.I'v.1 .vtSAa -1 . . y , .- ai'v : v. .1aat, galftAV, JUNE u. wr V W0B8OU URAL DISTRICTS leva Bjaaedeat relative, ! total ludlcat- MWMBPlloW. 4: ao esoapllona, 11; JJj ragUterwi. II: bo raglUrdar: Connolly. Columbus . Iisvl. Mmll Weelay ItaUp. Cheater Hiram Hard, C'lareac Cecil NaUoa, ami llarria Neleoa, Roy William Otkar, Joha ' ' pucketl, Douglaaa Joaephuaa Puckat, Mail Alfred 1 ruckelt, Presllce Sargent gpaacer, William Byroa Korrata, Owm Thomas Tarbell. Onrll J. i Tower, Harold H. Tower. Rayaoad I. Towar, Cbesley Gilbert THE KVBMNO HUALP, KLAMATH FALLi, OKIOON i Marrlll rjsptadaal relative, It; lolal Indl tlsgeiaaptloaa, It: mo eiemptlons. I; latal white cltlieaa, II: alias eaemle, I; latal alleaa, I: total registered. 33. The registered ara: Anderson, Wllllan lltary llrallay. Carlce Harding Oraaa, David (.'a. Chartee Ellsworth Clawsoa, Paul Nelaoa PolherlBgham, Joseph Unday ' Goltt. JofcB lloaatea, Coarad Uaaary, Joha Cleaeaa Millar, Ubbus Orchard. Ckarlay V. Orrkard, Carl Sylvester Olaey, Freak Iteaaaa Parry. Jam Allea Parriak. Leo Utli Qulalaa. Patrick Bteoasta, Otea Alloa Battle. Beajaala llarrlaoa Storey. Waltor Taylor. Carl flkarwood UaderhllL Jaaea ITda Wlaslew. Hart ay Caatlo ' WeM teal Daloy KMhmMi Lake (Odaaaa I) Daaeadeat rotatlvao, I: toUl lasicat lag aiamptlOBe, S; bo aiaaiptloaj, 3; latal rarfatarad. I; bo alleaa. Taoee, registered ara: Dabaer.Jeaa ,Ludwlg Rubber. Ckarlaa KetawdV Baott, Jala Haywood Wilson; Theaaa Worib. Arthur f Hlldabrand Dependent relative, J; total ladlcat lag airmpiluai, 6; bo siaaptlea, I; total registering, It; bo allaa. Tkoaa raglaterad ara: Deck, Prank llllii, David Colaban, Stephen J. Drew, Jesse N. Iwelady, Thomas A. Martla, Monroe Parker, Claraaco A. Peel, ErvlaP. 1 Pearaoa, Jerry D. Rlmmera. Ckaatar I. " Bmytk, Wllllaai O. i Btenl, Joaapk A. Walek. Ivaa 'i ' Zacbary, Ckaatar M. Malln Dependent ralallvaa, IB; total Indl railag aianplioa, IS; bo esemptlou, 11; total wklta cltltena ragUtarad. M: aliens, 1; total raglalarlBg, If. Those registered ara: Ilorrli, U Krk fteldla, James Herbert Cacka, Aatoaa Cacka. Adolpk Caeka. Prank V,J'- Culberteoa, Joaapk Rvaratt Daalal, Beajaala Joka Ernst. Ivaa Roy Oarrisoa. fart MeKUlay Click, Orvllla Jones, Wllllan M. A Jelrnek. Vincent Jr. Krugar, Dalmar HarUad Keefe. Rlckard Harbart ' Kaasrsd, Joaapk F. IJndsay. Waltar Dtckblaad Moody, Clarence Volaey Murphy, Daalal D. - Pickett. Baaj. H. Pollvka. Basil Petraaek, Fred Ratllt, Joka Rlckard Hlma, William Ulborn Btsatay, Matkaw If. Btrowbridge. Oaorga Marrlll Sttty, Aatoaa Wara, Wallaea Waada Oalry Totally dUaklad. 1: daaoadaat raU tlvaa. I: total Isdlcatlag asaavtloaa, I; ao aieaptloa, 7; total ragtatar log, 1. Tkoaa raglatarad ara: Araett. Mania Irawi. WUUaa, Baata, Wllllaai Taylor, Clark. 811a B. Ollawra, Jama Party Jobu, Jaaea Wllllaai LUkay, Dava Llakay, Daalal Data Uwla, Claud Marrlll Martin, Ckarlaa Klawr Maatan, Ckarlaa Stanley Odan, Canala McKlalay Odan, Oarald K. Hnuddaa, Danlal Jama , Hrott, Ralph Maiwall Bckawr, Joka m i OIRTRUDB A CO. MILLINERY Juit racalvad the lataat atylaa la v MIDIUMMRR MILLINIRV Thay comprlM tba newaat tblnga la Mllaa. Laghoraa and Milan Haaap. QiatTRUDK A CO. 01 Main Straat LBOAL NOTICSf Netlca of lala af tatray Notica I karaby given that tba fol lowing dcacrlbad eatray, to wit: Ona brown gelding, weight about 1,000 pound, ona wklta bind foot aad kraaded P oa left (boulder and vented on left atine, three bar oa right about dar aad