"Ji'1ur",iV'Ai ;" iy & A' H W .;.Vi..!. $a 3We upnmg Upk mmu OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH COUNTY m& mo.- aW KLAMATH PAULS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY JUNE 13, lt!7 l t t mmmmmmmmmmmmamm omciAL. jmrRafeAaMBtoatej ii&ite-mssm&KOmd k nir KiaaaA-Kaa'tv-aiBaaaaaaaiaaMaua.s-r,''; 11H "' " IWM llllll II Ull IIHI lUttMfc Year-Na. 3,sr London Ra SREAT BATHE """'" - " inj-.TAfUUUUU. OCCURS IN MID Help it Rise AIR OVER CITY WTIIN HOSTILE PLANKS TAKI FART 'arty-Nlne Killed and Over Twa Hun. trad Weune'ew Florae Orw PI, pert Received Bast End, Where Mm Pur Live, Suffere tody Hee- Ml Filed School Htl, and Tan KHted ana- fifty Injuraal. $200,000 10,000 LONDON, June 11. Utar report ledteet .that forty-nine pcreene wara MHad ana" ever SSI Injure4. K la feared tha Sauree ara growing m Ma reperta ara received. ' LONDON. June U-Flfteen hoMlle aweplaaee raided the Kant Bad in Leadoa shortly Mora room today. British aviators aad anti-aircraft aaw altackad Ik lavadera. aad mat battla occurred ta Bald-air. Oa bomb it reck a rtcbool house and kWd ia cklldraa aad iBjurad Bfty. Ckuraltor Boaar Law aaaoaacad la Ika kouse of commons tkat thirty aa ara killed aad alsiy-eeven Injured It la WMrd.Jw.flefaa plane i ISO.000 iro.ooo MOfiOO 190,000 140,000 130,000 1J0.000 110,000 100,000 0,000 SO.000 70,000 0,000 M.000 '0,000 I 90,000 I 20,000 II I'll i aT -i-" Bfc-:i 3M Kaided tat Noon rosae 1 aaaaTi.1?uv' ,!! IN NEARS TWO BILLION MARK """ ,.,'... PERSHING NOW (lRFfiOB PASSES W.W.. W.. ,-..w -P ftj( V an 5&' ,1 - fft- Tka Kaat Mad la wkart the poor of Uadoa Ue, aad It offered kravlly. Tka koapltala of tke dlatrlcl are rrawded. LINER RAMS AND SINKS SUBMARINE AMERICAN .IMAJIIHIP KftOON uno Arrmmi tv two sua MARINIt,r4lMlAQI TO OCT 0NI-LOIItl6r'KLLKII ILAOk AN ATLANTIC PORT, June IX Tba American ApjiuUlp kroonland In reported to hawfeatroyed a (lernian nbaurine. .MJ- Two tubmarlata attacked the Kroon had from two aldaa. By agile ma ararerlng, tha kroonland rammed and (oak one. Tke ataamer lout a propeller blade. LIBERTY LO ''WtWIIWWWWIWWVWWwjMMwww, JWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWMMI JUSTICE OUNN OF OKLAHOMA HERE THURSDAY MILLIANT 8PKAKKR HK ELKS FLAO DAY W. C. DAVENPORT KMMA C. WORDKN . ' lltmUK MA80N WORDRN XHA8. ROBRRTWORDfrT C. B. WOHUEN HARRY OWKN O. A. 8TKAIINH J. V. HOUSTON C. C. HOOUK OKOItGB O. FRY RACHAKU AYRKS JOHN TltOXKL RK8HIK CROW TROXR! KI.OYI) AI4IKRT W1IITB (JKOnOK HUHSKL WHITB KDITII M. PRY PAYB HOOUE - , II. E. OKTZ THOMAS MARTIN THIRZA MARTIN O. U CARTER HKNRY HOIVIN LR8I.IB ROOKH8 B. R. RRAMBS " CHAS. U)OMI8 Z. C. KIMIIAI.I MALIN WM. U. PRRKR STRAW, CALIF. NBI) O'CONNOR D. D. MURPHY WESTWOOD, CALIF. JOHN KANKRUD A Real Chance to Serve the Nation s tVAwijwa 4Sy m Llbiriy Ln f aWnaf ywi it idf mtw jw mtry, 4W yn muk '" l4WApMV'lw half pm cmH falfcrwf. Tkv mf WcaW far UnlfiSftm Tkt nmN Iht Ubmiy Umn bmi rw-w tkt ' th Vrifi Stmt in A ffPMlf aMT. Tkt W fc f fcW '" WmJMlMi ffm $30 to $100400. KUauik raiatw liaWtw LmH EbSOUHv c6i4ltCIAL CLUi ROOMS Now Rtsldea In Oakland, Calif. Will Spend Several Oaya In Thle Vicin ity, Baalde a Speaking at Eaercleee In Front ef the Elke Tampla Tomorrow Night The Temple Will Bo Open ta the Public on That Occaelen. Former Chief Jiutlco . Dana of the eupreme court of Oklahoma, will deliv er the patriotic addreaa for the Elks ,at (he annualobeervaaee of Flag Day at 8t30 o clock