"mm tmmizmm nurtt1 nfffi !& I w mi r,il .' -- & 3LIf lEtummn Iteratf. d ggU''- I I ,m. . SB !:-1 '!: iv . A?l OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH COUNTY OFFICIAL NXWVAVSK IV: I tl r..i',;a KLAMATH FA1-'I' :, !"- '.& v. r jufo .-' I a ltvnth Ytar No. 3,224 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY JUNE 9, 1917. Wn99f WP9 rwJJWkyS- .ftl . W",Vwftt' ' - ifv- Strong German FAIL OF LENS IMPENDING AND 16 DETERMINED KAISER CLOSELY ESCAPES AIR RAIO Otrmant to Have No Rtst Anothsr Attack Made Along Two Mil Front Latt Night Position Around Last Aro Pntratd Kalur and Hlndtnburg In Ohtnt Station Our. Ing Raid. By Associated rP Genera) llalg'a determination to give th Uermana no rest waa exemplified hut nlxht when the HrltUh attacked alantt a front of over two mllra. and penetrated the Herman positions around Una to a depth of over hair a u. Tbla British success la taken to mean the Impending fall of Una, the great French coal city, center of the ilfh coal regions nearby. The llrltUU are eipected to atrike amitht-r great blow to clear the Oer mm from the long held and richly pilled French poaaeaalona In thla area. LONDON., June 9. Kalaer Wllhelm was with von Hlndenburg. Prince Rltel Frltdrlch and other membera of the kaiser's staff Inalde HI. I'eteni alatlon at Ghent, Ilelglum, when entente air men bombarded the atatloa recently, according to an Exchange dlapatch. 8ome member of the utaff were slightly Injured, while three army offl cera nearby were killed. OREGON BANKERS ELECT ALBANY MAN PRESIDENT MAR8HFIKLI), Juno . The Oregon Bankers Aaaoclation haa elected E. II. Cualck of Albany president, and aelect ed llend for the next convention. Factory Looma Up. The Chelae box factory at the lower end of Lake Bwauna la looming up. The main building haa been erected and root put In place, while tho ma chinery ia being Inatalled aa It ar rive. J. U. Miner, prcaldent of the company, haa been In the city for the paat week. It la expected the factory will be running cloao to June 20. s BjeTglWBJigjJajj-BMtigBH 'IffMar"!! Enlist In the Financial Army A big finmneitr saiJ thmt th mMisy iwiffi frm -! f UUrtyUmn bmndt will win th war. m . . H ml- id thmt iht kmnd U tht aWfl invvtmint in th Mref. Dtn'tMmy buying m LiUriy WfNf. It U mmtrhtk. It it ' gdbmi' Emth bmnd mmy thr- and M.hmlfBr9nttet. Yam mmyanlytwamaraantan ammlh eatian. Saa m taday fa mm ma. ICkili lOMi-ly M y"1 i .. . ww.wwwwwwwmwwwiwmw Help it Rite 1200,000 190,000 110,000 170,000 160,000 150,000 140,000 130,000 120,000 110,000 100,000 90,000 0,000 70,000 0,000 50,000 40,000 90,000 20,000 i Klamatb'a Uberty Loan fund stands at the 111,500 mark today, according to reparta aocured today from the First National and Firat State and Savings banka, where aubacrlptlona are being received. Included In thla amount are about thirty aubacrlbera ranging from 15,000 down. The bonda have been purchaa ed, for the moat part, by amall nub Kcrlberx. from I&0 to 1200, although several Klamath county farmers have taken out amounta of 11,000 to $2,000. The banka have each taken out 15,000 apiece. WASHINGTON. June 9. With one k lft fur aubacrlDtlona to the Lib rrty Loan, aubacrlptlona must como In at a rate of 1100,000 a day to make up It,. Intal called. The dally average haa been 154,000,000. The treasury department machinery .ml reaerve banka with thousand oi ramlflcallona have aet to work at top apeed to gather In many promlacn of purchaaea of the bonda. . Your firat patrlotlo duly Buy a Liberty Bend. ?,?rSS,Co,,,mltto ',.' SB -V. "" THIRTY-SIX MEN DIE IN BUTTE E 176 ARE CTILL AMONG THE MISS- INQ MEN Two Hundred and Twelve Reported 8avcd Out nf 415 Working When Ca ble Set Fire at 1;40 Laat Night Oas, Smoke and Fire Do Damage Dee tor and Nurae Ruth to Aid of Im prisoned Men. BUTTE, Mont, Juno 9. Ofhclala of the North Butte Company laaued a autement at noon today etatlng that 30 men are known den, 17 are miss- Ing and 212 aavod. 