branded J on right atlfla, will be aold at public auction to tba high- aat klddar for caah oa tke 7tk day of July, 1117, at tba hour of 10 o'clock a. as., la front of tba Justice of the peace' oc. Uakvllle dUtrict, Klam ath county, Oregon, to aatlafy dam age, coat of keeping, and all expense Incurred, Including Justice feee aad cost of advertising and aala, aad auch otbar coata and axpenaea a may kave keen regularly made. Bald astray waa lakaa up oa tke 14th day of January, 1117. Dated thla IStk day of June. 1117. STEVE CALLAHAN. Hildekraad, Or. 15-11 RStOLUTION A resolution declaring taa lataatioa of taa City, of Klamath Falla to ehaaga tba grade' oa that portioa of Coagor avaaua aortbarly from tko ceater Una of Callforala avaaua. Wkaraaa. It U deemed expedient to caaaaa taa sraeaat grade aa eaUk- Uihad oa that portioa of Coagar ava aua aortaerlr from tka ceater Una of Callforala avaaua. Bo It Therefor Reaolved that the Common Council declare It lataatioa to change the grade of said portion of Coagor areaae te taa grade aa follewa: BeataAlag at tka latenectloa of Coa gar aveaae with oaater line of Cali fornia avaaua wMa olavatlea U0.I7: tkaac oa a ualfana grade to elavatlea 117.1 at a aelat N. 41 dag. 21 mla. B. U feet distant from angle In Coagar avenue at corner to B. R. Reamea aad Lindsay Applegate property aa aaowa In Vol. 1, page 6, Record of Town Bar veya; thence atoag tke ara of a ver tical curve, ' at IS feet, elevation 161.1 at CO feet, elevatioa 161.3 at 76 feet, elevatioa 161.1 at 100 feet, elevatioa 167.4 tbence oa a aalfona grade to elevatioa 144.7 to termiau of Conger avenue ag platted oa page S of aald Record at, Towa Burveya: these oa a aalfona grade 134.16 feet to elevatioa 141.0 at present termlaaa of Conger avenue. State of Oregoa, County of Klamath, aa: City of Klamath rail, I. A. L. Leavltt, polk judge of aald city, do keraky certify that the foregolag la a duly earatled copy of the reaolutloa adopted fcy the Coauaaa Council May 7, 1117. proposing to change the grade oa portioa of Coagar aveaue. A. U LKAVITT, PoUce Judge. IMOt (BajaltyiMI) la the Circuit Court of tke State of Oregoa. for the County of Klamath Eva A, Campbell, Plaiatlff. va. Wm. M. Campbell. .DofeadaaL To WM. M. Campbell, the defandaat above named: la th aam of taa Stat of Oregoa, you ara hereby required to appear aad anawer tke comptalat Bled against you In the above entitled suit, oa or before, Friday tko tk day of July, 1117, that kelag the day of the laat publication of aumaeeas. aad the laat day wlthia walek ara are required to appear aad aaawer phtfatlEV com- plaiat. aa txod by taa order of pubB- cation of aummoaa, It you fall to appear aad aaawer, tke plaiatlC will apply to tba opart far tke relief de manded la eaid.eamalitat Said auK U brought to aeeur dlwolutloa af Ue bead of matrtmoay exiatiag be tween yourself aad the plaiatiB upoa tke ground of daaartloa. aad for tba custody of taa aalaar daaghtar Vada Campbell -This aummoaa la aabUabed la the Evening Herald a dally aowe paper of general. eJreulatloa la the ' mimm euaaaw it Vlfe- rwvm vwvwmf'i ..J y.?i abate meatloeed Coaaty aad State, aad la priated, published aad circu lated dally a aforesaid, at Klamath Fajla, la the Coaaty aad Bute afore said, by order of the Honorable D. V. Kuykeadall, Judge of aald Court, said order dated the I4tb day of May, 1117, dlrectlag'sald aummoaa to be so pub lished for all aucceaalve and consecu tive week, the Brat publication to be oa the I6tk day of May, 117. If. H. MANNING, Attorney for the Plaintiff, Loomi Bldg., Klamath falls, Oregon. 