PLACE p.. C. Home Is a candidal o for re election to the city nchool board and 1 M. Mans Is a candidate for election to the board, which election will be held Monday In this clly. Mr, Hofuc has been a member of the school board for several years, and Ib u total f i lend of the schools. ... -. . i. Minninv for the place made vacant by the refual of W. A. DelMll, po"atar. io oe . "'--J Ifndar th poatmaster civil aervlce law, which went Into elect thl prlng. Mr. .. . . Li. i. hAM nv other Delieil i un" "-- -"' - . eglca th that, of potmatarhlp. and for thla raaaaa U sot pamlttad a place ?rMMkaMi aWart waa made to get kin'la ruaafala.t Rhe flew no flair. The Meamer Im mediately holMed the American flag and walled for about ten mlnutea. Aa the KUbmarlne approached the ateamer fired. The nubmarlnn kept a apeed that would permit the submarine to come witnln ranRe. Then followed a flclil laMlnR for an hour and a half. The Mibmarlne rame to a dIMancc of MtKiut 2.n00 arda. Ity that time the Mibmarlne had fired thlrty-flvo ebota and Hip ateamer twenty-flve. The laat nhot of the ateamer apparently struck the nubmnrine, which rained clear out of the water and .Mood stern end up for a few seronds. Then she disap peared. The captain of the steamer and the commander of the guard be- lleve thai the submarine waa sunk The steamer HiirTered no damage. at Atlantic Port Amcilca haa arrived. The commission Is headed by Huron Moncheur, former ly mlnlrter to the United 8tates. mndo Ktn-Ma a peace otTer thru the Swiss lederal council. JAPAN REFUSES . TO JOINAMERICA ENGLAND AND JAPAN KEEP OUT OF CHINA SITUATION, SELIEV INQ THAT AMERICA WILL NOT BE SUCCESSFUL WASHINOTON, uJne 16. Japan ha taken net Ion similar to England in re- Iru.inir tn asHoclato henelf with Amer ica In asking the rival faction of China to compose their difference, it Is reported to the state department. No reason ia assigned for the action of either nation, and It I aumed that neither felt Amerlca'a action would be successful. JAPAN WILL SEND COMMISSION TO U. S. WASHINOTON, June lOnJapaa in umi miMloa to America, prob ably early In July, wltk bread power especially la( diplomatic coaauitauaa. BEET MANAGER VISITS KLAMATH ALEX NIRLEV OF ORANTS PA8S COMPANV WHO PROMISES KLAMATH A FACTORY, SATIS. FIED WITH PROGRESS Alex Nlbley, reMdent manager of the Utah-Idaho Sugar licet company at Grants Pans, was a visitor In the county during the pnM week, Investi gating the local beet situation. More than 100 acres of land In the rounty Iiiim been son to sugar beetn this spring, and upon the results of tl.e vork depend a sugar beet factory fur Klamath county next year. Mr. Nlbley promises Klamath a factory is aatlsfactory result are secured. After visiting the valley he ex prcHhcd himself aa pleased with the prox-cta and the work so far. LOUISE HOME SUBJECT SUNDAY i i SECRETARY OF J PACIFIC COAST RESCUE AND PROTECTIVE SO CIETY IS HEREIN INTEREST OF QIRL MOTHERS' HOME Mr. S. II. Upton, field secretary of the Pacific Coast Rescue and Protect. Ive society, la in town representing the Louise Home. Mr. Upton will Speak at the Elev enth street Baptist church Sunday at 2:30 o'clock In the afternoon on the work of the girl mother; what is be ing done for them.'-ind what can be done to help in this needy work. This meeting I for ladles only. The women of all the different churches are especially Invited. COMPANY I PLAYS HERE TOMORROW WATT AFTER PORTLAND OR SAC RAMENTO TEAM FOR JULY 4. DOWENY AND SMITH TO TRY CATCHING Company I will be hore for the base ball game with the Klamath I Falls team tomorrow afternoon promptly at 2:30 o'clock at Modoc Park. Company I hiis a reputation as a ball club, and the player arc from the Woodburn section of the state, as well aa around Portland. Last Sunday this team shut out Weed by a score of 3 to 0, and Weed lets In America, and a profound etu is said to have n strong club this j oar, dent of working class economics. Her Manager Watt expects to close up i early childhood was spent on a Kansas within a few das now with either the farm. Leaving the farm, her rather Northwest Steel company' team of moved to Kansas city, where he