sssHsssaaBsaaai v s'"wt!ffljSii!k, .a h nV 3, W,!:' aw kyi Sty? lEurmng Herald A ' -itA.'- OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH COUNTY il ?l OFFICIAL NKWIFAFKM lv M OF KUiMmJfi fr&i&t&tV MBnacntxass2asiwainKnujaiju.xt3Au: ilMf llavtrtlh Ytar No. 9,932 j. --.. i KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY JUNE 7, 1917. Pries, Ftv eswtf ?v - !--" tt HBoLj z&s BRITISH TAKE BELGIAN POINTS IN BIB OFFENSIVE POUND OP HIOM EXPLOS- IVI UIIO Mining Operations of History Threw Oermane Into Panic 1,000 Prieeaar Takon Early In Attack, ,' Half Launches Long-Eapscted How, , Fa8" Under Summer Sun Qor mm Nat Rallied Vat MITIHII HKADQUAItTKHH IN ffUN'CK (Krom Waff CurrrniHiiidrnl af Associated Pre) June 7. Tin frttith have captured Messlne and WrUchsetn 'Idge on Ho Helalan front. aa4 have rrported tha capture of the rllUr of Melne, and It l reported Uaftr and Zareeba have fallen Mora than 1,000,000 pound of high mhkIv were blown up umtrr Urn Oanaaa forward positions, which In the Ml gigantic raining operation In the kfctory of thla war. The mine spread pule among the German. Too British tanka are In the thick af tit flgbtlng. Mora than 1,000 prisoner were tak at In an early engagement, and the filing continued under a midsummer no Germane have not yet rallied for leeeiptcted counter attack. Datoleae Oeneral llalg ha launch- aA Ik mvthnagaat Klrtabf Marmlttl iPim a I MP. "..'... 7... . I ana naaa in uoigium. ainaing aiong a ate mile front on the Meaalne and WyUchaete ridgn and between Ypre Ms Ulle. Bacceta mark the opening offenlve of the BrilUh, who wont well over I be rlege and are now entrenching after analog all of their initial objective. Premier Itratlano report that Itou .attata ba a reorganised army ready to raume Inn fight. Return From South. Joe Moore of tho Wen tern Transfer company of thla city, returned laxt algal from flan Francisco, where he eai been recuperating hi health, and k) unproved. Satk From Rtno. W. J. O'Drlen, brother of Joo O'Brien eeeeaaed, haa returned from Itemt, Nevada, where be accompanied the tody of bla brother, who died here Mvtral weeka ago, and where Inter oat took place, art Man la lack. Mm! BM .. .l. 1. In ""in i. fUMini(ll, wiiu w fthAMM avt .ft.. k.. -.... .tllaa t.M.I -aw wi iiic mi niijcur iiiaiiuuK "" work in thla county, returned laat night fat Montague, In connection with hi - n lAJiu iiuce ior ine umii-iunuu Beat Sugar company. pfc t . g-rr-) rFrftdf3?17 ' ' '"i-1 No Financial Slackers Here L Thtrm ha$ bnn mn iijree Jfltf efcf-iaiMf rV LiUrty Lomn fen frmm wtry city and ham' lot in tha United Staf$. Haaa yam inv-fd in ana t if yam hrnva not yaa'd battar hurry. Tha amhaeriatian iifs aaanUlaacta$ad. Yai'limit an opportunity to almco yamr mamay to tha finatt taeurity in tha laarldt Yam may only tmta atr cant ua mmmlUmtion. tha rati in oaty gjn: 0Fmm7- mmymanta am to Aug. SO. hr: Sao ma about tha dataik SSVBjgeaW faafaiv. K-MBMtH, County UUrty COMMERCIAL KRON8TADT GARRISON RECOGNIZES GOVERNMENT 0) Hrri(0(lAI, June 7.-TI.0 Kriiimindt Kunlnoii, controlling I'etniKrad, ha rrrognltrd Hie au- lliutlty of tlm provisional govern- merit and urremlred uncondl- tlonally, On Junn Int. thn work- men and soldiers' deli-Rale at KrotmlNilt derided to assume ton- trol of the fortress, and refused to rruicnlm the provisional govern- mriit Ml Hint time. ISSUES I MESSAGE NEW COUNCIL HEARS REVIEW OP WORK OONE IN CITY OURINQ PAST YEAR AT FIRST MECTINQ LAST NIGHT. To the Common Council of the City of Klamath Kail: I herewith trxiinmlt to ou my an nual meage. netting forth the preaent rondltlon of the city' affair, ret lew-j ing