2G-1-S-16-Z2-2M Notice to Appear la tke County Court of Klamath Coaaty. State of Oregoa, Coaaty of Klamath, aa: la tke Matter of Ue AppUcatloa of. the Algoma Lumber Company, a Cor poration, to EatabUah a Logging wm STARTS wmsA a!-: .i.t: .: ;."7.;TTT';?:BL.L(..h V:::!!i;:;!:i!ii!i!!:l!:!ii!a iiii-iH : kiiliiiiia f-:!i!i-:i:: ill li-i'i Hiiijiiijlf sum WHIM tit: :s:sss:::in::: J!l!n:ffsf;:fW:: m 5SlSS5aTSalla :r:::i:?H::::::: ""SSSrimajaal1 "??rririiaaaT V-??!-22rr:T;ssSeT??l eotfl L;;3 mt ERTECTION KSTCfVE VamBajBjaiMBaX Th owrnge difci Whidi you will aoedliplayed nextwokinthewinowioftotniMt below bring a welcome roewage-ei inettage .. ttllincof wUef from thedruoiyMidoioom fort ofiuiiiinercookinf;. , wood or "coal ranga, and it efo-a not iWar up thkitchM. Cooler cwktog in ivinmer moreacoiwmicalcookii Watch for the iwP'": any of thaae daateri to taU you about theeW larttction OU CookStota and howjthatenf blut cWmnaya pravant all amoke aataalL rartaJaay A .............d .......... ............. aaoo a ( aaaaajaaaaeee B VfVV"w eaaaaaaa aa 9999m aaaefl 11 flt Baiwaaa mm PEAW- Oil" ?j knl Bw" tji To Klxabeth Diaeea, Adalaktratrix of the Batata of D. W. Wneea,, De ceased: You will plaaae take aoUce that the Algoma Lumber eoaapaay, a corpora tlon, baa oa the 7th day of June. 1117, tiled a petition, and ..map la tke county court of aald coaaty, providing the location of a right of way for a togging road tkroughlanda bow la your possession, la eectlon 31 aad 37, township 37 8., raage t, E.W.M., in aald Klamath county, aad aald applica tion will come on to be beard before aald court at the next regular term thereof, for appointment of viewer to locate aald logging road la aald county, la which court will be held commenc ing oa the 3th day of July at the hour of 10 o'clock a. to. of aald day, la the year 1917, at which time you are re quired to appear and file your claim for aay dfwir that you may consider you will sustain la case aald right of way la located aa by said map shown aad In aald petition prayed. And further you do then aad there ahow cause. If aay you have, why aald right of way should not be located aa by aald aap aaowa aad projected. Wltaeaa ay hand aad tba aeal of the aald court of Klamath coaaty, this tth day of June, A. D. 1117. (Beat) C. R. DaLAP, Coaaty Clerk. State of Oregon, Coaaty of Klamath, aa: L C. R. DaLap, eoaaty clerk aad clerk of the county court la aad for Klamath county, atate of Oregoa, do hereby certify that the foregoing copy of aotice to appear haa been by me compared with tke original, and that It U a correct transcript therefrom. aad of the whole of such original no tice aa tke aaae appears oa Ue at my oasce aad la my custody. la witaeaa whereof, I have hereunto aet my band aad eased tke seal of the coaaty court thia Mb day of June, 1317. (Baal) C. R. DaLAP. County Clerk. t-lf-33-30. DnlNKAOLASS 0FREALH0TWATER IffOKWEAKFAJT. Sanitary aelence haa of lata aade rapid atrldea with, reaulta that ara of untold blessing to humanity. The lat aat appllcattoa of Ita untiring research Is the recommendation that It la aa aeceeaary to attend to Internal sanita tion of the drainage ayatem of the hu aaa body aa It la to tba drain of the house. Those of ue who ara accustomed to feet dull sad heavy whoa we arise. splitting headache, atuffy from a cold, foul