tomorrow evening. Judge Dunn' U a brilliant epeaker, and waa one of (be beat known public men In Oklahoma' until juet a few yean ago, wken, on account of kla wlfe'a kealth, heraaiSHl Tf'tko. aa preme. eencb and aaoveCto Oakland, Calif. He will arrive here en tomor row evenlng'a train, and It la expected that he will upend aevreal daya here enjoying the flnhlng, aa the guest of local mrmbera of the lodge. The Flag. Day services are to be held from the front entrance to tha Elke temple. The city council baa granted permission to close Main, street be tween Second and Third on the even ing of the services, and seats are tot bo placed on (he pavement In front of the building for the audience. The ritual work of the lodge la to be fol lowed,.and the altar la to be placed on the second landing of the steps leading to the entrance, and the oncers chairs at each end and at the top and Bottom. The band will occupy a position at the right of the top landing,- while the niembefH of I ho double mixed quartet will be at (he left of Iho top landing; While the service will be conducted by the Elks as la their annual custom, they will be for the entire public. Seating reservations will be made for the Grand Army of the Republic, the Woman's Relief Corps and city aad county officials. Following tha services the'Elka home will be thrown open and tho public is Invited to Inspect the building. The program follewa: Music "Star Spangled Banner" Band Introductory Exerelaea Bkalted Ruler and Officers Prayer A. M. Worden, Chaplain Double Mixed Quartet "Song of the Vikings," "Kentucky Babe" Mra. Motachenbacher, ' Mlaa Newbury, Mlaa Calkins,- Mlaa Hollowell. and Messrs. Motachenbacher, Mehaffey, Qlalsyer and McFerrln. Mra. turn wait, piano and director. Flag Record..... . Wilson 8. Wiley Mualo Band Elka' Tribute to tha Flag....r. - ........ George A. Cathey Song "America" (new tuna) Doable Mixed Quartet Patriotic addreaa Judge Jeaaa J. Dunn Mualo Band Closing Bra TWENTV MEN JAILBO IN OREOON UNDER DRAFT LAW PORTLAND. June IS. Tweaty have been Jailed la Orates far fail ure ta restaur, under the selective draft IAV. la WuVasUa.tWrteeS Skes, have Wak arreated for failure .to obey thla lit. ' . Chinese Rfcster to Fight tor Uncle Sam M aaSBaaaaaaMBmVBaaaBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam FOR S.aaaaaaaaaaaaTkBBaaaWhVwtBaaTBBBrT'BBlaaaaaala a lOBroBnnnBBBHffBLt! BaHaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaavaaaaBaaaaaal CBBWJlBBMBBJBJtBamiiBBBBBWiBBBBBBBBBBBB UBJteejBJffJBlffJBjM 'Er? iIT -a. 'lIaaaWafcaaaaBF . t . -r i-ir ' v - .- One booth for the Ut ration of i4 draft law' In Mkilahairf In tho tSMd 01 FRENCH SOIL WITH HIS STAFF DUE TO ARRIVE IN PARIS TONIGHT ITS BOND QUOTA TODAY, REPORTED KLAMATH'S TOTAL' NOW ABOUT n -i TeUl Lean Neara S2(SaJNSSSSMark Due ta Small men under the select! New York cRy was est heart of Chinatown. Chlneae all day. Their names were taken by school teachers of the vicln Ity, who volunteered for the work. They sate? .very few'6f the OrienUla demanded exempiln. Hrhc auiKamxi arairwiSftuiyrurd'r-n very positively that, they were, ready to Ko to war, WorMOutlined for Red Cross Committees Here A tremendous drive for the Red funds at all churches, lodges and pub- Cross throughout Klamath county In c meetings. 