r? Sty? lEmmmn Hrrnlii - ' i" 1 1 ii i "aaP , OFFICIAL NBWIPAPBR OF KLAMATH COUNTY e .Vt'fi ;'-tU OFFICIAL NCWaVJkmmT OF KLAMATH FAUf; Dtvtnlh Year N. MM wi. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY JUNE 12, 1017 - 'i7vi-.tjtfv?iri MHi ' ,jC4i JLik vmk. MSSirfb v'1 j is" i. .. -TT3BB i . fM. ,t, fN Jgl German Sub TWO BOATS ARE F AMERICAN SHIP TNI AND PLACE OP tlNKINO NOT OIVIN patmlltt, Standard OH Tanker, Wat Armed and Formerly Under Oarman rtt-Lrt New Yore, far lUly en April 30th Tonehod at Gibraltar YetUrday Attacked Twa Vaara Age by Auatrian Submarine In the Medlttrranean WASHINGTON, June IS A German temearine baa euak tha American leak steamer Petrollte, according to emteUr dUpalcnea. Oaa boat containing eighteen, men, hvmalng the chief engineer and the laird nuir. baa landed, while two basts with tha number la them not staled, ar missing. Tha time and awe of the sinking are not given. The frtroltto waa armed aad carried a tfinnrtV crew, Tha ablp belonged to Iba Btandard Oil company, and waa hramly the steamship Excelsior, un der the Herman Nag. the Irfi New York for Italy on April Jam. with Captain McKellum com panding. The IVtrollte figured In the new lea years ago whea an Auatrian sub marlne attack made upon her threat mad to ttlnnipt dlplomatlo relation be tvten IWnna and Waahlagton. The .Standard Oil company haa tin aeiaced that they have received word that Ihr IVtrollte touched at Gibraltar yesterday on her return trip from Italy. .HARRIED SUNDAY AND LEAVE ON TRIP CAST 0. 1). Iirincoa and Mrs. France Hut Wr were married Sunday morning at (o'clock by Ilev. W. R. Rambo of thn lint Christian church of thla city. The couple left Sunday on a trip to Kansas City and Teiaa. They will live I Bank a, Calif. Your flrt patriotic duty Buy a Uberty Ilond. MISSING ROM iS-tA-e- t &!LfilC&5firzb'''' 5321 l Moniy and Men Win Great Ware fat ym m Likrty Uun ThkMP"ttmity ftrth ing ym mntry mnd gating m flM ktmtmmt will tt Imt httg. Tkt rtm wUl $ Ibm. AVsvy taWr Ln taW muj fArt awaf wMf P" Stmt f0trmmttt. Ym nut gUfhtSSO, "aaavnaat, 5 SW Klwwlfc CfMry UUrty 4L'ma'l KINO CONSTANTINE 4 ABDICATES HIS THRONE ATIIKNK, Ju. i:,-Klng Con- Klantliir m Nlxtltati-il In favor of 0 4) hi nn, Prince Alrxamlrr. THREE GODDESS CANDIDATES INTEREST ALREADY BEGINS TO GATHER IN COUNTY CONTEST FOR BIG CELEBRATION ON JULY THIRO AND FOURTH That the Goddess of Llbrrty contest for the Htrahorn celebration parade July 3d I going to attract consider able Inti-rrat I Indicated by the fact that three candidate among the pop ular young ladle of Klamath Kail, Mix Ik-mile Pickett, Ml Clara Cal kin and Mla Marie Itambo, have al ready been nominated for the honor. I Mlaa lila II Mnmvr whn la ranritlf-t. votw . .. nw.v.s., - "- .....-.. ' Ing the content, expect that a sub stantial group will be nominated before the primaries cloe neat Friday. Invitation have been went In all 'part of the county to be represented In iris race, and It I not Improbable that a candidate will be entered from the Klamath reervatlon. The coupon are now on aale by Ml Dorothy Week at the W. P. Johnson company, (11 Main street, and may be Aled there when voted. Vote are 10 cent per 100. and It require 500 vote, or SO cent, to nom inate a candidate. BISHOP PADDOOCK WILL ARRIVE THURSDAY NIGHT Ilihop Paddock will arrive In Klam ath Fall Thuraday night. The Grace RpUcopal Guild will hold a meeting on Friday. Mr. Paddock will bold aervlceM Sunday