111JTTB. Mont.. June 9. ThIrty-flve are known to be dead and 125 are miss- Ing aa the reault or a fire laat night In the Speculator mine In North Butte. Tho fire atarted at 11:45 o'clock In tho lower levels aa the reault of a broken power cable. Smoke and gaa soon filled the mine levela. Four hundred and fifty men were working In tho mine at tho time. Two hundred and thirteen men escaped through tke.levela to other mines. " Oaa entered the Diamond mine, kill ing more men. It la believed aome men escaped to the High Ore mine. Men wearing gaa helmets aro enter- inc the levela today, while militiamen, workmen, doctora and nuraca are work ing to assist tho Injured and rescue others. Two rescue cars were rushed here ftom Hod Ixxlgc. CROSS DRIVE TO START JUNE 18 KLAMATH'S SHARE TO RAISE IS 11,000 Captain J. W. Slsmtni, Klamath' Rep- re tentative to Important Meeting, to Bo Home Early Next Week, After Which a Big Rally and Meeting to Hear Report of Proceeding Will Probably Bo Held. Rnciosed find some literature for the chapter. Three hundred delegates frm Washington. Idaho. Ulan, Hon tana. Oregon. Klamath Falla ahare 111,000, to be raised. Nation, 1100, 000.000. State I800.000. of which WOO,- 000 from Multnomah. Balance of 1 400, 000 from state. I urge action at once if we are to succeed. Literature will be aent direct to chapter. I enclose some I got here. Will make full report wnen i get back." Th above letter Is to Chaa. W. Boer- lein from Captain J. W. Siemens, Klam ath's representative at the state Kea cross conference last week, and is the opening gun of a great campaign, nantsln Siemens went to Portland as the representative of the Klamath Chapter of the American nea cross. Tho meetlne- at Portland waa held on the direct order of Woodrow Wilson as head of the American Red cross, it was a meeting of the national war council of the Rod Crow. Sorlout cnsraeior or worn That meeting la clearly Indicative of MN DISASTER WMwWMwM.'wwwm'wxw' wmumwwxwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwawawwaqy U. S. Grant the U. S. Grant IV, grandson of the late president of the United States, has enlisted in the ranks or the Seventh regiment. New York, aa a private. Young Grant la only 23 years of age. ' SBmW '. iff ,BaaH3lf-iLLLLVJLiaaaBaaBBimsKiBaaBBl flj fl v?S jBaBBmEiBmBBBBSBm B , EJmwMWMMWRA?-JfLBBMWMWMWMW m kmmmmmmmmmmmmam''mmmmmm ii DBmVMBBvMvMMHKyBBvBBBBvMvMvMvl B 83 HBEjEEEEBEEEEEEjHBESmjEEEEEEEEEEEfl il8ffleSBVa"tEtVaiVflE9W i V& mMMMMamMapamMMMMMMMWMmsfrmMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMm II 1 TEHaBlBBBEfBmmlWM ttSP:PHSSS Pvto. u.s. grant s$g&$&ggm Serbia and England Get American Loan of Millions WASHINGTON, June 9 The United States tieaxury department today the serious character of the work bo- fore the United Statos. Tho represen tatives assembled at Portland were the great bankers and business men of the West. When such men leave their offices and drop their heavy responsi bilities to attend a meeting of the Red Cross at Portland, It Is notice to every one that the time has come to wake up and do what Is put before them, said Mr, Eberloln today. The president and his advisers have appointed a week, June 18th to 25tn. far in intensive campaign nation wide to raise a vast fund immediately for Red Cross purposes. Money is needed immediately and in mass to meet the most urgent need. The allies are