the reaulta accoropllhed during the admlnUtrallon of the pat year, and mklng urh recommendation a re ueriucu wanuj ui juur cunsiucra tlon. Fire Department Within the year a new combination pump and chemical engine ha been purrhaaed at a coat of about 16,000, and with the altance of a number of publio-fplrlted volunteer, the fire de partment haa been reorganlied. We have, I believe, a loyal and efficient a company of firemen aa any city of our population on the coat. To pro mote Immunity from firea, apecial or dinance hae been enacted relative to the condition and Inaprcilon of prem le from tho Rtandpolnl of fire hatard. letter apparatu. belter ordinance, and an efficient company have greatly IcMrned fire rik, and to auch an ex tent that Iniuranco rate within the city have been lowered an agerage of about 20 per cent. The amount aaved the city In reduction of rate ha nl tvndy far more than paid for tho new npparatu and for tho additional ex pene In maintaining tho present fire company. I epeclally urge our cltl ten to lake a personal Interest In looking after the condition of their premise to the end that Klamath Fall may bo a flreles city. Police Department Our police department has done ef fective work In enforcing the new "dry" law by co-operating, with the -...-,.. .im.i.f. Th ,rv" ordinance! i:UUII7 wmiv,"..-. w enacted in 1916 Is not now adequate, (Continued on page 3) . p. O. Etka Moat Tonight The regular session of Klamath Falls ,odKo No. 1247. n. P. O. Elks, will be held thla evening, at which time a largo class of candidate will bo Ini tiated. ..'X Lsu &Sl?.Cw,llltto CLU1 ROOMS CRISLER ANNUA i , at 1 1 ii rm nniiuni I TAKES PLACES IN CITY OFFICES MAYOR APPOINTS NEW CHIEF OF POLICE Two Councilman Dtfeated at Laat Elec tion and Ono Retiring Leave, and New Membara Taka Oath of Office. Mayor Makoa Appolntmenta lllla to Extent of Over Two Thouaand Dol lar Allowtd. The new city council took the oath of and the member took their seatii In the council chamber last night. The old council finished up all old busi ness, unit when the order of new busi ness wan reached, tho oath was admin istered and the member took their eatu. MMor Crisler then delivered his hiiiiuiiI message to tho council. Tho councllmen retiring arc It. J. 8no Is, First Ward, succeeded by Har ry Telferd: O. I). Mathews, Second Ward, succeeded by W. T. 1ce, and M. R. Ihity, Fourth Ward, succeeded by Mike Uvenlk. Councllmen Miller and 81 ruble remain In office. Councilman Doty was absent. ltoutlne matter were passed on by tbe council and bill and salaries to the extent of S2.64S.91 were allowed. Salaries amounted to $1,009.S0; bills, 1&S8.2&: light and water, 1162.01: bay, $22.67: Shlpplngton road. $530, and fire department expense 163.28. Following tho Installation of the new member of the counncll tho mayor made his appointment. Appointment of city official made by the ma or were aa follew: Chief of police, II. 8. Wilsen: patrolman, Jas. Hilton; city physician, Dr. Warren D. Hunt: city attorney. It. C. Qreabeck: Htv imclncer. Don J. Zumwalt; chief of fire department and electrical ln spector, Kcllh Ambrese: driver, Leo Cernish: leamsler. J. 8. Rabourn. The council approved the appointment. Committee In tho council were ap pointed by tho mayor aa follow : Judiciary, Miller, Telford and Stru ble; finances, tavenik, Miller and Lee; streets. lc, Telford and Miller: fire. Btruble. Lavenlk and Telferd: water. Telford. Struble and Lavenlk; police. Miller. Ie and Telferd: light, Struble. Lavenlk and Lee; pound. Lavenlk, Struble and Mlllor; wards, Telford, Lee and Struble. Councilman A. D. Miller was