at 11 o'clock at the Odd Fellow' hall. I FISH AND OAME BODY MEETS HERE IN JULY A telegram receUed today from C. v. Htone. nh and game commlaalonor. stated that the rommlslon will hold It next meeting hero aomo time In July. The meeting la expected to be held about the middle of the month. MfanuuC " aww b t0""?" OUT PORTLAND OVERSUBSCRIBES AAMAAAApVaeAAaVAAAdVh Former President TaH Sends His Son to War Vi mil itemmmmmwri pt 9 innnnnm tannnnn annnRSdnnBnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnmvsBnnWBH n 'iiBnnnnnaftM nliannf nwPSfeSlnnnmQLTCSl 1 -ral IPilfcmfrV wP rtBB'WIatMBMpril J t tT XJTbTt V ' JtTJ-ffp' jTrBBBBBBBy SBw J i !(v,nBHaiEujM u ija arvccajajjannnnnnnnnnnnnnnKiZMhuR ' 'fiijfeTWSCV lliwC 3L7?Vii9aBBBBBBBBLuXlllflE JM j3uK!VSmw3 IflnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnSllBftw BnaanKWKHI nnnnnnnnnnnBnnnnnnnnnW9uld m '"' JBnnnnnnBSSBnftnKnannnnnnnnnnBnnnnnnnnntBW a t?yf' t'J BPBJarJnBBH ' bBBBBBBIBBBBBBBBBVmk ij i SMiKlBBBKVanBBBBBBBBBBVrl H "& 'nnvBnnnBnnnnnnnnVannnnnnnnKannnnnnnnnnnnnvnnllA - tmmmmmfStkrt LnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnBnnnnnnHnB ' fi S,'W 4&3B 'tlnBnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnniBtMnnt i MBdBjh vfawjpwK&uivannnjaa j",r TaVBBSTHBVr?3ABBulBflBBBBn!9W S t' ' 7'tnvH TJ7WaniaaBi99l9ESBnnnnnnnm.' '-u&BradnnBSHBwRrlBnaBBBBBBnMBr n L EESSSS5-: Former Prcaldent Taft went dow, n to Fort Myer, Va , the other day to visit hi on ChnrleB. whom ho had aen LOCAL TEACHERS LEAVE CITY MANY WILL SPEND SUMMER AT HOMES, SOME QO EAST, WHILE A NUMBER WILL REMAIN IN THE CITY V Since last Friday the annual exodua of school teachara from the local schools baa taken place, a majority of the teachers leaving for various points for the summer. F. H. Struble will spend the aunt- mer at Corvallla attending college; Mlsa Ethel Oroaa at Oakland, Oregon, her home; Mlsa Lena Stoecker with relatives In Portland; Mlaa Auguetn Llndblom at her home In Turlock, Cat.; Mlsa Clara'Elmer at her home In Loa Angeles; Mlaa Gertrude Seeley at her home in Delta, Ohio; Mrs. Fred Peter son, on the Peterson farm on Lost River; Mlsa Joale Van Rlpar, visiting In Portland; Mlaa Gertrude and Mia I Augusta, Parker, Qranu was, weir heme: Mlaa Kacaei Manama i new r. ore.: Mlaa Zoa Chaae, Mlaa Haael Hardaabrook. Lamar, Nab., her naaw; in. Laura Mayer. Prlnevlllej Mlaa Edna Miller. Klamath Ageacy; Mra Shaw, Beattla, to visit bar brother, who la entering tha united taiea navy, and Mlaa Mary Stewart. Cnloaio. Thaaa who will ranutn In tha city tojjapgpgggggfgygBBBKmmBauazmm. are Mlaa Maud Scevlll, Mlaa Mary Sinks t to Join the artillery. The young man's act Influenced aeveral of his college frl enda of Yale to join him. Kletb, Mlaa Helen Paxson, Mra. Earl Hill, Mra. Agnes Bran. Mrs. Maud Goeller, Mra. A. J. Lincoln, Miss Ruth Talley and Mra. Nellie McAndrews. COUNCIL INVITES AID OF CITY RESOLUTION ASKING FOR SUG GESTIONS FROM CIVIC BODIES PASSES-NEW PROBLEMS ARE TAKEN' UP An Invitation waa extended by the passing of a resolution Inst night by the city council, Introduced by W. T. Lee of Second ward, requesting that all civic bodlea and orgnnlzatlona in the city interacted in the betterment of the city be Invited to tender suggestions and Ideas totba council, The resolution was seconded by Councilman Struble, and paaaed. A requeat of the band for 1100 a month auppert waa referred to the finance maualttee. Street mattera Including tha finish