be- the Portland Intercity League, or with Duke'B Sacramento team. Both Manager Sharp or Portland and Duke are anxious to some, there et being some question a to whether the Port- land team can gel off. Duke promises to bring such plaers as Rooney, O'Nell, Magee, Muchold, Nixon, J. Johnson, Tucker Johnson, and others, and promises the best aggregation ever seen here.' Manager Watt believe that Klamath Fall fan should give the team better aupport at the game Sunday, as he feel that the class of ball team that have been brought here la out of the ordinary. It costs money to bring them long distances, and It ia necessary to go far to get good one. He hope for a record crowd tomorrow. Downey and Smith will be given try out tomorrow aa catcher, aa Watt ia unable to get Sam Jolly of Stockton, whom ho had picked, at thla time. Both are aaxioua to try it, aad if one qual taaa a arat hasaatan or fielder will bo eeurad to fill the other Mace. Jolly la wall kaowa hare as a catehtr. A Chicago War Widow This in a new photograph of Countess of Suffolk, once Marguerite Leiter of Chicago and Washington, whose husband, the Earl of Suffolk and Derkshlre, was killed in action on the western front not long ago. ' FARM EXPERT . VISITS KLAMATH O. A. C EXTENSION WORKER TAKES UP WORK WHERE HE LEFT OFF IN THIS COUNTY EARLY THIS SPRING W. L. Kadderly, farm acopuntant of the extension service of the Oregon Agricultural college, returned early thl week to finish up the work started this spring in farm accounting In thej Mr. Kadderly J working witb -certain number of larmers in the county and Instructing them in the manner of keeping farm accounts. This fall, after the harvest Is over, be will check up the book, giving further instruc tions, after which it is planned to hold a meeting for all farmers interested, to show them the results and advantage of keeping farm accounts. It is hoped by H. R. daisy er, county agricultural agent, that more farmer will take up farm accounts for next jcar. KATE O'HARE TO SPEAK MONDAY PROMINENT SOCIALIST EDITOR WILL' GIVE ADDRE8S AT OPERA HOU8E MONDAY NIGHT Mr. Kale Richard O'Hare Is said to be one of the most eminent social- I came engaged in a small manufacture Ing business. Here she learned the machinist trade, serving the necessary I four years required to admit her to the International Association of Macbin 'lets, the first woman to have that dls junction. 8he early became interested in social problems involving the work- ing class In New York city. Some year ago her desire to get first hand Information regarding work' Ing conditions in various Industries where women were employed, led her to seek employment a a candy maker, garment worker, watch eaae worker, clgaret worker, artificial flower work- er, factory worker and waltrea. Mrs. O'Hare haa been a member of the Mayor' Unemployment committee in 8L Loula for aome year. She baa served aa a member of the national executive committee of the socialist party. In 1913 (he repreent ed the American movement at the In ternational Socialist Council in. Lon don. Her Ufa baa beea apportioned to bar doawaUe aoaearaa. bar children. I her rUlta aad her platform work. fssssmmmmaamsam t kV Ay Aalaaaaaal 5 4 the Prtaa, Wirtatsy Big Red Cross Drive ? a Begins Here Menday Everything la In readiness with nearly all committee members named and team organized to begin the Red Cross drive in this city Monday. The lineup of worker for the Red Cross drive beginning Monday I a follew: Chairman membership committee. Team 1 Outlying Town. George ..Walton Chairman Fort Klamath, chairman, Lester Klrkpatrlck. Cbilocjuln, chairman, Mrs. Brma Hoe- ley Klamath Agency, chairman, Mrs. J. M. Bedford. Modoc Point, chairman, Mlsa Ethel Lamm. Algoma, chairman, Mr. Christman. Roy Applegate. Merrill. Mr. M. A. Hilton. Malln, chairman. M. M. Statnay. ML Laki, Fairview, Henley and Lose Pine, chairman, T. N. Case. Keno, chairman. Grant Case. Plevna, chairman. C. O. Hunt Worden. chairman, E. L. VelL Bonanza, chairman, Mr. Parson. Hildebrand. chairman J. Wight Pine drove, chairman. Chaa. Mack. Pelican Bay Lumber Camp. Odessa and Eagle Ridge, chairman Lew Pritch-; ard. The