O. m v ., .n'""-' i i .OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OP KLAMATH COUNTY OPPICIAL OF KLAMATH, PAUI iw1, t .ywwyt . ffVKt .v "r "" ' ' EZmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm SJWSER8 3 llavenlh Year Ne. S.IM KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY JUNE 15, 1917 m i;f 1 LIBERTY LOAN IS OVER SUBSCRIBED NEHRIYBIUION KLAMATH COUNTY SUBaCRlBIO ravecs Twelfth Reserve Oletrlct Intimated U Have Raises Quote P rllan4 Over gebetrlbe, M Deee Oreeen Seme Omelala letlmate IMMWJW Said. leeane Mil MM,W-Marrlll Takea ItsSM, Ovtr-Subeeriblnt WASHINGTON. D. C. Juae Ib.-Tbo Liberty loaa bond Issue of IS.M0.0M. m ha beea over-eubscrtbed by auay buadrvde of million of dollar. United Slates treasury dparUMBt eSklala estimated today I hat the total SubecrlptloB will be at leeat 11.500.000,. Mt, aa over-aubacrlploa of SS per ceat. Tat number aad amount of ub ecrtptlons soared during the forenoon today. Soma oSUIala estimate that the laaa will ran to' $3,000,000,000 before alitht. An avalanche of small subacrlp tloas at the last minute la reported. Secretary McAdoo aald be did not thlak there would bo another offering ef the reaalalBg S.eoo,000,oeo author toed by congress before fall. PORTLAND, Jane IS. The estimate far Orcgoa'a abecrlpUoa to the Ub erty loaa la 111.000. Oregon quota waa f MOO,. PortUad subscribed $1,780,000. Her eeota waa $4,000,000. Eugene eabacrlbed aeerly $150,000: Everett. Waab.. $414,000: Taeoma. $1. 4M.000; Belllagham. $160,000. and Walla Walla. $1,011,000. BAN riUNCIICO. Juae ll-The Twelfth rederal Reaerra district baa fully aubaeribad Ita loan, It waa est! aed tale afteraooa. KL PARO Tec. June IB One thou.l aand Midler of a alagie regiment eub cribed for I6S.100 worth of Liberty lan bond at Port Dllaa la thirty min ute today, following na appeal nude by Colonel Lewi to the aoldler. NEW YORK. Juae 16.-ln the Initial transaction la Liberty Loan bond on the New York Block exchange nt noon today the boada aold above par. A lot of $10,000 sold at par and 1.60th. The Beit lot, $10,000, aold at par. Klamath ceaaiya total eubecrlptloa to the Libert Loaa waa $71,000. The eale of bond closed at noon today. Merrill waa the oaly section of the county to eeaal Ita allotment, which " Ml&fi, subecriblng mora than $1,000 overy their toUl waa $16,000. H. o. Morteaaea brought dowa $4,700 for bond from Pellcaa City aad added to the county-a total. .The two local bank, the ilrat National and the First Stat and Saving, aold $11,000 worth of bond. The following are thoae aubacrtblni to bond yeaterday afternoon and thla awrnlng, except the Pelican City list: OBOROB O. RlOOg " ; '-' MRS. RDTVB If OORR MAROUBRITB C. PLATH PRED NOIL ANNETTE V. WRIOHT D. V. KUYKBNDALL HARRY PELTS JR. HARRY B. PBLTZ ' JENNIE M. PBLTZ BERTHA PELTS JOHN BRETT CHA8. J. FERGUSON OBORQB J, WALTON MARTIN BR08. BERNARD HACKLAND LOUIS A. WILL MILTON P. EVANS MRS. JENNIE EVANS ROBT. L, PADDOCK W. S. SLOUQH J. r. KIMBALL LYLB KIMBALL DOROTHY MeOOWAN I J, HUOOINS BUEABBTH A TAYLOR O. B. CR1SLER ROBT. B. HANLON OBOROB RDD1CIAL M Tt-tMUHBII rLOeUEBIaOWNBUi BU4 STILTS UTOiS)fjWfaW-L GERMAN AGENTS BUY AT RETAIL CONOBNIIO MILK BOUOHT AT R. TAIL TO IICAPI OKTICTION AND SINT TO OIRMANY THRU NIUTRAL COUNTRIES WAHIIINOTON, June IS.