elected president of the council over i. n. struble by ono vote. Tho flrat ballot resulted In a tlo vote. C0N6ER FUNO FOR LIBERTY BONDS SCHOOL ROARD PRACTICALLY DE- CIDED TO INVT THI MONEY IN THE MOVEMENT TO AID THE GOVERNMENT Tbe city school board has practically decided to Inveat the funds from tbe Conger estate in Liberty Bend, follow. inc a recent meeting of the board. Thero la about 611,000 in tn iunu ut tho present time, aand the member of tho board fool that It would be an advisable and a patrlotio atep to in vest the raonoy In the Liberty Bend for financing of the war. Thla money haa been loaned out, and will aoon be In the handa of the board again to be reinvested. The school district receives the Interest from the money, which baa bees a ma terial aid In past years. Lee Bean la down today from Sprlna Creek, where he la camped wit bib family. Mr. and Mr. O. B. Coxad and daugh ter Verda were Klamath Falla vlaltora ta4av. h. H. VaaValkesbuxf la a elty via. Itor today from hla farm on tbe Kmq road. v , vhbi ("I UVUIlwl ?-y College Students in WSSttMmmJaMmmmauufmMmmMmmmmlowWiW'iiM lBfnaIsaHKtilliggHgF;i ''1 III attlnrLiiSLJi PSaSaBsa '1 IgaW'wllllllSVSalgaURL M 1 mmwoMWMmmmmBWknmmmB)MmumWMwoLf;J$ I ukkmmmmmmmmmmTkmmnoKSmmuk MStSfWKttkW iBlk -jrATBB 4vmaKrTJBBBik-H liHsHslsSaSaSaSaSaSalBiiHBaLY SaSaSasBsaSaSaSaSaSaSaHgHRfv.' BaBaWiSaVaoaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaSBaVEsfialf" yHumrmBBBBBBBBwmmmmmmmmmmmmmTJomTi'"'4,6 'fH .' oaaaaaaaaamaaaiammmmamtW!., KaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaH xs. - i?Zi t-icJ'i BBBBBBBmmmmmmmmmmmmmmummmmTftrZA iljiTjt'UmmmmBmmmmmYnBmmOBmmmmmmmmmmmmmZ? ''iTifBBmmmmmmmmBBmmWBmmmmmmmmmmmmmkw 1 1 Y ?, ! llBBBBBBBBBBBBBBmmBBBBBBBBBBBBBWm," MUf,:mBBBBBBBBBBBBBBMBBBBBBBBBlaBBmJir'. P !:'SaSaSaSaVSaaiiiiiiiiiiiK- SaSaSaSaRgrSaSaaiiiiiiH" ' ivrA VgggggggHSIilgagggggggH tf M fetggggHggggK :V&BBBBBBBBBBKk&0m I v'- taamaaTaaaaamtnoaaaaaaaaaif xi TTVaar H -V0BSgWggggggggggt. t &''Jxf ?'' djgfcr, - m I mF&mBTmJ glgsHn 3mm L JZmm&JU mummmmmWf M mBWoWmmW taf X fhlmu A?vr JR-X-Xm? U BfcjijT tm ,raflfilPWiiiip EledJrVil30ilOwrttJeiVb Secret aervlce men arrested two student of Columbia University and one of Bernard College Owen Cattell, son of Professor J. McK. Cattell, and Cbarlc L. Phillip of Columbia, and Eleanor Wilson Parker orifenfard on I ON GERMAN SHIPS GOVERNMENT EXPECTS TO HAVE DIFFICULTY SECURING SAILORS. SCH00L8 TO BE OPENED TO TRAIN MEN FOR THE SEA WASHINGTON, June 7. British merchant marine officers may man many of the German vessels scizod in American ports at tho beginning of the war, if enough American officers can not be found for tho ships. The government expects to have dif ficulty in finding enough officers and men for the German ships In addition to the great fleet of merchantmen un der construction in this country. To allay thla need a number of mer chant marine schools are planned in this country. PORTLAND WILL BE STOCK CENTER DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE OFFICIAL8 ARE OPENING OFFI CES LIVESTOCK NEW8 AND QUOTATION HEADQUARTERS PORTLAND, June 7. Officiate of the United States Department of Agricul ture aro here arranging to open offices for the free distribution of livestock new and Quotations tnrougnoui me entire Pacific Nortbweat. 