'lit Is telt that no one win turn aown a cause whose noble principals and wonderful results have so benefited humanity during the past yeara aa the co-operation with the nationwide i movement, will start next Monday morning, and be concluded the Monday morning thereafter. This week has been set asldo-by spe cial proclamation of (he president of the United 8tatea for the purpose of securing for the Red Cross $100,000,- 000. Klamath has been urged to doj Red Cross, and whose call for aid la to urgent at this time," said a mem ber today. "About 100 of our boys have already gone to' the front, and approximately 1.S00 more are registered for possible Anllulmnnl anil' annn ttiMA brothers. her share, and every patriotic cltixen ' nn . MmA. .in k. in dir nMH of 1ted Cross service. pro" "Let us provide the funds before they are needed, and not wait for ter- Plans for a most exhaustive canvass , rIble Bories of suffering before we of the entire county have been care- contribute. Let us not repeat the fully worked out under the leadership .Spangh' war experience, when forty of R. II. Dunbar, chairman. There men dled of uMM to one from bul have been seven teams appointed to , lf ts j us put our Red cross in a ahould lend hla utmost assistance the movement Funds must be vlded. work, and the exact personnel of the workera will be published within a day or two. The work that will be undertaken by each team la aa follews: Team 1. Klamath county outside of Klamath Falls. Team .House to house canvasa of Klamath Falls. Team 3. Solicitors for downtown business men. Team 4 Booths at prominent places In the city. Team 5. Publicity. Team . To arrange announcement of the campaign aad explain need of position to reverse this ratio. "Any; site donation will be gratefully received, but all ahould give aa large a sum aa possible. We ought to, and aro expected to, raise at least a sum euual to $1.00 per head for every man, woman and child, In (he .county. Do your utmost to help Klamath make a 'creditable showing when the figures are read in conjunc tion with, those from other countlea." Full information regarding method of campaign will be published before the drive starts, and during the weak you will be fully posted oa the result. Prepare, to do your part In a large way. " Russo Commission Here At Pacific Port WAJUUNOTON. June 18. A ?lttta-.MtUt. aad then proceed directly to aiaJIUaiatoAaMricaaa1aadetatlWaaaiagt. ' a'Pacllft sect, t There are forty memeera ta ue 'paaaaalj Flying Stare and Strlpea and Conveyed by Destroyers and Hydreptanee, Ship' Carrying .Party Aeraoa Channel J Yarfc Annewtcea Mora Thin S1.SSV Decka at Benldegne- Met ay French Officiate and Of part far Parle en, a Special 'Train. ft I t PARIS, June 11 Oantral Parahlng has arrived In Parte. PARIS. Juae 13. Oeaeral. Pershlag basIaa4edatBoeVffJMrroetMaBg- Ush chaaWear tovlcta.u4 wUI arrira fat Psrle tSBHahL General JNUatlar. rereaJHitlBg faae - 1 J. r t'.WWti'T..! .tE' rreaA ai iramaat. Aajd att.r aa1alaea, . ' 'i A Z "aJBT " T iXMttWrl British aatdiera Baed the quays aadl nndered saRltary aewora as tke Invt ta, ffylag the atan- aad atripea aad praoeaaa ay oeanvyera w ccubb- panted by hydroplanes, steamed Into Bouldogae, while Bands played tie Star 8pangted Banner aad the Mar-eelleJse. Tke American staff departed Imme diately ,f or Parte by special train. FLOATS ARE TO BE ELABORATE MILES MRS TO SAN FRANCISCO FOR MATERIAL MISS PEARL BOIVIN HAS BEEN NOMINATED FOR BODDESS Several elaborate ioata are to be coastructad for tha Strahorn railroad dedlcaUoa aad Fourth of