-Germaa agent recently bought at retail targe quaatltle of condensed and evaporated RHlk la America and shipped It to Oer aaany thru neutral countrlea. The agenta canvassed tke retail atorea. fearing detection If tkay pur chased from wboleeala coneera. The public food committee will ask the government to unlit in preventing future ahlpment. H. E. STILTS R. P. COMBS JOHN CORK BUY MISS WATERS W. H. CHRI8MAN JUDSON D. BOND HENRIETTA WRIOHT R. C. POWELL THAD MellATTAN HENRY J. WEEKS SAOLt RIDOS MARY GRIFPITII FORT KLAMATH JA8. PRLTON D. W. RYAN MALIN V ACTOR KAL1NA LtLU EDITH LAMM ETHEL LAMM LAMM LUMBER CO. SPRINO LAKK ALEXANDER CHEYNE ALQOMA HENRY DAISY OLEY B. DOLLARHIDE MATTHEW EOAN WILLIAM a GRAF E. E. ARCHER JR. " JOSEPH B. GRANT PRANK B. GRANT . if' . v. a 'i !-w':, I -v t h Y DUNN ADDRESSES LARGE AUOIENCE AMIRICA IN WAR TO STAY ANO SCHOOLMASTSR OP THK WORLD WILL WIN OUT IN STRUQOLt FOR WORLD'S PROORSSS "What la America going to do la the warr asked Judge Duaa of Oaklaad, In addrelng aa audience of at leaat 1.000 people la froat of the beautiful Klk Temple la thla city last Bight at the lodge'a annual Flag Day exercises. America haa a schoolmaster for a president, and America la the school muter of the republics la the world. America Invented, formed aad haa pro mulgated the republic from the Srat, and every nation haa baea Jealoua of her since that day. Ruaala, the autoc racy of the world, and a life long friend of the United 8tatee, la now host to aa American commission there to show them how to conduct a republic. Amer ica will remain the schoolmaster of the world, said the Judge. Judge Dunn la an eloquent aad later estlng speaker, formerly of Oklahoma, aad spoke with pride la a Southern ac cent of the aland of Ruaala whea En land supported the 8oath la the Civil War, and Russia aent a fleet to New York harbor with order to take part If Bngland'a fleet Interfered. Another angle of history and the present later- national situation, pointed out by the Judge, waa the incident at Manila Bay, when Dewey ordered a German squad ron commander out of the range of Are, and on being referred to the German flag, told the commander that each bunting could be bought la the state for 20 cents a yard. At thla same time the English squadron lined up with the American fleet In aaawer to the German's Inquiry aa to how they atood In view of poalbllltiea, replying that "blood I thicker than water." Judge Dunn's address waa tiled with Interesting bits of blatory, declare I T. took htm up over the took him full in his bare and muscular throat. It was hardly bigger than one of those rubber erasers tinned to the ends of lead pencils. But with the driv ing power of high energy pow der behind its steel-jacketed nose, it was an altogether com petentanddevilishcapablc agent of destruction. He lay quite still, a few yards ahead of the trench, where his rush had carried him. The morning drew toward noon. With night came the beginning of his torment. First it was thirst, then fever, then delirium. Always his spilling wound burned and throbbed. Even on the second night, with the rain beating down upon him, .it glowed like a kiln. By the third day his agony spoke in screams. 4 A stretcher party found him and trundled him away, down through the line of Red Cross units, from dressing statiqn to field base, even tually to Paris. 