already In the field. Our boys will soon be there. We must send along now to the front surgeons, nursea, hos- nllnl nonlnment and stores In abun dance. If we are slow or niggardly our boys will suffer and die for want of attention. It lakes money money right now, said Mr. Eberleln. Klamath Must Act Klamath haa just begun Its campaign of giving. The Red Cross in time of war la a branch of the army .and navy. The commander-in-chief haa Issued bis order, and it la our duty to obey it to the limit of our powers. -Klamath can not sit down and do nothing In tbla crisis. The great week of giving, Juno lth to 15th, Is at band, and committees mutt be appointed and or- Positions Fourth Enlists and was born at San Diego, Calif., where his father Is a retired lawyer, tin to his enlistment the young man was employed aa a clerk In the bank of J. I Morgan Co. loaned Serbia 13.000,000. A further loan of J75.000.000 was made to Eng land, also. I Ranlrntion completed to cover thla whole county, town, hamlet and farm. Captain Siemens will return early next week. In order to get a good start In the work a general Red Cross mass meeting will probably be called to hear Captain Siemens' report and to take Immediate steps to prepare for the great campaign. Klamatb county's share Is approxi mately $1 per person. Canada has al ready subscribed 117 for each man, wo man and child In the country. STATE GAME COMMISSION MAY MEET HERE IN JULY ntma v atnnA niAmhAr nf the state ' .. . I . ...a ..MmlaalAM lanVAB Af , IItIl mm Kama vuuiuhddivu, . vd w- , morrow for Portland to attend a meet l in.T nf Ihn rnmmlsslon there next week. Mr. Slono hopes to secure a July meet ing of the commission here. Visiting Here From Bonanza. Mrs. F. J. Bowne and children have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. U Gerber of thla city for the past week, from their home near Bonanza. Boy Seriously til. The small son of Mr. and Mrs. Austin Hayden of t,bls city is seriously ill. He was first taken down with the measles, which culminated In a com plication of sickness. KEET BABY'S BODY IS FODND IN FARM WELL APPARENTLY BEEN THERE TWO OR THREE DAYS Seven Prisoner Hold in Connection With Thla and St Loul Caee Re moved for Fear of Mob Violence. Baby Stolon on May 80th Munition Plot, German and Seven Are In volved. 8PR1NGFIELD, June 9. The body of Lloyd TCeet. 14 months old son of J, Holland 'Keet, a wealthy banker of Missouri, waa found In a well on the Crenshaw farm near here today. The baby was kidnaped over a week go. The body was wrapped is a wo man's underskirt, aad was partly de composed. It, apparently, had been In the well for two or three days. x A coll of wire was found around the baby's body. Death was due to drown- ins- i itoartac oosslUe mob violence, the seven prisoner held la connection with the case, on a charge or atwuc- tu. at iinU vannltlnn saanafae- ttuxertt bemg beUevedThaTDiey are Involved In both cases, were hurriedly taken from this city to some onan nounced destination. The baby was stolen on tie evening of May 30th. while the parents were attending a dance. The child had been left with his nurse. It is believed tliat three men grabbed the child from his crip and escaped in an automobile. A frantic search haa been made lor the boy by his father and the oBcers. The seven prisoners held are believed to be connected with this case as wen as the St Louis case, but so far the authorities have not given out any definite direct connectloin with this case. German agents are also involved. KLAMATH COUNTY 6ETS ROAD MONEY n os?41. THIRD HIGHEST. IS SUM " ' ' - .. APPORTIONED BY SECrWTAIlY OF STATE OLCOTT AS SHARE OF FOREST MONEY