8lmilar offices are at present main tained in Boston. New York, Chicago, Kansas City, Omaha and Philadelphia. Mr. Reynold!, former local cigar maker, baa moves back to the city from California. BRUSH MARINES Held Draft Conspiracy a conspiracy charge. It was declared they had illegally tried to persuade young men from registering June 5th under tbe selective draft law. In that! they circulated a pamphlet entitled, "Will You Be Drafted?" TWO BOYS LEAVE TO JOIN THE NAVY Harry McGraw of Scnnectady. N. Y., and Marvin Hilton left thla morning to Join the navy. The members of the Woman's Relief Corps were at tbe ata Hon to see them off. McGraw came here last fall, and Hilton Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. James Hilton of this city. Help it Rise 1200,000 190,000 180,000 170,000 160,000 150,000. 140,000 130,000 120,000 110,000 100,000 90,000 80,000 70,000 60,000 60,000 40,000 30,000 30,000 Klamath's ahare of Liberty Bonda to be bought ia 6200,000. A apecial com mittee la working, and today reported approximately $20,000 ralaed so far. Chairman Robert A. Johnson was ex pected to return from California laat night, and to actively taka up the cam paign. He will devote hie time to it. Ill U. S. WARSHIPS- rJH ANCHORED OFF FRENCH COASI! FRENCH NAVV GREETS FLEET WITH MUCH JOY Statement Says, "New rethere In Arma Arrive to Participate Until Final Victory In Struggle" Amor. lean Naval Collier Unleada Wheat for American Sold lore -Reception Planned No Famlllaa. PAIU8. June 7. The ministry baa announced that American worship are anchored off the coast of France. & iiiiiiiiniiemaiil raslt al4ia AUO .. o-.u. .uc. French navy greeu with Joy the arrival of these new brothers in arms, who, t under the Sag of the great American j republic, come to participate uni e nnai victory w ine airuggie agsim ue common enemy. WASHINGTON, Jane 7. The naval collier Jupiter has arrived In Fraace, Secretary of tbe Navy Daniels an nounced today. The ahip Is laden with 10.500 plies. tons of wheat .and other aup- PAAI8, June 7. It to officially an nounced that a large America; trass port is bow unloading- wheat for the Americas troops which are to' come later. The announcement ears that prepar ations are beiag 'made!sfor the recep tion of American troops Tbe number of bases will be similar t those of the British, whlck.kave beevoraaalsed. No America eaeera will bring their families. ., -- ,. - ..- BENO FAILS TO ASSIST STRAHORN -. ' SLOWNESS OF CITY" TO v DO ITS SHARE. LOCAL INTERESTS. Fl- NANCIAL CHANGES BLAMED FOR NEW DECISION BEND, Jane 7. Robert E. Strahorn has withdrawn his offer to start con struction of the Oregon, California Eastern railway, out of Bead this sum mer if the city will vote $100,000 la aid of the project Inaction oa the part of the city aa to the offer, changed finan cial conditions and an unwillingness to stir up a controversy Involving local In tereats are the reasons for the with drawal. That it is final for thia year 1 Indicated by the fact that a reoueat from the dlrectora of the Commercial Club that tbe matter be held open until June 16th has mtv wlta Vpeltiv--TV fuaal. That the construction will be under taken at a later time la Indicated by Mr. Strahorn, whether In 1918 or after, depending on financial conditions and a local agreement la favor of the pro ject. The letter of withdrawal waa re ceived aome time ago by the directors, Feeling that local objection to the pro ject might be removed, Mr, Strahorn was asked to hold the withdrawal Inop erative until June 16th, to give time for that purpose. Tuesday, however, hla reply was received Indicating that It la final. Mr. Strahorn made his proposal to the people of Bead last March to the effect that If Bead would put up $100,- 000 he would begin construction of the road oat of Bend thla summer, and guarantee forty mllea of track built to ward Burns or Fort Rook. A commit tea of the Commercial Crab haa beea non-committal oa tha subject formal action haa beea taken by tha city council In bringing tba lasue fore tha voters. Chas. Tbeaua and T. K. JoUy, editor of tka Craaaaat Haws, af Creeeefetsr rlvd la the oHy yesterday aa bwiaea Kl IIHTI r.nflgB . f L-rr.rirX a5WagBr, REGIWOViT ONE IHWiT IVI RY PRECINCT IN TOOAY AT 1 O'CLOCK War Departmeirt Works an Saamd t ' Step May Taka Tan aye la Can ptoteTabulatlert Veleviteer teanag f raehers Aaalet In gammarlaallaii.