'He ; French, but he was fighting our fight. He was French, but a few months from now his counterpart may be American. There are bullets enough for all He may be a boy you know, perhaps a neighbor's boy, even your own. Fighting our fight Will you help him, when our fight has broken him, to fight his? Will you help him, when his young body and vivid force are spent and shattered, to retrieve what he may? Give something to the Red Cross. It is the wounded soldier's truest ally. It is his hope. Give one dollar, five dollars, ten' dollas, a hundred dollars, more if you can.. Do your part. If you cannot go, you can give. Those going are giving immeas urably more. Hsvs your dona tlon ready for RED 'National drive for hundred m(l UondoUsrs. June II to 25, inclusive M'1 tlon of loyalty, fidelity, honor and America's alma in the war. He also explained the patriotic features of the Elk lodge. Preceding the address, while the Klamath Fall band played the "Star Spangled Banner," the new flagpole waa dedicated. A searchlight followed the flag to the top of the pole, where It unfolded In a dead calm, as If out of modesty at the many trtbutea paid It during the even ing. J Excellent music waa rendered by the double quartet aad the bead la Ita Srat public coaoort appearance. Director Togo created a aarprise with the ad vancemeat which the bead abowed. .Exalted Baler W. O. Smith presided at the meting, aad waa aaalated by oaV cera of the lodge la their respective places, carryiag. out the patriotic phases of the lodge work. Judge Duaa came here despite the hearing of a eaaa la which he la en gaged, which waa postponed uatll Mon day to allow htm to make the trip. Today he la Safeiag at Rocky Point and Pellcaa Bay, aceoarpanled by H. E. Stilts. J. A. Madaox. W. A. Deliell, Mayor C. B. Crisler and others. He will return home tomorrow. 4AMMIIWAIV Atf ' AT STAR TONIGHT,10"1 we oml"U?1 "?' !' and there la every Indication that these Remember that the return exhibition of "Miss George Washington" la by popular requeat, aad tonight and to Baorrew (Saturday matinee) will he the last chance to aea the popular favorite. Marguerite Clark, la the above pro gram. CHEHALIS STAT SANK PIRST IN RESERVE 8AN FRANCISCO. Jun 15. Coffmsn Dobson el Co., haafcers. of Chehalla. Wash, has been admitted to the Fed' era! reserve systeaa This Is the Erst atate bank galnlagitbls distinction In the Twelfth Reserve district Dmi BTfm the Fart. Mr. aad Mr. L. C. Slaemore came down yeaterday from, their farm la tae Wood River Valley, Ho apead several days In theclty. A just as he went trench parapet V - CROSS FLYER MAY YET SOAR JULY 4TH MERRILL AND PORT KLAMATH NOMINATE CANDIDATES POR GODDESS OP LIBERTY CONTEST POR JULY U CELEBRATION That there la atlll a chance for secur ing the celebrated daredevil avlater, Lyman Doty of 8aa Francisco, for the celebration here July 3d aad 4th, la ki dJeated la a' telegram Just received from hi manager, la which a coaeea aloa la made from bis earlier quota tlon. Final decision of the matter by the committee will be made upoa the return of Chairman W. P. Johnsoa. who la expected from a California busi ness trip tonight Merrill aad Fort Klamath are to be represented la the race for the Goddeaa of Liberty. Miss Rose Ztabek of Mer -., .