Klamath county receives the third highest amount of the $77,02943 forest reserve money which was recently ap portioned among eleven counties of the state by Secretary of 8tate Olcott. Thla sum Is the amount received from the federal government from for est reserve rentals, sales of timber on forest reserves, for the year ending .Tnn SO. 1816. The apportionment was made accord ing to chapter 269 of the laws of 1917. Under thla law the money received from the federal government Is paid to those counties in which the forest re- ervea are situated, on the basis of the receipts from such sources from each separate forest reserve, Eleven counties received some of this, as follews: Klamath 11.981.41 Baker f S.M1.I3 Grant M.SM.4S Harney Jackson ... . Lake Morrow Umatilla Union . 2,017.74 14,441.25 1,099.19 499.7S , 1.434.23 1.345.34 Wallowa S.YI4.0S Wheeler l.rlAAft I HL-. 3if.il mttWA l otter BALFOUR REACHES HOME AFTER TRIP TO THIS COUNTRY GENERAL 'ERSHINB RECEIVED ., BY Kltm EDWARD Further Contingent of America OWV cere for France Arrive at Brill Port en Ship Carrying BtfW.' Lord Brooke Preaented Amerieane. Officers Then Visit the Embassy. i, tnvnnv Yuma o PamImi W a i- .mImJ - -- - -- Mam V r urr JUUbl wmn rnvmrn iiini1 w , . . .. a. A . 'W J mt BA . f... ' 'T; ms inp uj oannnh hiiib - . -r v BriUah war commlasloB. . i, j-jfrz A further contingent of Amwrlwaw of- f - i fleers for Perthlng's ezpeditlea arrtvil-y Ki at a British ort ea the steaaser wMsjsiM carried Balfour. . . li&k DMalillna at ko Iit1m l, f ,5,T D1..-...j-. .,T .B?i OMBSJ me in uinn wiim vomotb- ---:'Jll . . .'? y TrkumriN Jnnat a. kibv aawin iv v..- ceived Major General PersMasissllM; f personal ataft of twelve - A...!. Ltmmmmm.mML1 1 jtvjrWBw &, at Buckingham palace. Ai3s 7 as -i bora Brooke, ?R ? Twelfth Canadian UMuJUjmJL 4...a ut It lata SMataatar!' -i". American atasT while it ii U amsswV;fe presented the Americans to King ward. After the audience the c4Bcera peii ,, M the American embassy a formal TUXKp$ S where Ambassador Pace weleosiid them. ' " , BANDIT HOOPER , KILLJDJIEAST ROBBER WHO TERRORKEO ORE. OON POINTS THREE! SUMMERS AQO SHOT WHEN ESCAPING FROM PENITENTIARY , 1? The following "if. taken from the Jop Un Globe,. Jojjlln.Ma, of a late May date: "Wilbur Mason, who escaped from the penitentiary, killed In flight la the' South, reports state. .vtT.ikH. uaM mii.iHi.Im nnMHir of Lou Wills, a special ocer. here-.; A1-. june a. w, 'wuu w . , servo ten years in the state prison af , Jefferson City, and who escaped; Ho- vember 22, waa killed In Greenville, Miss., last Sunday, according to Infor mation received by the Jopriin ponce. a letter from Sheriff George B. Ale e andcr at Greenville atated that Maaon was killed while resisting arrest on a nharn nf murder. "It was raid that Mason waa wanted in Clarendon. Ark., where he la aliened .- v.., iriitaii denutv sheriff, and that Greenville officers were atoi, . w. .. ii .i ml CHmMmifrJtr ing 10 arreai mm iur w- -endon. The sheriff wrote that Ma. waa traveling down the MfauUaaiffl,. ni in & house boat. The boat eoav ; itit three htch Dower rites aad s re-V", volver, ana a shwsbw ""t er, ana a nuw-pawiia "yw the oncers resulted te M '-nmf' KH -. . ,j.. . . . . ftf aaamBUMlA and LsV Uat of the. Bertlllion WUH ,V ments, weight ana aoscripmsa (ji.w dead man taiueo wwn asaw)v -"S'Sf&tffc .. ..a iJiiaMtUa asMlai. rr,wJ, ,k. T..H. lUltra atatlom. aJad sWfdi f.: vfcif ... ..!- r-..- .-- ..vFMr''W.K, LIH" Porqey. chief of WWWQawW.m u no oontt w , wwit TfLUMuSS w. . , ...MaaaaaaasBBBBBBBmlsaVHasVsBWsWSMsWsE?!. '". 1 rj Jf M t. -m ? i X. i "ifII i fil f ' v't M .v& "j: ! h-.V (. COMMKRIAL. tvai ww...-