tongue, nasty breath, add stom ach, can. laatead, feel as freak aa a delay by opaalag tba slutooa of the ayatem each atoralag aad lushing out tka whole of the latsraal poieoaoua atagaaat aattar. Everyoae. whether alllag, sick or waU. should sack moralag before breakfast, drlak a glass of real hot water with a teaspooafal of llaastoaa pbowkata la It to wash from the day's iBdlgeeUMs waste, soar bile aad pounaoua toxins; thus cleaaalag, toaack. liver aad bowels tba previous aweetealag aad purifying the eatire allaaatary osasl before puttlag more food late th atoaach. Tkaaatloaof sa empty atoaach to wonderfully la- vlgersUng: It cleaas out sU the eour teraenUUoas, gasea, wast aad aold; Ity aad glvee oaa a spwadld appetite far breakfast While yoa ara eajoylag hat' water aad liaeotoae paospaaU aa rear, breakfast taa pbospkated hot water la quietly eitraetlag a large toI uaaof water froa th blood aad got. Uag ready for a thorough lusklag af alltbelaslaaoreaaa. TaealUloasofBaoplowhoarebou. ered with aoaatlaathw, bUwaa saaBa, atoaach troabl. rheaaaU stUCaoesj others who hava aallow skiae, bteod disorders aad aaafcb eoaateiloaa ara uraad to flat a quarter pound of liae- aioaa ahoashata froa ue arug aura. Tkla wM east Tory Waa, bat to aaaV etoat 1 aaka aayaaa a aroawiaaaa araak oa taa Mhtoat of lataraal aa i ' f v&ii SZESZt 'fAiifSfil Autoniobile Search Ligbts If every wagon carried a leap at alght and If every leap were big enough to be seen for two blocks, it would kelp some, wouldn't It? But wbea you are coming to a cross road it la hard to see what la outside of the line of your headlights. And there are alwaya spots here aad there that you wish you could see Into. Sometimes yoa want to read a alga or bouse aumber. -nf; t f - .,!: esA. t A . ' -r "r .B" fMt s s & 'y Light anywhere aad everywhere la any direction aad for a long distance, can be had by putting oa oa of oar swivel search ligbts. Once la ass yoa will wonder how yoa ever got aloag, without it 1 v S . ) - - ? A. 'i It Increased the safety sad pleaaure- '- ' u of night motoring. . r rjt - --. White Pelican Garage ; 1 ' ' ' yf fit 32 iSSSSS SSaalaBaaaaaaaajaaaaal Buy Liberty r Bonds Today... ., TMBBAFCBT INVIaTMKNT; BACKED BY . ',' ALL THKWBALTHOPTHCUNITBDSTATBB '.'. ,t ' YOUR BAVINQS MUST HELP WIN THIS WAR ' '" ' f'' '"$ BONDS A LOW AB la-JMTBRBT TMf - ' vm' t 31 AND ONE IALF PER CENT, PAID-aEMAM.;r --J, t$f NUALLY. YOUR COUNTRY NEED YOUR $ ,V? . Dt k Tt4i- Ttrrtw ' i KJLAMATH "j S mar . .;' - 'rv " B ef? i lyianuttTiCniiaOg xjouKpmXDiW' a & y - M, aq r55SSS3S55S55SSSS3Baaaaaaa3psaBaaasaBal BBBfi . . Ji : If n 'I ih f?- .if a"jy? It 'fH it " ' 1$ '41 $, I H :u -I " H I1 L fir ff, "If ' ' '41 ' " " '. ft " ' 1 ' c . i . an ss iii - i fr rf; l v 'Sfi Oakland $21 U m H Tie, aa Jaw DaHyi , Thraa.PiealLliml g$$p& .TCTtoaajaa .. W"v " Bale Fridays and talaraiyal . . Ratun Limit. II Baum f . ... , -. . .V,v tVi". n. Lfl: 'i.' Vi w M ih te3? Other IHhHB (-! - ' iu aakari am')' - 9b ITB M-3 h. .Ii;. . 3 I V VSYOSBMITB. J LAKETAHOB yV...'- BANTA4MHJZ M itzrm h, i 7, ; r 3V 'X i r .Bl , " V : mb iui mm rr7;T"" . wrtaa far.vraa, Southern . i. (?,, i mn m vr mlasi' -- : If. 1D bHiysHrTria. $ &X&&?' . ' .1 AtKAarY mmWmfk$kii'J' r & 'TJr3 r, i .! Ri-v . .rft !- ir i a M J 5Lr & ' T: ajaaaaaaBV ' aV sTaaaBBsl' -& ' , j4$i .14 -1J&M Ym $rit$ &WL: mm "A 'X-l'S H sum . WJ danlajgfa mm Haw wax iraur I lharts aaalif ' nave pwa " iwaw , sj mwv ,.- , x Kattoa. Adr.