-.a i- m nm mM Mm1 Fill IDII WH JBOTMV V1JMM1 W W W I pouplar young ladles are to be heart- Uy aupported by their respective dis tricts. J This makes a total of, six eatrlea la the race, the aomlaatioaa for which close tonight The four eatrlea from Klamath Falls are Miss Marie Rambo, Mia Beaa Pickett, MUs.Clara Calkiaa and Miss Pearl Bolvtn. Votes) for tat Goddeaa. which am IS cent per 100. are for sale aad amy be voted with Miss Dorothy Weeks, at the W. P. Johnson oSlee. The electloa closes Friday, the Ztth. Aa elaborate float for the Goddeaa aad her aaalda tt honor haa been dealgaed by F. D. Miles, who U now la 8. Frmmtoe. r Spend Day Plahlng. Mr. aad Mra. John mr. aaa asm. on r bob. Mr. aad Mra. Joe Brett aad j daughter, aad, Mra. Bahaaad Oewea, fa laaeattoatCaflaaiuiaTaatsaujay. ' d' :, ,r$M .$i. -if it'Jt . -' " ' 4''.-,1 t ,u' i ( Intrifflie ot r eace ...! - i. b an 4-.m-l an aft.- ? . eamj arw - m w .,-.;, Ill ami ami ana. . ana mau. - ' - a i maaaaBmkJbamamaamhaiasi -i -w GcrnieUi MiHtmiT AutocratV lies and ndvilized Schemes to be Bwiitii From World WASHINGTON, JaaU-Before a groat audlaaee aaaambMaf am flag Day, Praaldaat Wllaoa deeiand aaew the aima aad purpose at the uaitea staiaa la the war. It rained while he talked. The area Meat stood la the shadow of the great aaeaameat erected to the nsemory of George WaahiagtoB. The praaldeat warned the Amerlcaa peeato that Germany haa carried Into Sect the greater part of her Immedi ate plaa of eoaqaeet, and bow la aege Uatlag a aew "intrigue ef peace," de- alaaed ta aad the war while her ag- etermaaa New Pease Plan AB the central aaaraa. the preatdeat declared have Wea eaaaawtad lata aaa great autoeraey-rlddea empire, "threw- lag a broadSbaU of German military aad poHUcal eeatret ernes the very ceater of Europe aad beyoad the Med- Iterraaeaa late the heart ef Asia. "Tate achieved." he aald. "it la easy to uaderataad why Germany la foster- lag a sTepagaad for aa early peace. ""Teaee, peaee, peace,' haa beea the talk at her feretga oasce for aew a year aad aaere." aaM the preeldeat 'A little of the taJk haa beea punoc. "-taT L '"J?i lZtLJ aBseafrtfehaaaemlVhjmcoBjetonBe. sa4.ki.aJI aotta ex awwea. isw wr r-".7T , . . tary B)4er whom Germany la clearly to what ltfaU has brought theaa. M they aaaVatiiia atapt r with the lm meaae advaatagea aUll la their haade which they have ap to thUvPolnt ap pareatly gaiaed. they wUI have'juatl Sed themselves before the Germaa peo pee ple: they win have gained by force what they premlaad to gala by it" Prearam ef Intrigues "The war waa begun by the, military Buatera ef Oermaay." continued Ue praaldeat, "who atoo proved to be the austere ef Austria-Hungary. These mea have aerer regarded aaUeaa aa peeplea. men, woaaia aad chlldrea of llkelMee4 aad frame as theaaselves. far wham aoverameaU exiated aad la wheat geverameaU had their life. They have regarded them merely aa aervlceable orgaaiaatloaa which they could by force or latrlgue head.or eor. rapt-to their owa purpoae. They hare regarded the mealier atatea, la par ticular the peoplee who eould be over whelmed, by farce,, aa their aataral toola aad laatruahnta of domination. Their purpose haa wag beea avowed. FOOD SALE FOR CROSS TBMORROW LAOISS OP CATHOLIC cnunen WILL DONATS PROCBBDS PROM SALB SATURDAY POR THE BOYS AT THI PRONT The' ladies of the Catholic church win hold a feed eale toawrrow after nooa