BIy country will, work through its local organization. Team 2 House to house canvass: First Ward, chairman. Miss Maud Baldwin; worker. Mrs. Fred Ooeller. Mr. Chaa Roberta, Mr. Don J. Zum wait, Mrs. D. V. Kuykendall. Mr. W. O. Smith. Second Ward, chairman Mr. O. W. Robertson : workers, Hiss Relth, Mia McAiidrers, Mrs. Will Lee, Third Ward, chairman. Mr. R. E. Wntlenbeug:, worker. MnuL G.,Va Relten. Mrs. Earl Hill, Mrs. O. L. Car ter, Mrs. J. H. Garrett. Fourth Ward, Hot Spring section. Mrs E. a Hall and Mr. W. P. Johrf son, chairmen; workers, Mrs. A. D. Miller, Mrs, Sargent. Mrs. George Watt and Mrs. Fred Scballock. Fourth Ward, Mills Aditlon section, Mrs. Alexander, chairman. Fifth Ward, Head of Canal section, Mrs. J. C. Brockenbrougb, chairman; workers, Mrs. J. J. Stelger. Mrs. Burge Mason. Mrs. E. M. Chilcote. Mrs. Fred Fleet. Fifth Ward. Sblpplngton section, Mrs. B. R. Taney, chairman: worker, Mrs. H. Putnam and Mr. H. Hamilton. Fifth Ward, Pelican City section, C. D. Ta lor and Ed Pike. Team 3 Solicitors of business men, Catpain J. W. Siemens, chairman. National Red Cross me Begins Monday for, $100,000,000-Why? Oregon, outside Portland. mut aubaerlbe $400,000 of the $100,000.0o emergency Red Cro war aervlce fund during tba week of Jaaa ll-W. aad ... .v. ... ... .L-.-ih in onA. in order to meat the exaectatloaa of President WlUon. who ha appealed I ... ..- u ... .....I ITOmpung lue prewucuio apye . --" lances on the firing line that must bemalatalaed. Other Jhoumda.'Of .am bulance must be built and ent to the fronL Forty-flve baa boapltala ., a.. l.. w.. ..i.mi.i. n4 thtt their work must be upplamatad wtta that of many more hoepltal. in order ' .,...... . . .ii.r. la.iniii The forceot Red Crota phyalclana and kept on duty. Bntlin, VTencn ana owum pltal care, tbay nave commeaeod but for Uncle Saava aoldlar boy eoavaiaceai nospiwa wu mwm, - Red Ctos. - Mothers and wlvea who have glvoa ap sons ana a wiwe..; have no other aupport, must be carea vocauoaai acaooi or bommwh wiiwia - ----t- a a .u a A ! AiiasiAaul worn musv oe ormou m m.vw. . -i From the front line trenche;to the mother lef biaogae-.laa). service er mercy muai mawvain niiiriuiuw, ia oraar w anw n Teams .H Publicity, Fred Fleet, eflalraaaar . D, MortensoB, W. O. Smith, W. H. afa ion, Fred Dunbar, Mrs. Rl B, Watt bergi TaamS tooths In bualaaaa plaeeo. Ml. W. P. Johnson, chalrmaa. " Team To arrange aaaoaacaaiaaita wKa churches', lodges, etc., Dr. M. D. Iok son. KLAMATH MUST , RAISE $1 PER APPORTIONMRNT FOR TOWNS ? STATE ARE GIVEN IN THE MS) CROSS DRIVE WHICH STARTS NEXT MONDAY Klamath County' aaare of taa Bed, Croaa "drive- which- atarU Meader ta approximately $1 par peraaa. baa already lubecribed 117 man, woman aad child la taa The Individual apaorUoaatsaAs at Oregon cossmaaltles are aa tMlawau Portland. f200,000; AhVaay. UMSS; !Aaalaad. 16.000; Baker. SMJSS; aaa don. S3,M0; Bead. flSJMS; Ban. 17.500; Condon. UOS; CewatBa. .St 1 500: Corvauia. 110.000: Cottas j S.0t; Dallas. I7JSS;1B Enterprise. f.uoo; Falla Oty, SS.SSS; Ftffat:Oeax:tV mm. 1 000; Oraau Hut-fltML..WtUkttB -t:. .vm; nooo niTvr, rvee, wmmmmmr ence, $4,000; Khuaata Falla. flXSSS; La Grande. $15,000 : Idwvtow. StJM: Lebanon. $5,000; McMiaaville,'$7Ja: Marshfield. $000; MadfenL tMSSS-r Newberg. $7,500; North Bead. (MR; Ontario, $5,000; Oregon City. I1S.SM; Pendleton. $30,000: PriaevUle. faVNf; Ranier. $1,000; 8L Helens, $LS0: Roseburg, $700; Saleaa. $35.N0: The Dalle. $15,000; Tlllaaaook. $JH: ' Union. $1J!00; Vale, ($3500: Waa -burn, $4,000. t RAILROAD CONTRACT TO BE LET MONDAY; B04HJBU The contracts for taa the railroad from her to Datrwp, let Monday, acordlag to Bogue, who gave oat the atataiaat last nlghU- . W2aaaaaaaW- . iii.lV ' i s is' to the nation for thla faad., . Hi. llinllHnil At Rl Cnta lHlt to treat the wounda aad aavi tba Mm nr own home hovs. - v.h ,. and auraea anuat be greatly uarvaaai l - - . - -. v " to recover from wouada or alewaaa. - ,- ..YT"7frK' .waa i "T. for ayiiae km uiwaf vww i aata .EEsmViaBeBr' wTjW?TTB3BK12ai"r'rl. r : " (Coatiaaed aa Hm'miM3VM $ i ii m i MniMffr Mwrn i " eC ' cv . 1 rw.'i & b&'lMfflfr bW. ftMi aaal.r.1;-,; )