ing of tha Snlpplngton road, West Mala atreet, aad various other places warp taken up, Dr. Warren D. Hunt explained the health altuatlon in the city, and ad vised that all doctora report eaaea, aa oamaaiwd by law, and that aetieee be 'potted In aantaglotta disease eatee. Work waa atarted to find tame means of dramlag the Mills Addition. U s MAYOR PROCLAIMS LIBERTY BONDS POINTS OUT IMPORTANT. FACTS IN CONNECTION WITH BONOS PUT UP BY AMERICAN GOVERN. MENT Ma or C. B. Crisler has Issued the following proclamation with regard to the purchasing of Liberty bonds. His proclamation Is ks follews: "Their Investment in Liberty bonds will be the flrst money systematically saved by thousands of easy-going Americans. "Those who go to the front sacri fice their business, give time and money, and may give life Itself. "In buying a Liberty bond we, who, stay at home, sacrifice nothing, give; nothing. "We profit selfishly. "Bonds are In amounts of from ISO up. Cash in full may be paid, or two per cent cash down, balance by August ::oth. Eery dollar Invested In Liberty bonds means a dollar's worth of addi tional prosperity at home. ! "Our money In bonds, untaxed, at 34 per cent brings the same Income ns local loans bearing 7 to 8 per cent. Let us help ourselves to prosperity, our beloved nation to defensive strength, and the world to democratic ! freedom. "We havo cheered our departing vol unteers. "They will do their part "Can we not afford to do our part when the effort brings no loss or sac rifice T "On behalf of, and as its chief execu tive, I appeal to every citizen of Klam ath Falls and Klamath county to mako It bis proud boast that he Is the pur chaser of a Liberty bond, even though the investment Ib the minimum of f 50. "As we have home and plenty under a nation of freemen, let us make the slik'ht effort necessary to assure the continuance of these blessings in fu ture cars that our children will not be povurty-rldden serfs and tenants un der the heel of absolutism. "Our nation Is our all honor, secur ity, freedom, abundance. Maintenance of national prestige Is our only hope of future peace and happy homes. Buy a Liberty bond! Apply today. "C. B. CRISLER, Mayor." GERMAN SUB-BOAT F TOWED INTO SPANISH PORT FOR REPAIRS, U-52 IS IN BAD SHAPE. IS EXPECTED THE VESSEL WILL BE INTERNED CADIZ, Spain, June 12. The Span Ish torpedo boat No. 6 discovered the German submarine U-BI. disabled from gun shots which struck the engine. The submarine waa towed here. She had been .stripped of her wireless by shota. It will take at leaat two daya to repair her. It la believed the submarine will bo intoned. She la an underwater boat of 150 tons and carried a crew of twen ty men. OUND DISABLED Help it Rise 190,000 113,000 170,000 180,000 150,000 140000 130,000 120,000 110,000 100,000 NMM0 0,000 70JM0 0,000 50,000 40,000 SSvOOO Those Klamath citizens who have purchased Liberty bonds at the local banks to aid their government In its time of need since yesterday are: KLAMATH LODGE, 77 A. F. & A. M. FAITH JEAN KIMBALL E. 8. RANDALL MADGE M. RANDALL FRED WESTBRFELD CHAS. L. MOORE MIRIAM MARTIN KLAMATH AGENCY KLAMATH AGENCY ADA RICE FOURTH OF JULY PLANS MATURING DIFFICULTY ARISES IN SECURING AVIATOR, BUT OTHER PLANS ARE GOING FORWARD IN GOOD SHAPE Although the committee In charge of the Btrahora railroad dedication and Fourth of July celebration are having serious trouble In securing an accom plished aviator, which waa