la the bulMlag fonaerly occupied hy Thag MCHawaa, ae ""- " which wlU be headed over te the Bed Creea Society. Aa the aaeUvo of this sale to aaa that eppeala to all. It U expected that there wiH he a big deauid far cooked feed. AlltheCataellcUdleaaremueatedU aead l arttelee without aay renaer aetlSaatiaa Ladlea who are eot aSUlatad wlthl aayaaureh.aadealretodotheirbRj far the bays at tha mat may ai aead w oeoked food for tae sale. , aoATTLXi Juae U. The tetal of waahlaataa'a auhaarlatleai Je u Utoahte. Seattle aueaerlbed U.mm The eRra aJtataaeat waa tf , .tat ., A' ,iifeji && s The, statesmen of ether aaUaaa,' fctH whom that paid little atteaUoa; Germaa prefaaaera expeaaded hi Uaatr class rooms aad Germaa wrtterb net forth to the world aa the seal ef Oet, man policy aa rather the dream kaf mlada detached from ataetwal cSSIra,. aa prepostereue artvate.eeaeeftiaaa ef Germaa destlay, thaa aa'the aetaat plsas of reapoaaiele rulera, hat the ruiera of Getaway (kwaaalraa kaew aB the while what eoaerete weU advaaeed utrigaea lay what the prof eaaora aad wrRera sarlag, aad were glad te ajuaoleated, SUiaa the threaga ef haa atatea with Germaa irmiw,tau Uag Germaa eStcers at taa'aarvwa ef Turkey to drlQ her aname aad Baam; latereat wRh her gavaraamaf.,Saaaif lngrpUns of aedluea aasl'ivseafaah SB Iadta aad mtypt, aettiag their Saw. at Persia. The deaaaads aaade by Aaatrla poaSenriawerea a ptaa.whleh Asia, from Bertla to hoped these demanas might aat 7STA, Sareae. hut they raeeat U.areea whether they did er aet.-'ajr. thought themaelTea ready far the laeaeofarma. ( ' - f Plana Carried Owi' - "Their plaa waa te)jttrejt en uTOMw Mr- HUcal eeatroi aereaaiae of Marepe aad bayead eaa lato the heart of Aala, aad nagary waate aad pawa aa Servaver Turkey, or the paadweua'atatea at Baat " " KM "Aad they have actually carried the greater part of that aaaaatag ptaa lata execuUoa. Look hew tMaga Austria la at their merey. Itaai ot anon its owa initiative. choice of Its owa people, bet at BerbaVh dlcUUoa ever alace the war, hegaa. Ita people aow dealre peace. :.bat ajaaV- not have It hatll leave la BBaaa'Smaw-j: Berlin. The acKaued eeatrat aewara Bre.lafact,hataalaaewer. srla U at Ita mercy, should Ka haaea he for a moment freed. BeJaahifaa .-tt n ita wllL aal"letBBssmh;m-- orerrua. The TaThlaa nwasaaa trained, are s-i .mv rartslalv BOt the sua. of permaa I Jj the harbor pf Coaataatlaafia?feaBa Turklah atatfamea eYery Say that taay ItOIUM SITUATIOM PROMlllV TO B IMPORTANT ORIVB IM WAr SNSUANO LIBIRATIB IRISH PRISONBRS y Aaaeelatad Preaa The Briuah campaign la. Belgleja gtrea algaa of devewplag Uta aaa ef the moat Importaat of the war. Appareatly Ue OeraMaa ara JZlZ h. nnssure helag ooaataatly. ,7J,d . beta. HmXuU IT-.-.r.tw.lv raatd pace. , ,Ww &vw:isi!!t serea mile froat aawa MeMlaaa aad aa aew vaoualaea caaai. sshsw,- gallag aB'a-' jM,UveB aad eaatarlag eaa bUgtaa mb aHaaaara. -.-- londok,; aSmeri aiaaii'1 B7SJSBajjaajBBjlgWa Jl dSBBavajBmB 4 r. OJJaataAaBT GERliFWCEO , BACK BY BRHISH zz sss sm a, dna tW2typi LVijrtlK . ... ... t. "i'ffiv:ijit!m':f1. aiaia nun u.-Oaaeaal Tmmmdtimttiim "v: -..t - akbauBkaaBk AwaBBBmBVmaVrJaBV.ac, . Lu rirmmmbgiHbtM n ;i 1 n v"?.i "i .A i ta SS 41 : ' i - 'V.I 'f , & 'mcX lvi"lrt !. . T5 r,7)he-v . ;M tfta&Wfl M JUt 3.JT' A' ' n,l.l''lll" kiSt "V ' tsttlflamaW