-- Klamath Trying to Da Work atN Ceet Mvot Finish In Tan Days. The registration returns were eoa pletely in the beads of tbe aharfcf aaat county clerk today at boob. Wordea aad Swan Lake rettana ingatBobn. Cresceat, aaaally the laat to be heard from, arrived yeaterday. Tne toUj regjatratloa for Kkuaatk count, was Wit. much heavier tha waa epected by tbe gorerBaeeat local officials for this part of tbe atata. Klamath county, including the dty. had a total registration of 141 meet between the ages of SI aaad St, hv' elusive, nine of which registered aa alien enemies, or Germans, aad IS' aa aliens, giving a total of SSI aUena aaat alien enemies. Oae negro reJaterd , There were 488 mm natatorial ae exempt for reason of being; a teafahv Uve judicial or executive ejHar; to tally disabled; with dotandaat tat, Uvea, or for reason of onapaHaaal e emptloa. ' Cards indicating no sTsaoptiaaa to taled 475. , Today the aaerUfb oaVe la baay checking the anrnmirliathr btaaha at the war marshals aaai - Ue seMap.! -. s- i v-".wi ' 'aAt.i. eras uanu w wwmj iaaBB wpw, cats raperta aad copylas ajaa ;.'- tha regniUon cardslrta summarisation aad report Taa aam-- ty clerk mast post, wltaia tea days, the final aammariiattoa. Bat for tbe running short of regie tration cards for tbe copying of tae blanks, the county clerk's i be able to use a Bomber of era and typists tomorrow aad Best day These cards have beea wired for, aad ' as soon aa they arrive a call wHl ba seat out for typists. Klamath coanty la endeavoring to take her war census at ao east to taa government . The Womaa'a Relief Corps la asdsas the coanty clerk'a ofito .today iwMli typists. Bert Witarow faraJeM, eae yesterday, aad the City aad'Cowaty -Abstract company la aupplytng aaa to day. Allen Sloan aad George Hoyden, assisted yesterday, besides ton nswiagnr forces. I S,t' WASHINGTON, Jaaa 7- The war department Is at work "en tba regmla- -tlons for the second step aader aaa army draft law and tba aelecUon by let of the proportion of mea from eae atate that have registered ferserviee. It may take tea days to complete, the tabulation of the regUtratlosu ' Tha war deparmentwwtiapfa, ,wa.- ;?-.! cribe the rule for tha dnwua atlkew '' tl namea of tbe mea who are to he atata- ; Ined before the local exemption baatds. , Officials note In the reports received that over half of the regtotorai mea either claimed exemption, or pave facts which may exempt them. It la believed few slackers will have tob a dealt with. w OREGON AND WASHINGTON HOLD GRAIN MEETINtt SALEM, June 7, The public service commissions of Oregon and Waahla- ton are planning joint moownaw Portland, Taeoma. Spokane omi'.Hn'f'i diawa oa June is, u, aw aa m,'ita;i spectlvely, to fix a similar srala at ard for the two states. rao)ifiommms The tkentoaaeter rose to TS OmimtOi waa the warmaat day for taa.areaaat aummer, accordlag to tha thermometer at the reelaawUM rU as . " . "TUT - -v'fijgggaj v -T nifni - ad aaaalsaaaaaaal lasntfaaaSil saaWM . ii 41 1 1 4 W m 16'. ' (to M xti .3? : i?i 1imI idi. 'Mn "T" vi.'A! ,-.i.rtffJ,B vmwmxi tiM f. i$M : ,! nqi ( WL& M R? u?-fr to 'A, l!f4, ,inA i-K-" 'mMmW4' ; ' "- rAVOif .' m Aj, .iiyw. - -.,- v ,'-t -jaaaaai