greatly de- aired, at reasonable terms, other mat ten are progroaatng smoothly, aad a big Umla assured all those who par-. tlclpate. Frank MUea of the Mllea Sign com paay la busy dealgnlng fioata for the parade which la to be one of the big foaturoa of the celebration. A magnifi cent dUplay 'of fireworka haa boon or dered front the Mitt Fireworka com pany or Boattp, wntoa aaa caargo or the fire worka dlanwy at the San Fran ctooa oxpoalUon. Motorcycle racee are also being planned for the morning of the Fourth. A baaoball tournament for the aeml profeeeioaal caampiouahlp of Oregon aad Northern California to a serlaa of four lamao. July 1st, Id. 4th and 5th. la aohedaled. Another enjoyable fea ture la a atreet dance, which la .to'bo bald on Kite atreet between Fifta and Seventh, on the evening of tht third. jr LOAN 5aravij $6,000,000 MARK REACHED IN ROSE CITY AT NOON SEATTLE PASSES THE POINT Merrill la Only Klamath County Ois trlet ta Have.lta Portion of Loan Up to Ita Allotment State OutoMo of Portland SSJfSJXS Behind The Total for Klamath County m PORTLAND, June 12. Portland haa over-subscribed ita teVeOMM allotment of the Liberty Loan bonds. At noon today the asbaeripUen total led S5.C0O.00O. The committee expects the total to reach $S,W,9W, V SEATTLE, Juno 01 Seottle'a -awb- WrlpQoinee'UbeTtxLeih nia ed the 15.080.000 mark. The tee hopes to bring the total, $8,200,000. With 112400 already aubocribed to the Uberty Loan -on-l. Merrill la tit o ily district in Ktamlth county which U dot g Its pro rata rhare In the pur chase of those bonds. The subscriptions duo from thla dis trict in proportion to Its banking do- poaitora are 515,000. waving a ami of only 12.300 yet to bo raised. Klamath Falls, which by the aavo Maipj- IWtjTw tOv standard should ralao 13lHf vm , 1108.000 short, and la thua nopeleaely behind ft doing iU aharo. ' "? E. M. Bubb of the Firatf National bank at Merrill haa boon working; strenuously among his aaneeJatea to forward thla matter, besldeo aubeerRt- " Ing substantially bimselt The complete Uat of those aubacrib- tng here la given below. The total & for thla district If aftr IM.5M. and. It la Hoped that fromandoua reapoasea to thla call on the part of the government will be made dWlnaVthe last throe daya of the campaign1 , - , Liberal terma, are 'offered by beta " banks of tbo city for purchaae of bonds by those not In position. to nay caaa. It Ilea within, the power of nearly every man to take at leaat a bond of ago a nomination, and many can easily han dle larger amouatcC . . Only three, days. remain In which to take action. GERMAN OFFICER . MEMO DISCOVBREB LATE GENERAL BUSING'S DATA ON BELGIUM WITH PLANS PUB LISHEO-ARE ASTOUNBINB TO THE WORLD t t j$ ' COPENHAGEN. June U. Aj randum of the Ute; Governor, L.. --'rt"ilji,ii-lSii zn rz: . -Tw iTr-is. n.im.-t..fi JHH1HC, UWIi (IJI - .iiiaHnm mia iMimum. in wi i -wt i"a -.. .. '. - i tsi'sjia-'trsrt&i nexauon o-eigam ne.e vmm pww-,-, jhwi bio poUcy for qormany. haa been JfwV'a , m umuw - ii.. f-,w. .. n.bdA wlk wkUh thO I orandum cilia for, iMw'aTnifgtti tbo BelgUn royaTlwe toonfcpi tton of atmgwanjeawmaap.aannpim .i---proparatlona larauow.waj MBmnSaT ? .' InTBiSwkalm .. -..- .. ., lVEEEBBJEwnantSaHEdliy 7M waa noTar Intwded far vm&f' a iX si IK fcW . -, . .. It Li , il 1 JV j, 4J r 151 : "T .( ., . & 9'-im r,i J J w.l w & - 3?: 'T.c 3&I ' -nT ml 'u- i liin r V CUMIMaUIUIlb Vbwa ww.- A ,4-vJl.. M': ,jfe &..'' $ - K$ fm V-