July deaaeav atraUoa by F. D. MUea of the Miles Sign eoeapaayv ' ' r " '" Mr. Milee. who has ka a great deal of experteaea ia tkla line of work In Urge ettlaa during yeara past, has been at work for several daya on artutio designs, aad last night there wara aub- aaltted to tka ooeamlttee. They ware warmly endoraed by the comaUttee. and . Mr. MUea waa In atruded'to proceed with the ooastruc- Uoa. Ha left for San Fraaeteco tkla moralmjc to purehaae material. Mlaa Pearl Boivla has heea'noaainat ed aa candidate for Ooddeap of Liberty, aakiag a total of few now in the race. Neaalaatieaa etoae Friday algkt, tka 15th, aad tke eleattoa cloaea Friday, jKMStth. ' U. S. COAST CUTTER Tha ceaaaMaalea will ater first at I party; ,-A' 'V COLLIDES AND SINKS LI ' I SAN FRANCISCO, Jama W.-rTke eeaai gaard eatter MoCuUauga waa auak la. a eaUlala: with tha ataaawr Overleaf ek Palat ArsvaUa. Tkat wew'BeaaaeKleeA - The VaOaiuwh' balMgai ,t; Dew- era aen, a mbbhm amy. i SSMSS at 11 eXIeck Perttand AS- nenncee Mara than S1 cal Bank Takes SSgSSS ty,i .-( p WASHINGTON. June M fiftn.Pt ti .. . . .. . ' .... .' . "ii f j: BcriBera,iinyeauBg eev ana saw sn.iamllt(-5Jyj- ,"j erty- Man aowoa, aave aweaiaa aw ,.j total to near .urn zjajeiBVBWB.SBBBS.vi.u;'-. w SrwV -M'l Ml! Tka Now York s.. their Inlalal nSSSSiSSSS'at ' I i ; '' , . w r, - . ,, ,. U o'clock tab , ,Hi . &tf&j.&r3 ' . . - - -1. j . . . ' '. ju.- War urgj'.veryaaw :dasSi-. wa i&eW '.Ml aW-AjUr iwiaJtOtli'".'rl1J J I ' YOKTLArtD. Jmw It OWaWwLSW, ... erty aoad ankacriptleawV faaaai T Saa r. 'yt J I.. i i i $ie.WO.ee-mrk today. 'Tha 'l euota waa MOO.Sot. " ' w - l;,1fS Klaamth county total abaerlptleai- - ' to,the loan waa boasted yeetofdaylaf- ternboa aad today to near tha, I MUMS , mark. -v 'hIJs? s'; ! The First National aaak taSMSSl,., II.' ' more of the Bonds today, aad taaaa-, . ber anbacriWag te coaalateraMyJarsar " ."".. ' Among those subscribing BjWla Wm. B. Freer, who hai taken WW: n second bond. In order to facilitate thVPC at. ".,-.. the bonds, the local aaaknjjrfaailf Z., open tomorrow, ao. that pewpa'deatr, r.,. lhg'lo purchase tkeaa iaralaTaa . Una aid klamath county la brhJM(la "'', , her share of I8M.SS8 aearer.taaBaar , " ' k M-2XTt- ; " snip 1651 TWO LINERS ARE SUNK; SLLtBQATS , asawsaaaiaBBa s, fw FRENCH OVER, LINER LINER SIQUANV ;ep:i; Ml UiXtA,5,."M'S!. wnaia.AMB LmVAMm-AV-Uli: X& ' " tat-iw m 4$ ((nIWR'I.OirW-w JS m rwWHOilssLOtT;; PARIS. June 13. The :Freaeh'Mer. 'Z- yp uni MmHav KKA aaaaaaiaBM. laiav W.' -". w - w ' v - - ; THE SEdUANA - 'fl I sir "ft i .'.a n 4M Sequana, been torpedoed on the, Atlaatle One hundred aad alaety aaaavwar.K loat'fran a itetsehaaantad eaeaalea, f '''.-. Rifies. which waa oa hoard- 5rf Ojl't The Sequana U owaad ay iae aph: ? '4 AtianUc NavlgaUeav aaailiai pMaa-jSftg 4 placement oi'SJMT.toa-' , & Mr .; wrtm, BOSTON. Jwt '--Taa IMimAMmyjiiMi- -i.:-iiM0mmmM:Jii-mmafimmtrv- for tjasiai.aaAlaWat'lfliliWlg . ' W 7'J : aaax. .aaaaaajaar-' ed by eeaapaaj hMBeeaaavd, m J-r.MTSaaiII.7fVWj;MjV;. aaiaaayBBBBM.aBBBBntt;,. . , '-- '''" ,' JJW'.'ifiVJ-' ORISON OOVH v !. il.U, fViiaiaiai7; awwavawvvwyi vw-.-;fck4- '7f7T --jSl tary.;,'e.awa-a ""W?3JBB?g mtQmm.:'7" i5BjmBjwjBssjwmepi' 'j'.i'CLgtKg'B aaaaiRaaKy-. r'yattaOlamaaWBBBlHir ir!!Rf'iSBBBBBBjBJi5 aaaiaajajaaaliaaaaaaatyji'i ' laaBtonjJBaami?': , .aju'c - l2-A IA JTraanHHaBBBBnamTaBaaSEW msi'tf s -s.ti CrtJswM-y tvr ,' LW . A'-"is ir 11.14.1 .